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Text -- Numbers 18:1-30 (NET)

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Responsibilities of the Priests
18:1 The Lord said to Aaron, “You and your sons and your tribe with you must bear the iniquity of the sanctuary, and you and your sons with you must bear the iniquity 18:2 “Bring with you your brothers, the tribe of Levi, the tribe of your father, so that they may join with you and minister to you while you and your sons with you are before the tent of the testimony. 18:3 They must be responsible to care for you and to care for the entire tabernacle. However, they must not come near the furnishings of the sanctuary and the altar, or both they and you will die. 18:4 They must join with you, and they will be responsible for the care of the tent of meeting, for all the service of the tent, but no unauthorized person may approach you. 18:5 You will be responsible for the care of the sanctuary and the care of the altar, so that there will be no more wrath on the Israelites. 18:6 I myself have chosen your brothers the Levites from among the Israelites. They are given to you as a gift from the Lord, to perform the duties of the tent of meeting. 18:7 But you and your sons with you are responsible for your priestly duties, for everything at the altar and within the curtain. And you must serve. I give you the priesthood as a gift for service; but the unauthorized person who approaches must be put to death.”
The Portion of the Priests
18:8 The Lord spoke to Aaron, “See, I have given you the responsibility for my raised offerings; I have given all the holy things of the Israelites to you as your priestly portion and to your sons as a perpetual ordinance. 18:9 Of all the most holy offerings reserved from the fire this will be yours: Every offering of theirs, whether from every grain offering or from every purification offering or from every reparation offering which they bring to me, will be most holy for you and for your sons. 18:10 You are to eat it as a most holy offering; every male may eat it. It will be holy to you. 18:11 “And this is yours: the raised offering of their gift, along with all the wave offerings of the Israelites. I have given them to you and to your sons and daughters with you as a perpetual ordinance. Everyone who is ceremonially clean in your household may eat of it. 18:12 “All the best of the olive oil and all the best of the wine and of the wheat, the first fruits of these things that they give to the Lord, I have given to you. 18:13 And whatever first ripe fruit in their land they bring to the Lord will be yours; everyone who is ceremonially clean in your household may eat of it. 18:14 “Everything devoted in Israel will be yours. 18:15 The firstborn of every womb which they present to the Lord, whether human or animal, will be yours. Nevertheless, the firstborn sons you must redeem, and the firstborn males of unclean animals you must redeem. 18:16 And those that must be redeemed you are to redeem when they are a month old, according to your estimation, for five shekels of silver according to the sanctuary shekel (which is twenty gerahs). 18:17 But you must not redeem the firstborn of a cow or a sheep or a goat; they are holy. You must splash their blood on the altar and burn their fat for an offering made by fire for a pleasing aroma to the Lord. 18:18 And their meat will be yours, just as the breast and the right hip of the raised offering is yours. 18:19 All the raised offerings of the holy things that the Israelites offer to the Lord, I have given to you, and to your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual ordinance. It is a covenant of salt forever before the Lord for you and for your descendants with you.”
Duties of the Levites
18:20 The Lord spoke to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any portion of property among them– I am your portion and your inheritance among the Israelites. 18:21 See, I have given the Levites all the tithes in Israel for an inheritance, for their service which they perform– the service of the tent of meeting. 18:22 No longer may the Israelites approach the tent of meeting, or else they will bear their sin and die. 18:23 But the Levites must perform the service of the tent of meeting, and they must bear their iniquity. It will be a perpetual ordinance throughout your generations that among the Israelites the Levites have no inheritance. 18:24 But I have given to the Levites for an inheritance the tithes of the Israelites that are offered to the Lord as a raised offering. That is why I said to them that among the Israelites they are to have no inheritance.”
Instructions for the Levites
18:25 The Lord spoke to Moses: 18:26 “You are to speak to the Levites, and you must tell them, ‘When you receive from the Israelites the tithe that I have given you from them as your inheritance, then you are to offer up from it as a raised offering to the Lord a tenth of the tithe. 18:27 And your raised offering will be credited to you as though it were grain from the threshing floor or as new wine from the winepress. 18:28 Thus you are to offer up a raised offering to the Lord of all your tithes which you receive from the Israelites; and you must give the Lord’s raised offering from it to Aaron the priest. 18:29 From all your gifts you must offer up every raised offering due the Lord, from all the best of it, and the holiest part of it.’ 18:30 “Therefore you will say to them, ‘When you offer up the best of it, then it will be credited to the Levites as the product of the threshing floor and as the product of the winepress.
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Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Aaron a son of Amram; brother of Moses,son of Amram (Kohath Levi); patriarch of Israel's priests,the clan or priestly line founded by Aaron
 · Israel a citizen of Israel.,a member of the nation of Israel
 · Levi members of the tribe of Levi
 · Levites relating to Levi and the priesthood given to him,a tribal name describing people and ceremonies as sacred
 · Moses a son of Amram; the Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them The Law of Moses,a Levite who led Israel out of Egypt and gave them the law

Dictionary Themes and Topics: TITHE | SACRIFICE, IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, 2 | Redemption | PRIESTS AND LEVITES | Levite | LAW OF MOSES | LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT | GIFT | Fruit | First-born, Redemption of | Fat | Exodus | EZEKIEL, 2 | EXODUS, THE BOOK OF, 3-4 | Curtain | Corn | Consecrated Things | CRITICISM | Bullock | Alliance | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable , Guzik

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Num 18:1 - -- Shall suffer the punishment of all the usurpations, or pollutions of the sanctuary, or the holy things, by the Levites, or any of the people, because ...

Shall suffer the punishment of all the usurpations, or pollutions of the sanctuary, or the holy things, by the Levites, or any of the people, because you have power from me to keep them all within their bounds. Thus the people are in good measure secured against their fears. Also they are informed that Aaron's high dignity was attended with great burdens, having not only his own, but the people's sins to answer for; and therefore they had no such reason to envy him, if the benefits and dangers were equally considered.

Wesley: Num 18:1 - -- That is, Of all the errors committed by yourselves, or by you permitted in others in things, belonging to your priesthood.

That is, Of all the errors committed by yourselves, or by you permitted in others in things, belonging to your priesthood.

Wesley: Num 18:2 - -- About sacrifices and offerings and other things, according to the rules I have prescribed them. The Levites are said to minister to Aaron here, to the...

About sacrifices and offerings and other things, according to the rules I have prescribed them. The Levites are said to minister to Aaron here, to the church, Num 16:9, and to God, Deu 10:8. They shall not contend with thee for superiority, as they have done, but shall be subordinate to thee.

Wesley: Num 18:2 - -- Or, both to thee, and to thy sons with thee: Which translation may seem to be favoured by the following words, before the tabernacle, which was the pr...

Or, both to thee, and to thy sons with thee: Which translation may seem to be favoured by the following words, before the tabernacle, which was the proper place where the Levites ministered. Besides, both the foregoing words, and the two following verses, entirely speak of the ministry of the Levites, and the ministry of the priests is distinctly spoken of, Num 18:5.

Wesley: Num 18:3 - -- That is, that which thou shalt command them and commit unto them.

That is, that which thou shalt command them and commit unto them.

Wesley: Num 18:5 - -- Of the holy, and of the most holy place.

Of the holy, and of the most holy place.

Wesley: Num 18:6 - -- We are to value it as a great gift of the divine bounty, to have those joined to us, that will be helpful and serviceable to us, in the service of God...

We are to value it as a great gift of the divine bounty, to have those joined to us, that will be helpful and serviceable to us, in the service of God.

Wesley: Num 18:7 - -- Of burnt-offering.

Of burnt-offering.

Wesley: Num 18:7 - -- This phrase here comprehends both the holy and the most holy place. As a gift which I have freely conferred upon you, and upon you alone; and therefor...

This phrase here comprehends both the holy and the most holy place. As a gift which I have freely conferred upon you, and upon you alone; and therefore let no man henceforth dare either to charge you with arrogance in appropriating this to yourselves, or to invade your office.

Wesley: Num 18:8 - -- Not only the charge, but the use of them for thyself and family.

Not only the charge, but the use of them for thyself and family.

Wesley: Num 18:8 - -- That is, because thou art priest, and art to devote thyself wholly to my service.

That is, because thou art priest, and art to devote thyself wholly to my service.

Wesley: Num 18:9 - -- Such as were to be eaten only by the priests, and that in the sanctuary.

Such as were to be eaten only by the priests, and that in the sanctuary.

Wesley: Num 18:9 - -- That is, such sacrifices or parts of sacrifices as were not burnt in the fire.

That is, such sacrifices or parts of sacrifices as were not burnt in the fire.

Wesley: Num 18:9 - -- By way of compensation for a trespass committed against me, in which case a ram was to be offered, which was a most holy thing, and may be particularl...

By way of compensation for a trespass committed against me, in which case a ram was to be offered, which was a most holy thing, and may be particularly designed here.

Wesley: Num 18:10 - -- In the court of the priests, where there were places for this use, which is called the most holy place, not simply and absolutely, but in respect of t...

In the court of the priests, where there were places for this use, which is called the most holy place, not simply and absolutely, but in respect of the thing he speaks of because this was the most holy of all the places appointed for eating holy things, whereof some might be eaten in any clean place in the camp, or in their own house.

Wesley: Num 18:13 - -- Not only the first-fruits of the oil and wine, and wheat now mentioned, but all other first-fruits of all other grains, and all fruit trees.

Not only the first-fruits of the oil and wine, and wheat now mentioned, but all other first-fruits of all other grains, and all fruit trees.

Wesley: Num 18:13 - -- And none else, because these were first offered to God, and by consequence given to priests; but for those which were immediately given to the priests...

And none else, because these were first offered to God, and by consequence given to priests; but for those which were immediately given to the priests, the clean and unclean might eat of them.

Wesley: Num 18:14 - -- Dedicated to God by vow or otherwise, provided it be such a thing as might be eaten: for the vessels or treasures of gold and silver which were dedica...

Dedicated to God by vow or otherwise, provided it be such a thing as might be eaten: for the vessels or treasures of gold and silver which were dedicated by Joshua, David, or others, were not the priests, but appropriated to the uses of the temple.

Wesley: Num 18:15 - -- Which were offered to God in his temple, and to his service and disposal.

Which were offered to God in his temple, and to his service and disposal.

Wesley: Num 18:16 - -- Namely, of men only, not of unclean beasts, as is manifest from the time and price of redemption here mentioned, both which agree to men; the time, Nu...

Namely, of men only, not of unclean beasts, as is manifest from the time and price of redemption here mentioned, both which agree to men; the time, Num 18:16, the price, Num 3:46-47, but neither agree to unclean beasts, which were to be redeemed with a sheep, Exo 13:13, and that after it was eight days old.

Wesley: Num 18:17 - -- Namely, in a peculiar manner, consecrated to an holy use, even to be sacrificed to God. Deu 15:19.

Namely, in a peculiar manner, consecrated to an holy use, even to be sacrificed to God. Deu 15:19.

Wesley: Num 18:18 - -- All the flesh of them, and not only some parts, as in other sacrifices.

All the flesh of them, and not only some parts, as in other sacrifices.

Wesley: Num 18:19 - -- A durable and perpetual covenant; so called here and 2Ch 13:5, either, because salt is a sign of incorruption, as being of singular use to preserve th...

A durable and perpetual covenant; so called here and 2Ch 13:5, either, because salt is a sign of incorruption, as being of singular use to preserve things from corruption: or, because it is ratified on their part by salt, which is therefore called the salt of the covenant, for which the priests were obliged to take care, that it should never be lacking from any meat-offering, Lev 2:13. And this privilege conferred upon the priests is called a covenant because it is given them conditionally, upon condition of their service, and care about the worship of God.

Wesley: Num 18:20 - -- In the land of the children of Israel. You shall not have a distinct portion of land, as the other tribes shall. The reason of this law, was, partly b...

In the land of the children of Israel. You shall not have a distinct portion of land, as the other tribes shall. The reason of this law, was, partly because God would have them wholly devoted to his service, and therefore free from worldly incumbrances; partly, because God had abundantly provided for them otherwise, by tithes and first-fruits and oblations; and partly that by this means being dispersed among the several tribes, they might have the better opportunity for teaching and watching over the people.

Wesley: Num 18:20 - -- I have appointed thee a liberal maintenance out of my oblations.

I have appointed thee a liberal maintenance out of my oblations.

Wesley: Num 18:21 - -- For the tithes were all given to the Levites, and out of their tithes the tenth was given to the priests.

For the tithes were all given to the Levites, and out of their tithes the tenth was given to the priests.

Wesley: Num 18:22 - -- So nigh as to do any proper act to the priests or Levites.

So nigh as to do any proper act to the priests or Levites.

Wesley: Num 18:23 - -- The punishment due not only for their own, but also for the people's miscarriage, if it be committed through their connivance or negligence. And this ...

The punishment due not only for their own, but also for the people's miscarriage, if it be committed through their connivance or negligence. And this was the reason why the priests withstood King Uzziah, when he would have burnt incense to the Lord.

Wesley: Num 18:24 - -- An acknowledgment that they have all their land and the fruits of it from God's bounty. Note the word heave-offering, which is for the most part under...

An acknowledgment that they have all their land and the fruits of it from God's bounty. Note the word heave-offering, which is for the most part understood of a particular kind of offerings heaved or lifted up to the Lord, is here used for any offering.

Wesley: Num 18:26 - -- They who are employed in assisting the devotions of others, must be sure to pay their own as an heave-offering. Prayers and praises, or rather the hea...

They who are employed in assisting the devotions of others, must be sure to pay their own as an heave-offering. Prayers and praises, or rather the heart lifted up in them, are now our heave-offerings.

Wesley: Num 18:27 - -- It shall be accepted of you as much as if you offered it out of your own lands and labours.

It shall be accepted of you as much as if you offered it out of your own lands and labours.

Wesley: Num 18:28 - -- And to his children, who were all to have their share herein.

And to his children, who were all to have their share herein.

Wesley: Num 18:29 - -- Not only out of your tithes, but out of the other gifts which you receive from the people, and out of those fields which shall belong to your cities.

Not only out of your tithes, but out of the other gifts which you receive from the people, and out of those fields which shall belong to your cities.

Wesley: Num 18:29 - -- To the priest. As many gifts, so many heave-offerings; you shall reserve a part out of each of them for the priest.

To the priest. As many gifts, so many heave-offerings; you shall reserve a part out of each of them for the priest.

Wesley: Num 18:29 - -- the tenth part, which was the part or proportion that God hallowed or sanctified to himself as his proper portion.

the tenth part, which was the part or proportion that God hallowed or sanctified to himself as his proper portion.

