Text -- Jeremiah 25:1-30 (NET)

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Wesley: Jer 25:9 - -- In this work shall be my servant; though you will not be my servants in obeying my commands.
In this work shall be my servant; though you will not be my servants in obeying my commands.

Wesley: Jer 25:10 - -- Nay, I will not only deprive you of your mirth, but of those things that are necessary for you, as necessary as bread and light, the millstone shall n...
Nay, I will not only deprive you of your mirth, but of those things that are necessary for you, as necessary as bread and light, the millstone shall not move, you shall not have the light so much as of a candle.

Wesley: Jer 25:12 - -- Counted from the time that the Jews were carried away in the time of Jeconiah or Jehoiakim, 2Ki 24:15-16.
Counted from the time that the Jews were carried away in the time of Jeconiah or Jehoiakim, 2Ki 24:15-16.

Wesley: Jer 25:12 - -- This was fulfilled by Darius, the king of Persia, Dan 4:31, of these seventy Nebuchadnezzar reigned thirty six, 2Ki 25:27.

God made Jeremiah to see the appearance of such a cup in a vision.

Some part of Arabia Petraea, near to Idumaea.

Wesley: Jer 25:20 - -- Uzzah, Ekron, Ashdod, and Askelon, were four of their cities, the fifth which was Gath is not here named. For before this time it was destroyed, eithe...
Uzzah, Ekron, Ashdod, and Askelon, were four of their cities, the fifth which was Gath is not here named. For before this time it was destroyed, either by Psammeticus, father to Pharaoh Necho, or by Tartan, captain general to Sargon, king of Assyria, of whom read, Isa 20:1, that he took Ashdod, which may be the reason that here mention is made of no more than the remnant of Ashdod.

Probably those parts of Syria that coasted upon the mid - land sea.

Wesley: Jer 25:23 - -- Tema descended from Ishmael, Gen 25:15, his posterity inhabited in Arabia, Isa 21:13-14, where they are joined with those of Dedan.
Tema descended from Ishmael, Gen 25:15, his posterity inhabited in Arabia, Isa 21:13-14, where they are joined with those of Dedan.

Wesley: Jer 25:23 - -- Buz was one of the posterity of Nahor, Gen 22:21. These were people mixed with the Saracens or Arabians.
Buz was one of the posterity of Nahor, Gen 22:21. These were people mixed with the Saracens or Arabians.

The Medes came from Madai the son of Japhet.

All under the government of the Chaldeans.

Wesley: Jer 25:26 - -- And the king of Babylon, who was last of all to drink of this cup of the Lord's fury.
And the king of Babylon, who was last of all to drink of this cup of the Lord's fury.
JFB -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30
JFB: Jer 25:1 - -- Called the third year in Dan 1:1. But probably Jehoiakim was set on the throne by Pharaoh-necho on his return from Carchemish about July, whereas Nebu...
Called the third year in Dan 1:1. But probably Jehoiakim was set on the throne by Pharaoh-necho on his return from Carchemish about July, whereas Nebuchadnezzar mounted the throne January 21, 604 B.C.; so that Nebuchadnezzar's first year was partly the third, partly the fourth, of Jehoiakim's. Here first Jeremiah gives specific dates. Nebuchadnezzar had previously entered Judea in the reign of his father Nabopolassar.

JFB: Jer 25:3 - -- From the thirteenth year of Josiah, in which Jeremiah began to prophesy (Jer 1:1), to the end of Josiah's reign, was nineteen years (2Ki 22:1) of Jeho...

JFB: Jer 25:4 - -- (See on Jer 7:13). "The prophets" refer to Urijah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, &c. It aggravates their sin, that God sent not merely one but many messengers,...
(See on Jer 7:13). "The prophets" refer to Urijah, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, &c. It aggravates their sin, that God sent not merely one but many messengers, and those messengers, prophets; and, that during all those years specified, Jeremiah and his fellow prophets spared no effort, late and early.

JFB: Jer 25:5 - -- In Hebrew there is expressed by sameness of sounds the correspondence between their turning to God and God's turning to them to permit them to dwell i...
In Hebrew there is expressed by sameness of sounds the correspondence between their turning to God and God's turning to them to permit them to dwell in their land: Shubu . . . shebu, "Return" . . . so shall ye "remain."

JFB: Jer 25:5 - -- Each must separately repent and turn from his own sin. None is excepted, lest they should think their guilt extenuated because the evil is general.
Each must separately repent and turn from his own sin. None is excepted, lest they should think their guilt extenuated because the evil is general.

JFB: Jer 25:6 - -- He instances one sin, idolatry, as representative of all their sins; as nothing is dearer to God than a pure worship of Himself.
He instances one sin, idolatry, as representative of all their sins; as nothing is dearer to God than a pure worship of Himself.

JFB: Jer 25:7 - -- Though ye provoke Me to anger (Deu 32:21), yet it is not I, but yourselves, whom ye thereby hurt (Pro 8:36; Pro 20:2).

JFB: Jer 25:9 - -- (see on Jer 1:14-15). The Medes and other northern peoples, confederate with Babylon, are included with the Chaldeans.
(see on Jer 1:14-15). The Medes and other northern peoples, confederate with Babylon, are included with the Chaldeans.

JFB: Jer 25:9 - -- My agent for punishing (Jer 27:6; Jer 43:10; compare Jer 40:2). Compare Isa 44:28; Cyrus, "My shepherd." God makes even unbelievers unconsciously to f...
My agent for punishing (Jer 27:6; Jer 43:10; compare Jer 40:2). Compare Isa 44:28; Cyrus, "My shepherd." God makes even unbelievers unconsciously to fulfil His designs. A reproof to the Jews, who boasted that they were the servants of God; yet a heathen king is to be more the servant of God than they, and that as the agent of their punishment.

JFB: Jer 25:10 - -- (Jer 7:34; Rev 18:23). The land shall be so desolated that even in the houses left standing there shall be no inhabitant; a terrible stillness shall p...
(Jer 7:34; Rev 18:23). The land shall be so desolated that even in the houses left standing there shall be no inhabitant; a terrible stillness shall prevail; no sound of the hand-mill (two circular stones, one above the other, for grinding corn, worked by two women, Exo 11:5; Mat 24:41; in daily use in every house, and therefore forbidden to be taken in pledge, Deu 24:6); no night-light, so universal in the East that the poorest house has it, burning all night.

JFB: Jer 25:11 - -- (Jer 27:7). The exact number of years of Sabbaths in four hundred ninety years, the period from Saul to the Babylonian captivity; righteous retributi...
(Jer 27:7). The exact number of years of Sabbaths in four hundred ninety years, the period from Saul to the Babylonian captivity; righteous retribution for their violation of the Sabbath (Lev 26:34-35; 2Ch 36:21). The seventy years probably begin from the fourth year of Jehoiakim, when Jerusalem was first captured, and many captives, as well as the treasures of the temple, were carried away; they end with the first year of Cyrus, who, on taking Babylon, issued an edict for the restoration of the Jews (Ezr 1:1). Daniel's seventy prophetic weeks are based on the seventy years of the captivity (compare Dan 9:2, Dan 9:24).

JFB: Jer 25:13 - -- It follows from this, that the prophecies against foreign nations (forty-sixth through fifty-first chapters) must have been already written. Hence the...
It follows from this, that the prophecies against foreign nations (forty-sixth through fifty-first chapters) must have been already written. Hence the Septuagint inserts here those prophecies. But if they had followed immediately (Jer 25:13), there would have been no propriety in the observation in the verse. The very wording of the reference shows that they existed in some other part of the book, and not in the immediate context. It was in this very year, the fourth of Jehoiakim (Jer 36:1-2), that Jeremiah was directed to write in a regular book for the first time all that he had prophesied against Judah and foreign "nations" from the beginning of his ministry. Probably, at a subsequent time, when he completed the whole work, including the forty-sixth through fifty-first chapters, Jeremiah himself inserted the clause, "all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations." The prophecies in question may have been repeated, as others in Jeremiah, more than once; so in the original smaller collection they may have stood in an earlier position; and, in the fuller subsequent collection, in their later and present position.

JFB: Jer 25:14 - -- The Chaldees, who heretofore have made other nations their slaves, shall themselves also in their turn be slaves to them. MAURER translates, "shall im...
The Chaldees, who heretofore have made other nations their slaves, shall themselves also in their turn be slaves to them. MAURER translates, "shall impose servitude on them, even them."

JFB: Jer 25:14 - -- Namely, the Chaldees and other nations against whom Jeremiah had prophesied (Jer 25:13), as having oppressed the Jews.
Namely, the Chaldees and other nations against whom Jeremiah had prophesied (Jer 25:13), as having oppressed the Jews.

JFB: Jer 25:14 - -- Rather, "deed," namely, their bad treatment of the Jews (Jer 50:29; Jer 51:6, Jer 51:24; compare 2Ch 36:17).

JFB: Jer 25:15 - -- Compare Jer 13:12-13, as to this image, to express stupefying judgments; also Jer 49:12; Jer 51:7. Jeremiah often embodies the imagery of Isaiah in hi...
Compare Jer 13:12-13, as to this image, to express stupefying judgments; also Jer 49:12; Jer 51:7. Jeremiah often embodies the imagery of Isaiah in his prophecies (Lam 4:21; Isa 51:17-22; Rev 16:19; Rev 18:6). The wine cup was not literally given by Jeremiah to the representatives of the different nations; but only in symbolical vision.

JFB: Jer 25:18 - -- Put first: for "judgment begins at the house of God"; they being most guilty whose religious privileges are greatest (1Pe 4:17).
Put first: for "judgment begins at the house of God"; they being most guilty whose religious privileges are greatest (1Pe 4:17).

JFB: Jer 25:18 - -- The accomplishment of the curse had already begun under Jehoiakim. This clause, however, may have been inserted by Jeremiah at his final revision of h...
The accomplishment of the curse had already begun under Jehoiakim. This clause, however, may have been inserted by Jeremiah at his final revision of his prophecies in Egypt.

JFB: Jer 25:19 - -- Put next after Jerusalem, because the Jews had relied most on him, and Egypt and Judea stood on a common footing (Jer 46:2, Jer 46:25).

JFB: Jer 25:20 - -- Mercenary foreign troops serving under Pharaoh-hophra in the time of Jeremiah. The employment of these foreigners provoked the native Egyptians to ove...
Mercenary foreign troops serving under Pharaoh-hophra in the time of Jeremiah. The employment of these foreigners provoked the native Egyptians to overthrow him. Psammetichus, father of Pharaoh-necho, also had given a settlement in Egypt to Ionian and Carian adventurers [HERODOTUS, 2.152, 154]. See on Jer 50:37; Isa 19:2-3; Isa 20:1; Eze 30:5. The term is first found in Exo 12:38.

JFB: Jer 25:20 - -- In the geographical order here, between Egypt and the states along the Mediterranean; therefore not the "Uz" of Job 1:1 (north of Arabia-Deserta), but...

JFB: Jer 25:20 - -- Called a "remnant," because Ashdod had lost most of its inhabitants in the twenty-nine years siege by Psammetichus. Compare also see on Isa 20:1. Gath...
Called a "remnant," because Ashdod had lost most of its inhabitants in the twenty-nine years siege by Psammetichus. Compare also see on Isa 20:1. Gath is not mentioned because it was overthrown in the same war.

Joined together, as being related to Israel (see Jer. 48:1-49:39).

The petty kings of the various dependencies of Tyre.

JFB: Jer 25:24 - -- Not in the same sense as in Jer 25:20; the "motley crowd," so called in contempt (compare Jer 49:28, Jer 49:31; Jer 50:37). By a different pointing it...
Not in the same sense as in Jer 25:20; the "motley crowd," so called in contempt (compare Jer 49:28, Jer 49:31; Jer 50:37). By a different pointing it may be translated the "Arabs"; but the repetition of the name is not likely. BLANEY thinks there were two divisions of what we call Arabia, the west (Araba) and the east. The west included Arabia-Petræa and the parts on the sea bordering on Egypt, the land of Cush; the east, Arabia-Felix and Deserta. The latter are "the mixed race" inhabiting the desert.

JFB: Jer 25:25 - -- Perhaps the Zabra mentioned by PTOLEMY between Mecca and Medina. Zimran also, as Dedan, was one of Abraham's sons by Keturah (Gen 25:2).
Perhaps the Zabra mentioned by PTOLEMY between Mecca and Medina. Zimran also, as Dedan, was one of Abraham's sons by Keturah (Gen 25:2).

Properly, west of Persia; but used for Persia in general.

JFB: Jer 25:26 - -- Babylon; as the parallelism in Jer 51:41 proves. In the Cabalistic system (called Athbash, the first Hebrew letter in the alphabet being expressed by ...
Babylon; as the parallelism in Jer 51:41 proves. In the Cabalistic system (called Athbash, the first Hebrew letter in the alphabet being expressed by the last) Sheshach would exactly answer to Babel. Jeremiah may have used this system (as perhaps in Jer 51:41) for concealment at the time of this prediction, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, while Nebuchadnezzar was before Jerusalem. In Jer 51:41 there can be no concealment, as Babylon is expressly mentioned. MICHAELIS more simply explains the term "brazen-gated" (compare Isa 45:2); others, "the house of a prince." Rather, it comes from the Babylonian goddess, Shach, by reduplication of the first letter; from her Misael was named Meshach by the Babylonians. The term Shace was applied to a festival at Babylon, alluded to in Jer 51:39, Jer 51:57; Isa 21:5. It was during this feast that Cyrus took Babylon [HERODOTUS, 1]. Thus Jeremiah mystically denotes the time of its capture by this term [GLASSIUS].

JFB: Jer 25:27 - -- The heathen nations in question should fall to rise no more. The Jews should fall but for a time, and then rise again. Therefore, the epithet is given...
The heathen nations in question should fall to rise no more. The Jews should fall but for a time, and then rise again. Therefore, the epithet is given, "the God of Israel."

No effort of theirs to escape destruction will avail.

JFB: Jer 25:29 - -- If I spared not Mine elect people on account of sin, much less will I spare you (Eze 9:6; Oba 1:16; Luk 23:31; 1Pe 4:17).

JFB: Jer 25:30 - -- Rather, "His pasturage"; keeping up the image of a lion roaring against the flock in the pasture. The roar was first to go forth over Judea wherein we...
Rather, "His pasturage"; keeping up the image of a lion roaring against the flock in the pasture. The roar was first to go forth over Judea wherein were "the sheep of His pasture" (Psa 100:3), and thence into heathen lands.
Clarke -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:1; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:17; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:29
Clarke: Jer 25:1 - -- The word that came to Jeremiah - to the fourth year - This prophecy, we see, was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and the chapter that con...
The word that came to Jeremiah - to the fourth year - This prophecy, we see, was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and the chapter that contains it is utterly out of its place. It should be between chapters 35 and 36
The defeat of the Egyptians by Nebuchadnezzar at Carchemish, and the subsequent taking of Jerusalem, occurred in this year, viz., the fourth year of Jehoiakim

Clarke: Jer 25:1 - -- The first year of Nebuchadrezzar - This king was associated with his father two years before the death of the latter. The Jews reckon his reign from...
The first year of Nebuchadrezzar - This king was associated with his father two years before the death of the latter. The Jews reckon his reign from this time, and this was the first of those two years; but the Chaldeans date the commencement of his reign two years later, viz., at the death of his father.

Clarke: Jer 25:7 - -- That ye might provoke - Ye would not hearken; but chose to provoke me with anger.
That ye might provoke - Ye would not hearken; but chose to provoke me with anger.

Clarke: Jer 25:9 - -- Behold, I will send - At this time Nebuchadrezzar had not invaded the land, according to this Version; but the Hebrew may be translated, "Behold I a...
Behold, I will send - At this time Nebuchadrezzar had not invaded the land, according to this Version; but the Hebrew may be translated, "Behold I am sending, and have taken all the families;"that is, all the allies of the king of Babylon
Instead of

Clarke: Jer 25:10 - -- The sound of the mill-stones, and the light of the candle - These two are conjoined, because they generally ground the corn before day, by the light...
The sound of the mill-stones, and the light of the candle - These two are conjoined, because they generally ground the corn before day, by the light of the candle. Sir J. Chardin has remarked, that every where in the morning may be heard the noise of the mills; for they generally grind every day just as much as is necessary for the day’ s consumption. Where then the noise of the grill is not heard, nor the light of the candle seen, there must be desolation; because these things are heard and seen in every inhabited country.

Clarke: Jer 25:11 - -- Shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years - As this prophecy was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and in the first of Nebuchadnezzar, ...
Shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years - As this prophecy was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and in the first of Nebuchadnezzar, and began to be accomplished in the same year, (for then Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judea, and took Jerusalem), seventy years from this time will reach down to the first year of Cyrus, when he made his proclamation for the restoration of the Jews, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem. See the note on Isa 13:19 (note), where the subject is farther considered in relation to the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, and the city of Babylon.

Clarke: Jer 25:12 - -- And that nation - הגוי ההוא haggoi hahu . Dr. Blayney contends that this should be translated his nation, and that ההוא hahu is the...
And that nation -

Clarke: Jer 25:12 - -- Will make it perpetual desolations - See the note on Isa 13:19, where the fulfillment of this prophecy is distinctly marked.
Will make it perpetual desolations - See the note on Isa 13:19, where the fulfillment of this prophecy is distinctly marked.

Clarke: Jer 25:14 - -- Many nations and great kings - The Medes and the Persians, under Cyrus; and several princes, his vassals or allies.
Many nations and great kings - The Medes and the Persians, under Cyrus; and several princes, his vassals or allies.

Clarke: Jer 25:16 - -- Take the wine cup of this fury - For an ample illustration of this passage and simile, see the note on Isa 51:21.
Take the wine cup of this fury - For an ample illustration of this passage and simile, see the note on Isa 51:21.

Clarke: Jer 25:17 - -- Then took I the cup - and made all the nations to drink - This cup of God’ s wrath is merely symbolical, and simply means that the prophet shou...
Then took I the cup - and made all the nations to drink - This cup of God’ s wrath is merely symbolical, and simply means that the prophet should declare to all these people that they shall fall under the Chaldean yoke, and that this is a punishment inflicted on them by God for their iniquities. "Then I took the cup;"I declared publicly the tribulation that God was about to bring on Jerusalem, the cities of Judah, and all the nations.

Clarke: Jer 25:19 - -- Pharaoh king of Egypt - This was Pharaoh-necho, who was the principal cause of instigating the neighboring nations to form a league against the Chal...
Pharaoh king of Egypt - This was Pharaoh-necho, who was the principal cause of instigating the neighboring nations to form a league against the Chaldeans.

Clarke: Jer 25:20 - -- All the mingled people - The strangers and foreigners; Abyssinians and others who had settled in Egypt
All the mingled people - The strangers and foreigners; Abyssinians and others who had settled in Egypt

Tyrus and - Zidon - The most ancient of all the cities of the Phoenicians

Clarke: Jer 25:22 - -- Kings of the isles which are beyond the sea - As the Mediterranean Sea is most probably meant, and the Phoenicians had numerous colonies on its coas...
Kings of the isles which are beyond the sea - As the Mediterranean Sea is most probably meant, and the Phoenicians had numerous colonies on its coasts, I prefer the marginal reading, the kings of the region by the sea side.

Clarke: Jer 25:23 - -- Buz - Brother of Uz, descendants of Nahor, brother of Abraham, settled in Arabia Deserta, Gen 22:21.
Buz - Brother of Uz, descendants of Nahor, brother of Abraham, settled in Arabia Deserta, Gen 22:21.

The mingled people - Probably the Scenite Arabians.

Clarke: Jer 25:25 - -- Elam - Called Elymais by the Greeks, was on the south frontier of Media, to the north of Susiana, not far from Babylon.
Elam - Called Elymais by the Greeks, was on the south frontier of Media, to the north of Susiana, not far from Babylon.

Clarke: Jer 25:26 - -- The kings of the north, far and near - The first may mean Syria; the latter, the Hyrcanians and Bactrians
The kings of the north, far and near - The first may mean Syria; the latter, the Hyrcanians and Bactrians

Clarke: Jer 25:26 - -- And the king of Sheshach shall drink after them - Sheshach was an ancient king of Babylon, who was deified after his death. Here it means either Bab...
And the king of Sheshach shall drink after them - Sheshach was an ancient king of Babylon, who was deified after his death. Here it means either Babylon, or Nebuchadnezzar the king of it. After it has been the occasion of ruin to so many other nations, Babylon itself shall be destroyed by the Medo-Persians.

Clarke: Jer 25:27 - -- Be drunken, and spue - Why did we not use the word vomit, less offensive than the other, and yet of the same signification?
Be drunken, and spue - Why did we not use the word vomit, less offensive than the other, and yet of the same signification?

