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Text -- Judges 13:19-25 (NET)

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13:19 Manoah took a young goat and a grain offering and offered them on a rock to the Lord. The Lord’s messenger did an amazing thing as Manoah and his wife watched. 13:20 As the flame went up from the altar toward the sky, the Lord’s messenger went up in it while Manoah and his wife watched. They fell facedown to the ground. 13:21 The Lord’s messenger did not appear again to Manoah and his wife. After all this happened Manoah realized that the visitor had been the Lord’s messenger. 13:22 Manoah said to his wife, “We will certainly die, because we have seen a supernatural being!” 13:23 But his wife said to him, “If the Lord wanted to kill us, he would not have accepted the burnt offering and the grain offering from us. He would not have shown us all these things, or have spoken to us like this just now.” 13:24 Manoah’s wife gave birth to a son and named him Samson. The child grew and the Lord empowered him. 13:25 The Lord’s spirit began to control him in Mahaneh Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol.
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Eshtaol a town in the western foothills of Judah
 · Mahaneh-dan a town between Zorah and Eshtaol, about 14 km east of Ekron
 · Mahaneh-Dan a town between Zorah and Eshtaol, about 14 km east of Ekron
 · Manoah a man of Zorah of Dan; father of Judge Samson
 · Samson a man who was a Hebrew judge noted for his supernatural strength,son of Manoah of Dan; a judge of supernatural physical strength
 · Zorah a town in the western foothills of Judah

Dictionary Themes and Topics: TRINITY, 1 | SANCTUARY | ROCK | RELATIONSHIPS, FAMILY | Philistines | PALESTINE, 2 | Manoah | KIRIATH-JEARIM | Judge | Israel | INTERCESSION | GOD, 2 | FLAME | FIRE | Conception | COME | Barreess | Angel | ALTAR | ADORATION | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Jdg 13:19 - -- Which were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.

Which were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.

Wesley: Jdg 13:19 - -- The angel's presence and command being a sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was no priest, and in a place otherwise forb...

The angel's presence and command being a sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was no priest, and in a place otherwise forbidden.

Wesley: Jdg 13:20 - -- That is, from that part of the rock which served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid.

That is, from that part of the rock which served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid.

Wesley: Jdg 13:20 - -- To manifest his nature and essence to be spiritual.

To manifest his nature and essence to be spiritual.

Wesley: Jdg 13:20 - -- Partly in reverence to that glorious presence manifested in so wonderful a manner: and partly, out of a religious horror and fear of death; for the pr...

Partly in reverence to that glorious presence manifested in so wonderful a manner: and partly, out of a religious horror and fear of death; for the prevention thereof they fell down in way of supplication to God.

Wesley: Jdg 13:23 - -- _This expression seems to have some emphasis in it, to enhance God's mercy to them, as being afforded them in a time of such grievous calamity; and in...

_This expression seems to have some emphasis in it, to enhance God's mercy to them, as being afforded them in a time of such grievous calamity; and in a time when the word of the lord was precious; and there was no open vision.

Wesley: Jdg 13:24 - -- That is, endowed him with all those graces and gifts of mind and body which were necessary for the work he was designed for.

That is, endowed him with all those graces and gifts of mind and body which were necessary for the work he was designed for.

Wesley: Jdg 13:25 - -- That is, to stir him up to heroical designs; to shew forth its power in the frame of his mind, and in the strength of his body, discovered to his neig...

That is, to stir him up to heroical designs; to shew forth its power in the frame of his mind, and in the strength of his body, discovered to his neighbours in extraordinary actions; to encline his heart to great attempts for the help and deliverance of God's people, to give some essays of it to his brethren, and to seek all opportunities for it.

Wesley: Jdg 13:25 - -- A place so called, either from the expedition of the Danites, Jdg 18:11-12, which though placed after this history, was done before it: or from some o...

A place so called, either from the expedition of the Danites, Jdg 18:11-12, which though placed after this history, was done before it: or from some other camp which the Danites had formed there, to give some check to the incursions of the Philistines.

