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Text -- Judges 13:1-21 (NET)

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Samson’s Birth
13:1 The Israelites again did evil in the Lord’s sight, so the Lord handed them over to the Philistines for forty years. 13:2 There was a man named Manoah from Zorah, from the Danite tribe. His wife was infertile and childless. 13:3 The Lord’s angelic messenger appeared to the woman and said to her, “You are infertile and childless, but you will conceive and have a son. 13:4 Now be careful! Do not drink wine or beer, and do not eat any food that will make you ritually unclean. 13:5 Look, you will conceive and have a son. You must never cut his hair, for the child will be dedicated to God from birth. He will begin to deliver Israel from the power of the Philistines.” 13:6 The woman went and said to her husband, “A man sent from God came to me! He looked like God’s angelic messenger– he was very awesome. I did not ask him where he came from, and he did not tell me his name. 13:7 He said to me, ‘Look, you will conceive and have a son. So now, do not drink wine or beer and do not eat any food that will make you ritually unclean. For the child will be dedicated to God from birth till the day he dies.’” 13:8 Manoah prayed to the Lord, “Please, Lord, allow the man sent from God to visit us again, so he can teach us how we should raise the child who will be born.” 13:9 God answered Manoah’s prayer. God’s angelic messenger visited the woman again while she was sitting in the field. But her husband Manoah was not with her. 13:10 The woman ran at once and told her husband, “Come quickly, the man who visited me the other day has appeared to me!” 13:11 So Manoah got up and followed his wife. When he met the man, he said to him, “Are you the man who spoke to my wife?” He said, “Yes.” 13:12 Manoah said, “Now, when your announcement comes true, how should the child be raised and what should he do?” 13:13 The Lord’s messenger told Manoah, “Your wife should pay attention to everything I told her. 13:14 She should not drink anything that the grapevine produces. She must not drink wine or beer, and she must not eat any food that will make her ritually unclean. She should obey everything I commanded her to do.” 13:15 Manoah said to the Lord’s messenger, “Please stay here awhile, so we can prepare a young goat for you to eat.” 13:16 The Lord’s messenger said to Manoah, “If I stay, I will not eat your food. But if you want to make a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, you should offer it.” (He said this because Manoah did not know that he was the Lord’s messenger.) 13:17 Manoah said to the Lord’s messenger, “Tell us your name, so we can honor you when your announcement comes true.” 13:18 The Lord’s messenger said to him, “You should not ask me my name, because you cannot comprehend it.” 13:19 Manoah took a young goat and a grain offering and offered them on a rock to the Lord. The Lord’s messenger did an amazing thing as Manoah and his wife watched. 13:20 As the flame went up from the altar toward the sky, the Lord’s messenger went up in it while Manoah and his wife watched. They fell facedown to the ground. 13:21 The Lord’s messenger did not appear again to Manoah and his wife. After all this happened Manoah realized that the visitor had been the Lord’s messenger.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Danites residents of the town of Dan; members of the tribe of Dan,the tribe of Dan as a whole; the descendants of Dan in Israel
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Manoah a man of Zorah of Dan; father of Judge Samson
 · nazirite a man who expresses his devotion to God by not cutting his hair
 · Nazirite a man who expresses his devotion to God by not cutting his hair
 · Philistines a sea people coming from Crete in 1200BC to the coast of Canaan
 · Zorah a town in the western foothills of Judah

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WOMAN | TRINITY, 1 | RAZOR | Philistines | Nazarite | Manoah | Magistrate | Judge | Israel | INTERCESSION | Hair | GOD, 2 | FIRE | DRINK, STRONG | Cattle | Barren | Barreess | BARREN; BARRENNESS | Angel | ABDON (1) | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Jdg 13:1 - -- That is, fell into idolatry, not after the death of Abdon the last judge, but in the days of the former judges.

That is, fell into idolatry, not after the death of Abdon the last judge, but in the days of the former judges.

Wesley: Jdg 13:1 - -- To be computed, not from Abdon's death, but before that time. And it is probable that great slaughter of the Ephraimites made by Jephthah, greatly enc...

To be computed, not from Abdon's death, but before that time. And it is probable that great slaughter of the Ephraimites made by Jephthah, greatly encouraged the Philistines to rise against Israel, when one of their chief bulwarks was so much weakened; and therefore began to domineer over them not long after Jephthah's death. These were a very inconsiderable people. They had but five cities of any note. And yet when God used them as the staff in his hand, they were very oppressive and vexatious.

Wesley: Jdg 13:2 - -- That is, of the tribe or people.

That is, of the tribe or people.

Wesley: Jdg 13:2 - -- An emphatical repetition of the same thing in other words, which is an usual elegancy both in scripture and other authors.

An emphatical repetition of the same thing in other words, which is an usual elegancy both in scripture and other authors.

Wesley: Jdg 13:3 - -- The Son of God, yet distinguished from the Lord, because he appeared here in the form of a servant, as a messenger sent from God. The great Redeemer d...

The Son of God, yet distinguished from the Lord, because he appeared here in the form of a servant, as a messenger sent from God. The great Redeemer did in a particular manner concern himself about this typical redeemer.

Wesley: Jdg 13:4 - -- Because the child was to be a Nazarite from the womb, Jdg 13:5, and from the conception; and because the mother's pollution extends to the child, she ...

Because the child was to be a Nazarite from the womb, Jdg 13:5, and from the conception; and because the mother's pollution extends to the child, she is enjoined from this time to observe the following rules belonging to the Nazarites.

Wesley: Jdg 13:4 - -- Under which are comprehended the other particulars mentioned, Num 6:2-4.

Under which are comprehended the other particulars mentioned, Num 6:2-4.

Wesley: Jdg 13:4 - -- Any of those meats forbidden, Lev. 11:1-47, which were forbidden to all, but especially to the Nazarites.

Any of those meats forbidden, Lev. 11:1-47, which were forbidden to all, but especially to the Nazarites.

Wesley: Jdg 13:5 - -- A person consecrated to God's service.

A person consecrated to God's service.

Wesley: Jdg 13:5 - -- And the deliverance shall be carried on and perfected by others, as it was by Eli, Samuel, and Saul; but especially by David. God chuses to carry on h...

And the deliverance shall be carried on and perfected by others, as it was by Eli, Samuel, and Saul; but especially by David. God chuses to carry on his work gradually and by several hands. One lays the foundation of a good work, another builds, and perhaps a third brings forth the top stone.

Wesley: Jdg 13:6 - -- A prophet, or sacred person, sent with a message from God.

A prophet, or sacred person, sent with a message from God.

Wesley: Jdg 13:6 - -- Or, venerable, awful, full of Majesty.

Or, venerable, awful, full of Majesty.

Wesley: Jdg 13:12 - -- Or, thy words shall come to pass: I firmly believe thy promises shall be fulfilled.

Or, thy words shall come to pass: I firmly believe thy promises shall be fulfilled.

Wesley: Jdg 13:12 - -- What rules shall we observe about his education?

What rules shall we observe about his education?

Wesley: Jdg 13:13 - -- Whilst the child is in her womb, and after the child is born let him observe the same orders.

Whilst the child is in her womb, and after the child is born let him observe the same orders.

Wesley: Jdg 13:15 - -- Supposing him to be a man and a prophet, to whom he would in this manner express his respect, as was usual to strangers.

Supposing him to be a man and a prophet, to whom he would in this manner express his respect, as was usual to strangers.

Wesley: Jdg 13:16 - -- That is, meat, as bread is commonly taken in scripture.

That is, meat, as bread is commonly taken in scripture.

Wesley: Jdg 13:16 - -- Not unto a man, as thou apprehendest me to be; but unto the Lord, as thou wilt by and by perceive me to be.

Not unto a man, as thou apprehendest me to be; but unto the Lord, as thou wilt by and by perceive me to be.

Wesley: Jdg 13:17 - -- Either by making honourable mention of thee, or by shewing respect to thee, by a present, which they usually gave to prophets.

Either by making honourable mention of thee, or by shewing respect to thee, by a present, which they usually gave to prophets.

Wesley: Jdg 13:18 - -- Hidden from mortal men: or, wonderful, such as thou canst not comprehend: my nature and essence, (which is often signified by name in scripture) is in...

Hidden from mortal men: or, wonderful, such as thou canst not comprehend: my nature and essence, (which is often signified by name in scripture) is incomprehensible. This shews, that this was the angel of the covenant, the Son of God.

Wesley: Jdg 13:19 - -- Which were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.

Which were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.

Wesley: Jdg 13:19 - -- The angel's presence and command being a sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was no priest, and in a place otherwise forb...

The angel's presence and command being a sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was no priest, and in a place otherwise forbidden.

Wesley: Jdg 13:20 - -- That is, from that part of the rock which served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid.

That is, from that part of the rock which served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid.

Wesley: Jdg 13:20 - -- To manifest his nature and essence to be spiritual.

