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Text -- Hosea 13:1-15 (NET)

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Baal Worshipers and Calf Worshipers to be Destroyed
13:1 When Ephraim spoke, there was terror; he was exalted in Israel, but he became guilty by worshiping Baal and died. 13:2 Even now they persist in sin! They make metal images for themselves, idols that they skillfully fashion from their own silver; all of them are nothing but the work of craftsmen! There is a saying about them: “Those who sacrifice to the calf idol are calf kissers!” 13:3 Therefore they will disappear like the morning mist, like early morning dew that evaporates, like chaff that is blown away from a threshing floor, like smoke that disappears through an open window.
Well-Fed Israel Will Be Fed to Wild Animals
13:4 But I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt. Therefore, you must not acknowledge any God but me; except me there is no Savior. 13:5 I cared for you in the wilderness, in the dry desert where no water was. 13:6 When they were fed, they became satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; as a result, they forgot me! 13:7 So I will pounce on them like a lion; like a leopard I will lurk by the path. 13:8 I will attack them like a bear robbed of her cubs– I will rip open their chests. I will devour them there like a lion– like a wild animal would tear them apart.
Israel’s King Unable to Deliver the Nation
13:9 I will destroy you, O Israel! Who is there to help you? 13:10 Where then is your king, that he may save you in all your cities? Where are your rulers for whom you asked, saying, “Give me a king and princes”? 13:11 I granted you a king in my anger, and I will take him away in my wrath!
Israel’s Punishment Will Not Be Withheld Much Longer
13:12 The punishment of Ephraim has been decreed; his punishment is being stored up for the future. 13:13 The labor pains of a woman will overtake him, but the baby will lack wisdom; when the time arrives, he will not come out of the womb!
The Lord Will Not Relent from the Threatened Judgment
13:14 Will I deliver them from the power of Sheol? No, I will not! Will I redeem them from death? No, I will not! O Death, bring on your plagues! O Sheol, bring on your destruction! My eyes will not show any compassion!
The Capital of the Northern Empire Will Be Destroyed
13:15 Even though he flourishes like a reed plant, a scorching east wind will come, a wind from the Lord rising up from the desert. As a result, his spring will dry up; his well will become dry. That wind will spoil all his delightful foods in the containers in his storehouse.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Baal a pagan god,a title of a pagan god,a town in the Negeb on the border of Simeon and Judah,son of Reaiah son of Micah; a descendant of Reuben,the forth son of Jeiel, the Benjamite
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Ephraim the tribe of Ephraim as a whole,the northern kingdom of Israel
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Sheol the place of the dead

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Sin | Israel | Idolatry | Chaff | God | Bear | Dew | KISS | Wicked | Leopard | Ephraim | House | Silver | Ransom | ZECHARIAH (2) | ADORATION | HADES | Death | CAUL | CALF, GOLDEN | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Hos 13:1 The MT vocalizes the consonantal text as נָשָׂא (nasa’, “he exalted”; Qal perfect 3rd person mas...

NET Notes: Hos 13:2 Heb “They kiss calves!” The verb יִשָּׁקוּן (yishaqun) may be parsed as an imp...

NET Notes: Hos 13:3 Heb “storm-driven away”; KJV, ASV “driven with the whirlwind out.” The verb יְסֹעֵר ...

NET Notes: Hos 13:5 Heb “land of intense drought” or “intensely thirsty land.” The noun תַּלְאֻב&#...

NET Notes: Hos 13:6 Heb “their heart became exalted”; KJV, ASV “was exalted.”

NET Notes: Hos 13:7 Heb “So I will be like a lion to them” (so NASB); NIV “I will come upon them like a lion.”

NET Notes: Hos 13:9 The MT reads כִּי־בִי בְעֶזְרֶךָ (ki-vi ve...

NET Notes: Hos 13:10 The repetition of the phrase “Where are…?” does not appear in the Hebrew text, but is implied by the parallelism in the preceding li...

NET Notes: Hos 13:11 The prefix-conjugation verb אֶתֶּן (’eten, “I gave”) refers to past-time action, specifying a de...

NET Notes: Hos 13:12 Heb “has been bound.” צָרַר (tsarar, “to bind”) refers elsewhere to the action of scribes bindin...

NET Notes: Hos 13:14 Heb “Compassion will be hidden from my eyes” (NRSV similar; NASB “from my sight”).

NET Notes: Hos 13:15 The term “wind” is not repeated in the Hebrew text at this point but is implied; it is supplied in the translation for clarity.

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