JFB: Num 18:1 - -- Security is here given to the people from the fears expressed (Num 17:12), by the responsibility of attending to all sacred things being devolved upon...

Security is here given to the people from the fears expressed (Num 17:12), by the responsibility of attending to all sacred things being devolved upon the priesthood, together with the penalties incurred through neglect; and thus the solemn responsibilities annexed to their high dignity, of having to answer not only for their own sins, but also for the sins of the people, were calculated in a great measure to remove all feeling of envy at the elevation of Aaron's family, when the honor was weighed in the balance with its burdens and dangers.

JFB: Num 18:2-7 - -- The departments of the sacred office, to be filled respectively by the priests and Levites, are here assigned to each. To the priests was committed th...

The departments of the sacred office, to be filled respectively by the priests and Levites, are here assigned to each. To the priests was committed the charge of the sanctuary and the altar, while the Levites were to take care of everything else about the tabernacle. The Levites were to attend the priests as servants--bestowed on them as "gifts" to aid in the service of the tabernacle--while the high and dignified office of the priesthood was a "service of gift." "A stranger," that is, one, neither a priest nor a Levite, who should intrude into any departments of the sacred office, should incur the penalty of death.

JFB: Num 18:8-13 - -- A recapitulation is made in this passage of certain perquisites specially appropriated to the maintenance of the priests. They were parts of the votiv...

A recapitulation is made in this passage of certain perquisites specially appropriated to the maintenance of the priests. They were parts of the votive and freewill offerings, including both meat and bread, wine and oil, and the first-fruits, which formed a large and valuable item.

JFB: Num 18:14 - -- Provided it was adapted for food or consumable by use; for the gold and silver vessels that were dedicated as the spoils of victory were not given to ...

Provided it was adapted for food or consumable by use; for the gold and silver vessels that were dedicated as the spoils of victory were not given to the priests, but for the use and adornment of the sacred edifice.

JFB: Num 18:19 - -- That is, a perpetual ordinance. This figurative form of expression was evidently founded on the conservative property of salt, which keeps meat from c...

That is, a perpetual ordinance. This figurative form of expression was evidently founded on the conservative property of salt, which keeps meat from corruption; and hence it became an emblem of inviolability and permanence. It is a common phrase among Oriental people, who consider the eating of salt a pledge of fidelity, binding them in a covenant of friendship. Hence the partaking of the altar meats, which were appropriated to the priests on condition of their services and of which salt formed a necessary accompaniment, was naturally called "a covenant of salt" (Lev 2:13).

JFB: Num 18:21-22 - -- Neither the priests nor the Levites were to possess any allotments of land but to depend entirely upon Him who liberally provided for them out of His ...

Neither the priests nor the Levites were to possess any allotments of land but to depend entirely upon Him who liberally provided for them out of His own portion; and this law was subservient to many important purposes--such as that, being exempted from the cares and labors of worldly business, they might be exclusively devoted to His service; that a bond of mutual love and attachment might be formed between the people and the Levites, who, as performing religious services for the people, derived their subsistence from them; and further, that being the more easily dispersed among the different tribes, they might be more useful in instructing and directing the people.

JFB: Num 18:23 - -- They were to be responsible for the right discharge of those duties that were assigned to them, and consequently to bear the penalty that was due to n...

They were to be responsible for the right discharge of those duties that were assigned to them, and consequently to bear the penalty that was due to negligence or carelessness in the guardianship of the holy things.

JFB: Num 18:26 - -- Out of their own they were to pay tithes to the priests equally as the people gave to them. The best of their tithes was to be assigned to the priests...

Out of their own they were to pay tithes to the priests equally as the people gave to them. The best of their tithes was to be assigned to the priests, and afterwards they enjoyed the same liberty to make use of the remainder that other Israelites had of the produce of their threshing-floors and wine-presses.

Clarke: Num 18:1 - -- Thou and thy sons - shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary, etc. - That is, They must be answerable for its legal pollutions, and must make the ne...

Thou and thy sons - shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary, etc. - That is, They must be answerable for its legal pollutions, and must make the necessary atonements and expiations. By this they must feel that though they had got a high and important office confirmed to them by a miraculous interference, yet it was a place of the highest responsibility; and that they must not be high-minded, but fear.

Clarke: Num 18:2 - -- Thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi - may be joined unto thee - There is a fine paronomasia, or play upon words, in the original. לוי Levi ...

Thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi - may be joined unto thee - There is a fine paronomasia, or play upon words, in the original. לוי Levi comes from the root לוה lavah , to join to, couple, associate: hence Moses says, the Levites, ילוו yillavu , shall be joined, or associated with the priests; they shall conjointly perform the whole of the sacred office, but the priests shall be principal, the Levites only their associates or assistants.

Clarke: Num 18:15 - -- The first-born of man - and the firstling of unclean beasts - Thus vain man is ranked with the beasts that perish; and with the worst kinds of them ...

The first-born of man - and the firstling of unclean beasts - Thus vain man is ranked with the beasts that perish; and with the worst kinds of them too, those deemed unclean.

Clarke: Num 18:16 - -- Shalt thou redeem - for the money of five shekels - Redemption of the first-born is one of the rites which is still practiced among the Jews. Accord...

Shalt thou redeem - for the money of five shekels - Redemption of the first-born is one of the rites which is still practiced among the Jews. According to Leo of Modena, it is performed in the following manner: -

When the child is thirty days old, the father sends for one of the descendants of Aaron: several persons being assembled on the occasion, the father brings a cup containing several pieces of gold and silver coin. The priest then takes the child into his arms, and addressing himself to the mother, says: Is this thy son

Mother. Yes

Priest. Hast thou never had another child, male or female, a miscarriage or untimely birth

Mother. No

Priest. This being the case, this child, as first-born, belongs to me

Then, turning to the father, he says: If it be thy desire to have this child, thou must redeem it

Father. I present thee with this gold and silver for this purpose

Priest. Thou dost wish, therefore, to redeem the child

Father. I do wish so to do

The priest then, turning himself to the assembly, says: Very well; this child, as first-born, is mine, as it is written in Bemidbar, (Num 18:16), Thou shalt redeem the first-born of a month old for five shekels, but I shall content myself with this in exchange. He then takes two gold crowns, or thereabouts, and returns the child to his parents.

Clarke: Num 18:19 - -- It is a covenant of salt - That is, an incorruptible, everlasting covenant. As salt was added to different kinds of viands, not only to give them a ...

It is a covenant of salt - That is, an incorruptible, everlasting covenant. As salt was added to different kinds of viands, not only to give them a relish, but to preserve them from putrefaction and decay, it became the emblem of incorruptibility and permanence. Hence, a covenant of salt signified an everlasting covenant. We have already seen that, among the Asiatics, eating together was deemed a bond of perpetual friendship; and as salt was a common article in all their repasts, it may be in reference to this circumstance that a perpetual covenant is termed a covenant of salt; because the parties ate together of the sacrifice offered on the occasion, and the whole transaction was considered as a league of endless friendship. See the note on Lev 2:13.

Clarke: Num 18:20 - -- I am thy part and thine inheritance - The principal part of what was offered to God was the portion of the priests, therefore they had no inheritanc...

I am thy part and thine inheritance - The principal part of what was offered to God was the portion of the priests, therefore they had no inheritance of land in Israel; independently of that they had a very ample provision for their support. The rabbins say twenty-four gifts were given to the priests, and they are all expressed in the law. Eight of those gifts the priests ate nowhere but in the sanctuary: these eight are the following: -

1.    The flesh of the Sin-Offering, whether of beasts or fowls, Lev 6:25, Lev 6:26

2.    The flesh of the Trespass-Offering, Lev 7:1, Lev 7:6

3.    The Peace-Offerings of the congregation, Lev 23:19, Lev 23:20

4.    The remainder of the Omer or Sheaf, Lev 23:10, etc

5.    The remnants of the Meat-Offerings of the Israelites, Lev 6:16

6.    The two Loaves, Lev 23:17

7.    The Shew-Bread, Lev 24:9

8.    The Log of oil offered by the leper, Lev 14:10, etc

Five of those gifts they ate only in Jerusalem: -

1.    The breast and shoulder of the Peace-Offerings, Lev 7:31, Lev 7:34

2.    The Heave-Offering of the sacrifice of confession, Lev 7:12-14

3.    The Heave-Offering of the Nazarite’ s ram, Lev 6:17-20

4.    The Firstling of the clean beast, Num 18:15; Deu 15:19, Deu 15:20

5.    The First-Fruits, Num 18:13

Five gifts were not due unto them by the law, but in the land of Israel only: -

1.    The heave-offering or First-Fruits, Num 18:12

2.    The heave-offering of the Tithe, Num 18:28

3.    The Cake, Num 15:20

These three were holy

4.    The first-fruits of the Fleece, Deu 18:4

5.    The Field of Possession, Numbers 35

These two were common

Five gifts were due unto them both within and without the land: -

1.    The gifts of the Beasts Slain, Deu 18:3

2.    The redemption of the First-Born Son, Num 18:15

3.    The Lamb for the firstling of an ass, Exo 4:20; Numbers 18

4.    The restitution of that taken by violence from a stranger, Num 5:8

5.    All Devoted things, Num 18:14

One gift was due unto them from the sanctuary: -

1.    The skins of the burnt-offering, and all the skins of the other most holy things, Lev 7:8

In all 24. See Ainsworth

The gifts which the females of the priests’ families had a part in were these: -

1.    The heave-offering, or first-fruits

2.    The heave-offering of the tithe

3.    The cake

4.    The gifts of the beast, Deu 18:3

5.    The first of the fleece

- See Mishna, Tract. Biccurim, and Ainsworth on the Pentateuch

Besides all this the priests had the tribute money mentioned Num 31:28, Num 31:29.

Clarke: Num 18:21 - -- Behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth - 1.    The Levites had the tenth of all the productions of the land 2. ...

Behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth -

1.    The Levites had the tenth of all the productions of the land

2.    They had forty-eight cities, each forming a square of 4,000 cubits

3.    They had 2,000 cubits of ground round each city. Total of the land they possessed, 53,000 acres

4.    They had the first-fruits and certain parts of all the animals killed in the land

Canaan contained about 11,264,000 acres; therefore the portion possessed by the Levites was rather less than as one to two hundred and twelve; for 11,264,000 divided by 53,000, quotes only 212 28/53 - See Lowman, Dodd, etc. But though this was a very small proportion for a whole tribe that had consented to annihilate its political existence, that it might wait upon the service of God, and labor for the people’ s souls; yet let it be considered that what they possessed was the best of the land: and while it was a slender remuneration for their services, yet their portion was such as rendered them independent, and kept them comfortable; so that they could wait on the Lord’ s work without distraction. This is a proper pattern for the maintenance of the ministers of God: let them have a sufficiency for themselves and families, that there may be no distracting cares; and let them not be encumbered with riches or worldly possessions, that they may not be prevented from taking care of souls.

Clarke: Num 18:28 - -- Thus ye also shall offer a heave-offering - As the Levites had the tithe of the whole land, they themselves were obliged to give the tithe of this t...

Thus ye also shall offer a heave-offering - As the Levites had the tithe of the whole land, they themselves were obliged to give the tithe of this tithe to the priests, so that this considerably lessened their revenue. And this tithe or tenth they were obliged to select from the best part of the substance they had received, Num 18:29, etc. A portion of all must be given to God, as an evidence of his goodness, and their dependence on him. See the end at Num 20:28.

Calvin: Num 18:1 - -- 1.And the Lord said unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons By this solemn appeal God stirs up the priests to devote themselves to their duty with the greatest...

1.And the Lord said unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons By this solemn appeal God stirs up the priests to devote themselves to their duty with the greatest fidelity and zeal, for He declares that if anything should be done contrary to the requirements of religion, they should be accounted guilty of it, since those are said to “bear the iniquity of the sanctuary” who sustain the crime and the punishment of all its pollutions. God would have the sanctuary kept clear from every stain and defect; and also the dignity of the priesthood was to be maintained in chastity and pureness; a heavy burden, therefore, was imposed upon the priests when they were set over the holy things as their guardians, on this condition that if anything were done amiss they were to be exposed to punishment, because the blame rested on them; just as if God had said that negligence alone was tantamount to sacrilege. Thus their honor, conjoined as it was with so much difficulty and danger, was by no means to be envied.

In this way did God admonish them that the legal rites were of no trifling importance, since he so severely avenged all profanations of them; for thus it was easily to be gathered that something far more excellent and altogether divine was to be sought for in these earthly elements. This may also be very properly applied spiritually to all pastors, to whom blame is justly imputed, if religion and the holiness of God’s worship be corrupted, if purity of doctrine impaired, if the welfare of the people endangered, since the care of all these things is entrusted to them.

Calvin: Num 18:2 - -- 2.And thy brethren also He here assigns their duties to the Levites, that they also may minister, but, as it were, under the hand of the priests, viz...

2.And thy brethren also He here assigns their duties to the Levites, that they also may minister, but, as it were, under the hand of the priests, viz., that they may be ruled by their commands. Thus the authority was in the hands of the priests, but the Levites afforded them their assistance. On this ground they are prohibited from approaching the altar, or entering the greater sanctuary; in fact, a lower degree is assigned to them, half-way between the priests and the people. Hence did all learn how reverently God’s majesty must be served; for although He had adopted the whole people, yet so far was it from being lawful that any of the multitude should penetrate to the altar, that the Law even kept back the Levites from thence, although they were God’s peculiar ministers. Moreover, in this figure, we perceive how necessary is a Mediator for us to conciliate God’s favor towards us; for, if it was not allowable for the holy and chosen seed of Abraham to approach the typical sanctuary, how should we, who were aliens, 200 now penetrate to heaven, unless a way of access were opened to us through Christ? Finally, when He forbids strangers from meddling with holy things, He does not mean only foreigners, but all the people, except the tribe of Levi; for here a distinction is drawn, not between the Church and heathen nations, but between the ministers of the sanctuary and the rest of the people.

Calvin: Num 18:5 - -- 5.And ye shall keep the charge He again exhorts the priests to be diligent in the performance of their office, with the addition of a denunciation of...