To manifest his nature and essence to be spiritual.

Wesley: Jdg 13:20 - -- Partly in reverence to that glorious presence manifested in so wonderful a manner: and partly, out of a religious horror and fear of death; for the pr...

Partly in reverence to that glorious presence manifested in so wonderful a manner: and partly, out of a religious horror and fear of death; for the prevention thereof they fell down in way of supplication to God.

JFB: Jdg 13:1 - -- The Israelites were represented (Jdg 10:6-7) as having fallen universally into a state of gross and confirmed idolatry, and in chastisement of this gr...

The Israelites were represented (Jdg 10:6-7) as having fallen universally into a state of gross and confirmed idolatry, and in chastisement of this great apostasy, the Lord raised up enemies that harassed them in various quarters, especially the Ammonites and Philistines. The invasions and defeat of the former were narrated in the two chapters immediately preceding this; and now the sacred historian proceeds to describe the inroads of the latter people. The period of Philistine ascendency comprised forty years, reckoning from the time of Elon till the death of Samson.

JFB: Jdg 13:2 - -- A Danite town (Jos 15:33) lying on the common boundary of Judah and Dan, so that it was near the Philistine border.

A Danite town (Jos 15:33) lying on the common boundary of Judah and Dan, so that it was near the Philistine border.

JFB: Jdg 13:3 - -- The messenger of the covenant, the divine personage who made so many remarkable appearances of a similar kind already described.

The messenger of the covenant, the divine personage who made so many remarkable appearances of a similar kind already described.

JFB: Jdg 13:5 - -- This predicted child was to be a Nazarite. The mother was, therefore, for the sake of her promised offspring, required to practice the rigid abstinenc...

This predicted child was to be a Nazarite. The mother was, therefore, for the sake of her promised offspring, required to practice the rigid abstinence of the Nazarite law (see on Num 6:2).

JFB: Jdg 13:5 - -- A prophecy encouraging to a patriotic man; the terms of it, however, indicated that the period of deliverance was still to be distant.

A prophecy encouraging to a patriotic man; the terms of it, however, indicated that the period of deliverance was still to be distant.

JFB: Jdg 13:6-8 - -- On being informed by his wife of the welcome intimation, the husband made it the subject of earnest prayer to God. This is a remarkable instance, indi...

On being informed by his wife of the welcome intimation, the husband made it the subject of earnest prayer to God. This is a remarkable instance, indicative of the connection which God has established between prayer and the fulfilment of His promises.

JFB: Jdg 13:11 - -- Manoah's intense desire for the repetition of the angel's visit was prompted not by doubts or anxieties of any kind, but was the fruit of lively faith...

Manoah's intense desire for the repetition of the angel's visit was prompted not by doubts or anxieties of any kind, but was the fruit of lively faith, and of his great anxiety to follow out the instructions given. Blessed was he who had not seen, yet had believed.

JFB: Jdg 13:15 - -- The stranger declined the intended hospitality and intimated that if the meat were to be an offering, it must be presented to the Lord [Jdg 13:6]. Man...

The stranger declined the intended hospitality and intimated that if the meat were to be an offering, it must be presented to the Lord [Jdg 13:6]. Manoah needed this instruction, for his purpose was to offer the prepared viands to him, not as the Lord, but as what he imagined him to be, not even an angel (Jdg 13:16), but a prophet or merely human messenger. It was on this account, and not as rejecting divine honors, that he spoke in this manner to Manoah. The angel's language was exactly similar to that of our Lord (Mat 19:17).

JFB: Jdg 13:17-20 - -- Manoah's request elicited the most unequivocal proofs of the divinity of his supernatural visitor--in his name "secret" (in the Margin, "wonderful"), ...

Manoah's request elicited the most unequivocal proofs of the divinity of his supernatural visitor--in his name "secret" (in the Margin, "wonderful"), and in the miraculous flame that betokened the acceptance of the sacrifice.

Clarke: Jdg 13:1 - -- Delivered them into the hand of the Philistines - It does not appear that after Shamgar, to the present time, the Philistines were in a condition to...

Delivered them into the hand of the Philistines - It does not appear that after Shamgar, to the present time, the Philistines were in a condition to oppress Israel, or God had not permitted them to do it; but now they have a commission, the Israelites having departed from the Lord. Nor is it evident that the Philistines had entirely subjected the Israelites, as there still appears to have been a sort of commerce between the two people. They had often vexed and made inroads upon them, but they had them not in entire subjection; see Jdg 15:11.

Clarke: Jdg 13:2 - -- A certain man of Zorah - A town in the tribe of Judah, but afterwards given to Dan.

A certain man of Zorah - A town in the tribe of Judah, but afterwards given to Dan.

Clarke: Jdg 13:3 - -- The angel of the Lord - Generally supposed to have been the same that appeared to Moses, Joshua, Gideon, etc., and no other than the second person o...

The angel of the Lord - Generally supposed to have been the same that appeared to Moses, Joshua, Gideon, etc., and no other than the second person of the ever-blessed Trinity.

Clarke: Jdg 13:4 - -- Beware - drink not wine - As Samson was designed to be a Nazarite from the womb, it was necessary that, while his mother carried and nursed him, she...

Beware - drink not wine - As Samson was designed to be a Nazarite from the womb, it was necessary that, while his mother carried and nursed him, she should live the life of a Nazarite, neither drinking wine nor any inebriating liquor, nor eating any kind of forbidden meat. See the account of the Nazarite and his vow in the notes on Num 6:2 (note), etc.

Clarke: Jdg 13:5 - -- He shall begin to deliver Israel - Samson only began this deliverance, for it was not till the days of David that the Israelites were completely red...

He shall begin to deliver Israel - Samson only began this deliverance, for it was not till the days of David that the Israelites were completely redeemed from the power of the Philistines.

Clarke: Jdg 13:6 - -- But I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name - This clause is rendered very differently by the Vulgate, the negative Not being omi...

But I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name - This clause is rendered very differently by the Vulgate, the negative Not being omitted: Quem cum interrogassem quis esset, et unde venisset, et quo nomine vocaretur, noluit mihi dicere; sed hoc respondit . "Who, when I asked who he was and whence he came, and by what name he was called, would not tell me; but this he said,"etc. The negative is also wanting in the Septuagint, as it stands in the Complutensian Polyglot: Και ηρωτων αυτον ποθεν εστιν, και το ονομα αυτου ουκ απηγγειλε μοι ; "And I asked him whence he was, and his name, but he did not tell me."This is also the reading of the Codex Alexandrinus; but the Septuagint, in the London Polyglot, together with the Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic, read the negative particle with the Hebrew text, I asked Not his name, etc.

Clarke: Jdg 13:9 - -- The angel of God came again - This second appearance of the angel was probably essential to the peace of Manoah, who might have been jealous of his ...

The angel of God came again - This second appearance of the angel was probably essential to the peace of Manoah, who might have been jealous of his wife had he not had this proof that the thing was of the Lord.

Clarke: Jdg 13:15 - -- Until we shall have made ready a kid - Not knowing his quality, Manoah wished to do this as an act of hospitality.

Until we shall have made ready a kid - Not knowing his quality, Manoah wished to do this as an act of hospitality.

Clarke: Jdg 13:16 - -- I will not eat of thy bread - As I am a spiritual being, I subsist not by earthly food

I will not eat of thy bread - As I am a spiritual being, I subsist not by earthly food

Clarke: Jdg 13:16 - -- And if thou wilt offer a burnt-offering - Neither shall I receive that homage which belongs to God; thou must therefore offer thy burnt-offering to ...

And if thou wilt offer a burnt-offering - Neither shall I receive that homage which belongs to God; thou must therefore offer thy burnt-offering to Jehovah.

Clarke: Jdg 13:18 - -- Seeing it is secret? - It was because it was secret that they wished to know it. The angel does not say that it was secret, but הוא פלאי hu ...

Seeing it is secret? - It was because it was secret that they wished to know it. The angel does not say that it was secret, but הוא פלאי hu peli it is Wonderful; the very character that is given to Jesus Christ, Isa 9:6 : His name shall be called, פלא Wonderful; and it is supposed by some that the angel gives this as his name, and consequently that he was our blessed Lord.

Clarke: Jdg 13:19 - -- The angel did wondrously - He acted according to his name; he, being wonderful, performed wonderful things; probably causing fire to arise out of th...

The angel did wondrously - He acted according to his name; he, being wonderful, performed wonderful things; probably causing fire to arise out of the rock and consume the sacrifice, and then ascending in the flame.

Defender: Jdg 13:18 - -- The Hebrew word here for "secret" is the same as for "wonderful" in Isa 9:6 : "His name shall be called Wonderful." This angel of the Lord was actuall...

The Hebrew word here for "secret" is the same as for "wonderful" in Isa 9:6 : "His name shall be called Wonderful." This angel of the Lord was actually the pre-incarnate Christ. This appearance was a theophany, an indication that God was preparing once again to deliver His people, this time from their forty-year subjugation to the pagan Philistines."

