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Text -- Jeremiah 2:28-37 (NET)

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2:28 But where are the gods you made for yourselves? Let them save you when you are in trouble. The sad fact is that you have as many gods as you have towns, Judah. 2:29 “Why do you try to refute me? All of you have rebelled against me,” says the Lord. 2:30 “It did no good for me to punish your people. They did not respond to such correction. You slaughtered your prophets like a voracious lion.” 2:31 You people of this generation, listen to what the Lord says. “Have I been like a wilderness to you, Israel? Have I been like a dark and dangerous land to you? Why then do you say, ‘We are free to wander. We will not come to you any more?’ 2:32 Does a young woman forget to put on her jewels? Does a bride forget to put on her bridal attire? But my people have forgotten me for more days than can even be counted. 2:33 “My, how good you have become at chasing after your lovers! Why, you could even teach prostitutes a thing or two! 2:34 Even your clothes are stained with the lifeblood of the poor who had not done anything wrong; you did not catch them breaking into your homes. Yet, in spite of all these things you have done, 2:35 you say, ‘I have not done anything wrong, so the Lord cannot really be angry with me any more.’ But, watch out! I will bring down judgment on you because you say, ‘I have not committed any sin.’ 2:36 Why do you constantly go about changing your political allegiances? You will get no help from Egypt just as you got no help from Assyria. 2:37 Moreover, you will come away from Egypt with your hands covering your faces in sorrow and shame because the Lord will not allow your reliance on them to be successful and you will not gain any help from them.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Assyria a member of the nation of Assyria
 · Egypt descendants of Mizraim
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Judah the son of Jacob and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,a tribe, the land/country,a son of Joseph; the father of Simeon; an ancestor of Jesus,son of Jacob/Israel and Leah; founder of the tribe of Judah,the tribe of Judah,citizens of the southern kingdom of Judah,citizens of the Persian Province of Judah; the Jews who had returned from Babylonian exile,"house of Judah", a phrase which highlights the political leadership of the tribe of Judah,"king of Judah", a phrase which relates to the southern kingdom of Judah,"kings of Judah", a phrase relating to the southern kingdom of Judah,"princes of Judah", a phrase relating to the kingdom of Judah,the territory allocated to the tribe of Judah, and also the extended territory of the southern kingdom of Judah,the Province of Judah under Persian rule,"hill country of Judah", the relatively cool and green central highlands of the territory of Judah,"the cities of Judah",the language of the Jews; Hebrew,head of a family of Levites who returned from Exile,a Levite who put away his heathen wife,a man who was second in command of Jerusalem; son of Hassenuah of Benjamin,a Levite in charge of the songs of thanksgiving in Nehemiah's time,a leader who helped dedicate Nehemiah's wall,a Levite musician who helped Zechariah of Asaph dedicate Nehemiah's wall

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WAR; WARFARE | TRIM | Sin | Self-righteousness | POOR | PLEAD | ORNAMENT | Manaen | MAKE, MAKER | Kidron | Head-bands | HOW | GOD, 2 | GESTURE | GAD (4) | Church | Bride | Backsliders | Afflictions and Adversities | ASHAMED | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Jer 2:28 - -- Thou hast enough of them, imitating the Heathens, who had, according to Varro, above thirty thousand deities. Make trial if any, or all of them togeth...

Thou hast enough of them, imitating the Heathens, who had, according to Varro, above thirty thousand deities. Make trial if any, or all of them together, can help thee.

Wesley: Jer 2:30 - -- Your inhabitants in every city, they being frequently called the children of such a city.

Your inhabitants in every city, they being frequently called the children of such a city.

Wesley: Jer 2:30 - -- Instruction: though they were corrected, yet they would not be instructed.

Instruction: though they were corrected, yet they would not be instructed.

Wesley: Jer 2:30 - -- You have been so far from receiving instruction, that you have, by the sword, and other ways of destruction, murdered those that I have sent to reprov...

You have been so far from receiving instruction, that you have, by the sword, and other ways of destruction, murdered those that I have sent to reprove you.

Wesley: Jer 2:31 - -- O ye men of this generation.

O ye men of this generation.

Wesley: Jer 2:31 - -- You shall see the thing with your eyes, because your ears are shut against it.

You shall see the thing with your eyes, because your ears are shut against it.

Wesley: Jer 2:31 - -- Have I been like the wilderness of Arabia, have not I accommodated you with all necessaries? A land of darkness - As it were a land uninhabitable, bec...

Have I been like the wilderness of Arabia, have not I accommodated you with all necessaries? A land of darkness - As it were a land uninhabitable, because of the total want of light. Have I been a God of no use or comfort to them, that they thus leave me? Have they had nothing from me but misery and affliction? We - Words of pride and boasting.

Wesley: Jer 2:32 - -- How unlikely is it, that a maid should forget her ornaments? A bride - Those jewels which the bridegroom was wont to present his bride with.

How unlikely is it, that a maid should forget her ornaments? A bride - Those jewels which the bridegroom was wont to present his bride with.

Wesley: Jer 2:32 - -- In the neglect of my worship; me, who was not only their defence, but their glory.

In the neglect of my worship; me, who was not only their defence, but their glory.

Wesley: Jer 2:33 - -- Or, deckest, Eze 23:40, thinking thereby to entice others to thy help.

Or, deckest, Eze 23:40, thinking thereby to entice others to thy help.

Wesley: Jer 2:33 - -- Nations that have been vile enough of themselves, by thy example are become more vile.

Nations that have been vile enough of themselves, by thy example are become more vile.

Wesley: Jer 2:34 - -- Of thy garments: the tokens of cruelty may be seen openly there.

Of thy garments: the tokens of cruelty may be seen openly there.

Wesley: Jer 2:34 - -- In thee is found the murder expressed here by blood of innocent persons, murdering souls as well as bodies.

In thee is found the murder expressed here by blood of innocent persons, murdering souls as well as bodies.

Wesley: Jer 2:34 - -- Heb. by digging; as if the earth had covered the blood, or as if they had committed their wickedness in some obscure places.

Heb. by digging; as if the earth had covered the blood, or as if they had committed their wickedness in some obscure places.

Wesley: Jer 2:34 - -- Upon thy garments, exposed openly to publick view.

Upon thy garments, exposed openly to publick view.

Wesley: Jer 2:35 - -- I will proceed in my judgment against thee.

I will proceed in my judgment against thee.

Wesley: Jer 2:35 - -- Because thou justifiest thyself.

Because thou justifiest thyself.

Wesley: Jer 2:36 - -- Why dost thou seek auxiliaries anywhere, rather than cleave to me? Ashamed - Egypt shall stand thee in no more stead than Assyria hath done.

Why dost thou seek auxiliaries anywhere, rather than cleave to me? Ashamed - Egypt shall stand thee in no more stead than Assyria hath done.

Wesley: Jer 2:37 - -- All the help thou canst procure shall not prevent thy captivity, but from hence thou shalt go.

All the help thou canst procure shall not prevent thy captivity, but from hence thou shalt go.

Wesley: Jer 2:37 - -- An usual posture of mourning.

An usual posture of mourning.

JFB: Jer 2:28 - -- God sends them to the gods for whom they forsook Him, to see if they can help them (Deu 32:37-38; Jdg 10:14).

God sends them to the gods for whom they forsook Him, to see if they can help them (Deu 32:37-38; Jdg 10:14).

JFB: Jer 2:28 - -- Besides national deities, each city had its tutelary god (Jer 11:13).

Besides national deities, each city had its tutelary god (Jer 11:13).

JFB: Jer 2:29 - -- That is, contend with Me for afflicting you (Jer 2:23, Jer 2:35).

That is, contend with Me for afflicting you (Jer 2:23, Jer 2:35).

JFB: Jer 2:30 - -- (Jer 5:3; Jer 6:29; Isa 1:5; Isa 9:13).

JFB: Jer 2:30 - -- That is, your people, you.

That is, your people, you.

JFB: Jer 2:30 - -- (2Ch 36:16; Neh 9:26; Mat 23:29, Mat 23:31).

JFB: Jer 2:31 - -- The Hebrew collocation is, "O, the generation, ye," that is, "O ye who now live." The generation needed only to be named, to call its degeneracy to vi...

The Hebrew collocation is, "O, the generation, ye," that is, "O ye who now live." The generation needed only to be named, to call its degeneracy to view, so palpable was it.

JFB: Jer 2:31 - -- In which all the necessaries of life are wanting. On the contrary, Jehovah was a never-failing source of supply for all Israel's wants in the wilderne...

In which all the necessaries of life are wanting. On the contrary, Jehovah was a never-failing source of supply for all Israel's wants in the wilderness, and afterwards in Canaan.

JFB: Jer 2:31 - -- Literally, "darkness of Jehovah," the strongest Hebrew term for "darkness; the densest darkness"; compare "land of the shadow of death" (Jer 2:6).

Literally, "darkness of Jehovah," the strongest Hebrew term for "darkness; the densest darkness"; compare "land of the shadow of death" (Jer 2:6).

JFB: Jer 2:31 - -- That is, We are our own masters. We will worship what gods we like (Psa 12:4; Psa 82:6). But it is better to translate from a different Hebrew root: "...

That is, We are our own masters. We will worship what gods we like (Psa 12:4; Psa 82:6). But it is better to translate from a different Hebrew root: "We ramble at large," without restraint pursuing our idolatrous lusts.

JFB: Jer 2:32 - -- Oriental women greatly pride themselves on their ornaments (compare Isa 61:10).

Oriental women greatly pride themselves on their ornaments (compare Isa 61:10).

JFB: Jer 2:32 - -- Girdles for the breast.

Girdles for the breast.

JFB: Jer 2:32 - -- (Jer 13:25; Hos 8:14).

JFB: Jer 2:33 - -- MAURER translates, "How skilfully thou dost prepare thy way," &c. But see 2Ki 9:30. "Trimmest" best suits the image of one decking herself as a harlot...

MAURER translates, "How skilfully thou dost prepare thy way," &c. But see 2Ki 9:30. "Trimmest" best suits the image of one decking herself as a harlot.

JFB: Jer 2:33 - -- Course of life.

Course of life.

JFB: Jer 2:33 - -- Accordingly. Or else, "nay, thou hast even," &c.

Accordingly. Or else, "nay, thou hast even," &c.

JFB: Jer 2:33 - -- Even the wicked harlots, that is, (laying aside the metaphor) even the Gentiles who are wicked, thou teachest to be still more so [GROTIUS].

Even the wicked harlots, that is, (laying aside the metaphor) even the Gentiles who are wicked, thou teachest to be still more so [GROTIUS].

JFB: Jer 2:34 - -- Not only art thou polluted with idolatry, but also with the guilt of shedding innocent blood [MAURER]. ROSENMULLER not so well translates, "even in th...

