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Text -- Genesis 7:1-7 (NET)

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7:1 The Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, for I consider you godly among this generation. 7:2 You must take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, the male and its mate, two of every kind of unclean animal, the male and its mate, 7:3 and also seven of every kind of bird in the sky, male and female, to preserve their offspring on the face of the earth. 7:4 For in seven days I will cause it to rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the ground every living thing that I have made.” 7:5 And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him. 7:6 Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters engulfed the earth. 7:7 Noah entered the ark along with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives because of the floodwaters.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Noah a son of Lamech and the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth,son of Lamech; builder of the ark,daughter of Zelophehad

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Sacrifice | Noah | NUMBER | MALE | Judgments of God | Heaven | GENESIS, 3 | GENESIS, 1-2 | GENERATION | Flood | FOWL | FOUR | FEMALE | EARTH | Deluge | DAY AND NIGHT | CLEAN | Ark | Animal | ANTHROPOLOGY | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

Contradiction , Bible Query

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Gen 7:1 - -- Here is a gracious invitation of Noah and his family into a place of safety, now the flood of waters was coming.

Here is a gracious invitation of Noah and his family into a place of safety, now the flood of waters was coming.

Wesley: Gen 7:1 - -- Those are righteous indeed that are righteous before God; that have not only the form of godliness by which they appear righteous before men, who may ...

Those are righteous indeed that are righteous before God; that have not only the form of godliness by which they appear righteous before men, who may easily be imposed upon; but the power of it, by which they approve themselves to God, who searcheth the heart.

Wesley: Gen 7:2 - -- Here are necessary orders given concerning the brute creatures that they were to be preserved alive with Noah in the ark. He must carefully preserve e...

Here are necessary orders given concerning the brute creatures that they were to be preserved alive with Noah in the ark. He must carefully preserve every species, that no tribe, no, not the least considerable, might entirely perish out of the creation. Observe in this: God's care for man. Doth God take care for oxen? 1Co 9:9, or was it not rather for man's sake that this care was taken? Even the unclean beasts were preserved alive in the ark, that were least valuable. For God's tender mercies are over all his works, and not only over those that are of most use. Yet more of the clean were preserved than of the unclean.

Because the clean were most for the service of man; and therefore in favour to him, more of them were preserved and are still propagated. Thanks be to God there are not herds of lions as there are of oxen, nor flocks of tigers as there are of sheep. Because the clean were for sacrifice to God; and therefore, in honour to him, more of them were preserved, three couple for breed, and the odd seventh for sacrifice, Gen 8:20.

Wesley: Gen 7:4 - -- It shall be seven days yet before I do it, After the 120 years were expired, God grants them a reprieve of seven days longer, both to shew how slow he...

It shall be seven days yet before I do it, After the 120 years were expired, God grants them a reprieve of seven days longer, both to shew how slow he is to anger, and to give them some farther space for repentance. But all in vain; these seven days were trifled away after all the rest, they continued secure until the day that the flood came. While Noah told them of the judgment at a distance, they were tempted to put off their repentance: but now he is ordered to tell them that it is at the door; that they have but one week more to turn them in, to see if that will now at last awaken them to consider the things that belong to their peace. But it is common for those that have been careless for their souls during the years of their health, when they have looked upon death at a distance, to be as careless during the days, the seven days of their sickness, when they see it approaching, their hearts being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

Wesley: Gen 7:7 - -- And the brute creatures readily went in with him. The same hand that at first brought them to Adam to be named, now brought them to Noah to be preserv...

And the brute creatures readily went in with him. The same hand that at first brought them to Adam to be named, now brought them to Noah to be preserved.

JFB: Gen 7:1 - -- The ark was finished; and Noah now, in the spirit of implicit faith, which had influenced his whole conduct, waited for directions from God.

The ark was finished; and Noah now, in the spirit of implicit faith, which had influenced his whole conduct, waited for directions from God.

JFB: Gen 7:2-3 - -- Pairs of every species of animals, except the tenants of the deep, were to be taken for the preservation of their respective kinds. This was the gener...

Pairs of every species of animals, except the tenants of the deep, were to be taken for the preservation of their respective kinds. This was the general rule of admission, only with regard to those animals which are styled "clean," three pairs were to be taken, whether of beasts or birds; and the reason was that their rapid multiplication was a matter of the highest importance, when the earth should be renovated, for their utility either as articles of food or as employed in the service of man. But what was the use of the seventh? It was manifestly reserved for sacrifice; and so that both during Noah's residence in the ark, and after his return to dry land, provision was made for celebrating the rites of worship according to the religion of fallen man. He did not, like many, leave religion behind. He provided for it during his protracted voyage.

