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Text -- Hebrews 3:5 (NET)

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3:5 Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that would be spoken.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Dictionary Themes and Topics: VERILY, VERITY | Types | Servant of the Lord | Prophets | Perseverance | Minister | MOSES | MEDIATION; MEDIATOR | HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE | Faithfulness | Decision | AUTHOR | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , PBC , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Combined Bible , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Heb 3:5 - -- And Moses ( kai Mōusēs men ). "Now Moses indeed on his part"(men contrasted with de ).

And Moses ( kai Mōusēs men ).

"Now Moses indeed on his part"(men contrasted with de ).

Robertson: Heb 3:5 - -- In ( en ). Moses was in "God’ s house""as a servant"(hōs therapōn ). Old word, in lxx, only here in N.T. and quoted from Num 12:7. Kin to t...

In ( en ).

Moses was in "God’ s house""as a servant"(hōs therapōn ). Old word, in lxx, only here in N.T. and quoted from Num 12:7. Kin to the verb therapeuō , to serve, to heal, and therapeia , service (Luk 9:11) and a group of servants (Luk 12:42).

Robertson: Heb 3:5 - -- For a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken ( eis marturion tōn lalēthēsomenōn ). Objective genitive of the articular f...

For a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken ( eis marturion tōn lalēthēsomenōn ).

Objective genitive of the articular future passive participle of laleō . It is not certain what it means whether the "testimony"(marturion ) is to Moses or to God and whether it points on to Christ. In Heb 9:9 see parabolē applied to the old dispensation as a symbol pointing to Christ and Christianity.

Robertson: Heb 3:5 - -- But Christ ( Christos de ). In contrast with Moses (men in Heb 3:5).

But Christ ( Christos de ).

In contrast with Moses (men in Heb 3:5).

Robertson: Heb 3:5 - -- As a son ( hōs huios ). Instead of a therapōn (servant).

As a son ( hōs huios ).

Instead of a therapōn (servant).

Robertson: Heb 3:5 - -- Over his house ( epi ton oikon autou ). The difference between epi and en added to that between huios and therapōn . It is very neat and quit...

Over his house ( epi ton oikon autou ).

The difference between epi and en added to that between huios and therapōn . It is very neat and quite conclusive, especially when we recall the high place occupied by Moses in Jewish thought. In Act 7:11 the Jews accused Stephen of speaking "blasphemous words against Moses and God"(putting Moses on a par with God).

Vincent: Heb 3:5 - -- And Moses Καὶ and introduces the further development of the thought of Heb 3:2, Heb 3:3 - fidelity , and the corresponding honor. It is n...

And Moses

Καὶ and introduces the further development of the thought of Heb 3:2, Heb 3:3 - fidelity , and the corresponding honor. It is not a second proof of the superiority of Christ to Moses. See Num 12:7.

Vincent: Heb 3:5 - -- A servant ( θεράπων ) N.T.o . Comp. Rev 15:3. Often in lxx, mostly as translation of òֶáֶã , servant , slave , bondman . Also, ...

A servant ( θεράπων )

N.T.o . Comp. Rev 15:3. Often in lxx, mostly as translation of òֶáֶã , servant , slave , bondman . Also, when coupled with the name of a deity, a worshipper , devotee . Sometimes applied to angels or prophets. Of Moses, θεράπων κυρίου servant of the Lord , Wisd. 10:16. In Class. and N.T. the word emphasizes the performance of a present service, without reference to the condition of the doer, whether bond or free. An ethical character attaches to it, as to the kindred verb θεραπεύειν : service of an affectionate, hearty character, performed with care and fidelity. Hence the relation of the θεράπων is of a nobler and freer character than that of the δοῦλος or bondservant. The verb is used of a physician's tendance of the sick. Xenophon ( Mem . iv. 3, 9) uses it of the gods taking care of men, and, on the other hand, of men's worshipping the gods (ii, 1. 28). See Eurip. Iph . Taur . 1105; and on heal , Mat 8:7; Luk 10:15, and on is worshipped , Act 17:25.

Vincent: Heb 3:5 - -- For a testimony of those things which were to be spoken ( εἰς μαρτύριον τῶν λαληθησομένων ) Ἐις for , w...

For a testimony of those things which were to be spoken ( εἰς μαρτύριον τῶν λαληθησομένων )

Ἐις for , with the whole preceding clause. Moses' faithful service in God's house was for a testimony , etc. The things which were to be spoken are the revelations afterward to be given in Christ . Others, however, explain of the things which Moses himself was afterward to speak to the people by God's command, referring to Num 12:8. According to this explanation, the fidelity hitherto exhibited by Moses ought to command respect for all that he might say in future. But (1) in the present connection that thought is insignificant. (2) It would be an exaggeration to speak of Moses's fidelity to God throughout his whole official career as a witness of the things which he was to speak to the people by God's command. (3) The future participle requires a reference to a time subsequent to Moses's ministry. The meaning is that Moses, in his entire ministry, was but a testimony to what was to be spoken in the future by another and a greater than he. Comp. Deu 18:15, explained of Christ in Act 3:22, Act 3:23.