Clarke: Jer 25:29 - -- The city which is called by my name - Jerusalem, which should be first given up to the destruction.
The city which is called by my name - Jerusalem, which should be first given up to the destruction.
Calvin -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:2; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:17; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:30
Calvin: Jer 25:1 - -- his prophecy no doubt preceded the vision which we have just explained, and which had just been presented to Jeremiah when Jehoiakim died, and when Z...
his prophecy no doubt preceded the vision which we have just explained, and which had just been presented to Jeremiah when Jehoiakim died, and when Zedekiah reigned in the place of Jeconiah; who, being the last king, was substituted for his nephew Jeconiah. But related now is the prophecy which Jeremiah was bidden to proclaim in the fourth year of Jehoiakim; and he reigned, as we shall hereafter see, eleven years. We hence conclude that his book is composed of various addresses, but that the order of time has not always been preserved. Now the sum of the whole is, that when God found that the people could not be amended and restored to a right mind by any warnings, he denounced final ruin both on the Jews and on all the neighboring nations: but why he included the heathens we shall hereafter see.
He then says, that this prophecy was committed to him in the fourth year of Jehoiakim; and he adds, that the same year was the first of King Nebuchadnezar This seems inconsistent with other places, where the third of Jehoiakim is mentioned for the fourth year; and hence a long time is allotted for the first year of Nebuchadnezar. But a solution of this is not difficult, if we consider that Nebuchadnezar suddenly returned into Chaldea to settle his affairs at home, when the report of his father’s death was brought to him; for he feared, lest in his absence a tumult should arise, as it often happened. He was therefore anxious to secure his own affairs; and having settled things at home, he brought Jehoiakim into subjection, and in the fourth year of his reign he compelled him to open his treasures, and also led away captive those whom he wished. And it was at this time that Daniel and his companions were led away into exile, and the precious vessels of the Temple were removed. As to the first year of Nebuchadnezar’s reign, he reigned first with his father; and then when he reigned alone, the beginning of a new reign is justly mentioned as the first year. Though then he was made king, yet as he did not exercise the chief power until his father’s death, it was not until that event that he was really king; this is the reason why mention is made of his first year. But we ought especially to notice what the Prophet says, — that the word came to him, not for his own sake, but that he might be the public herald of God. It now follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:2 - -- He shews more clearly in this verse what he had just said, — that he was not taught from above, that he might suppress what he had heard, but that ...
He shews more clearly in this verse what he had just said, — that he was not taught from above, that he might suppress what he had heard, but that he might proclaim it as from the mouth of God; and hence he gives himself the honorable title of a Prophet, as though he had said, that he came furnished with the indubitable commands of God, and was at the same time honored with the office of a Prophet; and he came thus, that no one might dare despise his doctrine. Now follows his sermon, —

Calvin: Jer 25:3 - -- Jeremiah now expostulates with the Jews, because they had not only perfidiously departed from the true worship of God, and despised the whole teachin...
Jeremiah now expostulates with the Jews, because they had not only perfidiously departed from the true worship of God, and despised the whole teaching of his Law, but because they had shaken off the yoke, and designedly and even obstinately rejected all warnings, being not moved by reproofs nor even by threatenings. He does not then simply charge them with impiety and ingratitude, but adds the sin of perverseness, that they were like untameable wild beasts, and could by no means be corrected.
He says, that from the thirteenth year of Josiah king of Judah, to that year, which was the twenty-third year, he had not ceased faithfully to perform the office committed to him, but had effected nothing. It hence appears how incorrigible was their wickedness. We have seen, at the beginning of the book, that he was called by God to be a Prophet in the thirteenth year of King Josiah; and he had now been engaged in his calling, as he declares, for twenty-three years.
He had spent his time in vain, he had consumed much labor without any fruit. It is then no wonder that he now accuses them of perverseness, and that in the name of God; for he pleads not his own cause, but shews what the Jews deserved, considering how much God had labored in reclaiming them, and that they had rejected all his warnings and refused all his remedies. Then from the thirteenth year of Josiah, he says, to this day; and afterwards in a parenthesis he adds, that he had already discharged his office for twenty-three years.
We learn that the Prophet spoke thus seventeen years before the destruction of the City and Temple; for he had accomplished forty years before the people were driven into exile, and before they who thought themselves safe, miserably perished. He continued to the death of Josiah; and afterwards about twenty-two transpired; for Jehoiakim reigned eleven years; and without reckoning the short time of Jeconiah, Mathaniah, called also Zedekiah, was in the eleventh year removed, and disgracefully and reproachfully put to death. Thus it appears that the Prophet constantly labored for forty years.
Hence, also, we learn how diabolical was the madness of that people in rejecting so many admonitions. And if we connect another thing, to which I lately referred, that they had been taught by many examples, it will appear still more evident that the disease of impiety as to that people was altogether incurable.
But this passage deserves special attention; for we here learn that we ought immediately to return to God when he invites us; for faith is known by its promptitude. As soon then as God speaks, it behoves us to be attentive, so that we may immediately follow him. But if God ceases not for a whole year to warn and exhort us, while at the same time his doctrine is despised, we become guilty of intolerable sin. Let us then remember that days are here in a manner mentioned as well as years, that the Jews might consider how many days are included in every year; and let us also know that years are mentioned by Jeremiah, that they might, understand that they had no excuse, inasmuch as God had for so long a time ceased not to promote their welfare, while in the meantime they persisted in their impiety, and continued obstinate to the last. This is the reason why the Prophet relates again when it was that he began to discharge his prophetic office, even from the thirteenth year of Josiah.
He then adds, that it was their own fault that they had not repented; spoken, he says, has Jehovah to me, and I to you. By saying that the word of God was deposited with him, he no doubt intended to assert his authority against the unbelievers, who clamored that he presumptuously pretended God’s name, and that he had not been sent by God. For we have elsewhere seen that the Church was then miserably torn, having intestine broils, and many were boasting that they were prophets; and we shall hereafter find the same thing in other places. Thus, then, Jeremiah was not received by the whole people, and his authority was disputed. Since then he had to contend with many ungodly men, he here testifies that he came not of himself, but that the prophetic office had been committed to him.
After having asserted the authority of his call, he adds, that he had faithfully promoted the welfare of the whole people; for he declares how faithful and diligent he had been when he says, that he had spoken and rose up early; for to rise up early means that he had been assiduous in his work. The Prophet then shews that he had not been tardy or idle, and that he had not spoken carelessly as many do, who seem to do what God commands, but display no fervid zeal and no sedulity. The Prophet then, after having declared that he had been sent from above, adds that he had exercised fidelity and diligence, that he had strenuously served God and his Church. I have spoken to you, he says, as the Lord had spoken to me, — how? rising up early

Calvin: Jer 25:4 - -- He then adds, I have spoken, and ye heard not He complains here that his work had been useless, and at the same time shews that the whole fault was...
He then adds, I have spoken, and ye heard not He complains here that his work had been useless, and at the same time shews that the whole fault was in the people. He confirms the same thing in other words, Jehovah has sent to you all his servants the prophets, rising. up early, etc He enhances their sin, — that they had not only rejected one Prophet but even many; for God had not employed Jeremiah alone to teach them, but had joined others with him, so that they were less excusable. We hence see that their sin is in this verse exaggerated; for the Jews had not only despised God in the person of one man, but had also rejected all his servants. He might, indeed, have simply said, that God had sent his servants, but he adds the word prophets, in order that their ingratitude might appear more evident. It was, indeed, very wicked to neglect God’s servants; but as prophecy was an invaluable treasure, and a singular pledge and symbol of God’s favor, it was a double crime when they thus despised the prophets, whose very name ought to have been held sacred by them.
He afterwards applies to God what he had said of himself, rising up early It is certain that God does not rise up, as he sleeps not in the night; but the language is much more expressive and forcible, when God himself is said to rise up early. And it, was not without reason that the Prophet spoke so emphatically; for though the Jews were sufficiently convicted of ingratitude for having disregarded God’s servants, it was yet a monstrous impiety to shew no regard for God. But when the unbelieving are proved guilty, they ever fix their eyes on men, “He! it is with a mortal that I have to do; far be it from me ever to rise up against God; but why is this so much blamed, since I do not immediately perish? since I am not suddenly cast down at the nod of man? what! am I not free to inquire, and to discuss, and to examine every part of what is said? why do the prophets so imperiously treat us, that it is not lawful to doubt any of their words?” Thus, then, did the ungodly speak. But God on the other hand answered them and said, that he was despised, as also Christ said,
“He who hears you hears me,
and he who despises you despises me.” (Luk 10:16)
So also the Prophet sets forth God himself as rising up early, exhorting the people and manifesting every care for their wellbeing. This, then, is the design of the metaphor, when he says, that God had sent to them and rose up early; he rose up early while sending his servants.
Now as God fulminates against all despisers of his doctrine, so from these words we may gather no small consolation; for we certainly conclude that God watches over our safety whenever sound and faithful teachers go forth: it is the same as though he himself descended from heaven, rose up early, and was intent in securing our salvation. This we learn from the very words of the Prophet, when he says, that God rose up early. But as this testimony of God’s favor and paternal care towards us is delightful, so to the same extent dreadful is the vengeance that awaits those who neglect this favor, who sleep when God is watching, who hear not when he is speaking, who continue in their sloth and torpor when God of his own accord meets them, and kindly and gently invites them to himself.

Calvin: Jer 25:5 - -- He afterwards explains what God required them to do, Turn ye, I pray, every one from his evil way and from the wickedness of your doings, and dwell ...
He afterwards explains what God required them to do, Turn ye, I pray, every one from his evil way and from the wickedness of your doings, and dwell in the land which Jehovah has given to you and your fathers from age even to age What God required was doubtless most just; for he demanded nothing from the Jews but to repent. There was also a promise added; God not only exhorted them to repent, but wished also to be reconciled to them, and having blotted out all memory of their sins, to shew them kindness: had they not been harder than stones, they must have been turned to his service by so kind a treatment. God might have indeed sharply reproved them, he might have threatened them, he might, in short, have cut off every hope of pardon; but he only required them to repent, and at the same time added a promise of free forgiveness. As then they had despised so great a favor, it follows that they must have been men of reprobate minds and of irreclaimable habits.
When they were bidden to repent of their evil way and of the wickedness of their doings, it was done for sake of amplifying; for the Prophet wished to take away from them every pretense for evasion, lest they should ask what was the wickedness or what was the evil way. He then intimates that they were fully proved guilty; and for this purpose he made the repetition. By way is designated a continued course of life; but as they had fully shewed themselves perverse in many ways, he refers to their fruits, as though he had said, that they in vain contended with God, by inquiring what had been their evil way, for their whole life sufficiently testified that they were wholly given to wickedness.
Now there is a striking alliteration in the verbs
He also emphatically uses the word
And this is what ought to be observed; for we are wont, in a cold manner, to confess our sins, and to pray to God when we are proved guilty, except when each one is touched with the sense of his own guilt, and owns himself to be justly exposed to God’s judgment; for while every one mingles with the multitude, it so happens that no one acknowledges the heinousness of his own sins. Therefore, for true and sincere repentance this peculiar examination is necessary, so that every one may repent and not regard his friends.
When he says, Dwell ye in the land, though it be the imperative mood, yet it is a promise, by which God declared that he was ready to receive the Jews into favor, provided they returned from the heart to him: he proposed to them, as a symbol of his paternal layout, the possession of the land; for that land was as it were the pledge of their adoption; and the Jews, while they dwelt there, might have felt assured that God was their Father. He adds, From age even to age; as though he had said, “I am prepared to do you good not only for one day, or for a short time, but also to shew you kindness from age to age. It will then be your fault if ye be not happy, and if this happiness will not pass on from you to your children and grandchildren.” But the more delightful the invitation was, the more detestable became the impiety of the people, as it will be stated hereafter. He now adds, —

Calvin: Jer 25:6 - -- The Prophet mentions here one kind of sin; for though the Jews in many, and even in numberless ways kindled God’s wrath, yet they especially procur...
The Prophet mentions here one kind of sin; for though the Jews in many, and even in numberless ways kindled God’s wrath, yet they especially procured a heavy judgment for themselves by their superstitions. They indeed manifested their contempt of God by adultery, theft, and plunder, but in a way not so direct; for when they abandoned themselves to the superstitions of the Gentiles, they thus shook off the yoke of God, as though they openly testified that he was no longer their God. And we know that nothing is so much valued and approved by God as a sincere attention to real piety; hence the Church is taught in the first table of the Law how he is to be worshipped. This is the reason why the Prophet especially reminds the Jews here that they had, in this respect, been rebellious against God, because he could not bring them back from their corrupt superstitions. He does not at the same time absolve them of other sins; but he mentions this one kind, in order that they might understand, that they were not only in part, but altogether rebellious against God; for they wholly departed from him when they vitiated his worship with wicked superstitions. We must then bear in mind, that the Jews were not condemned for some small offenses, but accused of the most heinous of sins; for they had become covenant-breakers and apostates, and had forsaken God himself and his law.
He says, Walk ye not after foreign gods to serve them and to worship them He pointed out as by the finger, how gross had been their impiety; for they had given themselves up to idols, that they might basely serve them; they had wholly devoted themselves to them. It was not then an excusable error, but a manifest treachery. He adds, Provoke me not by the work of your hands No doubt the Prophet meant by these words to confirm what has been already stated, that idolatry is before God an intolerable wickedness: and at the same time he shews, that they had not sinned through ignorance, for they had in time been reminded of the atrocity of this sin. As then they had not ceased from their superstitions, they were thus proved guilty of a diabolical madness, for they feared not to provoke God against them. And he says, by the work of your hands; and thus he speaks contemptuously or rather reproachfully of idols. They called them gods, not that they were ignorant that they were statues curiously made of wood and stone, or of some other material; but still they thought that divinity was connected with them, for they believed that God was thus rightly worshipped. Now, then, the Prophet calls them the work of hands, as though he had said, “If the Jews themselves are nothing, the idols are less than nothing; for they are only the work of hands.” And this way of speaking often occurs in the Prophets, by which God intended to shake off the stupidity of men, who were become quite senseless in their own devices; as though he had said, “Have you not a particle of a right understanding in you? do you not know, that this which ye worship is the work of your own hands? and what can your hands do? for what are ye yourselves?” We now perceive what the Prophet had in view in using these words.
There is, again; a promise given, I will not do you evil God declares by these words that they would be exempt from all trouble and distress, if they continued to walk according to the rule of true religion; and thus he intimates that whatever evils they had already endured, and would have hereafter to endure, could not be imputed to anything but to their own perverseness, for God had of his own free-will promised to spare them, provided they departed from their wicked ways. And such a hope ought especially to encourage us to repent, for we see that God is ready to receive us and seeks reconciliation with us, and is always prepared to forgive all our sins, provided we from the heart return to him; and he seems as one unwilling to inflict punishment. Here again the impiety of the people is more fully proved, for they refused to receive from God this invaluable favor. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:7 - -- He proves what he had said before, that the Jews had been wholly disobedient, though God had kindly offered and shewed that he would be reconciled to...
He proves what he had said before, that the Jews had been wholly disobedient, though God had kindly offered and shewed that he would be reconciled to them, provided they turned from the heart to him. The fact that this message was not received by the Jews, was an evidence of extreme and irreclaimable obstinacy. And he enhances their guilt by saying, that ye might provoke me; for he intimates that they were led away to evil by a voluntary purpose, as though they wished to provoke God. The Prophet, then, by saying that ye might provoke me, accuses them of deliberate wickedness. It, indeed, often happens that men go astray through ignorance, and do not attend because no one warns them; but since God had so many times exhorted the Jews to repent, no other opinion could have been formed of them, but that they designedly wished, not only to despise God, but also to provoke him to the contest.
And this is what we ought carefully to notice, for whosoever has been taught the will of God, unless he obeys, he cannot escape the charge of a voluntary obstinacy, as he has resolved, as it were, to carry on war with God. Though the ungodly do not confess this, yet the fact is evident; and God, who is a righteous judge, has declared that they who despised the prophetic doctrine were so regarded.
And he says, for evil to you, in order that they might know that God did not plead his own cause because he stood in need of their service, but that he cared for their welfare. For there is to be understood here an implied contrast, as though the Prophet had said, “What loss has God suffered by your perverseness? Ye have, indeed, tried to deprive him of his glory, for ye have adorned your idols by spoils taken from him; but it is not in men’s power to subtract anything from the rights of God; he remains ever perfect: then it only turns out to your ruin when ye are rebellious. When, therefore, God now reproves you, he does not maintain his own right, as though he received any gain or loss from you; but it is an evidence of his mercy, because he would not have you to perish, though he sees that you are led into destruction by an insane impulse.” It afterwards follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:9 - -- Here follows a denunciation of punishment; the Prophet says that God would no longer deal in words, for their iniquity had ripened, according to what...
Here follows a denunciation of punishment; the Prophet says that God would no longer deal in words, for their iniquity had ripened, according to what is in Genesis,
“My Spirit shall not contend (or strive) any more with man.” (Gen 6:3.)
When God prepares to execute vengeance on the wickedness of men, he says that there is no more time for contending. A sudden execution of judgment is then what is here intended; but he mentions at the same time the punishment. After having explained the cause of so much severity, even because they would not hear the words of God, he adds, Behold, I will send for and take all the families of the north, etc. I have no doubt but that the Prophet alludes to the edicts of kings, for when they wish to raise an army they publish their edicts, and order those everywhere to meet who have either given their names or been enlisted as soldiers. So God now by these words intimates that the Chaldeans were under his power, so that they were ready, as soon as he gave them a signal; according to other modes of speaking he uses in other places, but in the same sense, “I will hiss,” and also, “I will send an alarm.” The Scripture is full of expressions of this kind, which shew that all mortals are prepared to obey God whenever he intends to employ their services; not that it is their purpose to serve God, but that he by a secret influence so rules them and their tongues, their minds and hearts, their hands and their feet, that they are constrained, willing or unwilling, to do his will and pleasure. And in the same sense he calls Nebuchadnezzar his servant, for that cruel tyrant never meant to offer his service to God; but God employed him as his instrument, as though he had been hired by him. And we shall see also elsewhere that he is called God’s servant.
And it ought to be noticed, for we hence learn the fact, that many are God’s servants who are yet wholly unworthy of so honorable a title; but they are not so called with respect to themselves. Nebuchadnezzar thought that he was making war with the God of Israel when he invaded Judea; and only ambition, and avarice, and cruelty impelled him to undertake so many wars. When, therefore, we think of him, of his designs and his projects, we cannot say that he was God’s servant; but this is to be referred to God only, who governs by his hidden and incomprehensible power both the devil and the ungodly, so that they execute, though unwittingly, whatever he determines. There is a great difference between these and God’s servants, who, when anything is commanded them, seek to render that obedience which they ought — all such are faithful servants. They are, then, justly called God’s servants, for there is a mutual concord between God and them: God commands, and they obey. But it is a mutilated and a half service when the ungodly are led beyond the purpose of their own minds, and God uses them as instruments when they think of and design another thing.
It must at the same time be noticed that this name of servant is given, though in an inferior sense, to Nebuchadnezzar for the sake of honor, in order that the Jews might be made ashamed; for it was a great reproach to them that a heathen had been chosen by God, and had obtained the title of a servant, when they themselves had become aliens. The Prophet then, no doubt, intended to cast reproach on them by raising to this dignity the king of Babylon. There was also another reason, even that the Jews might know that whatever they were to suffer would be inflicted by God’s hand, and that they might not otherwise think of Nebuchadnezzar than as God’s scourge, in order that they might thus be led to confess their sins and be really humbled. We now perceive the meaning of the words.
He says afterwards, I will bring them on this land and on all its inhabitants, etc By these words he confirms what I have just referred to, that God had his vengeance ready as soon as he purposed to treat the Jews as they deserved. As he had then said that Nebuchadnezzar and all the people of the north were prepared by him as hired soldiers, so he now adds that victory was in his power — I will bring them, he says, over the land and over all the neighboring nations which are around 129 Why the Prophet denounces punishment here on other nations we shall see elsewhere. The Jews, in addition to other vain confidences, were wont to flatter themselves with this, that if Nebuchadnezzar should invade the territories of others, all would unite together against him, and that by such a confederacy they could easily overcome him. As, then, the Jews looked to all parts, and knew that the Egyptians were in alliance with them, and were also persuaded that the Moabites, the Tyrians, the Syrians, and all the rest would become confederates, they became confident, and indulged in that security by which they deceived themselves. This, therefore, is the reason why the Prophet expressly threatens the nations by which they were surrounded, not for the sake of these nations, but that the Jews might cease to entertain their vain confidence.
God says that he would make all nations, as well as the Jews, an astonishment, a hissing, and perpetual desolations He intimates that it would be a dreadful calamity, such as would astonish all that heard of it. As it is said elsewhere, “The report alone will excite alarm;” so in this place, I will make them for an astonishment When a moderate calamity is related to us, we are indeed moved to pity; but when the greatness of the evil exceeds belief, we then stand amazed, and all our senses are stunned. The Prophet then means that the calamity which God would bring on the Jews would be, as it were, monstrous, such as would stupify all that would hear of it. 130
At last he adds, that they would be for perpetual desolations He does afterwards, indeed, mitigate the severity of these words; for he confines God’s vengeance to seventy years. But this mode of speaking is common in Scripture; for,

Calvin: Jer 25:10 - -- He confirms here what I have just said, — that the Jews were not to be chastised in a common manner, but be exposed to extreme distress. For though...
He confirms here what I have just said, — that the Jews were not to be chastised in a common manner, but be exposed to extreme distress. For though all things may not be with us prosperous and according to our wishes, yet marriages may still be celebrated, and some hilarity may remain; we may yet eat and drink and enjoy the necessaries of life, though we may have no pleasures; but the Prophet shews here that such would be the devastation of the land, that there would be no thoughts about marriages, that all hilarity and joy would cease, that there would be no preparations of food, no grinding of corn, and that, in short, all feasts usually kept by the light of candles would be no more celebrated. Here, then, he describes to the life that devastation which had been before mentioned. 131
The Prophet no doubt indirectly condemns that insensibility by which the devil had possessed the minds of the people; for though the prophets continually threatened them, yet there was no end to their exultations and no moderation in them, according to what is said by Isaiah, who complains of such wantonness, that they said, “Let us feast, tomorrow we shall die;” and who also says,
“I have called you to sackcloth and ashes, but ye went to the harp and to feastings.”
(Isa 22:12)
When, therefore, the Prophet speaks here of the voice of joy and gladness, of the noise of millstones, and of lamps, he doubtless upbraids them with their stupid security; for they feared nothing, and thought themselves safe even when God was shewing himself, as with an outstretched hand, to be their avenging judge. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:11 - -- Here the Prophet mentions the restriction of which I have spoken, and thus he mitigates the severity of their punishment. It is, then, a kind of corr...
Here the Prophet mentions the restriction of which I have spoken, and thus he mitigates the severity of their punishment. It is, then, a kind of correction; not that he changes anything, but only by this sort of correction he explains what he before meant by perpetual desolations.
He says, The whole land shall be a waste and an astonishment, or as some render it, “a desolation.” The word
And serve shall these nations the king of Babylon seventy years, there the Prophet concludes his prophecy concerning the future calamity of the people, even that the land would be reduced to a solitude, so as to render every one passing through it astonished, or that it was to become a horrid spectacle on account of its desolation. And that a time of seventy years was fixed, it was a testimony of God’s paternal kindness towards his people, not indiscriminately towards the whole multitude, but towards the remnant of whom he had spoken elsewhere. Then the Prophet means, that however grievously the Jews had sinned, yet God would execute only a temporary punishment; for after seventy years, as we shall see, he would restore them to their own country, and repair what they had lost, even the inhabitation of the promised land, the holy city, and the Temple. And this is more fully expressed in the next verse.

