Text -- Joshua 22:18-34 (NET)

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morrow - That is, suddenly, as that word is often used.

With you for doing so, and with us for suffering, or not punishing it.

Wesley: Jos 22:19 - -- If you apprehend it to be so for want of the tabernacle and altar there; as the following words imply: if you now repent of your former choice in pref...
If you apprehend it to be so for want of the tabernacle and altar there; as the following words imply: if you now repent of your former choice in preferring the worldly commodities of that country before the advantage of God's presence, and more frequent opportunities of his service.

Wesley: Jos 22:19 - -- We will readily resign part of our possessions to you for the prevention of this sin and mischief.
We will readily resign part of our possessions to you for the prevention of this sin and mischief.

Wesley: Jos 22:19 - -- For all the tribes were united in one body politick, and made one commonwealth, and one church; and each tribe was subject to the laws and commands of...
For all the tribes were united in one body politick, and made one commonwealth, and one church; and each tribe was subject to the laws and commands of the whole society, and of the chief ruler or rulers thereof; so its disobedience to their just commands was properly rebellion against them.

Wesley: Jos 22:20 - -- But brought destruction upon his whole family, and part of our forces sent against Ai.
But brought destruction upon his whole family, and part of our forces sent against Ai.

Wesley: Jos 22:22 - -- That Jehovah, whom we no less than you acknowledge and adore as the God of gods, infinitely superior to all that are called gods. The multiplying of h...
That Jehovah, whom we no less than you acknowledge and adore as the God of gods, infinitely superior to all that are called gods. The multiplying of his titles, and the repetition of these words, shew their zeal and earnestness in this matter.

Wesley: Jos 22:22 - -- To him we appeal who knoweth all things, and the truth of what we are now saying. Not only our present words, but our future and constant course shall...
To him we appeal who knoweth all things, and the truth of what we are now saying. Not only our present words, but our future and constant course shall satisfy all Israel of our perseverance in the true religion.

If this have been done by us with such design, or in such a manner.

Wesley: Jos 22:22 - -- Thou, O Lord, to whom we have appealed, and without whom we cannot be saved and preserved, save us not from any of our enemies, nor from the sword of ...
Thou, O Lord, to whom we have appealed, and without whom we cannot be saved and preserved, save us not from any of our enemies, nor from the sword of our brethren. It is a sudden apostrophe to God, usual in such vehement speeches.

That is, call us to an account and punish us for it.

You have no relation to him, nor interest in him, or his worship.

Wesley: Jos 22:25 - -- To shut you out of the land of promise, and consequently from the covenant made between God and our fathers.
To shut you out of the land of promise, and consequently from the covenant made between God and our fathers.

Nothing to do with him; no right to serve him or expect favour from him.

Wesley: Jos 22:25 - -- For they that are cut off from public ordinances, usually by degrees lose all religion. It is true, the form and profession of godliness, may be kept ...
For they that are cut off from public ordinances, usually by degrees lose all religion. It is true, the form and profession of godliness, may be kept without the life and power of it. But the life and power will not long be kept, without the form and profession of it.

Wesley: Jos 22:27 - -- That we and ours may have and hold our privilege of serving and worshiping God, not upon this altar, but in the place of God's presence, in your taber...
That we and ours may have and hold our privilege of serving and worshiping God, not upon this altar, but in the place of God's presence, in your tabernacle, and upon your altar.

An exact representation and resemblance.

Wesley: Jos 22:28 - -- That we both serve one God, and approve and make use of one and the same altar.
That we both serve one God, and approve and make use of one and the same altar.

They were fully satisfied with this answer.

Wesley: Jos 22:31 - -- By his gracious presence, and preventing goodness, in keeping you from so great an offence, and all of us from those calamities that would have follow...
By his gracious presence, and preventing goodness, in keeping you from so great an offence, and all of us from those calamities that would have followed it.

Wesley: Jos 22:31 - -- That is, from the wroth and dreadful judgments of God, by avoiding that sin which would have involved both you and us in a most bloody war; you have d...
That is, from the wroth and dreadful judgments of God, by avoiding that sin which would have involved both you and us in a most bloody war; you have delivered us from the evils we feared. He that prevents an approaching disease or mischief, doth as truly deliver a man from it, as he that cures or removes it after it hath been inflicted.

Wesley: Jos 22:33 - -- As they were by the law of God obliged to do, if they had been guilty and persisted therein; as afterwards they did the tribe of Benjamin for the same...
As they were by the law of God obliged to do, if they had been guilty and persisted therein; as afterwards they did the tribe of Benjamin for the same reason.

Wesley: Jos 22:34 - -- That is, a witness: a witness of the relation they stood in to God and Israel, and of their concurrence with the other tribes in the common faith, tha...
That is, a witness: a witness of the relation they stood in to God and Israel, and of their concurrence with the other tribes in the common faith, that Jehovah he is God. It was a witness to posterity, of their care to transmit their religion pure and entire; and would be a witness against them, if ever they should turn from following the Lord their God.
JFB -> Jos 22:21; Jos 22:33-34
JFB: Jos 22:21 - -- Repudiating, in the strongest terms, the alleged crime, and deponing that so far from entertaining the intention imputed to them, their only object wa...
Repudiating, in the strongest terms, the alleged crime, and deponing that so far from entertaining the intention imputed to them, their only object was to perpetuate the memory of their alliance with Israel [Jos 22:24-25], and their adherence to the worship of Israel's God [Jos 22:26-27].

JFB: Jos 22:33-34 - -- The explanation not only gave perfect satisfaction to the deputies, but elicited from them expressions of unbounded joy and thankfulness. "This day we...
The explanation not only gave perfect satisfaction to the deputies, but elicited from them expressions of unbounded joy and thankfulness. "This day we perceive that the Lord is among us" [Jos 22:31], that is, by His gracious presence and preventing goodness, which has kept you from falling into the suspected sin and rescued the nation from the calamity of a fratricidal war or providential judgments. This episode reflects honor upon all parties and shows that piety and zeal for the honor and worship of God animated the people that entered Canaan to an extent far beyond what was exemplified in many other periods of the history of Israel.
Clarke: Jos 22:19 - -- If the land of your possessions be unclean - The generous mind of Phinehas led him to form this excuse for them. If ye suppose that this land is imp...
If the land of your possessions be unclean - The generous mind of Phinehas led him to form this excuse for them. If ye suppose that this land is impure, as not having been originally included in the covenant, and ye think that ye cannot expect the blessing of God unless ye have an altar, sacrifices, etc., then pass ye over unto the land of the possession of the Lord, wherein the Lord’ s tabernacle dwelleth, the only legitimate place where sacrifices and offerings can be made. We will divide this land with you, and rather straiten ourselves than that you should conceive yourselves to be under any necessity of erecting a new altar besides the altar of the Lord our God.