TSK: Jdg 13:1 - -- did : Heb. added to commit, etc. Jdg 2:11, Jdg 3:7, Jdg 4:1, Jdg 6:1, Jdg 10:6; Rom 2:6 in the sight : Jer 13:23 delivered : ""This seems a partial ca...

did : Heb. added to commit, etc. Jdg 2:11, Jdg 3:7, Jdg 4:1, Jdg 6:1, Jdg 10:6; Rom 2:6

in the sight : Jer 13:23

delivered : ""This seems a partial captivity."

into the : 1Sa 12:9

TSK: Jdg 13:2 - -- Zorah : Jos 15:33, Jos 19:41 barren : Gen 16:1, Gen 25:21; 1Sa 1:2-6; Luk 1:7

TSK: Jdg 13:3 - -- the angel : Jdg 2:1, Jdg 6:11, Jdg 6:12; Gen 16:7-13; Luk 1:11, Luk 1:28-38 but thou : Gen 17:16, Gen 18:10; 1Sa 1:20; 2Ki 4:16; Luk 1:13, Luk 1:31

TSK: Jdg 13:4 - -- drink not : Jdg 13:14; Num 6:2, Num 6:3; Luk 1:15 eat not : Lev 11:27, Lev 11:47; Act 10:14

TSK: Jdg 13:5 - -- no razor : Num 6:2, Num 6:3, Num 6:5; 1Sa 1:11 begin : 1Sa 7:13; 2Sa 8:1; 1Ch 18:1

TSK: Jdg 13:6 - -- A man : Deu 33:1; Jos 14:6; 1Sa 2:27, 1Sa 9:6; 1Ki 17:18, 1Ki 17:24; 2Ki 4:9, 2Ki 4:16; 1Ti 6:11 countenance was : Mat 28:3; Luk 9:29; Act 6:15 terrib...

A man : Deu 33:1; Jos 14:6; 1Sa 2:27, 1Sa 9:6; 1Ki 17:18, 1Ki 17:24; 2Ki 4:9, 2Ki 4:16; 1Ti 6:11

countenance was : Mat 28:3; Luk 9:29; Act 6:15

terrible : Jdg 13:22; Gen 28:16, Gen 28:17; Exo 3:2, Exo 3:6; Dan 8:17, Dan 10:5, Dan 10:11; Mat 28:4; Rev 1:17

but I asked : etc. The Vulgate renders this cause very differently, the negative Not being omitted: Quem cum interrogassim quis esset , et unde venisset , et quo nomine vocaretur , noluit mihi dicere ; sed hoc respondit , etc; ""Whom when I asked who he was, and whence he came, and by what name he was called, would not tell me, but this he said,""etc.

The negative is also wanting in the Septuagint, as it is in the Complutensian Polyglott; Και ηρωτον αυτον ποθεν εστιν , και το ονομα αυτον , ουκ απηγγειλεν μοι . ""And I asked him whence he was, and his name, but he did not tell me.""This is also the reading of the Codex Alexandrinus; but the Septuagint in the London Polyglott, the Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic, read the negative particle with the Hebrew Text: I asked Not his name, etc.

his name : Jdg 13:17, Jdg 13:18; Gen 32:29; Luk 1:19

TSK: Jdg 13:8 - -- teach us : Job 34:32; Pro 3:5, Pro 3:6; Act 9:6

TSK: Jdg 13:9 - -- hearkened : Psa 65:2; Mat 7:7-11

hearkened : Psa 65:2; Mat 7:7-11

TSK: Jdg 13:10 - -- Behold : Joh 1:41, Joh 1:42, Joh 4:28, Joh 4:29 the other day : Byyom , rather, ""in this day,""or ""to-day,""for the word other is not in the origi...

Behold : Joh 1:41, Joh 1:42, Joh 4:28, Joh 4:29

the other day : Byyom , rather, ""in this day,""or ""to-day,""for the word other is not in the original, and it is probably that the angel appeared in the morning and evening of the same day.

TSK: Jdg 13:12 - -- How shall we order the child : Heb. what shall be the manner of the child, Gen 18:19; Pro 4:4, Pro 22:6; Eph 6:4 how shall we do unto him : or, what s...

How shall we order the child : Heb. what shall be the manner of the child, Gen 18:19; Pro 4:4, Pro 22:6; Eph 6:4

how shall we do unto him : or, what shall he do, Heb. what shall be his work

TSK: Jdg 13:14 - -- neither : Jdg 13:4 all that I : Deu 12:32; Mat 28:20; Joh 2:5, Joh 15:14; 2Th 3:4

neither : Jdg 13:4

all that I : Deu 12:32; Mat 28:20; Joh 2:5, Joh 15:14; 2Th 3:4

TSK: Jdg 13:15 - -- let us : Jdg 6:18, Jdg 6:19; Gen 18:3-5 until : Manoah, not knowing the quality of his guest, wished to do this as act of hospitality. for thee : Heb....

let us : Jdg 6:18, Jdg 6:19; Gen 18:3-5

until : Manoah, not knowing the quality of his guest, wished to do this as act of hospitality.

for thee : Heb. before thee

TSK: Jdg 13:16 - -- I will not : As I am a spiritual being, I subsist not by earthly food; and cannot partake of your bounty. and if : etc. Rather, ""but if thou wilt off...

I will not : As I am a spiritual being, I subsist not by earthly food; and cannot partake of your bounty.

and if : etc. Rather, ""but if thou wilt offer,""etc.. unto thee, Jdg 13:23, Jdg 6:26

TSK: Jdg 13:18 - -- Why askest : Jdg 13:6; Gen 32:29 secret : or, wonderful, It was because his name was secret that Manoah wished to know it. But the angel does not say...

Why askest : Jdg 13:6; Gen 32:29

secret : or, wonderful, It was because his name was secret that Manoah wished to know it. But the angel does not say it was secret, but hoo pailee , ""it is wonderful;""the very character given to the Messiah: ""His name shall be called pailai , Wonderful,""Isa 9:6.

TSK: Jdg 13:19 - -- took : Jdg 6:19, Jdg 6:20; 1Ki 18:30-38 did wonderously : He acted according to His Name: He, being wonderful, performed wonders; probably causing fi...

took : Jdg 6:19, Jdg 6:20; 1Ki 18:30-38

did wonderously : He acted according to His Name: He, being wonderful, performed wonders; probably causing fire to arise out of the rock and consume the sacrifice, and then ascended in the flame. Jdg 6:21; 1Ki 18:38

TSK: Jdg 13:20 - -- when the flame : 2Ki 2:11; Psa 47:5; Heb 1:3 fell on : Gen 17:3; Lev 9:24; 1Ch 21:16, 1Ch 21:26; Eze 1:26, Eze 1:28; Dan 10:9; Mat 17:6

TSK: Jdg 13:21 - -- knew : Jdg 6:22; Hos 12:4, Hos 12:5

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jdg 13:1 - -- The Philistines have been mentioned as oppressors of Israel in Jdg 3:31; Jdg 10:7, Jdg 10:11; and the Israelite worship of the gods of the Philistin...

The Philistines have been mentioned as oppressors of Israel in Jdg 3:31; Jdg 10:7, Jdg 10:11; and the Israelite worship of the gods of the Philistines is spoken of in Jdg 10:6. But this is the first time that we have any detailed history in connection with the Philistines. They continned to be the prominent enemies of Israel until the time of David.

Forty years - The Philistine dominion began before the birth of Samson Jdg 13:5, and was in force during Samson’ s twenty years’ judgeship Jdg 14:4; Jdg 15:20. The 40 years are, therefore, about coincident with Samson’ s life.

Barnes: Jdg 13:2 - -- Zorah - See the marginal reference. His wife was barren - To mark more distinctly the high providential destiny of the child that was eve...

Zorah - See the marginal reference.

His wife was barren - To mark more distinctly the high providential destiny of the child that was eventually born. Compare the similar circumstances of the birth of Isaac, Jacob, Samuel, and John the Baptist.

Barnes: Jdg 13:5 - -- A Nazarite - See the marginal reference. and note. The common Nazarite vow was for a limited time, like Paul’ s Act 18:18; Act 21:23-26. O...

A Nazarite - See the marginal reference. and note. The common Nazarite vow was for a limited time, like Paul’ s Act 18:18; Act 21:23-26. Others, like Samuel 1Sa 1:11, were Nazarites for life.

Barnes: Jdg 13:6 - -- A man of God - The designation of a prophet, of frequent use in the books of Samuel and Kings 1Sa 2:27; 1Sa 9:6-8, 1Sa 9:10; 1Ki 12:22; 1Ki 13:...