JFB: Jdg 13:17-20 - -- Manoah's request elicited the most unequivocal proofs of the divinity of his supernatural visitor--in his name "secret" (in the Margin, "wonderful"), ...

Manoah's request elicited the most unequivocal proofs of the divinity of his supernatural visitor--in his name "secret" (in the Margin, "wonderful"), and in the miraculous flame that betokened the acceptance of the sacrifice.

JFB: Jdg 13:24 - -- The birth of this child of promise, and the report of the important national services he was to render, must, from the first, have made him an object ...

The birth of this child of promise, and the report of the important national services he was to render, must, from the first, have made him an object of peculiar interest and careful instruction.

JFB: Jdg 13:25 - -- Not, probably, as it moved the prophets, who were charged with an inspired message, but kindling in his youthful bosom a spirit of high and devoted pa...

Not, probably, as it moved the prophets, who were charged with an inspired message, but kindling in his youthful bosom a spirit of high and devoted patriotism.

JFB: Jdg 13:25 - -- The free city. It, as well as Zorah, stood on the border between Judah and Dan.

The free city. It, as well as Zorah, stood on the border between Judah and Dan.

Clarke: Jdg 13:19 - -- The angel did wondrously - He acted according to his name; he, being wonderful, performed wonderful things; probably causing fire to arise out of th...

The angel did wondrously - He acted according to his name; he, being wonderful, performed wonderful things; probably causing fire to arise out of the rock and consume the sacrifice, and then ascending in the flame.

Clarke: Jdg 13:22 - -- We shall surely die, because we have seen God - See the note on Jdg 6:22.

We shall surely die, because we have seen God - See the note on Jdg 6:22.

Clarke: Jdg 13:23 - -- If the Lord were pleased to kill us, etc. - This is excellent reasoning, and may be of great use to every truly religious mind, in cloudy and dark d...

If the Lord were pleased to kill us, etc. - This is excellent reasoning, and may be of great use to every truly religious mind, in cloudy and dark dispensations of Divine Providence. It is not likely that God, who has preserved thee so long, borne with thee so long, and fed and supported thee all thy life long, girding thee when thou knewest him not, is less willing to save and provide for thee and thine now than he was when, probably, thou trustedst less in him. He who freely gave his Son to redeem thee, can never be indifferent to thy welfare; and if he give thee power to pray to and trust in him, is it at all likely that he is now seeking an occasion against thee, in order to destroy thee? Add to this the very light that shows thee thy wretchedness, ingratitude, and disobedience, is in itself a proof that he is waiting to be gracious to thee; and the penitential pangs thou feelest, and thy bitter regret for thy unfaithfulness, argue that the light and fire are of God’ s own kindling, and are sent to direct and refine, not to drive thee out of the way and destroy thee. Nor would he have told thee such things of his love, mercy, and kindness, and unwillingness to destroy sinners, as he has told thee in his sacred word, if he had been determined not to extend his mercy to thee.

Clarke: Jdg 13:24 - -- And called his name Samson - The original שמשון shimshon , which is from the root שמש shamash , to serve, (whence shemesh , the sun), prob...

And called his name Samson - The original שמשון shimshon , which is from the root שמש shamash , to serve, (whence shemesh , the sun), probably means either a little sun, or a little servant; and this latter is so likely a name to be imposed on an only son, by maternal fondness, that it leaves but little doubt of the propriety of the etymology

Clarke: Jdg 13:24 - -- And the Lord blessed him - Gave evident proofs that the child was under the peculiar protection of the Most High; causing him to increase daily in s...

And the Lord blessed him - Gave evident proofs that the child was under the peculiar protection of the Most High; causing him to increase daily in stature and extraordinary strength.

Clarke: Jdg 13:25 - -- The Spirit of the Lord began to move him - He felt the degrading bondage of his countrymen, and a strong desire to accomplish something for their de...

The Spirit of the Lord began to move him - He felt the degrading bondage of his countrymen, and a strong desire to accomplish something for their deliverance. These feelings and motions he had from the Divine Spirit

Clarke: Jdg 13:25 - -- Camp of Dan - Probably the place where his parents dwelt; for they were Danites, and the place is supposed to have its name from its being the spot ...

