Text -- Numbers 1:1-22 (NET)

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley: Num 1:1 - -- Where now they had been a full year or near it, as may be gathered by comparing this place with Exo 19:1, Exo 40:17.

Wesley: Num 1:2 - -- This is not the same muster with that Exo 38:26, as plainly appears, because that was before the building of the tabernacle, which was built and set u...
This is not the same muster with that Exo 38:26, as plainly appears, because that was before the building of the tabernacle, which was built and set up on the first day of the first month, Exo 40:2, but this was after it, on the first day of the second month. And they were for different ends; that was to tax them for the charges of the tabernacle; but this was for other ends, partly that the great number of the people might be known to the praise of God's faithfulness, in making good his promises of multiplying them, and to their own encouragement: partly for the better ordering their camp and march, for they were now beginning their journey; and partly that this account might he compared with the other in the close of the book, where we read that not one of all this vast number, except Caleb and Joshua were left alive; a fair warning to all future generations to take heed of rebelling against the Lord. It is true, the sums and numbers agree in this and that computation, which is not strange, because there was not much time between the two numberings, and no eminent sin among the people in that interval, whereby God was provoked to diminish their numbers. Some conceive that in that number, Exo 30:11-16 and Exo 38:25-26, the Levites were included, which are here excepted, Num 1:47, and that in that interval of time, there were grown up as many more men of those years as there were Levites of the same age.

So the strangers mixed with them, were not numbered.

Wesley: Num 1:2 - -- The people were divided into twelve tribes, the tribes into great families, Num 26:5, these great families into lesser families called the houses of t...
The people were divided into twelve tribes, the tribes into great families, Num 26:5, these great families into lesser families called the houses of their fathers, because they were distinguished one from another by their fathers.

Wesley: Num 1:5 - -- The tribes are here numbered according to the order or quality of their birth, first the children of Leah, then of Rachel, and then of the handmaids.
The tribes are here numbered according to the order or quality of their birth, first the children of Leah, then of Rachel, and then of the handmaids.

Wesley: Num 1:12 - -- Called Reuel, Num 3:14, the Hebrew letters Daleth and Resh being often changed.
Called Reuel, Num 3:14, the Hebrew letters Daleth and Resh being often changed.

Wesley: Num 1:20 - -- That is, the persons begotten of Reuben's immediate children, who are here subdivided into families, and they into houses, and they into particular pe...
That is, the persons begotten of Reuben's immediate children, who are here subdivided into families, and they into houses, and they into particular persons.
JFB: Num 1:1-2 - -- Thirteen months had elapsed since the exodus. About one month had been occupied in the journey; and the rest of the period had been passed in encampme...
Thirteen months had elapsed since the exodus. About one month had been occupied in the journey; and the rest of the period had been passed in encampment among the recesses of Sinai, where the transactions took place, and the laws, religious and civil, were promulgated, which are contained in the two preceding books. As the tabernacle was erected on the first day of the first month, and the order here mentioned was given on the first day of the second, some think the laws in Leviticus were all given in one month. The Israelites having been formed into a separate nation, under the special government of God as their King, it was necessary, before resuming their march towards the promised land, to put them into good order. And accordingly Moses was commissioned, along with Aaron, to take a census of the people. This census was incidentally noticed (Exo 38:26), in reference to the poll tax for the works of the tabernacle; but it is here described in detail, in order to show the relative increase and military strength of the different tribes. The enumeration was confined to those capable of bearing arms [Num 1:3], and it was to be made with a careful distinction of the tribe, family, and household to which every individual belonged. By this rule of summation many important advantages were secured: an exact genealogical register was formed, the relative strength of each tribe was ascertained, and the reason found for arranging the order of precedence in march as well as disposing the different tribes in camp around the tabernacle. The promise of God to Abraham [Gen 22:17] was seen to be fulfilled in the extraordinary increase of his posterity, and provision made for tracing the regular descent of the Messiah.

JFB: Num 1:3 - -- Or companies. In their departure from Egypt they were divided into five grand companies (Exo 13:18), but from the sojourn in the wilderness to the pas...
Or companies. In their departure from Egypt they were divided into five grand companies (Exo 13:18), but from the sojourn in the wilderness to the passage of the Jordan, they were formed into four great divisions. The latter is here referred to.|| 03609||1||13||0||@with you there shall be a man of every tribe, &c.==--The social condition of the Israelites in the wilderness bore a close resemblance to that of the nomad tribes of the East in the present day. The head of the tribe was a hereditary dignity, vested in the oldest son or some other to whom the right of primogeniture was transferred, and under whom were other inferior heads, also hereditary, among the different branches of the tribe. The Israelites being divided into twelve tribes, there were twelve chiefs appointed to assist in taking the census of the people.

JFB: Num 1:5 - -- Each is designated by adding the name of the ancestors of his tribe, the people of which were called "Beni-Reuben," "Beni-Levi," sons of Reuben, sons ...
Each is designated by adding the name of the ancestors of his tribe, the people of which were called "Beni-Reuben," "Beni-Levi," sons of Reuben, sons of Levi, according to the custom of the Arabs still, as well as other nations which are divided into clans, as the Macs of Scotland, the Aps of Wales, and the O's and the Fitzes of Ireland [CHALMERS].

JFB: Num 1:16-18 - -- Literally, "the called" of the congregation, summoned by name; and they entered upon the survey the very day the order was given.
Literally, "the called" of the congregation, summoned by name; and they entered upon the survey the very day the order was given.

