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Text -- Leviticus 1:11 (NET)

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1:11 and must slaughter it on the north side of the altar before the Lord, and the sons of Aaron, the priests, will splash its blood against the altar’s sides.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron

Dictionary Themes and Topics: SPRINKLE; SPRINKLING | Revelation | Priest | Offerings | LEVITICUS, 2 | LEVITICUS, 1 | LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | Israel | EZEKIEL, 2 | EXODUS, THE BOOK OF, 1 | Blood | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
, Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Lev 1:11 - -- ward - Here this and other kinds of sacrifices were killed, Lev 6:25, and Lev 7:2, because here seems to have been the largest and most convenient pla...

ward - Here this and other kinds of sacrifices were killed, Lev 6:25, and Lev 7:2, because here seems to have been the largest and most convenient place for that work, the altar being probably near the middle of the east - end of the building, and the entrance being on the south - side. Besides this might design the place of Christ's death both more generally, in Jerusalem, which was in the sides of the north, Psa 48:2, and more specially, on mount Calvary, which was on the north - west side of Jerusalem.

JFB: Lev 1:10-13 - -- Those who could not afford the expense of a bullock might offer a ram or a he-goat, and the same ceremonies were to be observed in the act of offering...

Those who could not afford the expense of a bullock might offer a ram or a he-goat, and the same ceremonies were to be observed in the act of offering.

TSK: Lev 1:11 - -- he shall : Lev 1:5; Exo 40:22; Eze 8:5 northward : Lev 6:25, Lev 7:2 and the : Lev 1:7-9, Lev 9:12-14

he shall : Lev 1:5; Exo 40:22; Eze 8:5

northward : Lev 6:25, Lev 7:2

and the : Lev 1:7-9, Lev 9:12-14

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Lev 1:11 - -- Northward before the Lord - That is, on the north side of the altar. See also Lev 4:24, Lev 4:29, Lev 4:33; Lev 7:2. This was probably an arran...

Northward before the Lord - That is, on the north side of the altar. See also Lev 4:24, Lev 4:29, Lev 4:33; Lev 7:2. This was probably an arrangement of some practical convenience. On the west side of the altar stood the laver; on the east side was the place of ashes (see Lev 1:16 note); and the south side, where appears to have been the slope by which the priests went up to the altar, must have been left clear for a path.

Poole: Lev 1:11 - -- This and other kinds of sacrifices were killed on the side of the altar northward Lev 6:25 7:2, because here seems to have been the largest and m...

This and other kinds of sacrifices were killed

on the side of the altar northward Lev 6:25 7:2, because here seems to have been the largest and most convenient place for that work, the altar being probably near the middle of the east end of the building, and the entrance being on the south side; so the north side was the only vacant place. Besides, this might design the place of Christ’ s death, both more generally, to wit, in Jerusalem, which was

in the sides of the north Psa 48:2 ; and more specially, to wit, on Mount Calvary, which was on the north and west side of Jerusalem.

Gill: Lev 1:11 - -- And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the Lord,.... This is a circumstance not mentioned in the killing of the bullock: Maimo...

And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the Lord,.... This is a circumstance not mentioned in the killing of the bullock: Maimonides g says, there was a square place from the wall of the altar northward, to the wall of the court, and it was sixty cubits, and all that was over against the breadth of this, from the wall of the porch to the eastern wall, and it is seventy six cubits; and this foursquare place is called the "north", for the slaying of the most holy things; so that it seems this being a large place, was fittest for this purpose. Aben Ezra intimates, as if some respect was had to the situation of Mount Zion; his note is, "on the side of the altar northward", i.e. without, and so "the sides of the north", Psa 48:2 for so many mistake who say that the tower of Zion was in the midst of Jerusalem; and with this agrees Mr. Ainsworth's note on Lev 6:25 hereby was figured, that Christ our sin offering should be killed by the priests in Jerusalem, and Mount Sion, which was on "the sides of the north", Psa 48:2 crucified on Mount Calvary, which was on the northwest side of Jerusalem; as by the Jews' tradition, the morning sacrifice was killed at the northwest horn of the altar h:

and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar; See Gill on Lev 1:5.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

Geneva Bible: Lev 1:11 ( g ) And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northward ( h ) before the LORD: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his blood round abo...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Lev 1:1-17 - --1 The law of burnt offerings;3 of the herd;10 of the flocks;14 of the fowls.