JFB: Gen 7:4 - -- A week for a world to repent! What a solemn pause! Did they laugh and ridicule his folly still? He whose eyes saw and whose heart felt the full amount...

A week for a world to repent! What a solemn pause! Did they laugh and ridicule his folly still? He whose eyes saw and whose heart felt the full amount of human iniquity and perverseness has told us of their reckless disregard (Luk 17:27).

Clarke: Gen 7:1 - -- Thee have I seen righteous - See the note on Gen 6:8

Thee have I seen righteous - See the note on Gen 6:8

Clarke: Gen 7:2 - -- Of every clean beast - So we find the distinction between clean and unclean animals existed long before the Mosaic law. This distinction seems to ha...

Of every clean beast - So we find the distinction between clean and unclean animals existed long before the Mosaic law. This distinction seems to have been originally designed to mark those animals which were proper for sacrifice and food, from those that were not. See Leviticus 11.

Clarke: Gen 7:4 - -- For yet seven days - God spoke these words probably on the seventh or Sabbath day, and the days of the ensuing week were employed in entering the ar...

For yet seven days - God spoke these words probably on the seventh or Sabbath day, and the days of the ensuing week were employed in entering the ark, in embarking the mighty troop, for whose reception ample provision had been already made

Clarke: Gen 7:4 - -- Forty days - This period became afterwards sacred, and was considered a proper space for humiliation. Moses fasted forty days, Deu 9:9, Deu 9:11; so...

Forty days - This period became afterwards sacred, and was considered a proper space for humiliation. Moses fasted forty days, Deu 9:9, Deu 9:11; so did Elijah, 1Ki 19:8; so did our Lord, Mat 4:2. Forty days’ respite were given to the Ninevites that they might repent, Jon 3:4; and thrice forty (one hundred and twenty) years were given to the old world for the same gracious purpose, Gen 6:3. The forty days of Lent, in commemoration of our Lord’ s fasting, have a reference to the same thing; as each of these seems to be deduced from this primitive judgment.

Calvin: Gen 7:1 - -- 1.And the Lord said unto Noah. I have no doubt that Noah was confirmed, as he certainly needed to be, by oracles frequently repeated. He had already ...

1.And the Lord said unto Noah. I have no doubt that Noah was confirmed, as he certainly needed to be, by oracles frequently repeated. He had already sustained, during one hundred years, the greatest and most furious assaults; and the invincible combatant had achieved memorable victories; but the most severe contest of all was, to bid farewell to the world, to renounce society and to bury himself in the ark. The face of the earth was, at that time, lovely; and Moses intimates that it was the season in which the herbs shoot forth and the trees begin to flourish. Winter, which binds the joy of sky and earth in sharp and rugged frost, has now passed away; and the Lord has chosen the moment for destroying the world, in the very season of spring. For Moses states that the commencement of the deluge was in the second month. I know, however, that different opinions prevail on this subject; for there are three who begin the year from the autumnal equinox; but that mode of reckoning the year is more approved, which makes it commence in the month of March. However this might be, it was no light trial for Noah to leave of his own accord, the life to which he had been accustomed during six hundred years, and to seek a new mode of life in the abyss of death. He is commanded to forsake the world, that he may live in a sepulcher which he had been labouriously digging for himself through more than a hundred years. Why was this? Because, in a little while, the earth was to be submerged in a deluge of waters. Yet nothing of the kind is apparent: all indulge in feasts, celebrate nuptials, build sumptuous houses; in short, everywhere, daintiness and luxury prevail; as Christ himself testifies, that that age was intoxicated with its own pleasures, (Luk 17:26.) Wherefore, it was not without reason, that the Lord encouraged and fortified the mind of his servant afresh, by the renewal of the promise, lest he should faint; as if he would says ‘Hitherto thou hast labored with fortitude amid so many causes of offense; but now the case especially demands that thou shouldst take courage, in order to reap the fruit of thy labor: do not, however, wait till the waters burst forth on every side from the opened veins of the earth, and till the higher waters of heaven, with opposing violence, rush from their opened cataracts; but while everything is yet tranquil, enter into the ark, and there remain till the seventh day, then suddenly shall the deluge arise.’ And although oracles are not now brought down from heaven, let us know that continual meditation on the word is not ineffectual; for as new difficulties perpetually arise before us, so God, by one and another promise, establishes our faith, so that our strength being renewed, we may at length arrive at the goal. Our duty, indeed, is, attentively to hear God speaking to us; and neither through depraved fastidiousness, to reject those exercises, by which He cherishes, or excites, or confirms our faith, according as he knows it to be still tender, or languishing, or weak; nor yet to reject them as superfluous. For thee have I seen righteous. When the Lord assigns as his reason for preserving Noah, that he knew him to be righteous, he seems to attribute the praise of salvation to the merit of works; for if Noah was saved because he was righteous, it follows, that we shall deserve life by good works. But here it behaves us cautiously to weigh the design of God; which was to place one man in contrast with the whole world, in order that, in his person, he might condemn the unrighteousness of all men. For he again testifies, that the punishment which he was about to inflict on the world was just, seeing that only one man was left who then cultivated righteousness, for whose sake he was propitious to his whole family. Should any one object, that from this passage, God is proved to have respect to works in saving men, the solution is ready; that this is not repugnant to gratuitous acceptance, since God accepts those gifts which he himself has conferred upon his servants. We must observe, in the first place, that he loves men freely, inasmuch as he finds nothing in them but what is worthy of hatred, since all men are born the children of wrath, and heirs of eternal malediction. In this respect he adopts them to himself in Christ, and justifies them by his mere mercy. After he has, in this manner, reconciled them unto himself, he also regenerates them, by his Spirit, to new life and righteousness. Hence flow good works, which must of necessity be pleasing to God himself. Thus he not only loves the faithful but also their works. We must again observe, that since some fault always adheres to our works, it is not possible that they can be approved, except as a matter of indulgence. The grace, therefore, of Christ, and not their own dignity or merit, is that which gives worth to our works. Nevertheless, we do not deny that they come into the account before God: as he here acknowledges and accepts the righteousness of Noah which had proceeded from his own grace; and in this manner (as Augustine speaks) he will crown his own gifts. We nay further notice the expression, “I have seen thee righteous before me;” by which words, he not only annihilates all that hypocritical righteousness which is destitute of interior sanctity of heart, but vindicates his own authority; as if he would declare, that he alone is a competent judge to estimate righteousness. The clause, in this generation, is added, as I have said, for the sake of amplification; for so desperate was the depravity of that age, that it was regarded as a prodigy, that Noah should be free from the common infection.