5.And ye shall keep the charge He again exhorts the priests to be diligent in the performance of their office, with the addition of a denunciation of punishment if they failed in zeal and earnestness. Nor does He now threaten them alone, but the whole people; neither does this contradict the foregoing declaration, inasmuch as the common fault of all by no means lightened theirs. Nay, if God punished the innocent people on account of the pollution of the sanctuary, how much heavier a punishment awaited the priests, ( antistites,) by whose fault the sin was committed, so that they might be justly accounted its authors. Meanwhile let us learn from this passage how sincerely we ought to demean ourselves in the service of God, the profanation of which is intolerable to Him. Moreover, in order that the priests might engage themselves in their duties more actively, and with greater sedulity, He shews that they cannot give way to idleness without base ingratitude, since they reign in a manner over the whole tribe of Levi, or at any rate they hold the supremacy among their brethren. An indirect reproof of their negligence, if they do not faithfully fulfill their duties, is implied, when God reminds them that He has of His liberality honored them with the priesthood. “I have appointed your office, as a gift,” 201 i.e., I have gratuitously conferred on you what was otherwise yours by no right. Others read it differently, viz., “I have appointed your priesthood as a ministration of gift:” but since the meaning amounts to the same thing, nor does it make any difference in the main, we may freely take our choice.

Calvin: Num 18:8 - -- 8.And the Lord spake unto Aaron He now proceeds to state more fully what he had been lately adverting to, as to the rights of the priests with respec...

8.And the Lord spake unto Aaron He now proceeds to state more fully what he had been lately adverting to, as to the rights of the priests with respect to the sacred oblations. We must, however, remember the contrast, which I spoke of, between the priests of the higher order and the Levites; for, whilst the family of Aaron is invested with peculiar honors, the other families of the tribe of Levi are abased. God, then, assigns to the priests alone all the offerings, in which was the greater consecration, called “the holy of holinesses.” 208 An exception will afterwards appear; viz., that the whole was to be deposited, by way of honor, with the priests, out of which they were to pay a part to the Levites, who were performing their office in the service of the sanctuary. He tells them that this privilege is given them “by reason of the anointing,” lest the priests should pride themselves or magnify themselves on this score; for God’s gratuitous liberality ought to instruct us in modesty and humility. It is by this argument that Paul corrects and represses all vain boasting: “Why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?” (1Co 4:7.) Now, the sons of Aaron had obtained their anointing by no other right, than that God had been pleased to elect them to it. This is also indicated by their privilege being spoken of as “a gift:” but God thus more expressly commends His grace, for He makes mention of His gift for another reason, i.e., that none should enter into any dispute or controversy with the priests on this point.

Calvin: Num 18:9 - -- 9.This shall be thine He enumerates certain kinds of sacrifices which He desired to come to the share of the priests; viz., all the residue of the bu...

9.This shall be thine He enumerates certain kinds of sacrifices which He desired to come to the share of the priests; viz., all the residue of the burnt-offerings; secondly, the minha, or meat-offering; thirdly, what was consecrated of the sin and trespass-offerings; although the following clause, “which they shall restore unto me,” seems to be added by way of restriction, as if it only designated those sacrifices of which mention will be elsewhere made, 209 and by which they purged themselves from the guilt of theft, unless it may perhaps be preferred to read it as if to the sin and trespass-offerings this third were added, wherein people restored what did not belong to them, that they might be freed from the guilt of theft. After this He adds the free gifts, which the children of Israel vowed, and the first-fruits of oil, as well as of wine and corn. But this distinction was laid down, that God might more surely prevent jealousy and ill-will; for if there had been any ambiguity, many disputes would have straightway arisen, and thus the reverence due to sacred things would have been impaired. At the same time, however, God prescribes to the priests, that none but males should eat of the burnt-offerings, and nowhere else but in the sanctuary; for there would have been danger (as we said before) that the dignity of these holy offerings would have been lessened, if they had been carried away to private houses and mixed with ordinary meats; besides, God was unwilling to indulge the priests in sumptuous living, but by the very sight of the sanctuary induced them to be frugal and sober in their repasts. For this was a kind of military discipline to encourage abstinence, that they should go away from their wife and family to take their meal. But whatever was offered as a vow, and the first-fruits, He allows to be eaten of by the women, and in their houses, provided only that no unclean person should touch what had once been sacred.

Calvin: Num 18:15 - -- 15.Every thing that openeth the matrix The same thing is now ordained as to the first-born, viz., that the priests should have them also for themselv...

15.Every thing that openeth the matrix The same thing is now ordained as to the first-born, viz., that the priests should have them also for themselves; though at the same time a distinction is inserted, that the first-born of man should be redeemed. With regard to unclean beasts, the owners were free either to redeem or to kill them. But, since this matter is not professedly treated of here, God only briefly declares that He gives to the priests whatever profit may be made of the first-born. The command that the first-born should be redeemed according to the estimation of the priests, does not mean that the priests should themselves prescribe the value, as if they had the authority to do so; but that estimation is referred to by which they were bound according to God’s command, as we saw elsewhere; and this may be readily gathered from the context, because the price is presently added, which God Himself had fixed. As to the first-born of clean animals, another law is given, viz., that they should be killed at the altar, and their fat burned, whilst the flesh was to belong to the priests, like the breast and the right shoulder of the burnt-offerings. But, lest any of the Levites or of the people — since men are always eager for innovation — should ever attempt to violate this decree, all controversy is removed in future ages, when God declares that what He gave to the priests He would never have taken away from them. First, He uses the word edict or decree, 210 which others translate “ statute:” and then adds the title “covenant,” 211 in order that its observation may be more sacred, and less exposed to contentions and quarrels; for nothing could be more indecent than that the priests should dispute regarding their rights and privileges. God, then, signifies that He shall be Himself outraged, if any one should trouble the priests. By the word “salt,” perpetuity is metaphorically expressed; in which, however, God appears to allude to the sacrifices, which it was not lawful to offer unless seasoned with salt; that the Israelites might learn that, by earthly and corruptible things, something greater was designated; for we know that salted meats do not so easily become corrupt. In a word, this metaphor implies inviolable stability.

Calvin: Num 18:20 - -- 20.And the Lord spake unto Aaron This passage only refers in general to the payment of those tithes which were common to all the Levites. We shall so...

20.And the Lord spake unto Aaron This passage only refers in general to the payment of those tithes which were common to all the Levites. We shall soon afterwards see that the Levites, by God’s command, paid other tithes to the priest; and a third sort will be added, which were only offered every third year. As to the present passage, God requires tithes of the people for the maintenance of the tribe of Levi. It is indeed certain that the custom had existed of old among the ancient patriarchs before the Law, that they should vow or offer tithes to God, as appears from the example of Abraham and Jacob. Moreover, the Apostle infers that the priesthood of Melchisedec was superior to that of the Law, because, when Abraham paid him tithes, he also received tithes of Levi himself. (Gen 14:20; Gen 28:22; Heb 7:11.) But there were two different and special reasons for this payment of tithes, which God ordained by Moses. First, because the land had been promised to the seed of Abraham, the Levites were the legitimate inheritors of a twelfth part of it; but they were passed over, and the posterity of Joseph divided into two tribes: unless, therefore, they had been provided for in some other way, the distribution would have been unequal. Again, forasmuch as they were employed in the sanctuary, their labor was worthy of some remuneration, nor was it reasonable that they should be defrauded of their subsistence, when they were set apart for the performance of the sacred offices, and for the instruction of the people. Two reasons are consequently laid down why God would have them receive tithes from the rest of the people, viz., because they had no part in Israel, and because they were engaged in the service of the tabernacle. Besides, God, who as their King laid claim to the tithes as His own right, resigns them to the Levites, and appoints them to be as it were His representatives. To this the words, “I am thine inheritance,” refer.

The manner in which the tithes were employed will be seen afterwards in its proper place: it will be sufficient now to remember that the part which God had taken away from them and transferred to the sons of Joseph was thus compensated for; and since they were withdrawn from domestic cares, that in the name of all the people they might be more at liberty for, and more intent upon, sacred things, an income for their maintenance was thus given them. Wherefore the Papal priests draw a silly inference, when they claim the tithes for themselves, as if due to them in right of the priesthood; else must they needs prove that those, whom they call the laity, are their tenants, as if they were themselves the lords of the twelfth part of all landed property; and again, it would be sacrilege to appropriate the tithes to their own use, and to possess other lands of which they receive the rent. Nor does that expression of the Apostle, which they no less dishonestly than ignorantly allege, help them at all,

"The priesthood being changed, the right also is at the same time transferred.” (Heb 7:12.)

The Apostle there contends, that whatever the Law had conferred on the Levitical priests now belongs to Christ alone, since their dignity and office received its end in Him. These blockheads, just as if they had robbed Christ, appropriate to themselves the honor peculiar to Him. If they duly performed their duties, and, giving up all earthly business, devoted themselves altogether to the instruction of the people, and to the execution of all the other offices of good and faithful pastors, unquestionably they ought to be maintained by the public; as Paul correctly infers that a subsistence is now no less due to the ministers of the Gospel than of old to the priests who waited at the altar, (1Co 9:14;) but under this pretext they unjustly lay hands on the tithes, as if they were their owners, and with still greater impudence accumulate landed properties and other revenues.

It is probable that when the Roman Emperors 214 first professed themselves Christians, either induced by just and proper feelings, or out of superstition, or impressed with a pious solicitude that the Church should not be without ministers, they gave the tithes for the maintenance of the clergy; for whilst the Roman State was kee, the people used to exact tithes from their tributary nations. And this was the case, too, where there were kings; for the Sicilians 215 paid tithes before the Romans obtained dominion over them. Moreover, if there was a scarcity of corn in the city, the senate demanded a second tithe of the provinces. Nay, we gather from 1Sa 8:15, that it was a most ancient custom for kings to receive tithes; so that we need not be surprised that the Romans should have imitated this example. Whence we may infer that, when the Emperors wished to bestow a maintenance on pastors out of the public stock, they rather chose a tenth than any other proportion, that they might imitate God. And in fact some traces of this still remain; for the tithes do not everywhere belong to the priests; and it is well known that a good part of them are swallowed up by monks and abbots, who were not formerly reckoned among the clergy. I need not say that some lands are tithe free. But how would the Pope have allowed them to be held by laymen, if, by divine right, (as they stupidly prate,) they had been the sacred inheritance of the clergy? In conclusion, inasmuch as titlies are to be counted amongst public imposts and tributes, let not private individuals refuse to pay them, unless they wish to destroy the political state and government of kingdoms; but let pious princes take care to correct abuses, so that idle bellies may not devour public revenues which are devoted to the Church.

I am thy part I have just before explained the meaning of this clause, viz., that, because the Levites were excluded from the common inheritance, God compensates this loss out of what is His, as if they received it from His hand; as much as to say, that He in Himself afforded a supply abundantly sufficient for their remuneration. Meanwhile, they are commanded to be contented in Him alone. Nor can we doubt but that David alludes to this passage when he exclaims,

"The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance; the lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places,” (Psa 16:5;)

for he intimates not only that God is more to him than all earthly wealth, but that in comparison with Him all that others accounted to be most excellent and delectable was worthless. Since now we are all made priests in Christ, this condition is imposed upon us, that we should seek no other portion. Not that we are actually to renounce all earthly goods, but because our felicity is so securely based on Him, that, contented with Him, we should patiently endure the want of all things, whilst those who possess anything should be no less free and unentangled than as if they possessed nothing.

Calvin: Num 18:22 - -- 22.Neither must the children of Israel He again inculcates what he had before said, that the Levites were chosen to attend to the sacred things; sinc...

22.Neither must the children of Israel He again inculcates what he had before said, that the Levites were chosen to attend to the sacred things; since God would not admit all the people promiscuously, as before the giving of the Law, when others also offered the sacrifices. But, nevertheless, He strongly charges them that they should be attentive to the performance of their duties, since, if any of them should offend, their crime would be fatal; for so we must understand His words, “they shall bear their iniquity 202 to die:” just as in the next verse He says that they shall be guilty of all the pollutions, for, if the service of God should be defiled by inadvertency, the crime shall be imputed to them.

Calvin: Num 18:25 - -- 25.And the Lord spake unto Moses This is another kind of tithe, i.e., a hundredth part of the whole produce, which the Levites paid to the priests....

25.And the Lord spake unto Moses This is another kind of tithe, i.e., a hundredth part of the whole produce, which the Levites paid to the priests. Some reckon a third kind; but I have given my reasons why I do not agree with this opinion. Assuredly it is not probable that in the same year double tithes were exacted and paid. Let this twofold division, therefore, be enough for us. A larger portion was given to the priests, not only as an honorable distinction, but. because greater holiness and integrity in expending them was expected from them; and also that they might meet many peculiar burdens. Lest then the Levites should be too sordid and niggardly, God declares that their theft would be no less wicked if they dealt dishonestly towards the priests, than as if the people should withhold any part of their own just share; for this is the object of the words, that the tithe of the tithes, which they are commanded to pay, should be as if they paid it from the threshing-floor and the wine-press, (Num 18:27;) as though it were said that they were no more exempted from the second tithes, than the people from the first. The precept is then still further extended, viz., that they should offer a part of all the offerings. Thirdly, sincere liberality is inculcated upon them, that they should not lay aside as the priests’ portion anything that was lean or out of condition, or in any respect of inferior quality, but that they should rather offer whatever was most choice; for this is what is meant by the word חלב , cheleb, 224 which some translate adeps; the word pinguedo seemed more suitable, in which, however, there is a metaphor contained.

TSK: Num 18:1 - -- Thou : Num 17:3, Num 17:7, Num 17:13; Heb 4:15 shall bear : To counterbalance the high honour conferred on Aaron and his family, and to allay the fear...

Thou : Num 17:3, Num 17:7, Num 17:13; Heb 4:15

shall bear : To counterbalance the high honour conferred on Aaron and his family, and to allay the fears and abate the envy of the people, it is here declared, that the priest must bear the blame of everything which was not properly conducted in the sanctuary. Num 18:22, Num 14:34; Exo 28:38; Lev 22:9; Isa 53:6, Isa 53:11; Eze 3:18, Eze 3:19; Act 20:26, Act 20:27; Heb 13:17; 1Pe 2:24

TSK: Num 18:2 - -- joined unto thee : There is a fine paronomasia in the original. Levi is desired from lawah , to join, couple, associate; hence Moses says, the Levi...

joined unto thee : There is a fine paronomasia in the original. Levi is desired from lawah , to join, couple, associate; hence Moses says, the Levites yillawoo , ""shall be joined,""or associated, with the priestscaps1 . tcaps0 hey shall conjointly perform the sacred office, but the priests shall be principal, the Levites their associates or assistants. Num 18:4; Gen 29:34

minister : Num 3:6-9, Num 8:19, Num 8:22

but thou : Num 3:10-13, Num 4:15, Num 16:40, Num 17:7; 1Ch 16:39, 1Ch 16:40; 2Ch 30:16; Eze 44:15

TSK: Num 18:3 - -- only they : Num 3:25, Num 3:31, Num 3:36, Num 4:19, Num 4:20, Num 16:40 neither : Num 4:15

TSK: Num 18:4 - -- a stranger : Num 1:51, Num 3:10; 1Sa 6:19; 2Sa 6:6, 2Sa 6:7

TSK: Num 18:5 - -- And ye : Num 8:2; Exo 27:21, Exo 30:7-10; Lev 24:3; 1Ch 9:19, 1Ch 9:23, 1Ch 9:33, 1Ch 24:5; 1Ti 1:18; 1Ti 3:15, 1Ti 5:21, 1Ti 6:20 no wrath : Num 8:19...