JFB: Num 1:19 - -- The numbering of the people was not an act sinful in itself, as Moses did it by divine appointment; but David incurred guilt by doing it without the a...
The numbering of the people was not an act sinful in itself, as Moses did it by divine appointment; but David incurred guilt by doing it without the authority of God. (See on 2Sa 24:10).|| 03625||1||25||0||@These are those that were numbered==--In this registration the tribe of Judah appears the most numerous; and accordingly, as the pre-eminence had been assigned to it by Jacob [Gen 49:8-12], it got the precedence in all the encampments of Israel. Of the two half-tribes of Joseph, who is seen to be "a fruitful bough" [Gen 49:22], that of Ephraim was the larger, as had been predicted. The relative increase of all, as in the two just mentioned, was owing to the special blessing of God, conformably to the prophetic declaration of the dying patriarch. But the divine blessing is usually conveyed through the influence of secondary causes; and there is reason to believe that the relative populousness of the tribes would, under God, depend upon the productiveness of the respective localities assigned to them. [For tabular chart, see on Num 26:64.]
Clarke: Num 1:1 - -- The Lord spake unto Moses - on the first day of the second month - As the tabernacle was erected upon the first day of the first month, in the secon...
The Lord spake unto Moses - on the first day of the second month - As the tabernacle was erected upon the first day of the first month, in the second year after their coming out of Egypt, Exo 40:17; and this muster of the people was made on the first day of the second month, in the same year; it is evident that the transactions related in the preceding book must all have taken place in the space of one month, and during the time the Israelites were encamped at Mount Sinai, before they had begun their Journey to the promised land.

Clarke: Num 1:2 - -- Take ye the sum, etc. - God, having established the commonwealth of Israel by just and equitable laws, ordained every thing relative to the due perf...
Take ye the sum, etc. - God, having established the commonwealth of Israel by just and equitable laws, ordained every thing relative to the due performance of his own worship, erected his tabernacle, which was his throne, and the place of his residence among the people, and consecrated his priests who were to minister before him; he now orders his subjects to be mustered
1. That they might see he had not forgotten his promise to Abraham, but was multiplying his posterity
2. That they might observe due order in their march toward the promised land
3. That the tribes and families might be properly distinguished; that all litigations concerning property, inheritance, etc., might, in all future times, be prevented
4. That the promise concerning the Messiah might be known to have its due accomplishment, when in the fullness of time God should send him from the seed of Abraham through the house of David. And
5. That they might know their strength for war; for although they should ever consider God as their protector and defense, yet it was necessary that they should be assured of their own fitness, naturally speaking, to cope with any ordinary enemy, or to surmount any common difficulties.

Clarke: Num 1:3 - -- From twenty years old and upward - In this census no women were reckoned, nor children, nor strangers, nor the Levites, nor old men, which, collecti...
From twenty years old and upward - In this census no women were reckoned, nor children, nor strangers, nor the Levites, nor old men, which, collectively, must have formed an immense multitude; the Levites alone amounted to 22,300. True-born Israelites only are reckoned; such as were able to carry arms, and were expert for war.

Clarke: Num 1:14 - -- Eliasaph, the son of Deuel - This person is called Reuel, Num 2:14. As the ד daleth is very like the ר resh , it was easy to mistake the one f...
Eliasaph, the son of Deuel - This person is called Reuel, Num 2:14. As the

Clarke: Num 1:16 - -- These were the renowned - Literally, the called, of the congregation - those who were summoned by name to attend. The order of the tribes In the abo...
These were the renowned - Literally, the called, of the congregation - those who were summoned by name to attend. The order of the tribes In the above enumeration may be viewed thus: -
Sons of Lea
1. Reube
2. Simeo
3. Juda
4. Issacha
5. Zebulu
Sons of Rache
6. Ephrai
7. Manasse
8. Benjami
1st son of Bilhah, Rachel’ s mai
9. Da
2d son of Zilpah, Leah’ s mai
10. Ashe
1st son of Zilpah
11. Ga
2d son of Bilhah
12. Naphtali
Calvin: Num 1:1 - -- 1.And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai Although this is the first numbering of the people, of which we have an account, still, in...
1.And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai Although this is the first numbering of the people, of which we have an account, still, inasmuch as God had already imposed a tax upon every person, the amount of which has been recorded, we infer that it was in fact the second. But the reason for thus numbering the people a second time was, because they were very soon about to remove their camp from the wilderness of Sinai to take posession of the promised land. Since, however, their impiety withheld thmn from doing so, there was a third census taken just before their actual entrance into the land, and with this object, that it might be obvious, on comparison, how marvellously the people had been preserved by the springing up of a new generation, in spite of so many plagues and so much slaughter; for although a great proportion of them had been cut off, almost as many persons were found as before.
Further, it must be observed, that the people were not numbered except at God’s command, in order that He might thus assert His supreme dominion over them; and also, that the mode of taking the census was so arranged, that there should be no confusion of ranks either through fraud or irregularity; for this was the reason why each tribe had its superintendents, lest any one should slip into a tribe to which he did not belong; and this is expressly mentioned by way of assurance, since otherwise many might suspect that so great a multitude could hardly be distinguished into classes with certainty, so that the whole sum should be calculated without mistake.

