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Text -- Hebrews 3:2 (NET)

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3:2 who is faithful to the one who appointed him, as Moses was also in God’s house.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Types | SPIRITUAL HOUSE | Quotations and Allusions | Obedience | Minister | MOSES | MEDIATION; MEDIATOR | Jesus, The Christ | House | HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE | FAITHFUL; FAITHFULNESS | Call | AUTHOR | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Heb 3:2 - -- Who was faithful ( piston onta ). Present active participle with predicate accusative agreeing with Iēsoun , "as being faithful."

Who was faithful ( piston onta ).

Present active participle with predicate accusative agreeing with Iēsoun , "as being faithful."

Robertson: Heb 3:2 - -- That appointed him ( tōi poiēsanti auton ). See 1Sa 12:6. Dative case of the articular participle (aorist active) of poieō and the reference ...

That appointed him ( tōi poiēsanti auton ).

See 1Sa 12:6. Dative case of the articular participle (aorist active) of poieō and the reference is to God. Note pistos as in Heb 2:17.

Robertson: Heb 3:2 - -- As also was Moses ( hōs kai Mōusēs ). The author makes no depreciatory remarks about Moses as he did not about the prophets and the angels. He ...

As also was Moses ( hōs kai Mōusēs ).

The author makes no depreciatory remarks about Moses as he did not about the prophets and the angels. He cheerfully admits that Moses was faithful "in all his house"(en holōi tōi oikōi autou ), an allusion to Num 12:7 (ean holōi tōi oikōi mou ) about Moses. The "his"is God’ s. The use of oikos for the people (family) of God, not the building, but the group (1Ti 3:15) in which God is the Father. But wherein is Jesus superior to Moses? The argument is keen and skillful.

Vincent: Heb 3:2 - -- Who was faithful ( πιστὸν ὄντα ) Rend. " is faithful." A general designation of inherent character. He is faithful as he eve...

Who was faithful ( πιστὸν ὄντα )

Rend. " is faithful." A general designation of inherent character. He is faithful as he ever was .

Vincent: Heb 3:2 - -- To him that appointed him ( τῷ ποιήσαντι αὐτὸν ) Constituted him apostle and high priest. Some render created , refe...

To him that appointed him ( τῷ ποιήσαντι αὐτὸν )

Constituted him apostle and high priest. Some render created , referring to Christ's humanity or to his eternal generation. So the Old Latin, creatori suo ; but this does not suit the context. Ποιεῖν often in Class. in the sense of institute , as sacrifices, funerals, assemblies, etc., and in the middle voice of adoption as a son. See 1Sa 12:6; Mar 3:14; Act 2:36.

Vincent: Heb 3:2 - -- As also Moses ( ὡς καὶ Μωυσῆς ) The highest example of human fidelity known to the readers.

As also Moses ( ὡς καὶ Μωυσῆς )

The highest example of human fidelity known to the readers.

Vincent: Heb 3:2 - -- In all his house ( ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ ) Const. with was faithful . Jesus was faithful even as Moses wa...

In all his house ( ἐν ὅλῳ τῷ οἴκῳ αὐτοῦ )

Const. with was faithful . Jesus was faithful even as Moses was faithful.

The subject of the high-priesthood of Christ, introduced in this verse, is not carried out in detail by showing the superiority of Jesus to earthly high priests. This is reserved for chs. 5-7. Instead, the writer proceeds to show that Christ is superior to Moses, as he has already shown his superiority to angels. He will thus have shown Christ's superiority to both the agencies by which the old covenant was mediated. The subject is a delicate one to treat for Jewish readers to whom Moses was the object of the deepest veneration; but the treatment displays tact by placing Moses in the foreground beside Christ as an example of fidelity to his commission. Justice is thus done to the familiar historical record, and to God's own testimony, Num 12:7. The general sense of the comparison is that Moses was as faithful as any servant in a house can be, while Christ was not a servant in the house, but a son, and displayed his fidelity in that capacity.

Wesley: Heb 3:2 - -- The church of Israel, then the peculiar family of God. Num 12:7.