Clarke: Jos 22:20 - -- Did not Achan the son of Zerah - Your sin will not be merely against yourselves; your transgressions will bring down the wrath of God upon all the p...
Did not Achan the son of Zerah - Your sin will not be merely against yourselves; your transgressions will bring down the wrath of God upon all the people; this was the case in the transgression of Achan; he alone sinned, and yet God on that account turned his face against the whole congregation, so that they fell before their enemies. We cannot therefore be unconcerned spectators of your transgression, we may all be implicated in its criminality; let this and the dishonor which we apprehend is done to our God plead our excuse, and vindicate the necessity of the present warlike appearance which we make before you. See the history of Achan referred to here, (Joshua 7:11-26 (note)), and the notes there.

Clarke: Jos 22:21 - -- Then the children of Reuben - answered - Though conscious of their own innocency they permitted Phinehas to finish his discourse, though composed of...
Then the children of Reuben - answered - Though conscious of their own innocency they permitted Phinehas to finish his discourse, though composed of little else than accusations; there was a decency in this, and such a full proof of good breeding, as does them the highest credit. There are many public assemblies in the present day which lay claim to the highest refinement, who might take a very useful lesson from these Reubenites and their associates.

Clarke: Jos 22:22 - -- The Lord God of gods - The original words are exceedingly emphatic, and cannot be easily translated. אל אלהים יהוה El Elohim Yehovah , a...
The Lord God of gods - The original words are exceedingly emphatic, and cannot be easily translated.

Clarke: Jos 22:22 - -- Save us not this day - This was putting the affair to the most solemn issue; and nothing but the utmost consciousness of their own integrity could h...
Save us not this day - This was putting the affair to the most solemn issue; and nothing but the utmost consciousness of their own integrity could have induced them to make such an appeal, and call for such a decision. "Let God the Judge cause us to perish this day, if in principle or practice we have knowingly departed from him."

Clarke: Jos 22:24 - -- For fear of this thing - The motive that actuated us was directly the reverse of that of which we have been suspected.
For fear of this thing - The motive that actuated us was directly the reverse of that of which we have been suspected.

Clarke: Jos 22:26 - -- An altar, not for burnt-offering, nor for sacrifice - Because this would have been in flat opposition to the law, Lev 17:8, Lev 17:9; Deu 12:4-6, De...
An altar, not for burnt-offering, nor for sacrifice - Because this would have been in flat opposition to the law, Lev 17:8, Lev 17:9; Deu 12:4-6, Deu 12:10, Deu 12:11, Deu 12:13, Deu 12:14, which most positively forbade any sacrifice or offering to be made in any other place than that one which the Lord should choose. Therefore the altar built by the Reubenites, etc., was for no religious purpose, but merely to serve as a testimony that they were one people with those on the west of Jordan, having the same religious and civil constitution, and bound by the same interests to keep that constitution inviolate.

Clarke: Jos 22:29 - -- God forbid that we should rebel - These words not only express their strong abhorrence of this crime, but also show that without God they could do n...
God forbid that we should rebel - These words not only express their strong abhorrence of this crime, but also show that without God they could do no good thing, and that they depended upon him for that strength by which alone they could abstain from evil.

Clarke: Jos 22:31 - -- We perceive that the Lord is among us - Or, according to the Targum of Jonathan. "This day we know that the majesty of Jehovah dwelleth among us, be...
We perceive that the Lord is among us - Or, according to the Targum of Jonathan. "This day we know that the majesty of Jehovah dwelleth among us, because ye have not committed this prevarication against the Word of the Lord, and thus ye have delivered the children of Israel from the hand of the Word of the Lord."They rejoice to find them innocent, and that there is no ground of quarrel between the children of the same family. And from this they draw a very favorable conclusion, that as God was among them as the sole object of their religious worship, so he would abide with them as their protector and their portion; and as they were his friends, they take it for granted that he will deliver them from the hands of their enemies.

Clarke: Jos 22:33 - -- And did not intend to go up against them in battle - That is, they now relinquished the intention of going against them in battle, as this explanati...
And did not intend to go up against them in battle - That is, they now relinquished the intention of going against them in battle, as this explanation proved there was no cause for the measure.

Clarke: Jos 22:34 - -- Called the altar Ed - The word עד Ed , which signifies witness or testimony, is not found in the common editions of the Hebrew Bible, and is supp...
Called the altar Ed - The word
From the contents of this chapter we learn that the Israelites were dreadfully alarmed at the prospect of a schism in their own body, both as it related to ecclesiastical and civil matters. A few observations on this subject may not be useless
Schism in religion is a dangerous thing, and should be carefully avoided by all who fear God. But this word should be well understood.
When the majority of a nation agrees in some particular forms and modes in their religious service; no conscientious man will lightly depart from these; nor depart at all, unless he find that they are not only not authorized by the word of God, but repugnant to it. It is an object greatly to be desired, that a whole people, living under the same laws may, as much as possible, glorify God, not only with one heart, but also with one mouth
But there may be a dissent from established forms without schism; for if that dissent make no rent in the doctrines or practice of Christianity, as laid down in the New Testament, it is an abuse of terms to call it a schism; besides, there may be a dissent among religious people relative to certain points both in creed and practice, which, not affecting the essentials of Christianity, nor having any direct tendency to alienate the affections of Christians from each other, cannot be called a schism; but when professing Christians separate from each other, to set up one needless or non-essential form, etc., in the place of others which they call needless or non-essential, they are highly culpable. This not only produces no good, but tends to much evil; for both parties, in order to make the points of their difference of sufficient consequence to justify their dissension, magnify these non-essential matters beyond all reason, and sometimes beyond conscience itself: and thus mint and cummin are tithed, while the weightier matters of the law - judgment and the love of God - are utterly neglected. If Christians either cannot or will not think alike on all points, surely they can agree to disagree, and let each go to heaven his own way. "But should we take this advice, would it not lead to a total indifference about religion?"Not at all; for in the things which concern the essentials of Christianity, both in doctrine and practice, we should ever feel zealously affected, and earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints.
Calvin: Jos 22:21 - -- 21.Then the children of Reuben, etc The state of the case turns on the definition. For the children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, explain that they h...
21.Then the children of Reuben, etc The state of the case turns on the definition. For the children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, explain that they had a different intention, and thus exculpate themselves from the charge, inasmuch as the nature of the proceeding was quite different from what the others supposed. In not making a disturbance, 185 nor picking a quarrel for the injustice done, to them they give an example of rare modesty, which is held forth for our imitation; so that if at any time anything we have rightly done happen to be unjustly and falsely blamed by those not acquainted with its nature, we may deem it sufficient to refute the censure only so far as may be necessary for clearing ourselves. Moreover, that the more credit may be given to them, and that they may the better attest their integrity, they, by a solemn protest, put far from them the wickedness of which they were suspected. For there is force and meaning in the reduplication, The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods, by which they with vehemence affirm, how faithfully they desire to persevere in the doctrine of the Law, and how greatly they abhor all contrary superstitions. But as their intention was not patent to men, and every one explained it variously, according to his own sense, they appeal to the judgment of God, and offer to submit to punishment if he decide that they had attempted anything wickedly. And to prove that they are not like hypocrites who, with abandoned wickedness, appeal to God a hundred times as judge even when they are convicted in their own minds, they not only bring forward conscience, but at the same time declare, that the whole people will be witness; as if they had said, that it will be made palpable by the fact itself, that they never had any intention of devising any new form of worship; and they rightly explain, how the altar would have been unlawful, namely, if they had built it for the purpose of offering sacrifice. For the Law did not condemn the mere raising of heaps of stones, but only enjoined that sacrifices should be offered in one place, for the purpose of retaining the people in one faith, lest religion should be rent asunder, lest license should be given to human presumption, and thus every man might turn aside to follow his own fictions. We thus see how an explanation of the nature of the deed removes the detestation which the ten tribes had conceived of it. 186
It is not strictly correct, though appropriate enough, for the rudeness of sense, to place our God above all gods. For it is impossible to compare him with others, seeing that no others actually exist. Hence, in order to avoid the apparent absurdity, some interpreters substitute angels for gods; this meaning holds in some cases, though not in all. It ought not, however, to seem harsh when he who is the one sole supreme being is called the God of gods, inasmuch as he has no equal, standing forth conspicuous above all other height, and so, by his glory, obscuring and annihilating all names of deity which are celebrated in the world. Hence this mode of speaking ought to be viewed with reference to the common sense of the vulgar.