Calvin: Num 1:20 - -- 20.And the children of Reuben, Israel’s eldest son If any disputatious person should contend that one family could not increase in 250 years to so ...
20.And the children of Reuben, Israel’s eldest son If any disputatious person should contend that one family could not increase in 250 years to so great an amount, and thus should reject as nebulous what surpasses the ordinary rule of nature, we must bear in mind what I have already stated, that, inasmuch as this increase depended on the power of God, nothing is more absurd than to measure it by ordinary rules. For the intention of the Spirit is to represent to our eyes the incredible power of God in a conspicuous and signal miracle. Meanwhile, if you compared the tribe of Reuben with some of the others, it presents in its numbers some marks of the curse, so that we may gather that Reuben was degraded from the honors of his primogeniture; for the tribes of Simeon, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali were more numerous, whilst from Joseph alone, who was one of the youngest, a posterity descended which almost doubled it in numbers. God’s blessing, however, is most conspicuous in the tribe of Judah, in correspondence with the prophecy of Jacob; for by this prerogative, as it were, it was already called to the right of primogeniture and to supremacy, inasmuch as it surpassed all the principal ones.
Defender -> Num 1:2
Defender: Num 1:2 - -- In accord with the Biblical principle of plenary verbal inspiration, even the long lists of names and numbers in this book (as well as similar apparen...
In accord with the Biblical principle of plenary verbal inspiration, even the long lists of names and numbers in this book (as well as similar apparently mundane information in other books) have divine purposes. Among those that might be suggested are: (1) to illustrate God's concern for all individuals and each one's distinct role in God's economy; (2) to emphasize that God is a God of order and structure, not chaos and randomness; (3) to demonstrate His faithfulness to Abraham, fulfilling His promise to multiply Abraham's seed; (4) to confirm His interest in maintaining the integrity of families, as well as individuals."
TSK: Num 1:1 - -- wilderness : Num 10:11, Num 10:12; Exo 19:1; Lev 27:34
tabernacle : Exo 25:22; Lev 1:1
on the first day : As the tabernacle was erected on the first d...
wilderness : Num 10:11, Num 10:12; Exo 19:1; Lev 27:34
tabernacle : Exo 25:22; Lev 1:1
on the first day : As the tabernacle was erected on the first day of the first month, in the second year of their departure from Egypt (Exo 40:17), and this happened on the first day of the second month, in the same year, it is evident that the transactions related in the preceding book must all have taken place in the space of one month, and during the time the Israelites were encamped at mount Sinai. Num 9:1, Num 10:11; Exo 40:17; 1Ki 6:1

TSK: Num 1:2 - -- Take ye the sum : This numbering was probably intended to illustrate the Divine faithfulness in thus increasing the seed of Abraham; to prepare them t...
Take ye the sum : This numbering was probably intended to illustrate the Divine faithfulness in thus increasing the seed of Abraham; to prepare them to preserve due order in their march; and to distinguish the tribes and families. Num 26:2-4, Num 26:63, Num 26:64; Exo 30:12, Exo 38:26; 2Sa 24:1-3; 1Ch 21:1, 1Ch 21:2, 1Ch 27:23, 1Ch 27:24
the children : Gen 49:1-3; Exo 1:1-5
after : Num 1:18, Num 1:22, 26-54; Exo 6:14-19

TSK: Num 1:3 - -- twenty : Num 14:29, Num 32:11; Exo 30:14
able : Num 26:2; Deu 3:18, Deu 24:5; 2Sa 24:9; 2Ch 17:13-18, 2Ch 26:11-13
by their : Num 33:1; Exo 12:17

TSK: Num 1:4 - -- Num 1:16, 2:3-31, 7:10-83, Num 10:14-27, Num 13:2-15, Num 17:3, Num 25:4, Num 25:14, Num 34:18-28; Exo 18:25; Jos 22:14; 1Chr. 27:1-22
Num 1:16, 2:3-31, 7:10-83, Num 10:14-27, Num 13:2-15, Num 17:3, Num 25:4, Num 25:14, Num 34:18-28; Exo 18:25; Jos 22:14; 1Chr. 27:1-22

TSK: Num 1:5 - -- Elizur : Num 2:10, Num 7:30, Num 10:18; Gen 29:32-35, 30:5-20, Gen 35:17-26, 46:8-24, 49:1-33; Exo 1:2-5; Deut. 33:1-29; Rev 7:4-8
Elizur : Num 2:10, Num 7:30, Num 10:18; Gen 29:32-35, 30:5-20, Gen 35:17-26, 46:8-24, 49:1-33; Exo 1:2-5; Deut. 33:1-29; Rev 7:4-8

TSK: Num 1:7 - -- Nahshon : Num 2:3, Num 7:12, Num 10:14; Rth 4:18; 1Ch 2:10, 1Ch 2:11; Mat 1:2-5; Luk 3:32, Naasson

TSK: Num 1:10 - -- Elishama : Num 2:18, Num 7:48, Num 10:22; 1Ch 7:26, 1Ch 7:27
Gamaliel : Num 2:20, Num 7:54, Num 10:23

TSK: Num 1:14 - -- Eliasaph : Num 7:42, Num 10:20, Son of Reuel, Num 2:14
Deuel : As the ד , daleth is very like the ר , resh , they might be easily mistaken fo...
Eliasaph : Num 7:42, Num 10:20, Son of Reuel, Num 2:14
Deuel : As the

TSK: Num 1:16 - -- the renowned : Keruey haâidah , literally ""the called of the congregation,""those who were summoned by name to attend. Num. 2:3-31, Num 7:2, 10-...

TSK: Num 1:18 - -- their pedigrees : Ezr 2:59; Neh 7:61; Heb 7:3, Heb 7:6 *marg.
by the : Num 1:2
according : Num. 1:20-54
from twenty : In this census no women were rec...
their pedigrees : Ezr 2:59; Neh 7:61; Heb 7:3, Heb 7:6 *marg.
by the : Num 1:2
according : Num. 1:20-54
from twenty : In this census no women were reckoned, nor children, nor minors, nor strangers, nor Levites, nor old men; which, collectively, must have formed an immense multitude; the Levites alone amounted to 22,300 men.