MHCC: Lev 1:10-17 - --Those who could not offer a bullock, were to bring a sheep or a goat; and those who were not able to do that, were accepted of God, if they brought a ...

Matthew Henry: Lev 1:10-17 - -- Here we have the laws concerning the burnt-offerings, which were of the flock or of the fowls. Those of the middle rank, that could not well afford ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Lev 1:10-13 - -- With regard to the mode of sacrificing, the instructions already given for the oxen applied to the flock (i.e., to the sheep and goats) as well, so ...

Constable: Lev 1:1--16:34 - --I. The public worship of the Israelites chs. 1--16 Leviticus continues revelation concerning the second of three...

Constable: Lev 1:1--7:38 - --A. The laws of sacrifice chs. 1-7 God designed the offerings to teach the Israelites as well as to enabl...

Constable: Lev 1:1-17 - --1. The burnt offering ch. 1 The burnt offering (in Greek, holokautoma, from which we get the wor...

Guzik: Lev 1:1-17 - --Leviticus 1 - The Burnt Offering A. Introduction: the idea of sacrifice in ancient Israel. 1. (1) God speaks to Moses from the tabernacle. Now the...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Leviticus (Book Introduction) LEVITICUS. So called from its treating of the laws relating to the ritual, the services, and sacrifices of the Jewish religion, the superintendence of...


TSK: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Leviticus is a most interesting and important book; a book containing a code of sacrificial, ceremonial, civil, and judicial laws, which, for the puri...

TSK: Leviticus 1 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Lev 1:1, The law of burnt offerings; Lev 1:3, of the herd; Lev 1:10, of the flocks; Lev 1:14, of the fowls.

Poole: Leviticus (Book Introduction) THIRD BOOK OF MOSES CALLED LEVITICUS THE ARGUMENT This Book, containing the actions of about one month’ s space, acquainteth us with the Lev...

Poole: Leviticus 1 (Chapter Introduction) LEVITICUS CHAPTER 1 God commands Moses concerning free-will burnt.offerings of bullock or sheep; male without blemish, Lev 1:1-3 . The offerer to l...

MHCC: Leviticus (Book Introduction) God ordained divers kinds of oblations and sacrifices, to assure his people of the forgiveness of their offences, if they offered them in true faith a...

MHCC: Leviticus 1 (Chapter Introduction) (Lev 1:1, Lev 1:2) The offerings. (Lev 1:3-9) From the herds. (Lev 1:10-17) From the flocks, and of fowls.

Matthew Henry: Leviticus (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Third Book of Moses, Called Leviticus There is nothing historical in all this book of Leviticus exc...

Matthew Henry: Leviticus 1 (Chapter Introduction) This book begins with the laws concerning sacrifices, of which the most ancient were the burnt-offerings, about which God gives Moses instructions ...

Constable: Leviticus (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The Hebrews derived the title of this book from the first word in i...

Constable: Leviticus (Outline) Outline "At first sight the book of Leviticus might appear to be a haphazard, even repetitious arrangement of en...

Constable: Leviticus Leviticus Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonah. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed. New York...

Haydock: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. The Book is called Leviticus : because it treats of the offices, ministries, rites and ceremonies of the Priests and Levites. The H...

Gill: Leviticus (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS This book is commonly called by the Jews Vajikra, from the first word with which it begins, and sometimes תורת כהנ...

Gill: Leviticus 1 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO LEVITICUS 1 This chapter contains certain laws and rules concerning sacrifices, particularly burnt offerings, which were delivered by ...

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