Text -- Numbers 26:1-51 (NET)

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)
Wesley: Num 26:2 - -- They were numbered twice before, Exo 30:11-12; Num 1:1-2. Now they are numbered a third time, to demonstrate the faithfulness of God, both in cutting ...
They were numbered twice before, Exo 30:11-12; Num 1:1-2. Now they are numbered a third time, to demonstrate the faithfulness of God, both in cutting all those off whom he had threatened to cut off, Num 14:29, and in a stupendous increase of the people according to his promise, notwithstanding all their sins, and the sweeping judgments inflicted upon them; and to prepare the way for the equal division of the land, which they were now going to possess.

The chief houses, which were subdivided into divers lesser families.

Wesley: Num 26:7 - -- Whereas in their last numbering they were forty six thousand five hundred; for Korah's conspiracy, as well as other provocations of theirs, had cut of...
Whereas in their last numbering they were forty six thousand five hundred; for Korah's conspiracy, as well as other provocations of theirs, had cut off many of them.

Wesley: Num 26:10 - -- According to this translation Korah was not consumed by fire with his two hundred and fifty men, but swallowed up by the earth. But others rather thin...
According to this translation Korah was not consumed by fire with his two hundred and fifty men, but swallowed up by the earth. But others rather think he was devoured by the fire, and render these words, and the things of Korah, or belonging to Korah, namely, his tent and goods, and family, children excepted, as here follows.

Wesley: Num 26:10 - -- God made them a monument or example, to warn others not to rebel against God, or magistracy, nor to usurp the priestly office.
God made them a monument or example, to warn others not to rebel against God, or magistracy, nor to usurp the priestly office.

Wesley: Num 26:11 - -- God being pleased to spare them, because they disowned their father's fact, and separated themselves both from his tent and company. Hence the sons of...

Wesley: Num 26:12 - -- Called also Jarib, 1Ch 4:24. And such names might be either added or changed upon some special occasion not recorded in scripture.
Called also Jarib, 1Ch 4:24. And such names might be either added or changed upon some special occasion not recorded in scripture.

Wesley: Num 26:14 - -- No tribe decreased so much as Simeon's. From fifty nine thousand and three hundred it sunk to twenty two thousand and two hundred, little more than a ...
No tribe decreased so much as Simeon's. From fifty nine thousand and three hundred it sunk to twenty two thousand and two hundred, little more than a third part of what it was. One whole family of that tribe, (Ohad mentioned Exo 6:15) was extinct in the wilderness. Some think most of the twenty four thousand, cut off by the plague for the iniquity of Peor, were of that tribe. For Zimri, a ring - leader in that iniquity, was a prince of that tribe. Simeon is not mentioned in Moses's blessing, Deu. 33:1-29. And the lot of that tribe in Canaan was inconsiderable, only a canton out of Judah's lot, Jos 19:9.

Fewer by above five thousand than there were in their last numbering.

Wesley: Num 26:22 - -- About two thousand more than they were, Num 1:27, whereas the foregoing tribes were all diminished.
About two thousand more than they were, Num 1:27, whereas the foregoing tribes were all diminished.

Wesley: Num 26:34 - -- Whereas they were but thirty two thousand and two hundred, in Num 1:35. So they are now increased above twenty thousand, according to that prophecy, G...

Wesley: Num 26:38 - -- Who were ten, Gen 46:21, whereof only five are here mentioned, the rest probably, together with their families, being extinct.
Who were ten, Gen 46:21, whereof only five are here mentioned, the rest probably, together with their families, being extinct.

Wesley: Num 26:43 - -- All from one son and family, whereas of Benjamin who had ten sons, and five families, there were only forty five thousand and six hundred, to shew tha...
All from one son and family, whereas of Benjamin who had ten sons, and five families, there were only forty five thousand and six hundred, to shew that the increase of families depends singly upon God's blessing and good pleasure.

Wesley: Num 26:51 - -- Very nigh as many as there were before, Num 1:46. So wisely and marvellously did God at the same time manifest his justice in cutting off so vast a nu...
Very nigh as many as there were before, Num 1:46. So wisely and marvellously did God at the same time manifest his justice in cutting off so vast a number; his mercy in giving such a speedy and numerous supply; and his truth in both.
JFB: Num 26:1 - -- That terrible visitation had swept away the remnant of the old generation, to whom God sware in His wrath that they should not enter Canaan (Psa 95:11...
That terrible visitation had swept away the remnant of the old generation, to whom God sware in His wrath that they should not enter Canaan (Psa 95:11).