Not only art thou polluted with idolatry, but also with the guilt of shedding innocent blood [MAURER]. ROSENMULLER not so well translates, "even in thy skirts," &c.; that is, there is no part of thee (not even thy skirts) that is not stained with innocent blood (Jer 19:4; 2Ki 21:16; Psa 106:38). See as to innocent blood shed, not as here in honor of idols, but of prophets for having reproved them (Jer 2:30; Jer 26:20-23).

JFB: Jer 2:34 - -- That is, persons.

That is, persons.

JFB: Jer 2:34 - -- I did not need to "search deep" to find proof of thy guilt; for it was "upon all these" thy skirts. Not in deep caverns didst thou perpetrate these at...

I did not need to "search deep" to find proof of thy guilt; for it was "upon all these" thy skirts. Not in deep caverns didst thou perpetrate these atrocities, but openly in the vale of Hinnom and within the precincts of the temple.

JFB: Jer 2:35 - -- (Jer 2:23, Jer 2:29).

JFB: Jer 2:36 - -- Runnest to and fro, now seeking help from Assyria (2Ch 28:16-21), now from Egypt (Jer 37:7-8; Isa 30:3).

Runnest to and fro, now seeking help from Assyria (2Ch 28:16-21), now from Egypt (Jer 37:7-8; Isa 30:3).

JFB: Jer 2:37 - -- Egypt.


JFB: Jer 2:37 - -- Expressive of mourning (2Sa 13:19).

Expressive of mourning (2Sa 13:19).

JFB: Jer 2:37 - -- In those stays in which thou trustest. Contrary to all precedent in the case of adultery, Jehovah offers a return to Judah, the spiritual adulteress ...

In those stays in which thou trustest.

Contrary to all precedent in the case of adultery, Jehovah offers a return to Judah, the spiritual adulteress (Jer 3:1-5). A new portion of the book, ending with the sixth chapter. Judah worse than Israel; yet both shall be restored in the last days (Jer. 3:6-25).

Clarke: Jer 2:28 - -- According to the number of thy cities are thy gods - Among heathen nations every city had its tutelary deity. Judah, far sunk in idolatry, had adopt...

According to the number of thy cities are thy gods - Among heathen nations every city had its tutelary deity. Judah, far sunk in idolatry, had adopted this custom. The Church of Rome has refined it a little: every city has its tutelary saint, and this saint has a procession and worship peculiar to himself. So here; not much of the old idolatry is lost.

Clarke: Jer 2:31 - -- Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? - Have I ever withheld from you any of the blessings necessary for your support

Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? - Have I ever withheld from you any of the blessings necessary for your support

Clarke: Jer 2:31 - -- A land of darkness - Have you, since you passed through the wilderness, and came out of the darkness of Egypt, ever been brought into similar circum...

A land of darkness - Have you, since you passed through the wilderness, and came out of the darkness of Egypt, ever been brought into similar circumstances? You have had food and all the necessaries of life for your bodies; and my ordinances and word to enlighten and cheer your souls. I have neither been a wilderness nor a land of darkness to you

Clarke: Jer 2:31 - -- We are lords - We wish to be our own masters; we will neither brook religious nor civil restraint; we will regard no laws, human or Divine. It was t...

We are lords - We wish to be our own masters; we will neither brook religious nor civil restraint; we will regard no laws, human or Divine. It was this disposition that caused them to fall in so fully with the whole system of idolatry.

Clarke: Jer 2:32 - -- Can a maid forget her ornaments - This people has not so much attachment to me as young females have to their dress and ornaments. They never forget...

Can a maid forget her ornaments - This people has not so much attachment to me as young females have to their dress and ornaments. They never forget them and even when arrived at old age, look with pleasure on the dress and ornaments which they have worn in their youth

Clarke: Jer 2:32 - -- Days without number - That is, for many years; during the whole reign of Manasses, which was fifty-five years, the land was deluged with idolatry, f...

Days without number - That is, for many years; during the whole reign of Manasses, which was fifty-five years, the land was deluged with idolatry, from which the reform by good King Josiah his grandson had not yet purified it.

Clarke: Jer 2:33 - -- Why trimmest thou thy way - Ye have used a multitude of artifices to gain alliances with the neighboring idolatrous nations

Why trimmest thou thy way - Ye have used a multitude of artifices to gain alliances with the neighboring idolatrous nations

Clarke: Jer 2:33 - -- Hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways - Ye have made even these idolaters worse than they were before. Dr. Blayney translates, "Therefore h...

Hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways - Ye have made even these idolaters worse than they were before. Dr. Blayney translates, "Therefore have I taught calamity thy ways."A prosopopoeia: "I have instructed calamity where to find thee."Thou shalt not escape punishment.

Clarke: Jer 2:34 - -- The blood of the souls of the poor innocents - We find from the sacred history that Manasseh had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; see 2Ki 21:16...

The blood of the souls of the poor innocents - We find from the sacred history that Manasseh had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood; see 2Ki 21:16, and Eze 34:10

Clarke: Jer 2:34 - -- I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these - Such deeds of darkness and profligacy are found only in Israel. Dr. Blayney translates, "...

I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these - Such deeds of darkness and profligacy are found only in Israel. Dr. Blayney translates, "I have not found it in a digged hole, but upon every oak."Others cover the blood that it may not appear; but ye have shed it openly, and sprinkled it upon your consecrated oaks, and gloried in it.

Clarke: Jer 2:35 - -- Because I am innocent - They continued to assert their innocence, and therefore expected that God’ s judgments would be speedily removed

Because I am innocent - They continued to assert their innocence, and therefore expected that God’ s judgments would be speedily removed

Clarke: Jer 2:35 - -- I will plead with thee - I will maintain my process, follow it up to conviction, and inflict the deserved punishment.

I will plead with thee - I will maintain my process, follow it up to conviction, and inflict the deserved punishment.

Clarke: Jer 2:36 - -- Why gaddest thou about - When they had departed from the Lord, they sought foreign alliances for support 1.    The Assyrians 2Ch 28:1...

Why gaddest thou about - When they had departed from the Lord, they sought foreign alliances for support

1.    The Assyrians 2Ch 28:13-21; but they injured instead of helping them

2.    The Egyptians: but in this they were utterly disappointed, and were ashamed of their confidence

See Jer 37:7-8 (note), for the fulfillment of this prediction.

Clarke: Jer 2:37 - -- Thou shalt go forth from him, and thine hands upon thine head - Thou shalt find all thy confidence in vain, - thy hope disappointed; - and thy state...

Thou shalt go forth from him, and thine hands upon thine head - Thou shalt find all thy confidence in vain, - thy hope disappointed; - and thy state reduced to desperation. The hand being placed on the head was the evidence of deep sorrow, occasioned by utter desolation. See the case of Tamar, when ruined and abandoned by her brother Amnon, 2Sa 13:19

Clarke: Jer 2:37 - -- Thou shalt not prosper in them - They shall all turn to thy disadvantage; and this as we shall see in the history of this people, was literally fulf...

Thou shalt not prosper in them - They shall all turn to thy disadvantage; and this as we shall see in the history of this people, was literally fulfilled. O what a grievous and bitter thing it is to sin against the Lord, and have him for an enemy!

Calvin: Jer 2:28 - -- And hence he adds, Where are your gods? Here God laughs to scorn the false confidence by which the Jews deceived themselves: Where are your gods, ...

And hence he adds, Where are your gods? Here God laughs to scorn the false confidence by which the Jews deceived themselves: Where are your gods, which you have made for yourselves? Let them arise, let us see whether they will help you in the time of your distress. We now understand what the Prophet means: for he shews that the people acted in a most strange manner; for they worshipped idols when they were in safety, and afterwards would have God to be bound to them; and yet they denied the true God when they fell away unto idols. He then shews that they could expect no aid from God; for they robbed him of his own power when they devised idols for themselves. But we must ever remember what he said, that false gods were counted as fathers and authors of salvation by the people.

The same thing is, no doubt, done at this day under the Papacy; for the Papists have their patrons; and when they find that their foolish superstitions can do nothing for them, they would have God to help them, and yet they leave nothing to him: after having taken away all his glory, and divided it as a spoil among dead saints, they would then have God to be their helper. But we see what God’s answer to them is, “Where are your gods?” etc.

Now this truth is of use to us; and we hence learn, that we are not to wait until we are really, and in the last state of despair, compelled to acknowledge that our labors have been useless, while we hoped and prayed for help from idols; but that we ought to come directly to God himself for aid in our distress.

God proceeds farther with the sarcasm or the derision which he has employed, Where are thy gods? Let them now arise that they may help thee; that is, — let them try their utmost whether they can aid thee. According to the number of thy cities have been thy gods, O Judah As the people were not satisfied with one God, every city chose a patron for itself. “Since, then, innumerable gods are invoked by you, how comes it that they do not help you?” We hence see that the unbelief of the people is here sharply reproved; for they did not acquiesce in God alone, but sought to procure for themselves gods without number: there were many cities in the tribe of Judah, and there were as many patrons. The one true God would have been fully sufficient for them, and would have brought them complete deliverance whenever needed; but the one true God they despised, and every city devised a god for itself. “Since ye trust,” he says, “in such a multitude, let them now arise, that they may succor you; for I, who am one, am despised by you.” We now understand what the Prophet means also in this part. It afterwards follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:29 - -- Jeremiah concludes here his previous subject: he says that the Jews gained nothing by alleging against God that they were innocent, and by thinking t...

Jeremiah concludes here his previous subject: he says that the Jews gained nothing by alleging against God that they were innocent, and by thinking that they could by mere words escape his judgment, and not only by doing so, but also by hurrying on to such a degree of presumption as to challenge God himself, and to seek to prove him guilty. But God answers them in one word, and says, that they were perfidious. The meaning then is, that the Jews ill consulted their own interest in hardening themselves in their obduracy; for God would hold them fully convicted of impiety, so that they in vain alleged this or that as an excuse. 61

Now this passage deserves especial notice: for we know how prone we are by nature to hypocrisy; and when God summons us to his tribunal, hardly one in a hundred will acknowledge his guilt and humbly pray for forgiveness; but the greater part complains, nay almost all murmur against God, and still more, they gather boldness, and proudly dare to challenge and defy God. Since, then, hypocrisy thus prevails in us and is deeply fixed in the hearts of almost all, and since hypocrisy generates insolence and pride against God, let us remember what the Prophet says here, — that all who dispute against God gain nothing by their excuses, because he will at length detect their defection and perfidy. It then follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:30 - -- Some expound the beginning of this verse as though the meaning were, — that God chastised the Jews on account of their folly, because they habituat...