Calvin: Jos 22:26 - -- 26.Therefore we said, etc The gross impiety of which they had been accused was now well refuted; and yet they seem not to have been in every respect ...
26.Therefore we said, etc The gross impiety of which they had been accused was now well refuted; and yet they seem not to have been in every respect free from blame, because the Law forbids the erection of any kind of statues. It is easy, however, to excuse this by saying, that no kind of statues are condemned except those which are intended to represent God. To erect a heap of stones as a trophy, or in testimony of a miracle, or a memorial of some signal favor of God, the Law has nowhere prohibited. (Exo 20:4; Lev 26:1; Deu 5:8) Otherwise, Joshua and many holy judges and kings after him, would have defiled themselves by profane innovation. But the only thing displeasing to God was to see the minds of men drawn hither and thither, so as to worship him in a gross and earthly manner. The children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh do all that is required for their exculpation, when they declare that they would use the altar only as a bond of brotherly union; and add a sufficient reason, namely, the danger there was, lest, after a long course of time, the ten tribes might exclude the others as strangers, because they did not inhabit the same land. For as the country beyond the Jordan was not at first comprehended in the covenant, a difference of habitation might ultimately prove a cause of dissension. They therefore consult timelessly for their posterity, that they may be able by means of the altar as a kind of public document to defend their right, that they may mutually recognize each other, and unite in common in serving one God.

Calvin: Jos 22:30 - -- 30.And when Phinehas the priest, etc Phinehas and the ambassadors rightly temper their zeal, when, instead of harshly insisting and urging the prejud...
30.And when Phinehas the priest, etc Phinehas and the ambassadors rightly temper their zeal, when, instead of harshly insisting and urging the prejudice which they had conceived, they blandly and willingly admit the excuse. Many persons, if once offended and exasperated by any matter, cannot be appeased by any defense, and always find something maliciously and unjustly to carp at, rather than seem to yield to reason. The example here is worthy of observation. It teaches us that if at any time we conceive offence in regard to a matter not sufficiently known, we must beware of obstinacy, and be ready instantly to take an equitable view. Moreover, when the children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh are found free from crime, Phinehas and the ambassadors ascribe it to the grace of God. For by the words, We know that Jehovah is in the midst of us, they intimate that God was propitious to them, and had taken care of their safety.
This is to be carefully observed; for we are able to infer from it that we never revolt from God, or fall off to impiety unless he abandon us, and give us up when thus abandoned to a reprobate mind. All idolatry, therefore, shows that God has previously been alienated, and is about to punish us by inflicting judicial blindness. Meanwhile, we must hold that we persevere in piety only in so far as God is present to sustain us by his hand, and confirm us in perseverance by the agency of his Spirit. Phinehas and the ambassadors speak as if they had been delivered by the children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh, because there was no longer any ground to fear the divine vengeance, when all suspicion of criminality had been removed. At last similar equity and humanity are displayed by the whole people, when accepting the defense of their brethren they gave thanks to God for having kept his people free from criminality.
Though they had been suddenly inflamed, they depart with calm minds. In like manner the two tribes and the half tribe carefully exert themselves to perform their duty by giving a name to the altar, which, by explaining its proper use, might draw off the people from all superstition.
TSK: Jos 22:18 - -- following : Jos 22:16; Deu 7:4; 1Sa 12:14, 1Sa 12:20; 1Ki 9:6; 2Ki 17:21; 2Ch 25:27, 2Ch 34:33
and it will : Ezr 9:13, Ezr 9:14
he will be : Jos 22:20...

TSK: Jos 22:19 - -- unclean : Exo 15:17; Lev 18:25-28; Amo 7:17; Act 10:14, Act 10:15, Act 11:8, Act 11:9
wherein : Jos 18:1; Lev 17:8, Lev 17:9; Deu 12:5, Deu 12:6; 2Ch ...

TSK: Jos 22:21 - -- Then the children : The conduct and answer of these Reubenites and the associates are worthy of admiration and imitation. Though conscious of their i...
Then the children : The conduct and answer of these Reubenites and the associates are worthy of admiration and imitation. Though conscious of their innocence, they permitted Phinehas to finish his speech, though composed of little else than accusations, without any interruption; and taking in good part the suspicions, reproofs, and even harshness of their brethren, with the utmost meekness and solemnity they explain their intention, give all the satisfaction in their power, and with great propriety and reverence, appeal to that God against whom they were supposed to have rebelled.
answered : Pro 15:1, Pro 16:1, Pro 18:13, Pro 24:26; Act 11:4; Jam 1:19; 1Pe 3:15
heads : Exo 18:21-25; Mic 5:2

TSK: Jos 22:22 - -- Lord God : יהוה [Strong’ s H3068] אלהים [Strong’ s H430] אל [Strong’ s H410], El Elohim Yehowah , literally ""The ...
Lord God :
he knoweth : 1Ki 8:39; Job 10:7, Job 23:10; Psa 7:3, Psa 44:21, Psa 139:1-12; Jer 12:3, Jer 17:10; Joh 2:24, Joh 2:25, Joh 21:17; Act 1:24; 2Co 11:11, 2Co 11:31; Heb 4:13; Rev 2:23
Israel : Psa 37:6; Mic 7:9; Mal 3:18; Acts 11:2-18; 2Co 5:11
if it be : 1Sa 15:23; Job 31:5-8, Job 31:38-40; Psa 7:3-5; Act 25:11

TSK: Jos 22:23 - -- let the Lord : Gen 9:4; Deu 18:19; 1Sa 20:16; 2Ch 24:22; Psa 10:13, Psa 10:14; Eze 3:18; Eze 33:6, Eze 33:8

TSK: Jos 22:24 - -- for fear : Gen 18:19
In time to come : Heb. To-morrow, Jos 4:6; Gen 30:33; Exo 13:14; Deu 6:20 *marg.

