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Text -- Job 30:1-10 (NET)

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Job’s Present Misery
30:1 “But now they mock me, those who are younger than I, whose fathers I disdained too much to put with my sheep dogs. 30:2 Moreover, the strength of their hands– what use was it to me? Men whose strength had perished; 30:3 gaunt with want and hunger, they would gnaw the parched land, in former time desolate and waste. 30:4 By the brush they would gather herbs from the salt marshes, and the root of the broom tree was their food. 30:5 They were banished from the community– people shouted at them like they would shout at thieves30:6 so that they had to live in the dry stream beds, in the holes of the ground, and among the rocks. 30:7 They brayed like animals among the bushes and were huddled together under the nettles. 30:8 Sons of senseless and nameless people, they were driven out of the land with whips.
Job’s Indignities
30:9 “And now I have become their taunt song; I have become a byword among them. 30:10 They detest me and maintain their distance; they do not hesitate to spit in my face.
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Job 30:1 Job is mocked by young fellows who come from low extraction. They mocked their elders and their betters. The scorn is strong here – dogs were de...

NET Notes: Job 30:2 The word כֶּלַח (kelakh) only occurs in Job 5:26; but the Arabic cognate gives this meaning “strength.”...

NET Notes: Job 30:3 The MT has “yesterday desolate and waste.” The word “yesterday” (אֶמֶשׁ, ’emesh) is ...

NET Notes: Job 30:4 Heb “gather mallow,” a plant which grows in salt marshes.

NET Notes: Job 30:5 The text merely says “as thieves,” but it obviously compares the poor to the thieves.

NET Notes: Job 30:6 The adjectives followed by a partitive genitive take on the emphasis of a superlative: “in the most horrible of valleys” (see GKC 431 ...

NET Notes: Job 30:7 The Pual of the verb סָפַח (safakh, “to join”) also brings out the passivity of these people – “...

NET Notes: Job 30:8 Heb “they were whipped from the land” (cf. ESV) or “they were cast out from the land” (HALOT 697 s.v. נכא). ...

NET Notes: Job 30:9 The idea is that Job has become proverbial, people think of misfortune and sin when they think of him. The statement uses the ordinary word for “...

NET Notes: Job 30:10 Heb “they are far from me.”

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