Some expound the beginning of this verse as though the meaning were, — that God chastised the Jews on account of their folly, because they habituated themselves to falsehoods: but the latter clause does not correspond. There is therefore no doubt but that God here expostulates with the Jews, because he had tried to bring them to the right way and found them wholly irreclaimable. A similar expostulation is found in Isaiah,

“In vain,” he says, “have I chastised you; for from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head there is no soundness.”
(Isa 1:6)

There God shews that he had tried every remedy, but that the Jews, being wholly refractory in their spirit, were wholly incurable. Jeremiah speaks now on the same subject: and God thus exaggerates the wickedness of the people; for he testifies that he had tried whether they would be taught, not only by words, but also by scourges and chastisements, but that his labor in both instances had been in vain. He spoke before of teaching, “Keep thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst.” The Prophets, then, had exhorted the Jews by God’s command to rest quietly. This teaching had been useless and unfruitful. God now adds, that he had tried in another way to bring them back to a right mind; but this effort had been also useless and in vain: In vain have I chastised you; for ye have not received correction

But he speaks of children, in order to shew that the whole people were unteachable: for though lusts boil more in youth, yet their obduracy is not so great as in the old; as he who has through his whole life hardened himself in the contempt of God, can hardly be ever healed and be amended by correction; for old age is of itself morose and difficult to be pleased, and the old also think, that wrong is in a manner done them when they are reproved: but when the insolence and obduracy of the young are so great that they reject all correction, it is more strange and monstrous. The Prophet then shews that there was nothing sound or right in that people, since their very children refused correction. 62

We now perceive his object, — that, as God had sent his prophets, and as their labor availed nothing, he now shews, that not only the ears of the people had been deaf to wholesome teaching, but that they were hard — necked and untamable; for he had tried to correct them by scourges, but effected nothing. It follows, their sword has devoured the prophets But I cannot finish now.

Calvin: Jer 2:31 - -- The prophet assumes the character, no doubt, of one in astonishment, that he might render the sin of the people more detestable: for he speaks as one...

The prophet assumes the character, no doubt, of one in astonishment, that he might render the sin of the people more detestable: for he speaks as one astonished, generation! The word, דור , dur; as it is well known, means an age. It is then the same as if he had said, “On what time are we fallen? or in what an age do we now live?” We now then perceive the import of the word. Then he adds, See ye the word of Jehovah The word, see, seems not to be suitable; for he ought to have said, “Attend to, “or “hear.” But he bids them to see, and most appropriate is the term; for he does not require the people to hear, but, on the contrary, to know, as though he had said, “See ye yourselves what this is which the Lord declares.” And he emphatically says, אתם at e m, “ ye yourselves.” For the Jews might have been deservedly condemned by all nations, were they brought into judgment. But the Prophet shews, that however blind they were, they might see with their own eyes what the Lord now says. He does not refer to instruction, but to a fact, as though he had said, “The Lord by me expostulates with you; and though there should not be present any witnesses or a judge or an umpire, ye yourselves are able to understand and know the whole matter.” We hence see how fitly the Prophet speaks, when he bids them to see the word of Jehovah 63

For he immediately adds, Have I been a desert to Israel? He makes the Jews themselves the umpires and judges of the cause, whether they had not experienced the bounty of God and had forsaken him, according to his former complaint, when he said that God was the fountain of living waters, and that they had dug for themselves broken cisterns. Hence he says, “How has it happened that ye have departed from me? Have I in vain promised to be bountiful and kind to you? Did I disappoint you or your expectation, while ye served me? Since then I had not been to you a dark and a gloomy land, a land without the light of the sun; but as abundance of blessings had ever been found in me, how has it been that you have departed from me?”

He afterwards mentions another crime, Why has my people said, We are lords The verb רדנו , r e d e nu, is variously explained by interpreters. Some derive it from ידר , ir e d, to descend, and think that the י , iod, is supplied by a point. But these differ in their views: some refer to the calamities with which the Jews had been visited, and others to their apostasy. The first give this explanation, “We have descended;” that is, “We have been oppressed with calamities, what then can we gain by calling on God, since our affairs are in so hopeless a state?” The second draw forth another meaning, “We have gone back;” that is, “There is no reason for the prophets to stun our ears by their clamors, for we have once for all resolved never to return to God; we have wholly renounced him; away with him, let him begone together with his exhortations, for we will not attend to them.” Both these expounders think it to be the language of despair: but we perceive how they differ; the first apply “descend” to the calamities of the people, and the second to their perfidy, because they had bidden adieu, as it were, to God, and wished not to have any farther intercourse with him.

But there are others who take the word more grammatically: for רדה , r e de, and רוד , rud, signifies to be lord, or to rule. I therefore prefer the view of those who render the word, We are lords Some take the verb in a passive sense, but I know not for what reason: and the comment of others is very diluted, “We have kings and counselors.” I consider it to be the language of pride and of vain boasting: for the Jews thought themselves to be kings, according to what Paul says of the Corinthians,

“Ye are rich, ye have reigned without us, and I would ye did reign.” (1Co 4:8.)

The Corinthians, being inflated with pride on account of the opulence of their city, despised the simplicity of the Gospel; they looked for refined things, and were much addicted to novelties. Hence Paul, seeing that they despised the grace of God, ironically reproved them, and said, that they wished to be rich and to be kings without him, to whom yet as an instrument they owed everything. The same vice is what Jeremiah now condemns in that people, We are lords, we will not come to thee; as though he had said, “Your happiness has hitherto proceeded from me; for whatever you have been, and whatever has been given you, ought to be ascribed to me and to my bounty: but now without me (for God himself speaks) ye are kings, but by what right and by what title? What have you as your own? Why then has my people said, We will come no more to thee?” We now understand the real meaning of the Prophet.

As to the subject itself, he in the first place, as I have already said, is in a manner astonished at the wickedness of the people, as at something monstrous. Hence he exclaims, O generation! as though he had said, that what he saw was incredible. Then he immediately adds, see ye yourselves the word of Jehovah, This was much more severe, than if he had summoned them before God’s tribunal; for he thus proved that their wickedness was extremely gross; for they had, without any cause, nay, without any pretext, and without shame, renounced God, who had been so bountiful towards them. He also in an indirect manner reproved them, because they refused to be instructed; for he commanded them to look on the fact itself, inasmuch as they were deaf, or having ears they closed them against all instruction; for, as we have said, he calls away their attention from the word to the fact itself, and this is what interpreters have not observed.

Then follows an upbraiding, — that God had not been a desert to them; but, as the Prophet had before shewed, abundance of all blessings had flowed to them so as fully to satisfy them. Since then God had enriched them through his blessing, their sin in departing from him was thereby more increased.

In the last part of the verse God expostulates with them on their ingratitude, because they thought themselves to be lords. They were indeed a royal priesthood, but it was through God’s favor. They did not reign through their own right, they did not reign because they had attained power through their own valor or efforts, or through their own merits or their own good fortune; how then? only through the favor of another. Though then they were kings only on the condition of being subject to the supreme King, yet they wished to reign alone, that is, according to their own pleasure; and thus trod under their feet the favor of God. It is with this wickedness then that the Prophet charges them. And the end of the verse is of the same import, we will come no more to thee; as though they stood in no need of God’s aid; for they thought that they could supply themselves with whatever was necessary to support them. As then they were inflated with much pride, they despised the favor of God, as though they stood in no need of the aid of another. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:32 - -- God here confirms what is said in the last verse, and would make his people ashamed, because they valued him less than girls are wont to value their ...

God here confirms what is said in the last verse, and would make his people ashamed, because they valued him less than girls are wont to value their ornaments. The necklaces of young women are indeed nothing but mere trifles, and yet we see that girls are so taken with them through a foolish passion, that they value such trinkets more than their very life. “How then is it, “says God, “that my people have forgotten me? Is there to be found any such ornament? Can anything be found among the most valuable jewels and the most precious stones which can be compared with me?”

God shews by this comparison how perverted the minds of the Jews were, when they renounced and rejected a benefit so invaluable as to have God as their Father, and to be prosperous under his dominion; for nothing necessary for a blessed life had been wanting to them as long as they continued the recipients of that paternal favor, which God had manifested towards them, and wished to shew to them to the end. As then they had found God to have been so bountiful, must they not have been more than mad, when they willfully rejected his favor? while yet young women commonly set their thoughts and affections strongly and permanently on such trifles as are of no value. 64 But the Prophet designedly used this similitude, that he might introduce what is contained in the next verse: his object was to compare the Jews to adulterous women, who being led away by unbridled lust, follow wanton lovers. As then he intended to bring this charge against the Jews, he spoke expressly of the ornaments of young women; and hence it follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:33 - -- This verse is differently explained: but the Prophet simply means; that the Jews were like lascivious women, who not only despise their husbands at h...

This verse is differently explained: but the Prophet simply means; that the Jews were like lascivious women, who not only despise their husbands at home, but ramble here and there in all directions, and also paint their faces and seek for themselves all the charms of wantonness. He says that the Jews had acted in this way; and hence he says that they made beautiful their ways The verb in Hebrew has a wide meaning: it means to prepare, to conciliate favor. But its import here is, as though the Prophet had said, “Why dost thou disguise and paint thyself like strumpets, who use many artifices to allure young men and to inflame their lusts? why then dost thou undertake so much labor to gain a meretricious hire?” We shall hereafter see why he says this; for he upbraids them for applying to the Assyrians and the Egyptians.

It was a common thing with the Prophets to compare the people to lovers; for the Jews, while they ought to have been firmly attached to God, (like a chaste woman, who does not turn her eyes here and there, nor gad about, but has respect to her husband alone,) thought to seek safety now from the Assyrians, then from the Egyptians. This sinful disposition is then what the Prophet here condemns; and hence he speaks of them metaphorically as of an adulterous woman, who despises her husband and rambles after any she can find, and seeks wanton and silly young men in all places, and subjects herself to the gratification of all. We now then understand what the Prophet means.

The words must be noticed: he says, Why makest thou fine thy ways? But he refers here to the care which a wanton woman takes to adorn her person, as though he had said, “Why dost thou thus prepare thyself? and why dost thou seek for thyself what is splendid and elegant, that thy appearance may deceive the eyes of the simple?” For the Jews might have remained safe and secure under God’s protection, and might have been so without any calamity. As a husband is content with the beauty of his wife, and seeks no adventitious and refined elegancies; so God required nothing from that people except fidelity, like a husband, who requires chastity in his wife. The meaning then is, — “As a wife, really attached to her husband, has no need to undergo much labor, for she knows that her own native beauty pleases him, nor does she labor much to gain the heart of her husband, for the best recommendation is her chastity; so ye might have lived without any trouble by only serving me and keeping my law: but now what is your chastity? ye are like wanton women, who labor to gain the hearts of adulterers; for as they burn with lust, so there is no end nor limits to their attempts to seek embellishments; and they torment themselves, only that they might attach adulterers to themselves. Such then are ye (says God;) for ye spend much care and labor in seeking for yourselves strange lovers.”