TSK: Jos 22:25 - -- ye have : Jos 22:27; 2Sa 20:1; 1Ki 12:16; Ezr 4:2, Ezr 4:3; Neh 2:20; Act 8:21
make : 1Sa 26:19; 1Ki 12:27-30, 1Ki 14:16, 1Ki 15:30

TSK: Jos 22:27 - -- a witness : Jos 22:10, Jos 22:34, Jos 24:27; Gen 31:48, Gen 31:52; 1Sa 7:12
that we : Deu 12:5, Deu 12:6, Deu 12:11, Deu 12:17, Deu 12:18, Deu 12:26, ...

TSK: Jos 22:29 - -- God forbid : Jos 24:16; Gen 44:7, Gen 44:17; 1Sa 12:23; 1Ki 21:3; Rom 3:6, Rom 6:2, Rom 9:14
to build : Jos 22:23, Jos 22:26; Deu 12:13, Deu 12:14; 2K...

TSK: Jos 22:30 - -- it pleased them : Heb. it was good in their eyes, It is remarkable, that Joshua is not once named in this transaction; but this only shews, that he di...
it pleased them : Heb. it was good in their eyes, It is remarkable, that Joshua is not once named in this transaction; but this only shews, that he did not in his old age assume any regal authority, but left the elders and magistrates to conduct the general business, only acting himself when great occasions made it necessary. Yet we cannot doubt, that his wisdom and piety influenced the counsels of the elders and people at this time. Jos 22:33; Gen 28:8; Jdg 8:3; 1Sa 25:32, 1Sa 25:33, 1Sa 29:6; 2Ch 30:4; Est 1:21 *marg. Pro 15:1; Act 11:18

TSK: Jos 22:31 - -- the Lord is : Jos 3:10; Lev 26:11, Lev 26:12; Num 14:41-43; 2Ch 15:2; Psa 68:17; Isa 12:6; Zec 8:23; Mat 1:23; 1Co 14:25
now : Heb. then

TSK: Jos 22:33 - -- the thing : Jos 22:30; Act 15:12, Act 15:31; 2Co 7:7; 1Th 3:6-8
blessed : 1Sa 25:32, 1Sa 25:33; 1Ch 29:20; Neh 8:5, Neh 8:6; Dan 2:19; Luk 2:28; Eph 1...

TSK: Jos 22:34 - -- Ed : i.e. a witness, The word witness, or testimony, is not found in the common editions of the Hebrew Bible; and is supplied in Italics by our venera...
Ed : i.e. a witness, The word witness, or testimony, is not found in the common editions of the Hebrew Bible; and is supplied in Italics by our venerable translators, at least in our modern copies; for in the first edition of this translation, it stands in the text without any note of this kind; but it is found in several of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s manuscripts, and also in the Syriac and Arabic. Several also of the early printed editions of the Hebrew Bible have the word
the Lord is God : Several manuscripts read more emphatically,

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Jos 22:19 - -- Unclean - i. e. unholy because the sanctuary was not in it, but on the other side of Jordan.
Unclean - i. e. unholy because the sanctuary was not in it, but on the other side of Jordan.

Barnes: Jos 22:22 - -- The repeated invocation of God, and that by His three names - אל 'êl , אלהים 'ĕlohı̂ym , יהוה ye hovâh : compare...
The repeated invocation of God, and that by His three names -
Save us not this day - The words are a direct appeal to God, exactly equivalent in effect to our form "So help me God."

Barnes: Jos 22:34 - -- The word עד ‛êd is not found after "altar"in the text of most manuscripts, nor is it represented in the Septuagint or Vulgate. The pass...
The word
Poole: Jos 22:18 - -- To-morrow i.e. suddenly, as that word is oft used, as Mat 6:30 1Co 15:32 .
He will be wroth with the whole congregation of Israel with you for doin...

Poole: Jos 22:19 - -- If the land of your possession be clean if you apprehend it to be so for want of the tabernacle and altar there, as the following words imply; if you...
If the land of your possession be clean if you apprehend it to be so for want of the tabernacle and altar there, as the following words imply; if you now repent of your former choice in preferring the worldly commodities of that country before the advantage of God’ s presence and favour, and more frequent opportunities of his service.
Take possession among us we will readily resign part of our possessions to you for the prevention of this sin and mischief; wherein they show great zeal for God’ s honour, and great pity and charity to their brethren.
Nor rebel against us for all the tribes were united in one body politic, and made one commonwealth, and one church; and each tribe was subject to the laws and commands of the whole society, and of the chief ruler or rulers thereof; so its disobedience to their just commands was properly rebellion against them.

Poole: Jos 22:20 - -- The son of Zerah i.e. one of his posterity, Jos 7:17,18 .
Perished not alone but brought destruction upon his whole family, and part of our forces ...
The son of Zerah i.e. one of his posterity, Jos 7:17,18 .
Perished not alone but brought destruction upon his whole family, and part of our forces sent against Ai.
In his iniquity or, for his sin ; of which see Jos 7:24 .

Poole: Jos 22:21 - -- Either, first, properly, each was a governor of a thousand; for there were among them divers rulers, some of tens, some of hundreds, and some of tho...
Either, first, properly, each was a governor of a thousand; for there were among them divers rulers, some of tens, some of hundreds, and some of thousands; or rather, secondly, improperly, and indefinitely, i.e. of the people of Israel, which consist of so many thousands more than you, whose authority therefore you owe a reverence to. For by comparing Jos 22:14 , these seem to be greater persons than those that were rulers of thousands.

Poole: Jos 22:22 - -- The Lord God of gods that Jehovah whom we, no less than you, acknowledge and adore as the God of gods , infinitely superior to all that are called g...
The Lord God of gods that Jehovah whom we, no less than you, acknowledge and adore as the God of gods , infinitely superior to all that are called gods. The multiplying of his titles, and the repetition of these words, show their zeal and earnestness in this matter, and their abhorrency of the very thoughts of it. He knoweth ; to him we appeal who knoweth all things, and the truth of what we are now saying. Israel he shall know ; not only our present words, but our future and constant course shall satisfy all Israel of our perseverance in the true religion.
If it be if this have been done by us with such design, or in such a manner.
Save us not this day thou, O Lord, to whom we have appealed, and without whom we cannot be saved or preserved, save us not from any of our enemies, nor from the sword of our brethren. It is a sudden apostrophe to God, usual in such vehement speeches.

Poole: Jos 22:23 - -- i.e. Call us to an account, and punish us for it; as that phrase is oft used, as Deu 18:19 1Sa 20:16 Job 10:6 Psa 10:13 .

You have no relation to him, nor interest in him, or his worship.

Poole: Jos 22:25 - -- A border between us and you to shut you out of the Land. of Promise, and consequently from thee covenant made, between God and our father.
Ye have n...

Poole: Jos 22:27 - -- That we might do the service of the Lord before him that we and ours may have and hold our privilege of serving and worshipping God, not upon this al...
That we might do the service of the Lord before him that we and ours may have and hold our privilege of serving and worshipping God, not upon this altar, but in the office of God’ s presence, in your tabernacle, and upon your altar.

Poole: Jos 22:28 - -- The pattern an exact representation and resemblance.
A witness between us and you that we both serve one God, and approve and make use of one and t...
The pattern an exact representation and resemblance.
A witness between us and you that we both serve one God, and approve and make use of one and the same altar.