JFB: Num 26:2 - -- The design of this new census, after a lapse of thirty-eight years, was primarily to establish the vast multiplication of the posterity of Abraham in ...
The design of this new census, after a lapse of thirty-eight years, was primarily to establish the vast multiplication of the posterity of Abraham in spite of the severe judgments inflicted upon them; secondarily, it was to preserve the distinction of families and to make arrangements, preparatory to an entrance into the promised land, for the distribution of the country according to the relative population of the tribes.

JFB: Num 26:7 - -- The principal households, which were subdivided into numerous smaller families. Reuben had suffered great diminution by Korah's conspiracy and other o...
The principal households, which were subdivided into numerous smaller families. Reuben had suffered great diminution by Korah's conspiracy and other outbreaks [Num 16:1].

JFB: Num 26:11 - -- Either they were not parties to their father's crime, or they withdrew from it by timely repentance. His descendants became famous in the time of Davi...
Either they were not parties to their father's crime, or they withdrew from it by timely repentance. His descendants became famous in the time of David, and are often mentioned in the Psalms [Psa 42:1; Psa 44:1; Psa 45:1; Psa 46:1; Psa 47:1; Psa 48:1; Psa 49:1; Psa 84:1; Psa 85:1; Psa 87:1; Psa 88:1], also in 1Ch 6:22, 1Ch 6:38.

JFB: Num 26:12 - -- It is supposed that this tribe had been pre-eminent in the guilt of Baal-peor and had consequently been greatly reduced in numbers.
Thus God's justi...
It is supposed that this tribe had been pre-eminent in the guilt of Baal-peor and had consequently been greatly reduced in numbers.
Thus God's justice and holiness, as well as His truth and faithfulness, were strikingly displayed: His justice and holiness in the sweeping judgments that reduced the ranks of some tribes; and His truth and faithfulness in the extraordinary increase of others so that the posterity of Israel continued a numerous people.
Clarke: Num 26:2 - -- Take the sum of all the congregation - After thirty-eight years God commands a second census of the Israelites to be made, to preserve the distincti...
Take the sum of all the congregation - After thirty-eight years God commands a second census of the Israelites to be made, to preserve the distinction in families, and to regulate the tribes previously to their entry into the promised land, and to ascertain the proportion of land which should be allowed to each tribe. For though the whole was divided by lot, yet the portions were so disposed that a numerous tribe did not draw where the lots assigned small inheritances. See Num 26:53-56, and also see the note on Num 1:1.

Clarke: Num 26:10 - -- Together with Korah - The Samaritan text does not intimate that Korah was swallowed up, but that he was burnt, as appears in fact to have been the c...
Together with Korah - The Samaritan text does not intimate that Korah was swallowed up, but that he was burnt, as appears in fact to have been the case. And the earth swallowed them up, what time that company died; and the fire devoured Korah with the two hundred and fifty men, who became a sign.

Clarke: Num 26:11 - -- The children of Korah died not - It is difficult to reconcile this place with Num 16:27, Num 16:31-33, where it seems to be intimated that not only ...
The children of Korah died not - It is difficult to reconcile this place with Num 16:27, Num 16:31-33, where it seems to be intimated that not only the men, but the wives, and the sons, and the little ones of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, were swallowed up by the earthquake; see especially Num 16:27, collated with Num 16:33. But the text here expressly says, The children of Korah died not; and on a close inspection of Num 16:27, we shall find that the sons and the little ones of Dathan and Abiram alone are mentioned. So they gat up from the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: and Dathan and Abiram came out - and their wives, and their sons, and their little ones. Here is no mention of the children of Korah, they therefore escaped, while it appears those of Dathan and Abiram perished with their fathers. See the note on Num 16:30.