He afterwards adds, Therefore thou hast also taught lewdnesses He alludes to the words he had before used, Thou hast made fine (or fair) thy ways: and now he says, thou hast also taught wickednesses by thy ways He declares that the Jews were worse than the Assyrians and the Egyptians, as a lascivious woman is far worse than all the adulterers whom she captivates as her paramours. For when a young man is not deceived, and the devil does not apply the fagot, he may continue chaste and pure; but when an impudent and wanton woman entices him, it is all over with him. The Prophet then says, that the Assyrians and the Egyptians were innocent when compared with his own nation. How so? “Because they have been led away,” he says, “by your allurements, like young men, who are destroyed by the fallacious ornaments of strumpets; for it is the same as though they had fallen into snares: the evil then has proceeded from you, and the fault lies with you. 65

We now understand the Prophet’s meaning: for he condemns the Jews, because they afforded an occasion of evil both to the Assyrians and to the Egyptians, while they of their own accord sought their favor. It now follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:34 - -- The Prophet repeats, as I think, what he had before said, — that the wickedness of his nation was incorrigible; for they repented not when warned, ...

The Prophet repeats, as I think, what he had before said, — that the wickedness of his nation was incorrigible; for they repented not when warned, but on the contrary raged like wild beasts against the Prophets and religious teachers. Those interpreters are mistaken who think that the savage cruelty of the Jews in general is here condemned; and all are of this opinion. But the Prophet no doubt enhances this evil, by saying, that the Jews were not only obstinate in their vices, but also raged furiously against the Prophets. Hence he shews again, that God had used all remedies to heal the Jews, but without effect, for what better medicine could have been offered than for the Prophets to reprove the people and to shew to them how wickedly they had departed from God? God then wished thus to correct the vices of his own people; but so far was he from effecting anything, that at Jerusalem and through the whole of Judea, the Prophets were slaughtered, and the whole land was filled with and polluted by their blood.

Hence he says, Even in thy wings has been found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents. He calls the borders of garments wings. He seems to say, that these slaughters were not hid, for the Jews were besprinkled with blood to the very extremities of their garment; as though he had said, “There is no cause for me to deal sharply with you in this instance; for your filthiness is most apparent: ye have not only been rebellious against my teaching, but ye have also cruelly murdered my prophets. If ye ask, Where these slaughters are to be found? Even in your wings, on the borders of your garments; so that your crimes are fully known.” We now perceive what the Prophet means.

We must also notice the import of the particle גם , g a m, also, or even. Their cruelty was worse and more nefarious, because they thus rose up against their own physicians; for the prophets, as it has been said, were the ministers of their safety. As then they thus raged against God’s favor so as to murder his prophets, it became still more evident, that they were utterly irreclaimable.

He afterwards adds what serves for a confirmation. They have not been found in digging under Some give another explanation; but their opinion is right who think, that the Prophet alludes to what is said by Moses in Exo 22:2, — that if a thief should be found in digging under, (or undermining,) he might be killed with impunity: for he who thus breaks through into the houses of others, is equal to a robber in audacity; and he ought to be counted not only a thief, but also as one guilty of manslaughter and felony. God then says, that the Prophets, who had been slain by the Jews, had not been found in digging up, that is, had not been found guilty of any crime, either of robbery or of murder: for he mentions a particular act, instead of the general crime. But it has been on account of all these things; that is, “because they boldly dared to reprove you, because they severely condemned your vices, because they discovered your baseness, because they were enemies to your perfidy and to your sins: as then the prophets had thus by the divine Spirit carried on war with your sins, they have on this account been murdered by you. 66

We see how well the whole passage reads, provided it be applied to the prophets only. It was not indeed the object of Jeremiah to condemn murders generally among the Jews, but to shew that they were the enemies of the prophets, because they were opposed to every good and sound counsel, and were incapable of receiving instruction. The mistake of other expounders is hereby made evident: for in the last clause they touch neither heaven nor earth. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:35 - -- The Prophet here shews that the Jews were possessed of such a brazen front, that they could not be led by any admonitions to feel any shame. Though t...

The Prophet here shews that the Jews were possessed of such a brazen front, that they could not be led by any admonitions to feel any shame. Though then they were like adulterous women, and though they gave meretricious hire to such as they ran to in all parts, and though also they had murdered the prophets and the pious ministers of God, yet they boasted, as persons conscious of no evil, that they were innocent.

Thou hast yet said; that is, “How darest thou to pretend to be innocent, since thou art proved to be guilty, not by allegations, but by manifest and glaring proofs?” In short, the Prophet shews that the condition of the people was past remedy, for they would not receive any admonition; nay, they dared, as it were with the front of brass, obstinately to boast that they were innocent: Thou hast said, (he still speaks of a woman, in the feminine gender,) Thou hast yet said, surely I am clean Thus hypocrites not only excuse themselves, and allege vain pretences, but dare to come forth publicly, and to fly as it were above the clouds, elated by their own self — confidence. “Who will dare to allege anything against me?” Thus hypocrites willfully and impertinently challenge all the servants of God and seek by their own presumption to close the mouth of all. The Prophet now condemns this petulancy in the Jews; for though they were manifestly proved guilty, yet they boastingly asserted that they were innocent. Only ( אך , ak, I take here to mean only) depart, etc. The Prophet upbraids the Jews with another crime, — that they said, that wrong was done to them by God in seeking to bring them to a right mind by punishment and by reproofs. For God, as it is well known, had inflicted many punishments on the Jews, and had also added serious reproofs. He tried by these means to find out whether they were capable of being healed. What did they say? “I am innocent; and God is angry with me without a cause. Let him remove his anger from me; ” that is, “only let not God deal severely with us, nor use his supreme authority, and we shall be able to prove our innocency.” Thus ungodly men, when urged with severe warnings, vomit forth their blasphemies against God, — “O what can I do? I know that I am not able to resist; God fights with a shadow when he afflicts me; his violence I must indeed bear though he may overwhelm me; yet he doeth me wrong: but were he to deal justly and fairly with me, I could prove that I do not deserve these evils.” Such then was the language of the Jews, — only depart let his fury from me, we could then shew that we are just, or at least excusable.

Now also in this part we perceive the design of the Prophet: it was to shew, that the Jews not only dared dishonestly and proudly to claim innocency for themselves, but hesitated not to contend with God, and to intimate that he with too much severity oppressed them, and did not treat them justly, but announced a cruel sentence for the purpose of overwhelming them.

Behold, he says, I will judge thee, because thou hast said, I have not sinned Some give this version, “I judge, or, condemn thee.” But there is here no doubt a contrast between the fury of God and his judgment. The people said, that God was too rigorous; this was his fury: God now mentions his judgment. “There is no reason,” he says, “for you to allege such a pretext as this, as it will vanish into nothing; for I will in judgment contend with you;” that is, “I will really prove that I am a just judge and not a tyrant, that I execute just punishments and according to the law, and that I am not like a man in anger, who takes vengeance on his enemies and does so precipitantly and rashly: I will shew,” he says, “that I am a just judge.”

We may hence gather a profitable instruction. Let it in the first place be observed, that nothing is so displeasing to God as this headstrong presumption, that is, when we seek to appear innocent, while our own conscience condemns us. Then in the second place observe, that all who thus perversely rebel and strive dishonestly and shamelessly to defend their own vices, contend at the same time with God: for false excuses have ever this tendency — to charge God with unjust severity. But we see what such men gain for themselves; for God shews that he will be at length their judge, and that he will openly discover the vices of those who thought that they could excuse themselves by evasions and by false charges against himself. They then who thus obstinately resist God, must at length, according to what the Prophet declares, come to this end, — that they will be constrained to acknowledge that God has not been too violently angry with them, but has only executed a just punishment. 67

Calvin: Jer 2:36 - -- The Prophet goes on with the same subject. He had said before that the people were like an unfaithful wife, who having left her husband rambles here ...

The Prophet goes on with the same subject. He had said before that the people were like an unfaithful wife, who having left her husband rambles here and there to gratify her lusts. For this view he now gives the reason; for he might have appeared to treat the people too severely, had not the fact been pointed out as it were by the finger; and this he does now. He says, that they ran here and there, not in a common manner, but in a way to render evident their shameful levity, such as is seen in strumpets, who without any shame seek either adulterers or fornicators.

But I have already briefly shewn what the Prophet means: When any danger was nigh, the Jews sought aid, now in Egypt, then in Assyria. Yet they knew that this was forbidden them; not that it was in itself an evil or a bad thing to seek help from neighbors; but because it was God’s will that the safety and security of that people should be dependent on him only; for he had taken them under his safeguard. As then the Jews were God’s dependents, they ought to have acquiesced in his protection. When they wandered here and there, it was an evidence of unbelief; and what they attributed to the Egyptians or to Assyrians, they took away from their own God, who had promised that their safety would be the object of his care. Hence he compares these movements to wanton levity; they were like those of strumpets, who ramble in all directions. Now a strumpet must be wholly shameless, when she thus seeks the gratification of her lust: for harlots often wait for the coming of lovers; but when they ramble everywhere, they are altogether abominable. This then is what the Prophet now means, that is, that the Jews ran here and there; and thus it was, that they changed their ways

There remains indeed often in harlots some natural love; but it is a proof of a brutish, shameless, and monstrous lust, when a woman seeks the company of any one she may see, or when a man lusts after any woman he may meet with. When there is such a shamelessness as this, it appears that no modesty remains, nor even what is natural; for as I have already said, it ought to be deemed monstrous, when a woman is inflamed with lust at the sight of any one. And yet this lewdness is what the Prophet reprobates in the Jews when he says, that they ran here and there to change their ways: so that their love never continued, but they lusted after any they met with; nay, they went here and there to allure them. This subject is spoken of oftener and more at large by Ezekiel; and we shall find this comparison used also in other parts of this book. But it is enough for me to mention briefly the design of the Prophet. 68

He then adds, Ashamed shalt thou also be of the Egyptians, as ashamed thou hast been of the Assyrians Before the time of Hezekiah, the Jews had made a treaty with the Assyrians against the Syrians and the Israelites, as it is well known; and then against the Egyptians; for soon after a war arose between them and the Egyptians, who had been their confederates, and changing their policy, they went for help to Assyria. They afterwards reconciled themselves to their ancient enemies; but this second treaty also turned out unhappily. Hence the Prophet says, that the end would be the same with what they had before experienced. God had indeed chastised their ungodly defection when they went to Assyria. He now says, that no better success would attend the help of the Egyptians than what attended the help of the Assyrians. The Jews, we know, were ever subjected to plunder, and suffered more loss from their associates than from their open enemies. It was the just reward of their impiety and defection. God then declares that he would be the avenger of this second defection, as he had been of the former. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 2:37 - -- He expresses more clearly what he had said of the shameful character of his own nation, — that the Jews, who thought that their safety would be sec...