TSK: Num 18:6 - -- And I : Gen 6:17, Gen 9:9; Exo 14:17, Exo 31:6; Isa 48:15, Isa 51:12; Eze 34:11, Eze 34:20 I have : Num 3:12, Num 3:45 given : Num 3:9, Num 8:16-19

TSK: Num 18:7 - -- Therefore thou : Num 18:5, Num 3:10 within : Lev 16:2, Lev 16:12-14; Heb 9:3-6 as a service : Num 16:5-7; 1Sa 2:28; Joh 3:27; Rom 15:15, Rom 15:16; Ep...

TSK: Num 18:8 - -- the charge : Num 18:9; Lev 6:16, Lev 6:18, Lev 6:20, Lev 6:26, Lev 7:6, Lev 7:32-34, Lev 10:14, Lev 10:15; Deu 12:6, Deu 12:11, Deu 26:13 by reason : ...

TSK: Num 18:9 - -- every meat : Lev 2:2, Lev 2:3, Lev 10:12, Lev 10:13 every sin : Lev 4:22, Lev 4:27, Lev 6:25, Lev 6:26, Lev 10:17 every trespass : Lev 5:1, Lev 5:6, L...

TSK: Num 18:10 - -- In the : Exo 29:31, Exo 29:32; Lev 6:16, Lev 6:26, Lev 6:29, Lev 7:6, Lev 10:13, Lev 10:17, Lev 14:13 every male : Lev 6:18, Lev 6:29, Lev 7:6, Lev 21...

TSK: Num 18:11 - -- the heave : Num 18:8; Exo 29:27, Exo 29:28; Lev 7:14, Lev 7:30-34 unto thee : Lev 10:14; Deu 18:3 every one : Lev 22:2, Lev 22:3, Lev 22:11-13

TSK: Num 18:12 - -- best of the oil : Heb. fat, Num 18:29 the firstfruits : Num 15:19-21; Exo 22:29, Exo 23:19, Exo 34:26; Lev 2:14, Lev 23:17, Lev 23:20; Deu 18:4; Deu 2...

TSK: Num 18:13 - -- whatsoever : Exo 22:29; Jer 24:2; Hos 9:10; Mic 7:1 every one : Num 18:11

whatsoever : Exo 22:29; Jer 24:2; Hos 9:10; Mic 7:1

every one : Num 18:11

TSK: Num 18:14 - -- Lev 27:28; Eze 44:29 *marg.

TSK: Num 18:15 - -- openeth : Num 3:13; Exo 13:2, Exo 13:12, Exo 22:29, Exo 34:20; Lev 27:26 the firstborn : Exo 13:13, Exo 34:20; Lev 27:27

TSK: Num 18:16 - -- shalt thou redeem : Redemption of the firstborn is one of the rites which are still practised among the Jews. According to Leo of Modena, it is perfo...

shalt thou redeem : Redemption of the firstborn is one of the rites which are still practised among the Jews. According to Leo of Modena, it is performed in the following manner: - When the child is thirty days old, the father sends for one of the descendants of Aaroncaps1 . scaps0 everal persons being assembled on the occasion, the father brings a cup, containing several pieces of gold and silver coin. The priest then takes the child into his arms, and addressing himself to the mother, he says, ""Is this thy son?""Mother. ""Yes.""Priest. ""Hast thou never had another child, male or female, a miscarriage, or untimely birth?""Mother. ""No.""Priest. ""This being the case, this child, as firstborn, belongs to me.""Then turning to the father, he says, ""If it be thy desire to have this child, thou must redeem it.""Father. ""I present thee with this gold and silver for this purpose.""Priest. ""Thou dost wish, therefore, to redeem this child?""Father. ""I do wish so to do.""The priest then turning himself to the assembly, says, ""Very wellcaps1 . tcaps0 his child, as first-born, is mine; as it is written in Bemidbar (Num 18:16), Thou shalt redeem the first-born of a month old for five shekels; but I shall content myself with this in exchange.""He then takes two gold crowns, or thereabouts, and returns the child to his parents.

according : Num 3:47; Lev 27:2-7

which is : Exo 30:13; Lev 27:25; Eze 45:12

TSK: Num 18:17 - -- the firstling : Deu 15:19-22 thou shalt : Exo 29:16; Lev 3:2-5

the firstling : Deu 15:19-22

thou shalt : Exo 29:16; Lev 3:2-5

TSK: Num 18:18 - -- Exo 29:26-28; Lev 7:31-34

TSK: Num 18:19 - -- the heave : Num 18:8, Num 18:11, Num 15:19-21, Num 31:29, Num 31:41; Lev 7:14; Deu 12:6; 2Ch 31:4 it is a : Lev 2:13; 2Ch 13:5

TSK: Num 18:20 - -- Thou shalt have : The principal part of what was offered to God was the portion of the priests; who had no inheritance of land in Israel. The Rabbins...

Thou shalt have : The principal part of what was offered to God was the portion of the priests; who had no inheritance of land in Israel. The Rabbins say, 24 gifts were given to the priests; all of which are expressed in the law.

no inheritance : Num 18:23, Num 18:24, Num 26:62; Deu 10:9, Deu 12:12, Deu 14:27, Deu 14:29; Jos 14:3
Eaten only in the sanctuary
1. The flesh of the sin-offeringLev 6:25, Lev 6:26
2. The flesh of the trespass-offeringLev 7:1, Lev 7:6
3. The peace-offering of the congregationLev 23:19, Lev 23:20
4. The remainder of the sheafLev 23:10
5. The remnants of the meat-offeringsLev 6:16
6. The two loavesLev 23:17
7. The shew-breadLev 24:9
8. The log of oil offered by the leperLev 14:10
Eaten only at Jerusalem
1. The breast and shoulder of the peace-offeringsLev 7:31-34
2. The heave-offering of confessionLev 7:12-14
3. The heave-offering of the Nazarite’ s ramLev 6:17-20
4. The firstlingLev 18:15
5. The first-fruitsLev 18:13
Due only in the land of Israel
1. The heave-offering of first-fruitsLev 12:1-8
2. Of the titheLev. 28
3. The cakeLev 15:20
4. The first of the fleeceDeu 18:4
5. The field of possessionLev. 35
Due both within and without the land
1. The gifts of slain beastsDeu 18:3
2. The redemption of the first-bornDeu 18:15
3. The lamb for a firstling assExo 4:20
4. That taken by violence from a strangerLev 5:8
5. All devoted things 
From the sanctuary
1. The skins, etc.Lev 7:8
Decreases 61,020
Increases 59,200
Change -1,820
It should be observed, that among these there was not one of the former census, except Joshua and Caleb. (See note on Num 26:64, and see note on Num 26:65.) Thus, though there was such an amazing increase in seven tribes, yet so great was the decrease in the other five tribes, that the balance against the present census is 1,820, as appears above. Notwithstanding the amazing increase in some, and decrease in other tribes, the same sort of proportion is kept in their several divisions; so as to keep the division in the front the largest, and that in the rear the next.

I am thy part : Deu 18:1, Deu 18:2; Jos 13:14, Jos 13:33, Jos 14:3, Jos 18:7; Psa 16:5, Psa 73:26, Psa 142:5; Lam 3:24; Eze 44:28; 1Co 3:21-23; Rev 21:3

TSK: Num 18:21 - -- the tenth : Num 18:24-26; Lev 27:30-32; Deu 12:17-19, Deu 14:22-29; 2Ch 31:5, 2Ch 31:6, 2Ch 31:12; Neh 10:37-39, Neh 12:44, Neh 13:12 even the service...

TSK: Num 18:22 - -- come nigh : Num 18:7, Num 1:52, Num 3:10, Num 3:38 bear sin : Lev 20:20, Lev 22:9 and die : Heb. to die

come nigh : Num 18:7, Num 1:52, Num 3:10, Num 3:38

bear sin : Lev 20:20, Lev 22:9

and die : Heb. to die

TSK: Num 18:23 - -- do the service : Num 3:7 among : Num 18:20

do the service : Num 3:7

among : Num 18:20

TSK: Num 18:24 - -- Mal 3:8-10

TSK: Num 18:26 - -- then ye shall : Num 18:19 a tenth part : Neh 10:38

then ye shall : Num 18:19

a tenth part : Neh 10:38

TSK: Num 18:27 - -- as though : Lev 6:19-23 the corn : Num 18:30, Num 15:20; Deu 15:14; 2Ki 6:27; Hos 9:1, Hos 9:2

TSK: Num 18:28 - -- and ye shall : Gen 14:18; Heb 6:20, Heb 7:1-10

and ye shall : Gen 14:18; Heb 6:20, Heb 7:1-10

TSK: Num 18:29 - -- best : Heb. fat, Num 18:12

best : Heb. fat, Num 18:12

TSK: Num 18:30 - -- the best : Num 18:28; Gen 43:11; Deu 6:5; Pro 3:9, Pro 3:10; Mal 1:8; Mat 6:33, Mat 10:37-39; Phi 3:8, Phi 3:9 then it shall : Num 18:27

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Num 18:1 - -- The iniquity of the sanctuary - i. e. the guilt of the offences which an erring people would be continually committing against the majesty of G...

The iniquity of the sanctuary - i. e. the guilt of the offences which an erring people would be continually committing against the majesty of God, when brought into contact, through the ordinances, with the manifestations of His presence. Compare the marginal reference.

The iniquity of your priesthood - As the priests themselves were but men, they were strengthened to bear the iniquity of their own unintentional offences, by being entrusted with the ceremonial means of taking it away (compare Lev. 16). The word "bear"has, in the Old Testament, this double sense of "enduring"and "removing;"but in the person of Christ, who atoned by His own endurance, the two axe in effect one.

Barnes: Num 18:4 - -- A stranger - i. e. every one not a Levite. So in Num 18:7, it denotes each one who was not a priest: compare Num 3:10; Num 16:40.

A stranger - i. e. every one not a Levite. So in Num 18:7, it denotes each one who was not a priest: compare Num 3:10; Num 16:40.

Barnes: Num 18:6-7 - -- The Lord instructs here the priests that the office which they fill, and the help which they enjoy, are gifts from Him, and are to be viewed as such...

The Lord instructs here the priests that the office which they fill, and the help which they enjoy, are gifts from Him, and are to be viewed as such.

Barnes: Num 18:8 - -- By reason of the anointing - See Lev 7:35.

By reason of the anointing - See Lev 7:35.

Barnes: Num 18:10 - -- In the most holy place - Rather, "among the most holy things;"as in Num 4:4 : i. e. "As the most holy of things shalt thou eat it."Accordingly,...

In the most holy place - Rather, "among the most holy things;"as in Num 4:4 : i. e. "As the most holy of things shalt thou eat it."Accordingly, only the males of the priestly families could eat of the things here specified.

Barnes: Num 18:15 - -- Surely redeem ... redeem - A stronger expression is intentionally used in reference to the redemption of the first-born of man than in referenc...

Surely redeem ... redeem - A stronger expression is intentionally used in reference to the redemption of the first-born of man than in reference to that of unclean beasts. For the rule as to the former admitted of no exception: the owner of the latter, if unwilling to redeem, might destroy the beasts. Compare the marginal references.

Barnes: Num 18:19 - -- A covenant of salt - Compare the marginal reference. covenants were ordinarily cemented in the East by the rites of hospitality; of which salt ...

A covenant of salt - Compare the marginal reference. covenants were ordinarily cemented in the East by the rites of hospitality; of which salt was the obvious token, entering as it does into every article of diet. It indicates perpetuity: compare Lev 2:13 note.

Barnes: Num 18:20 - -- I am thy part and thine inheritance - Compare the marginal references.

I am thy part and thine inheritance - Compare the marginal references.

Barnes: Num 18:21 - -- Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek: Jacob had promised the tithe of all wherewith God blessed him if he should return in peace to his father’ s...

Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek: Jacob had promised the tithe of all wherewith God blessed him if he should return in peace to his father’ s house. But now first the Lord’ s tithes are assigned to the Levites for their support (compare Lev 27:30). The payment of tithes to them is recognized in Neh 10:37; Neh 12:44; Tobit 1:7.

Barnes: Num 18:23 - -- Bear their iniquity - The words probably refer to the iniquity of the people; who would, had they approached the tabernacle have fallen, from t...

Bear their iniquity - The words probably refer to the iniquity of the people; who would, had they approached the tabernacle have fallen, from their proneness to transgress, into overt acts of offence. Against such a result they were, through the ministrations of the Levites, mercifully protected. Compare Num 18:1.

Barnes: Num 18:24 - -- Here the tithes (and in Num 18:26 the priestly tithes) are to be dedicated to their purpose by the ceremony of heaving them to the Lord. The tithes,...

Here the tithes (and in Num 18:26 the priestly tithes) are to be dedicated to their purpose by the ceremony of heaving them to the Lord. The tithes, being solemnly set apart for sacred purposes, became virtually a heave-offering, like the gifts for the tabernacle Exo 25:2.

Barnes: Num 18:27 - -- Reckoned unto you - Or, by you. The Levites were, of their tithes, to pay tithe to the priests, just as other Israelites paid tithe to the Levi...

Reckoned unto you - Or, by you. The Levites were, of their tithes, to pay tithe to the priests, just as other Israelites paid tithe to the Levites.

Barnes: Num 18:29 - -- Out of all your gifts - The spirit of this law would extend to all the revenues of the Levites; of the increase of their cattle, as well as of ...

Out of all your gifts - The spirit of this law would extend to all the revenues of the Levites; of the increase of their cattle, as well as of their tithes, a tithe would be paid by them for the Lord’ s service.

Poole: Num 18:1 - -- The iniquity of the sanctuary i.e. shall suffer the punishment of all the usurpations or pollutions of the sanctuary, or the holy things, by the Levi...