TSK: Num 1:21 - -- That a comparative view may be easily taken of the state of the tribes, we will here produce them, compared with that of the second census (Num 26:1),...
That a comparative view may be easily taken of the state of the tribes, we will here produce them, compared with that of the second census (Num 26:1), in their decreasing proportion, beginning with the greatest and proceeding to the least.
Census Comparisons | |||
Tribes | 1st Census | 2nd Census | |
1. | Judah | 74,600 | 76,500 |
2. | Dan | 62,700 | 64,400 |
3. | Simeon | 59,300 | 22,200 |
4. | Zebulun | 57,400 | 60,500 |
5. | Issachar | 54,400 | 64,300 |
6. | Naphtali | 53,400 | 45,400 |
7. | Reuben | 46,500 | 43,730 |
8. | Gad | 45,650 | 40,500 |
9. | Asher | 41,500 | 53,400 |
10. | Ephraim | 40,500 | 32,500 |
11. | Benjamin | 35,400 | 45,600 |
12. | Manasseh | 32,200 | 52,700 |
Totals: | 603,550 | 601,730 |

TSK: Num 1:22 - -- Num 2:12, Num 2:13, Num 26:12-14; Gen 29:33, Gen 34:25-30, Gen 42:24, Gen 46:10, Gen 49:5, Gen 49:6

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Num 1:1-4 - -- A month had passed away since the setting up of the tabernacle Exo 40:2, Exo 40:17 : and the Sinaitic legislation was now complete (compare Lev 27:3...
A month had passed away since the setting up of the tabernacle Exo 40:2, Exo 40:17 : and the Sinaitic legislation was now complete (compare Lev 27:34).
A census ("sum") was commanded, to be based not upon any fresh registration of individuals, but upon that which had accompanied the previous collection of the offerings. Compare Exo 30:11, etc.; Exo 38:25-28. The offerings had been probably tendered by the people in groups, and if certificates of registration were furnished to such groups, the new census might be easily carried out by means of these documents, and got through Num 1:18 in a single day. The present registration enrolled persons "after their families, by the house of their fathers;"and was superintended not by the Levites (see Exo 38:21 and note), but by Num 1:4 an assessor for each tribe to act in the business with Moses and Aaron. The purpose now in view was not religious only. The census now taken would serve as a basis for various civil and military arrangements.

Barnes: Num 1:5-16 - -- The princes of the tribes, selected Num 1:4 under divine direction, were for the most part the same persons as those chosen a few months previously ...
The princes of the tribes, selected Num 1:4 under divine direction, were for the most part the same persons as those chosen a few months previously at the counsel of Jethro Exo 18:21-26. Nahshon, prince of Judah, is mentioned in Exo 6:23, and Elishama, in 1Ch 7:26-27. The peers of men like these were no doubt entitled, among their fellows, to the epithet "renowned,"Num 1:16.

Barnes: Num 1:20-46 - -- The enrollment, being taken principally for military purposes (compare Num 1:3, Num 1:20), would naturally be arranged by hundreds, fifties, etc. (c...
The enrollment, being taken principally for military purposes (compare Num 1:3, Num 1:20), would naturally be arranged by hundreds, fifties, etc. (cf. 2Ki 1:9, 2Ki 1:11, 2Ki 1:13). In eleven tribes the number enrolled consists of complete hundreds. The difference, in this respect, observable in the case of the tribe of Gad here Num 1:25, and of the tribe of Reuben at the later census Num 26:7, is probably to be accounted for by the pastoral, and consequently nomadic, habits of these tribes, which rendered it difficult to bring all their members together at once for a census. Judah already takes precedence of his brethren in point of numbers (compare Gen 49:8 note), and Ephraim of Manasseh (compare Gen 48:19-20).
In the tabernacle from the mercy seat.
B.C. 1490

Poole: Num 1:2 - -- This is not the same muster with that Exo 38:26 , as plainly appears, because that was before the building of the tabernacle, which was built and se...
This is not the same muster with that Exo 38:26 , as plainly appears, because that was before the building of the tabernacle, which was built and set up on the first day of the first month , Exo 40:2 ; but this was after it, to wit, on the first day of the second month, as is said Num 1:1 . And they were for differing ends; that was to tax them for the charges of the tabernacle, but this was for other ends; partly, that the great number of the people might be known to the praise of God’ s faithfulness, in making good his promises of multiplying them, and to their own comfort and encouragement; partly, for the better ordering of their camp and march, for they were now beginning their journey; and partly, that this account might be compared with the other in the close of the book, where we read that not one of all this vast number, except Caleb and Joshua, were left alive; which was an evident discovery of the mischievous nature of sin, by which so vast a company were destroyed, and a fair warning to all future generations to take heed of rebelling against the Lord, for which their ancestors had been so dreadfully plagued even to extirpation. It is true, the sums and numbers agree in this and that computation, which is not strange, because there was not much time between the two numberings, and no eminent sin among the people in that interval whereby God was provoked to diminish their numbers. Some conceive, that in that number, Ex 30 Ex 38 , the Levites were included, which are here excepted, Num 1:47 , and that in that interval of time there were grown up as many more men of those years as there were Levites of the same age.
Of the children of Israel so the stranger mixed with them were not numbered. The people were divided into twelve tribes, the tribes into great families, Num 26:5 ; these great families into lesser families, called
the houses of their fathers because they were distinguished one from another by their fathers.