Wesley: Heb 3:5 - -- Another proof of the pre - eminence of Christ above Moses. Was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of the things which were after...

Another proof of the pre - eminence of Christ above Moses. Was faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of the things which were afterwards to be spoken - That is, which was a full confirmation of the things which he afterward spake concerning Christ.

JFB: Heb 3:5 - -- That is in all GOD'S house (Heb 3:4).

That is in all GOD'S house (Heb 3:4).

JFB: Heb 3:5 - -- Not here the Greek for "slave," but "a ministering attendant"; marking the high office of Moses towards God, though inferior to Christ, a kind of stew...

Not here the Greek for "slave," but "a ministering attendant"; marking the high office of Moses towards God, though inferior to Christ, a kind of steward.

JFB: Heb 3:5 - -- In order that he might in his typical institutions give "testimony" to Israel "of the things" of the Gospel "which were to be spoken afterwards" by Ch...

In order that he might in his typical institutions give "testimony" to Israel "of the things" of the Gospel "which were to be spoken afterwards" by Christ (Heb 8:5; Heb 9:8, Heb 9:23; Heb 10:1).

Clarke: Heb 3:5 - -- As a servant - The fidelity of Moses was the fidelity of a servant; he was not the framer of that Church or house; he was employed, under God, to ar...

As a servant - The fidelity of Moses was the fidelity of a servant; he was not the framer of that Church or house; he was employed, under God, to arrange and order it: he was steward to the Builder and Owner

Clarke: Heb 3:5 - -- For a testimony of those things - Every ordinance under the law was typical; every thing bore a testimony to the things which were to be spoken afte...

For a testimony of those things - Every ordinance under the law was typical; every thing bore a testimony to the things which were to be spoken after; i.e. to Jesus Christ, his suffering, death, and the glory which should follow; and to his Gospel in all its parts. The faithfulness of Moses consisted in his scrupulous attention to every ordinance of God; his framing every thing according to the pattern showed him by the Lord; and his referring all to that Christ of whom he spoke as the prophet who should come after him, and should be raised up from among themselves; whom they should attentively hear and obey, on pain of being cut off from being the people of the Lord. Hence our Lord told the Jews, Joh 5:46 : If ye had believed Moses, ye would have believed me, for he wrote of me; "namely;"says Dr. Macknight, "in the figures, but especially in the prophecies, of the law, where the Gospel dispensation, the coming of its Author, and his character as Messiah, are all described with a precision which adds the greatest lustre of evidence to Jesus and to his Gospel."

Calvin: Heb 3:5 - -- 5.And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, === etc. The second difference is, that to Moses was committed a doctrine to which h...

5.And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant, === etc. The second difference is, that to Moses was committed a doctrine to which he, in common with others, was to submit; but Christ, though he put on the form of a servant, is yet Master and Lord, to whom all ought to be subject; for, as we found in Heb 1:2, he is constituted heir of all things.

===For a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after, or which were afterwards to be said or declared. I explain this simply in this way, — that Moses, while a herald of that doctrine which was to be published for a time to the ancient people, did at the same time render a testimony to the Gospel, the publication of which was not as yet to be made; for it is doubtless evident, that the end and completion of the Law is that perfection of wisdom contained in the Gospel. This exposition seems to comport with the future tense of the participle. The meaning indeed is, that Moses faithfully delivered to the people what the Lord had committed to him, but that limits were prescribed to him which it was not lawful for him to pass. God formerly spoke at different times and in various ways by the prophets, but he deferred to the fullness of time the complete revelation of the Gospel.

TSK: Heb 3:5 - -- faithful : Heb 3:2; Num 12:7; Mat 24:45, Mat 25:21; Luk 12:42, Luk 16:10-12; 1Co 4:2; 1Ti 1:12 as : Exo 14:31; Deu 3:24, Deu 34:5; Jos 1:2, Jos 1:7, J...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Heb 3:5 - -- Moses was faithful a servant - Not as the head of the dispensation; not as having originated it; but as in the employ and under the direc...