The iniquity of the sanctuary i.e. shall suffer the punishment of all the usurpations or pollutions of the sanctuary, or the holy things, by the Levites or any of the people, because you have authority and power from me to keep them all within their bounds, and I expect you use it to that cud. Thus the people are in good measure secured against their fears expressed Num 17:12,13 . Also they are informed that Aaron’ s high dignity was attended with great burdens, having not only his own, but the people’ s sins to answer for; and therefore they had no such reason to envy him as they might think, if the benefits and encumbrances and dangers were equally considered.

Of your priesthood i.e. of all the errors committed by yourselves, or by you permitted in others in things belonging to your priesthood.

Poole: Num 18:2 - -- Minister unto thee about sacrifices and offerings and other things, according to the rules and limits I have prescribed them. The Levites are said to...

Minister unto thee about sacrifices and offerings and other things, according to the rules and limits I have prescribed them. The Levites are said to minister to Aaron here, to the church, Num 16:9 , and to God, Deu 10:8 . They shall not contend with thee for superiority, as they have done, but they shall be subordinate and servants to thee.

Thou and thy sons with thee or, both to thee , and to thy sons with thee ; which translation may seem to be favoured by the following words,

before the tabernacle which was the proper place where the Levites ministered, whereas the priests did minister to God both before and in the tabernacle. Besides, both the foregoing words, and the two following verses, do entirely speak of the ministry of the Levites, and the ministry of the priests is distinctly spoken of Num 18:5 .

Poole: Num 18:3 - -- Thy charge i.e. that which thou shalt command them and commit unto them. Of all the tabernacle i.e. of the boards and hangings and utensils of the ...

Thy charge i.e. that which thou shalt command them and commit unto them.

Of all the tabernacle i.e. of the boards and hangings and utensils of the tabernacle, to take them down, and carry them, and set them up again.

The vessels which therefore were to be covered by the priests before the Levites might meddle with them.

They, nor ye they for presuming to touch them, and you for your negligence in not covering them well, or not looking to them.

Poole: Num 18:5 - -- Of the sanctuary i.e. of the holy, and of the most holy, place. Upon the children of Israel for coming too near the holy place, or for usurping any...

Of the sanctuary i.e. of the holy, and of the most holy, place.

Upon the children of Israel for coming too near the holy place, or for usurping any part of your sacred function, or for any other miscarriage which they may be guilty of through your carelessness or remissness, in which case they shall perish for their error, but their blood will I require at your hands, who should have advised them better, or overruled them.

Poole: Num 18:6 - -- For the Lord i.e. for the service of the Lord, to assist you therein, in the servile and troublesome parts of it.

For the Lord i.e. for the service of the Lord, to assist you therein, in the servile and troublesome parts of it.

Poole: Num 18:7 - -- The altar to wit, of burnt-offering, as appears from the following words. Within the veil This phrase elsewhere signifies the inward or second veil...

The altar to wit, of burnt-offering, as appears from the following words.

Within the veil This phrase elsewhere signifies the inward or second veil, but here it signifies either the outward veil only, or rather both the veils, the singular number being put for the plural, as when the altar is put for both the altars, as hath been noted; and so this phrase comprehends both the holy and the most holy place.

As a service of gift as a gift which I have freely conferred upon you, and upon you alone; and therefore let no man henceforth dare either to charge you with arrogance and usurpation in appropriating this to yourselves, or to invade your office.

Poole: Num 18:8 - -- Unto thee have I given them not only the charge of them, but the use of them for thyself and family, in such manner as I have elsewhere expressed. T...

Unto thee have I given them not only the charge of them, but the use of them for thyself and family, in such manner as I have elsewhere expressed.

The anointing to wit, to the priestly office, i.e. because thou art priest, and art to devote thyself wholly to my service; which, that thou mayst perform more diligently and cheerfully, I give thee this recompence.

Poole: Num 18:9 - -- The most holy things such as were to be eaten only by the priests, and that in the sanctuary. How these differ from the holy things , see on Lev 6:1...

The most holy things such as were to be eaten only by the priests, and that in the sanctuary. How these differ from the holy things , see on Lev 6:17 .

Reserved from the fire i.e. such sacrifices or such parts of sacrifices as were not burnt in the fire.

Every oblation which may be understood either,

1. Of the wave-loaves, Lev 23:17 , and the shew-bread, which were most holy things , Lev 23:20 24:9 , and which did belong to the priest; nor was there any other such oblation besides what is here particularly expressed; for the peace-offerings were not most holy, and the burnt-offerings were not the priest’ s. Or,

2. Of oblations in general; and so the following particulars are mentioned by way of explication and restriction of that general word, to show what oblations are here meant, and to exclude peace-offerings and burnt-offerings.

Which they shalt render unto me by way of compensation for a trespass committed against me, in which case a ram was to be offered, Lev 6:2,6 , which was a most holy thing, and may be particularly designed here.

Shall be most holy thou shalt esteem it a most holy thing, and shalt use it accordingly, in manner following. Or, these are most holy , and therefore shall be

for thee, and for thy sons to wit, exclusively, none else may eat them.

Poole: Num 18:10 - -- In the most holy place to wit, in the court of the priests, where there were places for this use; see Lev 6:16,17,26 7:6 8:31 14:13 Neh 13:5,9 Eze 42...

In the most holy place to wit, in the court of the priests, where there were places for this use; see Lev 6:16,17,26 7:6 8:31 14:13 Neh 13:5,9 Eze 42:13 ; which is called the most holy place , not simply and absolutely, as the place within the veil was, but in respect of the thing he speaks of, because this was the most holy of all the places appointed for caring of holy things, whereof some might be catch in any clean place in the camp, Lev 10:14 , or in their own houses. And as the most holy place is sometimes called simply holy , so it is not strange if a holy place be called most holy , especially this place which was near to the altar of burnt-offerings, which is called most holy , and made all that touched it holy, Exo 29:37 . And God would have these things eaten by them in a holy place, as in God’ s presence, that they might be obliged to the greater caution, and not to abuse God’ s good creatures, and especially holy things, to intemperance; and that they might learn to eat this and their other food with thankfulness to God the giver of it, and with respect to his service and glory, which was afterward prescribed to Christians, 1Co 10:31 1Ti 4:3 .

Every male and they only; whereas of peace-offerings the females might eat their share, Deu 12:18 .

Poole: Num 18:11 - -- The heave-offering i.e. the right shoulder, which was the priest’ s. Of their gift to wit, of their peace-offerings, as may appear, because he...

The heave-offering i.e. the right shoulder, which was the priest’ s.

Of their gift to wit, of their peace-offerings, as may appear, because here is an enumeration of all that belonged to the priest in the several oblations, and therefore it is not likely that he would omit the peace-offerings, wherein the priest had a share, and the very share here spoken of and called a heave-offering , which was the right shoulder , Lev 7:32 , which also might be eaten by the daughters, Lev 7:34 10:14 , as is here said. See Num 6:17 , &c. The wave-offerings , to wit, the breasts of the peace-offerings, which were waved Lev 7:30,31,34 .

With thee i.e. who are with thee in thy house; for if they were married to strangers, they might not eat of them, Lev 22:12,13 .

In thy house to wit, as fixed members of thy house, though they be bond-slaves; for strangers and hired servants were excepted, Lev 22:10,11 .

Poole: Num 18:12 - -- The best Heb. the fat for the best: the fat of wheat is the best of it, Deu 32:14 Psa 81:16 147:14 . The first-fruits of them as well those whi...

The best Heb. the fat for the best: the fat of wheat is the best of it, Deu 32:14 Psa 81:16 147:14 .

The first-fruits of them as well those which were offered in the name and behalf of the body of the people at the solemn feasts, Lev 23:10,17 , as those which were required of particular persons, Exo 22:29 23:19 ; whereof the precise quantity is not determined, but left free to the giver, as an exercise for his piety and charity, only they are enjoined to give the first and the best of them.

Poole: Num 18:13 - -- i.e. Not only the first-fruits of the oil, and wine, and wheat now mentioned, but all other first-fruits of all other grains, and all fruit-trees, &...

i.e. Not only the first-fruits of the oil, and wine, and wheat now mentioned, but all other first-fruits of all other grains, and all fruit-trees, &c.

Every one that is clean and none else, because these were first offered to God, and by consequent given to the priests; but for those which were directly and immediately given to the priests, the clean and unclean might eat of them.

Poole: Num 18:14 - -- Dedicated to God by vow or otherwise, provided it be such a thing as might be catch or consumed by use; for the vessels or treasures of gold and sil...

Dedicated to God by vow or otherwise, provided it be such a thing as might be catch or consumed by use; for the vessels or treasures of gold and silver which were devoted or dedicated by Joshua, David, or others, were not the priests’ but were appropriated to the uses of the temple.

Poole: Num 18:15 - -- Whether it be of men which were offered to God in his temple, Exo 13:12 Luk 2:22 , and to his service and disposal.

Whether it be of men which were offered to God in his temple, Exo 13:12 Luk 2:22 , and to his service and disposal.

Poole: Num 18:16 - -- Those that are to be redeemed to wit, of men only, not of unclean beasts last mentioned, as is manifest from the time and price of redemption here me...

Those that are to be redeemed to wit, of men only, not of unclean beasts last mentioned, as is manifest from the time and price of redemption here mentioned, both which agree to men; the time, Num 18:16 ; the price, Num 3:46,47 ; but neither agree to unclean beasts, which were to be redeemed with a sheep, Exo 13:13 , and that after it was eight days old.

According to thine estimation: this belongs either,

1. To the foregoing clause, to this purpose, that whereas women newly delivered of a child continued in their uncleanness either a longer or shorter time, according to the quality of the birth, as it was male or female, Lev 12:4,5 , and the temper of the mother, the priest was to take that time when he judged the mother to be clean, that so the mother might be purified and the child redeemed at the same time. Or rather,

2. To the following clause, to wit, the price which was to be paid, as appears by comparing this place with Lev 27:2,3 . And both there and here it is said to be done according to the priest’ s estimation, though a certain rule be added to guide his estimation, and a certain price set, because the priest was to apply that general rule to each person, and to put that price upon him.

Poole: Num 18:17 - -- They are holy to wit, in a peculiar manner, and higher degree than other beasts, consecrated to a holy use, even to be sacrificed unto God, and not t...

They are holy to wit, in a peculiar manner, and higher degree than other beasts, consecrated to a holy use, even to be sacrificed unto God, and not to be redeemed nor alienated to any other use. Compare Deu 15:19 .

Poole: Num 18:18 - -- The flesh all the flesh of them, and not only some parts, as in other sacrifices.

The flesh all the flesh of them, and not only some parts, as in other sacrifices.

Poole: Num 18:19 - -- A covenant of salt i.e. a durable and perpetual covenant; so called here and 2Ch 13:5 , either because salt is a sign of incorruption, as being of si...

A covenant of salt i.e. a durable and perpetual covenant; so called here and 2Ch 13:5 , either because salt is a sign of incorruption, as being of singular use to preserve things from corruption; or because it is confirmed and ratified on their part by salt, which is therefore called

the salt of the covenant for which the priests were obliged to take care that it should never be lacking from any meat-offering , Lev 2:13 . And this promise or privilege conferred upon the priests is called a

covenant because it is given them conditionally, upon condition of their service, and care about the worship of God, and sacrifices, which were commonly accompanied with meat-offerings, and therefore with salt.

Poole: Num 18:20 - -- In their land i.e. in the land of the children of Israel, mentioned Num 18:13 . You shall not have a distinct and separate portion of land, as the ot...

In their land i.e. in the land of the children of Israel, mentioned Num 18:13 . You shall not have a distinct and separate portion of land, as the other tribes shall. The reason of this law was, partly, because God would have them wholly devoted to and employed in his service, and therefore; free from worldly encumbrances and businesses; partly, because God had abundantly provided for them otherwise by tithes and first-fruits and oblations of all sorts; partly, because God would have their worldly comfort and happiness depend singly upon him and his service, and so would; oblige them to use more zeal and diligence in the advancement of piety, even for their own interest, which was either better or worse as true religion flourished or decayed; see Jud 17:9,10 19:18 2Ch 13:9 30:22 31:4 ; partly, that this might be a firm bond of hearty love and affection between the people and their teachers, the Levites, who, as they performed religious services for the people, so they received their subsistence from them; and partly, that by this means being dispersed among the several tribes, they might have the better opportunity for teaching and watching over the people, which was their duty, Deu 33:10 2Ch 30:22 Mal 2:4-7 .

I am thy part i.e. I have appointed thee a liberal maintenance out of my oblations.

Poole: Num 18:21 - -- For the tithes were all given to the Levites, and out of their tithes the tenth was given to the priests, here Num 18:26 , & C, and Neh 10:37,38 .

For the tithes were all given to the Levites, and out of their tithes the tenth was given to the priests, here Num 18:26 , & C, and Neh 10:37,38 .

Poole: Num 18:22 - -- i.e. So nigh as to do any act proper to the priests or Levites.

i.e. So nigh as to do any act proper to the priests or Levites.

Poole: Num 18:23 - -- Their iniquity i.e. the punishment due not only for their own, but also for the people’ s miscarriage, if it be committed through their connivan...

Their iniquity i.e. the punishment due not only for their own, but also for the people’ s miscarriage, if it be committed through their connivance or negligence. And this was the reason why the priests withstood king Uzziah, when he would have burnt incense to the Lord, 2Ch 26:17,18 .

Poole: Num 18:24 - -- As an heave-offering unto the Lord i.e. as a rent charge or an acknowledgment that they have and hold all their lands, and the fruits of it, from God...

As an heave-offering unto the Lord i.e. as a rent charge or an acknowledgment that they have and hold all their lands, and the fruits of it, from God’ s bounty. Note that the word

heave-offering which is for the most part understood of a particular kind of offerings heaved or lifted up to the Lord, is here used for any offering in general, as before, Num 18:8 .

Poole: Num 18:27 - -- It shall be accepted of you as much as if you offered it out of your own lands and labours.

It shall be accepted of you as much as if you offered it out of your own lands and labours.

Poole: Num 18:28 - -- And to his children, which were one with him, and were all to have their share herein.

And to his children, which were one with him, and were all to have their share herein.

Poole: Num 18:29 - -- Out of all your gifts not only out of your tithes, but out of the other gifts which you receive from the people, and out of those fields which shall ...

Out of all your gifts not only out of your tithes, but out of the other gifts which you receive from the people, and out of those fields which shall belong to your cities.

Ye shall offer to wit, to the priest.

Every heave-offering i.e. as many gifts, so many heave-offerings; you shall reserve a part out of each of them for the priest.