Calvin: Jer 25:12 - -- The Prophet now, as I have said, shews more clearly why the time of the captivity and exile had been defined, even that the faithful might know that ...
The Prophet now, as I have said, shews more clearly why the time of the captivity and exile had been defined, even that the faithful might know that God would not forget his covenant, though he deprived the people of the inheritance of the land. These words were not addressed indiscriminately to the whole body of the people, as we have observed before in other places; but the Prophet intended to consult the benefit of God’s elect, who always retained a concern for true religion; for they must have a hundred times despaired had not this promise been added. This, then, was a special doctrine intended as food for God’s children; for he addressed, as it was apart, the elect and faithful only.
God says also, that at the end of seventy years he would visit the iniquity of the king of Babylon, and of his whole people. We hence learn that Nebuchadnezzar was not called God’s servant because he deserved anything for his service, but because God led him while he was himself unconscious, or not thinking of any such thing, to do a service which neither he nor his subjects understood to be for God. Though, then, the Lord employs the ungodly in executing his judgments, yet their guilt is not on this account lessened; they are still exposed to God’s judgment. And these two things well agree together, — that the devil and all the ungodly serve God, though not of their own accord, but whenever he draws them by his hidden power, and that they are still justly punished, even when they have served God; for though they perform his work, yet not because they are commanded to do so. They are therefore justly liable to punishment, according to what the Prophet teaches us here.

Calvin: Jer 25:13 - -- He confirms what he had said before when he says, that he would bring all his words on the Chaldeans; that is, that he would give effect to all t...
He confirms what he had said before when he says, that he would bring all his words on the Chaldeans; that is, that he would give effect to all the prophecies, so that it would be evident that Jeremiah had foretold nothing rashly, and that God had not in vain threatened them by the mouth of his servant. Such is the meaning, and hence we see what the Prophet intimates when he says, that God would bring all his words, for he had then spoken. But as the ungodly regard whatever is brought forward in God’s name as a matter of sport and mockery, and boldly deride all threatenings, to bring words means the same thing with proving by events that God does not terrify men without accomplishing his words; in short, to bring words is to prove their authority. And, as I have said, the expression has a reference to the insensibility of men who give no credit to God’s words until they are convinced by their accomplishment; for they think that the air only is beaten, and thus they are not touched by any fear. But God proves the power of his word when he executes what he has predicted.
We then see that the Prophet intends nothing else in this verse than to confirm what he had said before. And he speaks of Chaldea and says, upon that land
And we must at the same time notice another form of speaking; for God says, that he had pronounced these words; he afterwards says, that Jeremiah was his minister, and as it were his herald; and he calls him also a scribe or a writer. God then here declares that he was the author of all that Jeremiah had brought forward; and yet he leaves his own office to his minister, for it is necessary to secure authority to the prophets; otherwise, except God visibly descended from heaven, men would either indiscriminately admit what might be said, and without judgment receive falsehood and truth, or they would become wholly hardened, so as to give no credit to prophetic instruction. He says, whatsoever is written in this book The Prophet no doubt wrote down a summary of what he had delivered; for as we have said elsewhere, it was usual with the prophets, after they had spoken at large to the people and preached diffusely, to affix a short summary to the doors of the Temple. This volume then is what Jeremiah calls the book, which was composed from his public addresses. It might in common language be called a summary. Then he adds, in what, or, “what he prophesied,” 133 in order to shew that he meant what he had before said; and so it might be rendered, that is, what he prophesied; but the other exposition is not unsuitable, in which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:14 - -- The beginning of the verse is obscure. When the verb עבד , obed, is followed by ב , beth, they think that it is to be taken actively, and r...
The beginning of the verse is obscure. When the verb
The reason which has constrained me to give this interpretation is this: It is said in the last verse that Jeremiah prophesied against all nations; then follows an explanation, and the Prophet briefly shews, or reminds us, what would be the issue of these prophecies, even that they also would themselves rule over these nations. Then
He then subjoins, I will recompense them, that is, both kings and nations, according to their doing, and according to the work of their hands, because they had exercised every kind of cruelty towards the miserable Israelites. Hence the Prophet pursues the same subject, — that God would at length really shew, that though he had been angry with his Church, yet all hope of mercy was not lost, for he was mindful of his covenant. He thus mitigates the severity of what he had previously said; he promises them something far better than what the wretched Jews could have expected in their extreme calamities.
We may again learn from the words of the Prophet, that God so employed Nebuchadnezzar and others, that they performed no service deserving of praise; for had they been without fault, God must doubtless have unjustly punished them. This passage then teaches us, that though the devil and the reprobate execute God’s judgments, they yet deserve no praise for their obedience, for they have no such purpose in view. It now follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:15 - -- Jeremiah now explains more at large what might on account of its brevity have appeared obscure. He had spoken of all nations, but his discourse was a...
Jeremiah now explains more at large what might on account of its brevity have appeared obscure. He had spoken of all nations, but his discourse was abrupt; for he had not yet openly told us that he had been sent by God as a herald to summon all kings and nations before his tribunal, and to declare what was to be. As, then, the Prophet had referred to nothing of this kind, his discourse was ambiguous. But he now declares that a cup from God’s hand had been delivered to him, which he was to give to all nations to drink. We hence see that there is here nothing new, but that the Prophet is, as it were, the interpreter of his previous prophecy, which was briefly stated.
Moreover, that what he said might have more weight, he relates a vision, Thus said Jehovah the God of Israel unto me, Take the cup of the wine of this fury from my hand 135 We have said in other places that the fulfillment of prophetic truth was not without reason dwelt upon, and that the servants of God were so armed, as though the execution of all that they alleged was ready at hand. They were said to demolish cities and to overthrow kingdoms even for this reason, because such was the torpidity of men, that they gave no credit to God, except they were brought to see the event as it were before their eyes. But as this subject has been handled more fully elsewhere, I shall only touch upon it here. He then says, that a cup had been delivered to him by God’s hand; by which words he intimates, that he did not come forth of his own will to terrify the Jews and other nations, but that he faithfully proclaimed what had been committed to him; and he also intimates, that God spoke nothing now but what he meant shortly to execute; and this is what is to be understood by the word cup.
He calls it the cup of the wine of fury, or of wrath. This metaphor often occurs in the prophets, but in a different sense. For God is said sometimes to inebriate men when he stupifies them, and drives them at one time to madness, and at another time deprives them of common sense and understanding, so that they become like beasts; but he is said also to inebriate them, when, by outward calamities, he fills them with astonishment. So now the Prophet calls calamity the cup of wrath, even that calamity, which like fire was to inflame the minds of all those who received no benefit from chastisements. Madness, indeed, means no other thing than the despair of those who perceive God’s hand stretched out against them, and thus rage and clamor, and curse heaven and earth, themselves and God. This is what we are to understand by wrath He compares this wrath to wine, because they who are thus smitten by God’s hand are carried away as it were beyond themselves, and repent not, nor think of their sins with calmness of mind, but abandon themselves to a furious rage. We now then understand why the Prophet says, that the cup of the wine of wrath had been given to him.
Then he adds, An, make all the nations to whom I send thee 136 to drink it Here, again, he confirms what I lately referred to, that his office was farther extended than to teach in the middle of the Church, but that he had also been chosen to proclaim as a herald God’s judgments on all nations. He was, indeed, sent to the Jews otherwise than to heathen nations, for he was set over them as a teacher, and that for their salvation, provided they were not irreclaimable; but he was sent to the heathens expressly to threaten them with what was nigh at hand. He was, however, sent both to the Jews and to all other nations, as he will hereafter more distinctly shew in due order.
We now see the design and object of what is here said; — to add authority to his last prophecy, Jeremiah, in the first place, sets forth the vision which had been presented to him; and then he testifies that he brought nothing of his own, but only obeyed God and faithfully performed his commands; and thirdly, he intimates that he was not only appointed a teacher in the Church of God, but was also a witness of his vengeance on all nations. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:16 - -- Here the Prophet more fully shews what we have before stated, that they were not vain terrors when he denounced God’s judgments on all nations, for...
Here the Prophet more fully shews what we have before stated, that they were not vain terrors when he denounced God’s judgments on all nations, for we call those threatenings childish which are not accomplished. But the Prophet here declares that however obstinately the Jews and others might resist, they could not possibly escape God’s vengeance, as he was the judge of all. Hence the Prophet is bidden to take a cup and to give it to others. But the Jews might have still objected and said, “We may, indeed, take the cup from thine hand, but what if we refuse? what if we cast away from us what thou givest us to drink?” Hence the Prophet says that, willing or unwilling, they were to take the cup, that they might drink and exhaust whatever was destined for them by God’s judgment; he therefore says that they may drink
He then adds, that they may be incensed and become distracted 137 These two words refer, no doubt, to the grievousness of their punishment; for he intimates that they would become, as it were, destitute of mind and reason. When God kindly chastises us, and with paternal moderation, we are then able with resignation to submit to him and to flee to his mercy; but when we make a clamor and are driven almost to madness, we then shew that an extreme rigor is felt, and that there is no hope of pardon. The Prophet, then, intended to express, that so atrocious would be the calamities of the nations with whom God was angry, that they would become stupified and almost insane; and at the same time frantic, for despair would lay hold on their minds and hearts, that they would not be able to entertain any hope of deliverance, or to submit to God, but that they would, as it is usual with the reprobate, rise up against God and vomit forth their blasphemies.
He says, because of the sword that I will send among them. It appears from the word

Calvin: Jer 25:17 - -- The Prophet now adds that he obeyed God’s command; for he had before often testified that he was constrained to perform his office, which he would ...
The Prophet now adds that he obeyed God’s command; for he had before often testified that he was constrained to perform his office, which he would have willingly not have done, if he was at liberty. But as he was bound to obey the divine call, it was evident that it was not his fault, and that he was unjustly charged by the people as the author of the evils denounced. We indeed know that the prophets incurred much ill-will and reproach from the refractory and the despisers of God, as though all their calamities were to be imputed to them. Jeremiah then says, that he took the cup and gave it to drink to all the nations: he intimates that he had no desire to do this, but that necessity was laid on him to perform his office. He then shews who these nations were, —

Calvin: Jer 25:18 - -- He begins with Jerusalem, as it is said elsewhere that judgment would begin at God’s house. (1Pe 4:17.) And there is nothing opposed to this in the...
He begins with Jerusalem, as it is said elsewhere that judgment would begin at God’s house. (1Pe 4:17.) And there is nothing opposed to this in the context of the passage; for though he had promised to the children of God a happy end to the evils which they were shortly to endure, he nevertheless enumerates here all the nations on whom God had bidden him to denounce judgments. In this catalogue the Church obtains the first place; for though God be the judge of the whole world, he yet justly begins with his own Church, and that especially for two reasons — for as the father of a family watches over his children and servants, and if there be anything wrong, his solicitude is particularly manifested; so God, as he dwells in his Church, cannot do otherwise than chastise it for its faults; — and then, we know that they are less excusable, who, having been taught the will of God, do yet go on indulging their own lusts, (Luk 12:47;) for they cannot plead ignorance. Hence is fulfilled what Christ declares, that those servants shall be more grievously beaten, who, knowing their masters will, yet obstinately disregard it. There is, then, a twofold fault in the members of the Church; and no comparison can be made between them and the unbelieving who are in thick darkness. Since God shines in his Church and shews the way, as Moses says,
“Behold I set before you the way of life and of death; I therefore call heaven and earth to witness that there is no excuse for you. (Deu 30:15.)
This, then, is the second reason why God first visits the sins of the faithful, or of those who are counted faithful.
There is also what appertains to an example: God chastises his own children lest he should seem by his indulgence to favor or countenance what is wicked and sinful. But this third reason is in a manner accidental; and therefore I wished to state it apart from the two other reasons. When, therefore, God so severely treats his own Church, the unbelieving ought to draw this conclusion, that if this be done in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry? (Luk 23:31.)
But the two things which I have before mentioned ought to be deemed by us as sufficient reasons why God, while suspending his vengeance as to the reprobate, punishes the elect as well as all those who profess themselves to be members of his Church. We now understand why Jeremiah mentions first the holy city, and then all the cities of Judah, the kings also and the princes; for God had with open bosom invited them to himself, but they had, as it were, from determined wickedness, provoked his wrath by despising both his Law and his Prophets.
He afterwards adds, to make them a waste, or a solitude. This was a grievous denunciation, no doubt, and we shall hereafter see that most became enraged against the holy man, and in their fury endeavored to destroy him; yet he with all intrepid mind fully declared what God had commanded him. He adds, an astonishment, and in the third place, an hissing, even that they would become detestable to all; for hissing intimates contempt, reproach, and detestation. In the fourth place he mentions a curse. We have already said what the Prophet meant by this word, even that the Jews would become in this respect a proverb, so that when one cursed another, he would use this form, “May God destroy thee as he destroyed the Jews.”
It is then added, as at this day The Prophet refers, no doubt, to the time of the city’s destruction. God had indeed even then begun to consume the people; but we shall hereafter see that the minds of the greater part were still very haughty: so that they often raised their crests and looked for a new state of things, and depended on aid from the Egyptians. But the Prophet here mentions what was not yet completed, and as it were by the finger, points out the day as having already come in which the city was to be destroyed and the temple burnt up. This, then, refers to the certainty of what he predicted. Some think that it was written after Jeremiah had been led into exile; but this conjecture has nothing to support it. 138 It seems to me enough to suppose that his object was to rouse the Jews from their security, and to shew that in a short time all that he predicted would be accomplished, and that they were no more to doubt of this than if the calamity was now before their eyes. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:19 - -- It may here be asked, why he connects Pharaoh with the Jews, and assigns the second place to the Egyptians rather than to other nations? The reason i...
It may here be asked, why he connects Pharaoh with the Jews, and assigns the second place to the Egyptians rather than to other nations? The reason is evident, — because the Jews expected deliverance from them; and the cause of their irreclaimable obstinacy was, that they could not be removed from that false confidence by which the devil had once fascinated them. They departed from God by making the Egyptians their friends; and when they found themselves unequal to the Assyrians, they turned their hopes to the Egyptians rather than to God; the prophets remonstrated with them, but with no success.
As, then, the occasion of ruin to the chosen people was Egypt, and as Pharaoh was, as it were, the fountain and cause of destruction to Jerusalem, as well as to the whole people, rightly does the Prophet, after having spoken of Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, immediately mention Pharaoh in the second place; for he was a friend to the Jews, and they were so connected together that they were necessarily drawn together into destruction; for they had corrupted one another, and encouraged one another in impiety, and with united minds and confederate hearts kindled God’s wrath against themselves. 139 The Prophet, then, could not have spoken of the Jews by themselves, but was under the necessity of connecting the Egyptians with them, for the state of both people was the same.

Calvin: Jer 25:20 - -- Jeremiah, after having spoken of his own nation and of the Egyptians, now mentions other nations who were probably known by report to the Jews; for w...
Jeremiah, after having spoken of his own nation and of the Egyptians, now mentions other nations who were probably known by report to the Jews; for we see in the catalogue some who were afar off. He then does not only speak of neighboring nations, but also of others. His object, in short, was to shew that God’s vengeance was near, which would extend here and there, so as to include the whole world known to the Jews.
We stated yesterday the reason why he connected the Egyptians with the Jews; but now nothing certain can be assigned as a reason with regard to each of these nations; only it may be said in general, that the Jews were thus reminded, not only to acknowledge God’s judgment towards them as an evidence of his wrath, but also to extend their thoughts farther and to consider all the calamities, which would happen to nations far as well as nigh, in the same light, so that they might know that human events revolve, not by chance, but that God is a righteous judge, and that he sits in heaven to chastise men for their sins.
It is a common proverb, that it is a solace to the miserable to see many like them; but the Prophet had something very different in view; for it was not his object to alleviate the grief of his people by shewing that no nations would be free from calamities; but his intention was to shew them in due time that whatever happened would proceed from God; for if it had not been predicted that the Chaldeans would have the whole of the east under their dominion, it would have been commonly said, that the world was under the rule of blind fortune, and thus men would have become more and more hardened in their impiety; for it becomes the cause of obstinacy, when men imagine that all things happen by chance. And for this reason God severely reproves those who acknowledge not that he sends wars, famine, and pestilence, and that nothing adverse takes place except through his judgment. Hence the Jews were to learn before the time, that when God afflicted them and other nations, they might know that it had been predicted, and that therefore God was the author of these calamities, and that they might also examine themselves so as to acknowledge their sins; for they who dream that the world as to its evils is governed at random by fortune, do not perceive that God is displeased with them; and so they regard not what they suffer as a just punishment.
Many indeed confess God as the inflicter of punishment, and yet they complain against him. But these two things ought to be remembered, — that no adversity happens fortuitously, but that God is the author of all those things which men regard as evils, — and that he is so, because he is a righteous judge; which is the second thing. God then in claiming for himself the disposal of all events, and in declaring that the world is governed at his will, not only declares that the chief power and the supreme government is in his hand, but goes farther and shews, that things happening prosperously are evidences of his goodness and justice, and that calamities prove that he cannot endure the sins of men, but must punish them. To set forth this was the Prophet’s design.
He says that God threatened all the promiscuous multitude 140 The word
He adds, And all the kings of the land of the Philistines Whether Palestine had then many kings is uncertain; it seems indeed probable; but what seems doubtful to me, I leave as such. It is no objection that he mentions all the kings, since he afterwards speaks of all the kings of Tyre and Sidon, though neither Tyre nor Sidon had many kings; for they were only two cities. There is then no doubt, but that the Prophet in speaking of all the kings of the land, meant that though they succeeded one another, it was yet decreed in heaven, that all these nations should perish. He therefore intended to obviate every doubt; for the prophecy was not immediately fulfilled; but the nations, of whom he now speaks, retained for a time their state, so that the Prophet might have appeared false in his predictions. Hence he distinctly mentions all the kings, so that the faithful might suspend their judgment until the appointed time of God’s vengeance came.
He afterwards mentions Ashkelon; which was not a maritime city, though not far from the sea. Then he adds
But it may be asked, why he names the remnant of Ashdod? Some think that he refers to neighboring towns, not so much known, as Gath, which is elsewhere named, but less celebrated But this exposition seems to me forced and absurd. The probability is, that Ashdod had been conquered, but that owing to its advantageous locality it was not wholly forsaken. For

Calvin: Jer 25:21 - -- The same words are ever to be repeated, that Jeremiah made all these nations to drink the cup. He mentions the Idumeans, the posterity of Esau, and...
The same words are ever to be repeated, that Jeremiah made all these nations to drink the cup. He mentions the Idumeans, the posterity of Esau, and also the Moabites, the descendants of Lot, as also were the Ammonites There was a relationship between these three nations and the Israelites; hence the Prophet seems designedly to have connected these three nations together. He adds —