They were fully satisfied with this answer.

Poole: Jos 22:31 - -- The Lord is among us by his gracious presence and preventing goodness, in keeping you from so great an offence, and all of us from those dismal calam...
The Lord is among us by his gracious presence and preventing goodness, in keeping you from so great an offence, and all of us from those dismal calamities that would have followed upon it.
Out of the hand of the Lord i.e. from the wrath and dreadful judgments of God; by avoiding that sin which would have involved both you and us in a most bloody war, you have delivered us from the evils we feared. He that prevents an unexpected or approaching disease or mischief, doth as truly deliver a man from it, as he that cures or removes it after it hath been inflicted.

Poole: Jos 22:33 - -- As they were by the law of God obliged to do, if they had been guilty and persisted therein; as afterwards they did they tribe of Benjamin for the s...
As they were by the law of God obliged to do, if they had been guilty and persisted therein; as afterwards they did they tribe of Benjamin for the same reason.
Haydock: Jos 22:19 - -- Unclean, as being destitute of the ark, &c. The Israelites had the greatest veneration for the land which God had chosen for their habitation. Naam...
Unclean, as being destitute of the ark, &c. The Israelites had the greatest veneration for the land which God had chosen for their habitation. Naaman loaded two mules with some of the earth. We cannot help admiring the zeal and the disinterestedness of Phinees. He proposes to abandon some of the possessions on the other side of the Jordan, rather than that his brethren should forsake God, or offend him.

Haydock: Jos 22:20 - -- Wickedness. Hebrew, "he did not expire in his sin," (Calmet) but repented; (Haydock) or, Did he not? &c. The Septuagint, "he did not alone die in h...
Wickedness. Hebrew, "he did not expire in his sin," (Calmet) but repented; (Haydock) or, Did he not? &c. The Septuagint, "he did not alone die in his sin." Chaldean, "but this man alone did not die in his transgression." (Calmet) ---
All Israel was in consternation, and 36 were slain. If this secret offence was so severely punished, what judgments will not the public apostacy of so many thousands draw upon our heads!

Haydock: Jos 22:21 - -- Israel. Septuagint, "answered the Chiliarchs of Israel," who had spoken by the mouth of their president. They repel the charge with earnestness. (...
Israel. Septuagint, "answered the Chiliarchs of Israel," who had spoken by the mouth of their president. They repel the charge with earnestness. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jos 22:22 - -- God. In Hebrew there are three terms, (Calmet) El, Elohim, Yehova, "the strong, the judge, the self-existent Being." To him they make their appea...
God. In Hebrew there are three terms, (Calmet) El, Elohim, Yehova, "the strong, the judge, the self-existent Being." To him they make their appeal. Him they acknowledge in the first place, as the only true God, as they had been accused of departing from him, ver. 19. (Haydock) ---
They are willing to undergo any punishment, if they had any evil intention. (Menochius)

Sacrifice. Hebrew intimates particularly "of flour or libations." (Calmet)

Haydock: Jos 22:24 - -- To-morrow. At any future period. (Haydock) ---
Israel. The same idea is expressed, ver. 27. You have no part in the Lord. You are not his pe...
To-morrow. At any future period. (Haydock) ---
Israel. The same idea is expressed, ver. 27. You have no part in the Lord. You are not his peculiar people. Of this title the Israelites were always very jealous, even when they neglected the worship and covenant of the Lord. (Calmet) ---
Hence these tribes take these precautions, that they may not be excluded from the society and privileges of their brethren on the other side of the Jordan. They profess openly that they do not esteem it lawful to offer sacrifice in any other place, besides that which God had chosen. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jos 22:31 - -- Lord, who would not have failed to punish Israel for such a crime. (Calmet) ---
They rejoice, therefore, not only at the fidelity of their brethren...
Lord, who would not have failed to punish Israel for such a crime. (Calmet) ---
They rejoice, therefore, not only at the fidelity of their brethren, but also on their own account, because they may now confidently look up for protection to God, instead of being in continual apprehensions of feeling his avenging arm. (Haydock)

Haydock: Jos 22:32 - -- Into, &c. ( finium Chanaan ) "of the confines of Chanaan," which is ambiguous. (Haydock) ---
But the Hebrew removes the difficulty in this manner.
Into, &c. ( finium Chanaan ) "of the confines of Chanaan," which is ambiguous. (Haydock) ---
But the Hebrew removes the difficulty in this manner.

Haydock: Jos 22:34 - -- God. Hebrew seems rather defective; (Calmet) "called the altar, (Syriac supplies the altar of witness) for it shall be a witness between us, that th...
God. Hebrew seems rather defective; (Calmet) "called the altar, (Syriac supplies the altar of witness) for it shall be a witness between us, that the Lord he is the God. Ed, "witness," is placed in the margin of Plantin's edition (Kennicott) and the Protestants have inserted it in the text, though in a different character, (Haydock) as "it is confirmed by the Syriac, Arabic, and Vulgate versions." Kimchi quotes the Chaldean paraphrase, as having the word seid, "witness," twice, which if read in two places formerly, has been lately omitted in one, as many other alterations have perhaps been made in it, in conformity to the later copies of the Hebrew text. It is still found in one Chaldean manuscript and in that of Masius. Between the two last words of this verse, some Hebrew manuscripts read eva, "He." "The Lord, He is the God;" which not only gives an emphasis, but is expressly confirmed by the Chaldean; and indeed this seems to have been a common form of confessing the belief in the one true God, 3 Kings xviii. 39. (Kennicott, Diss. i.) ---
Masius would translate, "They made an inscription upon the altar, declaring that it should be an eternal witness of their attachment to the Lord." Cora, in effect, sometimes means to write, as Alcoran, in the Arabic tongue, signifies "the scripture" (Calmet) of the Mahometans, which they hold in the utmost veneration, as containing the life and doctrine of their great prophet. The Septuagint (Grabe) insinuate that Josue approved of what had been done, "and Jesus gave a name to the altar,....and said, it is a witness in the midst of them, that the Lord God is their God." Thus, instead of war and destruction, which seemed to threaten Israel on all sides, all ended in peace and harmony. If Christians would imitate the conduct of the Israelites, they would not so rashly condemn their neighbours on every idle report; and, if our adversaries would condescend to examine seriously into the grounds of charging idolatry upon us, and on that account waging an eternal war against us, it is to be hoped they would pronounce our doctrine innocent, and reform their own iniquitous proceedings. (Haydock)
Gill: Jos 22:18 - -- But that you must turn away this day from following the Lord?.... From the worship of the Lord, as the Targum, and so on Jos 22:16; not content with t...
But that you must turn away this day from following the Lord?.... From the worship of the Lord, as the Targum, and so on Jos 22:16; not content with the former transgression, but must add this revolt unto it, and at a time which sadly aggravates it:
and it will be, that seeing ye rebel to, day against the Lord; against the Word of the Lord, as the Targum, and so on Jos 22:16,
that tomorrow he will be wroth with the whole congregation of Israel; or, in a little time, if a stop is not put to this revolt, the whole body of the people will suffer for it: here they express a concern for the whole nation of Israel, as well as for the glory of God; for sometimes the whole congregation has been charged with the sins of individuals, and punished for it, as a case after mentioned shows; see Jos 7:1.