Calvin: Gen 7:2 - -- 2.Of every clean beast. He again repeats what he had before said concerning animals, and not without occasion. For there was no little difficulty in ...

2.Of every clean beast. He again repeats what he had before said concerning animals, and not without occasion. For there was no little difficulty in collecting from woods, mountains, and caves, so great a multitude of wild beasts, many species of which were perhaps altogether unknown; and there was, in most of them, the same ferocity which we now perceive. Wherefore, God encourages the holy man, lest being alarmed with that difficulty, and having cast aside all hope of success, he should fail. Here, however, at first sight, appears some kind of contradiction, because whereas he before had spoken of pairs of animals, he now speaks of sevens. But the solution is at hand; because, previously, Moses does not state the number, but only says that females were added as companions to the males; as if he had said, Noah himself was commanded not to gather the animals promiscuously together, but to select pairs out of them for the propagation of offspring. Now, however, the discourse is concerning the actual number. Moreover, the expression, by sevens, is to be understood not of seven pairs of each kind, but of three pairs, to which one animal is added for the sake of sacrifice. 276 Besides, the Lord would have a threefold greater number of clean animals than of others preserved, because there would be a greater necessity of them for the use of man. In which appointment, we must consider the paternal goodness of God towards us, by which he is inclined to have regard to us in all things.

Calvin: Gen 7:3 - -- 3.To keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. That is, that hence offspring might be born. But this is referred to Noah; for although, properl...

3.To keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth. That is, that hence offspring might be born. But this is referred to Noah; for although, properly speaking, God alone gives life, yet God here refers to those duties which he had enjoined upon his servant: and it is with respect to his appointed office, that God commands him to collect animals that he may keep seed alive. Nor is this extraordinary, seeing that the ministers of the gospel are said, in a sense, to confer spiritual life. In the clause which next follows, upon the face of all the earth, there is a twofold consolation: that the waters, after they had covered the earth for a time, would again cease, so that the dry surface of the earth should appear; and then, that not only should Noah himself survive, but, by the blessing of God, the number of animals should be so increased, as to spread far and wide through the whole world. Thus, in the midst of ruin, future restoration is promised to him. Moses is very earnest in showing that God took care, by every means, to retain Noah in obedience to his word, and that the holy man entirely acquiesced. This doctrine is very useful, especially when God either promises or threatens anything incredible, since men do not willingly receive what seems to them improbable. For nothing was less accordant with the judgment of the flesh, than that the world should be destroyed by its Creator; because this was to subvert the whole order of nature which he had established. Wherefore, unless Noah had been well admonished of this terrible judgment of God, he never would have ventured to believe it; lest he should conceive of God as acting in contradiction to himself. The word היקום ( hayekom,) which Moses here uses has its origin from a word signifying to stand; but it properly means whatever lives and flourishes.