The church of Israel, then the peculiar family of God. Num 12:7.

JFB: Heb 3:2 - -- He first notes the feature of resemblance between Moses and Christ, in order to conciliate the Hebrew Christians whom He addressed, and who still ente...

He first notes the feature of resemblance between Moses and Christ, in order to conciliate the Hebrew Christians whom He addressed, and who still entertained a very high opinion of Moses; he afterwards brings forward Christ's superiority to Moses.

JFB: Heb 3:2 - -- The Greek implies also that He still is faithful, namely, as our mediating High Priest, faithful to the trust God has assigned Him (Heb 2:17). So Mose...

The Greek implies also that He still is faithful, namely, as our mediating High Priest, faithful to the trust God has assigned Him (Heb 2:17). So Moses in God's house (Num 12:7).

JFB: Heb 3:2 - -- "made Him" HIGH PRIEST; to be supplied from the preceding context. Greek, "made"; so in Heb 5:5; 1Sa 12:6, Margin; Act 2:36; so the Greek fathers. Not...

"made Him" HIGH PRIEST; to be supplied from the preceding context. Greek, "made"; so in Heb 5:5; 1Sa 12:6, Margin; Act 2:36; so the Greek fathers. Not as ALFORD, with AMBROSE and the Latins, "created Him," that is, as man, in His incarnation. The likeness of Moses to Messiah was foretold by Moses himself (Deu 18:15). Other prophets only explained Moses, who was in this respect superior to them; but Christ was like Moses, yet superior.

Clarke: Heb 3:2 - -- Who was faithful to him - In Num 12:7, God gives this testimony to Moses: My servant Moses - is faithful in all my house; and to this testimony the ...

Who was faithful to him - In Num 12:7, God gives this testimony to Moses: My servant Moses - is faithful in all my house; and to this testimony the apostle alludes. House not only means the place where a family dwells, but also the family itself. The whole congregation of Israel was the house or family of God, and God is represented as dwelling among them; and Moses was his steward, and was faithful in the discharge of his office; strictly enforcing the Divine rights; zealously maintaining God’ s honor; carefully delivering the mind and will of God to the people; proclaiming his promises, and denouncing his judgments, with the most inflexible integrity, though often at the risk of his life. Jesus Christ has his house - the whole great family of mankind, for all of whom he offered his sacrificial blood to God; and the Christian Church, which is especially his own household, is composed of his own children and servants, among and in whom he lives and constantly resides. He has been faithful to the trust reposed in him as the apostle of God; he has faithfully proclaimed the will of the Most High; vindicated the Divine honor against the corrupters of God’ s worship; testified against them at the continual hazard of his life; and, at last, not only died as a victim to cancel sin, but also as a martyr to his faithfulness. Christ’ s faithfulness, says Leigh, consists in this: "That he has as fully revealed unto us the doctrine of the Gospel, as Moses did that of the law; and that he hath faithfully performed and fulfilled all the types of himself and all the things signified by Moses’ ceremonies, as Moses hath faithfully and distinctly set them down.

But there is a sense given to the word נאמן neeman , Num 12:7, which we translate faithful, by several of the Jewish writers, which is well worthy of note: it signifies, say they, "one to whom secrets are confided, with the utmost confidence of their being safely and conscientiously kept."The secret of God was with Moses, but all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge were in Christ. Life and immortality were comparatively secrets till Christ revealed and illustrated them, and even the Divine nature was but little known, and especially the Divine philanthropy, till Jesus Christ came; and it was Jesus alone who declared that God whom no man had ever seen. Moses received the secrets of God, and faithfully taught them to the people; Jesus revealed the whole will of God to mankind. Moses was thus faithful to a small part of mankind, viz. the Jewish people; but in this sense Jesus was faithful to all mankind: for he was the light to enlighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Israel.

Calvin: Heb 3:2 - -- 2.Who was, or is faithful, etc. This is a commendation of the apostleship of Christ, in order that the faithful may securely acquiesce in him; and ...