Calvin: Jer 25:22 - -- As to the word Island, the number is to be changed; for the Prophet means not one island, but the countries beyond the sea. Some restrict the refer...
As to the word Island, the number is to be changed; for the Prophet means not one island, but the countries beyond the sea. Some restrict the reference to Cyprus, Crete, Mitylene, and other islands in the Mediterranean; but it is a common way of speaking in Hebrew, to call all countries beyond the sea islands.
“The kings of the islands shall come.” (Psa 72:10.)
The Prophet in that passage calls those the kings of the islands who would come in ships to Judea. So also in this place we may understand by the kings of the islands all those who were beyond the sea.
We now see that kings of one age only are not those summoned to God’s tribunal; for why does the Prophet mention all the kings of Tyre and all the kings of Sidon? Was it possible for these two cities to have four or two kings at the same time? But we must bear in mind what I have already stated, — that the children of God were warned, lest they should entertain a too fervid expectation as to the fulfillment of this prophecy. It is then the same as if he had said, “Though God’s vengeance may not come upon the present king of Tyre or of Sidon, it is yet suspended over all kings, and shall be manifested in its time.” 141 Tyre and Sidon, we know, were cities of Phoenicia, and very celebrated; and Tyre had many colonies afar off, among which the principal was Carthage; and the Carthaginians offered honorable presents to it every year, in order to shew that they were its descendants. And Tyre itself was a colony of Sidon, according to historians; but it so prospered, that the daughter as it were swallowed up the mother. But it appears evident that there were kings there in the time of Isaiah and Jeremiah, though in the time of Alexander both cities were republics; for many changes during that period had taken place in them. Now the Prophet says only, that Tyre and Sidon would be involved in the punishment which he denounced on both kings and people. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 25:23 - -- I shall now only touch briefly on the extreme ones in a corner, or those bounded by a corner, who were almost unknown to the Jews on account of the...
I shall now only touch briefly on the extreme ones in a corner, or those bounded by a corner, who were almost unknown to the Jews on account of their distance. 142 After having spoken of nations so very remote, that he might not by prolixity be tedious, he mentions all the extreme ones in a corner, that is, those who were bounded by the farthest limits. As to Dedan, Tema, and Buz, we know that these countries derived their names from their founders. Who Dedan was, we learn from Moses, and also who Tema and Buz were. (Gen 25:3; 1Ch 5:14.) Two of them were descendants of Abraham by Keturah. 143 There is no need of saying more of these countries, for they are not known by us at this day, and we cannot learn from geographers the extent of any of these countries; for there was hardly a place at the time when heathen writers began their records, which had not long before changed its name. We however conclude that these were eastern countries. It follows —

Calvin: Jer 25:24 - -- The Prophet now mentions the kings of Arabia, who were neighbors on one side to the Jews. He has hitherto mentioned nations towards the sea; he has...
The Prophet now mentions the kings of Arabia, who were neighbors on one side to the Jews. He has hitherto mentioned nations towards the sea; he has named many maritime towns, and also others which were at some distance from the sea, and yet were not remote; for they were towns and countries intermediate between Judea and Syria or Cilicia, or verging towards Cilicia. He now speaks of Arabia, which was between Egypt and Babylon. And though Arabia was divided into three parts; it was however sterile where it bordered on Judea; it might therefore be said to be a desert.
But the Prophet, in the first place, mentions the kings of Arabia, and then the miscellaneous kings, as we may call them, that is, those who ruled in desert regions and were hardly of any repute; we, indeed, know that they were petty robbers; and these Arabs were sometimes called Schenites, because they dwelt in tents. I therefore consider that these, by way of contempt, were called kings of the promiscuous multitude, who excelled not in dignity nor in wealth; and hence the Prophet adds, that they dwelt in the desert, being a wandering people. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:25 - -- He now mentions nations more remote, but whose fame was more known among the Jews. We, indeed, know that the Elamites, who dwelt between Media and ...
He now mentions nations more remote, but whose fame was more known among the Jews. We, indeed, know that the Elamites, who dwelt between Media and Persia, had ever been people of great repute. As to Media, it was a very large kingdom and wealthy, abounding in all delicacies; and we also know how fond of display were the Medes. With regard to Zimri, 144 it was an obscure nation in comparison with the Elamites and the Medes. The Prophet, however, intimates that every part of the earth, even the smallest kingdom, known to the Jews, would be visited by God’s judgment, so that the whole earth, in every direction, would become a witness that God sits in heaven as a judge. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:26 - -- The Prophet speaks now of the kings of the north who bordered on the king of Babylon; for as to Judea, Babylon was northward. He calls all those who ...
The Prophet speaks now of the kings of the north who bordered on the king of Babylon; for as to Judea, Babylon was northward. He calls all those who were towards Chaldea the kings of the north. He then says, Whether near or remote, every one shall be against his brother, and, in short, all the kingdoms of the earth on the face of the earth There is no doubt, as we shall see, but that the Prophet put in the last place the Chaldeans and their king. It is hence probable that what he here predicts was to be accomplished by the hand and power of the king of Babylon, who executed God’s vengeance on all these nations. God, then, chose for himself the king of Chaldea as a scourge, and guided him by his hand in punishing all the lands mentioned here.
I have already reminded you that this was not predicted for the sake of the Jews, that they might derive any alleviation to their grief from the circumstance of having associates, because the condition of others was nothing better; but that God’s design was another, that is, that in so great a confusion of all things, when heaven and earth, as they say, were blended together, they might know that nothing happens through the blind will of fortune. For God had already testified by the mouth of his servant what he would do, and from this prophecy it was easy to conclude that all these changes and violent commotions were the effects of God’s judgment.
The Prophet, after having shewn that the most grievous calamities were nigh all the nations who were neighbors to the Jews, and whose fame had reached them, says, in the last place, that the king of Sheshach would drink after them Hitherto the Prophet seems to have exempted the king of Babylon from all trouble and danger; for he has mentioned all the nations, and has spoken not only of those who were nigh the Jews, but also of the Persians, the Medes, and others. What, then, could have been the design of all this, if the king of Babylon had been passed by? It might have been asked, how can it be right and consistent that this tyrant should escape punishment, though he was of all the most cruel and the most wicked? Hence the Prophet now says, that the king of Babylon, how much soever his violence prevailed among all nations, and raged unpunished, would yet in his time be brought to a reckoning. The meaning then is, that God would defer the punishment of the Chaldeans until he employed them in destroying all the nations of which Jeremiah has hitherto spoken.
Respecting the king of Babylon being called the king of Sheshach, a question has been raised, and some think that some unknown king is intended; for we know that the word is a proper name, as it appears from some passages of Scripture. (1Kg 11:40; 2Ch 12:2.) But this opinion is not well founded; for the Prophet no doubt speaks here of some remarkable king; and there is also no doubt but that he reminded them of some most important event, so that there was no reason why delay should depress the minds of the faithful, though they saw that this Sheshach was not immediately punished with the rest. Others conjecture that Sheshach was a renowned city in Chaldea. But there is no necessity for us to adopt such light and frivolous conjectures. I have no doubt but that the opinion which the Chaldee paraphraser has followed is the true one, that is, that Sheshach was Babylon. For the sort of alphabet which the Jews at this day call
“How is Sheshach demolished! how fallen is the glory (or praise) of the whole earth! how overthrown is Babylon!”
(Jer 51:40.)
There, no doubt, the Prophet explains himself; there is therefore no need to seek any other interpretation. It is a common thing, as we know, with the prophets to repeat the same thing in other words; as he had mentioned Sheshach in the first clause, to prevent any doubt he afterwards mentioned Babylon.
But here a question arises; why did not the Prophet openly and plainly denounce ruin on the king as well as on the Chaldean nation? Many think that this was done prudently, that he might not create an ill-will towards his own people; and Jerome brings forward a passage from Paul, but absurdly, where he says,
“Until a defection shall come,” (2Th 2:3)
but he did not understand that passage, for he thought that Paul spoke of the Roman empire. One error brings another; he supposed that Paul was cautious that he might not excite the fury of the Roman Emperor against the Church; but it was no such thing. Now, they who reject the opinion, which is the most correct, that Sheshach was Babylon, make use of this argument, — that the Prophet was not afraid to speak of Babylon, because he had declared openly of it what he had to say, as we have already seen in other places, and as it will appear more clearly hereafter. But I do not allow that the Prophet was afraid to speak of Babylon, for we find that he boldly obeyed God, so that he stood firm, as we may say, in the midst of many deaths; but I think that he concealed the name for another reason, even that the Jews might know that they had no cause to be in a hurry, though the punishment of Babylon had been predicted, for the prophecy was, as it were, buried, inasmuch as the Prophet withheld the very name of Babylon. It was not, then, his purpose to provide for the peace of the Church, nor was he afraid of the Chaldeans, lest he should kindle their fury against God’s people; he had no such thing in view, but wished rather to restrain too much haste.
And this appears from the context; Drink, he says, shall the king of Sheshath after them; that is, all these nations must drink before God shall touch the king of Babylon. He will not, then, be an idle spectator of all these calamities, but his severity will proceed through all lands until it reaches its summit; and then, he says, this king shall drink after the rest. Now, it might have seemed a poor consolation that God would for so long a time spare the king of Babylon; but all God’s children ought nevertheless to have acquiesced in the admonition given them, that though they were to bear in mind that each of these nations were to be punished by God’s hand, they were yet to believe that the king of Babylon would have his turn, and that they therefore were to restrain themselves, and not to be carried away by too hasty a desire to look for his punishment, but patiently to bear the yoke of tyranny laid on them, until the seasonable time came of which they had been reminded. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:27 - -- Here the Prophet returns to his former discourse. He had said that a cup was extended to him by God’s hand, that he might give it to all nations to...
Here the Prophet returns to his former discourse. He had said that a cup was extended to him by God’s hand, that he might give it to all nations to drink. He now repeats and confirms the same thing, not indeed that he brought this message to all the nations; for we have said the benefit arising from these predictions belonged only to the Jews. Neither the Tyrians nor the Sidonians ever knew that they were punished by God’s hand when they were plundered by their enemies; this never came to their minds, nor had this been ever taught them. The Prophet had not been appointed their teacher; but his duty was only to warn his own nation.
However, the Prophet, that his predictions might have greater authority, is here introduced as God’s herald, denouncing ruin on all nations, Thou shalt therefore say to them, Thus saith Jehovah, etc. The true God was unknown to these heathens, except they had heard that God was worshipped in Judea; but at the same time they despised, yea, hated true religion. But, as I have already said, the Prophet addressed his own people, the Jews alone, though he spoke of aliens and distant nations. I cannot advance further now.

Calvin: Jer 25:28 - -- In this verse the Prophet intimates, that however refractory the nations might be, yet they could effect no good by their obstinacy, for willing or u...
In this verse the Prophet intimates, that however refractory the nations might be, yet they could effect no good by their obstinacy, for willing or unwilling they would be constrained to drink of the cup. But in order to render the matter more striking, he introduces them as refusing; If they refuse to take the cup, thou shalt say to them, says God, Drinking ye shall drink We have before said that the Prophet was not set a teacher over the heathens: hence what he declares here appertained not to aliens; but the whole benefit belonged to God’s Church. Therefore what is said was spoken for God’s people, even that they might know that as God had determined to punish the wickedness of men, none of all those threatened with judgment could possibly escape. Men indeed are often like unruly horses, who kick and are ferocious, and rage against their rider, and also bite; but the Prophet shews that God possesses a power sufficient to quell such obstinacy. He however reminds us how rebellious most would be, nay, almost all, when chastised by God’s hand. It is indeed a rare instance when he who has sinned, willingly and calmly submits to God, and owns that he is justly punished: nay, they who confess that they have deserved some heavy punishment, do yet complain against God; for they dread his vengeance, and apprehend not his mercy, and promise not to themselves any pardon. There is then no wonder that the Prophet ascribes here to wicked men, both Jews and aliens, so hard and rebellious a spirit, that they would resist God, and try to extricate themselves from his hand, in short, that they would by all means attempt to escape his judgment.
This is the reason why he says, If they refuse to take the cup from thy hand We hence see that we are not to take the words in their literal sense: for the Prophet did not speak to aliens, but what he had in view was the event itself, or rather the disposition of the people. These nations had indeed some power, and doubtless they strenuously defended their own safety; and this was the act of refusing intended by the Prophet. For when the enemy attacked the Moabites, they did not immediately yield; and the same was the case with others. Tyre was almost unassailable, for it was situated in the sea; where it was easy to prevent the approach of enemies. As then they had resolutely opposed their enemies, they are said to have refused the cup from God’s hand, for they thought that they could keep off the coming evil. But however inconquerable they thought themselves to be, and how much soever they trusted in their own power, yet God says, that their efforts would be in vain and useless: drinking, he says, ye shall drink 147 The reason follows —

Calvin: Jer 25:29 - -- A proof is added by comparing the less and the greater; for the Prophet reasons thus, — “If God spares not the city in which he has chosen a temp...
A proof is added by comparing the less and the greater; for the Prophet reasons thus, — “If God spares not the city in which he has chosen a temple for himself, and designed his name to be invoked, how can he spare aliens to whom he has never made any promise, as he regarded them as strangers? If then the green tree is consumed, how can the dry remain safe?” This is the import of the passage. The Apostle uses the same argument in other words; for after having said that judgment would begin at God’s house, he immediately shews how dreadful that vengeance of God was to be which awaited his open enemies! (1Pe 4:17.)
We may hence gather a useful doctrine. Since God not only declares that he will be indiscriminately the avenger of wickedness, but also summons in the first place his Church which he has chosen before his tribunal, its condition may seem to be worse than that of alien nations. Hence the minds of the godly, when they view things in this light, might be much depressed. It seems a singular favor of God, that he unites us to himself; but yet this honor seems only to lead to punishment: for God connives at the wickedness of heathens, and seems to bury them in oblivion; but as soon as we fall into sin, we perceive signs of his wrath. It would then be better to be at a distance from him, and that he should not be so solicitous in his care for us. Thus the faithful view the unbelieving as in a better state than themselves. But this doctrine mitigates all the sharpness of that grief, which might otherwise occasion great bitterness. For when it is represented to us, that God begins at his Church, that he may more heavily punish the unbelieving after having long endured them, and that they may thus be far more grievously dealt with than the faithful, as the dry tree is much sooner consumed than the green, — when therefore this is set before us, we have doubtless a ground for comfort, and that not small nor common.
We hence see why Jeremiah added this, — that how much soever the nations would resist God, they would yet be constrained, willing or unwilling, to yield, as God was more powerful than they; and for this reason, that since God would not spare his chosen people, the heathens could by no means escape unpunished, and not find him to be the judge of the world. Let then this truth be remembered by us, whenever our flesh leads us to complain or to be impatient; for it is better for us that God should begin with us, as at length the wicked shall in their turn be destroyed, and that we should endure temporal evils, that God may at length raise us up to the enjoyment of his paternal favor. And for this reason Paul also says, that it is a demonstration of the just judgment of God when the faithful are exposed to many evils. (2Th 1:4.): For, when God chastises his own children, of whose obedience he yet approves, do we not see as in a glass what is yet concealed? even the dreadful punishment that awaits all the unbelieving. God, then, represents to us at this day the destruction of his enemies by the paternal chastisements with which he visits us; and they are a certain proof or a lively exhibition of that judgment which the unbelieving fear not, but thoughtlessly deride.
Now, he says, Behold I begin to bring evil, etc. The verb
But we must notice the real meaning, — that God’s name is called on a people, when they are deemed to be under his guardianship and keeping; as God’s name is called on the children of Abraham, because he had promised to be their God; and they boasted that they were his peculiar people, even on account of their adoption. So God’s name was called on Jerusalem, because there was the Temple and the altar; and as God called it his rest or habitation, his name was there well known, according to what we say in French, Se reclamer, il se reclame d’un tel, that is, such an one claims this or that as his patron, so that he shelters himself under his protection. So also the Jews formerly called on God’s name, when they said that they had been chosen to be his people: nay, this may also be applied to men; for the name of Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham was called on the twelve tribes, even for this reason, — because they regarded, when seeking to rely on God’s covenant, their own origin, for they had descended from the holy fathers, with whom God had made his covenant, and to whom he had promised that he would be ever their God. All the Israelites called on Abraham, not, that they offered him worship, but that, as they were his offspring, they might feel justly assured that the gratuitous covenant by which God had adopted them to himself, had been transmitted to them. But this calling may be also taken in another sense, even because they daily appeased God by sacrifices and prayers: when they committed their safety to God, there was a sacrifice always added, and reconciliation was also promised. Then to be called upon or invoked,
But the former view seems to me the best; and there is no doubt but that God speaks here to the free adoption by which he had chosen that people for himself: hence was the invocation or the glorying of which he now speaks.
But as it was difficult to make the Jews to believe what the Prophet had said, he dwells on the subject, and repeats what was before sufficiently clear. He not only says, Shall ye be treated as innocent? but he mentions the word twice, Shall ye by being treated as innocent be treated as innocent? 149 And thus he rebuked the perverse contumacy by which the heathens were filled, while looking on their wealth, their number, and other things, and at the same time disregarding all that the prophets proclaimed at Jerusalem, as though it was nothing to them. The question is in itself emphatical, “Can ye by any means be treated as innocent?” The verb
He confirms this sentence when he says, For a sword am I calling for on all the inhabitants of the earth, saith Jehovah of hosts This confirmation is by no means superfluous, for the insolence of the nations had increased through the forbearance of God, for they had for a long time, yea, for many ages, been in a quiet state, and had indulged themselves in their pleasures, and slept as it were in their own dregs, according to what is said elsewhere. The Prophet then says now, that God was calling for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth. For he had often and in various ways chastised his own people, while the Gentiles were not in any danger and free from troubles. (Jer 48:11.) But he says now that he was calling for a sword to destroy all those whom he seemed to have forgiven.
But God is said to have called for men as well as for a sword; for Nebuchadnezzar is said to have fought under the banner of God; he is said to have been like a hired soldier. But God now speaks of the sword, that we might know that it is in his power to excite and to quell wars whenever it pleases him, and that thus the sword, though wielded by the hand of man, is not yet called forth by the will of man, but by the hidden power of God. It follows, —

Calvin: Jer 25:30 - -- The word הידד , eidad, is rendered celeusma, a shout; but some render it a mournful singing; and it often occurs when the vintage is spoken ...
The word
Then he says, Prophesy thou against them all these words, and say to them, etc. I have already reminded you that no command was given to the Prophet to go to the heathens and to address each nation among them, or, in other words, to perform among them his prophetic office. But though he did not move a foot from the city, yet the influence of his prophecy reached through every region of the earth. The preaching therefore of Jeremiah was not in vain, for the Jews understood by what happened, that there was in the language of the holy man the power of the Spirit for the salvation of all the godly, and for the destruction of all the unbelieving. It is, then, in this sense that God bids and commands him again to prophesy against all nations, and to speak to them, not that he actually addressed them; but when he taught the Jews, his doctrine had an influence on all nations.
And he says, Jehovah from on high shall roar, and from the habitation of his holiness shall send forth his voice The metaphor of roaring is sufficiently common. It seems indeed unsuitable to apply it to God; but we know how tardy men are, and how they indulge themselves in their own insensibility, even when God threatens them. Hence God, adopting a hyperbolical mode of speaking, reproves their stupidity, as he cannot move them except he exceeds the limits of moderation. This then is the reason why he compares himself to a lion, not that we are to imagine that there is anything savage or cruel in him; but as I have said, men cannot be moved, except God puts on another character and comes forth as a lion, while yet he testifies not in vain elsewhere, that he is slow to wrath, inclined to mercy and long-suffering. (Psa 86:5.) Let us then know that the impious contempt, by which most men are fascinated, is thus condemned, when God does as it were in this manner transform himself, and is constrained to represent himself as a lion.
Roar, then, he says, shall Jehovah, from on high, and from the habitation of his holiness shall he send forth his voice When he speaks of on high, it is probable that heaven is meant; and the habitation of his holiness is often taken for the sanctuary or the Temple; but in other places, when the same words are repeated, heaven is also meant by the habitation of his holiness. There is yet nothing unsuitable, if we say that the Prophet here refers to the Temple, and that he thus refers to it, that he might raise upwards the minds of the Jews, who had their thoughts fixed on the visible Temple: nay, this seems to be required by the context. They indeed foolishly thought that God was bound to them, because it had been said,
“Here is my rest for ever; here will my name and power dwell.” (Psa 132:14)
They strangely thought that there was no God but he who was inclosed in that visible and external sanctuary. Hence was that pride which Isaiah reproves and severely condemns when he says,
“Where is the place for my rest? the heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what place then will you build for me?” (Isa 66:1.)
The Prophet there does not merely speak, as many think, against superstition; but he rather beats down that foolish arrogance, because the people thought that God could never be separated from the material Temple. And yet it was not for nothing that the Temple had the name of being the royal throne of God, provided vices were removed. So now the Prophet, though he exalts God above the heavens, yet alludes to the visible sanctuary, when he says, “Roar shall Jehovah from on high, and from the habitation of his holiness shall he send forth his voice;” that is, though the Gentiles think that God sits and rests in a corner, yet his throne is in heaven: that he has chosen for himself a terrestrial habitation, is no reason why the government of the whole earth should not be in his hands; and therefore he manifests proofs of his vengeance towards all nations; but for the sake of his Church he will go forth as it were from his Temple: and he repeats again, Roaring he shall roar on his dwelling, or habitation. 150 Jerome usually renders the last word ornament, beauty; and yet this passage sufficiently proves that it cannot mean any other thing than habitation, as well as many other passages.
He afterwards proceeds to another comparison, He will respond a shout, as those who tread the wine-press against all the inhabitants of the earth This repetition and variety confirm what I have said, — that God hyperbolically set forth the vehemence of his voice in order to fill with terror the secure and the torpid. And the Prophet seems here to intimate, that though there would be none to cheer, yet God’s voice would be sufficiently powerful. For they who tread the wine-press mutually encourage one another by shouting; one calls on another, and thus they rouse themselves to diligence. There is also a mutual concord among sailors, when they give their shouts, as well as among the workmen who tread the grapes in the wine-press. But though God would have no one to rouse him, yet he himself would be sufficient; he will respond a shout 151 The Prophet might have used another word; but he says, he will respond — to whom? even to himself; that is, though all united to extinguish God’s vengeance, yet he will come forth a conqueror, nor will he have any need of help. It then follows, —
Defender: Jer 25:11 - -- The beginning and end points of the prophesied seventy year Babylonian captivity of the Jews are in question, because of the unsettled state of the Ba...
The beginning and end points of the prophesied seventy year Babylonian captivity of the Jews are in question, because of the unsettled state of the Babylonian and Medo-Persian chronologies of this period, as well as the several stages of deportation into Babylon and the several stages of return from exile under Ezra and Nehemiah. No matter how this period is calculated in detail, however, it is certainly of a seventy year order of magnitude (approximately 606-536 b.c.)."