The hallowed part thereof: this may describe either,

1. The nature and proportion of this offering, and so peradventure he means the tenth part, which was the part or proportion that God hallowed or sanctified to himself as his proper portion, both here and elsewhere; or,

2. The reason or ground of this offering, because it is a thing hallowed or appropriated by God to himself, and given by him to the priest, and because the payment of this due doth hallow all the rest, so as they may use it with comfort and good conscience, as it follows, Num 18:31,32 .

Haydock: Num 18:1 - -- First-ripe, ( initia. ) "The beginnings" (Haydock) of the fruit of trees, in the fourth year, Leviticus xix. 24. It may also comprise all the fruit...

First-ripe, ( initia. ) "The beginnings" (Haydock) of the fruit of trees, in the fourth year, Leviticus xix. 24. It may also comprise all the fruits of the earth. (Calmet) ---

First-fruits must be distinguished from tithes, which were only the tenth part. The former were offered immediately to the Lord, but the latter to the priests, &c., for their support. Besides the first-fruits of ears of corn at the Passover, and of bread at Pentecost, and at every weekly baking, first-fruits were to be given in the 7th month of the harvest and of the vintage, according to each person's generosity, provided he gave between the 40th and the 60th part of his revenue; and these last are commonly the first-fruits meant in Scripture. ---

Lord, in sacrifice. If they were given to the priest, the unclean might partake of them. (Menochius)

Haydock: Num 18:1 - -- Priesthood. If you transgress, or if you neglect to instruct and watch over those who are employed about the sanctuary, you shall be responsible f...

Priesthood. If you transgress, or if you neglect to instruct and watch over those who are employed about the sanctuary, you shall be responsible for it. (Calmet) ---

You must resist those strangers who would intrude themselves into the office, which I have confirmed to you by miracles. (Menochius)

Haydock: Num 18:2 - -- Sceptre. Hebrew shebet, denotes also "tribe, family," &c. The princes of families probably bore a sceptre, as we find all magistrates did in the ...

Sceptre. Hebrew shebet, denotes also "tribe, family," &c. The princes of families probably bore a sceptre, as we find all magistrates did in the days of Homer. (Iliad i.; Virgil, Æneid xii.) (Calmet) ---

All the other children of Aaron's father, were to be in the order of the Levites, among whom even Moses left his own family, though he was himself an extraordinary priest. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 18:4 - -- Stranger; even born of a woman of the tribe of Levi. (Maimonides)

Stranger; even born of a woman of the tribe of Levi. (Maimonides)

Haydock: Num 18:7 - -- Priests. Hebrew, "you shall serve in the ministry of priests which I have given you." The office was not due to them on account of any superior mer...

Priests. Hebrew, "you shall serve in the ministry of priests which I have given you." The office was not due to them on account of any superior merit. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 18:8 - -- Charge, as stewards or dispensers (Calmet) of what is offered to me; part of which I abandon to your use, as long as your republic shall subsist. (M...

Charge, as stewards or dispensers (Calmet) of what is offered to me; part of which I abandon to your use, as long as your republic shall subsist. (Menochius) ---

First-fruits, or "heave-offerings," which comprised also the victims, first-born, &c., over which the high priest had a general inspection. ---

Office. Hebrew, "unction." Septuagint, "as a reward," or salary for your labour, in performing the duty of priest. (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 18:9 - -- And are. Hebrew, "This shall be thine, of the most holy things, from the fire." Some parts of the victims for sin and of the libations were to be c...

And are. Hebrew, "This shall be thine, of the most holy things, from the fire." Some parts of the victims for sin and of the libations were to be consumed, while the rest was given to the priests. These libations were not properly styled holy of holies, (which were to be eaten only in the holy place, by those who were in actual service) no more than the peace-offerings were, of which even women might partake, ver. 11, 12., and Leviticus x. 14.

Haydock: Num 18:11 - -- House, perpetually. Hired servants were not admitted to eat of them, Leviticus xxii. 10. (Calmet)

House, perpetually. Hired servants were not admitted to eat of them, Leviticus xxii. 10. (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 18:12 - -- The best, ( medullam. ) Literally, "the marrow." (Haydock) --- The fattest and most delicious. (Menochius)

The best, ( medullam. ) Literally, "the marrow." (Haydock) ---

The fattest and most delicious. (Menochius)

Haydock: Num 18:14 - -- Vow. Hebrew cherem, "anathema:" man, beast, or land might be thus consecrated to God, either for sacrifice, or for the benefit of his priests, Lev...

Vow. Hebrew cherem, "anathema:" man, beast, or land might be thus consecrated to God, either for sacrifice, or for the benefit of his priests, Leviticus xxvii. 28. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 18:15 - -- Beast. The Rabbins restrain this to the ass alone, which they pretend was deemed the only unclean animal by the Israelites, in Egypt, when this law ...

Beast. The Rabbins restrain this to the ass alone, which they pretend was deemed the only unclean animal by the Israelites, in Egypt, when this law was established; and Moses indeed specifies it alone, Exodus xiii. 13. (Abenezra) ---

But we cannot doubt but that camels, and all other unclean animals, were to be included, if the Hebrews kept them; (Calmet) and those which were rendered impure by some defect, were also to be redeemed. (Menochius)

Haydock: Num 18:16 - -- Of it; the first-born of man. The child might be redeemed sooner, and sometimes they waited till after the purification of the mother, or 40 days, a...

Of it; the first-born of man. The child might be redeemed sooner, and sometimes they waited till after the purification of the mother, or 40 days, as our blessed Lady did, Luke ii. 22. (Calmet) ---

Five sicles of silver, or about 11 s. 6 d. English, were then to be paid, unless poverty obliged them to give only two turtles or pigeons. (Haydock) ---

Beasts might be redeemed after they were eight days old, Exodus xiii. 12. Leo of Modena, (p. 1. c. 9,) informs us, that when a child is to be redeemed, at present, the father sends for a descendant of Aaron, who, after enquiring of the mother, if she have had no child before; and of the father, if he wish to redeem the infant, says aloud, "This child, being the first-born, belongs to me; as it is said, (Numbers xviii. 16,) Thou shalt redeem the child of a month old for five sicles. But I take this (about two crowns of gold) instead." (Calmet) ---

But how can these priests prove their genealogy, since the distinction of the tribes has been so long lost? ---

Of silver. Hebrew, "according to thy estimation, for the money of five sicles, by the sicle of the sanctuary, which hath 20 geras." (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 18:18 - -- Thine. So that thy wife and children, if clean, may eat the flesh. (Calmet)

Thine. So that thy wife and children, if clean, may eat the flesh. (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 18:19 - -- A covenant of salt. It is a proverbial expression, signifying a covenant not to be altered or corrupted; as salt is used to keep things from corrupt...

A covenant of salt. It is a proverbial expression, signifying a covenant not to be altered or corrupted; as salt is used to keep things from corruption; a covenant perpetual, like that by which it was appointed that salt should be used in every sacrifice, Leviticus ii. 3. (Challoner) ---

Thus God gave the kingdom to David for ever, by a covenant of salt, 2 Paralipomenon xiii. 5. Salt is an emblem of eternity. Oleaster believes, that salt was used in the ratification of all solemn covenants, to denote their stability. (Calmet)

Haydock: Num 18:20 - -- Nothing. No portion of land, like the other tribes; but only some towns and suburbs, allotted to thy children in the midst of the Israelites. The...

Nothing. No portion of land, like the other tribes; but only some towns and suburbs, allotted to thy children in the midst of the Israelites. They might purchase land as well as others, and might obtain a property by the vows of their brethren, Leviticus xxvii. 14. Jeremias (xxxii. 7) and St. Barnabas had land, Acts. iv. 37. God had provided for his ministers abundantly, without exposing them to much trouble. The Levites enjoyed the tithes of all the produce of the country, besides the first-fruits of corn, dough, &c., and some parts of each beast that was killed in the town, Deuteronomy xviii. 3. The priests, who were still fewer in number, enjoyed the 100th part of the revenue of all Israel, receiving tithes from the Levites, and innumerable accidental offerings of wine, &c., which made Philo say (de præm. Sacerd.) that "the law of Moses gave the priests all the splendour of kings." They might, therefore, be zealous to preserve religion for their own temporal advantages. ---

I am, &c. God promises to reward those who serve him with fidelity, Deuteronomy xviii. 1., and Josue xiii. 14. The priests of the new law ought more particularly to serve him with disinterestedness, for his own sake. (Calmet) ---

Of this they are reminded, when they take the first step towards holy orders. The bishop cuts off some of their hair in the form of a cross, while they recite, The Lord is the portion of my inheritance, and of my cup: it is Thou that will restore my inheritance to me, Psalm xv. 5. (Pontif. Rom.) (Haydock) ---

"Some possess riches, while they serve Christ, who appeared in the garb of poverty." (St. Jerome, ad Nepot.)

Haydock: Num 18:22 - -- Deadly sin. That is, sin which will bring death after it. (Challoner) --- Hebrew, "lest they bear sin unto death," and fall like their brethren, c...

Deadly sin. That is, sin which will bring death after it. (Challoner) ---

Hebrew, "lest they bear sin unto death," and fall like their brethren, chap. xvii. 13. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 18:23 - -- People; or the Hebrew may be also, "they shall bear their own iniquity." If they prove negligent in performing their duty they shall be punished; ...

People; or the Hebrew may be also, "they shall bear their own iniquity." If they prove negligent in performing their duty they shall be punished; and if they do not restrain the people from approaching the tabernacle, they shall be answerable for their offence, and both shall incur death. (Calmet) ---

They shall, however, save their own souls, if they have not been deficient in instructing the people, and in doing their utmost to prevent any profanation. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 18:27 - -- As an. Thus you will perform your duty, as well as if you gave corn and wine of your own growth. (Menochius) --- Presses. Hebrew yakeb, means ...

As an. Thus you will perform your duty, as well as if you gave corn and wine of your own growth. (Menochius) ---

Presses. Hebrew yakeb, means also the tub where wine was kept. Jonathan translates, "as the ripe (old) wine of the tub of your wine-press;" insinuating that the wine must be fit for use. (Calmet; ver. 29, 30.)

Gill: Num 18:1 - -- And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... As the things spoken were such as concerned Aaron, he might be only and immediately spoken unto: thou, and thy s...

And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... As the things spoken were such as concerned Aaron, he might be only and immediately spoken unto: thou,

and thy sons, and thy father's house with thee; meaning both priests and Levites, the priests by him and his sons, and the Levites by his father's house:

shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary; the blame of any evil committed there, the punishment of it; the priests, Aaron and his sons, if they did not perform the duty of their office aright, he in the most holy place, and they in the holy place, and at the altar of burnt offering in the court; and the Levites, if they did not take care to watch in the tabernacle, and keep out strangers and polluted persons:

and thou, and thy sons with thee, shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood; be answerable for my sins, errors, and mistakes that should be committed by them in the discharge of their office, through their own remissness, or not taking care that the Levites did their duty; this shows that the office of priesthood, though honourable, was burdensome, and not to be envied; and that the people needed not to be under such terrible apprehensions as they were, lest they should come too near the sanctuary, as to be in danger of death, since it lay upon the priests and Levites especially to take care thereof, and who, if negligent, would suffer.

Gill: Num 18:2 - -- And to thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father,.... For his father Amram was of that tribe, and so the Levites were his brethr...

And to thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father,.... For his father Amram was of that tribe, and so the Levites were his brethren, as he is directed to consider them; which might serve to conciliate their minds, and make them easy with respect to his enjoyment of the priesthood:

bring them with thee; into the court of the tabernacle, for further they might not go:

that they maybe joined unto thee: as their name of Levites signifies, persons joined and united to others, as they were to the priests: see reason of their patriarch's name Levi in Gen 29:34,

and minister unto thee: be assisting to the priests in killing the sacrifices, receiving the blood, and flaying the beasts, and in other things about the sanctuary, Num 3:6,

but thou, and thy sons with thee, shall minister before the tabernacle of witness; which was the most holy place, where were the ark of the testimony or witness, and the tables of the covenant; and they might be said to minister before that, when they ministered in the holy place, which was before it, when they burned incense upon the altar of incense, ordered the shewbread, and trimmed the lamps of the candlestick, which none but the priests the sons of Aaron might do.

Gill: Num 18:3 - -- And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge of all the tabernacle,.... That is, the Levites, whatever Aaron and his sons, the priests, should charg...

And they shall keep thy charge, and the charge of all the tabernacle,.... That is, the Levites, whatever Aaron and his sons, the priests, should charge them to do, or commit to their care and charge, that they should observe; as to watch and keep out all unfit persons, to take down and set up the tabernacle when needful, &c.

only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary; as the ark and mercy seat in the holy of holies, the shewbread table, and candlestick in the holy place; wherefore when these were removed from place to place in journeying, they were covered, that they might not touch them as they carried them:

and the altar; both of incense and burnt offering, on neither of which might they offer:

that neither they nor you also die: the priests for suffering them to meddle with things that did not belong to them, and the Levites for intruding themselves.

Gill: Num 18:4 - -- And they shall be joined unto thee,.... As assistants in the sacred service: and keep the charge of tabernacle of the congregation, for all the ser...

And they shall be joined unto thee,.... As assistants in the sacred service:

and keep the charge of tabernacle of the congregation, for all the service of the tabernacle; See Gill on Num 3:7 and See Gill on Num 3:8,

and a stranger shall not come nigh unto you; not any of the other tribes, only such as were of the tribe of Levi; they only were to be brought with them, and joined unto them, and assist them, and minister to them, as in Num 18:2; though the Jews h understand by a stranger anyone that was not a priest.

Gill: Num 18:5 - -- And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary,.... That is, the priests, Aaron and his sons; the high priest was to keep the charge of the most holy p...

And ye shall keep the charge of the sanctuary,.... That is, the priests, Aaron and his sons; the high priest was to keep the charge of the most holy place particularly, and do what was to be done in that on the day of atonement; and the common priests to keep the charge of the holy place, and do everything relating to the altar of incense, the shewbread table, and candlestick:

and the charge of the altar; of burnt offering, which stood in the court of the tabernacle:

that there be no wrath any more upon the children of Israel: as had been upon Korah and his company, Num 16:32, and as afterwards came on Uzziah, 2Ch 26:19.

Gill: Num 18:6 - -- And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites, from among the children of Israel,.... See Gill on Num 3:12; where the same is said, only they,...