Gill: Jos 22:19 - -- Notwithstanding, if the land of your possession be unclean,.... That is, if it was judged to be so by them, because not cleansed from the sins of the...
Notwithstanding, if the land of your possession be unclean,.... That is, if it was judged to be so by them, because not cleansed from the sins of the former inhabitants of it by sacrifice, or because there was no altar in it to offer up sacrifice for the expiation of sin:
then pass ye over unto the land of the possession of the Lord,
wherein the Lord's tabernacle dwelleth; if you repent of the choice you have made of a country to dwell in, quit it, and come over into the land of Canaan, which the Lord has taken possession of, and residence in, and where his tabernacle is fixed, the place of his presence and worship, and where an altar is erected to sacrifice upon:
and take possession among us; they were willing to quit possession of their own, and make room for them in each of their tribes, and even though they straitened themselves, and parted with much of their estates, rather than they should make a schism, or go into idolatrous practices; which was a brave, noble, spirit indeed, and showed their great concern for the honour and glory of God, and his worship, and their love to their brethren, and affectionate regard for their spiritual welfare, above their own private, personal, and temporal good:
but rebel not against the Lord: the Word of the Lord, as the Targum, either Christ the essential Word, the Angel of Jehovah's presence, or his word of command:
nor rebel against us; by breaking off from us, and setting up another religion or form of worship:
in building you an altar beside the altar of the Lord our God: which ought to be common to both, and no other to be set up against it, or used beside it.

Gill: Jos 22:20 - -- Did not Achan the son of Zerah,.... One that descended from Zerah the son of Judah, Jos 7:18,
commit a trespass in the accursed thing; in taking wh...
Did not Achan the son of Zerah,.... One that descended from Zerah the son of Judah, Jos 7:18,
commit a trespass in the accursed thing; in taking what was devoted to sacred uses:
and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and which was what was feared now; and this instance is brought to show that such fears were not groundless:
and that man perished not alone in his iniquity: which seems to confirm the notion of those who think that his children suffered with him; though it may be observed, that it was through his sin that thirty six men were slain by the men of Ai, Jos 7:5.

Gill: Jos 22:21 - -- Then the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, answered,.... By some person whom they appointed to deliver the ...
Then the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, answered,.... By some person whom they appointed to deliver the answer in their name:
and said unto the heads of the thousands of Israel; who were over those that were rulers of the thousands of Israel, persons of greater authority than they, being princes of the respective tribes to which they belonged.

Gill: Jos 22:22 - -- The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods,.... They first set out in their answer with asserting their firm belief of Jehovah, the God of Israel, bei...
The Lord God of gods, the Lord God of gods,.... They first set out in their answer with asserting their firm belief of Jehovah, the God of Israel, being the supreme God, God over all; over all that are called gods, whether angels, of whom Kimchi and Ben Melech interpret it; or civil magistrates and judges of the earth, who bare the same name; nor are the gods of the Gentiles to be spoken of with Jehovah, the God of Israel, who is the supreme Being, self-existent, the Being of beings, eternal and immutable, all which is contained in his name Jehovah; now this is repeated by them for the confirmation of their faith in this great article of it, and shows the steadiness of it, and to express their earnest and vehement affection for this truth, and to clear themselves from any imputation of idolatry, or thought of it, or doing anything that might have a tendency to it:
he knoweth; he is the omniscient God, the searcher of the hearts and the trier of the reins of the children of men; he knows our cordial belief of this truth, the integrity of our hearts, the intention of our minds, that we never had a thought in us of departing from his worship, and of setting up an altar beside his in opposition to it:
and Israel he shall know; our brethren the Israelites that dwell in the land of Canaan, whose representatives you are, shall know, not only by our present declaration, but by our future conduct, and strict adherence to the pure worship of God in time to come, that it was never our view by what we have done to depart from it:
if it be in rebellion, or if in transgression against the Lord; with a design to rebel against his word, and transgress his command:
save us not this day; this is said with respect to God, and as an apostrophe to him, as Jarchi, Kimchi, and Abarbinel observe; as expressing their desire to have no mercy shown them by him, but that vengeance might be taken on them by him, to whom all things were naked and open, and who full well knew whether they were guilty or not; or else the address is to Phinehas, and the princes, that they would rise up and put them to death by sword, if this appeared to be the case; or that all the other tribes would rise up, and make war against them, and cut them off with the edge of the sword, and not spare them.

Gill: Jos 22:23 - -- That we have built us an altar, to turn from following the Lord,.... That is, we desire, as we deserve, to be cut to pieces, and not saved, if it shou...
That we have built us an altar, to turn from following the Lord,.... That is, we desire, as we deserve, to be cut to pieces, and not saved, if it should appear to be our view, in building this altar, to revolt from the pure worship of God:
or if to offer thereon burnt offering, or meat offering, or if to offer peace offerings; even to the Lord himself: they declare that as they had no design to apostatize from God, and worship idols, so it was not their intention to offer any kind of sacrifice on the altar they had built, even to the Lord himself; and they take notice of every kind of offering, to remove every charge of this sort from them, and to purge themselves of every imputation of this nature: then
let the Lord himself require it; seek it out, who is the omniscient God, and revenge it, who is the Lord God Almighty, just and true.

Gill: Jos 22:24 - -- And if we have not rather done it for fear of this thing,.... So far they suggest were they from doing this, in order to turn from the pure worship ...
And if we have not rather done it for fear of this thing,.... So far they suggest were they from doing this, in order to turn from the pure worship of God, and introduce idolatrous worship, that it was to guard against everything of that kind for the future; and through fear of it, and anxiety and distress of mind, lest some time or another there should be any temptation to it in their posterity, had they built this altar:
saying, in time to come your children might speak unto our children; or "tomorrow" m, in a short time after your heads, and ours, are laid in the grave, your posterity will accost us:
saying, what have you to do with the Lord God of Israel? you are aliens and strangers from the commonwealth of Israel, live in a foreign land, and not in the land, of Canaan; are separated from us by the river Jordan, are a different people from us, and have nothing to do with the tabernacle of the Lord, and the service of it, or with the altar of the Lord, to offer sacrifice on it. Now as they returned to their own country, or when got there, such anxious thoughts and fears rose up in their minds, which they communicated to one another, and thought of this expedient to prevent what would be so fatal to their posterity. The Targum is,"you have no part in the Word of the Lord God of Israel;''see Joh 13:8.