Moses was faithful a servant - Not as the head of the dispensation; not as having originated it; but as in the employ and under the direction of its great Founder and Author - the Messiah. As such a servant he deserves all the honor for fidelity which has ever been claimed for him, but it cannot be the honor which is due to him who is at the head of the family or house. Paul "assumed"that Moses was a "servant,"and argued on that supposition, without attempting to prove it, because it was so often affirmed in the Old Testament, and must have been conceded by all the Jews. In numerous instances he is spoken of as "the servant of the Lord;"see Jos 1:1-2; Jos 9:24; 1Ch 6:49; 2Ch 24:9; Neh 10:29; Dan 9:11; Exo 14:31; 1Ki 8:56; Psa 105:26. As this point was undisputed, it was only necessary to show that the Messiah was superior to a "servant,"in order to make the argument clear.

For a testimony - To bear witness to those truths which were to be revealed; that is, he was the instrument of the divine communications to the people, or the medium by which God made his will known. He did not originate the truths himself; but he was the mere medium by which God made known his truth to his people - a servant whom He employed to make his will known. The word after here is not necessary in order to a just translation of this passage, and obscures the sense. It does not mean that he was a witness of those truths which were to be spoken "subsequently"to his time under another dispensation, nor those truths which the apostle proposed to consider in another part of the Epistle, as Doddridge supposes; but it means merely that Moses stood forth as a public witness of the truths which God designed to reveal, or which were to be spoken. God did not speak to his people "directly,"and face to face, but he spoke through Moses as an organ, or medium. The sense is, Moses was a mere servant of God to communicate his will to man.

Poole: Heb 3:5 - -- The gospel Minister doth not only excel Moses as much as a builder doth his work, but as a son doth a servant, proved in this and Heb 3:6 . And Mos...

The gospel Minister doth not only excel Moses as much as a builder doth his work, but as a son doth a servant, proved in this and Heb 3:6 .

And Moses verily was faithful in all his house, as a servant your great legal prophet, in whom many of you Hebrews trust, Joh 5:45 , did truly and fully reveal and do what God charged him, in ministering his will to his church, Exo 40:16-33 ; he did not diminish from, nor add the least to, God’ s charge, yerapwn , Num 12:7 . As a minister, Moses was as faithful as any God had; not a slave or a drudge, but a free, willing, ingenuous servant, most entirely and obsequiously addicting himself in that honourable place and office of great trust, to which God called him; a stewardly servant, a prophet and a prince, inspecting and ordering all according to God’ s will; in all Christ’ s house and family, his church, he is but a servant.

For a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after: his faithfulness was evident in his bearing true witness to the church, of all God made known to him, that they might not be uncertain of the truth; even all that truth, which was more fully and clearly to be spoken by the prophets after him, and by Christ and his apostles; but which the Spirit shall speak to them further concerning Christ and his church in this Epistle, Joh 5:46 . In which is insinuated, that Christ was the truth himself witnessed to by Moses, who was a witness of an inferior degree, though in his work faithful, and conformed unto Christ.

PBC: Heb 3:5 - -- Jesus as a Son over His own house!  He wasn’t a servant – it belonged to Him.  Moses was faithful in all of his house as a servant for a testimo...

Jesus as a Son over His own house!  He wasn’t a servant – it belonged to Him.  Moses was faithful in all of his house as a servant for a testimony of those things that should be spoken after, but Jesus as a Son over His own house, whose house are we if we continue in the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.  Yes, there’s something for you to do in the hope that He has given you.  Continue to rejoice in it - He’ll dwell in your heart.  You’re His house.  You’re His dwelling place.  You’re where He is to dwell and He dwells in our hearts as we journey down the rugged road of life and all of these things that He was doing was not to stand and read the law to us but He would say to His children, " Children I know that you make mistakes.  I even know your thought afar off" and let me assure you that you have a High Priest at the right hand of God and telling you very carefully that you can reach out and touch Him by the feeling of your infirmities and One that will say unto you, " Cast all your cares on Me."  You couldn’t do that under the law.  Cast all your cares on Me – for He careth for you.

Eld. I W. Gillam

Gill: Heb 3:5 - -- And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant,.... Moses was not only a servant to the Israelites, but he was also the Lord's servant, a...

And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant,.... Moses was not only a servant to the Israelites, but he was also the Lord's servant, a servant of his choosing, sending, and approving; he was a servant in holy things, and served the Lord heartily, sincerely, and ingenuously, with all becoming fear and reverence, respect, and honour, and with all ready and cheerful obedience; the house in which he was a servant, was not his own, but belonged to God, even the Son of God, as appears from the following verse; he was not a servant in the world, and with respect to civil things, and the affairs of Providence, but in the church of God, and in divine things; and he was faithful here, and that in all things; he did all things exactly according to the pattern showed him in the Mount; and the apostle strongly affirms all this, as well he might, since there was full proof of it, and God himself had bore a testimony to it: and the end of his being a servant here was,