And I, behold, I have taken your brethren the Levites, from among the children of Israel,.... See Gill on Num 3:12; where the same is said, only they, are here called the brethren of the priests for the reason given, Num 18:2,

to you they are given as a gift for the Lord, to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; See Gill on Num 3:7, Num 3:8, and See Gill on Num 3:9.

Gill: Num 18:7 - -- Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priest's office,.... Observe all the duties of it, and keep out others from intruding into it: ...

Therefore thou and thy sons with thee shall keep your priest's office,.... Observe all the duties of it, and keep out others from intruding into it:

for everything of the altar: both of incense and of burnt offering with respect to burning incense on the one, and offering sacrifices on the other; both were to be done by priests, and by no other:

and within the vail; in the most holy place, where the high priest entered but once a year, and he only with incense, and the blood of sacrifices, see Heb 9:7,

and ye shall serve; do all the business that is to be done at either altar, whether in the court, or in the holy place, and whatsoever is to be done in the most holy place within the vail:

I have given your priest's office unto you as a service of gift; it was not what they had taken to themselves of their own will, or had thrust themselves into, but what the Lord had called them to, and had freely invested them with, see Heb 5:4,

and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death; any common person, as the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan; any Israelite, one that is a stranger from the priests, though a Levite, as Aben Ezra; such an one might not come either to the altar of burnt offering to offer any sacrifice upon it, or the altar of incense, to burn incense on that, or trim the lamps, or put the shewbread in order, or to do anything peculiar to the priest's office.

Gill: Num 18:8 - -- And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... Having pointed out to him the duty of his office, he now informs him of the perquisites of it; or having told him w...

And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... Having pointed out to him the duty of his office, he now informs him of the perquisites of it; or having told him what was his work, now what his wages, or what was his service, and now his maintenance:

behold, I also have given thee the charge of my heave offerings, of all the hallowed things of the children of Israel; such as the heave shoulder and wave breast, and firstfruits, and all other holy things in general, such as were the most holy things; as in Num 18:9; and the lighter holy things, as the Jews call them, Num 18:11; the charge of these was given to keep for themselves, and for their families:

unto thee have I given them by reason of the anointing: because of his office as a priest, to which he was consecrated by anointing:

and to thy sons by an ordinance for ever; see Lev 7:34.

Gill: Num 18:9 - -- This shall be thine of the most holy things,.... For, as observed, there were some lighter and lesser holy things or sacrifices, and others superlativ...

This shall be thine of the most holy things,.... For, as observed, there were some lighter and lesser holy things or sacrifices, and others superlatively so: and those are begun with, such as were

reserved from the fire; those parts of sacrifices which were not burnt with fire on the altar of burnt offerings:

every oblation of theirs; which is a general word, including various offerings, the particulars follow:

every meat offering of theirs: or bread offering, for they were made of fine flour and oil, and burnt on the altar, the remainder of which was eaten by Aaron and his sons, Lev 6:14,

every sin offering of theirs; which was offered to make atonement for sin, which also belonged to the priests and their sons, excepting such whose blood was carried into the most holy place, Lev 6:25,

and every trespass offering of theirs, which they shall render unto me; which was offered for a trespass committed; what remained of this also, when burnt on the altar, was eaten by the priest and his sons, Lev 7:5; and this sacrifice was a ram, when a trespass was committed, either in the holy things of the Lord, or in wrongs done to men, Lev 5:15; Jarchi interprets it of an offering for a trespass committed by rapine or violence to a stranger: these, all of them, it is added:

shall be most holy for thee and for thy sons; for their use, and for theirs only.

Gill: Num 18:10 - -- In the most holy place shalt thou eat it,.... Not in the holy of holies, eminently so called, nor in the holy place, for they were neither of them pl...

In the most holy place shalt thou eat it,.... Not in the holy of holies, eminently so called, nor in the holy place, for they were neither of them places to eat in; but in the tent of the congregation, as Aben Ezra, or court, as Jarchi; called most holy, in distinction from and in comparison of the camp of Israel, and their tents, as afterwards of Jerusalem, and their houses there, where they might not eat the most holy things:

every male shall eat it; the sons of priests, and they only, not their wives, nor their daughters, and therefore not to be eaten at home, or in their own houses:

it shall be holy unto thee; separated only for the use of him and his sons.

Gill: Num 18:11 - -- And this is thine,.... What follow, which appertained to the priests, are the less or lighter holy things: the heave offering of their gift: the r...

And this is thine,.... What follow, which appertained to the priests, are the less or lighter holy things:

the heave offering of their gift: the right shoulder, given to the priest for an heave offering of the sacrifices of peace offerings, Lev 7:32; according to Jarchi, it was what was lifted up or heaved from the thank offering, the peace offerings, and the ram of the Nazarites, see Lev 7:14,

with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel; which were waved to and fro before the Lord, as the breast of the peace offerings, called therefore the wave breast, Lev 7:30,

I have given them unto thee, and to thy sons, and to thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever; for these were to be eaten in their own houses, and by their families, wives, children, and servants bought with their money, or born in their houses; but not hired servants, nor sojourners, nor strangers; nor their daughters married to strangers though, if widows, or divorced, and without children, and returned to their father's house, they might eat of them, Lev 22:10; thus a provision was made for the maintenance of the priests of the Lord and their families, until the Messiah should come; who has also appointed that they that preach the Gospel should live of it, 1Co 9:13,

everyone that is clean in thy house shall eat of it: that was clean in a ceremonial sense; had not touched a dead body, &c. Jarchi says, this is said to comprehend his wife; but that might be concluded from what is said before, for if his children, much more might his wife eat of it.

Gill: Num 18:12 - -- All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat,.... Or the "fat" i of them; the fat of anything being the best, see Deu 32:14...

All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat,.... Or the "fat" i of them; the fat of anything being the best, see Deu 32:14,

the firstfruits of them: the oil, and wine, and wheat:

which they shall offer unto the Lord, them have I given thee; this Jarchi calls the great heave offering, the firstfruits of their harvest and vintage, which being offered to the Lord, was given to the priests: the quantity is not fixed, but left to the generosity of the people, and was a free gift; liberal men would give a fortieth part, those of a meaner spirit a fiftieth, and niggardly ones a sixtieth, and less than that was not given See Gill on Exo 22:29; compare with this Eze 45:13.

Gill: Num 18:13 - -- And whatsoever is first ripe in the land,.... Of any other sort of fruit, figs, pomegranates, apples, plums, pears, &c. besides olives and vines: ...

And whatsoever is first ripe in the land,.... Of any other sort of fruit, figs, pomegranates, apples, plums, pears, &c. besides olives and vines:

which they shall bring unto the Lord, shall be thine; which they shall bring in a basket to the tabernacle, where it was, or to the temple, when built: this the priests were to have, see Deu 26:2,

everyone that is clean in thine house shall eat of it; See Gill on Num 18:11.

Gill: Num 18:14 - -- Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine. Fields, houses, cattle, &c. if absolutely devoted to the Lord, they were the priest's; but if devoted to...

Every thing devoted in Israel shall be thine. Fields, houses, cattle, &c. if absolutely devoted to the Lord, they were the priest's; but if devoted to certain uses, they were appropriated to those uses, as the repairs of the temple, &c. see Lev 27:1.

Gill: Num 18:15 - -- Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh,.... The firstborn of every creature: which they bring unto the Lord; as they were obliged, he cla...

Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh,.... The firstborn of every creature:

which they bring unto the Lord; as they were obliged, he claiming it as his own, Exo 13:2,

whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine; every firstborn of either, being the Lord's, became the priest's by his gift:

nevertheless, the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem; that is, take the redemption price for it, which was five shekels, as in Num 18:16; for the original proprietor was, strictly speaking, the redeemer, and paid the money, and the priest was the receiver, to whom it was paid; see Exo 13:13,

and the firstlings of unclean beasts shall thou redeem; with lambs, as an ass, which is put for unclean beasts, is ordered to be redeemed with a lamb, or its neck to be broken, Exo 13:13; the Africans, the shepherds among them, as Herodotus relates k, of their firstlings they cut off the ear of the beast and throw it over a house, and then turn its neck back, for they worship only the sun and moon; which seems to be an imitation of this law.

Gill: Num 18:16 - -- And those that are to be redeemed,.... Which is to be understood not of unclean beasts last mentioned, for they were redeemed with lambs and not with ...

And those that are to be redeemed,.... Which is to be understood not of unclean beasts last mentioned, for they were redeemed with lambs and not with money; and after they were eight days and not a month old, as follows, Exo 13:13; but of the firstborn of men:

from a month old shalt thou redeem, according to thine estimation: that is, take the redemption money next mentioned; and though both time and price are fixed, yet said to be according to the estimation of the priest; see Lev 27:5,

for the money of five shekels; which was about eleven or twelve shillings of our money, and is the price given for the redemption of the firstborn, when the Levites were taken in their stead, Num 3:47,

after the shekel of the sanctuary, which is twenty gerahs; see Gill on Num 3:47; of the manner of redeeming the firstborn; see Gill on Exo 13:15.

Gill: Num 18:17 - -- But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem,.... That is, shalt not take the redemption...

But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not redeem,.... That is, shalt not take the redemption price for them, but the creatures themselves; which they, the priests, were to take for their own use:

they are holy; separated to the Lord, and therefore not to be used in common by men, but were sacred to the Lord, or became the property of his priests; see Deu 15:19; how they were to be made use of follows:

thou shalt sprinkle their blood upon the altar; for they were to be sacrificed, and their blood used as in other sacrifices:

and shalt burn their fat for an offering made by fire; for a sweet savour unto the Lord; as the fat of other sacrifices was, and particularly of the peace offerings, which were wholly eaten otherwise, Lev 7:31.

Gill: Num 18:18 - -- And the flesh of them shall be thine,.... For him and his family to eat of, whether blemished or perfect the Jews say l: as the wave breast and as ...

And the flesh of them shall be thine,.... For him and his family to eat of, whether blemished or perfect the Jews say l:

as the wave breast and as the right shoulder are thine: which were his part of the peace offerings, for him and his sons to eat of, Lev 7:34; and the Jews observe m, that as the wave breast and heave shoulder of the peace offerings might be eaten in two days and one night, so might those of the firstlings.

Gill: Num 18:19 - -- All the heave offerings of the holy things,.... All before mentioned, and whatsoever comes under that name: which the children of Israel offer unto...

All the heave offerings of the holy things,.... All before mentioned, and whatsoever comes under that name:

which the children of Israel offer unto the Lord; either by his commandment, or of their own freewill:

have I given thee, and thy sons, and thy daughters with thee, by a statute for ever: so providing for their maintenance by an irrepealable law as long as their priesthood lasted, even until the Messiah should come:

it is a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord unto thee, and thy seed with thee: an incorruptible, inviolable, durable covenant, which should last for ever, even until the Gospel dispensation or world to come should take place; and it would remain ever before the Lord in his sight, who would take care it should never be made void, but stand fast with Aaron and his posterity as long as his priesthood endured.

Gill: Num 18:20 - -- And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... What is said, being what concerned the tribe of Levi, at the head of which Aaron was, even concerning the maintenan...

And the Lord spake unto Aaron,.... What is said, being what concerned the tribe of Levi, at the head of which Aaron was, even concerning the maintenance of the Levites:

thou shalt have no inheritance in their land; in the land of Israel when they come to possess it, as the rest of the tribes had:

neither shalt thou have any part among them; any part of the land when it is divided by lot, as it was in the times of Joshua, when taken from the Canaanites; no tract of land was peculiarly assigned to them as were to the other tribes, as fields, nor vineyards; they had cities appointed them, and they had houses and fields devoted to the Lord which fell to them, and others they had by gift or legacy, or by purchase, as had Jeremiah the priest and Barnabas the Levite, Jer 32:9 Act 4:36; but they had no share in the distribution of the land of Canaan at the time of the division of it among the tribes; no, not even in the spoil of the cities of the land of Canaan, when they were conquered; this Maimonides n says they were warned not to take; and a son of Levi that took any part of the spoil was to be beaten; but the spoil of other lands, subdued by the kings of Israel, they might take, as other Israelites did: the reason of all this was, because they had a sufficient provision made for them in another way, and that they might not be entangled in worldly affairs, or spend their time in the culture of fields and vineyards, but wholly give themselves to the service of God in his house:

I am thy part and thine inheritance among the children of Israel; in things temporal, the offerings, tithes, firstfruits, &c. which were given to the Lord, being bestowed upon them; and in things spiritual, they being employed in the work and service of God, and having a peculiar nearness to him, and communion with him: so all that are made priests unto God, as all believers in Christ are, 1Pe 2:5, have God for their portion and inheritance; God, in his persons and in all his perfections, and under every character, as the God of nature, providence, and grace, is the portion of his people; and a rich, large, and satisfying portion he is, and which is inexhaustible, and will endure for ever; he is their portion in life and at death, in time and to all eternity; see Psa 73:26.

Gill: Num 18:21 - -- And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance,.... The tenth part of the produce of the land; of the wheat...

And, behold, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth in Israel for an inheritance,.... The tenth part of the produce of the land; of the wheat, barley, oil, and wine; the tenth part of their harvest and vintage; so that though they were the least of the tribes, they had the greatest share of the increase of the land, and that without any labour or expense; the other having but nine parts among them all, and at the charge and labour of manuring, cultivating, &c. and this they were to have

for their service which they serve, even the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; see Num 18:3.

Gill: Num 18:22 - -- Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation,.... To do any part of the priest's office, as to burn inc...

Neither must the children of Israel henceforth come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation,.... To do any part of the priest's office, as to burn incense, as Korah and his company had done; or to do any part of the work of the Levites, by watching in the tabernacle, by taking it down and setting it up, and bearing the vessels of it; otherwise they might come to it, to bring their sacrifices, to pay their vows, and for their purification when necessary, and such like things:

lest they bear sin and die; lest sin be charged upon them, and punishment be inflicted, even the punishment of death; for it was death to intrude into the priest's office.

Gill: Num 18:23 - -- But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation,.... In guarding the tabernacle, that no unclean persons enter into it, or ...

But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation,.... In guarding the tabernacle, that no unclean persons enter into it, or any others take anything out of it, and in assisting the priests in their service, and carrying the vessels of the sanctuary when required:

and they shall bear their iniquity: that is, when they fail in the duty of their office, are not careful in their service and work, and business appointed them; if either they did not do their business themselves, or suffered others to do it, or such to come to the tabernacle who should not, they would be blameworthy and suffer for it:

it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations, that the children of Israel they have no inheritance; having such a plentiful provision made for them, by a statute as durable as this.