Defender: Jer 25:12 - -- God sometimes uses pagan kings and peoples to punish his own people when they depart from His will. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar was called "my servant" (Jer ...
God sometimes uses pagan kings and peoples to punish his own people when they depart from His will. Thus, Nebuchadnezzar was called "my servant" (Jer 25:9), even though he was wicked and idolatrous. Eventually he was punished (Daniel 4) and finally his grandson Belshazzar, who inherited his kingdom, was slain and the kingdom of Babylon itself conquered by the Medo-Persians (Dan 5:30, Dan 5:31)."

Defender: Jer 25:29 - -- Those whom God has allowed to punish His chosen people must eventually be judged themselves. Many of those nations targeted in the preceding verses (U...
Those whom God has allowed to punish His chosen people must eventually be judged themselves. Many of those nations targeted in the preceding verses (Uz, Philistia, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre, Dedan, Elam, Media, Babylonia) have already vanished from the earth as nations, and others will follow because of their treatment of Israel and Judah."
TSK -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:2; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:17; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:30
TSK: Jer 25:1 - -- am 3398, bc 606
in the : Jer 36:1, Jer 46:2; 2Ki 24:1, 2Ki 24:2; Dan 1:1
the first : Nebuchadnezzar was associated with his father Nabopollasar two ye...
am 3398, bc 606
in the : Jer 36:1, Jer 46:2; 2Ki 24:1, 2Ki 24:2; Dan 1:1
the first : Nebuchadnezzar was associated with his father Nabopollasar two years before the death of the latter; and from this time the Jewish computation of Nebuchadnezzar’ s reign begins; that is, from the end of the third year of Jehoiakim; and therefore, according to them, the fourth year of Jehoiakim was the first year of Nebuchadnezzar. But the Babylonians date the commencement of his reign two years later, that is, on the death of his father; which computation is followed by Daniel, who wrote in Chaldee.

TSK: Jer 25:2 - -- Jer 18:11, Jer 19:14, Jer 19:15, Jer 26:2, Jer 35:13, Jer 38:1, Jer 38:2; Psa 49:1, Psa 49:2; Mar 7:14-16

TSK: Jer 25:3 - -- thirteenth : Jer 1:2; 1Ki 22:3; 2Ch 34:3, 2Ch 34:8
rising : Jer 25:4, Jer 7:13, Jer 11:7, Jer 29:19, Jer 35:15, Jer 44:4; Gen 22:3; Exo 8:20; Psa 81:1...

TSK: Jer 25:4 - -- all : Urijah the son of Shemaiah, and Huldah the prophetess, lived about this time. Zephaniah also prophesied during part of the time; and it is prob...
all : Urijah the son of Shemaiah, and Huldah the prophetess, lived about this time. Zephaniah also prophesied during part of the time; and it is probable that Habakkuk was contemporary with them.
rising : Jer 7:25, Jer 11:7, Jer 26:5, Jer 29:19, Jer 32:33, Jer 35:14, Jer 35:15, Jer 44:4, Jer 44:5; 2Ch 36:15, 2Ch 36:16
ye : Jer 25:3, Jer 25:7, Jer 7:24-26, Jer 11:8-10, Jer 13:10,Jer 13:11, Jer 16:12, Jer 17:23, Jer 18:12, Jer 19:15, Jer 22:21; Jer 36:31; Zec 7:11, Zec 7:12; Act 7:51, Act 7:52; Heb 12:25

TSK: Jer 25:5 - -- Turn : Jer 18:11, Jer 35:15; 2Ki 17:13, 2Ki 17:14; Isa 55:6, Isa 55:7; Eze 18:30, Eze 33:11; Jon 3:8-10; Zec 1:4, Zec 1:5; Luk 13:3-5; Act 26:20; Jam ...
Turn : Jer 18:11, Jer 35:15; 2Ki 17:13, 2Ki 17:14; Isa 55:6, Isa 55:7; Eze 18:30, Eze 33:11; Jon 3:8-10; Zec 1:4, Zec 1:5; Luk 13:3-5; Act 26:20; Jam 4:8-10
for : Jer 7:7, Jer 17:25; Gen 17:8; Psa 37:27, Psa 105:10,Psa 105:11

TSK: Jer 25:6 - -- Jer 7:6, Jer 7:9, Jer 35:15; Exo 20:3, Exo 20:23; Deu 6:14, Deu 8:19, Deu 13:2, Deu 28:14; Jos 24:20; 1Ki 11:4-10, 1Ki 14:22; 2Ki 17:35

TSK: Jer 25:7 - -- that ye : Jer 7:18, Jer 7:19, Jer 32:30-33; Deu 32:21; 2Ki 17:17, 2Ki 21:15; Neh 9:26; Pro 8:36

TSK: Jer 25:9 - -- I : Jer 1:15, Jer 5:15, Jer 5:16, Jer 6:1, Jer 6:22-26, Jer 8:16; Lev. 26:25-46; Deu 28:45-50; Pro 21:1; Isa 5:26-30, Isa 10:5, Isa 39:7; Hab 1:6-10
I : Jer 1:15, Jer 5:15, Jer 5:16, Jer 6:1, Jer 6:22-26, Jer 8:16; Lev. 26:25-46; Deu 28:45-50; Pro 21:1; Isa 5:26-30, Isa 10:5, Isa 39:7; Hab 1:6-10
Nebuchadrezzar : Jer 27:6, Jer 40:2, Jer 43:10; Isa 13:3, Isa 44:28, Isa 45:1; Eze 29:18-20
against : Jer 25:17-26, Jer 27:3-8; Eze 26:7, Eze 29:19, Eze 30:10,Eze 30:11
an astonishment : See note on Jer 18:16, Jer 24:9; 1Ki 9:7, 1Ki 9:8

TSK: Jer 25:10 - -- take from : Heb. cause to perish from, Est 3:13, Est 7:4, Est 8:11
voice of mirth : Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9, Jer 33:10,Jer 33:11; Isa 24:7-12; Eze 26:13; H...
take from : Heb. cause to perish from, Est 3:13, Est 7:4, Est 8:11
voice of mirth : Jer 7:34, Jer 16:9, Jer 33:10,Jer 33:11; Isa 24:7-12; Eze 26:13; Hos 2:11; Rev 18:22, Rev 18:23
the sound : Sir J. Chardin remarks, that in the East, every where in the morning may be heard the noise of the mills, which often awakens people; for they generally grind every day just as much as may be necessary for the day’ s consumption. Where, then, the noise of the mill is not heard in the morning, nor the light of the candle seen in the evening, there must be an utter desolation. Ecc 12:2-4

TSK: Jer 25:11 - -- seventy : This prophecy was delivered in the fourth year of Jehoiakim, and began to be accomplished immediately; and it was exactly seventy years from...

TSK: Jer 25:12 - -- when : Jer 29:10; 2Ki 24:1; Ezr 1:1, Ezr 1:2; Dan 9:2
that I : Jer 25:14, 50:1-51:64; Deu 32:35-42; Isa. 13:1-14:32, 21:1-17, 46:1-47:15; Dan. 5:1-31;...
when : Jer 29:10; 2Ki 24:1; Ezr 1:1, Ezr 1:2; Dan 9:2
that I : Jer 25:14, 50:1-51:64; Deu 32:35-42; Isa. 13:1-14:32, 21:1-17, 46:1-47:15; Dan. 5:1-31; Hab. 2:1-20; Rev. 18:1-24
punish : Heb. visit upon, see note on Jer 23:2
perpetual : Jer 50:3, Jer 50:13, Jer 50:23, Jer 50:39, Jer 50:40,Jer 50:45, Jer 51:25, Jer 51:26, Jer 51:62-64; Isa 13:19, Isa 14:23, Isa 15:6; Isa 20:1-6, Isa 47:1; Eze 35:9

TSK: Jer 25:14 - -- many : Jer 27:7, Jer 50:9, Jer 50:41, Jer 51:6, Jer 51:27, Jer 51:28; Isa 14:2, Isa 45:1-3; Dan 5:28; Hab 2:8-16
I : Jer 50:29-34, Jer 51:6, Jer 51:20...
many : Jer 27:7, Jer 50:9, Jer 50:41, Jer 51:6, Jer 51:27, Jer 51:28; Isa 14:2, Isa 45:1-3; Dan 5:28; Hab 2:8-16
I : Jer 50:29-34, Jer 51:6, Jer 51:20-27, Jer 51:35-41; Psa 137:8; Isa 66:6; Rev 18:20-24

TSK: Jer 25:15 - -- Take : Jer 13:12-14; Job 21:20; Psa 11:6, Psa 75:8; Isa 51:17, Isa 51:22; Rev 14:10,Rev 14:19
all : Jer 25:27-33
Take : Jer 13:12-14; Job 21:20; Psa 11:6, Psa 75:8; Isa 51:17, Isa 51:22; Rev 14:10,Rev 14:19
all : Jer 25:27-33

TSK: Jer 25:16 - -- Jer 25:27, Jer 51:7, Jer 51:39; Lam 3:15, Lam 4:21; Eze 23:32-34; Nah 3:11; Rev 14:8, Rev 14:10; Rev 16:9-11, Rev 18:3

TSK: Jer 25:18 - -- Jerusalem : Jer 1:10, Jer 19:3-9, Jer 21:6-10; Psa 60:3; Isa 51:17-22; Eze 9:5-8; Dan 9:12; Amo 2:5, Amo 3:2; 1Pe 4:17
to make : Jer 25:9, Jer 25:11, ...

TSK: Jer 25:20 - -- the mingled : Jer 25:24, Jer 50:37; Exo 12:38; Eze 30:5
Uz : Gen 10:23, Gen 22:21; 1Ch 1:17; Job 1:1; Lam 4:21
Philistines : Jer 47:1-7; Eze 25:15-17;...

TSK: Jer 25:21 - -- Edom : Jer 27:3, 49:7-22; Psa 137:7; Isa. 34:1-17, Isa 63:1-6; Lam 4:21, Lam 4:22; Eze 25:12-14, Eze 32:29, Eze 35:1-15; Amo 1:11, Amo 1:12; Obad. 1:1...
Edom : Jer 27:3, 49:7-22; Psa 137:7; Isa. 34:1-17, Isa 63:1-6; Lam 4:21, Lam 4:22; Eze 25:12-14, Eze 32:29, Eze 35:1-15; Amo 1:11, Amo 1:12; Obad. 1:1-16, Oba 1:18; Mal 1:2-4
Moab : Jer 9:26, 48:1-47; Isa. 15:1-16:14, Isa 25:10; Eze 25:8-11; Amo 2:1-3; Zep 2:8-10
the : Jer 49:1-6; Eze 25:2-7; Amo 1:13-15

TSK: Jer 25:22 - -- Tyrus : Jer 27:3, Jer 47:4; Ezek. 26:1-21, 27:1-36, 28:1-19, Eze 29:18; Amo 1:9, Amo 1:10; Zec 9:2-4
Zidon : Eze 28:22, Eze 28:23, Eze 32:30; Joe 3:4-...

TSK: Jer 25:23 - -- Dedan : Jer 49:8; Gen 10:7, Gen 22:21, Gen 25:15; 1Ch 1:30; Job 6:19; Isa 21:13, Isa 21:14; Eze 25:13, Eze 27:20
in the utmost corners : Heb. cut off ...

TSK: Jer 25:24 - -- Arabia : 1Ki 10:15; 2Ch 9:14; Isa 21:13; Eze 27:21
the mingled : Jer 25:20, Jer 49:28-33, Jer 50:37; Gen 25:2-4, Gen 25:12-16, Gen 37:25-28; Eze 30:5
Arabia : 1Ki 10:15; 2Ch 9:14; Isa 21:13; Eze 27:21
the mingled : Jer 25:20, Jer 49:28-33, Jer 50:37; Gen 25:2-4, Gen 25:12-16, Gen 37:25-28; Eze 30:5

TSK: Jer 25:25 - -- Zimri : Gen 25:2, Zimran
Elam : Jer 49:34-39; Gen 10:22, Gen 14:1; Isa 11:11, Isa 22:6; Eze 32:24; Dan 8:2
Medes : Jer 51:11, Jer 51:28; Isa 13:17; Da...

TSK: Jer 25:26 - -- all the kings : Jer 25:9, Jer 50:9; Eze 32:30
and the : Jer 51:41
drink : Jer 25:12, 50:1-51:64; Isa. 13:1-14:32, Isa 47:1-15; Dan. 5:1-31; Hab 2:16; ...

TSK: Jer 25:27 - -- Drink : Isa 51:21, Isa 63:6; Lam 4:21; Hab 2:16
because : Jer 25:16, Jer 12:12, Jer 46:10,Jer 46:14, Jer 47:6, Jer 47:7, Jer 50:35; Deu 32:42; Eze 21:...

TSK: Jer 25:28 - -- if : Job 34:33
Ye : Jer 4:28, Jer 51:29; Isa 14:24-27, Isa 46:10,Isa 46:11; Dan 4:35; Act 4:28; Eph 1:11

TSK: Jer 25:29 - -- I begin : Jer 49:12; Pro 11:31; Eze 9:6, Eze 38:21; Oba 1:16; Luk 23:31; 1Pe 4:17
which is called by my name : Heb. upon which my name is called, 1Ki ...

TSK: Jer 25:30 - -- roar : Isa 42:13; Hos 5:14, Hos 13:7, Hos 13:8; Joe 2:11-13, Joe 3:16; Amo 1:2, Amo 3:8
his holy : Jer 17:12; Deu 26:15; 1Ki 9:3; 2Ch 30:27; Psa 11:4,...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Jer 25:1 - -- The fourth year - See Dan 1:1 note. This invasion of Judaea, in which Daniel was carried captive to Babylon, was according to the date of the y...
The fourth year - See Dan 1:1 note. This invasion of Judaea, in which Daniel was carried captive to Babylon, was according to the date of the years the fourth, but according to the actual time the third, year of the Jewish king. Nebuchadnezzar was not yet fully king, but associated with his father Nabopalassar.

Barnes: Jer 25:3 - -- The three and twentieth year - i. e., nineteen under Josiah, and four under Jehoiakim. This prophecy divides itself into three parts, (1) the j...
The three and twentieth year - i. e., nineteen under Josiah, and four under Jehoiakim. This prophecy divides itself into three parts,
(1) the judgment of Judah Jer 25:3-11, and Babylon’ s doom Jer 25:12-14;
(2) the wine-cup of fury Jer 25:15-29;
(3) the judgment of the world Jer 25:30-38.

Barnes: Jer 25:5 - -- Turn ye - i. e., Repent ye; the great summons of God to mankind at all times (Luk 24:47; Act 2:38; compare Mat 3:2).

Barnes: Jer 25:9 - -- The term families is probably used here to signify the widespread empire of Nebuchadnezzar. My servant - This title, so remarkable in the Old ...
The term families is probably used here to signify the widespread empire of Nebuchadnezzar.
My servant - This title, so remarkable in the Old Testament as the especial epithet, first of Moses, and then of the Messiah, is thrice given to Nebuchadnezzar, and marks the greatness of the commission entrusted to him.

Barnes: Jer 25:10 - -- Take from them ... the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle - (or, lamp). To denote the entire cessation of domestic life. The ...
Take from them ... the sound of the millstones, and the light of the candle - (or, lamp). To denote the entire cessation of domestic life. The one was the sign of the preparation of the daily meal, the other of the assembling of the family after the labors of the day were over.

Barnes: Jer 25:11 - -- Seventy years - The duration of the Babylonian empire was really a little short of this period. But the 70 years are usually calculated down to...
Seventy years - The duration of the Babylonian empire was really a little short of this period. But the 70 years are usually calculated down to the time when the Jews were permitted to return to their country (compare Jer 29:10).

Perpetual desolations - The ruins of Babylon form its only lasting memorial.

Barnes: Jer 25:13 - -- The Septuagint places a full stop after "book,"and take the rest as a title "what Jeremiah prophesied against the nations,"which series there immedi...
The Septuagint places a full stop after "book,"and take the rest as a title "what Jeremiah prophesied against the nations,"which series there immediately follows. In the Masoretic Text, this series is deferred to the end Jer. 46\endash 49, and with Jer. 50\endash 51, forms one entire series. Other reasons make it probable that the Septuagint has preserved for us an earlier text, in which all direct mention of the king of Babylon is omitted and the 70 years are given as the duration of Judah’ s captivity, and not of the Babylonian empire. The fuller text of the Masorites is to be explained by the dislocation which Jehoiakim’ s scroll evidently suffered.

Barnes: Jer 25:14 - -- Shall serve themselves of them also - i. e., shall impose forced labor upon the Chaldaeans, and reduce them also to servitude.
Shall serve themselves of them also - i. e., shall impose forced labor upon the Chaldaeans, and reduce them also to servitude.

Barnes: Jer 25:15 - -- Saith - Or, hath said. This prophecy - placed by the Septuagint after those against the nations - forms an impressive statement of the manner i...
Saith - Or, hath said. This prophecy - placed by the Septuagint after those against the nations - forms an impressive statement of the manner in which the new kingdom of Babylon was to execute Yahweh’ s wrath upon the nations far and near.

Barnes: Jer 25:17 - -- Then took I the cup - Not actually offering the wine-cup - Holy Scripture has suffered much from this materialistic way of explaining it: but p...
Then took I the cup - Not actually offering the wine-cup - Holy Scripture has suffered much from this materialistic way of explaining it: but publicly proclaiming this prophecy in Jerusalem, as the central spot of God’ s dealings with men, and leaving it to find its way to the neighboring states.

Barnes: Jer 25:18 - -- As it is this day - Words omitted by the Septuagint, and probably added by Jeremiah after the murder of Gedaliah had completed the ruin of the ...
As it is this day - Words omitted by the Septuagint, and probably added by Jeremiah after the murder of Gedaliah had completed the ruin of the land.

Barnes: Jer 25:19 - -- The arrangement is remarkable. Jeremiah begins with the south, Egypt; next Uz on the southeast, and Philistia on the southwest; next, Edom, Moab, an...
The arrangement is remarkable. Jeremiah begins with the south, Egypt; next Uz on the southeast, and Philistia on the southwest; next, Edom, Moab, and Ammon on the east, and Tyre, and Sidon, and the isles of the Mediterranean on the west; next, in the Far East, various Arabian nations, then northward to Media and Elam, and finally the kings of the north far and near.

Barnes: Jer 25:20 - -- The mingled people - Either auxiliaries; or, rather, a constituent portion of the people of Egypt, who were not of pure blood. Azzah - i....
The mingled people - Either auxiliaries; or, rather, a constituent portion of the people of Egypt, who were not of pure blood.
Azzah - i. e., Gaza.
The remnant of Ashdod - A sentence which none but a contemporary writer could have used. Psammetichus, after a siege of 29 years, had captured and destroyed Ashdod, except for a feeble remnant.

Barnes: Jer 25:22 - -- The isles - Rightly explained in the margin; it probably refers here to Cyprus.
The isles - Rightly explained in the margin; it probably refers here to Cyprus.

Barnes: Jer 25:23 - -- Dedan - See the Isa 21:13 note. Buz - See Job 32:2 note. All that are ... - See the marginal reference note.

Barnes: Jer 25:24 - -- Arabia - That part which bordered on Palestine, and was inhabited mainly by Ishmaelites. The mingled people - Compare the Jer 25:20 note....
Arabia - That part which bordered on Palestine, and was inhabited mainly by Ishmaelites.
The mingled people - Compare the Jer 25:20 note. In Arabia there seem to have been many tribes of Cushite origin, who by intermarriage with other tribes had become of mixed blood.

Barnes: Jer 25:25 - -- Zimri - Probably a district between Arabia and Persia. "Elam"is put in Scripture for the whole of Persia.
Zimri - Probably a district between Arabia and Persia. "Elam"is put in Scripture for the whole of Persia.

Barnes: Jer 25:26 - -- All the kingdoms of the world ... - In accordance with the usage of Holy Scripture this universality is limited. It is moral and not geographic...
All the kingdoms of the world ... - In accordance with the usage of Holy Scripture this universality is limited. It is moral and not geographical.
Sheshach - Jerome says that this is the name Babel written in cypher, the letters being transposed. Another example occurs in Jer 51:1, where the words "the heart of my risers up"become the Chaldaeans. The Septuagint omits the clause containing the name.

Barnes: Jer 25:27 - -- The metaphors denote the helplessness to which the nations are reduced by drinking the wine-cup of fury Jer 25:15.
The metaphors denote the helplessness to which the nations are reduced by drinking the wine-cup of fury Jer 25:15.