To inspect the work, that it might be faithfully and impartially done.

Poole: Num 1:5 - -- With you to wit, with Moses and Aaron, who were the chief managers of the work. The tribes are here numbered according to the order or quality of the...
With you to wit, with Moses and Aaron, who were the chief managers of the work. The tribes are here numbered according to the order or quality of their birth, first the children of Leah, then of Rachel, and then of the hand-maids.

Poole: Num 1:14 - -- Called Reuel , Num 2:14 , the Hebrew letters daleth and resh being very like, and oft changed.
Called Reuel , Num 2:14 , the Hebrew letters daleth and resh being very like, and oft changed.

Poole: Num 1:16 - -- The renowned Heb. the named or called , to wit, by Moses and by God’ s appointment, to manage this affair, and others as there was occasion. ...
The renowned Heb. the named or called , to wit, by Moses and by God’ s appointment, to manage this affair, and others as there was occasion. Compare Num 16:2 26:9 .

Poole: Num 1:20 - -- By their generations Heb. to wit, their generations , i.e. the persons begotten of Reuben’ s immediate children, who are here subdivided into f...
By their generations Heb. to wit, their generations , i.e. the persons begotten of Reuben’ s immediate children, who are here subdivided into families, and they into houses, and they into particular persons.
Haydock: Num 1:1 - -- First day of the second month, called after the captivity, Jiar, which party corresponds with our April. These injunctions were given from the taber...
First day of the second month, called after the captivity, Jiar, which party corresponds with our April. These injunctions were given from the tabernacle, (Calmet) in the desert, the 12th station, (Haydock) at the foot of Mount Sinai.

Haydock: Num 1:2 - -- Houses. The families consisted of the immediate descendants of the 12 patriarchs; the houses were from the subdivisions of these. The same plan ...
Houses. The families consisted of the immediate descendants of the 12 patriarchs; the houses were from the subdivisions of these. The same plan of numbering the people was adopted on other occasions, Josue viii. 16., and 1 Kings x. 20. ---
Sex, between 20 and 60 years of age. All the subjects of the Eastern kings may be called upon, if they be able to bear arms; and hence we find such immense armies in the Scripture, and in profane history. Moses numbered the people once before, (Exodus xxx. 2,) and found exactly the same number of warriors, the dead being replaced by others, during the space of seven months. Perhaps the odd numbers might not be specified, as all the totals consist of so many exact hundreds, except that of the tribe of Gad, ver. 25. On the former occasion, the people were not perhaps ranged according to their tribes, which was now deemed necessary, as they army was going to begin its march under its respective leaders. (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 1:3 - -- Arms, ( fortium ). "Strong or brave." The psalmist (civ. 37,) says, there was not one feeble. (Menochius) ---
Troops. Hebrew, "army." Septuagi...
Arms, ( fortium ). "Strong or brave." The psalmist (civ. 37,) says, there was not one feeble. (Menochius) ---
Troops. Hebrew, "army." Septuagint, "force." Their officers shall be at their head, and shall assist you in the work. Some might command 1000, others 100, and some only 50. See Exodus xiii. 18., and xviii. 21. ---
[ Ver. 4. ] Princes; the first-born, or most ancient, (Lyranus,) the lineal descendants of the patriarchs; (Jansen) or, in fine, such as were chosen for their merit, as all were equally noble; and hence Nahasson, prince of Juda, is mentioned, though he was not a descendant of the eldest son of Juda, but of Phares; and those who were at the head of those who were numbered a little before the death of Moses, were not the descendants of these, chap. xxvi. 64. In effect, we find that Moses chose for his council, able men out of all Israel, Exodus xviii. 25. (Bonfrere) (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 1:14 - -- Duel. Hebrew Dehuel. But (chap. ii. 14,) we find the word begins R, as the Septuagint have read, Ragouel. (Haydock)
Duel. Hebrew Dehuel. But (chap. ii. 14,) we find the word begins R, as the Septuagint have read, Ragouel. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 1:16 - -- Army. Hebrew, "of a thousand." The Vulgate commonly styles them tribunes. They were "people of name in the assembly," as the Hebrew indicates. (C...
Army. Hebrew, "of a thousand." The Vulgate commonly styles them tribunes. They were "people of name in the assembly," as the Hebrew indicates. (Calmet)
Gill: Num 1:1 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai,.... Which is different from the wilderness of Sin, Exo 16:1; and had its name from the mount...
And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai,.... Which is different from the wilderness of Sin, Exo 16:1; and had its name from the mountain so called, on which God gave the law of the decalogue, and where the Israelites had been encamped eleven months, Exo 19:1,
in the tabernacle of the congregation; which had now been set up a whole month, and out of which the Lord had delivered to Moses the several laws recorded in the preceding book in that space of time, Exo 40:17,
on the first day of the second month; the month Ijar, as the Targum of Jonathan, which answers to part of our April, and part of May, and was the second month of the ecclesiastical year, which began with Abib or Nisan:
in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt; that is, the children of Israel, who had now been a year and half a month out of it:
saying, as follows.