Calvin: Gen 7:5 - -- 5.And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded. This is not a bare repetition of the former sentence; but Moses commends Noah’s uniform te...

5.And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded. This is not a bare repetition of the former sentence; but Moses commends Noah’s uniform tenor of obedience in keeping all God’s commandments; as if he would say, that in whatever particular it pleased God to try his obedience, he always remained constant. And, certainly, it is not becoming to obey one or another commandment of God only, so that when we have performed a defective obedience, we should feel at liberty to withdraw; for we must keep in memory the declaration of James,

‘He who forbade thee to kill, forbade thee also to steal, and to commit adultery,’ (Jas 2:11.)

Calvin: Gen 7:6 - -- 6.And Noah was six hundred years old. It is not without reason that he again mentions the age of Noah. For old age has this among other evils, that i...

6.And Noah was six hundred years old. It is not without reason that he again mentions the age of Noah. For old age has this among other evils, that it renders men more indolent and morose; whence the faith of Noah was the more conspicuous, because it did not fail him in that advanced period of life. And as it was a great excellence, not to languish through successive centuries, so big promptitude deserves no little commendation; because, being commanded to enter the ark, he immediately obeyed. When Moses shortly afterwards subjoins, that he had entered on account of the waters of the deluge, the words ought not to be expounded, as if he were compelled, by the rushing of the waters, to flee into the ark; but that he, being moved with fear by the word, perceived by faith the approach of that deluge which all others ridiculed. Wherefore, his faith is again commended in this place, because, indeed, he raised his eyes above heaven and earth.

Defender: Gen 7:2 - -- The "clean" kinds of beasts and birds were those suitable for domestication and a form of fellowship with man, as well as for sacrificial offerings. A...

The "clean" kinds of beasts and birds were those suitable for domestication and a form of fellowship with man, as well as for sacrificial offerings. Apparently three pairs of each of these were preserved in order to allow for wider variation in breeding after the Flood. The seventh was offered by Noah in sacrifice when they left the ark (Gen 8:20)."

Defender: Gen 7:3 - -- God's purpose for the ark was to "keep seed alive" in the earth, a statement meaningful only in the context of a universal flood. The ark was far too ...

God's purpose for the ark was to "keep seed alive" in the earth, a statement meaningful only in the context of a universal flood. The ark was far too large to accommodate merely a local or regional fauna. In fact, if the Flood were only local, the ark would not have been needed at all. Noah's family, as well as the birds and beasts, could far more easily have simply migrated away from the region to be flooded."

Defender: Gen 7:4 - -- This seven-day period of final warning and preparation marks the first of many references to seven-day intervals during the Flood year. This fact make...

This seven-day period of final warning and preparation marks the first of many references to seven-day intervals during the Flood year. This fact makes it obvious that the practice of measuring time in seven-day weeks had been in effect throughout the period between the creation week and the Flood.

Defender: Gen 7:4 - -- A worldwide rain lasting forty days would be impossible under present meteorologic conditions. The condensation of the antediluvian vapor canopy, the ...

A worldwide rain lasting forty days would be impossible under present meteorologic conditions. The condensation of the antediluvian vapor canopy, the "waters above the firmament," (Gen 1:6-8) is the only adequate explanation.

Defender: Gen 7:4 - -- "Every living substance" includes the plant life on the land. All the lush vegetation of the pre-Flood world was to be uprooted, transported and burie...

"Every living substance" includes the plant life on the land. All the lush vegetation of the pre-Flood world was to be uprooted, transported and buried in great sedimentary beds, many of which would eventually become the world's coal beds."

TSK: Gen 7:1 - -- am 1656, bc 2348 Come : Gen 7:7, Gen 7:13; Job 5:19-24; Psa 91:1-10; Pro 14:26, Pro 18:10; Isa 26:20, Isa 26:21; Eze 9:4-6; Zep 2:3; Mat 24:37-39; Luk...

TSK: Gen 7:2 - -- every clean : Gen 7:8, Gen 6:19-21, Gen 8:20; Lev. 11:1-47; Deut. 14:1-21; Act 10:11-15 sevens : Heb. seven, seven not : Lev 10:10; Eze 44:23

every clean : Gen 7:8, Gen 6:19-21, Gen 8:20; Lev. 11:1-47; Deut. 14:1-21; Act 10:11-15

sevens : Heb. seven, seven

not : Lev 10:10; Eze 44:23

TSK: Gen 7:4 - -- For : Gen 7:10, Gen 2:5, Gen 6:3, Gen 8:10, Gen 8:12, Gen 29:27, Gen 29:28; Job 28:25, Job 36:27-32, Job 37:11, Job 37:12; Amo 4:7 forty days : Gen 7:...