He expresses more clearly what he had said of the shameful character of his own nation, — that the Jews, who thought that their safety would be secured by the Egyptians, were seeking their own entire ruin. This seemed to them indeed incredible; for as the Egyptians were neighbors, and as the Jews then only feared the Assyrians and Chaldeans, who were afar off, they thought that they had the best prospect: “What! our enemies are distant from us twenty or thirty days’ journey; and those who are prepared to help us will be soon with us at the shortest warning.” Hence the Jews thought, as we have said, that they were quite safe. But the Prophet here declares, that they were greatly mistaken; for on account of this wickedness, that is, because they trusted in their unlawful and accursed treaty, and promised themselves peace from their enemies, or thought that they could easily overcome them; on this account, he says, thou shalt go forth: but nothing could have been less credible to the Jews than what the Prophet said; for as the Egyptians opposed themselves as a wall against the Chaldeans, and were deemed unassailable, who could have otherwise thought but that the Jews would be preserved quiet in their own country? But he says, Go forth shalt thou, and thine hands on thy head 69

By this gesture he means extreme despair; for women did either strike or extend their arms when any great calamity happened, as we see it done often in the present day; for when a woman, not able to keep within due bounds, either loses a husband, or expects some very great calamity, she beats her breast, or raises up her hands, according to what is said here. Jeremiah then mentions this gesture as an evidence of extreme despair; as though he had said, “The treaty which fills the Jews with so much confidence shall be so far from being advantageous to them, that it will, on the contrary, bring on them utter ruin and disgrace. 70 But the reason which follows ought especially to be observed, because abhor does Jehovah thy confidences The Prophet here shews why he had spoken so severely. It might have appeared that he spoke hyperbolically when he said, that the people were like an abandoned harlot, who rambled here and there in all directions: but the reason here given ought to have been sufficient to take away all evasions, and that is, that they foolishly trusted in those fallacious helps which they knew were condemned by God. Had this been permitted by God, they would not have been so severely reprimanded; but as God had forbidden them to flee to the Egyptians, it was in the first place a disallowed confidence; and in the second place, they thus despised the aid of God, and cast aside, as it were, all his promises: for as their hearts were fixed on the Egyptians, and as they thought that their safety would be secured by them; so their prayer to God became not only cold, but almost wholly extinguished.

We hence see that the Prophet did not exceed due limits when he spoke against the Jews with so much displeasure, and condemned them in such reproachful terms; for they had transferred the glory due to God to the Egyptians, when they considered them to be the authors of their safety; and they had thus despised the promises of God, so that there was no attention given to prayer: Abhor, then, does Jehovah thy confidences 71

He then adds, Thou shalt not prosper in them. It ought to be carefully observed, that whatever we resolve to do that is not approved by God, cannot possibly succeed; for God will subvert all our hopes. Let us then know that here is set before us the punishment of all unbelievers, who, being not content with God’s protection, wander after vain and false objects of trust, and prefer to have men propitious to them rather than God himself. Now follows —

TSK: Jer 2:28 - -- But where : Deu 32:37; Jdg 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; Isa 45:20, Isa 46:2, Isa 46:7 trouble : Heb. evil to the number : Jer 11:13; 2Ki 17:30,2Ki 17:31; Hos 10:1

But where : Deu 32:37; Jdg 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; Isa 45:20, Isa 46:2, Isa 46:7

trouble : Heb. evil

to the number : Jer 11:13; 2Ki 17:30,2Ki 17:31; Hos 10:1

TSK: Jer 2:29 - -- will ye plead : Jer 2:23, Jer 2:35, Jer 3:2 ye all have : Jer 5:1, Jer 6:13, Jer 9:2-6; Dan 9:11; Rom 3:19

will ye plead : Jer 2:23, Jer 2:35, Jer 3:2

ye all have : Jer 5:1, Jer 6:13, Jer 9:2-6; Dan 9:11; Rom 3:19

TSK: Jer 2:30 - -- In vain : Jer 5:3, Jer 6:29, Jer 6:30, Jer 7:28, Jer 31:18; 2Ch 28:22; Isa 1:5, Isa 9:13; Eze 24:13; Zep 3:2; Rev 9:20,Rev 9:21, Rev 16:9 your own swo...

TSK: Jer 2:31 - -- see ye : Amo 1:1; Mic 6:9 Have I been : Jer 2:5, Jer 2:6; 2Sa 12:7-9; 2Ch 31:10; Neh 9:21-25; Hos 2:7, Hos 2:8; Mal 3:9-11 We are lords : Heb. We have...

TSK: Jer 2:32 - -- a maid : Jer 2:11; Gen 24:22, Gen 24:30,Gen 24:53; 2Sa 1:24; Psa 45:13, Psa 45:14; Isa 61:10; Eze 16:10-13; 1Pe 3:3-5; Rev 21:2 yet my people : Jer 3:...

TSK: Jer 2:33 - -- Why : Jer 2:23, Jer 2:36, Jer 3:1, Jer 3:2; Isa 57:7-10; Hos 2:5-7, Hos 2:13 hast : 2Ch 33:9; Eze 16:27, Eze 16:47, Eze 16:51, Eze 16:52

TSK: Jer 2:34 - -- Also : Jer 7:31, Jer 19:4; 2Ki 21:16, 2Ki 24:4; Psa 106:37, Psa 106:38; Isa 57:5, Isa 59:7; Eze 16:20,Eze 16:21, Eze 20:31 I : Jer 6:15, Jer 8:12; Eze...

TSK: Jer 2:35 - -- Because : Jer 2:23, Jer 2:29; Job 33:9; Pro 28:13; Isa 58:3; Rom 7:9 I will : Jer 2:9; 1Jo 1:8-10

TSK: Jer 2:36 - -- gaddest : Jer 2:18, Jer 2:23, Jer 2:33, Jer 31:22; Hos 5:13, Hos 7:11, Hos 12:1 thou also shalt : Jer 37:7; Isa 20:5, Isa 30:1-7, Isa 31:1-3; Lam 4:17...

TSK: Jer 2:37 - -- thine hands : 2Sa 13:19 for the Lord : Jer 2:36, Jer 17:5, Jer 37:7-10; Isa 10:4; Eze 17:15-20 and thou : Jer 32:5; Num 14:41; 2Ch 13:12

thine hands : 2Sa 13:19

for the Lord : Jer 2:36, Jer 17:5, Jer 37:7-10; Isa 10:4; Eze 17:15-20

and thou : Jer 32:5; Num 14:41; 2Ch 13:12

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Jer 2:28 - -- A question of bitter irony. Things are made for some use. Now is the time for thy deities to prove themselves real by being useful. When every city ...

A question of bitter irony. Things are made for some use. Now is the time for thy deities to prove themselves real by being useful. When every city has its special deity, surely among so many there might be found one able to help his worshippers.

O Judah - Hereto the argument had been addressed to Israel: suddenly the prophet charges Judah with the habitual practice of idolatry, and points to the conclusion, that as Jerusalem has been guilty of Samaria’ s sin, it must suffer Samaria’ s punishment.

Barnes: Jer 2:30 - -- Your own sword hath detoured your prophets - An allusion probably to Manasseh 2Ki 21:16. Death was the usual fate of the true prophet Neh 9:26;...

Your own sword hath detoured your prophets - An allusion probably to Manasseh 2Ki 21:16. Death was the usual fate of the true prophet Neh 9:26; Mat 23:37.

Barnes: Jer 2:31 - -- Or, "O generation"that ye are! An exclamation Of indignation at their hardened resistance to God. A land of darkness - This word is written in...

Or, "O generation"that ye are! An exclamation Of indignation at their hardened resistance to God.

A land of darkness - This word is written in Hebrew with two accents, as being a compound, signifying not merely darkness, but the darkness of Yahweh, i. e., very great darkness.

We are lords - Others render it: We rove about, wander about at our will, go where we like.

Barnes: Jer 2:32 - -- A bride treasures all her life the girdle, which first indicated that she was a married woman, just as brides now treasure the wedding ring; but Isr...

A bride treasures all her life the girdle, which first indicated that she was a married woman, just as brides now treasure the wedding ring; but Israel, Yahweh’ s bride Jer 2:2, cherishes no fond memorials of past affection.

Barnes: Jer 2:33 - -- Why trimmest thou thy way - literally, "Why makest thou thy way good,"a phrase used here of the pains taken by the Jews to learn the idolatries...

Why trimmest thou thy way - literally, "Why makest thou thy way good,"a phrase used here of the pains taken by the Jews to learn the idolatries of foreign nations.

The wicked ones ... - Or, "therefore thou hast taught"thy ways wickednesses."

Barnes: Jer 2:34 - -- I have not found it ... - Rather, thou didst not find them breaking into thy house. The meaning is, that these poor innocents had committed no ...

I have not found it ... - Rather, thou didst not find them breaking into thy house. The meaning is, that these poor innocents had committed no crime: they were not thieves caught in the act, whom the Law permitted men to slay Exo 22:2, and therefore Israel in killing them was guilty of murder. The one crime here of theft is put for crime generally.

Upon all these - Or, because of all this. Thou killedst the poor innocents, not for any crime, but because of this thy lust for idolatry.

Barnes: Jer 2:35 - -- Because I am innocent - Rather, But "I am innocent,"or, "I am acquitted."Those blood-stains cannot be upon my skirts, because now, in king Josi...

Because I am innocent - Rather, But "I am innocent,"or, "I am acquitted."Those blood-stains cannot be upon my skirts, because now, in king Josiah’ s days, the idolatry of Manasseh has been put away.

Shall turn from me - Or, has turned away "from me."

Plead - Or, enter into judgment.

Barnes: Jer 2:36 - -- To change thy way - The rival parties at Jerusalem looked one to Assyria, the other to Egypt, for safety. As one or other for the time prevaile...

To change thy way - The rival parties at Jerusalem looked one to Assyria, the other to Egypt, for safety. As one or other for the time prevailed, the nation "changed its way,"sending its embassies now eastward to Nineveh, now westward to Memphis.

Thou also ... - literally, also of Egypt "shalt thou be ashamed."This was literally fulfilled by the failure of the attempt to raise the siege of Jerusalem Jer 37:5.

Barnes: Jer 2:37 - -- From him - From it, from this Egypt, which though fem. as a land, yet as a people may be used as a masc. (compare Jer 46:8). Now that Nineveh i...

From him - From it, from this Egypt, which though fem. as a land, yet as a people may be used as a masc. (compare Jer 46:8). Now that Nineveh is trembling before the armies of Cyaxares and Nabopalassar, thou hastenest to Egypt, hoping to rest upon her strength: but thou shalt retrace thy steps, with thy hands clasped upon thy head, disgraced and discarded.

Confidences - Those in whom thou confidest.

In them - literally, "with respect to them."

Poole: Jer 2:28 - -- Thy gods thy idols, viz. gods of thy own making; what do they do for thee? Isa 31:3 . Let them arise: either by way of challenge, let them produce ...

Thy gods thy idols, viz. gods of thy own making; what do they do for thee? Isa 31:3 .