Gill: Num 1:2 - -- Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel,.... Excepting the Levites; nor were any account taken of the mixed multitude that c...
Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel,.... Excepting the Levites; nor were any account taken of the mixed multitude that came out of Egypt with the children of Israel, only of them; and this account was taken, partly to observe the fulfilment of the divine promise to Abraham concerning the multiplication of his seed, and partly that it might be observed, that at the end of thirty eight years from hence, when they were numbered again, there were but three left of this large number, their carcasses falling in the wilderness because of their sins; and chiefly, as Aben Ezra observes, this sum was now taken to fix their standards, and for their better and more orderly journeying and encampment; for on the twentieth of this month they set forward on their journey from hence, Num 10:11; the word for the order is in the plural number, take ye, being given both to Moses and Aaron, who were to take the number, and did, Num 1:3,
after their families; into which their tribes were divided:
by the house of their fathers; for if the mother was of one tribe, and the father of another, the family was according to the tribe of the father, as Jarchi notes, a mother's family being never called a family, as Aben Ezra observes:
with the number of their names; of every particular person, whose name was inserted in a list or register:
every male by their poll; or head b; for none but males were numbered: the Lord's spiritual Israel are a numbered people, written in the book of life, placed into the hand of Christ, and exactly known by him, even by name; yea, all that belong to him are numbered, and the very airs of their heads,

Gill: Num 1:3 - -- From twenty years old and upwards,.... All that had entered into their twentieth year, or, as it should rather seem, who were full twenty years of age...
From twenty years old and upwards,.... All that had entered into their twentieth year, or, as it should rather seem, who were full twenty years of age, and all that were above it without any limitation; though some limit it to fifty, and others to sixty years, when men may be reasonably excused going to war; for to know who were fit for it seems to be a principal design of this order, as follows:
all that are able to go forth to war in Israel; who being about to journey, might expect to meet with enemies, with whom they would be obliged to engage in battle; and therefore it was proper to know their strength, and whom to call out upon occasion: Aben Ezra observes, that the phrase "in Israel" excepts the mixed multitude; those were not of Israel, and so not numbered, and perhaps not to be trusted or depended upon in war; nor were they mustered and marshalled by the standards of the several tribes; in a mystical sense, those numbered may signify the valiant of Israel, the same as the young men in 1Jo 2:14; see Son 3:7,
thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies; each tribe making a considerable army; see Gill on Exo 7:4; these people were now typical of the church of God in its militant state in the wilderness, for which they are provided, and prepared, and accoutred.

Gill: Num 1:4 - -- And with you there shall be a man of every tribe,.... Excepting Levi, of which Moses and Aaron were, to assist in taking the account, and to see that ...
And with you there shall be a man of every tribe,.... Excepting Levi, of which Moses and Aaron were, to assist in taking the account, and to see that it was an exact and perfect one:
everyone head of the house of his fathers; and prince of the tribe he belonged to, as appears from Num 1:16 and Num 7:2, where an account is given of the same persons as princes of the tribes that offered at the dedication of the altar, who here assisted in the taking this account; the Targum of Jonathan calls them each a prince, as Prince Elizur, &c.

Gill: Num 1:5 - -- And these are the names of the men that shall stand with you,.... Be present with Moses and Aaron when numbering the people; not merely as spectators...
And these are the names of the men that shall stand with you,.... Be present with Moses and Aaron when numbering the people; not merely as spectators of the affair, and inspectors of the accounts, but as assistants in the work; each man in his tribe, being best acquainted with the families and houses in it; and these men were not pitched upon by Moses and Aaron, nor chosen by their respective tribes, but were appointed and named by the Lord himself, which was doing them great honour:
of the tribe of Reuben: or "for Reuben" c, for the taking the number of men in this tribe; and so of all the rest, see Num 1:44,
Elizur the son of Shedeur; from Num 1:5 the names of those several men are given, which were very proper for Moses and Aaron to know, though of little importance to us; nor the signification of their several names, given by Ainsworth and others; only, as Bishop Patrick observes, most of them show how much God was in the thoughts of those who, imposed these names on their children, several of them having in them "El" or "Eli", "God" or "my God", and "Shaddai", "Almighty" or "all-sufficient": to which may be added, that in some of them they seem to respect the Messiah, as Elizur, signifying "my God the rock"; and Shelumiel may be rendered, "God my peace"; and Zurishaddai, "my rock the Almighty", or "all-sufficient"; and Pedazhur, "the rock redeemeth": nor is there anything of any moment to be remarked, unless the order in which the several tribes are placed; and first the children of Leah, beginning with Reuben, the firstborn; and the rest, Simeon and Judah, are ranked according to their birth; Levi being omitted, because that tribe was not now numbered, and besides, Moses and Aaron were of it; and then Issachar and Zebulun; after those the children of Rachel, because of her honour and glory above the handmaids, as Aben Ezra remarks; who further observes, that it begins with Ephraim, following Jacob our father, that is, because of the blessing of Jacob, who preferred Ephraim the younger to Manasseh the elder; and here Ephraim and Manasseh are set before Benjamin, because they were in the place of Joseph; and after that the account goes on with Dan, because, he was the firstborn of the handmaids; and after him Asher, though the second son of Zilpah, is placed before Gad, the first son, because, says the same Aben Ezra, the Lord knew that he would be the head of those that encamped by the standard of Dan, and so is placed next to him; and after him Gad, who was the firstborn of Leah's handmaid; and Naphtali last of all, the second son of Bilhah: this order seems to be designed to suit with their encampments, and the form of them.

Gill: Num 1:10 - -- Of the children of Joseph: of Ephraim; Elishama the son of Ammihud: of Manasseh; Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. See Gill on Num 1:5.
Of the children of Joseph: of Ephraim; Elishama the son of Ammihud: of Manasseh; Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur. See Gill on Num 1:5.