Clarke: Num 26:51 - -- These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty - The following comparative statemen...
These were the numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty - The following comparative statement will show how much some of the tribes had increased, and others had diminished, since the enumeration in Numbers 1
Reuben | 43,730 | to | 46,500 | 2,770 decrease |
Simeon | 22,200 | to | 59,300 | 37,100 decrease |
Gad | 40,500 | to | 45,650 | 5,150 decrease |
Judah | 76,500 | to | 74,600 | 1,900 increase |
Issachar | 64,300 | to | 54,400 | 9,900 increase |
Zebulun | 60,500 | to | 57,400 | 3,100 increase |
Manasseh | 52,700 | to | 32,200 | 20,500 increase |
Ephraim | 32,500 | to | 40,500 | 8,000 decrease |
Benjamin | 45,600 | to | 35,400 | 10,200 increase |
Dan | 64,400 | to | 62,700 | 1,700 increase |
Asher | 53,400 | to | 41,500 | 11,900 increase |
Naphtali | 45,400 | to | 53,400 | 8,000 decrease |
Total | 601,730 | to | 603,550 | 1,820 decrease on the whole, in 38 years. |
Decrease in all, 61,020. | ||||
Increase in all, 59,200. | ||||
Let it be observed 1. That among these there was not a man of the former census, save Joshua and Caleb, see Num 26:64, Num 26:65 2. That though there was an increase in seven tribes of not less than 74,800 men, yet so great was the decrease in the other five tribes, that the balance against the present census is 1,820, as appears above: thus we find that there was an in crease of 601,728 from 603,550 in the space of thirty-eight years Notwithstanding the amazing increase in some and decrease in other tribes, the same sort of proportion is preserved in the east, west, north, and south divisions, as before; so as to keep the division of Judah, which was always in the front or van, the largest; and the division of Dan, which was always in the rear, the next in number. But it is worthy of remark that as they are now, properly speaking, to commence their grand military operations, so their front, or advanced division, is increased from 186,400 to 201,300; and their rear from 157,600 to 163,200. The first division is strengthened 14,900 men, and the last division 5,600 men. The reasons for this are sufficiently obvious Mr. Ainsworth has a curious remark on the number of families in the 12 tribes | ||||
1. Of Manasseh 8 | 7. Of Reuben 4 | |||
2. Of Benjamin 7 | 8. Of Issachar 4 | |||
3. Of Gad 7 | 9. Of Ephraim 4 | |||
4. Of Simeon 5 | 10. Of Naphtali 4 | |||
5. Of Judah 5 | 11. Of Zebulun 3 | |||
6. Of Asher 5 | 12. Of Dan 1 |
"In all 57; to whom if we add the 12 patriarchs, and Jacob their father, the whole number is 70, the exact number of the souls in Jacob’ s house that went down to Egypt, Gen 46:27."In a variety of things in this ancient economy there is a most surprising proportion kept up, which never could have been a fortuitous effect of general causes. But proportion, harmony, and order distinguish all the works of God, both in the natural and moral world.
Calvin: Num 26:1 - -- 1.And it came to pass after the plague This is the second census which we read of having been made by Moses; nevertheless it is easy to perceive, f...
1.And it came to pass after the plague This is the second census which we read of having been made by Moses; nevertheless it is easy to perceive, from Exo 38:0, that it was at least the third; although it is more probable that either yearly, or at stated times, those who had arrived at the age of twenty gave in their names. Still the number of the people could not be thus obtained, unless there were also a comparison of the deaths. This, at any rate, is incontrovertible, that those who had grown up to manhood were three times numbered in the desert, for we gather thus much from the passage before us, since it is said in the fourth verse that this enrolment was made “as the Lord had commanded Moses, and the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt;” from whence it is plain not only that they followed as their rule the custom established from the beginning, but that the census of the people was again taken, as it had been in the wilderness of Sinai. From hence again a probable conjecture may be made, that, from the time in which they came out from thence, nothing similar had taken place in the interval. For Moses there records how many talents were collected from the tribute of the people, and mentions their number, viz., 603,550 191 and he adds afterwards, when they moved their camp from Mount Sinai, how the census was taken according to God’s command; but I pass over this subject the more cursorily, as having been already spoken of elsewhere. 192
Now let us see with what object God desired to have His people numbered before He led them into the possession of the promised land. In less than forty years the whole generation of an age for military service had perished: many had been carried off by premature deaths; nay, a single scourge had lately destroyed 24,000; who would not have thought that the people must have been diminished by a fourth? We must then account it a remarkable miracle, that their numbers should be found as great as they were before. It was a memorable proof of God’s anger that only two of the 603,000 still survived; but that by continued generation the people were so renewed, as that, at the conclusion of the period, their posterity equalled their former number, was the work of God’s inestimable grace. Thus, in that awful judgment wherewith God punished His sinful people, the truth of His promise still shone forth. It had been said to Abraham,
“I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea-shore,” (Gen 22:17;)
and it was by no means fitting that this blessing should be obscured at the time, when the other part of the promise was about to be fulfilled: “Unto thy seed will I give this land.” (Gen 12:7;) For, whilst the people had been instructed by punishments to fear God, still they were not to lose the savor of His paternal favor. And thus does God always temper His judgments towards His Church, so as in the midst of His indignation to remember mercy, as Habakkuk says, (Hab 3:2.) This was the reason why the people was numbered immediately after the plague, in order that it might be more conspicuous that God had marvellously provided lest any diminution should appear after the recent loss of so many men.