Camp of Dan - Probably the place where his parents dwelt; for they were Danites, and the place is supposed to have its name from its being the spot where the Danites stopped when they sent some men of their company to rob Micah of his teraphim, etc. See Jdg 18:13-20. As he had these influences between Zorah and Eshtaol, it is evident that this was while he dwelt at home with his parents; for Zorah was the place where his father dwelt; see Jdg 13:2. Thus God began, from his infancy, to qualify him for the work to which he had called him.

Defender: Jdg 13:25 - -- Samson's incredible strength was more than the natural strength that the strongest of men could develop in their own bodies. The "Spirit of the Lord" ...

Samson's incredible strength was more than the natural strength that the strongest of men could develop in their own bodies. The "Spirit of the Lord" came on him "at times," giving him supernatural strength, enabling him gradually to deliver Israel practically single-handedly from the Philistines. Three times scripture records the Lord's spirit coming upon Samson (Jdg 14:6; Jdg 14:19; Jdg 15:14), but is implied in his other exploits as well. His final feat of superhuman strength, pulling down the temple of Dagon and thereby slaying over three thousand of the Philistine leaders and their people, came in answer to his final prayer to God (Jdg 16:28). His right to call upon God like this in these times of great need was contingent, however, upon his obedience to his Nazaritic vows, specifically never to cut his hair (Jdg 16:17; Num 6:5). In some ways, he was a man given to fleshly lust, but he was always characterized as a man of strong faith (Heb 11:32)."

TSK: Jdg 13:19 - -- took : Jdg 6:19, Jdg 6:20; 1Ki 18:30-38 did wonderously : He acted according to His Name: He, being wonderful, performed wonders; probably causing fi...

took : Jdg 6:19, Jdg 6:20; 1Ki 18:30-38

did wonderously : He acted according to His Name: He, being wonderful, performed wonders; probably causing fire to arise out of the rock and consume the sacrifice, and then ascended in the flame. Jdg 6:21; 1Ki 18:38

TSK: Jdg 13:20 - -- when the flame : 2Ki 2:11; Psa 47:5; Heb 1:3 fell on : Gen 17:3; Lev 9:24; 1Ch 21:16, 1Ch 21:26; Eze 1:26, Eze 1:28; Dan 10:9; Mat 17:6

TSK: Jdg 13:21 - -- knew : Jdg 6:22; Hos 12:4, Hos 12:5

TSK: Jdg 13:22 - -- We shall : Gen 32:30; Exo 33:20; Deu 4:38, Deu 5:26; Isa 6:5 we have : Joh 1:18, Joh 5:37

TSK: Jdg 13:23 - -- his wife : Ecc 4:9, Ecc 4:10; 1Co 12:21 he would not : Gen 4:4, Gen 4:5; Psa 86:17 he have showed : Psa 25:14, Psa 27:13; Pro 3:32; Joh 14:20, Joh 14:...

TSK: Jdg 13:24 - -- am 2849, bc 1155, An, Ex, Is, 336 Samson : Heb 11:32 the child : 1Sa 3:19; Luk 1:80, Luk 2:52

am 2849, bc 1155, An, Ex, Is, 336

Samson : Heb 11:32

the child : 1Sa 3:19; Luk 1:80, Luk 2:52

TSK: Jdg 13:25 - -- the Spirit : Jdg 3:10, Jdg 6:34, Jdg 11:29; 1Sa 11:6; Mat 4:1; Joh 3:34 the camp of Dan : Heb. Mahaneh-dan, as Jdg 18:12 between : Jdg 18:11; Jos 15:3...

the Spirit : Jdg 3:10, Jdg 6:34, Jdg 11:29; 1Sa 11:6; Mat 4:1; Joh 3:34

the camp of Dan : Heb. Mahaneh-dan, as Jdg 18:12

between : Jdg 18:11; Jos 15:33

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jdg 13:24 - -- Samson - The etymology is doubtful. Perhaps it comes from a word signifying "to minister,"in allusion to his Nazaritic consecration to the serv...