Gill: Num 1:16 - -- These were the renowned of the congregation,.... The most famous and eminent among the people, for their birth and pedigree, or for their excellent q...
These were the renowned of the congregation,.... The most famous and eminent among the people, for their birth and pedigree, or for their excellent qualities of wisdom, courage, and the like; or "the called of the congregation" d, whom God had called by name and selected from the rest of the congregation to the above service, whereby great honour was done them: Aben Ezra says, the sense is, that the congregation did nothing until they had called them; with which agrees the note of Jarchi,"who were called to every business of importance in the congregation:"
princes of the tribes of their fathers; as Elizur was prince of the children of Reuben, Num 7:30; the same is there said of the rest in their respective tribes:
heads of thousands in Israel; the congregation of Israel being divided into thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens, by the advice of Jethro, Exo 18:21; each of these divisions had a ruler over them, and thousands being the highest number, these princes were chiliarchs, rulers or heads of thousands.

Gill: Num 1:17 - -- And Moses and Aaron took these men,.... They doubtless sent for them, and acquainted them with the nomination of them, by the Lord himself, for such a...
And Moses and Aaron took these men,.... They doubtless sent for them, and acquainted them with the nomination of them, by the Lord himself, for such a service; and they took them with them to the place where the number of the people was to be taken:
which are expressed by their names: in Num 1:16, and that as declared by the mouth of God himself.

Gill: Num 1:18 - -- And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month,.... The month Ijar, as the Targum of Jonathan, answering to pa...
And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month,.... The month Ijar, as the Targum of Jonathan, answering to part of April and May: this was done on the selfsame day the Lord spake unto Moses about this affair, Num 1:1; so expeditious were he and Aaron in doing the will of God:
and they declared their pedigrees; either Moses and Aaron, according to Aben Ezra, who inquired when they were born, because of the computation of twenty years; and then their birth was wrote down, as he says; or rather the people declared their pedigrees, of what tribe, family, and house they were, who their parents, when born, and so, of course, how old they were; Jarchi interprets it, they brought the books of their genealogies, and witnesses to confirm the birth of everyone of them, to show their genealogy according to their tribe; nor is it at all unlikely that every family and house, or master thereof, kept a register of those born to him in it, whereby their age could be ascertained as well as pedigree:
after their famines, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of their names, from twenty years old and upwards, by their poll: that is, every tribe gave an account of the families in it, every family what houses were in it, and every house what number of males were in it, and of what age; and such were numbered who were twenty years old and upward.

Gill: Num 1:19 - -- As the Lord commanded Moses,.... In this Moses and David differed in numbering the people of Israel; the one did it by an express command from God, an...
As the Lord commanded Moses,.... In this Moses and David differed in numbering the people of Israel; the one did it by an express command from God, and in obedience to it; the other without one, and against his will, 1Ch 21:17,
so he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai; where they now were when this order was given, Num 1:1; and from whence they removed the twentieth day of this month, Num 10:11; so that in less than three weeks time, perhaps much sooner, this affair was finished; and it may be, that the place of numbering them at this time is expressly observed, to distinguish it from another numbering of them, recorded in this book, which was done in the plains of Moab, Num 26:2.

Gill: Num 1:20 - -- And the children of Reuben, Israel's eldest son,.... Were numbered first, and next to them those of Simeon and Gad, for they were numbered according t...
And the children of Reuben, Israel's eldest son,.... Were numbered first, and next to them those of Simeon and Gad, for they were numbered according to the order in which they were to be encamped; for under Reuben's standard were Simeon and Gad, and under Judah's Issachar and Zebulun, and under Ephraim's Manasseh and Benjamin, and under Dan's Asher and Naphtali; and according to their order were the tribes numbered:
by their generations: or "their generations", the birth, descent, and pedigree of them:
after their families, by the house of their fathers: according to the families and houses to which they belonged:
according to the number of the names by their polls, every male from twenty years old and upward; their names were taken down, the number of them counted by their heads, even all the males that were above twenty years of age:
all that were able to go forth to war; which phrase, as it suggests that before this age they were not reckoned able bodied men for war, in common, though some might; so it seems to except all infirm persons, by reason of age and otherwise: now in all the other account of the numbering of the rest of the tribes, the same forms of expression are used as here, only the tribe of Simeon, which is the next, these words are left out, "by their polls, every male", which being twice observed, need not be repeated, since by these instances it might be sufficiently known that the number was taken by a poll, and only of males; so that in Num 1:23, there is nothing material to observe, or anything different from what is in this verse, but the particular sums of each tribe numbered, which stand thus: of the tribe of Reuben 46,500; of the tribe of Simeon, 59,300; of the tribe of Gad, 45,650; of the tribe of Judah, 74,600; of the tribe of Issachar, 54,400; of the tribe of Zebulun, 57,400; of the tribe of Ephraim, 40,500; of the tribe of Manasseh, 32,200; of the tribe of Benjamin 35,400; of the tribe of Dan, 62,700; of the tribe of Asher 41,500; of the tribe of Naphtali, 53,400; in which may be observed the various increase of the tribes, agreeably to divine predictions, and according to the sovereign will and infinite wisdom of God: Reuben, the firstborn, did not excel in number, six of the tribes having more in number than he: Judah had by far the greatest increase of them all, from whom the chief ruler was to come, and even the King Messiah; and in process of time was to become a kingdom of itself; Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph, was much more fruitful than Manasseh, his elder, more than eight thousand being numbered of the former than of the latter, all which agree with Jacob's prophecies, Gen 49:4; nor had they always the greatest number who had the most sons at their going down into Egypt; for though Simeon, who had then more sons than Reuben, had at this time a larger posterity; yet Gad, who had more than Simeon, had now fewer descendants; and Dan, who had but one son at that time, had now almost double the number of Benjamin, who then had ten sons: and it may be observed of other tribes, that their increase was not in proportion to the number of the sons of the patriarchs then; see Gen 46:8.