Calvin: Num 26:8 - -- 8.And the sons of Pallu; Eliab The curtailment which had occurred in the superior line is here introduced, either in exaltation of God’s grace, bec...
8.And the sons of Pallu; Eliab The curtailment which had occurred in the superior line is here introduced, either in exaltation of God’s grace, because, notwithstanding so great a loss, the tribe of Reuben was still numerous; or else to mark the cause of its diminution, for it might otherwise have seemed strange that other tribes exceeded in numbers that one whose founder and parent was Jacob’s first-born. But when he has narrated how the two sons of Eliab had been destroyed with their company, he briefly adverts to the clemency of God towards the sons of Korah, in that He spared them. And surely this was no common exercise of mercy not only to preserve them uninjured from the calamity, but afterwards to raise up shoots from the accursed root, in whom His spiritual riches might shine forth for the general advantage of the Church: for we know what honorable mention is often made of this family; and it is probable that certain of them were the authors of some of the Psalms, and thus were endued with the Spirit of prophecy, when possibly at that time none of the priests was possessed of this gift. This is that profound abyss in the various and unequal judgments of God, which it becomes us to adore with sober humility. Meanwhile, in a single word, Moses hints at the reason why he repeats this same history, whereby the formidable mode of their death might be held up as a perpetual example: for the Hebrew word

Calvin: Num 26:19 - -- 19.The sons of Judah were Er and Onan Since the tribe of Judah was so numerous, Moses magnifies the greatness of God’s grace by this circumstance, ...
19.The sons of Judah were Er and Onan Since the tribe of Judah was so numerous, Moses magnifies the greatness of God’s grace by this circumstance, that of the three sons which he begat, two perished in the land of Canaan, by whose loss he might have appeared to be condemned to perpetual sterility. But the climax of God’s unparalleled mercy was this, that although two of his children were born of an incestuous connection, they grew up into so great a people.

Calvin: Num 26:28 - -- 28.The sons of Joseph after their families The comparison of the two tribes, which sprang from the same head, is worthy of notice. By the fact that M...
28.The sons of Joseph after their families The comparison of the two tribes, which sprang from the same head, is worthy of notice. By the fact that Manasseh was the father of only one son, 194 the prophecy of Jacob, when he declared that the first-born should be inferior to his younger brother Ephraim, began already to receive its accomplishment. Nevertheless, God’s blessing extended far and wide for the increase of his family, so that they exceeded the tribe of Reuben in number. But further, though the larger number of children (
In the tribe of Dan, however, the incredible power of God was put forth. He was contemptible among his brethren; and thence it was an extraordinary blessing accorded to him in the shape of an honorable degree and name, when Jacob declares that “Dan shall judge his people.” (Gen 49:16.) He is said to have begotten only one son; yet his posterity exceeds 64,000.