Samson - The etymology is doubtful. Perhaps it comes from a word signifying "to minister,"in allusion to his Nazaritic consecration to the service of God.

Barnes: Jdg 13:25 - -- In the camp of Dan - Rather, "Mahaneh-Dan"(see the margin). The impulses of the Spirit of the Lord perhaps took the shape of burning indignatio...

In the camp of Dan - Rather, "Mahaneh-Dan"(see the margin). The impulses of the Spirit of the Lord perhaps took the shape of burning indignation at the subjection of his brethren, and thoughts and plans for their deliverance, but especially showed themselves in feats of strength (Jdg 14:6; Jdg 15:14; Jdg 16:30. Compare Act 7:23-25).

Poole: Jdg 13:19 - -- Meat-offerings were generally joined with the chief sacrifices. Offered it upon a rock the angel’ s presence and command being a sufficient wa...

Meat-offerings were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.

Offered it upon a rock the angel’ s presence and command being a sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was no priest, and in a place otherwise forbidden.

Poole: Jdg 13:20 - -- The flame either arising from the fire which Manoah brought for the offering, or produced by the angel out of the rock in a miraculous manner. From ...

The flame either arising from the fire which Manoah brought for the offering, or produced by the angel out of the rock in a miraculous manner.

From off the altar i.e. from that part of the rock which served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid.

The angel ascended in the flame to manifest his nature and essence to be spiritual, because not capable of hurt by the fire; and celestial.

Fell on their faces partly in reverence to that glorious presence manifested in so wonderful a manner; and partly out of a religions horror and fear of death upon this occasion, as is expressed Jud 13:22 , for the prevention whereof they fell down in way of supplication to God.

Poole: Jdg 13:23 - -- Or, at this time the particle as noting here, not likeness, but the truth and reality of the thing, as it doth Num 11:1 Deu 9:10 , and elsewhere...


at this time the particle as noting here, not likeness, but the truth and reality of the thing, as it doth Num 11:1 Deu 9:10 , and elsewhere. This expression seems to have some emphasis in it, to enhance God’ s mercy to them, as being afforded them in a time of such public and grievous calamity; and in a time when the word of the Lord was precious, and there was no open vision, as it was afterwards, 1Sa 3:1 .

Poole: Jdg 13:24 - -- i.e. Endowed him with all those graces and gifts of mind and body which were necessary for the work he was designed for.

i.e. Endowed him with all those graces and gifts of mind and body which were necessary for the work he was designed for.

Poole: Jdg 13:25 - -- To move him at times i.e. to stir him up to heroical designs; to show forth his power in him in the frame of his mind, and in the strength of his bod...

To move him at times i.e. to stir him up to heroical designs; to show forth his power in him in the frame of his mind, and in the strength of his body, discovered to his neighbours in extraordinary actions; to incline his heart to great attempts to the help and deliverance of God’ s people; and to give some essays of it to his brethren, and to seek all opportunities for it, as he did in the next chapter.

In the camp of Dan a place so called, either from the expedition of the Danites, Jud 18:11,12 ; which though placed after this history, was done before it; or from some other camp which the Danites had formed there at this time, to give some check to the incursions of the Philistines.

Haydock: Jdg 13:19 - -- On. Manue was convinced that the person who had authorized him to offer sacrifice, had power to dispense with him. (Worthington) --- The angel "di...

On. Manue was convinced that the person who had authorized him to offer sacrifice, had power to dispense with him. (Worthington) ---

The angel "did wonderful things," as the Hebrew may be explained, causing a flame to proceed from the rock and to consume the victim, as Josephus assures us, (Calmet) and as the angel who had appeared to Gedeon had done, chap. vi. 21. (Menochius)

Haydock: Jdg 13:22 - -- Seen God: not in his own person, but in the person of his messenger. The Israelites, in those days imagined they should die if they saw an angel, ta...