2.Who was, or is faithful, etc. This is a commendation of the apostleship of Christ, in order that the faithful may securely acquiesce in him; and he commends it on two grounds, because the Father has set him to be over us as our teacher, and because Christ himself has faithfully performed the office committed to him. These two things are always necessary to secure authority to a doctrine; for God alone ought to be attended to, as the whole Scripture testifies; hence Christ declares, that the doctrine which he delivered was not his own, but the Father’s, (Joh 7:16;) and in another place he says, “He who received me, receiveth him who has sent me.” (Luk 9:48.) For we say of Christ, that as he is clothed with our flesh, he is the Father’s minister to execute his commands. To the calling of God is added the faithful and upright performance of duty on the part of Christ; and this is required in true ministers, in order that they may obtain credence in the Church. Since these two things are found in Christ, doubtless he cannot be disregarded without despising God in him.

===As also Moses, === etc. Omitting for a while the priesthood, he speaks here of his apostleship. For as there are two parts in God’s covenant, the promulgation of the truth, and so to speak, its real confirmation, the full perfection of the covenant would not appear in Christ, were not both parts found in him. Hence the writer of the epistle, after having mentioned both, roused attention by a brief exhortation. But he now enters on a longer discussion, and begins with the office of a teacher: he therefore now compares Christ only with Moses. The words, in all his house, may be applied to Moses; but I prefer to apply them to Christ, as he may be said to be faithful to his Father in ruling his whole house. It hence follows, that none belong to the Church of God except those who acknowledge Christ. 57

TSK: Heb 3:2 - -- faithful : Heb 2:17; Joh 6:38-40, Joh 7:18, Joh 8:29, Joh 15:10, Joh 17:4 appointed : Gr. made, 1Sa 12:6 as : Heb 3:5; Num 12:7; Deu 4:5; 1Ti 1:12 all...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Heb 3:2 - -- Who was faithful - see the note, Heb 2:17. He performed with fidelity all the functions entrusted to him. To him that appointed him - Mar...

Who was faithful - see the note, Heb 2:17. He performed with fidelity all the functions entrusted to him.

To him that appointed him - Margin, "made."The word "made,"however, is used in the sense of constituted, or appointed. The meaning is, that he was faithful to God. Perhaps Paul urges on them the necessity of considering "his fidelity"in order to keep "them"from the danger of apostasy. A leading object of this Epistle was to preserve those whom he had addressed from apostatizing from God amidst the temptations and trials to which they were exposed. In doing this, what could be a more powerful argument than to direct their attention to the unwavering constancy and fidelity of the Lord Jesus? The "importance"of such a virtue in the Saviour is manifest. It is seen everywhere; and all the great interests of the world depend on it. A husband should maintain inviolate fidelity toward a wife, and a wife toward her husband; a child should be faithful to a parent, a clerk and apprentice to his employer, a lawyer to his client, a physician to his patient, an ambassador to the government that commissions him.

No matter what may be the temptations in the way, in all these, and in all other relations, there should be inviolate fidelity. The welfare of the world depended on the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus. Had he failed in that, all would have been lost. His fidelity was worthy of the more attentive consideration from the numerous temptations which beset his path, and the attempts which were made to turn him aside from his devotedness to God. Amidst all the temptations of the adversary, and all the trials through which he passed, he never for a moment swerved from fidelity to the great trust which had been committed to his hands. What better example to preserve them from the temptations to apostasy could the apostle propose to the Christians whom he addressed? What, in these temptations and trials, could be more appropriate than for them to consider the example of the great apostle and high priest of their profession? What more proper for us now in the trials and temptations of our lives, than to keep that great and glorious example continually before our eyes?

As also Moses was faithful - Fidelity to God was remarkable in Moses. In all the provocations and rebellions of the Jews, he was firm and unwavering. This is affirmed of him in Num 12:7, to which place the apostle here alludes, "My servant, Moses, is not so, who is faithful in all his house."The word "house,"as applied to Moses, is used probably in the sense of "family,"as it often is, and refers to the "family"over which he presided - that is, the Jewish nation. The whole Jewish people were a "household,"or the family of God, and Moses was appointed to preside over it, and was faithful in the functions of his office there.