Gill: Jos 22:25 - -- For the Lord hath made Jordan a border between us and you,.... And by it separated them from them, as if they were a distinct people; not that this wa...
For the Lord hath made Jordan a border between us and you,.... And by it separated them from them, as if they were a distinct people; not that this was really the case, but so they feared it would be represented in time to come; for though Jordan was the border of the land of Canaan, strictly so called, eastward, Num 34:12; yet it did not exclude the land of the two tribes and a half from being part of the land of promise; for the Amorites, which before inhabited it, and were driven out of it, were Canaanites, and were one part of the people, whose land the Lord promised to Abraham, Gen 15:18,
ye children of Reuben, and children of Gad, have no part in the Lord; in his covenant and promises, in his worship, word, and ordinances; these are things you have nothing to do with, being separated from us his peculiar people; or "have no part in the Word of the Lord", as the Targum, the promised Messiah, being without, or separated from him, as the Gentiles are said to be, Eph 2:12,
so shall your children make our children cease from fearing the Lord; from worshipping the Lord, the fear of the Lord being often put for the whole worship of God, external and internal, Ecc 12:13; by behaving in the above manner towards them, they would be the cause and occasion of their apostasy from the true God, and it would be in effect to say to them, "go, serve other gods", 1Sa 26:19.

Gill: Jos 22:26 - -- Therefore we said,.... One to another, in order to prevent the apostasy of our children from God, their departure from his worship, and going into ido...
Therefore we said,.... One to another, in order to prevent the apostasy of our children from God, their departure from his worship, and going into idolatry:
let us now prepare to build us an altar; get materials ready, and set about it instantly, without any delay, while the thing dwells upon our minds:
not for burnt offering, nor for sacrifice; not for offerings of any kind required by the law, neither for sin offerings nor trespass offerings, nor any other not named.

Gill: Jos 22:27 - -- But that it may be a witness between us and you, and our generations after us,.... That we are one people, worship one God, and serve at one altar, ...
But that it may be a witness between us and you, and our generations after us,.... That we are one people, worship one God, and serve at one altar, of which this built was a resemblance, and would put them in mind of it:
that we might do the service of the Lord before him; in the tabernacle, and at the altar, in the place where he had chosen to put his name and dwell:
with our burnt offerings, and with our sacrifices, and with our peace offerings; to be brought at stated times, or as occasion required:
that your children may not say to our children, in time to come, ye have no part in the Lord; nor right to his altar, and so forbid them offering their sacrifices on it; or"have no part in the Word of the Lord,''as the Targum; the Messiah, whose sacrifice was typified by the sacrifices of the legal dispensation, and all such, who offered theirs in the faith of that, had a part in it, and their sins were expiated by it.

Gill: Jos 22:28 - -- Therefore said we,.... To prevent any such usage of our children, and that they might have a ready answer to give:
that it shall be, when they shou...
Therefore said we,.... To prevent any such usage of our children, and that they might have a ready answer to give:
that it shall be, when they should so say unto us, or to our generations, in time to come; as above suggested, that they were a separate people from them, and had no interest in the Lord, nor right to his altar, nor concern in his worship:
that we may say again; in reply, that is, our posterity:
behold the pattern of the altar of the Lord, which our fathers made; which exactly agrees with the Mosaic altar, and which they could never have framed in so exact a manner if they had not seen it, and served at it; wherefore this was a plain proof of their being originally worshippers of the same God, partakers of the same altar, and were in the faith, fellowship, and communion of Israel. According to Gussetius n, this was not the altar the Reubenites, &c. built, which the children of Israel would be bid to behold, but the Mosaic altar at the tabernacle or temple, which was the archetype and exemplar, according to which that of the Reubenites was formed; and therefore say not, come and behold, but behold the altar present before them, that of Moses, and acknowledge that to be a type and exemplar, which they had related, and so confess it to be a testimony of their mutual fellowship: and what they had made in imitation of it, which exactly answered to it, was
not for burnt offerings, nor for sacrifices; of any sort, that was not the intention of erecting it:
but it is a witness between us and you; that we worship the same God, and are of the same faith and fellowship.

Gill: Jos 22:29 - -- God forbid that we should rebel against the Lord,.... Against the command of the Lord, who ordered one altar to be made, to which all sacrifices were ...
God forbid that we should rebel against the Lord,.... Against the command of the Lord, who ordered one altar to be made, to which all sacrifices were to be brought from the several parts of the land of Israel, and there to be offered on it; or
"against the Word of the Lord,''as the Targum, Christ typified both by the altar and the sacrifices on it; and who is but one, one priest, one sacrifice, one altar, one Mediator and Saviour:
and turn this day from following the Lord; apostatize from him, and from his worship:
to build an altar for burnt offerings, for meat offerings, or for sacrifices; which was never our intention, or ever entered into our hearts to erect one for such a purpose:
besides the altar of the Lord our God, that is before his tabernacle; it standing in the court of the tabernacle before the holy place.

Gill: Jos 22:30 - -- And when Phinehas the priest,.... For he was, being the son of Eleazar the high priest, so the word "priest", Jos 22:13; is to be joined, not to Eleaz...
And when Phinehas the priest,.... For he was, being the son of Eleazar the high priest, so the word "priest", Jos 22:13; is to be joined, not to Eleazar but to Phinehas:
and the princes of the congregation; the ten princes, who were sent by the congregation of Israel, one out of each tribe:
and heads out of the thousands of Israel; these are the same with the princes, and this belongs to their title, who were heads of the Chiliarchs, or those who were rulers of thousands in Israel:
which were with him; with Phinehas, who were joined with him in the embassy, and now present with him:
heard the words that the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad,
and the children of Manasseh; spake; in defence of themselves, explaining the meaning and design of the altar they had built:
it pleased them; they were not only satisfied with their answer, but highly delighted with what they had done, as tending to preserve the common faith and fellowship of Israel.

Gill: Jos 22:31 - -- And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,.... As the mouth of the deputation, and in their name:
said unto the children of Reuben, and to the chi...
And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest,.... As the mouth of the deputation, and in their name:
said unto the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the children of Manasseh; the representatives of them assembled together on this occasion:
this day we perceive that the Lord is among us; his Shechinah, as the Targum; his powerful Presence in preserving their brethren from committing a trespass, as they feared; his gracious Presence smiling upon them; and as the God of peace and order, and not of confusion, uniting and cementing their hearts in love to one another:
because ye have not committed this trespass against the Lord; which they were fearful and jealous of they had, but they found that the Lord had been good and gracious in preserving them from it:
now ye have delivered the children of Israel out of the hand of the Lord; into which they would have fallen, had that been the case, and would have felt the effects of the divine resentment, but now they were secure from them.

Gill: Jos 22:32 - -- And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, and the princes,.... Being fully satisfied with the relation of things that had been given them, and havin...
And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, and the princes,.... Being fully satisfied with the relation of things that had been given them, and having taken their leave of the assembly:
returned from the children of Reuben, and from the children of Gad; the Greek version adds, "and from the half tribe of Manasseh"; which, though not in the Hebrew text, is undoubtedly meant:
out of the land of Gilead: which, though only a part of the country these tribes inhabited, is put for the whole, and it is not improbable that the assembly might be held in it:
unto the land of Canaan, to the children of Israel; the rest of the children of Israel who dwelt in the land of Canaan, properly so called:
and brought them word again; reported the whole affair, related all that had passed, and acquainted them with the intention and design of their brethren erecting the altar, and what had been the issue of their embassy to them.