Gill: Num 1:21 - -- Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Reuben, were forty and six thousand and five hundred. 46,500 men. See Gill on Num 1:20.
Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Reuben, were forty and six thousand and five hundred. 46,500 men. See Gill on Num 1:20.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:1; Num 1:2; Num 1:2; Num 1:2; Num 1:2; Num 1:2; Num 1:3; Num 1:3; Num 1:3; Num 1:3; Num 1:3; Num 1:4; Num 1:4; Num 1:4; Num 1:4; Num 1:4; Num 1:5; Num 1:5; Num 1:6; Num 1:7; Num 1:14; Num 1:16; Num 1:16; Num 1:16; Num 1:16; Num 1:18; Num 1:18; Num 1:18; Num 1:18; Num 1:21; Num 1:21; Num 1:22
NET Notes: Num 1:1 Heb “saying.” A new sentence was started here in the English translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Num 1:2 This clause simply has “in/with the number of the names of every male with respect to their skulls [individually].” Counting heads, or eve...

NET Notes: Num 1:3 The noun (צָבָא, tsava’) means “army” or “military group.” But the word can also be used f...

NET Notes: Num 1:5 The preposition lamed (ל) prefixed to the name could be taken in the sense of “from,” but could also be “with regard to”...

NET Notes: Num 1:6 This name and the name Ammishaddai below have the theophoric element (שַׁדַּי, shadday, “the Almighty&...

NET Notes: Num 1:7 Nahshon was an ancestor of Boaz and David, and therefore of Christ (Luke 3:32-33).

NET Notes: Num 1:14 There is a textual difficulty with this verb. The Greek form uses r and not d, giving the name Ra‘oul. There is even some variation in the Hebre...

NET Notes: Num 1:16 The Hebrew text has אַלְפֵי (’alfey, “thousands of”). There is some question over this rea...

NET Notes: Num 1:18 The verb is supplied. The Hebrew text simply has “in/with the number of names of those who are twenty years old and higher according to their sk...

NET Notes: Num 1:21 There has been much discussion about the numbers in the Israelite wilderness experience. The immediate difficulty for even the casual reader is the en...

NET Notes: Num 1:22 Some witnesses have omitted “those that were numbered of them,” to preserve the literary pattern of the text. The omission is supported by...
Geneva Bible: Num 1:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses in the wilderness of ( a ) Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first [day] of the ( b ) second month, i...

Geneva Bible: Num 1:4 And with you there shall be a ( c ) man of every tribe; every one head of the house of his fathers.
( c ) That is, the chiefest man of every tribe.

Geneva Bible: Num 1:5 And these [are] the names of the men that shall ( d ) stand with you: of [the tribe of] Reuben; Elizur the son of Shedeur.
( d ) And afflict you when...

Geneva Bible: Num 1:16 These [were] the renowned of the congregation, ( e ) princes of the tribes of their fathers, heads of thousands in Israel.
( e ) Or captains, and gov...

Geneva Bible: Num 1:18 And they assembled all the congregation together on the first [day] of the second month, and they declared ( f ) their pedigrees after their families,...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Num 1:1-54
TSK Synopsis: Num 1:1-54 - --1 God commands Moses to number the people.5 The princes of the tribes.17 The number of every tribe.47 The Levites are exempted for the service of the ...
MHCC -> Num 1:1-43
MHCC: Num 1:1-43 - --The people were numbered to show God's faithfulness in thus increasing the seed of Jacob, that they might be the better trained for the wars and conqu...
Matthew Henry -> Num 1:1-16; Num 1:17-43
Matthew Henry: Num 1:1-16 - -- I. We have here a commission issued out for the numbering of the people of Israel; and David, long after, paid dearly for doing it without a commiss...

Matthew Henry: Num 1:17-43 - -- We have here the speedy execution of the orders given for the numbering of the people. It was begun the same day that the orders were given, The fi...
Keil-Delitzsch: Num 1:1 - --
Muster of the Twelve Tribes, with the Exception of that of Levi. - Num 1:1-3. Before the departure of Israel from Sinai, God commanded Moses, on the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 1:4-16 - --
Moses and Aaron, who were commanded to number, or rather to muster, the people, were to have with them " a man of every tribe, who was head-man of h...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 1:17-47 - --
This command was carried out by Moses and Aaron. They took for this purpose the twelve heads of tribes who are pointed out (see at Lev 24:11) by nam...
Constable -> Num 1:1--10:36; Num 1:1-54
Constable: Num 1:1--10:36 - --A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-10
The first 10 chapters in Numbers...

Constable: Num 1:1-54 - --The muster of the tribes except Levi ch. 1
The purpose of this tally of the adult males ...
Guzik -> Num 1:1-54
Guzik: Num 1:1-54 - --Numbers 1 - The Census of Israel
A. Background to the Book of Numbers.
1. As recorded in the Book of Exodus, Israel escaped slavery in Egypt - God m...

expand allCommentary -- Other
Critics Ask: Num 1:1 NUMBERS 1:1 —How could Moses have written Numbers when critics claim it was written centuries after his death? PROBLEM: Many modern critics cla...

Critics Ask: Num 1:2 NUMBERS 1:1-4:49 —How accurate is this census of the tribes of Israel? PROBLEM: According to the census taken in chapters 1-4 of Numbers, the n...

Critics Ask: Num 1:3 NUMBERS 1:1-4:49 —How accurate is this census of the tribes of Israel? PROBLEM: According to the census taken in chapters 1-4 of Numbers, the n...