A man of God - The designation of a prophet, of frequent use in the books of Samuel and Kings 1Sa 2:27; 1Sa 9:6-8, 1Sa 9:10; 1Ki 12:22; 1Ki 13:1, 1Ki 13:5-6, 1Ki 13:11, and applied to Timothy by Paul in the New Testament 1Ti 6:11; 2Ti 3:17.

His countenance - Rather, "his appearance,"as the word is rendered in Dan 10:18.

Barnes: Jdg 13:12 - -- Translate, "What shall be the manner (or ordering) of the child, and what shall be his work (or exploits)."The original message of the Angel had giv...

Translate, "What shall be the manner (or ordering) of the child, and what shall be his work (or exploits)."The original message of the Angel had given information on these two points:

(1) how the child was to be brought up, namely, as a Nazarite;

(2) what he should do, namely, begin to deliver Israel.

Manoah desires to have the information repeated (compare 1Sa 17:26-27, 1Sa 17:30). Accordingly, in Jdg 13:13 the Angel refers to, and enlarges upon, his former injunctions.

Barnes: Jdg 13:14 - -- Compare Num 6:4. In both passages the vine is described by the somewhat unusual though more accurate term, "vine of the wine"- the grape-bearing vin...

Compare Num 6:4. In both passages the vine is described by the somewhat unusual though more accurate term, "vine of the wine"- the grape-bearing vine - to distinguish it from the wild cucumber vine 2Ki 4:39, or other plants to which the name vine was applied.

Barnes: Jdg 13:15 - -- The language of Manoah, like that of Gideon Jdg 6:18, seems to indicate some suspicion that his visitor was more than human. The word rendered "made...

The language of Manoah, like that of Gideon Jdg 6:18, seems to indicate some suspicion that his visitor was more than human. The word rendered "made ready,"is also the proper word for "offering a sacrifice,"and is so used by the Angel in the next verse. By which it appears that the Angel understood Manoah to speak of offering a kid as a burnt-offering. Hence, his caution, "thou must offer it unto the Lord."(Compare Rev 19:10; Rev 22:8; Act 10:25-26.)

Barnes: Jdg 13:17 - -- Do thee honor - If applied to a man, it would be by gifts, such for instance as Balak promised to the prophet Balaam Num 22:17, and such as wer...

Do thee honor - If applied to a man, it would be by gifts, such for instance as Balak promised to the prophet Balaam Num 22:17, and such as were usually given to seers 1Sa 9:7-8; 2Ki 5:5, 2Ki 5:15 : if to God, it would be by sacrifices Isa 43:23.

Barnes: Jdg 13:18 - -- Secret - Rather, "wonderful,"as in the margin. In Jdg 13:19 the Angel "did wondrously,"probably as the Angel that Appeared to Gideon had done, ...

Secret - Rather, "wonderful,"as in the margin. In Jdg 13:19 the Angel "did wondrously,"probably as the Angel that Appeared to Gideon had done, bringing fire from the rock. See the marginal references and notes.

Poole: Jdg 13:1 - -- Did evil i.e. fell into idolatry, &c., not now after the death of Abdon the last judge, but in the days of the former judges. Forty years to be co...

Did evil i.e. fell into idolatry, &c., not now after the death of Abdon the last judge, but in the days of the former judges.

Forty years to be computed not from Abdon’ s death, but before that time, as is evident both from Jud 13:5 , where it is declared that Israel was under the power of the Philistines; and from Jud 15:20 , where only twenty of these years are said to have been in Samson’ s days. And it is probably conceived, that that great slaughter of the Ephraimites made by Jephthah did greatly encourage the Philistines to rise against Israel, when one of their chief bulwarks was so much weakened; and therefore that the Philistines began to domineer over them not long after Jephthah’ s death.

Poole: Jdg 13:2 - -- Zorah a city, of which see Jos 15:33 19:41 . Of the family i.e. of the tribe or people, as family sometimes signifies, Jos 7:17 Jer 8:3 10:25 Amo 3...

Zorah a city, of which see Jos 15:33 19:41 .

Of the family i.e. of the tribe or people, as family sometimes signifies, Jos 7:17 Jer 8:3 10:25 Amo 3:1 Mic 2:3 Zec 14:18 .

Barren, and bare not an emphatical repetition of the same thing in divers words, which is a usual elegancy, both in Scripture and other authors.

Poole: Jdg 13:3 - -- The angel of the Lord the Son of God, oft so called in the Old Testament, as may be gathered from Jud 13:18 , yet distinguished from the Lord, becaus...

The angel of the Lord the Son of God, oft so called in the Old Testament, as may be gathered from Jud 13:18 , yet distinguished from the Lord, because he appeared here as it were in the form of a servant, as a messenger sent from God, and was really a distinct person from God the Father.

Poole: Jdg 13:4 - -- Beware, I pray thee because the child was to be a Nazarite from the womb, Jud 13:5 , and from the conception; and because the mother’ s pollutio...

Beware, I pray thee because the child was to be a Nazarite from the womb, Jud 13:5 , and from the conception; and because the mother’ s pollution extends to the child, she is enjoined from this time to observe the following rules belonging to the Nazarites.

And drink not wine, nor strong drink under which by a synecdoche are comprehended the other particulars mentioned Num 6:2-4 , as is implied Jud 13:14 .

Any unclean thing any of those meats forbidden Le 11 , which were forbidden to all, but especially to the Nazarites.

Poole: Jdg 13:5 - -- A Nazarite a person separated from others, and consecrated to God’ s service. He shall begin to deliver Israel and the deliverance shall be ca...

A Nazarite a person separated from others, and consecrated to God’ s service.

He shall begin to deliver Israel and the deliverance shall be carried on and perfected by others, as it was in part by Eli, and Samuel, and Saul; but especially by David.

Poole: Jdg 13:6 - -- A man of God a prophet, or sacred person, sent with a message from God. Very terrible , or, venerable , or awful , full of majesty.

A man of God a prophet, or sacred person, sent with a message from God.

Very terrible , or, venerable , or awful , full of majesty.

Poole: Jdg 13:12 - -- Let thy words come to pass or, thy words shall come to pass ; I firmly believe that thy promises shall be fulfilled. How shall we order the child? ...

Let thy words come to pass or, thy words shall come to pass ; I firmly believe that thy promises shall be fulfilled.

How shall we order the child? what rules shall we observe about his education?

Poole: Jdg 13:13 - -- Whilst the child is in her womb, and after the child is born, let him observe the same orders.

Whilst the child is in her womb, and after the child is born, let him observe the same orders.

Poole: Jdg 13:15 - -- Supposing him to be a man and a prophet, to whom he would in this manner express his respect, as was usual to strangers. See Gen 18:5 Jud 6:18 .

Supposing him to be a man and a prophet, to whom he would in this manner express his respect, as was usual to strangers. See Gen 18:5 Jud 6:18 .

Poole: Jdg 13:16 - -- Bread i.e. meat, as bread is commonly taken in Scripture. Unto the Lord not unto a man, as now thou apprehendest me to be; but unto the Lord, as ...

Bread i.e. meat, as bread is commonly taken in Scripture.

Unto the Lord not unto a man, as now thou apprehendest me to be; but unto the Lord, as thou wilt by and by perceive me to be.

Poole: Jdg 13:17 - -- Either by making honourable mention of time, or by performing respect and service to thee, by a present, which they usually gave to prophets, 1Sa 9:...

Either by making honourable mention of time, or by performing respect and service to thee, by a present, which they usually gave to prophets, 1Sa 9:7,8 1Ki 14:3 .

Poole: Jdg 13:18 - -- Or, hidden from mortal men; or, wonderful , such as thou canst not comprehend; my nature or essence (which is oft signified by name in Scripture...

Or, hidden from mortal men; or, wonderful , such as thou canst not comprehend; my nature or essence (which is oft signified by name in Scripture) is incomprehensible. This shows that this was the Angel of the covenant, the Son of God.

Poole: Jdg 13:19 - -- Meat-offerings were generally joined with the chief sacrifices. Offered it upon a rock the angel’ s presence and command being a sufficient wa...

Meat-offerings were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.

Offered it upon a rock the angel’ s presence and command being a sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was no priest, and in a place otherwise forbidden.

Poole: Jdg 13:20 - -- The flame either arising from the fire which Manoah brought for the offering, or produced by the angel out of the rock in a miraculous manner. From ...

The flame either arising from the fire which Manoah brought for the offering, or produced by the angel out of the rock in a miraculous manner.

From off the altar i.e. from that part of the rock which served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid.

The angel ascended in the flame to manifest his nature and essence to be spiritual, because not capable of hurt by the fire; and celestial.

Fell on their faces partly in reverence to that glorious presence manifested in so wonderful a manner; and partly out of a religions horror and fear of death upon this occasion, as is expressed Jud 13:22 , for the prevention whereof they fell down in way of supplication to God.

Haydock: Jdg 13:1 - -- Dress. Hebrew and Septuagint, "let us make." Vulgate faciamus, is used either for a common feast or for a sacrifice, Exodus xxix. 36. Virgil, (e...