Barnes: Jer 25:30 - -- Yahweh has risen like a lion from His covert, and at His roaring the whole world is filled with terror and confusion. Upon his habitation - Ag...
Yahweh has risen like a lion from His covert, and at His roaring the whole world is filled with terror and confusion.
Upon his habitation - Against His pasture; i. e., Judaea. Yahweh comes forth as the lion to destroy the sheep which lie terrified within the circle of the tents.
A shout - The vintage-shout, here used for the war-cry. Compare Isa 16:9; Isa 63:3.
Poole -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:2; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:8; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:17; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:30
Poole: Jer 25:1 - -- The fourth year of Jehoiakim was seven years and odd months before Jeconiah or Jehoiachin his son was carried into captivity, as appears from 2Ki 23...
The fourth year of Jehoiakim was seven years and odd months before Jeconiah or Jehoiachin his son was carried into captivity, as appears from 2Ki 23:36 24:8,15 , and eighteen years before the taking of the city, and the more general captivity; which argueth that this prophecy is misplaced, and set after the former, whereas in order of time it was sixteen or seventeen years before it. This is said to be
the first year of Nebuchadrezzar (called by Ptolemy, Nabopolassar). It is said, Dan 1:1 , that this Nebuchadrezzar came up in the third year of Jehoiakim; to which is answered, that the first year of Nebuchadrezzar’ s reign must be understood of his absolute reign , which concurred partly with the third, partly with the fourth year of Jehoiakim; they say he was before a sharer in the kingly government with his father, but this was the first year that he had the name of king entirely given unto him.

Poole: Jer 25:2 - -- That is, the word concerned them all, and he spake it to so many of them as he met with in any public assembly at Jerusalem or elsewhere.
That is, the word concerned them all, and he spake it to so many of them as he met with in any public assembly at Jerusalem or elsewhere.

Poole: Jer 25:3 - -- We read, Jer 1:2 , that Jeremiah began to prophesy in the thirteenth year of Josiah. Josiah reigned thirty-one years, 2Ki 22:1 ; so that taking in t...
We read, Jer 1:2 , that Jeremiah began to prophesy in the thirteenth year of Josiah. Josiah reigned thirty-one years, 2Ki 22:1 ; so that taking in the thirteenth year, Jeremiah prophesied nineteen years during the life of Josiah, to which adding the four of Jehoiakim’ s reign, it maketh twenty-three. These twenty-three years, saith the prophet, I have been a preacher to you, and I have not been negligent in my work; but like men that get up early in the morning to despatch their business, so have I been in the discharge of my prophetical office.

Poole: Jer 25:4 - -- Nor am I the only prophet whom the Lord hath sent you, and whom you have neglected and despised; God hath sent you many more, and you have despised ...
Nor am I the only prophet whom the Lord hath sent you, and whom you have neglected and despised; God hath sent you many more, and you have despised as many as he hath sent, though the Lord hath made it his business to send you one after another from time to time. This contempt of the Lord’ s messengers is made the proximate cause of God’ s wrath coming upon this people, till there was no remedy, 2Ch 36:16 .

Poole: Jer 25:5 - -- The substance both of their and my sermons hath been to persuade you to leave off those sinful courses wherein you have lived, and which you might h...
The substance both of their and my sermons hath been to persuade you to leave off those sinful courses wherein you have lived, and which you might have amended by virtue of that common grace which I did not deny you. We have not differed in our doctrine, to the practice of which you have also been encouraged both by them and me, with an assurance from God that if you did it, you should enjoy this good land, which the Lord promised and gave to you and your fathers, and you have now possessed from age to age.

Poole: Jer 25:6 - -- Gods; idols, which indeed are no gods, but so called by idolaters.
To serve them, and to worship them to pay any divine homage unto them.
And pro...
Gods; idols, which indeed are no gods, but so called by idolaters.
To serve them, and to worship them to pay any divine homage unto them.
And provoke me not to anger by idols, which are the work of men’ s hands (no uncreated beings). Or more generally, any works which are contrary to the law of God. If you do this, I will by my providence do you no harm, you shall yet enjoy your own land and prosper.

Poole: Jer 25:7 - -- Ye heard me and other the Lord’ s prophets thus speaking to you, but you did not obey and hearken. As if you had done it on purpose to incense ...
Ye heard me and other the Lord’ s prophets thus speaking to you, but you did not obey and hearken. As if you had done it on purpose to incense me against you, who am of myself slow to wrath, and must be provoked to execute vindictive justice by men’ s own wicked works; which do not otherwise affect or hurt me, but are to their hurt who do them.

Poole: Jer 25:8 - -- That is, because you have not hearkened to and obeyed my words; for it is manifest they had heard Jeremiah and the other prophets.
That is, because you have not hearkened to and obeyed my words; for it is manifest they had heard Jeremiah and the other prophets.

Poole: Jer 25:9 - -- I will put it into the heart of all those kings whose territories lie northward of Judea, and particularly into the heart of
Nebuchadrezzar the kin...
I will put it into the heart of all those kings whose territories lie northward of Judea, and particularly into the heart of
Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon who in this work shall be
my servant though you will not be my servants in obeying my commands, yet he shall serve me, Jer 27:6 43:10 . I will bring them and their armies up against this people, and I will put you out of hopes from your alliances with other nations, for he shall first bring them under his command: thus we read, 2Ki 24:7 , that the
king of Babylon had invaded the Egyptian dominions, and taken from the river of Egypt unto the river Euphrates all that pertained to the king of Egypt . And I will make the inhabitants of Jerusalem, not only a desolation, but a scorn, and reproach, and wonderment to the world. See Jer 19:8 .

Poole: Jer 25:10 - -- I will take away all your mirth and jollity, whether used at weddings, or at any of your merry meetings; I will leave you nothing to rejoice in; you...
I will take away all your mirth and jollity, whether used at weddings, or at any of your merry meetings; I will leave you nothing to rejoice in; your very wedding times shall be times of mourning and lamentation. Nay, I will not only deprive you of your mirth, but of those things that are necessary for you, as necessary as bread and light; the millstone shall not move; you shall not have the light so much as of a candle. See the like expressions Rev 18:22,23 . God here threatens not only to take away their superfluities, and what he had hitherto lent them for their pleasure and delight, but also what they had for their necessary sustenance, and to capacitate them to do their ordinary works.

Poole: Jer 25:11 - -- This prophecy is a famous prophecy in regard of its fixing the particular space of time in which the Jews abode in the captivity of Babylon, viz.
This prophecy is a famous prophecy in regard of its fixing the particular space of time in which the Jews abode in the captivity of Babylon, viz.
seventy years When they determined we are plainly enough told, Ezr 1:1 , in the first year of Cyrus the king of Persia , but when they commenced is more disputed; for we read of three carryings into that captivity: the one in the third and fourth year of Jehoiakim, when it should seem that Nebuchadrezzar only carried away some few persons to be bred in his court, amongst whom were Daniel and the three children , Dan 1:1,2 , &c.; a second seven years after, in Jeconiah’ s time, 2Ki 24:15,16 ; the last and most general eleven years after, in the eleventh year of Zedekiah: it seemeth most probable that the seventy years must be reckoned from the second; for Jeremiah, Jer 29:1 , &c., writing to those then in captivity, tells them, that when seventy years should be accomplished , God would bring them back. This is confirmed by Ezekiel, Jer 40:1 , where the fourteenth year after the taking of the city is expressly said to be the twenty-fifth year of their captivity.

Poole: Jer 25:12 - -- When seventy years are accomplished seventy years accounted from the time that the Jews were carried away in the time of Jeconiah or Jehoiachin, 2Ki ...
When seventy years are accomplished seventy years accounted from the time that the Jews were carried away in the time of Jeconiah or Jehoiachin, 2Ki 24:15,16 . This was fulfilled by Darius the king of Persia, Dan 4:31 . Of these seventy Nebuchadnezzar reigned thirty-six, 2Ki 25:27 , Evil-merodach thirty-two, and Belshazzar at least two, Dan 8:1 . Though God, whose all the creation is, and who is the Lord of all the hosts of his creatures, doth often make use of heathens and other wicked men to punish his own people, yet he will at last punish them too; and ordinarily when he doth punish them, it is with a more severe and grievous destruction than that by which he punisheth his people, Isa 27:7 ; thus he threatens to make the Chaldeans a perpetual desolation.

That land the land of the Babylonians and Chaldeans.

Poole: Jer 25:14 - -- God threateneth the destruction of that monarchy by the Persians, according to the prophecy of this prophet, and declareth that their destruction wa...
God threateneth the destruction of that monarchy by the Persians, according to the prophecy of this prophet, and declareth that their destruction was of themselves, God did but recompense unto them their own deeds, and the works of their hands; which is not to be restrained to their excesses in executing Divine vengeance, and the cruelty they used to the Israelites, but more generally interpreted of all their wicked courses.

Poole: Jer 25:15 - -- God’ s judgments are often in Scripture expressed under the notion of a cup of hot and intoxicating drink, and their suffering is set out under...
God’ s judgments are often in Scripture expressed under the notion of a cup of hot and intoxicating drink, and their suffering is set out under the notion of drinking such a cup, as Psa 75:8 Job 21:20 Isa 51:17 Psa 11:6 60:3 Lam 4:21 Eze 23:32,34 . God made Jeremiah to see the appearance of such a cup in a vision, and bade him to carry it to the nations to whom he sent him, to signify to them that his wrath should be poured out on them, and they should drink of it.

Poole: Jer 25:16 - -- Whether they will or no, they shall drink it, and be disturbed, and be mad, and rage like men overcome with wine, because of those dreadful judgment...
Whether they will or no, they shall drink it, and be disturbed, and be mad, and rage like men overcome with wine, because of those dreadful judgments which I shall send amongst them.

Poole: Jer 25:17 - -- That is, in the vision; for it cannot be thought that the Lord made the prophet to travel up and down to all the nations afterward named with a cup ...
That is, in the vision; for it cannot be thought that the Lord made the prophet to travel up and down to all the nations afterward named with a cup of wine in his hand.

Poole: Jer 25:18 - -- Judgment usually beginneth at the house of God, 1Pe 4:17 . God hath more known them and done them more good than other people, therefore their sins ...
Judgment usually beginneth at the house of God, 1Pe 4:17 . God hath more known them and done them more good than other people, therefore their sins are higher provocations, and they are less excusable. By the kings here mentioned are to be understood Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah; these princes with their people God threatens to punish to astonishment, and so as men should mock at them, and curse them; which expressions we have before met with in the same cause. But here ariseth a doubt how the prophet saith,
as it is this day whereas this prophecy, Jer 25:1 , was in the fourth year of Jehoiakim , but Jerusalem was not made such a desolation till the eleventh year of Zedekiah , which was eighteen years after. Some think that though the thing were yet to come, yet the prophet speaketh of it as past, because of the certainty of it, which is but what is ordinary in the prophetical writings. Others think that these words were added after the captivity of Jeremiah, writing over his former prophecies. Others from these words judge that this part of the chapter was a prophecy at some other time following what was in the beginning of this chapter. Others think that he adds these words because the carrying into captivity was at this time begun, though not completed until the eleventh year of Zedekiah.

Poole: Jer 25:19 - -- The Egyptians being that people whom the Jews most trusted to for help, are named as the first to whom the prophet was sent with the wine-cup of God...
The Egyptians being that people whom the Jews most trusted to for help, are named as the first to whom the prophet was sent with the wine-cup of God’ s fury, to let the Jews know, that if they trusted to them, their confidence was vain; for they should themselves be destroyed, which was fulfilled within the twelve years after the death of Josiah unto the time of Jehoiachin, as appears from 2Ki 24:6,7 , for the king of Egypt made Jehoiakim king, 2Ki 23:34 .

Poole: Jer 25:20 - -- It is of no great moment to determine whether God by
the mingled people here mentioned, intended the various nations afterwards particularly expre...
It is of no great moment to determine whether God by
the mingled people here mentioned, intended the various nations afterwards particularly expressed by their names, or some people that were not native Egyptians, but lived mingled with them, or some other people of several nations who lived near Judea or the Arabians.
By the kings of the land of Uz it is most probably judged are to be understood those kings who ruled over that people, who descended from Dishan, Gen 36:28 , and are judged to have inhabited some part of Arabia Petraea, near to Idumea. The cities of the Philistines are reckoned afterward.
Azzah, Ekron, Ashdod, and Ashkelon were four of them; the fifth, which was Gath, is not here named. See 1Sa 6:17 . It had a king in former times, to whom David fled, 1Sa 21:10 ; but before this time it was destroyed, either by Psammeticus, father to Pharaoh-nechoh, or by Tartan, captain-general to Sargon king of Assyria, of whom read Isa 20:1 , that he took Ashdod, which may be the reason that here mention is made of no more than
the remnant of Ashdod

Poole: Jer 25:21 - -- The Edomites were the posterity of Esau the son of Isaac, to whom God had given a land which they inherited, and he would not suffer the Israelites ...
The Edomites were the posterity of Esau the son of Isaac, to whom God had given a land which they inherited, and he would not suffer the Israelites to make their way through them by force, when they denied them a passage through their country; now he threatens their ruin, as also Jer 49:7 ; and Obadiah’ s prophecy was against them, where their triumphing in the captivity of the Jews is mentioned as one thing that had provoked God against them. The Moabites and Ammonites were descended from Lot. Jer 48 is an entire prophecy against Moab; they had lived in long prosperity, as appears there, Jer 25:12 ; so had the Ammonites, against whom also Jeremiah prophesied particularly, Jer 49:1-7 .

Poole: Jer 25:22 - -- Tyrus was a strong city upon the borders of the tribe of Asher, Jos 19:29 2Sa 24:7 , a very rich city, and a kingdom, with the king of which (who was...
Tyrus was a strong city upon the borders of the tribe of Asher, Jos 19:29 2Sa 24:7 , a very rich city, and a kingdom, with the king of which (who was Hiram) Solomon in his time traded much, 2Ch 2:3 . Isaiah prophesied its ruin, Jer 23:1 ; so did Ezekiel, Eze 27:28,29 : it was destroyed by Nebuchadrezzar, Eze 29:18 .
Zidon was nigh to it, therefore we shall ordinarily find Tyre and Zidon joined together in Scripture: both Isaiah and Ezekiel, as well as this prophet, prophesied their ruin. By
the isles beyond the sea some understand Greece and Italy; others Rhodes, Cyprus, and Crete; but others think Nebuchadnezzar never conquered these, and rather understand those parts of Syria that coasted upon the midland sea.

Poole: Jer 25:23 - -- We read of a Dedan the issue of Ham, Gen 10:7 . The other the posterity of Abraham by Jokshan, Gen 25:3 . It seemeth to be a city of Idumea, Jer 4...
We read of a Dedan the issue of Ham, Gen 10:7 . The other the posterity of Abraham by Jokshan, Gen 25:3 . It seemeth to be a city of Idumea, Jer 49:8 . Tema descended from Ishmael, Gen 25:15 ; his posterity inhabited in Arabia, Isa 21:14 , where they are joined with those of Dedan. Buz was one of the posterity of Nahor, Gen 22:21 . These were people mixed with the Saracens or Arabians.
All that are in the utmost corners that dwell in the corners or furthest parts of the world. Some interpret it of the fashion of their cutting their beards, as the Saracens did: see Lev 19:27 , where God forbade his people that fashion.

Poole: Jer 25:24 - -- All the kings of Arabia there were several kings in Arabia, 2Ch 9:14 .
All the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert people of sever...
All the kings of Arabia there were several kings in Arabia, 2Ch 9:14 .
All the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert people of several nations that were got together in the desert, and had made to themselves several kings or chief rulers.

Poole: Jer 25:25 - -- All the kings of Zimri those descended from Zimran, Abraham’ s son by Keturah, Gen 25:2 (the Zamarens, as some think, mentioned by Pliny). By t...
All the kings of Zimri those descended from Zimran, Abraham’ s son by Keturah, Gen 25:2 (the Zamarens, as some think, mentioned by Pliny). By the Elamites are meant the Persians, descended from Shem, Gen 10:22 . Elam is also mentioned Isa 22:6 . See also Jer 49:34 . The Medes came from Madai the son of Japheth, Gen 10:2 ; they are usually joined with the Persians, Dan 5:28 .

Poole: Jer 25:26 - -- All the kings of the north, far and near all under the government of the Chaldeans, or (as others) all those princes that have dominions between the ...
All the kings of the north, far and near all under the government of the Chaldeans, or (as others) all those princes that have dominions between the north and east.
All the kingdoms of the world which are upon the face of the earth; that is, in those parts of the world which were at that time known, with whom there was ordinary commerce.
And the king of Sheshach shall drink after them and the king of Babylon , who was last of all to drink of this cup of the Lord’ s fury. That he is here meant is plain from Jer 51:41 , where Sheshach is thus interpreted. But why Babylon is called Sheshach is a harder question, and not easily resolved. Those who think the prophet gives Babylon here another name to avoid an odium fresh the king of Babylon, at this time their enemy, neither consider the usual courage of this prophet, nor that he speaks plainly enough, Jer 51:41 , where he mentioneth both Babylon and Sheshach, and expoundeth the latter by the former. It is thought that Babylon is called Sheshach from the name of an idol called Shach which they worshipped, to whose honour they yearly kept a festival for five days together, which they called Shace, and they say that during this festival Cyrus took Babylon. But these are all uncertain guesses; it is enough for us to know that by the king of Sheshach is meant the king of Babel, as the prophet expounds himself, Jer 51:41 .

Poole: Jer 25:28 - -- The meaning of these two verses is no more than this; God let Jeremiah in a vision know that it was his will that he should prophesy a certain and u...
The meaning of these two verses is no more than this; God let Jeremiah in a vision know that it was his will that he should prophesy a certain and unavoidable ruin to all these nations, which was brought upon all the rest by the king of Babylon, whom God made his instrument to execute his vengeance upon them; and last of all upon the king of Babylon himself by Cyrus the king of Persia. This judgment which he telleth them should be by the sword he expresseth by the effects, falling and rising no more , and commands them to drink it, to comport with the metaphor of the wine-cup of God’ s fury, mentioned Jer 25:15 ; the drinking of cups of heady, intoxicating wine ordinarily producing such effects as spewing and falling , &c. This cup of the Lord’ s fury he assures them they should not turn by, but should most certainly drink it.

Poole: Jer 25:29 - -- By the city called by his name, or upon which his name was called, he means Jerusalem, elsewhere called the holy city. The apostle, 1Pe 4:17 , speak...
By the city called by his name, or upon which his name was called, he means Jerusalem, elsewhere called the holy city. The apostle, 1Pe 4:17 , speaketh much to this purpose, The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God ? If God spareth not the green tree, how shall he spare those that are dry and withered? Atheists and lewd and profane persons have little reason to promise themselves an escape from God’ s righteous judgment, when they see God not sparing those that make the highest profession of him, and stand in some relation to him.
For I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth it is in vain for you to promise yourselves an escape, for God is about to punish all your neighhours.

Poole: Jer 25:30 - -- Reveal my will unto them presently, to revenge myself upon them, in words to this sense or purpose; tell them that I, who hitherto have been toward ...
Reveal my will unto them presently, to revenge myself upon them, in words to this sense or purpose; tell them that I, who hitherto have been toward them as a lamb, will now be to them as a lion; so Joe 3:16 Amo 1:2 3:8 ; and, as a lion, will roar from heaven; for though the temple be sometimes called his holy habitation , yet the foregoing words, from, on high , expound this term in this place otherwise. Upon his habitation , or in his habitation , which is more likely to be understood, in heaven, (as the former,) than, in Jerusalem, as divers would have it; for God is here revealing his wrath against foreign nations, upon some of which these judgments came after God had done roaring in or upon Jerusalem.
He shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth a shout, such as soldiers use to give when they storm a city, or assault their enemies, to encourage their fellows, and to dishearten their enemies; like the shout of those that tread the grapes, singing one to another, or rejoicing and triumphing in the vintage.
Haydock: Jer 25:1 - -- Babylon, when he was associated by Nabopolassar, three years before his death, the year of the world 3397. This year Joakim was taken to be conducte...
Babylon, when he was associated by Nabopolassar, three years before his death, the year of the world 3397. This year Joakim was taken to be conducted to Babylon, though he was afterwards permitted to remain on very hard conditions, while the sacred vessels, Daniel, &c., were taken away, and the 70 years of captivity commenced. They ended in the first of Cyrus, the year 3468. (Usher) ---
This chapter should be placed before the 24th and after the 26th. (Calmet) ---
The prophets did not observe the order of time, chap. xxi. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jer 25:3 - -- Josias. He prophesied nineteen years under him, and three under his successors.
Josias. He prophesied nineteen years under him, and three under his successors.

All. We know of Joel, Habacuc, Sophonias, and Holda. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jer 25:9 - -- My servant. So this wicked king is here called; because God made him his instrument in punishing the sins of his people. (Challoner) (Worthington)...
My servant. So this wicked king is here called; because God made him his instrument in punishing the sins of his people. (Challoner) (Worthington) ---
He thought himself more than man, but he was only the rod destined for the fire.