for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; these words may regard his faithful testification of God's will to the people of Israel, after he was fixed as a servant in God's house; or what he said afterwards concerning the Messiah, of whom he spake and wrote, and of whom he bore an honourable testimony, Deu 18:1 or they may have respect to the things spoken after Moses's time, by the prophets, Christ, and his apostles, which agreed with the testimony of Moses; or to the things afterwards spoken of in this epistle; to which may be added, that Moses in his office was typical of things to be spoken and done by the Messiah, when he came; as his deliverance of the children of Israel out of Egypt; his leading them through the Red sea and wilderness, to Canaan's land; his giving them the law from Mount Sinai; the erection of the tabernacle, with all its furniture, and the institution of sacrifices and the like.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Heb 3:5 A quotation from Num 12:7.

Geneva Bible: Heb 3:5 And ( 5 ) Moses verily [was] faithful in all his house, as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken after; ( 5 ) Another co...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Heb 3:1-19 - --1 Christ is more worthy than Moses;7 therefore if we believe not in him, we shall be more worthy punishment than hardhearted Israel.

Combined Bible: Heb 3:1-6 - --Superior to Moses.    (Hebrews 3:1-6).    Our present portion introduces us to the third division of the Epistle, a division wh...

MHCC: Heb 3:1-6 - --Christ is to be considered as the Apostle of our profession, the Messenger sent by God to men, the great Revealer of that faith which we profess to ho...

Matthew Henry: Heb 3:1-6 - -- In these verses we have the application of the doctrine laid down in the close of the last chapter concerning the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Chris...

Barclay: Heb 3:1-6 - --Let us remember the conviction with which the writer to the Hebrews starts. The basis of his thought is that the supreme revelation of God comes thro...

Constable: Heb 3:1--5:11 - --II. The High Priestly Character of the Son 3:1--5:10 The writer proceeded to take up the terms "merciful" and "f...

Constable: Heb 3:1-6 - --A. The Faithfulness of the Son 3:1-6 "The author steadily develops his argument that Jesus is supremely great. He is greater than the angels, the auth...

College: Heb 3:1-19 - --HEBREWS 3 III. GOD OFFERS REST TO ALL WHO TRUST HIM (3:1-4:16) A. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO MOSES (3:1-6) 1 Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the h...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Hebrews (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Hebrews By Way of Introduction Unsettled Problems Probably no book in the New Testament presents more unsettled problems tha...

JFB: Hebrews (Book Introduction) CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP.--CLEMENT OF ROME, at the end of the first century (A.D), copiously uses it, adopting its words just as he does those of the...


TSK: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Heb 3:1, Christ is more worthy than Moses; Heb 3:7, therefore if we believe not in him, we shall be more worthy punishment than hardheart...

Poole: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 3

MHCC: Hebrews (Book Introduction) This epistle shows Christ as the end, foundation, body, and truth of the figures of the law, which of themselves were no virtue for the soul. The grea...

MHCC: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) (Heb 3:1-6) The superior worth and dignity of Christ above Moses is shown. (Heb 3:7-13) The Hebrews are warned of the sin and danger of unbelief. (H...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle to the Hebrews Concerning this epistle we must enquire, I. Into the divine authority of it...

Matthew Henry: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) In this chapter the apostle applies what he had said in the chapter foregoing concerning the priesthood of Christ, I. In a serious pathetic exhort...

Barclay: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTER TO THE HEBREWS God Fulfils Himself In Many Ways Religion has never been the same thing to all men. "God," as Tennyson sai...

Barclay: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) Greater Than The Greatest (Heb_3:1-6) While Today Still Lasts (Heb_3:7-19)

Constable: Hebrews (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical background The writer said that he and those to whom he wrote ...

Constable: Hebrews (Outline)

Constable: Hebrews Hebrews Bibliography Andersen, Ward. "The Believer's Rest (Hebrews 4)." Biblical Viewpoint 24:1 (April 1990):31...

Haydock: Hebrews (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE HEBREWS. INTRODUCTION. The Catholic Church hath received and declared this Epistle to be part of ...

Gill: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS That this epistle was written very early appears from hence, that it was imitated by Clement of Rome, in his epistle to the...

Gill: Hebrews 3 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO HEBREWS 3 The apostle having discoursed, in the preceding chapters, concerning the dignity of Christ's person, and his wondrous gra...

College: Hebrews (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION It is difficult to overestimate the significance of Hebrews for understanding the nature of the new covenant. No other document in the N...

College: Hebrews (Outline) OUTLINE I. JESUS IS SUPERIOR TO THE ANGELS - 1:1-14 A. The Preeminence of the Son - 1:1-4 B. The Son Superior to the Angels - 1:5-14 II. ...

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