Calvin: Num 26:51 - -- 51.These are the numbered of the children of Israel By this sum total, what I have above adverted to is more clearly shewn, that amidst so many losse...
51.These are the numbered of the children of Israel By this sum total, what I have above adverted to is more clearly shewn, that amidst so many losses, and especially after the terrible vengeance which God had recently executed, the race of Abraham was preserved in an incredible manner, so that the fulfillment of the promise might not be brought about only towards a small body of persons. Nature itself and reason would have suggested that a few only should enjoy the promised land; but if the inheritance had been restricted to a small number of men, God’s promise would have lain, as it were, in obscurity and concealment. Yet within thirty-eight years, during which more than 603,000 men had fallen, God marvellously brought it to pass that the same number of persons should still remain, some 2500 only excepted. Assuredly they must be blind four times over, as it were, who do not behold in this bright mirror God’s wonderful providence, and the faithfulness of His gratuitous adoption, and His steadfastness in keeping His promises. At the same time, that which I have already referred to in Deuteronomy clearly appears, that those who survived, were strikingly admonished by this great loss, that they should not fall away at any time into superstition.
Defender -> Num 26:2
Defender: Num 26:2 - -- The total adult male population at this time, forty years after the first census, was 601,730 (Num 26:51). The numbers were fewer than when Israel fir...
The total adult male population at this time, forty years after the first census, was 601,730 (Num 26:51). The numbers were fewer than when Israel first began wandering (603,550 - Num 1:46), in contrast to the rapid proliferation while in Egypt (Exo 1:7). Many had perished in the wilderness in the various plagues and judgments sent by God, including all who were twenty years old or more at the time when the spies brought back their fearful report from the promised land (Num 14:29; Num 26:63-65)."
TSK -> Num 26:1; Num 26:2; Num 26:3; Num 26:4; Num 26:5; Num 26:7; Num 26:9; Num 26:10; Num 26:11; Num 26:12; Num 26:13; Num 26:14; Num 26:15; Num 26:16; Num 26:17; Num 26:18; Num 26:19; Num 26:20; Num 26:22; Num 26:23; Num 26:24; Num 26:25; Num 26:26; Num 26:27; Num 26:28; Num 26:29; Num 26:30; Num 26:33; Num 26:34; Num 26:35; Num 26:37; Num 26:38; Num 26:39; Num 26:40; Num 26:41; Num 26:42; Num 26:43; Num 26:44; Num 26:46; Num 26:47; Num 26:48; Num 26:49; Num 26:50; Num 26:51

TSK: Num 26:2 - -- The plague having swept away the last of that devoted generation, which provoked the Lord to ""swear in his wrath that they should not enter""Canaan; ...
The plague having swept away the last of that devoted generation, which provoked the Lord to ""swear in his wrath that they should not enter""Canaan; he now, after an interval of 38 years, commands another census of the Israelites to be made, to preserve the distinction of families, and to regulate the tribes previous to their entry into the promised land, as well as to ascertain the proportion of land which should be allotted to each tribe. For, though the whole was divided by lot, yet the portions were so disposed, that a numerous tribe did not draw where the lots assigned small inheritances, or the contrary.

TSK: Num 26:3 - -- Num 26:63, Num 22:1, Num 31:12, Num 33:48, Num 35:1; Deu 4:46-49, Deu 34:1, Deu 34:6, Deu 34:8

TSK: Num 26:5 - -- the eldest : Gen 29:32, Gen 49:2, Gen 49:3; 1Ch 5:1, thy children, Gen 46:8, Gen 46:9; Exo 6:14; 1Ch 5:3

TSK: Num 26:10 - -- earth opened : Num 16:2, Num 16:31-35, Num 16:38, Num 27:3; Exo 16:35; Psa 106:17, Psa 106:18
together : The Samaritan text does not intimate that Kor...
earth opened : Num 16:2, Num 16:31-35, Num 16:38, Num 27:3; Exo 16:35; Psa 106:17, Psa 106:18
together : The Samaritan text does not intimate that Korah was swallowed up, but that he was burnt, as appears to have been the fact; and the Psalmist also (Psa 106:17), only mentions Dathan and Abiram as having been swallowed up. ""And the earth swallowed them up, what time that company died; and the fire devoured Korah with the 250 men, who became a sign."
they became a sign : Num 16:38; 1Sa 2:34; Jer 29:22; Eze 14:8; 1Co 10:6-10; 2Pe 2:6; Jud 1:7

TSK: Num 26:11 - -- It seems to be intimated in Num 16:27, Num 16:31-33, that the sons and the little ones of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, were swallowed up; but the text h...
It seems to be intimated in Num 16:27, Num 16:31-33, that the sons and the little ones of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, were swallowed up; but the text here expressly affirms, that the children of Korah ""died not;""and their descendants were famous even in David’ s time. On a close inspection, however, of Num 26:27, we shall find, that the sons and the little ones of Dathan and Abiram alone are mentioned.
Num 16:5; Exo 6:24; 1Ch 6:22-28; Psa 42:1, Psa 44:1, Psa 45:1, Psa 46:1, Psa 47:1 *titles Psa 48:1, Psa 49:1, Psa 50:1 *titles

TSK: Num 26:14 - -- The immense decrease of this tribe, no less than 37,100, renders it highly probable, that, influenced by the bad example of Zimri, the Simeonites had ...
The immense decrease of this tribe, no less than 37,100, renders it highly probable, that, influenced by the bad example of Zimri, the Simeonites had been peculiarly criminal in the late wickedness, and that multitudes of them had died of the plague. It is remarkable, that Moses, in Deut. 33, bestows no blessing upon this tribe.