Dress. Hebrew and Septuagint, "let us make." Vulgate faciamus, is used either for a common feast or for a sacrifice, Exodus xxix. 36. Virgil, (eclog. iii.) Cras faciam vitula. Manue did not yet know who the angel was. He only designed to give him something to eat. A kid was then esteemed the most delicious food, and physicians esteem it very wholesome. The taste of people has since altered. (Bochart, Anim. p. i. b. ii. 52.) (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 13:1 - -- Years. It is not clear whence this sixth and longest servitude is to be dated. If it terminated at the death of Samson, when the Philistines lost t...

Years. It is not clear whence this sixth and longest servitude is to be dated. If it terminated at the death of Samson, when the Philistines lost their chief nobility, &c., we must allow that the Israelites began to be obliged to pay tribute in the 6th year of Abesan. (In the year before Christ 1193, Salien) Chap. xii. 8. (Haydock) ---

Marsham dates from the third month after the death of Jair, to the third year of Samuel, during which period Heli governed in one part, and Jephte, Abesan, Ahialon, and Abdon in other provinces of Palestine. It is not very material which of these systems be adopted, as they do not contradict the text. All Israel was not reduced under the power of the Philistines; but the neighbouring tribes were infested with their incursions, and were obliged to pay tribute. Juda complains at their invading his territory, and they allege that it was because Samson had been the aggressor, which shews that the Israelites retained some little liberty, chap. xv. 9. (Calmet) ---

The servitude had scarcely commenced, when God provided Samson a deliverer for his people. (Salien, in the year of the world 2860.) (Haydock)

Haydock: Jdg 13:2 - -- Saraa, in the confines of Juda and of Dan, ten miles north of Eleutheropolis. (Eusebius) --- Manue seems to have resided in the country, near this...

Saraa, in the confines of Juda and of Dan, ten miles north of Eleutheropolis. (Eusebius) ---

Manue seems to have resided in the country, near this town, ver. 25. (Menochius)

Haydock: Jdg 13:3 - -- Angel, in human form. Some Protestants pretend that he was "the Son of God," and yet (ver. 16) they say, "he sought not his own honour, but God's, w...

Angel, in human form. Some Protestants pretend that he was "the Son of God," and yet (ver. 16) they say, "he sought not his own honour, but God's, whose messenger he was," (Bible, 1603) in which they plainly contradict themselves, or else teach Arianism, as if the Son were not true God, and equal to his Father. (Worthington) ---

The title of God, (Jehova) which is given to this angel, (ver. 15, 21) is no proof that he was the Supreme Being, chap. vi. 11.

Haydock: Jdg 13:4 - -- Thing. Exhortations to observe the law are not unnecessary. (St. Augustine, q. 50.) Besides the things which common people might take, such as win...

Thing. Exhortations to observe the law are not unnecessary. (St. Augustine, q. 50.) Besides the things which common people might take, such as wine, grapes, &c., were unclean for the Nazarites. The mother of Samson was required to abstain from every species of uncleanness as much as possible, at least while she bore and nursed her child. (Calmet) ---

Abulensis says, she was unquestionably under peculiar restrictions till her delivery. (Menochius) ---

This was a preparation for the child who should abstain from all unclean things, not only for a time, (Numbers vi.) but during his whole life, that he might be a more perfect figure of Christ. (Worthington) ---

His dignity was not of choice, nor could he forfeit it by touching any thing unclean, nor by the violent cutting off his hair. As the deliverer of the people, he must often have been obliged to touch dead bodies. (Calmet) ---

Begin. The power of the Philistines was greatly broken by Samson, chap xvi. 13. (Menochius) ---

But Samuel, Saul, and David had still to contend with them, 1 Kings vii. 13. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jdg 13:6 - -- And when, &c. Hebrew, Chaldean, Syriac, Arabic, and the Vatican Septuagint read a negation, "And I did not ask him whence he came; neither did he te...

And when, &c. Hebrew, Chaldean, Syriac, Arabic, and the Vatican Septuagint read a negation, "And I did not ask him whence he came; neither did he tell me his name." The other copies of the Septuagint, St. Augustine (q. 51.), &c., agree with the Vulgate though St. Augustine suspected that the negation was wanting. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 13:8 - -- Born. Josephus ([Antiquities?] v. 10.) insinuates that Manue was touched with a sort of jealousy, as his wife had mentioned the comeliness of the st...

Born. Josephus ([Antiquities?] v. 10.) insinuates that Manue was touched with a sort of jealousy, as his wife had mentioned the comeliness of the stranger. (Haydock) ---

But St. Ambrose (ep. 70) has undertaken his defence; and surely God would not have wrought a miracle to gratify his request, if it had not proceeded from a virtuous motive, desiring to enjoy the same happiness as his wife, and to know precisely how they were to educate their son. (Calmet) ---

Procopius thinks that the wife of Manue was of more eminent virtue than her husband, and was therefore honoured with the first vision. She had been more afflicted at her sterility, and had prayed more earnestly for the people's safety. (Menochius)

Haydock: Jdg 13:12 - -- Himself. Hebrew and Septuagint, "What shall be the judgment (education; Calmet) of the boy, and what his works? (or Protestants) how shall we do unt...

Himself. Hebrew and Septuagint, "What shall be the judgment (education; Calmet) of the boy, and what his works? (or Protestants) how shall we do unto him?" (Haydock)

Haydock: Jdg 13:13 - -- Let her refrain, &c. By the Latin text, it is not clear whether this abstinence was prescribed to the mother or to the child; but the Hebrew (in whi...

Let her refrain, &c. By the Latin text, it is not clear whether this abstinence was prescribed to the mother or to the child; but the Hebrew (in which the verbs relating thereto are of the feminine gender) determines it to the mother. But then the child also was to refrain from the like things, because he was to be from his infancy a Nazarite of God, (ver. 5) that is, one set aside in a particular manner, and consecrated to God; now the Nazarites, by the law, were to abstain from all these things.

Haydock: Jdg 13:16 - -- Bread is put for all sorts of food. Angels eat none, Tobias xii. 19. (Menochius)

Bread is put for all sorts of food. Angels eat none, Tobias xii. 19. (Menochius)

Haydock: Jdg 13:17 - -- Honour thee with a suitable reward, 1 Timothy v. 17.

Honour thee with a suitable reward, 1 Timothy v. 17.

Haydock: Jdg 13:18 - -- Wonderful. Hebrew Peli. Some have concluded that this was the proper name of the angel, as it is one of the titles of the Messias, Isaias ix. 6. ...

Wonderful. Hebrew Peli. Some have concluded that this was the proper name of the angel, as it is one of the titles of the Messias, Isaias ix. 6. But it is more probable that the angel did not reveal his name. (Chaldean) Others divide this sentence thus, "and he (the angel, or rather God) was wonderful." He was the author of all miracles, to whom sacrifice was immediately offered. It is doubtful whether the angels have distinctive names. But we read of Michael, &c., and there is no reason why they should not have names denoting their peculiar dignity and offices. (Calmet) ---

Michael, the guardian of the church, perhaps appeared on this occasion. (Menochius)

Haydock: Jdg 13:19 - -- On. Manue was convinced that the person who had authorized him to offer sacrifice, had power to dispense with him. (Worthington) --- The angel "di...

On. Manue was convinced that the person who had authorized him to offer sacrifice, had power to dispense with him. (Worthington) ---

The angel "did wonderful things," as the Hebrew may be explained, causing a flame to proceed from the rock and to consume the victim, as Josephus assures us, (Calmet) and as the angel who had appeared to Gedeon had done, chap. vi. 21. (Menochius)

Gill: Jdg 13:1 - -- And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord,.... Committed idolatry, which was the evil they were prone unto, and were frequently gui...

And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord,.... Committed idolatry, which was the evil they were prone unto, and were frequently guilty of:

and the Lord delivered them into the hands of the Philistines forty years: which according to Josephus f are to be reckoned from the death of the last judge, and the time of Samson's birth; or rather from some time after the death of Jephthah, particularly taking in the two last years of Ibzan, when the Ephraimites having been weakened through the slaughter of them by Jephthah, might encourage the Philistines to break in upon them; from which time to the birth of Samson were twenty years, and twenty more may be allowed before he could begin to deliver Israel out of their hands; so that the oppression lasted forty years. According to others, it began at the same time as the oppression of the Ammonites did, though it lasted longer, Jdg 10:7.

Gill: Jdg 13:2 - -- And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites,.... Of the tribe of Dan, in which tribe Zorah was, and seems to have lain both on ...