Let them arise: either by way of challenge, let them produce their idols now, to help them, if they can, whom they call their fathers and their makers; or by way of scoff, as Elijah to Baal’ s priests: see Jud 10:14 . Besides, in this word arise there is an insinuation of their lifelessness and deadness, Isa 46:7 Jer 10:15 . And further, there may be a secret reply couched in it: q.d. In your trouble you will say to me, Arise, save us; now say so to them, and see if they can arise, and save you.

According to the number of thy cities are thy gods: q.d. Thou hast them near to thee, and enough of them, imitating the heathens, who had according to Varro above thirty thousand deities; no marvel if I, who am but one, be slighted, when thou hast in every city at least one, 2Ki 17:29-31 , and in Jerusalem one in every street, Jer 11:13 . It is a hard case if none nor all these thy tutelar gods can help thee: see Deu 32:37-39 . Make trial if any, or all of them together, can help thee.

Poole: Jer 2:29 - -- Wherefore will ye plead with me? ye all: q.d. You are all at my mercy, why will you contend? all this that I charge you with is clear and evident, an...

Wherefore will ye plead with me? ye all: q.d. You are all at my mercy, why will you contend? all this that I charge you with is clear and evident, and all makes against you, Jer 2:23,34 . Wherefore do you expostulate, and put me to my proofs? This they were good at, Jer 16:10 . There is nothing that you can justly reply, Jer 2:19 .

Ye all have transgressed against me i.e. some of all sorts; there is not any one sort of you innocent.

Poole: Jer 2:30 - -- Your children either your posterity, that you breed up like yourselves; or rather, your inhabitants in every city, they being frequently called the c...

Your children either your posterity, that you breed up like yourselves; or rather, your inhabitants in every city, they being frequently called the children of such a city, or such a place: children of Seir , 2Ch 25:14 , children , of the province, Ezr 2:1 , and children of thy people , Lev 19:18 , and abundance more the like; and thus it is comprehensive both of parents and children.

Correction i.e. The fruit of correction, viz. instruction. The same word is rendered correction , Pro 23:13 , which signifies instruction , Pro 5:12 , and in other places; and so to be taken here: it notes their refractoriness, that though they were corrected, yet they would not be instructed; though God did smite them, yet the rod prevailed as little with them as the word.

Your own sword hath devoured your prophets either the sword that I have sent to destroy you hath destroyed your false prophets together with you, Hos 4:5 , and so it is both a prophecy and a threatening; or rather, you have been so far from receiving counsel and instruction, that you have, by the sword, and other ways of destruction, (which is to be understood by the sword,) murdered those that I sent to reprove your follies in the days of Asa, Joash, Manasseh, &c., Neh 9:26 . See Mat 23:34,35 .

Devoured or, eaten up; a metaphor. Hence we read of the edge of the sword , which both in Hebrew and Greek is called the mouth of the sword , Jer 21:7 Luk 21:24 . Like a destroying lion ; without respect or pity; with all manner of savage usage; see Psa 7:2 ; laying aside all humanity.

Poole: Jer 2:31 - -- O generation or, O ye men of this generation, a note of admiration; or rather, O generation, a note of compellation: it is to you I speak, see ye th...

O generation or, O ye men of this generation, a note of admiration; or rather, O generation, a note of compellation: it is to you I speak,

see ye the word of the Lord i.e. look well to it, consider it; as the rod is to teach, and therefore ought to be heard, Mic 6:9 , so the word is to be considered of, and therefore ought to be looked into, Jer 2:19 . He speaketh here not so much of the doctrine of the word as of the thing itself: q.d. You shall see the thing with your eyes, because you give the doctrine the hearing only, as we use to say, i.e. your ears are shut against it.

Have I been a wilderness? here God challengeth them again to tell him what unkindness he had showed them, as before, Jer 2:5 . Have I been like the wilderness of Arabia? have not I accommodated you with all necessaries at all times? Deu 32:13,14 Eze 34:13-15 ; nay, in the wilderness itself I was not a wilderness unto you: an account whereof Nehemiah gives, Neh 9:15-23 . And you have the story of it Ps 78 .

A land of darkness: divers interpreters derive this word from a different root, and accordingly render the sense variously. Some from a root that signifies to fade or fall , as a land where fruits fall off before they be ripe, bringing nothing to perfection; and so Tremelius and Junius translate it, Isa 28:1,4 : q.d. Have you found me to fail your expectations in any thing that I have promised you? Jos 21:45 23:14 . Others derive it from a word that signifies late, as a land that brings forth its fruit late in the year, which either ripeneth not, or ripeneth unkindly: q.d. Have you found me backward in any thing to do you good? have I not fed you to the full? Others from darkness , properly thick darkness, Exo 10:22 Joe 2:2 . And it is the more significant, because Jah , the name of God, is added to it; q.d. the darkness of God ; as a sleep of God, for a deep sleep , 1Sa 26:12 ; flame of God, for a vehement flame , Son 8:6 ; as if it were a land uninhabitable, because of the total want of light: q.d. Have I been a God of no use or comfort to them, that they thus leave me? Have they had nothing from me but misery and affliction? as this notion of darkness may import, Isa 8:22 Lam 3:2 . Hence the LXX. express it by a land bringing forth thorns . Or this expression, a land of darkness , may be put by apposition to the former.

Say i.e. in their heart.

We are lords words of pride and boasting: God had endeavoured to make them sensible that all their happiness they owed to him, and now, q.d. you rule as lords without us; see 1Co 4:8 ; now you cast me off: or rather, We are well enough established in our government by foreign aids, and compacts with the Egyptians, and Assyrians, &c., and have rulers of our own; we have no such great need of thee. Hence the LXX. render it in the passive voice, We will not be ruled; which agrees with the text words of the verse, Deu 32:15,16 . Something of this appeared in Uzziah, 2Ch 26:15,16 , and Hezekiah, 2Ch 32:25 ; neither was David wholly clear, Psa 30:6 .

Poole: Jer 2:32 - -- Can a maid forget her ornaments? how seldom is it, and how unlikely, that a maid should forget her ornaments! Or a bride her attire? whether it bel...

Can a maid forget her ornaments? how seldom is it, and how unlikely, that a maid should forget her ornaments!

Or a bride her attire? whether it belongs to the head, or the breast, or arms, whether bracelets or jewels, wherever worn, is not worth the disputing; but understand those rich jewels which the bridegroom was wont to present his bride with, partly for a general obligation, and partly of particular signification, and all of them ornamental, whatever may render her amiable in the eyes of her bridegroom; virgins, and especially brides, will not usually neglect any thing that may make them comely.

Have forgotten me viz. in the neglect of my worship; me, who was not only their defence, but their glory, Jer 2:11 , &c., that for which other nations honoured them, Psa 148:14 Eze 16:10-14 .

Days without number i.e. for a long time past, time out of mind, or, as the Hebrew, days of which there is no number.

Poole: Jer 2:33 - -- Why trimmest or deckest , Eze 23:40 , thinking thereby to entice others to thy help? thus is the word used, Jer 4:30 . Or, Why dost thou use so much...

Why trimmest or deckest , Eze 23:40 , thinking thereby to entice others to thy help? thus is the word used, Jer 4:30 . Or, Why dost thou use so much art and skill, and take so much pains, to go and send here and there to contract a friendship with foreign people, and to bring them to thy embraces, Isa 57:9,10 , or thinking to set a good face or gloss upon the matter, and excuse thyself, as if thou couldst delude God, whereas all thou dost is to get acquaintance with other idolaters?

To seek love i.e. to commit filthiness with thy idols; a synecdoche of the kind.

Therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones i.e. thou art become so vile, that even strumpets themselves may come to learn of thee, 2Ch 33:9 . Or by thy example; nations that have been vile enough of themselves, by thy example are become more vile.

Thy ways i.e. thy actions; a metaphor.

Poole: Jer 2:34 - -- In thy skirts viz. of thy garments; a synecdoche of the kind; the tokens of thy cruelty may be seen openly there: or, in thy hands , as the LXX.: or...

In thy skirts viz. of thy garments; a synecdoche of the kind; the tokens of thy cruelty may be seen openly there: or, in thy hands , as the LXX.: or a metaphor from birds of rapine, whose wings are bloody with their prey; but not so well. Is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents , i.e. in thee is found the murders expressed here by blood of innocent persons, meant here by souls, comprising both their sacrificing of their little children to their idols, Psa 106:37,38 Eze 16:20,21,36 , murdering souls as well as bodies; and also all those cruelties, oppressions, and murders that they executed upon poor innocent persons, which were not a few in what Manasseh did, 2Ki 21:16 Eze 7:23 9:9 , and in special the prophets, Jer 2:30 , that came in God’ s name to reclaim them; which notes their desperate malice as well as cruelty, to slay their physicians.

By secret search Heb. by digging ; as if the earth had covered the blood, or as if they had committed their wickedness in some obscure places.

But upon all these upon thy garments openly enough, as exposed to public view. There needs no such strict scrutiny to be made.

Poole: Jer 2:35 - -- Yet thou sayest or interrogatively, Darest thou say? hast thou the impudence to affirm it? Innocent clear of this whole charge. Shall turn ; shall...

Yet thou sayest or interrogatively, Darest thou say? hast thou the impudence to affirm it?

Innocent clear of this whole charge. Shall turn ; shall not break out against me, Isa 5:25 .

I will plead with thee I will proceed in my judgment against thee, Jer 2:9 Jer 25:31 . Or it is a soft expression, wherein he shows that he will not act like a tyrant, carried on rashly and furiously; but as a judge, regularly and righteously, Eze 20:35 ; and it shows that he will convince her.

Because thou sayest, I have not sinned because thou dost justify thyself, as if I had no cause to be angry with thee. God is not angry with her so much because she hath sinned, as because she will not acknowledge her sin.

Poole: Jer 2:36 - -- Thy way i.e. thy actions; a metaphor. See Poole "Jer 2:33" . Why dost thou shuffle thus with me, to seek auxiliaries any where, rather than to cleav...

Thy way i.e. thy actions; a metaphor. See Poole "Jer 2:33" . Why dost thou shuffle thus with me, to seek auxiliaries any where, rather than to cleave to me, Jer 2:18 ; See Poole "Isa 52:9" , See Poole "Isa 52:10" . Or, like strumpets, whose love is never fixed, but sometimes set on one, sometimes on another.

Thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt: thou hast run to Assyria, and then to Egypt, and they shall both make thee ashamed by their disappointing of thee; thou shalt be ashamed of Egypt, as others have been, Isa 36:6 . Or rather, Egypt shall stand thee in no more stead than Assyria hath done, Isa 30:3,5 . And how Tilgath-pilneser served them, see 2Ch 28:20 . Before Hezekiah’ s time the Jews made a league with the Assyrians against the Syrians and the Israelites, and then against the Egyptians; neither prospered. He tells them they must expect no better success from Egypt.

