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Text -- Nehemiah 3:10-32 (NET)

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3:10 Jedaiah son of Harumaph worked on the section adjacent to them opposite his house, and Hattush son of Hashabneiah worked on the section adjacent to him. 3:11 Malkijah son of Harim and Hasshub son of Pahath-Moab worked on another section and the Tower of the Fire Pots. 3:12 Shallum son of Hallohesh, head of a half-district of Jerusalem, worked on the section adjacent to him, assisted by his daughters. 3:13 Hanun and the residents of Zanoah worked on the Valley Gate. They rebuilt it and positioned its doors, its bolts, and its bars, in addition to working on fifteen hundred feet of the wall as far as the Dung Gate. 3:14 Malkijah son of Recab, head of the district of Beth Hakkerem, worked on the Dung Gate. He rebuilt it and positioned its doors, its bolts, and its bars. 3:15 Shallun son of Col-Hozeh, head of the district of Mizpah, worked on the Fountain Gate. He rebuilt it, put on its roof, and positioned its doors, its bolts, and its bars. In addition, he rebuilt the wall of the Pool of Siloam, by the royal garden, as far as the steps that go down from the City of David. 3:16 Nehemiah son of Azbuk, head of a half-district of Beth Zur, worked after him as far as the tombs of David and the artificial pool and the House of the Warriors. 3:17 After him the Levites worked– Rehum son of Bani and after him Hashabiah, head of half the district of Keilah, for his district. 3:18 After him their relatives worked– Binnui son of Henadad, head of a half-district of Keilah. 3:19 Adjacent to him Ezer son of Jeshua, head of Mizpah, worked on another section, opposite the ascent to the armory at the buttress. 3:20 After him Baruch son of Zabbai worked on another section, from the buttress to the door of the house of Eliashib the high priest. 3:21 After him Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, worked on another section from the door of Eliashib’s house to the end of it. 3:22 After him the priests worked, men of the nearby district. 3:23 After them Benjamin and Hasshub worked opposite their house. After them Azariah son of Maaseiah, the son of Ananiah, worked near his house. 3:24 After him Binnui son of Henadad worked on another section, from the house of Azariah to the buttress and the corner. 3:25 After him Palal son of Uzai worked opposite the buttress and the tower that protrudes from the upper palace of the court of the guard. After him Pedaiah son of Parosh 3:26 and the temple servants who were living on Ophel worked up to the area opposite the Water Gate toward the east and the protruding tower. 3:27 After them the men of Tekoa worked on another section, from opposite the great protruding tower to the wall of Ophel. 3:28 Above the Horse Gate the priests worked, each in front of his house. 3:29 After them Zadok son of Immer worked opposite his house, and after him Shemaiah son of Shecaniah, guard at the East Gate, worked. 3:30 After him Hananiah son of Shelemiah, and Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, worked on another section. After them Meshullam son of Berechiah worked opposite his quarters. 3:31 After him Malkijah, one of the goldsmiths, worked as far as the house of the temple servants and the traders, opposite the Inspection Gate, and up to the room above the corner. 3:32 And between the room above the corner and the Sheep Gate the goldsmiths and traders worked.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Ananiah father of Maaseiah, father of Azariah, a wall repairman,a town of Benjamin on the east slope of the Mount of Olives
 · Angle a part of the wall of Jerusalem
 · angle a part of the wall of Jerusalem
 · Azariah son of Ahimaaz; grandson and successor of Zadok I,son of Nathan; a priest who was chief of Solomons officers,son and successor of king Amaziah of Judah,son of Ethan son of Zerah of Judah,son of Jehu son of Obed of Judah,son of Johanan; descendant of Meraioth I,son of Hilkiah before the exile; high priest Azariah III,a descendant of Hilkiah the priest,son of Zephaniah/Uriel (Korah Levi); forefather of Samuel,son of Oded; prophet under King Asa,second son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,fifth son of Jehoshaphat; brother of King Jehoram,son of Jeroham; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,son of Obed; a commander who helped enthrone Joash,the priest who confronted Uzziah for offering incense,a chief of Ephraim under Israel's King Pekah,father of Joel (Kohath Levi), who served under Hezekiah,son of Jehallelel (Merari Levi). He served under Hezekiah,chief priest, of Zadok's line, under Hezekiah,son of Maaseiah son of Ananiah; a repairer of Nehemiah's wall,a man who accompanied Zerubbabel back to the land of Judah,a scribe who helped Ezra explain the reading of the Law,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a prince of Judah who led praises to God on the new city wall,son of Hoshaiah; one of the leaders rebelling against Jeremiah,a man exiled from Judah and trained with Daniel in Babylon
 · Azbuk father of a Nehemiah who ruled half the district of Beth-Zur