Poole: Heb 3:2 - -- The Spirit enforceth the duty counselled on them from the fidelity of that grand gospel Minister in his offices; exemplified in a parallel with Mose...

The Spirit enforceth the duty counselled on them from the fidelity of that grand gospel Minister in his offices; exemplified in a parallel with Moses, whom he did exceed.

Who was faithful to him that appointed him he did most exactly perform all he was intrusted with, according to the intention and end of his commission. He did most faithfully reveal God, Joh 1:18 , and his whole saving will, to whom God sent him, Joh 3:31-34 5:34 Joh 8:28,38 ; as his great Prophet, Act 3:22 . He as faithfully discharged the office of his priesthood in sacrificing himself to atone God for sinners, and as faithfully intercedes for all with him unto this day, and will do so for ever, with all truth and fidelity discharging his trust, Heb 7:24-28 9:11,12,14,24,26 . He was faithful in fulfilling all his types, and in changing and finishing all the ceremonial constitutions, and filling them up with gospel ones, according to God’ s will revealed to him about it. He was true to his Father, who appointed and constituted him to these offices, and solemnly invested him in them; poihsanti here not signifying the making of a creature, but the making of an officer, the person existing before; he puts him into this special charge and office by anointing him for it, Act 2:36 .

As also Moses was faithful in all his house: Moses was the Jewish mediator, and brought them the law moral, judicial, and ceremonial from God; as he was highly esteemed by them, so God testifieth of his fidelity. Christ was not only like to him in fidelity, but, as to both the truth and degree of it, exceeding him. Moses kept to his pattern shown him in the mount, and Christ fulfilled entirely his Father’ s will, Joh 5:30 6:38 , and is preferred to him. Moses was so in the whole church of Israel, set out by this metaphor of a house; but Christ ill all God’ s house and family both in heaven and in earth; not the least thing that concerned the family, but Christ fulfilled; not the meanest person in it, but he careth for and saveth.

Haydock: Heb 3:2 - -- Faithful to him, &c. To be made, may apply to Christ as man; but here the sense is, who made him head over all his Church. (Witham)

Faithful to him, &c. To be made, may apply to Christ as man; but here the sense is, who made him head over all his Church. (Witham)

Gill: Heb 3:2 - -- Who was faithful to him that appointed him,.... Or "made him"; Christ, as man, was made, but not as God; nor is the apostle speaking of the divine nat...

Who was faithful to him that appointed him,.... Or "made him"; Christ, as man, was made, but not as God; nor is the apostle speaking of the divine nature of Christ, but of his offices: wherefore this phrase designs the constitution and settlement of him in office; which may take in the eternal appointment of him as Mediator; the open promise of him in time; his mission, unction, and attestation from God; and his manifestation and declaration as such, at his ascension and session at God's right hand, when he was made Lord and Christ. Now, as Mediator, he had a trust reposed in him; as the persons of all God's elect, and a fulness of all grace for them; the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and eternal life and happiness; and also the glory of God in their salvation: which trust he has faithfully discharged as an apostle, and high priest; in a declaration of the whole will of God; in acknowledging it was his Father's doctrine he brought, and in seeking not his own, but his Father's glory; in redeeming and saving the persons committed to him; in distributing his grace to them; and in bringing them safe to glory; and in taking care of things pertaining to God:

as also Moses was faithful in all his house; the passage referred to is in Num 12:7 and which seems not so much to intend the fidelity of Moses in managing the affairs of God's house, as the largeness of the trust reposed in him, the dignity and honour conferred on him, and the power and authority he was invested with, in having the whole house of Israel committed to his care and charge, in which he exceeded all other prophets; and so the faithfulness of Christ is not so much to be understood of the discharge of his trust, as of the trust itself; and the sense is, that he was trusted much by God the Father, who constituted him Mediator, even as Moses was; and this sense best agrees with Heb 3:5. And De Dieu has observed, that the Hebrew word נאמן, in Misnic writings t, signifies, as it does, one that is trusted, or is fit to be trusted, as Christ and Moses were; though the former is much more worthy than the latter, as follows.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Heb 3:2 ‡ The reading adopted by the translation follows a few early mss and some versions (Ì13,46vid B vgms co Ambr). The majority of mss (א...