Poole: Jer 2:37 - -- Thou shalt go forth from him: some apply it to the sad and ineffectual return of the ambassadors, being disappointed in their expectation from the ki...

Thou shalt go forth from him: some apply it to the sad and ineffectual return of the ambassadors, being disappointed in their expectation from the king of Egypt; but rather, All the help thou canst procure from abroad shall not prevent thy captivity, but from hence thou shalt go.

Thine hands upon thine head a usual posture of sadness and mourning, 2Sa 13:19 , suited here to her going into captivity.

Rejected thy confidences refused to give success unto them, 2Ch 16:7 . Or, rejected thee for thy confidences; or, he disapproves thy confidences, viz. all thy refuges which thou seekest out of God.

Thou shalt not prosper in them viz. in thy refuges and dependencies.

Haydock: Jer 2:28 - -- Cities. All were abandoned, Ezechiel xvi. 24., and Osee x. 1.

Cities. All were abandoned, Ezechiel xvi. 24., and Osee x. 1.

Haydock: Jer 2:30 - -- Prophets; Zacharias, (2 Paralipomenon xxiv. 21.) Isaias, &c., Matthew xxiii. 34. (Calmet) --- Punishment is designed by God to cause people to repe...

Prophets; Zacharias, (2 Paralipomenon xxiv. 21.) Isaias, &c., Matthew xxiii. 34. (Calmet) ---

Punishment is designed by God to cause people to repent. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jer 2:31 - -- See, or hear. The sword seems to be animated. (Calmet) --- Lateward. Hebrew, "darksome land." Have I not heaped blessings on my people? --- ...

See, or hear. The sword seems to be animated. (Calmet) ---

Lateward. Hebrew, "darksome land." Have I not heaped blessings on my people? ---

Revolted. Protestants, "Lords." (Haydock)

Haydock: Jer 2:33 - -- Thou who. Hebrew, "Therefore have I." (Calmet) --- Protestants, "hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways." (Haydock) --- Thou hast opened...

Thou who. Hebrew, "Therefore have I." (Calmet) ---

Protestants, "hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways." (Haydock) ---

Thou hast opened a school of vice.

Haydock: Jer 2:34 - -- Innocent children, immolated to Moloc, or people murdered, whose blood thou hast not concealed, 4 Kings xxi. 16.

Innocent children, immolated to Moloc, or people murdered, whose blood thou hast not concealed, 4 Kings xxi. 16.

Haydock: Jer 2:37 - -- Head, like the violated Thamar, 2 Kings xiii. 19. The king of Egypt was routed, when coming to assist Sedecias, chap. xxxvii. 3, 10. (Calmet)

Head, like the violated Thamar, 2 Kings xiii. 19. The king of Egypt was routed, when coming to assist Sedecias, chap. xxxvii. 3, 10. (Calmet)

Gill: Jer 2:28 - -- But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee?.... This is, or would be, the Lord's answer to them, what is become of your gods? why do not you appl...

But where are thy gods that thou hast made thee?.... This is, or would be, the Lord's answer to them, what is become of your gods? why do not you apply to them for help in time of trouble? the gods that you have chosen for yourselves and worshipped; the gods, not that made you, but whom you yourselves have made:

let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble; call upon them to arise, those statues of wood and stone, those lifeless and senseless images; let them rise off their seats, and move out of their places, if they can, and see whether they can save in a time of trouble and distress; for there is enough of them, if numbers will do:

for according to the number of thy cities are thy gods, O Judah; in imitation of the Heathens, who had not only in every country, but in every city and town, a different god, the patron and tutelar deity of the place; see 2Ki 17:29. The Septuagint and Arabic versions "add, according to the number of the ways, or streets, of Jerusalem", they sacrificed to Baal; see Jer 11:13.

Gill: Jer 2:29 - -- Wherefore will ye plead with me?.... Strive and contend, chide, murmur, and complain, when evil came upon them, as if the Lord dealt hardly with them,...

Wherefore will ye plead with me?.... Strive and contend, chide, murmur, and complain, when evil came upon them, as if the Lord dealt hardly with them, and as if they had never sinned against him; when their case would not bear to be brought into judgment and examined openly; what would they get by that but shame and disgrace?

ye all have transgressed against me, saith the Lord; high and low, rich and poor, great and small; men of all ranks, degrees, and character; kings, priests and prophets; and therefore ought not to contend with God, and charge him with injustice or unkindness, but themselves with folly and wickedness.

Gill: Jer 2:30 - -- In vain have I smitten your children,.... Or, "for vanity" g; for vain speaking, for making vain oaths and vows; so it is explained in the Talmud h; b...

In vain have I smitten your children,.... Or, "for vanity" g; for vain speaking, for making vain oaths and vows; so it is explained in the Talmud h; but the sense is, that the rod of chastisement was used in vain; the afflictions that came upon them had no effect on them to amend and reform them; they were never the better for them:

they received no correction; or instruction by them; see Jer 5:3,

your own sword hath devoured your prophets; as Isaiah, Zechariah, and Uriah, who were sent to them to reprove and correct them, but they were so far from receiving their correction, that they put them to death; though Kimchi mentions it as the sense of his father, and which he approves of, that this is to be understood, not of the true prophets of the Lord, but of false prophets; wherefore it is said, "your prophets"; and they had no prophets but false prophets, whose prophecy was the cause of the destruction of souls, and this brought ruin upon the prophets themselves; and this sense of the words Jerom gives into; it follows:

like a destroying lion; that is, the sword of the Lord, according to the latter sense; the judgments of God, by which the people fall, and their false prophets with them, were like a lion that destroys and devours all that come near it. The Septuagint and Arabic versions add,

and ye were not afraid; which confirms what was before said, that chastisement and correction were in vain.

Gill: Jer 2:31 - -- O generation, see ye the word of the Lord,.... Take notice of it, consider it; or, hear it, as the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions. Jarchi and...

O generation, see ye the word of the Lord,.... Take notice of it, consider it; or, hear it, as the Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic versions. Jarchi and Kimchi think i the pot of manna was brought out, and shown them, to be looked at by them, for the conviction of them, and confirmation of what follows:

have I been a wilderness unto Israel? no: the Israelites were plentifully supplied by him when in the wilderness, and since they were brought into a land flowing with milk and honey; so that they stood in need of nothing; they had a constant supply of all good things:

or a land of darkness? of misery, distress, and poverty; where no light of joy, comfort, and prosperity, is; a land that never sees the light, or enjoys the benefit of the sun, and so is barren and unfruitful; "a land of thorns", as the Septuagint version; or, "a desert and uncultivated land", as the Targum, and Syriac and Arabic versions. It may be rendered, "a land of the darkness of God" k; that is, of the greatest darkness, of thick and gross darkness, alluding to that in Egypt; as the flame of God, and mountains of God, Son 8:6, as Ben Melech and Kimchi observe:

wherefore say my people, we are lords; and can reign without thee; or we have kings and princes, and have no need of thee, so Kimchi; but the word used seems to have another meaning, and to require another sense. The Targum is, "we are removed"; and the Vulgate Latin version, "we have gone back"; to which agrees the Jewish Midrash l, mentioned by Jarchi, and confirmed with a passage out of the Misna m, "we are separated from thee"; we have departed from thee, turned our backs on thee, have forsaken thee, and left thy ways and worship; and to do so was very ungrateful, when the Lord had so richly supplied them, that they had not lacked any good thing; and this sense agrees with what follows:

we will come no more unto thee? some render it, "we have determined" n; as having the same sense with the Arabic word, which signifies to "will" or determine anything; and then the meaning is, we are determined, we are resolved to come no more to thee, to attend thy worship and service any more; and so the Targum,

"we will not return any more to thy worship.''

Gill: Jer 2:32 - -- Can a maid forget her ornaments,.... Which she has provided for her wedding day, and is then to wear, and which may be the next; such as ear rings, br...

Can a maid forget her ornaments,.... Which she has provided for her wedding day, and is then to wear, and which may be the next; such as ear rings, bracelets, and jewels, which are never out of her mind, and can scarce sleep for thinking of them, how richly she shall be adorned with them; wherefore it follows:

or a bride her attire? or, "her bindings" o; her knots about her head or breast. The word is rendered "head bands" in Isa 3:20 and here, by the Septuagint version, "her stomacher"; set with sparkling precious stones; see Isa 61:10, these things her heart being set upon, and priding herself with, cannot be forgotten by her, at least not long:

yet, my people have forgotten me days without number; which shows great stupidity and ingratitude; the Lord not being so much to them, from whom they had received so many favours, as the ornaments of a maid, and the attire of a bride, are to them.

Gill: Jer 2:33 - -- Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love?.... To seek the love, and gain the affections and esteem, of the idolatrous nations; as a lascivious woman dre...

Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love?.... To seek the love, and gain the affections and esteem, of the idolatrous nations; as a lascivious woman dresses herself out in the best manner to excite the lust and move the affections of her lovers; and as Jezebel, who painted her face, and tired her head, 2Ki 9:30 or dressed it in the best manner, where the same word is used as here; so the Targum,

"why dost thou make thy way beautiful, to procure loves (or lovers) to be joined to the people?''

or the sense is, why art thou so diligent and industrious to make thy way, which is exceeding bad, look a good one, by sacrifices and ceremonies, oblations and ablutions, in order to seek and obtain my love and favour, which is all in vain? it is not to be gained by such methods:

therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways; the wicked idolatrous nations, to whom they joined themselves; these they taught their ways of sacrificing, their rites, ceremonies, and superstitions; or, as Jarchi interprets it, thou hast taught thyself the worst way among them all; that is, thou hast used thyself to it: there is a double reading in this clause. The Cetib, or writing, is למדתי, "I have taught"; as if they were the words of God, saying, "wherefore I have taught"; or, "will teach"; that is, by punishing thee;

that thy ways are evil; or, as Kimchi explains it,

"I have taught thee by thy ways that they are evil, and evil shall come unto thee because of them.''

The Keri, or reading, is למדת, "thou hast taught"; which is confirmed by the Targum; and is followed by the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and other versions. It is by some rendered, "seeing thou hast taught others thy evil ways" p; not content to sin themselves, but taught others to do so, and yet would be thought good.

Gill: Jer 2:34 - -- Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents,.... Either of the innocent infants of poor persons, who were sacrificed to M...

Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents,.... Either of the innocent infants of poor persons, who were sacrificed to Moloch; or of the poor prophets of the Lord, whom they slew, because they faithfully reproved them for their sins; and the blood of those being found in their skirts is expressive of the publicness and notoriety of their sin, and also of the large quantity of blood shed, inasmuch as the skirts of their garments were filled with it, as if they had trod and walked in blood; see Isa 63:3.