TSK: Gen 7:5 - -- all that : Gen 6:22; Exo 39:32, Exo 39:42, Exo 39:43, Exo 40:16; Psa 119:6; Mat 3:15; Luk 8:21; Joh 2:5; Joh 8:28, Joh 8:29, Joh 13:17; Phi 2:8; Heb 5...

TSK: Gen 7:6 - -- Gen 5:32, Gen 8:13

TSK: Gen 7:7 - -- Gen 7:1, Gen 7:13-15, Gen 6:18; Pro 22:3; Mat 24:38; Luk 17:27; Heb 6:18, Heb 11:7; 1Pe 3:20; 2Pe 2:5

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Gen 7:1-9 - -- - The Ark Was Entered 2. טהור ṭâhôr "clean, fit for food or sacrifice." 4. יקוּם ye qûm "standing thing; what grows u...

- The Ark Was Entered

2. טהור ṭâhôr "clean, fit for food or sacrifice."

4. יקוּם ye qûm "standing thing; what grows up, whether animal or plant."Compare קמה qāmâh "stalk, or standing corn."

Gen 7:1-4

Here is found the command to enter the ark. The general direction in the preceding chapter was given many years ago, before the ark was commenced. Now, when it is completed, a more specific command is issued. "For thee have I seen righteous before me."Noah has accepted the mercy of God, is therefore set right in point of law, and walks aright in point of practice. The Lord recognizes this indication of an adopted and renewed son. "In this age"he and his were the solitary family so characterized.

Gen 7:2-3

Of all clean cattle. - Here the distinction of clean and unclean animals meets us without any previous notice. How it became known to Noah we are not informed. From the former direction it appears that the animals were to enter by pairs. Now it is further arranged that there are to be seven pairs of the clean cattle and fowl, and only one pair of the unclean.

Gen 7:4

Seven days after the issue of the command the rain is to commence, and continue for forty days and nights without ceasing. "Every standing thing"means every plant and animal on the land.

Gen 7:5-9

The execution of the command is recorded and fully particularized with the additional circumstance of the age of Noah. "The son of six hundred years,"in his six hundredth year. "Went they unto Noah."They seem to have come under the influence of a special instinct, so that Noah did not require to gather them. Seven days were employed in receiving them, and storing provisions for them.

Poole: Gen 7:1 - -- said unto Noah, Come i.e. prepare to enter, thou and all thy family; which consisted only of eight persons, 1Pe 3:20 , to wit, Noah and his three s...

said unto Noah, Come i.e. prepare to enter,

thou and all thy family; which consisted only of eight persons, 1Pe 3:20 , to wit, Noah and his three sons, and their four wives, Gen 6:18 . Whereby it appears that each had but one wife, and consequently it is more than probable that polygamy, as it began in the posterity of wicked Cain, Gen 4:19 , so it was confined to them, and had not as yet got footing amongst the sons of God. For if ever polygamy had been allowable, it must have been now, for the repeopling of the perishing world.

For thee have I seen righteous with the righteousness of faith, as it is explained, Heb 11:7 , evidenced by all the fruits of righteousness and true holiness, not only before men, and seemingly, but really, and to my all-seeing eye, in this generation of which expression, See Poole on "Gen 6:9" .

Poole: Gen 7:2 - -- Obj The distinction of clean and unclean beasts was not before the law. Answ Some legal things were prescribed and used before the law, as abstinen...

Obj The distinction of clean and unclean beasts was not before the law.

Answ Some legal things were prescribed and used before the law, as abstinence from the eating of blood, Gen 9:4 , and, among other things, sacrifices, as learned men have sufficiently proved; and consequently the distinction of beasts to be sacrificed was then, in some measure, understood, which afterwards was expressed, Lev 1:1-17 , &c. Nor is this a good argument, This was not written before, therefore it was not commanded and practised before, especially concerning a time when no commands of God were written, but only delivered by tradition.

By sevens either,

1. Seven single, as most think. Or rather,

2. Seven couples, as may be gathered,

1. From the duplication of the word in Hebrew. If it be said seven seven signifies only seven of every kind, then it would have been said concerning the unclean beasts two two, i.e. two of each sort: whereas now there is an apparent difference; there it is said only by two, but here,

by sevens or seven seven, which difference of the phrase suggest a difference in the things. 2. By the following words,

the male and his female which being indifferently applied to the clean and unclean, plainly shows that none of them entered into the ark single, and therefore there was no odd seventh among them, but all went in by couples, which was most convenient in all for the propagation of their kind, and in the clean for other uses also; as for sacrifices to God, if not for the sustentation of men in the ark, and after they came out of it. Which gives us the reason why God would have more of the clean than of the unclean put into the ark, because they were more serviceable both to God and men.