Seen God: not in his own person, but in the person of his messenger. The Israelites, in those days imagined they should die if they saw an angel, taking occasion perhaps from those words spoken by the Lord to Moses, (Exodus xxxiii. 20.) No man shall see me and live. But the event demonstrated that it was but a groundless imagination. (Challoner) ---

Elohim is applied to angels and men, as well as to God. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 13:23 - -- Come. The wife of Manue allays his fears with great prudence, as she observes that God had just promised them a son. (Haydock)

Come. The wife of Manue allays his fears with great prudence, as she observes that God had just promised them a son. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jdg 13:24 - -- Samson signifies, "His sun, or joy;" or Syriac, "service." (Calmet) --- "His, or a little sun." (Menochius) --- Blessed him with graces and st...

Samson signifies, "His sun, or joy;" or Syriac, "service." (Calmet) ---

"His, or a little sun." (Menochius) ---

Blessed him with graces and strength, suitable for his office. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jdg 13:25 - -- To be. Septuagint, "to walk along." Jonathan, "to sanctify." Samson began to manifest an eager desire to deliver his brethren. (Calmet) --- Dan,...

To be. Septuagint, "to walk along." Jonathan, "to sanctify." Samson began to manifest an eager desire to deliver his brethren. (Calmet) ---

Dan, as it was called from those 600 men who encamped here, when they were going to take Lais, chap. xviii. 12. (Haydock) ---

God inspired him to commence the liberation of his country, when he was about 17 years old, (Usher) or 20 according to Salien. Then he entered upon his judicial authority, and punished the wrongs which the Philistines did him in person, as well as his countrymen. The seven years wandering of Æneas had terminated in his death just before, at the river Numicus. (Halicar. 1; Salien, in the year before Christ 1176.) (Haydock)

Gill: Jdg 13:19 - -- So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering,.... The kid which he proposed to make an entertainment with, for the man of God, he took him to be, he fetc...

So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering,.... The kid which he proposed to make an entertainment with, for the man of God, he took him to be, he fetched and brought for a burnt offering, at the hint which the angel had given him, and joined to it a meat offering, as was usual whenever burnt offerings were made; see Num 15:3,

and offered it upon a rock unto the Lord; for though Manoah was not a priest, nor was this a proper place for sacrifice; high places were now forbidden, and only at the tabernacle in Shiloh were offerings to be brought; yet all this was dispensed with, and Manoah was justified in what he did by the warrant of the angel, Jdg 13:16. The rock was probably near the place where this meeting of Manoah and his wife with the angel was, and where the discourse between them passed; and which served instead of an altar, and on which Manoah sacrificed, not to idols, but to the true Jehovah, as the angel directed:

and the angel did wondrously; agreeably to his name, which was "Wonderful", Jdg 13:18 or "he, Jehovah, did wondrously" for this angel was no other than Jehovah the Son. The instance in which he did wondrously was, as Kimchi observes, by bringing fire out of the rock, which consumed the flesh of the kid, and the meat offering; and so Josephus q says, that he touched the flesh with a rod he had, and fire sparkled out, and consumed it with the bread, or meat offering; just in the same manner as the angel did with the kid and cakes that Gideon brought, Jdg 6:21.

and Manoah and his wife looked on; to see either fire come down from heaven, or spring up out of the rock, which consumed the sacrifice, and showed the Lord's acceptance of it, and also the angel's ascending in it, as follows.

Gill: Jdg 13:20 - -- For it came to pass, when the flame went up towards heaven from off the altar,.... That is, from the rock, which served instead of an altar, and from ...

For it came to pass, when the flame went up towards heaven from off the altar,.... That is, from the rock, which served instead of an altar, and from whence perhaps the fire sprung which consumed both the burnt offering and the meat offering, the flame of which went up to heaven; this rock or altar having no covering, but was "sub dio", open to the heavens:

that the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame of the altar; making use of the smoke, as Josephus r says, as a vehicle in which he openly went up to heaven:

and Manoah and his wife looked on it; on the flame and smoke, and the angel in it as he ascended; just as the disciples of Christ looked steadfastly on him as he went up to heaven, when a cloud received him out of their sight, Act 1:9.

and fell on their faces to the ground; with astonishment and surprise at what they saw, through fear and reverence of the divine Being, of whose presence they were now sensible, and as worshipping of him, and praying to him.