I have not found it by secret search; or, "by digging" q; there was no need to dig for it; it lay above ground; it was upon their skirts, public enough: or, "in ditches", as the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin r versions; as when murders are privately and secretly committed; but these were done openly. Some read the words, "thou didst not find them with a digging instrument" s; so Jarchi interprets the words,

"you did not find them with a digging instrument, or in digging, when you slew them;''

you did not find them prepared as thieves to break up your houses, or digging down your walls, and breaking through into your houses, then you would have been justified by the law in slaying them, Exo 22:2, but this was not the case:

but upon all these; upon all their skirts, and not in ditches, or under ground; or, "for all these"; thou hast so done; not for their sins, for theft, or any other; but for their faithful reproofs and rebukes; so Jarchi, for all these words with which they reproved thee; or for all these, the idols on whose account, in the worship of them, the blood of the innocents was shed.

Gill: Jer 2:35 - -- Yet thou sayest, because I am innocent,.... Or, "that I am innocent"; though guilty of such flagrant and notorious crimes, acting like the adulterous ...

Yet thou sayest, because I am innocent,.... Or, "that I am innocent"; though guilty of such flagrant and notorious crimes, acting like the adulterous woman, Pro 30:20 to whom the Jews are all along compared in this chapter; which shows the hardness of their hearts, and their impudence in sinning:

surely his anger shall turn from me; the anger of God, since innocent; or, "let his anger be turned from me", as the Septuagint and Arabic versions; pleading for the removing of judgments upon the foot of innocency, which is pretended:

behold, I will plead with thee; enter into judgment with thee, and examine the case closely and thoroughly:

because thou sayest, I have not sinned; it would have been much better to have acknowledged sin, and pleaded for mercy, than to insist upon innocence, when the proof was so evident; nothing can be got by entering into judgment with God, upon such a foundation; and to sin, and deny it, is an aggravation of it: the denial of sin is a double sin, as the wise man says, whom Kimchi cites.

Gill: Jer 2:36 - -- Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way?.... Or, "by changing thy way" t; sometimes going one way, and sometimes another; sometimes to Egypt,...

Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way?.... Or, "by changing thy way" t; sometimes going one way, and sometimes another; sometimes to Egypt, and then to Assyria; seeking sometimes to the one for help, and sometimes to the other; at one time serving the gods of the one, in order to curry favour with them, and then the gods of the other, like a lascivious woman that gads about from place to place to increase her lovers, and satisfy her lust. The Vulgate Latin version is, "how exceeding vile art thou become, changing thy ways"; and so Jarchi says, the word תזלי signifies "contempt", or "vileness": deriving it from זול, or זלל, to be "vile" or "contemptible"; and to this sense are the Septuagint and Arabic versions; but Kimchi derives it from אזל, to go; to which our version and others agree:

thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt; as they were in the times of Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim, when Pharaohnecho king of Egypt took the former, and put him in bands, and carried him into Egypt; and set the latter upon the throne, and took tribute of him, for which the land was taxed, 2Ki 23:33.

as thou wast ashamed of Assyria; in the times of Ahaz, who sent to the king of Assyria for help, when Judah was smitten by the Edomites, and invaded by the Philistines; but when he came to him, he distressed him, and strengthened and helped him not, 2Ch 28:16.

Gill: Jer 2:37 - -- Yea, thou shalt go forth from him,.... From the Egyptian, without any help, and with shame; or, "from this" u; that is, from this place, from Jerusale...

Yea, thou shalt go forth from him,.... From the Egyptian, without any help, and with shame; or, "from this" u; that is, from this place, from Jerusalem, and from the land of Judea, into captivity; notwithstanding all the promised and expected help from Egypt,

2Ki 24:7,

and thine hands upon thine head; plucking and dishevelling the hair, as women in distress; so Tamar, when abused by her brother, laid her hand on her head, and went out crying, 2Sa 13:19,

for the Lord hath rejected thy confidences; those in whom they trusted, as the Egyptians; so that they should be of no service to them; or them, because of their trust and confidence in men, when it ought to have been placed above in himself:

shalt not prosper in them; or because of them, as Kimchi; but shalt go into captivity.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Jer 2:28 This is an attempt to render the Hebrew particle כִּי (ki, “for, indeed”) contextually.

NET Notes: Jer 2:29 This is still part of the Lord’s case against Israel. See 2:9 for the use of the same Hebrew verb. The Lord here denies their counter claims tha...

NET Notes: Jer 2:30 Heb “Your sword devoured your prophets like a destroying lion.” However, the reference to the sword in this and many similar idioms is mer...

NET Notes: Jer 2:31 Or more freely, “free to do as we please.” There is some debate about the meaning of this verb (רוּד, rud) because...

NET Notes: Jer 2:33 Heb “so that even the wicked women you teach your ways.”

NET Notes: Jer 2:34 KJV and ASV read this line with 2:34. The ASV makes little sense and the KJV again erroneously reads the archaic second person feminine singular perfe...

NET Notes: Jer 2:35 This is an attempt to render the Hebrew particle often translated “behold” (הִנֵּה, hinneh) in a meani...

NET Notes: Jer 2:36 Heb “You will be ashamed/disappointed by Egypt, just as you were ashamed/ disappointed by Assyria.”

NET Notes: Jer 2:37 Heb “The Lord has rejected those you trust in; you will not prosper by/from them.”

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:28 But where [are] thy gods that thou hast made for thyself? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble: for [according ( p ) to] t...

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:29 Why will ( q ) ye plead with me? ye all have transgressed against me, saith the LORD. ( q ) As though I did you injury in punishing you, seeing that ...

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:30 In vain have I smitten your children; they have received no correction: your ( r ) own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion. ( r...

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:31 O generation, see ye the word of the LORD. Have I been a ( s ) wilderness to Israel? a land of darkness? why say my people, We are lords; ( t ) we wil...

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:33 Why trimmest thou thy way to ( u ) seek love? therefore hast thou also taught the wicked ones thy ways. ( u ) With strangers.

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:34 Also in thy ( x ) skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents: I have not found it by secret search, but upon all these. ( x ) The p...

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:36 Why dost thou go about so much to change thy way? thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt, ( y ) as thou wast ashamed of Assyria. ( y ) For the Assyrians...

Geneva Bible: Jer 2:37 Yea, thou shalt go forth from him, and thy hands upon ( z ) thy head: for the LORD hath rejected thy confidences, and thou shalt not prosper in them. ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Jer 2:1-37 - --1 God having shewed his former kindness, expostulates with the Jews on their causeless and unexampled revolt.14 They are the causes of their own calam...

MHCC: Jer 2:20-28 - --Notwithstanding all their advantages, Israel had become like the wild vine that bears poisonous fruit. Men are often as much under the power of their ...

MHCC: Jer 2:29-37 - --The nation had not been wrought upon by the judgements of God, but sought to justify themselves. The world is, to those who make it their home and the...

Matthew Henry: Jer 2:20-28 - -- In these verses the prophet goes on with his charge against this backsliding people. Observe here, I. The sin itself that he charges them with - ido...

Matthew Henry: Jer 2:29-37 - -- The prophet here goes on in the same strain, aiming to bring a sinful people to repentance, that their destruction might be prevented. I. He avers t...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 2:26-28 - -- And yet idolatry brings to the people only disgrace, giving no help in the time of need. Jer 2:26. " As a thief is shamed when he is taken, so is th...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 2:29-32 - -- Judah has refused to let itself be turned from idolatry either by judgments or by the warnings of the prophets; nevertheless it holds itself guiltle...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 2:33-34 - -- In Jer 2:33 the style of address is ironical. How good thou makest thy way! i.e., how well thou knowest to choose out and follow the right way to se...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 2:35 - -- Yet withal the people holds itself to be guiltless, and deludes itself with the belief that God's wrath has turned away from it, because it has for ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 2:36 - -- Yet in spite of its proud security Judah seeks to assure itself against hostile attacks by the eager negotiation of alliances. This thought is the l...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 2:37 - -- Also from this, i.e., Egypt, shalt thou go away (come back), thy hands upon thy head, i.e., beating them on thy head in grief and dismay (cf. for th...

Constable: Jer 2:1--45:5 - --II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2--45 The first series of prophetic announcements, reflections, and incidents th...

Constable: Jer 2:1--25:38 - --A. Warnings of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem chs. 2-25 Chapters 2-25 contain warnings and appeals to t...

Constable: Jer 2:1--6:30 - --1. Warnings of coming punishment because of Judah's guilt chs. 2-6 Most of the material in this ...

Constable: Jer 2:1-37 - --Yahweh's indictment of His people for their sins ch. 2 "The whole chapter has strong rem...

Constable: Jer 2:26-28 - --Israel's shame because of her apostasy 2:26-28 2:26 Yahweh had uncovered Israel's sins and had shamed her, as when someone exposes a thief. All her le...

Constable: Jer 2:29-37 - --Israel's hardness of heart 2:29-37 Israel deserved judgment, and this pericope shows why. Jeremiah presented a series of pictures of the nation's irre...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) JEREMIAH, son of Hilkiah, one of the ordinary priests, dwelling in Anathoth of Benjamin (Jer 1:1), not the Hilkiah the high priest who discovered the ...


TSK: Jeremiah 2 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Jer 2:1, God having shewed his former kindness, expostulates with the Jews on their causeless and unexampled revolt; Jer 2:14, They are t...

Poole: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) BOOK OF THE PROPHET JEREMIAH THE ARGUMENT IT was the great unhappiness of this prophet to be a physician to, but that could not save, a dying sta...

Poole: Jeremiah 2 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 2 God’ s numerous and continued mercies render the Jews in their idolatry inexcusable, and unparalleled in any nation; and themselves ...

MHCC: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) Jeremiah was a priest, a native of Anathoth, in the tribe of Benjamin. He was called to the prophetic office when very young, about seventy years afte...

MHCC: Jeremiah 2 (Chapter Introduction) (Jer 2:1-8) God expostulates with his people. (Jer 2:9-13) Their revolt beyond example. (Jer 2:14-19) Guilt the cause of sufferings. (Jer 2:20-28) ...

Matthew Henry: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah The Prophecies of the Old Testament, as the Epistles of the New, are p...

Matthew Henry: Jeremiah 2 (Chapter Introduction) It is probable that this chapter was Jeremiah's first sermon after his ordination; and a most lively pathetic sermon it is as any we have is all th...

Constable: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book derives from its writer, the late seventh an...

Constable: Jeremiah (Outline) Outline I. Introduction ch. 1 A. The introduction of Jeremiah 1:1-3 B. T...

Constable: Jeremiah Jeremiah Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. London: C...

Haydock: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) THE PROPHECY OF JEREMIAS. INTRODUCTION. Jeremias was a priest, a native of Anathoth, a priestly city, in the tribe of Benjamin, and was sanct...

Gill: Jeremiah (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH The title of the book in the Vulgate Latin version is, "the Prophecy of Jeremiah"; in the Syriac and Arabic versions, "the...

Gill: Jeremiah 2 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO JEREMIAH 2 This chapter contains the prophet's message from the Lord to the people of the Jews; in which they are reminded of their...

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