Geneva Bible: Heb 3:2 ( 2 ) Who was faithful to him that ( c ) appointed him, ( 3 ) as also Moses [was faithful] in all his house. ( 2 ) He confirms his exhortation with t...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Heb 3:1-19 - --1 Christ is more worthy than Moses;7 therefore if we believe not in him, we shall be more worthy punishment than hardhearted Israel.

Combined Bible: Heb 3:1-6 - --Superior to Moses.    (Hebrews 3:1-6).    Our present portion introduces us to the third division of the Epistle, a division wh...

MHCC: Heb 3:1-6 - --Christ is to be considered as the Apostle of our profession, the Messenger sent by God to men, the great Revealer of that faith which we profess to ho...

Matthew Henry: Heb 3:1-6 - -- In these verses we have the application of the doctrine laid down in the close of the last chapter concerning the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Chris...

Barclay: Heb 3:1-6 - --Let us remember the conviction with which the writer to the Hebrews starts. The basis of his thought is that the supreme revelation of God comes thro...

Constable: Heb 3:1--5:11 - --II. The High Priestly Character of the Son 3:1--5:10 The writer proceeded to take up the terms "merciful" and "f...

Constable: Heb 3:1-6 - --A. The Faithfulness of the Son 3:1-6 "The author steadily develops his argument that Jesus is supremely great. He is greater than the angels, the auth...

College: Heb 3:1-19 - --HEBREWS 3 III. GOD OFFERS REST TO ALL WHO TRUST HIM (3:1-4:16) A. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO MOSES (3:1-6) 1 Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the h...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Hebrews (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Hebrews By Way of Introduction Unsettled Problems Probably no book in the New Testament presents more unsettled problems tha...

JFB: Hebrews (Book Introduction) CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP.--CLEMENT OF ROME, at the end of the first century (A.D), copiously uses it, adopting its words just as he does those of the...


TSK: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Heb 3:1, Christ is more worthy than Moses; Heb 3:7, therefore if we believe not in him, we shall be more worthy punishment than hardheart...

Poole: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3

MHCC: Hebrews (Book Introduction) This epistle shows Christ as the end, foundation, body, and truth of the figures of the law, which of themselves were no virtue for the soul. The grea...

MHCC: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) (Heb 3:1-6) The superior worth and dignity of Christ above Moses is shown. (Heb 3:7-13) The Hebrews are warned of the sin and danger of unbelief. (H...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle to the Hebrews Concerning this epistle we must enquire, I. Into the divine authority of it...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle applies what he had said in the chapter foregoing concerning the priesthood of Christ, I. In a serious pathetic exhort...

Barclay: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS God Fulfils Himself In Many Ways Religion has never been the same thing to all men. "God," as Tennyson sai...

Barclay: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) Greater Than The Greatest (Heb_3:1-6) While Today Still Lasts (Heb_3:7-19)

Constable: Hebrews (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The writer said that he and those to whom he wrote ...

Constable: Hebrews (Outline)

Constable: Hebrews Hebrews Bibliography Andersen, Ward. "The Believer's Rest (Hebrews 4)." Biblical Viewpoint 24:1 (April 1990):31...

Haydock: Hebrews (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE HEBREWS. INTRODUCTION. The Catholic Church hath received and declared this Epistle to be part of ...

Gill: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS That this epistle was written very early appears from hence, that it was imitated by Clement of Rome, in his epistle to the...

Gill: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS 3 The apostle having discoursed, in the preceding chapters, concerning the dignity of Christ's person, and his wondrous gra...

College: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION It is difficult to overestimate the significance of Hebrews for understanding the nature of the new covenant. No other document in the N...

College: Hebrews (Outline) OUTLINE I. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO THE ANGELS - 1:1-14 A. The Preeminence of the Son - 1:1-4 B. The Son Superior to the Angels - 1:5-14 II. ...

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