And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites,.... Of the tribe of Dan, in which tribe Zorah was, and seems to have lain both on the borders of Judah and Dan, Jos 15:33; See Gill on Jos 15:33; see Gill on Jos 19:41, and this man was not a mean man, but of rank and figure, a principal man in the country, according to Josephus g; though the Talmudists h say he was a plebeian:

whose name was Manoah; which signifies "rest", and has much the same signification as Noah; and by this name he was well known in those times, and among his people:

and his wife was barren, and bare not; had no child, as the Targum; and it is observed by many, that several eminent persons were born of women that had been barren, as Isaac, Jacob, Samuel, and John the Baptist; and it is remarkable, that the strongest man that ever was born of such a woman, as the following account relates. The name of this woman, the mother of Samson, is said i to be Zalalponith; see 1Ch 4:3.

Gill: Jdg 13:3 - -- And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman,.... According to Josephus k, it was in a plain without the city; and that he appeared in the form o...

And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman,.... According to Josephus k, it was in a plain without the city; and that he appeared in the form of a man is certain from Jdg 13:6 but was not a mere man, a prophet of the Lord, nor a created angel, but the uncreated one, the Angel of the covenant, the Son and Word of God, who often appeared in an human form; since his name is said to be "Wonderful", and he to do wonderful things, and is called "Jehovah", Jdg 13:18,

and said unto her, behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not; barren at that time, and so she had been ever since she was married to that time; and this is observed, that it might appear the more wonderful that she should after this have a child:

but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; which to do, must be ascribed to divine power, that one in her circumstances should bear a son; as the prediction of it was owing to divine omniscience, and a proof of it.

Gill: Jdg 13:4 - -- Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink,.... Any liquor inebriating and intoxicating, neither new wine nor old wine, as...

Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink,.... Any liquor inebriating and intoxicating, neither new wine nor old wine, as the Targum, and so Jarchi; the reason of this appears in the next verse, because the child she should conceive and bear was to be a Nazarite, and to be one from his mother's womb; and from all such liquors, Nazarites, according to the law, were to abstain, Num 6:3.

and eat not any unclean thing; meaning not so much such sort of food as was forbidden by the law to be eaten, which every Israelite was to abstain from, but such as were particularly forbidden to Nazarites, as moist and dried grapes, or anything made of the vine tree, from the kernel to the husk, Num 6:3. The reason of this is, because the child in the womb is nourished with the same the mother is; and as this child was to be a Nazarite from the womb, and even in it, his mother was to abstain both from eatables and drinkables forbidden a Nazarite by the law.

Gill: Jdg 13:5 - -- For, lo, thou shalt conceive and bear a son,.... Which is not only repeated for the confirmation of it, but that she might take notice that he was to ...

For, lo, thou shalt conceive and bear a son,.... Which is not only repeated for the confirmation of it, but that she might take notice that he was to be a Nazarite, and therefore must conform to everything agreeable to the law of the Nazarites, and take care that it was observed in him:

and no razor shall come on his head; to cut off the hair of it, not from the time of his birth to his death; for he was to be a perpetual Nazarite: other Nazarites during the time of their Nazariteship were not to suffer a razor to come upon them, but afterwards might; but for such an one as Samson, it was not lawful ever to suffer his hair to be cut off; see Num 6:5.

for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb; in which he was a type of Christ, who was sanctified by the Lord, separated from sinners, and called a "Nazarene": was born of a virgin, as Samson was of a barren woman, and his birth foretold by an angel as this:

and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines; for the salvation he wrought for Israel was not complete and perfect; it was only begun by him, and carried on in the times of Eli, Samuel, and Saul, and perfected by David. In this his antitype exceeds him, who is the author of the complete salvation of his people out of the hands of all their enemies, sin, Satan, and the world; though in this there is a great resemblance between Samson and our Lord Jesus, in that what he did he did himself alone; not at the head of an army, and with forces under him, as other judges; so Christ with his own arm, and of himself, and without others, wrought salvation for his people; see Isa 63:5.

Gill: Jdg 13:6 - -- Then the woman came and told her husband,.... To whom it would be joyful news, as it was to her: saying, a man of God came unto me; he appeared in ...

Then the woman came and told her husband,.... To whom it would be joyful news, as it was to her:

saying, a man of God came unto me; he appeared in an human form, and therefore she calls him a man; and by his mien and deportment, and the message he brought, she concluded he was a man of God, that is, a prophet; by which name such persons went in those days; and so the Targum calls him a prophet of the Lord: but it is a mere conceit of Ben Gersom that it was Phinehas, who in all probability was not living; besides what is after related shows that this was a divine Person, and no other than the Son of God:

and his countenance was like the countenance of an angel of God, very terrible; for though she might never have seen an angel, yet it being a common notion that angels were very illustrious, of a beautiful form and of a shining countenance, and very majestic, she compares the man she saw to one; for by being "very terrible", is not meant that he was frightful, and struck her with horror, but venerable and majestic, which filled her with admiration:

but I asked him not whence he was, neither told he me his name; this she added to prevent her husband's inquiring about his name and place of abode; and perhaps, as she came along, she reflected on herself that she did not ask those questions; which might be owing to the surprise she was in, partly at the awful and venerable appearance of the person, and partly at the joyful news he brought her; though it seems as if she did ask his name, but he did not tell her what it was.

Gill: Jdg 13:7 - -- But he said unto me, behold, thou shalt conceive and bear a son,.... She says nothing of her barrenness, which the angel took notice of to her, that h...

But he said unto me, behold, thou shalt conceive and bear a son,.... She says nothing of her barrenness, which the angel took notice of to her, that having been to her reproach:

and now drink no wine nor strong drink; neither new wine nor old wine; so the Targum as before:

neither eat any unclean thing; which was so in a ceremonial sense; otherwise every creature of God is good, and not to be called common or unclean; it here respects what was forbidden Nazarites to eat; see Jdg 13:4.

for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb; it is here added, what is not before expressed:

unto his death; for he was to be a perpetual Nazarite; some were only Nazarites for a time, for so many days or months, according to their vow; but this son was to be a Nazarite all his days, by the appointment of God; nor is it any objection to what is here said, that his hair was cut off before his death, which caused his Nazariteship to cease; since these words are not a prophecy, but a precept; and besides, that affair happened but a little before his death, he died quickly afterwards.

Gill: Jdg 13:8 - -- Then Manoah entreated the Lord,.... Josephus l makes the woman to entreat the Lord; but the text is clear for it that it was Manoah that prayed: an...

Then Manoah entreated the Lord,.... Josephus l makes the woman to entreat the Lord; but the text is clear for it that it was Manoah that prayed:

and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send unto us; he believed that the man that came to his wife was a man of God, and that he was of his sending; nor was he incredulous of the message he brought, as appears by what follows:

and teach us what we shall do unto the child that shall be born; he believed there would be a child born, and he knew what was to be done to a Nazarite in common, according to the law of God respecting such, and the angel had mentioned somewhat to the woman; yet this being an extraordinary case, a Nazarite from his birth to his death, he was desirous of knowing what was further to be done; or if there was any thing more special and particular to be observed concerning him; which showed his readiness and cheerfulness to obey the will of God in all things.

Gill: Jdg 13:9 - -- And God hearkened unto the voice of Manoah,.... Heard his prayer and answered it: and the angel of God came again unto the woman as she sat in the ...

And God hearkened unto the voice of Manoah,.... Heard his prayer and answered it:

and the angel of God came again unto the woman as she sat in the field; who very likely returned to the same place where she was before, in hope her husband's prayers would be heard, and the man return and come to her where he had before met her; as well as she might be here retired for meditation and prayer; unless it can be supposed that she had business here to do, as keeping a flock of sheep, which women, and those great personages too, were wont to do in those times and countries, as Rebekah the sister of Laban, and the daughters of Jethro, prince of Midian:

but Manoah her husband was not with her; the angel appeared to the woman again, because she would know him to be the same; whereas had he appeared to Manoah, especially alone, he could not have known whether he was the same or not. This clause is observed for the sake of what follows.

Gill: Jdg 13:10 - -- And the woman made haste, and ran,.... It is not improbable what Josephus says m, that she entreated the angel to stay a little till she fetched her h...

And the woman made haste, and ran,.... It is not improbable what Josephus says m, that she entreated the angel to stay a little till she fetched her husband, which he assented to, and then made all the haste she could to him, partly through eagerness to acquaint him with it, and partly that she might not make the prophet she took him to be wait too long:

and showed her husband; that his prayer was heard:

and said unto him, behold, the man hath appeared unto me that came unto me the other day; or, as the Targum, "this day"; so Kimchi and Ben Melech; for the word "other" is not in the text. It is very probable it was the same day he came again he had appeared to her; perhaps it was in the former part of the day he first came to her, when she went home to her husband, and acquainted him with it, who prayed to the Lord that he might be sent again; and then she returned to her place in the field, and in the latter part of the day the angel appeared again.

Gill: Jdg 13:11 - -- And Manoah arose and went after his wife,.... As soon as she had delivered the above, she made all the haste she could to the man again, lest he shoul...