Gill: Jdg 13:21 - -- But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife,.... As the flame and smoke ascended, he disappeared therewith, and was seen no...

But the angel of the Lord did no more appear to Manoah and to his wife,.... As the flame and smoke ascended, he disappeared therewith, and was seen no more:

then Manoah knew that he was an angel of the Lord; by the wondrous things he did, causing fire to come down from heaven, or out of the rock, ascending in the midst of the flame, without being hurt by it, and going up to heaven in it.

Gill: Jdg 13:22 - -- And Manoah said unto his wife,.... Being risen from the ground, where they fell on their faces: we shall surely die, because we have seen God; by w...

And Manoah said unto his wife,.... Being risen from the ground, where they fell on their faces:

we shall surely die, because we have seen God; by which it appears that he not only believed him to be an angel, and not a man, but a divine Person; for though angels are sometimes called "Elohim", the word here used, yet good men were not wont to fear death, or conclude they should die on sight of an angel; but their notion was, that an appearance of God to them was death, and were surprised when it did not follow, Gen 32:30.

Gill: Jdg 13:23 - -- But his wife said unto him,.... Who was less fearful, and the strongest believer of the two, seeing her husband so very much intimidated, endeavoured ...

But his wife said unto him,.... Who was less fearful, and the strongest believer of the two, seeing her husband so very much intimidated, endeavoured to comfort and strengthen him by the three following arguments:

if the Lord was pleased to kill us, he would not have received a burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands; for it was at the direction of this illustrious Person that they offered these offerings, and who testified the divine acceptance of them, by causing fire in an extraordinary manner to consume them, which was always reckoned a token of God's acceptance of them; and besides, the angel went up in the flame, as being well pleased with them, and, as it were, carrying up the sacrifice to heaven with him, as a sweetsmelling savour to God. Here the angel is called Jehovah by the woman, and shows this was the uncreated angel:

neither would he have showed us all these things; which they saw as the appearance of a divine Person to them in an human form, the consuming of the sacrifice by fire in so strange a manner, and the ascent of the angel heavenwards in the flame of it:

nor would, as at this time, have told us such things as these; as that they should have a son; how the woman was to manage herself, while with child of him; and how when born he was to be brought up, and what things God would do by him, and begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. Now all this would not have been told at such a time of distress, as the nation was now in, but to comfort them, or he would never have told them of a son to be born of them, if they were to be destroyed immediately. So an enlightened soul may reason from the sight and sense he has had of his sinful, lost, and undone state by nature; from the revelation of Christ to him as the only way of salvation; from the views he has had of the glories of his person, and the riches of his grace; and from that communion with God he has sometimes enjoyed; from all this he may reason, that if God had a design to damn him for his sins, he would never have made such discoveries of love, grace, and mercy to him; as well as from the sacrifice of Christ, God has provided and accepted of, on the foot of which justice is engaged to save; and besides, grace and glory are inseparable.

Gill: Jdg 13:24 - -- And the woman bare a son, and called name Samson,.... After these appearances were over, Manoah and his wife returned to their habitation, and she soo...

And the woman bare a son, and called name Samson,.... After these appearances were over, Manoah and his wife returned to their habitation, and she soon became pregnant, and at the usual course of time brought forth a son, and she gave him the name of Samson; for what reason it is not easy to determine. Josephus says s the word signifies "strong"; perhaps he was born a strong robust child, which is not unlikely, or the woman might have some prophetic hint of his future strength, and so gave him this name; but the word has not the signification of strength in it; it rather signifies the sun, which is indeed a strong body, and is compared to a strong man running his race, and so a strong man may be compared to that; but rather, with respect to the sun, this name might be given him, because of the splendour of his countenance with which he might be born, or in memory of the shining countenance of the angel which brought the tidings of his birth, or because he was to be the instrument of dispelling the darkness of calamity and distress Israel were now in: but the word more properly signifies a minister or servant, from whence the sun has its name; for Samson was to be, and was, a minister and servant of God, and of his people Israel. There is an agreement between the type and the antitype in this name in either sense. Christ is the mighty God, and mighty Saviour, the sun of righteousness, the light of the world, and the deliverer of his people from darkness of calamity and distress; and who came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and perform the great service of redemption and salvation:

and the child grew in bodily strength and stature, and grew up to man's estate, Luk 2:40.

and the Lord blessed him; not only with extraordinary strength of body, but with great endowments of mind, with the Spirit and graces of the Spirit; with grace, and blessings of it, and with his gracious presence; with this compare Psa 21:3.

Gill: Jdg 13:25 - -- And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan,.... To go out into it, in order to be trained up in and inured to military e...

And the Spirit of the Lord began to move him at times in the camp of Dan,.... To go out into it, in order to be trained up in and inured to military exercises; or it began to "strike" his mind, inject thoughts into it, and impress it with them concerning doing great things for the people of God in time to come; and for the present put him upon doing strange and wonderful exploits, which were omens of what was to be done by him hereafter; and these were done by him now and then, not always, but as the Spirit of God came upon him, under the impulse of which he did them, and by the strength he gave him; so the Targum,"and the Spirit of strength from the Lord began to strengthen him.''This camp of Dan was either a camp formed in that tribe, to prevent the incursions of the Philistines; or rather, since it does not seem that Israel had strength enough to resist them, they having got the power over them, this was the name of a place called Mahanehdan near Kirjathjearim, from the Danites encamping in it, when they went to besiege Laish, Jdg 18:11 for the fact was done before this time, though related afterwards:

between Zorah and Eshtaol; which were two cities in the tribe of Dan, and upon the borders of the tribe of Judah; of which see Jos 15:33. It may be observed, that as the tribe of Dan lay near to the Philistines, and so liable to their ravages, and might be most oppressed by them, so a deliverer of Israel was raised up in this tribe.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jdg 13:19 Heb “Doing an extraordinary deed while Manoah and his wife were watching.” The subject of the participle is missing. The translation assum...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:20 Heb “on their faces.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:21 Heb “Then Manoah knew that he was the Lord’s messenger.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:22 Or “seen God.” Some take the Hebrew term אֱלֹהִים (’elohim) as the divine name (R...

NET Notes: Jdg 13:23 Heb “our hand.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:24 Traditionally, “blessed.”

NET Notes: Jdg 13:25 Or “move him to action”; or “stir him.”

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:19 So Manoah took a kid with a meat offering, and offered [it] upon a rock unto the LORD: and [the angel] did ( i ) wondrously; and Manoah and his wife l...

Geneva Bible: Jdg 13:23 But his wife said unto him, If the LORD were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a ( k ) burnt offering and a meat offering at our hands, n...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jdg 13:1-25 - --1 Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines.2 An angel appears to Manoah's wife.8 The angel appears to Manoah.15 Manoah's sacrifices, whereby ...

MHCC: Jdg 13:15-23 - --What Manoah asked for instruction in his duty, he was readily told; but what he asked to gratify his curiosity, was denied. God has in his word given ...

MHCC: Jdg 13:24-25 - --The Spirit of the Lord began to move Samson when a youth. This was evidence that the Lord blessed him. Where God gives his blessing, he gives his Spir...

Matthew Henry: Jdg 13:15-23 - -- We have here an account, I. Of what further passed between Manoah and the angel at this interview. It was in kindness to him that while the angel wa...