Haydock: Jer 25:10 - -- Sound, or songs of women turning the mill, Matthew xxiv. 41. (Calmet) ---
Lamp, or illuminations, on account of some victory, (Haydock) or festi...
Sound, or songs of women turning the mill, Matthew xxiv. 41. (Calmet) ---
Lamp, or illuminations, on account of some victory, (Haydock) or festival. (Pers. v. 180.) The Jews "light a lamp for the sabbaths," (Seneca, Ep. xcv.) before they commence. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jer 25:11 - -- Years. Ver. 1. The neighbouring nations were also involved in this calamity, and were to be sent back by Cyrus. (Calmet) ---
Another period of 70...
Years. Ver. 1. The neighbouring nations were also involved in this calamity, and were to be sent back by Cyrus. (Calmet) ---
Another period of 70 years is specified, (chap. xxix. 10.) during which the city and temple should remain in ruins, till the second of Hystaspes, the year of the world 3485. (Usher) ---
This system is not without difficulties. The present prediction seems rather to refer to the desolation, (Vatable; Aggeus i. 2.) as appears from Zacharias i. 12., or the prophet speaks of the same event in both places, dating from the year preceding the capture of Jerusalem, (the year 3415), till Darius gave entire liberty to the Jews, the year 3485. We differ from Usher in the years allotted to Cyrus, who began to restore the Jews, 1 Esdras i. 5. (Calmet) ---
These 70 years are dated from the 11th of Sedecias. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jer 25:12 - -- Punish. Literally, visit upon. (Challoner) ---
Cyrus overturned the monarchy, and the city was ruined by degrees, Isaias xiii., and xiv., and xx...
Punish. Literally, visit upon. (Challoner) ---
Cyrus overturned the monarchy, and the city was ruined by degrees, Isaias xiii., and xiv., and xxi. 1., and Ezechiel i. 5. (Calmet)

Haydock: Jer 25:14 - -- Kings. They perfidiously joined the Chaldeans, after making a league with Sedecias, chap. xxvii. 3. This is condemned, (Calmet) and not precisely t...
Kings. They perfidiously joined the Chaldeans, after making a league with Sedecias, chap. xxvii. 3. This is condemned, (Calmet) and not precisely their submitting to Nabuchodonosor, chap. xxviii. 8. Their league with Juda was indeed wrong; but the infringement of it was another crime. Septuagint is here much transposed almost to the end. See Grabe. (Haydock) ---
Jeremias had prophesied against the nations, though his words are given, chap. xlvi., &c.

Haydock: Jer 25:15 - -- Fury. Chastisement, Isaias li. 17. ---
All, who might be then at Jerusalem. Sanctius thinks Jeremias travelled into all these countries: most bel...
Fury. Chastisement, Isaias li. 17. ---
All, who might be then at Jerusalem. Sanctius thinks Jeremias travelled into all these countries: most believe it was only done in vision. He might write to them. (Calmet) ---
The cup metaphorically denotes God's wrath, Psalm lxxiv. 9. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jer 25:18 - -- As, &c. He probably inserted this (Haydock) after the event, (Vatable) or the country was much distressed even under Sedecias.
As, &c. He probably inserted this (Haydock) after the event, (Vatable) or the country was much distressed even under Sedecias.

Haydock: Jer 25:19 - -- Pharao, who was defeated (Ezechiel xxx. 25.) coming to assist Juda, (chap. xxxvii.) and again plundered after the taking of Tyre, Ezechiel xxix. 18.
Pharao, who was defeated (Ezechiel xxx. 25.) coming to assist Juda, (chap. xxxvii.) and again plundered after the taking of Tyre, Ezechiel xxix. 18.

Haydock: Jer 25:20 - -- In. Hebrew, "the mixed multitude," (Exodus xii. 38.; Calmet) or "Arabs." (Grotius) ---
Ausitis, near Palmyra, Job i. 1. ---
Azorus, taken by th...
In. Hebrew, "the mixed multitude," (Exodus xii. 38.; Calmet) or "Arabs." (Grotius) ---
Ausitis, near Palmyra, Job i. 1. ---
Azorus, taken by the Egyptians, and afterwards by the Chaldeans, chap. xlvii. 2.

Haydock: Jer 25:21 - -- Ammon. The details are given in chap. xlviii., and xlix., and Ezechiel xxv. to xxxiv., and Abdias and Sophonias.
Ammon. The details are given in chap. xlviii., and xlix., and Ezechiel xxv. to xxxiv., and Abdias and Sophonias.

Haydock: Jer 25:22 - -- Kings. Ithobaal (Josephus, Antiquities x. 11.) had many governors under him. Nabuchodonosor besieged Tyre for 13 years, Ezechiel xxvi., &c. ---
Kings. Ithobaal (Josephus, Antiquities x. 11.) had many governors under him. Nabuchodonosor besieged Tyre for 13 years, Ezechiel xxvi., &c. ---
Sea, or Gibraltar. See Jos.[Josephus?], sup. v. 22. (Haydock) He had navies on the Mediterranean, Ezechiel xxx. 9.

Haydock: Jer 25:23 - -- Buz. Scenite Arabs, who cut off the hair of the eyebrows, chap. ix. 26. These Saracens left the hair below the ears long, as the Polonians and Hung...
Buz. Scenite Arabs, who cut off the hair of the eyebrows, chap. ix. 26. These Saracens left the hair below the ears long, as the Polonians and Hungarians do. (Worthington)

Haydock: Jer 25:25-26 - -- Zambri, sprung from Cethura, and dwelling in Arabia, (Calmet) or Persia, (St. Jerome) where Pliny ([Natural History?] vi. 28.) places the Zamarenians...
Zambri, sprung from Cethura, and dwelling in Arabia, (Calmet) or Persia, (St. Jerome) where Pliny ([Natural History?] vi. 28.) places the Zamarenians. ---
Elam. Persians, (Haydock) by the sword of Alexander [the Great?], (St. Jerome) or Cyrus subdued those who were subject to the Medes, and united the two nations. ---
North. Armenia, &c., subdued by Cyrus and by Alexander. ---
Brother. When Cyrus stood up for the Persians. All shall drink, as at a feast, (Calmet) of this bitter wine. ---
Face, and forming the empire of Babylon. (Haydock) ---
Sesac. That is Babel, or Babylon; which after bringing all these people under her yoke, should quickly fall and be destroyed herself. (Challoner) ---
The Chaldeans are not expressed, to avoid their resentment. The sh in sheshac, is at the same distance from the end as b in Babel is from the beginning of the alphabet. See St. Jerome. (Haydock) (2 Timothy iv. 17.) ---
Yet they are not elsewhere spared, chap. xlix., &c. Sesac was probably the idol, "anais or the moon." (Calmet) ---
The Sacean feasts were very dissolute, like the saturnalia at Rome. (Dio. Chrys.[St. Chrysostom?] iv.; Strabo xi.) (Calmet) ---
Cyrus took Babylon after he had conquered the rest of Asia, and then seizing Nabonides at Borsippe, which was sacred to Anais, "the moon," (Calmet) or Diana, (Strabo xv.) suffered him to die in peace. (Berosus in Josephus, contra Apion 1.) ---
Thus fell the king of Sesac, an idol worshipped both at Borsippe and at Babylon.

Haydock: Jer 25:30 - -- Beauty. The temple, which was like the palace (Calmet) of the great king. (Haydock) ---
Grapes. Great feasting was then customary. The soldiers...
Beauty. The temple, which was like the palace (Calmet) of the great king. (Haydock) ---
Grapes. Great feasting was then customary. The soldiers rushing to battle, "answer" the Lord. (Septuagint) (Calmet) ---
People encouraged one another by songs under the labour of the vine-press, as those in distress must do. (Worthington)
Gill -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:2; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:8; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:17; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:30
Gill: Jer 25:1 - -- The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah,.... Not only in the city of Jerusalem, but in the whole land of Judea. This prophec...
The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah,.... Not only in the city of Jerusalem, but in the whole land of Judea. This prophecy concerns them all; their repentance and reformation, to which they are exhorted; or their invasion, desolation, and captivity, with which they are threatened. Before the prophet was sent to the king of Judah only, Jer 22:1; now to all the people:
in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah; in the latter part of the third, and beginning of the fourth year of his reign; see Dan 1:1;
this was the first year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon: in which he began to reign with his father, for he reigned two years with him; who is the Nabopolassar of Ptolemy. This was in the year of the world 3397, and before Christ 607, according to Bishop Usher f.

Gill: Jer 25:2 - -- The which Jeremiah the prophet spake unto all the people of Judah,.... Perhaps at one of the three feasts, at which all the males appeared in Jerusale...
The which Jeremiah the prophet spake unto all the people of Judah,.... Perhaps at one of the three feasts, at which all the males appeared in Jerusalem; for it cannot be thought that he went up and down throughout all parts of the land to deliver this prophecy, but to as many of them as he found in Jerusalem in any place, at any time; and none so likely as what is mentioned:
and to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: to whom he had an opportunity of speaking frequently:
saying; as follows:

Gill: Jer 25:3 - -- From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even unto this day,.... The year in which Jeremiah began to prophesy, Jer 1:2;
From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even unto this day,.... The year in which Jeremiah began to prophesy, Jer 1:2;
(that is, the three and twentieth year); for Josiah reigned one and thirty years; so that Jeremiah prophesied nineteen years in his reign; and now it was the fourth of Jehoiakim's, which make twenty three years; so long the prophet had been prophesying to this people:
the word of the Lord hath come unto me; from time to time, during that space of twenty three years; and which he diligently, constantly, and faithfully delivered unto them; as follows:
and I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking: as soon as ever he had a word from the Lord, he brought it to them, and took the most proper and seasonable time to inculcate it to them; in the morning, and after, he had had a vision or dream in the night from the Lord;
but ye have not hearkened; they took no notice of it; turned a deaf ear to it; however, did not obey or act as they were directed and exhorted to.

Gill: Jer 25:4 - -- And the Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets,.... Not only him, but many others, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, and others:
rising early...
And the Lord hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets,.... Not only him, but many others, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, and others:
rising early and sending them; not only the prophet, but the Lord himself is said to rise early, and send his prophets to them; which denotes his great care and concern for this people for their good; see Jer 7:25;
but ye have not hearkened, nor inclined your ear to hear; which is an aggravation of their sin; that whereas they had one prophet after another sent to them, and sent by the Lord himself; he rising early, and sending them; and they rising early, being sent to do their message; and yet were not hearkened and attended to.

Gill: Jer 25:5 - -- They said,.... The prophets: this was the substance of their discourses and prophecies, what follows:
turn ye again now everyone from his evil way,...
They said,.... The prophets: this was the substance of their discourses and prophecies, what follows:
turn ye again now everyone from his evil way, and from the evil of your doings; repent of sins, and reform from them; particularly their idolatries, to which they were prone, and are after mentioned:
and dwell in the land that the Lord hath given unto you to your fathers for ever and ever; that is, the land of Canaan, which was given to them, and their fathers before them, by the Lord, for an everlasting inheritance, provided they behaved towards him aright; for they held the possession of it by their obedience to his law; and now, notwithstanding all that they had done, or had been threatened with; yet, if they repented and reformed, they should still dwell in the land, and enjoy it, and all the blessings and privileges of it.

Gill: Jer 25:6 - -- And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them,.... So long as they served the Lord God, they continued in their own land, in the comf...
And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them,.... So long as they served the Lord God, they continued in their own land, in the comfortable enjoyment of all the blessings of it; for their government was a theocracy; God was their King; and as long as they served and worshipped him only, he protected and defended them; but when they forsook him, and went after other gods, and served and worshipped them, then they were threatened to be turned out of their land, and carried captive into other lands; and yet, after all, if they returned from their idolatries, and left off worshipping idols, the Lord was ready to receive them kindly, and continue his favours to them:
and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands; their idols, which their own hands made, and then fell down to worship them; than which nothing can be more provoking to God:
and I will do you no hurt; by sword, or famine, or pestilence, or captivity; signifying the hurt he had threatened them with should not be done, provided they forsook their idolatrous worship; God does no hurt to his true worshippers; yea, he makes all things work together for their good.

Gill: Jer 25:7 - -- Yet ye have not hearkened unto me, saith the Lord,.... Though it was he that spake unto them by his prophets; and though it was so much to their own g...
Yet ye have not hearkened unto me, saith the Lord,.... Though it was he that spake unto them by his prophets; and though it was so much to their own good and advantage; and the neglect of him and his word were so much to their disadvantage, and even ruin:
that ye might provoke me to anger with the works of your hands, to your own hurt: which, though not signed to do either, yet eventually did both; both provoked the Lord, and brought destruction upon themselves; for whatever is against the glory of God is to the hurt of man; and whatever provokes him is pernicious to them in its consequences.

Gill: Jer 25:8 - -- Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts,.... Of armies above and below; and so can do what he pleases in heaven and in earth:
because ye have not he...
Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts,.... Of armies above and below; and so can do what he pleases in heaven and in earth:
because ye have not heard my words; by the prophets, so as to obey them; they had heard them externally, but did not observe to do them.

Gill: Jer 25:9 - -- Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north,
saith the Lord,.... The Targum is, the kingdoms of the north, the same with those in Je...
Behold, I will send and take all the families of the north,
saith the Lord,.... The Targum is, the kingdoms of the north, the same with those in Jer 1:15; even all those kingdoms which were subject to the king of Babylon, and lay north of Judea:
and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon my servant: though a great king, he was a servant of the Lord of hosts; his servant, both as a creature of his make, and as a king that ruled under him; and as he was an instrument in his hand to chastise his people the Jews; though it was not knowingly and with intention that he served the Lord:
and will bring them against this land, and against the inhabitants thereof; the land of Judea, and its inhabitants; this was the Lord's doing; it was he that stirred, up the king of Babylon, and by his secret instinct and powerful providence brought him and his armies into Judea to spoil it, and the inhabitants of it Jehovah as it were marched at the head of them, and led them on, and brought them against the Jews, and delivered them into their hands:
and against all these nations round about; Egypt and others; so that the Jews could have no help from them; nor would application to them, and alliance with them, signify anything:
and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations; both the Jews and their neighbours; who should be an astonishment to some, and a hissing to others, and remain desolate for a long time; even till the seventy years were ended after mentioned.

Gill: Jer 25:10 - -- Moreover, I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness,.... At their festivals, and nuptial solemnities:
the voice of the br...
Moreover, I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness,.... At their festivals, and nuptial solemnities:
the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride; expressing their mutual love unto, and delight in, each other; so agreeable to one another and their friends: or it may mean those epithalamies, or nuptial songs, sung unto them by their friends:
the sound of the millstones; either the voice of those that sing at the mill while grinding; or rather the sound of the stones themselves used in grinding; either in grinding spices for the bride cakes; or rather in grinding corn for common use; and so denotes the taking away of bread corn from them, and the want of that. The sense is, there should be corn to grind, and so no use of the mill:
and the light of the candle; at their feasts and weddings, or rather, for common use; signifying that houses should be desolate, without inhabitants, no light in them, nor work to be done. The whole shows that they should be deprived of everything both for necessity and pleasure. John seems to have borrowed some phrases from hence, Rev 18:22; in which he appears to have followed the Hebrew text, and not the Greek version. The Targum of the last clause is,
"the voice of the company of those that sing at the light of candles.''

Gill: Jer 25:11 - -- And this whole land shall be a desolation,.... Not only the city of Jerusalem, but all Judea, without inhabitants, or very few, and shall be uncultiva...
And this whole land shall be a desolation,.... Not only the city of Jerusalem, but all Judea, without inhabitants, or very few, and shall be uncultivated, and become barren and unfruitful:
and an astonishment; to all other nations, and to all persons that pass through, beholding the desolations of it:
and other nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years; both the Jews, and other nations of Egypt, reckoning from the date of this prophecy, the fourth year of Jehoiakim's reign, when Daniel and others were carried captive, Dan 1:1; to the first year of Cyrus.

Gill: Jer 25:12 - -- And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished,.... Which were accomplished in the first year of Cyrus: they began with the first year...
And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished,.... Which were accomplished in the first year of Cyrus: they began with the first year of Nebuchadnezzar, who reigned two years and two months with his father Nabopolassar; after that forty three years by himself; Evilmerodach two years: Neriglissar four years; Belshazzar or Nabonadius seventeen years; and Darius the Median two years; which all make sixty nine years and two months; and if ten months more be added to complete the said seventy years, it will carry the end of them to the first year of Cyrus g. These years are differently reckoned by others; by Spanhemius, from the first of Nebuchadnezzar, or fourth of Jehoiakim, to the destruction of the city under Zedekiah, nineteen years; thence to the death of Nebuchadnezzar, twenty four; then Evilmerodach, two; then the reign of Neriglissar, including some months of Laborosoarchod, five; then the years of Nabonadius, or Belshazzar, seventeen; and from his death, or the taking of Babylon, to the death of Darius the Mede, two years; which make sixty nine, exclusive of the first of Cyrus; and comes to much the same as the former. By James Alting thus; from the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, complete, to his death, twenty six years; Evilmerodach, twenty three; Belshazzar, three; Darius the Mede, eighteen, after the destruction of the Babylonish empire; which seems very wrong; better, by Dr. Lightfoot, thus; Nebuchadnezzar, forty five current; Evilmerodach, twenty three; and Belshazzar, three h. So the Jewish chronicle i:
that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the Lord, for their iniquity; the king for his tyranny, and the nation for their idolatry; and both for these and other sins they were guilty of; for, though they did the will of God in carrying the Jews captive, they no doubt in their usage of them exceeded their commission, and were justly punishable for their iniquities. This is not to be understood of the present king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar; but of Nabonadius, or Belshazzar, whom the Lord punished by Cyrus; who appears to have been a very wicked man, and in the excess of not, profaning the vessels of the temple the night he was slain, Dan 5:1;
and the land of the Chaldeans; and will make it perpetual desolations; even as other nations had been made by them, Jer 25:9.

Gill: Jer 25:13 - -- And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it,.... By his prophets, and particularly by Jeremiah, as follows; for no...
And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it,.... By his prophets, and particularly by Jeremiah, as follows; for not one word that is spoken by the Lord, either in a way of promise or threatening, shall fail; his truth, power, and faithfulness, are engaged to accomplish all:
even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations; the Egyptians, Philistines, Moabites, Edomites, Arabians, Persians, and also the Babylonians, in Jer 46:1, which prophecies, in the Greek version, immediately follow here, though in a confused manner; where some have thought they might be more regularly placed than as they are in the Hebrew copies, at the end of the book; but of this there seems to be no absolute necessity.

Gill: Jer 25:14 - -- For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of them also,.... Take their cities, seize upon the kingdoms, spoil them of their wealth and r...
For many nations and great kings shall serve themselves of them also,.... Take their cities, seize upon the kingdoms, spoil them of their wealth and riches, and bring them into servitude to them: these "many nations", which should and did do all this, were the Medes and Persians, and those that were subject to them, or were their allies and auxiliaries in this expedition; and the "great kings" were Cyrus and Darius, and those that were confederate with them:
and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works of their own hands; as they have done to others, it shall be done to them; as they have served themselves of other nations, other nations shall serve themselves of them; as they have cruelly used others, they shall be used with cruelty themselves; and as they have made other countries desolate, their land shall become desolate also; not only their tyranny and cruelty, but all their other sins, shall receive a just recompence of reward.

Gill: Jer 25:15 - -- For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me,.... The prophet:
take the wine cup of this fury at my hand; in a vision the Lord appeared to Jeremia...
For thus saith the Lord God of Israel unto me,.... The prophet:
take the wine cup of this fury at my hand; in a vision the Lord appeared to Jeremiah with a cup of wine in his hand, which he bid him take of him. It is usual in Scripture for the judgments of God on men to be signified by a cup of hot and intoxicating liquor, Isa 51:17; particularly in Psa 75:8; to which reference may be had; as John seems to refer to the passage here in Rev 14:10; called a cup, because they are in measure, and but small in comparison of what will be inflicted in the world to come; and a cup of "fury", because they proceed from the wrath of God, stirred up by the sins of men. Jarchi interprets this cup of the prophecy of vengeance, which the Lord delivered to Jeremiah; and not amiss:
and cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it; prophesy unto them what wrath and ruin shall come upon them.

Gill: Jer 25:16 - -- And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad,.... The judgments foretold shall come upon them, whether they will or not; which will have such effect...
And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad,.... The judgments foretold shall come upon them, whether they will or not; which will have such effects upon them, as intoxicating liquor has on drunken persons; make them shake and tremble, and reel to and fro, and toss and tumble about, and behave like madmen:
because of the sword that I will send among them; this explains what is meant by the wine cup of fury, the sword of a foreign enemy that shall enter among them and destroy; and which would make them tremble, and be at their wits' end, like drunken and mad men.

Gill: Jer 25:17 - -- Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand,.... In a visionary way, and did as he commanded, and prophesied as he directed him. The prophet was obedient t...
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand,.... In a visionary way, and did as he commanded, and prophesied as he directed him. The prophet was obedient to the heavenly vision, as became him:
and made all the nations to drink, unto whom, the Lord had sent me; not that he travelled through each of the nations with a cup in his hand, as an emblem of what wrath would come upon them, and they should drink deep of; but this was done in vision, and also in prophecy; the prophet publishing the will of God, denouncing his judgments upon the nations, and declaring to them what would befall them.

Gill: Jer 25:18 - -- To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah,.... Which are mentioned first, because God's judgments began with them, as they usually do with the house...
To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah,.... Which are mentioned first, because God's judgments began with them, as they usually do with the house of God, 1Pe 4:17; and even now began; for this very year, in which this prophecy was delivered, Nebuchadnezzar came up and besieged Jerusalem, and carried away some captives, Dan 1:1; this was the beginning of what afterwards were more fully executed:
and the kings thereof, and the princes thereof: the Kings Jehoiakim, Jeconiah, and Zedekiah, with those of their families, the princes of the blood, and their nobles:
to make them a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse; to strip them of their crowns and kingdom, of their wealth, and riches, and honour, and bring them into slavery and bondage; so that they became an astonishment to some, to see the change that was made in them; and were hissed stand cursed by others:
(as it is this day); which is added, either because of the certainty of it, or because it began to take, place this very year; though more fully in Jeconiah's time, and still more in Zedekiah's; or rather this clause might be added by Jeremiah after the captivity; or by Baruch, or by Ezra, or whoever collected his prophecies, and put them into one volume, as Jer 52:1 seems to be added by another hand.