And Manoah arose and went after his wife,.... As soon as she had delivered the above, she made all the haste she could to the man again, lest he should think her too long, and depart; and it was proper enough she should go first, to direct her husband where the man was; Jarchi interprets it, after her counsel and advice:

and came to the man, and said unto him, art thou the man that spakest unto the woman? meaning his wife then present:

and he said, I am; the very same person; for though he was not a man, yet appearing in an human form was taken for one; and therefore makes answer according to the supposition of him, and was the selfsame person, and in the same form he had appeared before.

Gill: Jdg 13:12 - -- And Manoah said, now let thy words come to pass,.... Which was not only a wish that they might, but a prayer of faith that they would come pass: ho...

And Manoah said, now let thy words come to pass,.... Which was not only a wish that they might, but a prayer of faith that they would come pass:

how shall we order the child? and how shall we do unto him? he believed a child would be born, and as he was to be a Nazarite, he knew what were the rules and orders to be observed concerning one in common; but as he was to be an extraordinary one, he was desirous of knowing what particular laws and rules were to be observed with respect to him, or what more was to be done to him than to another: the words may be rendered, as in the margin of our Bibles, "what shall be the judgment of the child, and his work?" and seems to relate not to what should be done to it, but what that should do; for being an extraordinary Nazarite, he supposed that some extraordinary work would be done by him, and he was curious to know it; and so Abarbinel interprets it of his request to know things future and wonderful, that should be done after the child was grown up; but this the angel chose not to inform him of, since it might have been prejudicial to them, should the Philistines get knowledge that this child would be a judge and saviour of Israel, and do such and such things to them as he did, they would have sought to have slain his wife while she bare him, or the child when born; and it may be observed, that though the angel told the woman at first, that he should "begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines", Jdg 13:5, yet she said nothing of it to her husband, nor did the angel repeat it.

Gill: Jdg 13:13 - -- And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoah,.... Giving him no direct answer to his question, either what should be done to the child, or what that sho...

And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoah,.... Giving him no direct answer to his question, either what should be done to the child, or what that should do; only reminds of and repeats what he had said to his wife, which she should be careful to observe and would, and that was enough for him to know:

of all that I said to the woman, let her beware; take to abstain from everything in eating and drinking during the time of her going with child, he had joined, which are particularly repeated in the next verse.

Gill: Jdg 13:14 - -- She may not eat of anything that cometh from the vine,.... Grapes moist or dried, kernels, or husks, or anything made of them: neither let her drin...

She may not eat of anything that cometh from the vine,.... Grapes moist or dried, kernels, or husks, or anything made of them:

neither let her drink wine, or strong drink; as she was to be careful to abstain from such liquors, so her husband also is enjoined not to suffer her to drink any:

nor eat any unclean thing; which was so by the law of Moses, and particularly by the law of the Nazarites:

all that I commanded her, let her observe; both with respect to herself and the child.

Gill: Jdg 13:15 - -- And Manoah said unto the angel of the Lord,.... Being satisfied with what he had said, and perceiving that he chose to say no more, and was about to d...

And Manoah said unto the angel of the Lord,.... Being satisfied with what he had said, and perceiving that he chose to say no more, and was about to depart:

I pray thee let me detain thee, until we shall have made ready a kid for thee; to eat a meal with them, in token of gratitude for the trouble he had been at in bringing these messages to them, taking him to be a man, a prophet of the Lord, for whom they were wont to make entertainments; and Abarbinel thinks Manoah proposed this, on purpose to detain him, in hope that while they were eating together he would reveal some secrets unto him.

Gill: Jdg 13:16 - -- And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoah,.... In answer to his request: though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread; that is, should he be...

And the angel of the Lord said unto Manoah,.... In answer to his request:

though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread; that is, should he be prevailed upon to stay awhile with him, until an entertainment should be got ready, he would not eat of any of his provisions; for "bread" is put for all eatables, or whatsoever he might provide for the entertainment:

and if, or "but if" n.

thou wilt offer a burnt offering, thou must offer it unto the Lord; if he meant to provide not a festival entertainment, but a sacrifice, then he should take care that he did not offer it to strange gods, as was now very much the custom with Israel in this their time of apostasy, Jdg 13:1 but to the true Jehovah, and not to a servant of his, a prophet or an angel, but to himself:

for Manoah knew not that he was an angel of the Lord; he took him to be a man, a prophet sent of God, and not an angel; and much less the uncreated one, to whom as such only the sacrifice could be offered.

Gill: Jdg 13:17 - -- And Manoah said unto the angel of the Lord, what is thy name,.... Who art thou, and by what name art thou called? for since he could not prevail upon ...

And Manoah said unto the angel of the Lord, what is thy name,.... Who art thou, and by what name art thou called? for since he could not prevail upon him to stay and eat a meal with him, he desired to know his name, and where he lived, that when he heard his name mentioned he might speak well of him, or send to him upon occasion; or if any message was sent from him, as Jarchi suggests, that he might show a respect to him, and observe it: and particularly:

that when thy sayings come to pass, we may do thee honour? say that such a prophet, whose name is such, and lives in such a place, foretold these things; or that they might send him a present, in gratitude for, and as a reward of his service and trouble; so the reward of a labourer, and the maintenance of a Gospel minister, is called "honour", 1Ti 5:17 and thus Josephus o understood it, that they might give him thanks, and send him a present.

Gill: Jdg 13:18 - -- And the angel of the Lord said unto him,.... Being so importunate, and pressing upon him: why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret? ...

And the angel of the Lord said unto him,.... Being so importunate, and pressing upon him:

why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret? and not to be known; as his nature and essence as a divine Person, which may be meant by his name, is what passes knowledge, is infinite and incomprehensible; see Pro 30:4 or "wonderful" p; which is one of the names of Christ, and fitly agrees with him, who is wonderful in his person, as God and man; in his incarnation, in his offices and relations, in his love to his people, and in all he is unto them, and has done for them; See Gill on Isa 9:6.

Gill: Jdg 13:19 - -- So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering,.... The kid which he proposed to make an entertainment with, for the man of God, he took him to be, he fetc...

So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering,.... The kid which he proposed to make an entertainment with, for the man of God, he took him to be, he fetched and brought for a burnt offering, at the hint which the angel had given him, and joined to it a meat offering, as was usual whenever burnt offerings were made; see Num 15:3,

and offered it upon a rock unto the Lord; for though Manoah was not a priest, nor was this a proper place for sacrifice; high places were now forbidden, and only at the tabernacle in Shiloh were offerings to be brought; yet all this was dispensed with, and Manoah was justified in what he did by the warrant of the angel, Jdg 13:16. The rock was probably near the place where this meeting of Manoah and his wife with the angel was, and where the discourse between them passed; and which served instead of an altar, and on which Manoah sacrificed, not to idols, but to the true Jehovah, as the angel directed:

and the angel did wondrously; agreeably to his name, which was "Wonderful", Jdg 13:18 or "he, Jehovah, did wondrously" for this angel was no other than Jehovah the Son. The instance in which he did wondrously was, as Kimchi observes, by bringing fire out of the rock, which consumed the flesh of the kid, and the meat offering; and so Josephus q says, that he touched the flesh with a rod he had, and fire sparkled out, and consumed it with the bread, or meat offering; just in the same manner as the angel did with the kid and cakes that Gideon brought, Jdg 6:21.

and Manoah and his wife looked on; to see either fire come down from heaven, or spring up out of the rock, which consumed the sacrifice, and showed the Lord's acceptance of it, and also the angel's ascending in it, as follows.

Gill: Jdg 13:20 - -- For it came to pass, when the flame went up towards heaven from off the altar,.... That is, from the rock, which served instead of an altar, and from ...

For it came to pass, when the flame went up towards heaven from off the altar,.... That is, from the rock, which served instead of an altar, and from whence perhaps the fire sprung which consumed both the burnt offering and the meat offering, the flame of which went up to heaven; this rock or altar having no covering, but was "sub dio", open to the heavens:

that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar; making use of the smoke, as Josephus r says, as a vehicle in which he openly went up to heaven:

and Manoah and his wife looked on it; on the flame and smoke, and the angel in it as he ascended; just as the disciples of Christ looked steadfastly on him as he went up to heaven, when a cloud received him out of their sight, Act 1:9.

and fell on their faces to the ground; with astonishment and surprise at what they saw, through fear and reverence of the divine Being, of whose presence they were now sensible, and as worshipping of him, and praying to him.

Gill: Jdg 13:21 - -- But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife,.... As the flame and smoke ascended, he disappeared therewith, and was seen no...