TSK: Num 26:20 - -- Shelah : Gen 38:5, Gen 38:11, Gen 38:14, Gen 38:26-30; 1Ch 4:21
Pharez : Gen 38:27-29, Gen 46:12; Rth 4:18-22; 1Ch 2:3-8; Neh 11:4, Neh 11:6, Neh 11:2...

TSK: Num 26:29 - -- Machir : Num 32:39, Num 32:40, Num 36:1; Gen 48:14; Deu 3:15; Jos 17:1; Jdg 5:14; 1Ch 7:14-19

TSK: Num 26:44 - -- the children of Asher : Gen 46:17, Jimnah, Ishuah, Isui, 1Ch 7:30, Imnah, Isuah, Ishuai

TSK: Num 26:51 - -- The following comparative statement will show how much some of the tribes had increased, and others had diminished, since the enumeration in chapter 1...
The following comparative statement will show how much some of the tribes had increased, and others had diminished, since the enumeration in chapter 1. Thus we find there was the following increase and decrease in the several tribes:
Population Changes | ||||||
Tribe | Now | Before | Change | + / - | ||
1. | Judah | 76,500 | 74,600 | 1,900 | increase | |
2. | Dan | 64,400 | 62,700 | 1,700 | increase | |
3. | Simeon | 22,200 | 59,300 | 37,100 | decrease | |
4. | Zebulun | 60,500 | 57,400 | 3,100 | increase | |
5. | Issachar | 64,300 | 54,400 | 9,900 | increase | |
6. | Naphtali | 45,400 | 53,400 | 8,000 | decrease | |
7. | Reuben | 43,730 | 46,500 | 2,770 | decrease | |
8. | Gad | 40,500 | 45,650 | 5,150 | decrease | |
9. | Asher | 53,400 | 41,500 | 11,900 | increase | |
10. | Ephraim | 32,500 | 40,500 | 8,000 | decrease | |
11. | Benjamin | 45,600 | 35,400 | 10,200 | increase | |
12. | Manasseh | 52,700 | 32,200 | 20,500 | increase | |
Totals : | 601,730 | 603,550 | Decreases | 61,020 | ||
Increases | 59,200 | |||||
Change | -1,820 |
Num 1:46, Num 2:32; Neh 9:23; Job 12:9, Job 12:10, Job 12:14, Job 12:20-23; Psa 77:20

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Num 26:1 - -- After the plague - These words serve to show approximately the date at which the census was taken, and intimate the reason for the great decrea...

Barnes: Num 26:5 - -- Following The tribes are mentioned in the same order as in the earlier census Num. 1, except that Manasseh here precedes Ephraim; probably as being ...
Following The tribes are mentioned in the same order as in the earlier census Num. 1, except that Manasseh here precedes Ephraim; probably as being now the larger tribe.
The following table shows the numbers of the tribes at each census; at Sinai, and in the Plains of Moab:
| At Sinai | Plains of Moab |
Reuben | 46,500 | 43,730 |
Simeon | 9,300 | 22,200 |
Gad | 45,650 | 40,500 |
Judah | 74,600 | 76,500 |
Issachar | 54,400 | 64,300 |
Zebulun | 57,400 | 60,500 |
Ephraim | 40,500 | 32,500 |
Manasseh | 32,200 | 52,700 |
Benjamin | 35,400 | 45,600 |
Dan | 62,700 | 64,400 |
Asher | 41,500 | 53,400 |
Naphtali | 53,400 | 45,400 |
Totals | 603, 550 | 601, 730 |
Seven of the tribes, of which three are tribes belonging to the camp of Judah, show an increase of numbers; and five, among whom are the three belonging to the camp of Reuben, show a decrease. The greatest increase of any one tribe is in Manasseh. The most remarkable decrease is in Simeon, which now shows less than half its former strength. To this tribe Zimri, the chief offender in the recent transgression, belonged Num 25:14. Probably his tribesmen generally had followed his example, and had accordingly suffered most severely in the plague. In the parting blessing of Moses, uttered at no great interval from this date, the tribe of Simeon alone is omitted.
The families of all the tribes, excluding the Levites, number 57. The ancestral heads after whom these families are named correspond nearly with the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Jacob, enumerated in Gen 46:8 ff. Both lists consist mainly of grandchildren of Jacob, both contain also the same two grandchildren of Judah, and the same two grandchildren of Asher. The document in Genesis should be regarded as a list, not of those who went down in their own persons with Jacob into Egypt, but of those whose names were transmitted to their posterity at the date of the Exodus as the heads of Israelite houses, and wire may thus be reckoned the early ancestors of the people.