 · Bani a man of Gad; one of David's military elite,son of Shemer (Merari Aaron Levi),a man descended from Perez of Judah,a non-Levite ancestor of men who put away their heathen wives,a non-Levite ancestor of others who put away heathen wives,a Levite who helped Ezra explain the reading of the law,son of Henadad (Levi); a signer of the pledge to keep the law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to obey God's law,son of Hashabiah and father of head Levite Uzzi under Nehemiah
 · Baruch son of Zabbai and a priest repairer of the wall who also pledged to keep the law,son of Col-Hozeh of Judah,son of Neriah; Jeremiah's secretary
 · Benjamin the tribe of Benjamin of Israel
 · Berechiah son of Meshullam; a descendant of Jehoiachin, king of Judah,son of Shimea (Levi); father of Asaph, David's song leader,son of Asa; a Levite who led his clan back from exile,a Levite porter for the ark in David's time,son of Meshillemoth, a man of Ephraim in the time of Pekah 741 BC (YC),son of Meshezabel; father of Meshullam a wall repairman,son of Iddo; father of Zechariah the prophet
 · Beth-Haccherem a town of Judah near Bethlehem (OS)
 · Beth-haccherem a town of Judah near Bethlehem (OS)
 · Beth-Zur a town & district in the hill country of Judah,son of Maon of Judah
 · Beth-zur a town & district in the hill country of Judah,son of Maon of Judah
 · Binnui a Levite whose son (or descendant), Noadiah returned from exile,a layman of the Pahath-Moab clan who put away his heathen wife,forefather of certain men who put away their heathen wives.,a man of the clan of Henadad who helped repair the wall,a man whose descendants returned from exile with Zerubbabel,a man of Levi who returned with Zerubbabel from exile
 · City of David the capital of Israel, on the border of Benjamin and Judah
 · city of David the capital of Israel, on the border of Benjamin and Judah
 · Colhozeh father of the Shallum who helped build the wall of Jerusalem
 · David a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
 · Dung Gate a named town gate
 · Eliashib chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,son of Eli-O-Enai, (Hananiah Zerubbabel David),high priest in the days of Nehemiah,a Levite singer who agreed to put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Zattu clan who put away his heathen wife,a layman of the Bani clan who put away his heathen wife,a chief priest; son of Joiakim
 · Ezer son of Seir; the father of Bilhan, Zaavan and Akan,father of Hushah; a descendant of Hur of Judah;,son of Ephraim son of Joseph,chief of the Gadites who joined David in the wilderness,son of Jeshua; ruler of Mizpah; wall rebuilder,a priest who helped celebrate the completion of the wall
 · Hakkoz chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,head of a clan of returnees lacking proof of being priests,father of Uriah, during the exile
 · Hallohesh an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law
 · Hananiah son of Heman the Levite; worship leader under Heman and David,a man who was one of King Uzziah's commanders,son of Azzur; a false prophet of Zedekiah's from Gibeon,father of Zedekiah, a prince of Judah in the time of Jehoiakim,grandfather of Irijah the sentry who falsely accused Jeremiah; the father of Shelemiah,son of Shashak of Benjamin,a man of Judah who served Nebuchadnezzar with Daniel in Babylon,son of Zerubbabel,a layman of the Bebai clan who put away his heathen wife,a man who made perfume and helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem; son of Shelemiah,governor of the castle and over Jerusalem under Nehemiah,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law,a priest and head of the clan of Jeremiah under Joiakim
 · Hanun son and successor of Ammonite King Nahash in David's time,son of Zalaph; a repairman of the wall next to the East Gate,a repairman of the Valley Gate in the city wall
 · Harim a chief of a division of priests serving in David's sanctuary,a priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel,the forefather of certain men who put away their heathen wives,a priest who signed the covenant to keep God's law,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law
 · Harumaph father of Jedaiah who helped repair the wall of Jerusalem
 · Hashabiah son of Amaziah of Levi; father of Malluch,a Merari Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Jeduthun the Levite leader under Jeduthun and King David,overseer of King David's work west of the Jordan River,son of Kemuel; David's chief officer over the Levites,a chief officer of the house of God in Josiah's time,a Levite descendant of Merari who led recruits to Ezra,a layman of the Parosh clan who put away his heathen wife,ruler of Keilah who helped repair the walls of Jerusalem,son of Henadad, a Levite who contracted to obey God's law,son of Bunni of Levi,son of Mattaniah of Asaph of Levi,priest and head of the house of Hilkiah,a chief of the Levites in Nehemiah's time
 · Hashabneiah father of Hattush who helped repair the wall of Jerusalem
 · Hasshub son of Azrikam; a Levite whose descendants returned from exile,son of Pahath-Moab who helped rebuild part of the wall of Jerusalem,a man who helped repair the wall of Jerusalem,an Israelite chief who signed the covenant to keep God's law
 · Hattush son of Shemaiah, a descendant of Hananiah, Zerubbabel and David,son of Shemaiah son of Shecaniah of David,a priest leader of some who returned from exile with Zerubbabel
 · more...