But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife,.... As the flame and smoke ascended, he disappeared therewith, and was seen no more:

then Manoah knew that he was an angel of the Lord; by the wondrous things he did, causing fire to come down from heaven, or out of the rock, ascending in the midst of the flame, without being hurt by it, and going up to heaven in it.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jdg 13:1 Heb “in the eyes of.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:2 Heb “and had not given birth.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:3 Heb “and have not given birth.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:4 Heb “eat anything unclean.” Certain foods were regarded as ritually “unclean” (see Lev 11). Eating such food made one ritually...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:5 Heb “hand.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:6 Heb “His appearance was like the appearance of the messenger of God, very awesome.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:7 Traditionally “a Nazirite.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:8 Heb “what we should do for.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:9 Heb “came to.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:10 Heb “came to.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:11 Heb “I [am].”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:12 Heb “what will be the child’s rule [i.e., way of life] and his work?”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:13 Heb “To everything I said to the woman she should pay attention.” The Hebrew word order emphasizes “to everything,” probably b...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:14 Heb “eat anything unclean.” Certain foods were regarded as ritually “unclean” (see Lev 11). Eating such food made one ritually...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:15 Heb “so we can prepare before you a young goat of the goats.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:16 The words “he said this” are supplied in the translation for clarification. Manoah should have known from these words that the messenger r...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:17 Heb “Who your name? For [when] your word comes [to pass], we will honor you.” Manoah apparently gets tongue-tied and uses the wrong pronou...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:18 Heb “Why do you ask for my name, for it is incomprehensible?” The Hebrew adjective פִּלְאִי...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:19 Heb “Doing an extraordinary deed while Manoah and his wife were watching.” The subject of the participle is missing. The translation assum...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:20 Heb “on their faces.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:21 Heb “Then Manoah knew that he was the Lord’s messenger.”

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:2 And there was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name [was] Manoah; and his wife [was] ( a ) barren, and bare not. ( a ) Sig...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:5 For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a ( b ) Nazarite unto God from the womb: and...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:6 Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, A man of God came unto me, and his countenance [was] like the countenance of an angel of God, very (...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:8 Then Manoah ( d ) intreated the LORD, and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we shall do ...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:10 And the woman made haste, and ran, and shewed her husband, and said unto him, Behold, the man hath appeared unto me, that came unto me the ( e ) [othe...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:11 And Manoah arose, and went after his wife, and came to the ( f ) man, and said unto him, [Art] thou the man that spakest unto the woman? And he said, ...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:14 She may not eat of any [thing] that cometh of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any ( g ) unclean [thing]: all that I comm...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:16 And the angel of the LORD said unto Manoah, Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy bread: and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering, thou must off...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and offered [it] upon a rock unto the LORD: and [the angel] did ( i ) wondrously; and Manoah and his wife l...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jdg 13:1-25 - --1 Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines.2 An angel appears to Manoah's wife.8 The angel appears to Manoah.15 Manoah's sacrifices, whereby ...

MHCC: Jdg 13:1-7 - --Israel did evil: then God delivered them again into the hands of the Philistines. When Israel was in this distress, Samson was born. His parents had b...

MHCC: Jdg 13:8-14 - --Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet, as Manoah, have believed. Good men are more careful and desirous to know the duty to be done by them, th...

MHCC: Jdg 13:15-23 - --What Manoah asked for instruction in his duty, he was readily told; but what he asked to gratify his curiosity, was denied. God has in his word given ...

Matthew Henry: Jdg 13:1-7 - -- The first verse gives us a short account, such as we have too often met with already, of the great distress that Israel was in, which gave occasion ...

Matthew Henry: Jdg 13:8-14 - -- We have here an account of a second visit which the angel of God made to Manoah and his wife. I. Manoah earnestly prayed for it, Jdg 13:8. He was no...

Matthew Henry: Jdg 13:15-23 - -- We have here an account, I. Of what further passed between Manoah and the angel at this interview. It was in kindness to him that while the angel wa...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:1 - -- Birth of Samson. - Jdg 13:1. The oppression of the Israelites by the Philistines, which is briefly hinted at in Jdg 10:7, is noticed again here with...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:2-5 - -- Whilst the Israelites were given into the hands of the Philistines on account of their sins, and were also severely oppressed in Gilead on the part ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:6-7 - -- The woman told her husband of this appearance: " A man of God, "she said (lit., the man of God, viz., the one just referred to), " came to me, and ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:8-9 - -- Being firmly convinced of the truth of this announcement, and at the same time reflecting upon the obligation which it imposed upon the parents, Man...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:10-12 - -- Then she hastened to fetch her husband, who first of all inquired of the person who had appeared, " Art thou the man who said to the woman " (sc., w...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:13-14 - -- The angel of the Lord then repeated the instructions which he had already given to the woman in Jdg 13:4, simply adding to the prohibition of wine a...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:15 - -- As Manoah had not yet recognised in the man the angel of the Lord, as is observed by way of explanation in Jdg 13:16, he wished, like Gideon ( Jdg 6...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:16 - -- The angel of the Lord replied, " If thou wilt detain me (sc., that I may eat), I will not eat of thy food ( אכל with בּ , to eat thereat, i.e...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:17 - -- Manoah then asked his name: שׁמך מי , lit., " Who is thy name? " מי inquires after the person; מה , the nature of quality (see Ewald ,...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:18 - -- The angel replied, "Why askest thou then after my name? truly it is wonderful." The Kethibh פלאי is the adjectival form פּלאי from פּל...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:19-20 - -- Manoah then took the kid and the minchah , i.e., according to Num 15:4., the meat-offering belonging to the burnt-offering, and offered it upon the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:21-23 - -- From that time forward the Lord did not appear to them again. But Manoah was afraid that he and his wife should die, because they had seen God (on t...

Constable: Jdg 3:7--17:1 - --II. THE RECORD OF ISRAEL'S APOSTASY 3:7--16:31   ...

Constable: Jdg 8:1--16:31 - --B. Present Failures vv. 8-16 Jude next expounded the errors of the false teachers in his day to warn his...

Constable: Jdg 10:1--13:25 - --2. The seriousness of the error vv. 10-13 v. 10 The things the false teachers did not understand but reviled probably refer to aspects of God's reveal...

Constable: Jdg 13:1--16:31 - --F. The sixth apostasy chs. 13-16 "From chapters 13 to 18, the author concentrates on the tribe of Dan, w...

Constable: Jdg 13:1-25 - --1. Samson's birth ch. 13 The purpose of this chapter is to show how the Lord provided the Israel...

Constable: Jdg 13:1 - --The Philistine oppression 13:1 The translation "again did" in verse 1 implies that the P...

Constable: Jdg 13:2-7 - --The announcement of Samson's birth 13:2-7 The Angel of the Lord again appeared (cf. 6:11...

Constable: Jdg 13:8-23 - --The revelations of the Angel 13:8-23 God sent His Angel to revisit Manoah and his wife b...

Guzik: Jdg 13:1-25 - --Judges 13 - The Birth of Samson A. The Angel of the LORD announces the birth of Samson to Manoah's wife. 1. (1) Life in Israel at the time of Samson...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Judges (Book Introduction) JUDGES is the title given to the next book, from its containing the history of those non-regal rulers who governed the Hebrews from the time of Joshua...


TSK: Judges (Book Introduction) The book of Judges forms an important link in the history of the Israelites. It furnishes us with a lively description of a fluctuating and unsettled...

TSK: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jdg 13:1, Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines; Jdg 13:2, An angel appears to Manoah’s wife; Jdg 13:8, The angel appears t...

Poole: Judges (Book Introduction) BOOK OF JUDGES THE ARGUMENT THE author of this book is not certainly known, whether it was Samuel, or Ezra, or some other prophet; nor is it mate...

Poole: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 13 The Philistines again oppress Israel, Jud 13:1 . An angel appeareth to Manoah’ s wife, promising her a son that should be a Nazarit...

MHCC: Judges (Book Introduction) The book of Judges is the history of Israel during the government of the Judges, who were occasional deliverers, raised up by God to rescue Israel fro...

MHCC: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) (Jdg 13:1-7) The Philistines, Samson announced. (Jdg 13:8-14) The angel appears to Manoah. (Jdg 13:15-23) Manoah's sacrifice. (Jdg 13:24, Jdg 13:25...

Matthew Henry: Judges (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Judges This is called the Hebrew Shepher Shophtim , the Book of Judges, which the Syria...

Matthew Henry: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) At this chapter begins the story of Samson, the last of the judges of Israel whose story is recorded in this book, and next before Eli. The passage...

Constable: Judges (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The English title, Judges, comes to us from the Latin translation (...

Constable: Judges (Outline) Outline I. The reason for Israel's apostasy 1:1-3:6 A. Hostilities between the Israelites an...

Constable: Judges Judges Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. Land of the Bible. Phildelphia: Westminster Press, 1962. ...

Haydock: Judges (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF JUDGES. This Book is called Judges, because it contains the history of what passed under the government of the judge...

Gill: Judges (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JUDGES The title of this book in the Hebrew copies is Sepher Shophetim, the Book of Judges; but the Syriac and Arabic interpreters ...

Gill: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JUDGES 13 This chapter relates the birth of Samson, another of the judges of Israel, which was foretold by an angel to his mother, ...

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