Matthew Henry: Jdg 13:24-25 - -- Here is, 1. Samson's birth. The woman that had been long barren bore a son, according to the promise; for no word of God shall fall to the ground. H...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:19-20 - -- Manoah then took the kid and the minchah , i.e., according to Num 15:4., the meat-offering belonging to the burnt-offering, and offered it upon the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:21-23 - -- From that time forward the Lord did not appear to them again. But Manoah was afraid that he and his wife should die, because they had seen God (on t...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:24 - -- The promise of God was fulfilled. the boy whom the woman bare received the name of Samson . שׁמשׁון (lxx, Σαμψών ) does not mean su...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jdg 13:25 - -- When he had grown up, the Spirit of Jehovah began to thrust him in the camp of Dan. פּעם , to thrust, denoting the operation of the Spirit of Go...

Constable: Jdg 3:7--17:1 - --II. THE RECORD OF ISRAEL'S APOSTASY 3:7--16:31   ...

Constable: Jdg 8:1--16:31 - --B. Present Failures vv. 8-16 Jude next expounded the errors of the false teachers in his day to warn his...

Constable: Jdg 10:1--13:25 - --2. The seriousness of the error vv. 10-13 v. 10 The things the false teachers did not understand but reviled probably refer to aspects of God's reveal...

Constable: Jdg 13:1--16:31 - --F. The sixth apostasy chs. 13-16 "From chapters 13 to 18, the author concentrates on the tribe of Dan, w...

Constable: Jdg 13:1-25 - --1. Samson's birth ch. 13 The purpose of this chapter is to show how the Lord provided the Israel...

Constable: Jdg 13:8-23 - --The revelations of the Angel 13:8-23 God sent His Angel to revisit Manoah and his wife b...

Constable: Jdg 13:24-25 - --Samson's earliest years 13:24-25 Finally Samson, the savior, was born. Samson's name mea...

Guzik: Jdg 13:1-25 - --Judges 13 - The Birth of Samson A. The Angel of the LORD announces the birth of Samson to Manoah's wife. 1. (1) Life in Israel at the time of Samson...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Judges (Book Introduction) JUDGES is the title given to the next book, from its containing the history of those non-regal rulers who governed the Hebrews from the time of Joshua...


TSK: Judges (Book Introduction) The book of Judges forms an important link in the history of the Israelites. It furnishes us with a lively description of a fluctuating and unsettled...

TSK: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jdg 13:1, Israel is delivered into the hands of Philistines; Jdg 13:2, An angel appears to Manoah’s wife; Jdg 13:8, The angel appears t...

Poole: Judges (Book Introduction) BOOK OF JUDGES THE ARGUMENT THE author of this book is not certainly known, whether it was Samuel, or Ezra, or some other prophet; nor is it mate...

Poole: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 13 The Philistines again oppress Israel, Jud 13:1 . An angel appeareth to Manoah’ s wife, promising her a son that should be a Nazarit...

MHCC: Judges (Book Introduction) The book of Judges is the history of Israel during the government of the Judges, who were occasional deliverers, raised up by God to rescue Israel fro...

MHCC: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) (Jdg 13:1-7) The Philistines, Samson announced. (Jdg 13:8-14) The angel appears to Manoah. (Jdg 13:15-23) Manoah's sacrifice. (Jdg 13:24, Jdg 13:25...

Matthew Henry: Judges (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Judges This is called the Hebrew Shepher Shophtim , the Book of Judges, which the Syria...

Matthew Henry: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) At this chapter begins the story of Samson, the last of the judges of Israel whose story is recorded in this book, and next before Eli. The passage...

Constable: Judges (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The English title, Judges, comes to us from the Latin translation (...

Constable: Judges (Outline) Outline I. The reason for Israel's apostasy 1:1-3:6 A. Hostilities between the Israelites an...

Constable: Judges Judges Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. Land of the Bible. Phildelphia: Westminster Press, 1962. ...

Haydock: Judges (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. THE BOOK OF JUDGES. This Book is called Judges, because it contains the history of what passed under the government of the judge...

Gill: Judges (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JUDGES The title of this book in the Hebrew copies is Sepher Shophetim, the Book of Judges; but the Syriac and Arabic interpreters ...

Gill: Judges 13 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JUDGES 13 This chapter relates the birth of Samson, another of the judges of Israel, which was foretold by an angel to his mother, ...

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