Poole: Gen 7:3 - -- Of clean fowls, which he leaves to be understood out of the foregoing verse, by sevens and of the unclean, by two; as before of the beasts, to ke...

Of clean fowls, which he leaves to be understood out of the foregoing verse,

by sevens and of the unclean, by two; as before of the beasts,

to keep seed alive i.e. the issue or breed of them.

Poole: Gen 7:4 - -- Yet seven days or, after seven days, the Hebrew Lamed being put for after, as it is Exo 16:1 Psa 19:3 Jer 41:4 . Or, within seven days, wh...

Yet seven days or, after seven days, the Hebrew Lamed being put for after, as it is Exo 16:1 Psa 19:3 Jer 41:4 . Or, within seven days, which time God allowed to the world as a further space of repentance, whereof therefore it is probable Noah gave them notice; and it is not unlikely that many of them who slighted the threatening when it was at one hundred and twenty years distance, now hearing a second threatening, and considering the nearness of their danger, might be more affected and brought to true repentance; who though destroyed in their bodies by the flood for their former and long impenitency, which God would not so far pardon, yet might be saved in their spirits. See 1Pe 4:6 . And as some preserved in the ark were damned, so others drowned in the deluge might be eternally saved.

And every living substance all that hath in it the breath of life, as was said Gen 6:17 .

Poole: Gen 7:5 - -- Which was said Gen 6:22 , and is here repeated, because this was an eminent instance of his faith and obedience.

Which was said Gen 6:22 , and is here repeated, because this was an eminent instance of his faith and obedience.

Poole: Gen 7:7 - -- Or, for fear of; for fear is ascribed to and commended in Noah, Heb 11:7 . Or, from the face of.

Or, for fear of; for fear is ascribed to and commended in Noah, Heb 11:7 . Or, from the face of.

Haydock: Gen 7:2 - -- Of all clean. The distinction of clean and unclean beasts, appears to have been made before the law of Moses, which was not promulgated till the yea...

Of all clean. The distinction of clean and unclean beasts, appears to have been made before the law of Moses, which was not promulgated till the year of the world 2514. (Challoner). ---

Clean: not according to the law of Moses, which was not yet given, but such as tradition had described ---

fit for sacrifice; (Menochius) though they might be of the same species as were deemed clean in the law, which ratified the ancient institution. ---

And seven: (Hebrew) simply seven, three couple and an odd female, for sacrifice after the deluge: one couple was to breed, the other two perhaps for food. (Haydock) ---

Some imagine, that there were fourteen unclean and four clean animals, of every species, in the ark, because the Samaritan, Septuagint, and Vulgate read, "seven and seven." (Origen, &c.) ---

But our Saviour, sending the Disciples to preach two and two, did not appoint a company of four to go together, but only of two, as is generally allowed, Mark vi. 7. (Calmet)

Gill: Gen 7:1 - -- And the Lord said unto Noah,.... After Noah had built the ark, and got all things ready as were commanded him; and when it was but seven days ere the ...

And the Lord said unto Noah,.... After Noah had built the ark, and got all things ready as were commanded him; and when it was but seven days ere the flood would begin:

Come thou and all thy house into the ark; that is, he and his wife, his three sons and their wives:

for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation: this was a great character of Noah; that he was a "righteous" person, not by his own righteousness, but by the righteousness of faith he was both heir and preacher of; and this he was "before" God, in his sight, seen, known, and acknowledged by him as righteous; and therefore must be really so: and this shows that he was not so by the works of the law, but by the righteousness of Christ; because by them no flesh living is justified in the sight of God: and Noah was a rare instance of this character; there was none besides him in that wicked generation, so that he was very conspicuous and remarkable; and it was wonderful grace to him, that he should have this blessing to be righteous in an age so sadly corrupt, which was the cause of his being saved; for whoever are justified shall be saved eternally, Rom 8:30 as well as they are often saved from temporal calamities, see Isa 3:10.

Gill: Gen 7:2 - -- Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens,.... From hence it appears, that the distinction of clean and unclean beasts, at least for sacr...

Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens,.... From hence it appears, that the distinction of clean and unclean beasts, at least for sacrifice, if not for food, was known before the flood, and so before the law of Moses; though some think this is said by anticipation, and as providing a large stock of such creatures for the propagation of their species; because they would be most serviceable to men both for food and sacrifice: but as it is certain that sacrifices were offered ever since the fall of man; by the same way, namely, by divine revelation, that men were taught to sacrifice creatures as typical of the sacrifice of Christ, they were directed what sort of creatures to offer, as were most suitable figures of him; those beasts that were clean, and used under the law, and so no doubt, at this time, were oxen, sheep, and goats: and these were to be taken into the ark by "sevens", or "seven seven" p; either only three pairs, male and female, for procreation, and the seventh a male for sacrifice, when the flood was over; or rather fourteen, seven couple, an equal number of male and female, as Aben Ezra and Ben Gersom, that there might be enough for propagation; since a large number of them would be consumed, both for food and sacrifice:

the male and his female, or "the man and his wife" q; which confirms the sense given, that there were seven pairs, or otherwise, if there had been an odd seventh, there would not have been a male and his female:

and of beasts that are not clean by two, or only two:

the male and his female, or "the man and his wife"; which was a number sufficient for the propagation of creatures neither used for food nor sacrifice; and many of which are harmful to mankind, as lions, wolves, tigers, bears, &c.

Gill: Gen 7:3 - -- Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and his female,.... That is, of such as were clean; seven couple of these were to be brought into the ark...

Of fowls also of the air by sevens, the male and his female,.... That is, of such as were clean; seven couple of these were to be brought into the ark, for the like use as of the clean beasts, and those under the law; and so at this time, and here meant were turtledoves, and young pigeons that were for sacrifice; and the rest were for food: and the design of bringing both into the ark was:

to keep seed alive upon the face of all the earth; that the species of creatures might be continued, both of beasts and birds, clean and unclean.

Gill: Gen 7:4 - -- For yet seven days,.... Or one week more, after the above orders were given, which, the Jews say, were for the mourning at Methuselah's death; others,...

For yet seven days,.... Or one week more, after the above orders were given, which, the Jews say, were for the mourning at Methuselah's death; others, that they were an additional space to the one hundred and twenty given to the old world for repentance; in which time some might truly repent, finding that the destruction of the world was very near, and who might be saved from everlasting damnation, though not from perishing in the flood: but it rather was a space of time proper for Noah to have, to settle himself and family, and all the creatures in the ark, and dispose of everything there, in the best manner, for their sustenance and safety:

and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights: this was not an ordinary but an extraordinary rain, in which the power and providence of God were eminently concerned, both with respect to the continuance of it, and the quantity of water that fell:

and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth: not every substance that has a vegetative life, as plants, herbs, and trees, which were not destroyed, see Gen 8:11 but every substance that has animal life, as fowls, cattle, creeping things, and men.

Gill: Gen 7:5 - -- And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him,.... He prepared for his entrance into the ark, and all the creatures with him; got everythi...

And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him,.... He prepared for his entrance into the ark, and all the creatures with him; got everything ready for them, the rooms for their habitation, and food for their sustenance.

Gill: Gen 7:6 - -- And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth,.... When it began, for he was in his six hundred and first year when i...

And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth,.... When it began, for he was in his six hundred and first year when it ended, Gen 8:13 his eldest son was now an hundred years old, since when Noah was five hundred years old he begat children, Gen 5:32.

Gill: Gen 7:7 - -- And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark,.... Within the space of the seven days, between the command ...

And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark,.... Within the space of the seven days, between the command of God to go into it, and the coming of the flood; or rather on the seventh day, on which it began to rain; when he saw it was coming on, see Gen 7:11.

because of the waters of the flood; for fear of them, lest, before he entered into the ark with his family, he and they should be carried away with them; or "from the face of the waters" r, which now began to appear and spread; or rather, "before the waters" s, before they came to any height.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Gen 7:1 Heb “for you I see [as] godly before me in this generation.” The direct object (“you”) is placed first in the clause to give i...

NET Notes: Gen 7:2 Heb “a male and his female” (also a second time at the end of this verse). The terms used here for male and female animals (אִ...

NET Notes: Gen 7:3 Heb “to keep alive offspring.”

NET Notes: Gen 7:4 The Hiphil participle מַמְטִיר (mamtir, “cause to rain”) here expresses the certainty of t...

NET Notes: Gen 7:5 Heb “according to all.”

NET Notes: Gen 7:6 Heb “and the flood was water upon.” The disjunctive clause (conjunction + subject + verb) is circumstantial/temporal in relation to the pr...

NET Notes: Gen 7:7 The preposition מִן (min) is causal here, explaining why Noah and his family entered the ark.

Geneva Bible: Gen 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen ( a ) righteous before me in this generation. ( a ) In re...

Geneva Bible: Gen 7:2 Of every ( b ) clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that [are] not clean by two, the male and his fem...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Gen 7:1-24 - --1 Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the ark, and the flood begins.17 The increase and continuance of the flood for forty days.21 ...

MHCC: Gen 7:1-12 - --The call to Noah is very kind, like that of a tender father to his children to come in-doors when he sees night or a storm coming. Noah did not go int...