Dictionary Themes and Topics: Jerusalem | Nehemiah | Liberality | Country | MACCABEES, BOOKS OF, 1-2 | Israel | Ophel | HANUN | Malchiah | JERUSALEM, 2 | Hashub | Rehum | Pedaiah | Persia | Shelemiah | Zabbai | Keilah | Nethinim | Henadad | GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 | more
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Verse Notes / Footnotes
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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Neh 3:10 The translation reads נֶגֶד (neged, “before”) with a few medieval Hebrew MSS, some MSS of the LXX, the Syria...

NET Notes: Neh 3:12 The reference to daughters, while not impossible, is odd in light of the cultural improbability that young women would participate in the strenuous la...

NET Notes: Neh 3:13 Heb “one thousand cubits.” The standard cubit in the OT is assumed by most authorities to be about eighteen inches (45 cm) long, so this s...

NET Notes: Neh 3:15 The Hebrew word translated “Siloam” is הַשֶּׁלַח (hashelakh, “water-channel...

NET Notes: Neh 3:17 The translation reads וְעַל (vÿ’al, “and unto”) with several medieval Hebrew MSS and some MSS of ...

NET Notes: Neh 3:18 The translation reads with a few medieval Hebrew MSS and the Syriac Peshitta בִּנֻּי (binnuy) rather than th...

NET Notes: Neh 3:21 Heb “the house of Eliashib.” This has not been repeated in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Neh 3:25 Heb “house of the king.”

NET Notes: Neh 3:26 The Hebrew text lacks the verb “worked.” It is implied, however, and has been supplied in the translation.

NET Notes: Neh 3:30 The translation reads אַחֲרָיו (’akharayv, “after him”) with the Qere and many medie...

NET Notes: Neh 3:31 Heb “Miphkad Gate” (so TEV; KJV similar); NRSV “Muster Gate.”

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