Gill: Jos 22:33 - -- And the thing pleased the children of Israel,.... They were quite satisfied with the account of things, and were pleased and delighted with what their...
And the thing pleased the children of Israel,.... They were quite satisfied with the account of things, and were pleased and delighted with what their brethren, the other two tribes, had done:
and the children of Israel blessed God: returned thanks to him, that there was no trespass committed against him, and no schism like to be made among them, nor any wrath to come upon them:
and did not intend to go up against them in battle; for though upon first hearing of their building an altar, which they supposed was for idolatry, they had intended to make war against them, but now understanding the design of that building, they laid aside all thoughts of that kind:
to destroy the land wherein the children of Reuben and Gad dwelt; which they judged by the law in Deu 13:12 they were obliged to do. The Greek version here adds also, "and the half tribe of Manasseh", and renders the last clause, and "they dwelt in it"; continued to dwell in it undisturbed by their brethren.

Gill: Jos 22:34 - -- And the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, called the altar Ed,.... Which signifies a "witness"; they caused such an inscription to be put ...
And the children of Reuben, and the children of Gad, called the altar Ed,.... Which signifies a "witness"; they caused such an inscription to be put upon it, or this word to be engraved on it, that so the intention of erecting it might be known in future time; that it was not for sacrifice, but to be a testimony of their being one with their brethren on the other side Jordan, in worship, faith, and fellowship:
for it shall be a witness between us that the Lord is God; is the one God, the God of them both, of all Israel, whether on the one or the other side of Jordan; to be worshipped by them in one and the same manner, and their sacrifices to be offered to him on his altar before the tabernacle.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Jos 22:18; Jos 22:18; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:20; Jos 22:20; Jos 22:21; Jos 22:22; Jos 22:22; Jos 22:22; Jos 22:22; Jos 22:23; Jos 22:23; Jos 22:23; Jos 22:23; Jos 22:23; Jos 22:24; Jos 22:24; Jos 22:25; Jos 22:25; Jos 22:27; Jos 22:27; Jos 22:27; Jos 22:27; Jos 22:28; Jos 22:28; Jos 22:28; Jos 22:29; Jos 22:29; Jos 22:30; Jos 22:30; Jos 22:31; Jos 22:31; Jos 22:31; Jos 22:31; Jos 22:32; Jos 22:33; Jos 22:33; Jos 22:34

NET Notes: Jos 22:19 Heb “and us to you rebel.” The reading of the MT, the accusative sign with suffix (וְאֹתָנו...

NET Notes: Jos 22:20 The second half of the verse reads literally, “and he [was] one man, he did not die for his sin.” There are at least two possible ways to ...

NET Notes: Jos 22:22 Heb “do not save us.” The verb form is singular, being addressed to either collective Israel or the Lord himself. The LXX translates in th...

NET Notes: Jos 22:23 Heb “the Lord, he will seek.” Perhaps this is a self-imprecation in an oath, “may the Lord himself punish us.”

NET Notes: Jos 22:24 Heb “What is there to you and to the Lord God of Israel?” The rhetorical question is sarcastic in tone and anticipates a response, “...

NET Notes: Jos 22:32 Heb “and Phinehas…returned from the sons of Reuben and from the sons of Gad, from the land of Gilead to the land of Canaan, to the sons of...

NET Notes: Jos 22:33 Heb “and they did not speak about going up against them for battle to destroy the land in which the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad were livi...

Geneva Bible: Jos 22:19 Notwithstanding, if the land of your possession [be] ( k ) unclean, [then] pass ye over unto the land of the possession of the LORD, wherein the LORD'...

Geneva Bible: Jos 22:20 Did not Achan the son of Zerah commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Israel? and that man ( m ) perished ...

Geneva Bible: Jos 22:23 That we have built us an altar to turn from following the LORD, or if to offer thereon burnt offering or meat offering, or if to offer peace offerings...

Geneva Bible: Jos 22:25 For the LORD hath made Jordan a border between us and you, ye children of Reuben and children of Gad; ye have no part in the LORD: so shall your child...

Geneva Bible: Jos 22:28 Therefore said we, that it shall be, when they should [so] say to us or to our ( p ) generations in time to come, that we may say [again], Behold the ...

Geneva Bible: Jos 22:31 And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said unto the children of Reuben, and to the children of Gad, and to the children of Manasseh, This day we ...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Jos 22:1-34
TSK Synopsis: Jos 22:1-34 - --1 The two tribes and a half with a blessing are sent home.10 They build the altar of testimony in their journey.11 The Israelites are offended thereat...
MHCC: Jos 22:10-20 - --Here is the care of the separated tribes to keep their hold of Canaan's religion. At first sight it seemed a design to set up an altar against the alt...

MHCC: Jos 22:21-29 - --The tribes took the reproofs of their brethren in good part. With solemnity and meekness they proceeded to give all the satisfaction in their power. R...

MHCC: Jos 22:30-34 - --It is well that there was on both sides a disposition to peace, as there was a zeal for God; for quarrels about religion, for want of wisdom and love,...
Matthew Henry: Jos 22:10-20 - -- Here is, I. The pious care of the separated tribes to keep their hold of Canaan's religion, even when they were leaving Canaan's land, that they mig...

Matthew Henry: Jos 22:21-29 - -- We may suppose there was a general convention called of the princes and great men of the separate tribes, to give audience to these ambassadors; or ...

Matthew Henry: Jos 22:30-34 - -- We have here the good issue of this controversy, which, if there had not been on both sides a disposition to peace, as there was on both sides a zea...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Jos 22:18; Jos 22:19; Jos 22:20; Jos 22:21-25; Jos 22:26-28; Jos 22:29; Jos 22:30-31; Jos 22:32-33; Jos 22:34
Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:18 - --
"And to-day ye turn away from the Lord again," and are about to bring His wrath upon the whole congregation again through a fresh rebellion.

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:19 - --
"And truly," the speaker continued, "if the land of your possession should be unclean," sc., so that you think it necessary to have an altar in the ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:20 - --
He finally reminded them of the sin of Achan, how that had brought the wrath of God upon the whole congregation (Josh 7); and, moreover, Achan was n...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:21-25 - --
In utter amazement at the suspicion expressed by the delegates of the congregation, the two tribes and a half affirm with a solemn oath, that it nev...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:26-28 - --
" So we thought, we will make ourselves to build an altar (an expression derived from the language of ordinary life, for 'we will build ourselves an...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:29 - --
The speakers conclude with an expression of horror at the thought of rebelling against Jehovah. ממּנּוּ לנוּ חלילה , " far be it from...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:30-31 - --
This explanation pleased the delegates of the congregation, so that Phinehas bore this testimony to the tribes on the east of the Jordan: " Now (to-...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:32-33 - --
They then returned to Canaan and informed the congregation. And the thing pleased them, so that they praised the Lord, sc., for having kept their br...

Keil-Delitzsch: Jos 22:34 - --
The Reubenites and Gadites (half Manasseh is omitted in Jos 22:33, Jos 22:34, for the sake of brevity) called the altar " witness is it between us t...
Constable -> Jos 22:1--24:33; Jos 22:1-34
Constable: Jos 22:1--24:33 - --III. JOSHUA'S LAST ACTS AND DEATH chs. 22--24
"Each of the final three chapters describes a single event. At fir...