Matthew Henry: Gen 7:1-4 - -- Here is, I. A gracious invitation of Noah and his family into a place of safety, now that the flood of waters was coming, Gen 7:1. 1. The call itsel...

Matthew Henry: Gen 7:5-10 - -- Here is Noah's ready obedience to the commands that God gave him. Observe, 1. He went into the ark, upon notice that the flood would come after seve...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 7:1-16 - -- Gen 7:1-12 When the ark was built, and the period of grace (Gen 6:3) had passed, Noah received instructions from Jehovah to enter the ark with his...

Constable: Gen 1:1--11:27 - --I. PRIMEVAL EVENTS 1:1--11:26 Chapters 1-11 provide an introduction to the Book of Genesis, the Pentateuch, and ...

Constable: Gen 6:9--10:1 - --D. What became of Noah 6:9-9:29 The Lord destroyed the corrupt, violent human race and deluged its world...

Constable: Gen 6:9--9:1 - --1. The Flood 6:9-8:22 The chiastic (palistrophic) structure of this section shows that Moses int...

Constable: Gen 6:9--7:11 - --Conditions and events before the Flood 6:9-7:10 6:9-12 "The same explanation for Enoch's rescue from death (he walked with God') is made the basis for...

Guzik: Gen 7:1-24 - --Genesis 7 - God Destroys the World with a Flood A. Final preparations for the flood. 1. (1) God invites Noah into the ark. Then the LORD said to N...

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Commentary -- Other

Contradiction: Gen 7:2 10. Was Noah supposed to bring 2 pairs of all living creatures (Genesis 6:19-20), or was he to bring 7 pairs of 'clean' animals (Genesis 7:2; see al...

Bible Query: Gen 7:1 Q: In Gen 6:13 and 7:1, how did Noah know God was speaking to him, since He never saw God? A: Many times, people who have many years of relationship...

Bible Query: Gen 7:1 Q: In Gen 7:1, did the other people have "no chance" to repent as atheists have claimed? A: No. As they saw the ark being built, they could listen t...

Bible Query: Gen 7:2 Q: In Gen 7:2, how could Noah know how to take the clean animals, since there was no Old Testament law yet? A: Noah did not have the Old Testament s...

Bible Query: Gen 7:4--8:12 Q: In Gen 7:4 - 8:12, what is unusual about the literary structure here? A: This is called a chiasm, which is common in Hebrew literature, not Greek...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Genesis (Book Introduction) GENESIS, the book of the origin or production of all things, consists of two parts: the first, comprehended in the first through eleventh chapters, gi...

JFB: Genesis (Outline) THE CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. (Gen 1:1-2) THE FIRST DAY. (Gen 1:3-5) SECOND DAY. (Gen 1:6-8) THIRD DAY. (Gen 1:9-13) FOURTH DAY. (Gen 1:14-19) FI...

TSK: Genesis (Book Introduction) The Book of Genesis is the most ancient record in the world; including the History of two grand and stupendous subjects, Creation and Providence; of e...

TSK: Genesis 7 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Gen 7:1, Noah, with his family, and the living creatures, enter the ark, and the flood begins; Gen 7:17, The increase and continuance of ...

Poole: Genesis 7 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 7 God commands Noah to enter into the ark; the reason of it, Gen 7:1 . Directs him as to the manner and time, Gen 7:2-4 . Noah’ s obed...

MHCC: Genesis (Book Introduction) Genesis is a name taken from the Greek, and signifies " the book of generation or production;" it is properly so called, as containing an account of ...

MHCC: Genesis 7 (Chapter Introduction) (Gen 7:1-12) Noah, and his family and the living creatures, enter the ark, and the flood begins. (Gen 7:13-16) Noah shut in the ark. (Gen 7:17-20) T...

Matthew Henry: Genesis (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis We have now before us the holy Bible, or book, for so bible ...

Matthew Henry: Genesis 7 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter we have the performance of what was foretold in the foregoing chapter, both concerning the destruction of the old world and the sal...

Constable: Genesis (Book Introduction) Introduction Title Each book of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testam...

Constable: Genesis (Outline) Outline The structure of Genesis is very clear. The phrase "the generations of" (toledot in Hebrew, from yalad m...

Constable: Genesis Bibliography Aalders, Gerhard Charles. Genesis. The Bible Student's Commentary series. 2 vols. Translated by William Hey...

Haydock: Genesis (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF GENESIS. INTRODUCTION. The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written li...

Gill: Genesis (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS This book, in the Hebrew copies of the Bible, and by the Jewish writers, is generally called Bereshith, which signifies "in...

Gill: Genesis 7 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO GENESIS 7 This chapter begins with an order to Noah to come with his family and all the creatures into the ark, that they might be ...

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