Gill: Num 18:24 - -- But the tithe of the children of Israel,.... The tenth of the produce of their land, as before: which they offer as an heave offering unto the Lor...

But the tithe of the children of Israel,.... The tenth of the produce of their land, as before:

which they offer as an heave offering unto the Lord: by way of gratitude to him for giving them the land, and for making it so fruitful to them, and as an acknowledgment of his being the sovereign Lord and proprietor of it:

I have given to the Levites to inherit; so that the Levites had the tithe not immediately from the Israelites, nor were they dependent on them for them; but they were first given to the Lord, and then by him to the Levites, who held them of him, and not of the Israelites; and were a portion and an inheritance, settled upon them by the Lord himself, which they had as good a right and title unto as the rest of the tribes had to their several inheritances:

therefore have I said unto them, among the children, of Israel they shall have no inheritance; as in Num 18:23.

Gill: Num 18:25 - -- And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... And not unto Aaron, because a tithe out of the tithe was to be given to Aaron, as Aben Ezra observes, and it was no...

And the Lord spake unto Moses,.... And not unto Aaron, because a tithe out of the tithe was to be given to Aaron, as Aben Ezra observes, and it was not so proper that he should have this order to deliver to the Levites, in which he and his sons were so much concerned, and therefore it was given to Moses to acquaint them of it:

saying; as follows.

Gill: Num 18:26 - -- Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them,.... Aaron was to tell them what a provision would be made for them on account of their service, but Mo...

Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them,.... Aaron was to tell them what a provision would be made for them on account of their service, but Moses was to inform them what part Aaron was to have out of it:

when ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance; which was done at the time of their harvest, and of the ingathering of the fruits of the earth:

then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the Lord; in token of gratitude for the liberal provision he had made for the maintenance of them:

even a tenth part of the tithe; a tenth part out of the tenth of the produce of the land of Israel.

Gill: Num 18:27 - -- And this your heave offering,.... The tithe of the tithe, which though not properly heaved or lifted up, as the heave offerings, strictly so called, ...

And this your heave offering,.... The tithe of the tithe, which though not properly heaved or lifted up, as the heave offerings, strictly so called, were, any more than the tithe itself, Num 18:24; yet is so called, because separated to the use and service of the Lord, as they were:

shall be reckoned unto you, as though it were the corn of the threshingfloor, and as the fulness of the winepress; that is, it should be as acceptable to God as if they had fields and vineyards, threshing floors, and wine presses of their own, from whence corn and wine were taken, as the Israelites when they received their tithes from them; and what remained they had as good a right unto, and might make use of as their own, as well as they; see Num 18:30.

Gill: Num 18:28 - -- Thus you also shall offer an heave offering unto the Lord,.... As the Israelites did when they paid tithes to them, Num 18:24, of all your tithes w...

Thus you also shall offer an heave offering unto the Lord,.... As the Israelites did when they paid tithes to them, Num 18:24,

of all your tithes which ye receive of the children of Israel; which heave offering was a tenth part of them:

and ye shall give thereof the Lord's heave offering to Aaron the priest; that is, the said tenth part of the tithe was to be given not to Aaron only, as the high priest, as some have thought, and so to his successors in the high priesthood; but to him and his sons, even to all the priests in common, the high priest having his share of it; and Josephus o is clear for it, that the tithe of the annual fruits was paid to the Levites, and to the priests. Hecataeus, an Heathen writer, who lived in the times of Alexander the great, says p, that all the priests of the Jews received the tenth of whatsoever was produced, and ministered things in common, and were 1500 in number.

Gill: Num 18:29 - -- Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the Lord,.... Not only out of their tithes, but out of whatsoever gifts were given by the...

Out of all your gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the Lord,.... Not only out of their tithes, but out of whatsoever gifts were given by the Israelites to them, and out of the produce of the fields which belonged to their cities, Num 35:4; the Levites were to take a tenth, and bring it to the Lord as an heave offering; that is, they were to give it to the priests, to testify their gratitude for everything they had, and to sanctify the rest unto them, and confirm their right and title to it, and give them the free use of it:

of all the best thereof, even the hallowed part thereof, out of it; which was the tenth part, for that Was holy, as Aben Ezra says, and that was to be the best of it, which was always to be given to the Lord.

Gill: Num 18:30 - -- Therefore thou shalt say unto them,.... The Targum of Jonathan is,"thou shalt say to them the priests;''but the words seem manifestly spoken to the Le...

Therefore thou shalt say unto them,.... The Targum of Jonathan is,"thou shalt say to them the priests;''but the words seem manifestly spoken to the Levites:

when ye have heaved the best thereof from it; taken out the tenth part of it, and that the best:

then it shall be counted unto the Levites as the increase of the threshing floor, and as the increase of the wine press; then what remains shall be reckoned as much their own, and may be as lawfully enjoyed, as the corn of the threshing floor, and the wine of the wine fat, of any Israelite whatever.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Num 18:1 The responsibility for the sanctuary included obligations relating to any violation of the sanctuary. This was stated to forestall any further violati...

NET Notes: Num 18:2 The clause is a circumstantial clause because the disjunctive vav (ו) is on a nonverb to start the clause.

NET Notes: Num 18:4 The word is “stranger, alien,” but it can also mean Israelites here.

NET Notes: Num 18:5 The clause is a purpose clause, and the imperfect tense a final imperfect.

NET Notes: Num 18:6 The infinitive construct in this sentence is from עָבַד (’avad), and so is the noun that serves as its object: to ...

NET Notes: Num 18:8 This is an uncommon root. It may be connected to the word “anoint” as here (see RSV). But it may also be seen as an intended parallel to &...

NET Notes: Num 18:9 Heb “from the fire.” It probably refers to those parts that were not burned.

NET Notes: Num 18:12 This form may be classified as a perfect of resolve – he has decided to give them to them, even though this is a listing of what they will recei...

NET Notes: Num 18:14 The “ban” (חֵרֶם, kherem) in Hebrew describes that which is exclusively the Lord’s, either for his san...

NET Notes: Num 18:15 The construction uses the infinitive absolute and the imperfect tense of the verb “to redeem” in order to stress the point – they we...

NET Notes: Num 18:17 Or “throw, toss.”

NET Notes: Num 18:19 Salt was used in all the offerings; its importance as a preservative made it a natural symbol for the covenant which was established by sacrifice. Eve...

NET Notes: Num 18:20 The phrase “of property” is supplied as a clarification.

NET Notes: Num 18:22 The Hebrew text uses the infinitive construct of the verb “to bear” with the lamed (ל) preposition to express the result of such an ...

NET Notes: Num 18:23 The Hebrew text uses both the verb and the object from the same root to stress the point: They will not inherit an inheritance. The inheritance refers...

NET Notes: Num 18:24 In the Hebrew text the verb has no expressed subject (although the “Israelites” is certainly intended), and so it can be rendered as a pas...

NET Notes: Num 18:26 The verb in this clause is the Hiphil perfect with a vav (ו) consecutive; it has the same force as an imperfect of instruction: “when̷...

NET Notes: Num 18:27 Heb “fullness,” meaning the fullness of the harvest, i.e., a full harvest.

NET Notes: Num 18:29 Or “its hallowed thing.”

NET Notes: Num 18:30 The clause begins with the infinitive construct with its preposition and suffixed subject serving to indicate the temporal clause.

Geneva Bible: Num 18:1 And the LORD said unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons and thy father's house with thee shall bear ( a ) the iniquity of the sanctuary: and thou and thy sons...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:3 And they shall ( b ) keep thy charge, and the charge of all the tabernacle: only they shall not come nigh the vessels of the sanctuary and the altar, ...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:4 And they shall be joined unto thee, and keep the charge of the tabernacle of the congregation, for all the service of the tabernacle: and a ( c ) stra...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:8 And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Behold, I also have given thee the charge of mine heave ( d ) offerings of all the hallowed things of the children of I...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:9 This shall be thine of the most holy things, [reserved] from the ( e ) fire: every oblation of theirs, every meat offering of theirs, and every sin of...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:10 In the most ( f ) holy [place] shalt thou eat it; every male shall eat it: it shall be holy unto thee. ( f ) That is, in the sanctuary between the co...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:11 And this [is] thine; the heave offering of their gift, with all the wave offerings of the children of Israel: I have given them unto thee, and to thy ...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:12 All the ( h ) best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat, the firstfruits of them which they shall offer unto the LORD, them have...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:17 But the firstling of a cow, or the firstling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat, thou shalt not ( i ) redeem; they [are] holy: thou shalt sprinkle...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:19 All the heave offerings of the holy things, which the children of Israel offer unto the LORD, have I given thee, and thy sons and thy daughters with t...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:20 And the LORD spake unto Aaron, Thou shalt have no inheritance in their ( l ) land, neither shalt thou have any part among them: I [am] thy part and th...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:22 Neither must the children of Israel henceforth ( m ) come nigh the tabernacle of the congregation, lest they bear sin, and die. ( m ) To serve in it:...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:23 But the Levites shall do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation, and they shall bear ( n ) their iniquity: [it shall be] a statute for ever...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:27 And [this] your heave offering shall be reckoned unto you, as though [it were] the ( o ) corn of the threshingfloor, and as the fulness of the winepre...

Geneva Bible: Num 18:29 Out of all your ( p ) gifts ye shall offer every heave offering of the LORD, of all the ( q ) best thereof, [even] the hallowed part thereof out of it...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Num 18:1-32 - --1 The charge of the priests and Levites.8 The priests' portion.21 The Levites' portion.25 The heave offering to the priests out of the Levites' portio...

Maclaren: Num 18:7 - --Service A Gift I have given your priest's office unto you as a service of gift.'--Num. 18:7. ALL Christians are priests, to offer sacrifices, alms, e...

MHCC: Num 18:1-7 - --The people complained of their difficulty and peril in drawing near to God. God here gives them to understand, that the priests should come near for t...

MHCC: Num 18:8-19 - --All believers are spiritual priests, and God has promised to take care of them. Godliness has the promise of the life that now is. And from the provis...

MHCC: Num 18:20-32 - --As Israel was a people not to be numbered among the nations, so Levi was a tribe to be distinguished from the rest. Those who have God for their Inher...

Matthew Henry: Num 18:1-7 - -- The coherence of this chapter with that foregoing is very observable. I. The people, in the close of that chapter, had complained of the difficulty ...

Matthew Henry: Num 18:8-19 - -- The priest's service is called a warfare; and who goes a warfare at his own charges? As they were well employed, so they were well provided for, a...

Matthew Henry: Num 18:20-32 - -- Here is a further account of the provision that was made both for the Levites and for the priests, out of the country. I. They must have no inherit...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:1-7 - -- The Official Duties and Rights of the Priests and Levites. - Num 18:1. To impress upon the minds of the priests and Levites the holiness and respons...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:8-18 - -- The Revenues of the Priests. - These are summed up in Num 18:8 in these words,"I give thee the keeping of My heave-offerings in all holy gifts for a...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:19 - -- " All the holy heave-offerings "are not the thank-offerings ( Knobel ), but, as in Num 18:8, all the holy gifts enumerated in Num 18:9-18. Jehovah g...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:20 - -- For this reason, Aaron was to received no inheritance in the land among the children of Israel. Aaron, as the head of the priests, represents the wh...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:21-24 - -- Revenues of the Levites. - For ( חלף , instead of, for) their service at the tabernacle God assigns them "every tenth in Israel as an inheritance...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:25-28 - -- Appropriation of the Tithe . - Num 18:26. When the Levites took (received) from the people the tithe assigned them by Jehovah, they were to lift of...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:29 - -- The whole of this heave-offering of Jehovah, i.e., the tithe of the tithe, they were to lift off from all their gifts, from all the tithes of the pe...

Keil-Delitzsch: Num 18:30-31 - -- They might eat it (the tithe they had received, after taking off the priests' tithe) in any place with their families, as it was the reward for thei...

Constable: Num 11:1--20:29 - --1. The cycle of rebellion, atonement, and death chs. 11-20 The end of chapter 10 is the high poi...

Constable: Num 15:1--19:22 - --Laws given during the 38 years of discipline chs. 15-19 Moses recorded few events during...

Constable: Num 18:1-32 - --The service and income of the priests and Levites ch. 18 A complete and comprehensive explanation of the official duties and revenues of the priests a...

Guzik: Num 18:1-32 - --Numbers 18 - Laws Pertaining to Priests and Levites A. Responsibilities of the priests and the Levites. 1. (1) The priests are accountable for the s...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Numbers (Book Introduction) NUMBERS. This book is so called because it contains an account of the enumeration and arrangement of the Israelites. The early part of it, from the fi...


TSK: Numbers (Book Introduction) The book of Numbers is a book containing a series of the most astonishing providences and events. Every where and in every circumstance God appears; ...

TSK: Numbers 18 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Num 18:1, The charge of the priests and Levites; Num 18:8, The priests’ portion; Num 18:21, The Levites’ portion; Num 18:25, The heav...

Poole: Numbers (Book Introduction) FOURTH BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED NUMBERS THE ARGUMENT This Book giveth us a history of almost forty years travel of the children of Israel through th...

Poole: Numbers 18 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 18 God showing to Aaron, his sons, and the Levites their office, Num 18:1-7 ; appointeth to Aaron and his sons their maintenance, Num 18:8-...

MHCC: Numbers (Book Introduction) This book is called NUMBERS from the several numberings of the people contained in it. It extends from the giving of the law at Sinai, till their arri...

MHCC: Numbers 18 (Chapter Introduction) (Num 18:1-7) The charge of the priests and Levites. (Num 18:8-19) The priests' portion. (Num 18:20-32) The Levites' portion.

Matthew Henry: Numbers (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Fourth Book of Moses, Called Numbers The titles of the five books of Moses, which we use in our Bib...

Matthew Henry: Numbers 18 (Chapter Introduction) Aaron being now fully established in the priesthood abundantly to his own satisfaction, and to the satisfaction of the people (which was the good t...

Constable: Numbers (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title the Jews used in their Hebrew Old Testament for this book...

Constable: Numbers (Outline) Outline I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25 A. Preparations f...

Constable: Numbers Numbers Bibliography Aharoni, Yohanan. The Land of the Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1979. ...

Haydock: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION. This fourth Book of Moses is called Numbers , because it begins with the numbering of the people. The Hebrews, from its first words...

Gill: Numbers (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS This book has its name from the account it gives of the "numbers" of the children of Israel, twice taken particularly; whic...

Gill: Numbers 18 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO NUMBERS 18 This chapter gives an account of the distinct work and service of the priests and Levites, Num 18:1; and of several thin...

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