Gill: Jer 25:19 - -- Pharaoh king of Egypt,.... Who is mentioned first after the kings of Judah; not only because the Jews were in alliance with Egypt, and trusted to them...
Pharaoh king of Egypt,.... Who is mentioned first after the kings of Judah; not only because the Jews were in alliance with Egypt, and trusted to them; and therefore this is observed, to show the vanity of their confidence and dependence; but because the judgments of God first took place on the king of Egypt; for in this very year, in which this prophecy was delivered, Pharaohnecho king of Egypt was smitten by Nebuchadnezzar, Jer 46:2; though the prophecy had a further accomplishment in Pharaohhophra, who was given into the hands of his enemies, as foretold, Jer 44:30;
and his servants, and his princes, and all his people; his menial servants, his domestics, and his nobles and peers of the realm, and all his subjects. It expresses an utter destruction of the kingdom of Egypt; and the particulars of it may be the rather given, to show the vain trust of the Jews in that people.

Gill: Jer 25:20 - -- And all the mingled people,.... Not the Arabians, who are mentioned afterwards, Jer 25:24; but rather a mixed people in the land of Egypt, such as cam...
And all the mingled people,.... Not the Arabians, who are mentioned afterwards, Jer 25:24; but rather a mixed people in the land of Egypt, such as came out of it along with the Israelites; or were near it, and bordered upon it, as the Targum; which renders it, all the bordering kings; or rather a mixture of people of different nations that dwelt by the sea coasts, either the Mediterranean, or the Red sea, as others think:
and all the kings of the land of Uz; not the country of Job, called by the Greeks Ausitis, as the Vulgate Latin version; but rather a country of Idumea, so called from Uz the son of Dishan, the son of Seir, Lam 4:21;
and all the kings of the land of the Philistines; the petty kings of it, called the lords of the Philistines elsewhere, who were great enemies to the people of the Jews: the prophecy of their destruction is in forty seventh chapter, and whose principal cities are next mentioned:
and Ashkelon, and Azzah, and Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod; of Ashkelon, and the sword in it, and ruin, see Jer 47:5. "Azzah" is the same with Gaza, whose destruction is also foretold in Jer 47:1; see Act 8:26; "Ekron" was another of the cities of the Philistines; see 1Sa 5:10; and "Ashdod" is the same with Azotus, another of their cities, Act 8:40; called "the remnant of Ashdod", because the remains only of a once very strong and fortified place; but was so weakened and wasted by Psammiticus, king of Egypt, in a blockade of it, for the space of nine and twenty years k, before he took it, that when he had got in it, it was but as the carcass of a city, to what it was before l.

Gill: Jer 25:21 - -- Edom, and Moab, and the children of Ammon. All well known and implacable enemies of Israel. The Edomites descended from Esau; and the Moabites and Amm...
Edom, and Moab, and the children of Ammon. All well known and implacable enemies of Israel. The Edomites descended from Esau; and the Moabites and Ammonites from Moab and Ammon, the two sons of Lot by his daughters. Their destruction is prophesied of in the forty eighth and forty ninth chapters.

Gill: Jer 25:22 - -- And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon,.... Two very ancient cities in Phoenicia, frequently mentioned together in Scripture, being ne...
And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon,.... Two very ancient cities in Phoenicia, frequently mentioned together in Scripture, being near each other. Their ruin is foretold in Jer 47:4;
and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea; which some understand of Greece and Italy; others of Rhodes, Cyprus, and Crete, and other islands in the Mediterranean sea; the Cyclades, as Jerom: but the words may be rendered, "and the kings of the country by the seaside"; and may design those that dwell upon the coast of the Mediterranean sea.

Gill: Jer 25:23 - -- Dedan, and Tema, and Buz,.... These seem to be places in Edom or Idumea, of whose destruction Jeremiah prophesies in Jer 49:7; or rather in Arabia and...
Dedan, and Tema, and Buz,.... These seem to be places in Edom or Idumea, of whose destruction Jeremiah prophesies in Jer 49:7; or rather in Arabia and Mesopotamia. Jerom reckons them among the Ishmaelites and Saracens, The persons from whom they descended are mentioned in Gen 22:21;
and all that are in the utmost corners; that is, either of the above countries, or of the whole earth: or "all that had their hair shorn" m; or the corners of their beards; which Jerom says is applicable to the Saracens.

Gill: Jer 25:24 - -- And all the kings of Arabia,.... Of Arabia Petraea;
and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert; the other Arabians or mixed p...
And all the kings of Arabia,.... Of Arabia Petraea;
and all the kings of the mingled people that dwell in the desert; the other Arabians or mixed people, that dwell in Arabia Deserta, as the Scenites, Nomades, Kedarenes, and others; and so the Targum,
"and all the kings of the Arabians, that dwell in tents in the desert.''
Of these, see the prophecy in Jer 49:28.

Gill: Jer 25:25 - -- And all the kings of Zimri,.... Of Arabia Felix, so called from Zimran, a son of Abraham by Keturah, Gen 25:2; the same whom Pliny n calls Zamerenes;
And all the kings of Zimri,.... Of Arabia Felix, so called from Zimran, a son of Abraham by Keturah, Gen 25:2; the same whom Pliny n calls Zamerenes;
and all the kings of Elam; or Persia; who are prophesied against in Jer 49:34;
and all the kings of the Medes; who commonly go together with the Persians.

Gill: Jer 25:26 - -- And all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another,.... That were on the north of Judea, the kings of Syria, and those that were near to t...
And all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another,.... That were on the north of Judea, the kings of Syria, and those that were near to the kingdom of Babylon, whether more remote from Judea, or nearer it and which joined one another in that part of the world;
and all the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth; the whole Babylonian monarchy, called the whole world; as the Roman empire afterwards was, Luk 2:1;
and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them; or the king of Babylon, as the Targum; and that Babylon is meant by "Sheshach" is certain from Jer 51:41; but why it is so called is not so easy to say. The Jewish writers make it to be the same with Babylon, by a change of the letters in the alphabet, put in such a situation, which they call "Athbash", in which "shin" is put for "beth", and "caph" for "lamed"; and so, instead of Babel or Babylon, you have "Sheshach", which is thought to be used rather than Babylon, that Nebuchadnezzar, now besieging Jerusalem, might not be irritated: but others take it to be the name of an idol of the Babylonians, from whence the city was called, which is not improbable; for, as Hillerus o has observed, their god Bel and Sheshach signify the same thing. Bel is the same as Behal, "swift"; and "Sheshach" may be derived from the Arabic word which signifies "to move swiftly" p; and may both be names of the sun, worshipped by the Chaldeans, so called from the swiftness of its motion. Now in Babylon stood the temple of Bel or Sheshach, and so might have its name from thence: and it may be further observed, what has been by others, that the Babylonians had a public festival, like the Saturnalia of the Romans, which held five days, and was called Sacchoea or Shace, as is supposed from their god Shach, to whom it was kept: to which may be added, that Mishael had the name of Meshach given him in Babylon; "Shach", in the one, answering to "El" in the other; which signifies God, Dan 1:7. Shach is used for a king or prince in the Persic language to this day. And now the king of Sheshach or Babylon must drink of the cup, or be punished last of all; who was the instrument of destroying most of the rest, yet should not go unpunished.

Gill: Jer 25:27 - -- Therefore thou shalt say unto them,.... To the several nations before mentioned, prophesied against:
thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israe...
Therefore thou shalt say unto them,.... To the several nations before mentioned, prophesied against:
thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; the Lord of armies, above and below, the Sovereign of the whole universe; but in a special and peculiar manner the God of Israel:
drink ye, and be drunken, and spew, and fall, and rise no more; as is sometimes the case of drunken men; they drink till they are quite intoxicated; and become drunk, and then they spew up what they have drunk; and, attempting to walk, fall, and sometimes so as never to rise more; not only break their bones, but their necks, or fall into places where they are suffocated, or in one or other, where they lose their lives. So it is signified, that these nations should drink of the cup of God's wrath and fury; or his judgments should come upon them in such a manner as that they should be obliged to part with all their riches, power, and authority; and should fall and sink into such a ruinous condition, as that they should never be able to the more to a prosperous one:
because of the sword that I will send among you; by which they should be destroyed. The Targum joins this with the preceding clause, thus,
"and ye shall not rise from before those that kill with the sword, whom I send among you.''

Gill: Jer 25:28 - -- And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink,.... To give credit to the prophecies of ruin and destruction delivered by the ...
And it shall be, if they refuse to take the cup at thine hand to drink,.... To give credit to the prophecies of ruin and destruction delivered by the prophet, but say, these things shall not be:
then shalt thou say unto them, thus saith the Lord of hosts, ye shall certainly drink; or those judgments shall certainly be inflicted; there will be no possibility of escaping, whether they were believed or not; or how unwilling soever they were to believe the denunciations of them, or to have them come upon them; yet assuredly so it would be; for thus saith the Lord of hosts, who is omnipotent, and does what he pleases in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, over whom he has a despotic power and government,

Gill: Jer 25:29 - -- For, lo, I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name,.... Jerusalem, the city of God, the holy city, where his name was called upon...
For, lo, I begin to bring evil upon the city which is called by my name,.... Jerusalem, the city of God, the holy city, where his name was called upon, and he was worshipped; on this he would first bring down his judgments; and indeed he had already begun to bring evil on it; for this very year Nebuchadnezzar came up to besiege it, and carried some away captives:
and should ye be utterly unpunished? or could they expect to go free from punishment, who had so grossly sinned, and were guilty of such abominable idolatries, and had been the means of drawing in the people of God into the same; and therefore, since the professing people of God, who had been drawn in by their examples, were punished, they could not, they ought not, to think of escaping. See the like argument in Luk 23:31;
ye shall not be unpunished; or cleared, or acquitted, or go free; but made instances and examples of vindictive justice:
for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth,
saith the Lord of hosts; or I will call them that kill with the sword, as the Targum; who will obey the call, answer to it, and come forth and slay the inhabitants of the earth, and none shall escape.

Gill: Jer 25:30 - -- Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them,.... What follows, as well as declare all that is before spoken concerning the...
Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them,.... What follows, as well as declare all that is before spoken concerning the cup of fury all nations must drink of:
the Lord shall roar from on high: from, heaven, like a lion, in violent claps of thunder; or in such dreadful dispensations of his providence, as will be very amazing and terrifying:
and utter his voice from his holy habitation; from heaven, as before; and though it will be terrible, yet quite consistent with his holiness and justice:
he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; the temple at Jerusalem, where he had his residence; but now should be deserted by him, and feel the effects of his wrath in the destruction and desolation of it: or rather, since the address is made to the nations of the world, and not to the Jews, it may be rendered, "in" or "out of his habitation" q; and so designs heaven, as before; and all these expressions are intended to show both the certainty and terribleness of the dispensation;
he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth; or, "answer a shout" r; give the onset for battle against the inhabitants of the earth, as the general of an army; which is accompanied with a shout, like that which is made by workmen treading in the wine press, to encourage one another to go on the more cheerfully in their work.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Jer 25:1; Jer 25:1; Jer 25:2; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:3; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:4; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:5; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:6; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:7; Jer 25:8; Jer 25:8; Jer 25:8; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:9; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:12; Jer 25:13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:15; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:16; Jer 25:17; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:18; Jer 25:19; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:20; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:21; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:22; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:23; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:24; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:25; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:26; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:27; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:28; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:29; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30; Jer 25:30
NET Notes: Jer 25:1 The year referred to would be 605 b.c. Jehoiakim had been placed on the throne of Judah as a puppet king by Pharaoh Necho after the defeat of Josiah a...

NET Notes: Jer 25:2 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.

NET Notes: Jer 25:3 The words “what he said” are not in the text but are implicit. They are supplied in the translation for clarity.

NET Notes: Jer 25:4 Heb “inclined your ear to hear.” This is idiomatic for “paying attention.” It is often parallel with “listen” as h...

NET Notes: Jer 25:5 Heb “gave to you and your fathers with reference to from ancient times even unto forever.” See the same idiom in 7:7.

NET Notes: Jer 25:6 Heb “make me angry with the work of your hands.” The term “work of your own hands” is often interpreted as a reference to idol...

NET Notes: Jer 25:7 Heb “make me angry with the work of your hands.” The term “work of your own hands” is often interpreted as a reference to idol...

NET Notes: Jer 25:10 The sound of people grinding meal and the presence of lamps shining in their houses were signs of everyday life. The Lord is going to make these lands...

NET Notes: Jer 25:11 It should be noted that the text says that the nations will be subject to the king of Babylon for seventy years, not that they will lie desolate for s...

NET Notes: Jer 25:13 Or “I will bring upon it everything that is to be written in this book. I will bring upon it everything that Jeremiah is going to prophesy conce...

NET Notes: Jer 25:14 Heb “according to their deeds and according to the work of their hands.” The two phrases are synonymous; it would be hard to represent the...

NET Notes: Jer 25:15 “Drinking from the cup of wrath” is a common figure to represent being punished by God. Isaiah had used it earlier to refer to the punishm...

NET Notes: Jer 25:16 Heb “because of the sword that I will send among them.” Here, as often elsewhere in Jeremiah, the sword is figurative for warfare which br...

NET Notes: Jer 25:17 The words “the wine of his wrath” are not in the text but are implicit in the metaphor (see vv. 15-16). They are supplied in the translati...

NET Notes: Jer 25:18 Heb “as it is today.” This phrase would obviously be more appropriate after all these things had happened as is the case in 44:6, 23 where...

NET Notes: Jer 25:20 The Greek historian Herodotus reports that Ashdod had been destroyed under the Pharaoh who preceded Necho, Psammetichus.

NET Notes: Jer 25:22 The connection with Tyre and Sidon suggests that these were Phoenician colonies. See also Isa 23:2.

NET Notes: Jer 25:23 See Jer 9:26 where these are mentioned in connection with Moab, Edom, and Ammon.

NET Notes: Jer 25:25 Elam and Media were east of Babylon; Elam in the south and Media in the north. They were in what is now western Iran.

NET Notes: Jer 25:26 Heb “the king of Sheshach.” “Sheshach” is a code name for Babylon formed on the principle of substituting the last letter of t...

NET Notes: Jer 25:27 Heb “because of the sword that I will send among you.” See the notes on 2:16 for explanation.

NET Notes: Jer 25:28 The translation attempts to reflect the emphatic construction of the infinitive absolute preceding the finite verb which is here an obligatory imperfe...

NET Notes: Jer 25:30 The metaphor shifts from God as a lion to God as a mighty warrior (Jer 20:11; Isa 42:13; Zeph 3:17) shouting in triumph over his foes. Within the meta...
Geneva Bible: Jer 25:1 The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the people of Judah in the ( a ) fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that [was] th...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:3 From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even to ( b ) this day, that [is] the three and twentieth year, the word of the LORD...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:5 They ( d ) said, Turn ye again now every one from his evil way, and from the evil of your doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD hath given to yo...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:9 Behold, I will send and take all the ( e ) families of the north, saith the LORD, and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my ( f ) servant, and will b...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:10 Moreover I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the sound of th...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:12 And it shall come to pass, when ( i ) seventy years are accomplished, [that] I will punish ( k ) the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD,...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:14 For many nations and great kings shall be ( l ) served by them also: and I will recompense them according to their deeds, and according to the works o...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:15 For thus saith the LORD God of Israel to me; ( m ) Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send thee, to drink...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:18 [That is], Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and her kings, and her princes, to make them a desolation, an horror, an hissing, and a curse; ( n ) as...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:20 And all the mixed people, and all the kings of the land ( o ) of Uz, and all the kings of the land of the Philistines, and ( p ) Ashkelon, and Azzah, ...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:21 ( q ) Edom, and Moab, and the children of Ammon,
( q ) Edom is here taken for the whole country and Uz for a part of it.

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:22 And all the kings of Tyre, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the ( r ) isles which [are] beyond the sea,
( r ) As Greece, Italy and the re...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:23 ( s ) Dedan, and Tema, and Buz, and all [that are] in the utmost corners,
( s ) These were people of Arabia which came of Dedan the son of Abraham an...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:24 And all the kings of Arabia, and all the kings of the mixed people that dwell in the ( t ) desert,
( t ) For there were two countries so named, the o...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:26 And all the kings of the north, far and near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the world, which [are] upon the face of the earth: and the kin...

Geneva Bible: Jer 25:29 For, lo, ( x ) I begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I wi...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Jer 25:1-38
TSK Synopsis: Jer 25:1-38 - --1 Jeremiah, reproving the Jews' disobedience to the prophets,8 foretells the seventy years' captivity;12 and after that, the destruction of Babylon.15...
MHCC: Jer 25:1-7 - --The call to turn from evil ways to the worship and service of God, and for sinners to trust in Christ, and partake of his salvation, concerns all men....

MHCC: Jer 25:8-14 - --The fixing of the time during which the Jewish captivity should last, would not only confirm the prophecy, but also comfort the people of God, and enc...

MHCC: Jer 25:15-29 - --The evil and the good events of life are often represented in Scripture as cups. Under this figure is represented the desolation then coming upon that...

MHCC: Jer 25:30-38 - --The Lord has just ground of controversy with every nation and every person; and he will execute judgment on all the wicked. Who can avoid trembling wh...
Matthew Henry: Jer 25:1-7 - -- We have here a message from God concerning all the people of Judah (Jer 25:1), which Jeremiah delivered, in his name, unto all the people of Judah, ...

Matthew Henry: Jer 25:8-14 - -- Here is the sentence grounded upon the foregoing charge: " Because you have not heard my words, I must take another course with you,"Jer 25:8. Note...

Matthew Henry: Jer 25:15-29 - -- Under the similitude of a cup going round, which all the company must drink of, is here represented the universal desolation that was now coming upo...

Matthew Henry: Jer 25:30-38 - -- We have, in these verses, a further description of those terrible desolations which the king of Babylon with his armies should make in all the count...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Jer 25:1-2; Jer 25:3-7; Jer 25:8-10; Jer 25:11; Jer 25:12-13; Jer 25:14; Jer 25:15-16; Jer 25:17-18; Jer 25:19-26; Jer 25:27-29; Jer 25:30-38
Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:1-2 - --
The prediction of this chapter is introduced by a full heading, which details with sufficient precision the time of its composition. Jer 25:1. "The...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:3-7 - --
The seventy years' Chaldean bondage of Judah and the peoples. - Jer 25:3 . "From the thirteenth year of Josiah, son of Amon king of Judah, unto t...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:8-10 - --
For this obstinate resistance the Lord will cause the nations of the north, under Nebuchadrezzar's leadership, to come and lay Judah waste. "All the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:11 - --
The land of Judah shall be made waste and desolate, and these peoples shall serve the king of Babylon for seventy years. The time indicated appertai...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:12-13 - --
The overthrow of the king of Babylon's sovereignty. - Jer 25:12. "But when seventy years are accomplished, I will visit their iniquity upon the ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:14 - --
The perfect עבדוּ is to be regarded as a prophetic present. עבד בּ , impose labour, servitude on one, cf. Jer 22:13, i.e., reduce one to...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:15-16 - --
The cup of God's fury. - Jer 25:15. "For thus hath Jahveh, the God of Israel, said to me: Take this cup of the wine of fury at my hand, and give...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:17-18 - --
This duty imposed by the Lord Jeremiah performs; he takes the cup and makes all peoples drink it. Here the question has been suggested, how Jeremiah...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:19-26 - --
The enumeration of the heathen nations begins with Egypt and goes northwards, the peoples dwelling to the east and west of Judah being ranged alongs...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:27-29 - --
From Jer 25:27 onwards the commission from God (Jer 25:15.) is still more completely communicated to Jeremiah, so that the record of its fulfilment ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jer 25:30-38 - --
"But do thou prophesy to them all these words, and say unto them: Jahveh will roar from on high, and from His holy habitation let His voice resound...
Constable -> Jer 2:1--45:5; Jer 2:1--25:38; Jer 15:10--26:1; Jer 24:1--25:38; Jer 25:1-14; Jer 25:15-29; Jer 25:30-38
Constable: Jer 2:1--45:5 - --II. Prophecies about Judah chs. 2--45
The first series of prophetic announcements, reflections, and incidents th...

Constable: Jer 2:1--25:38 - --A. Warnings of judgment on Judah and Jerusalem chs. 2-25
Chapters 2-25 contain warnings and appeals to t...

Constable: Jer 15:10--26:1 - --3. Warnings in view of Judah's hard heart 15:10-25:38
This section of the book contains several ...

Constable: Jer 24:1--25:38 - --A collection of burdens on many nations chs. 24-25
The four message that follow concern ...

Constable: Jer 25:1-14 - --The length of the exile and Babylon's fate 25:1-14
Chapter 25 serves as a capstone for all of Jeremiah's previous prophecies. The prophet's perspectiv...

Constable: Jer 25:15-29 - --Yahweh's cup of wrath for the nations 25:15-29
25:15 The Lord instructed Jeremiah to take from His hand, figuratively, a cup of His wrath and to cause...