Barnes: Num 26:10 - -- Together with Korah - i. e., they were engulfed at the same time that Korah perished, for Korah himself appears to bare died among the two hund...
Together with Korah - i. e., they were engulfed at the same time that Korah perished, for Korah himself appears to bare died among the two hundred and fifty incense offerers at the door of the tabernacle, not with Dathan and Abiram (compare Num 16:32 note).

Barnes: Num 26:11 - -- The children of Korah died not - Compare Num 26:58. Samuel the prophet was of this family, and Heman, "the king’ s seer"1Ch 6:22, 1Ch 6:33...
The children of Korah died not - Compare Num 26:58. Samuel the prophet was of this family, and Heman, "the king’ s seer"1Ch 6:22, 1Ch 6:33; 1Ch 25:5. Several of the Psalms appear from the titles to have been composed for the sons of Korah: compare titles of Psa 42:1-11; 44; 45, etc.

Barnes: Num 26:51 - -- This shows a decrease of 1,820 from the number at Sinai; a decrease due to the recent plague.
This shows a decrease of 1,820 from the number at Sinai; a decrease due to the recent plague.
Poole -> Num 26:1; Num 26:2; Num 26:3; Num 26:4; Num 26:7; Num 26:8; Num 26:10; Num 26:11; Num 26:12; Num 26:13; Num 26:14; Num 26:15; Num 26:16; Num 26:17; Num 26:18; Num 26:21; Num 26:22; Num 26:23; Num 26:25; Num 26:27; Num 26:29; Num 26:30; Num 26:34; Num 26:35; Num 26:36; Num 26:38; Num 26:39; Num 26:40; Num 26:42; Num 26:43; Num 26:44; Num 26:46; Num 26:47; Num 26:51
Poole: Num 26:1 - -- After the plague last mentioned, Num 25:8,9 .
Eleazar his father being dead, was high priest.
After the plague last mentioned, Num 25:8,9 .
Eleazar his father being dead, was high priest.

Poole: Num 26:2 - -- They were numbered twice before, Exo 30:11,12 , and Num 1:1,2 . Now they are numbered a third time, partly to demonstrate the faithfulness of God, b...
They were numbered twice before, Exo 30:11,12 , and Num 1:1,2 . Now they are numbered a third time, partly to demonstrate the faithfulness of God, both in cutting all those off whom he had threatened to cut off, Num 14:29 , and in a stupendous increase and multiplication of the people according to his promise, notwithstanding all their sins, and the sweeping judgments inflicted upon them; and partly to prepare the way for the equal division of the land which they were now going to possess.

Poole: Num 26:4 - -- Take the sum of the people: these words are easily supplied and necessarily to be understood from Num 26:2 .
Take the sum of the people: these words are easily supplied and necessarily to be understood from Num 26:2 .

Poole: Num 26:7 - -- The families i.e. the chief houses, which were subdivided into divers lesser families.
Forty and three thousand and seven hundred and thirty wherea...
The families i.e. the chief houses, which were subdivided into divers lesser families.
Forty and three thousand and seven hundred and thirty whereas in their last numbering they were 46,500, Num 1:21 ; for Korah’ s conspiracy, as well as other provocations of theirs, had cut off many of them.

Poole: Num 26:10 - -- Swallowed them up together with Korah: according to this translation Korah was not consumed by fire with his two hundred and fifty men, Nu 16 , but s...
Swallowed them up together with Korah: according to this translation Korah was not consumed by fire with his two hundred and fifty men, Nu 16 , but swallowed up by the earth. But others rather think he was devoured by the fire, of which see on Num 16:32,35 , and render these words, and the things of Korah , or belonging to Korah, to wit, his tent, and goods, and family, children excepted, as here follows; which interpretation receives strength by comparing this place with Num 16:32 ,
And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them (to wit, Dathan and Abiram , as is manifest from Num 26:24,25,27 ) up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah ; which variation of the phrase plainly shows that Korah himself was not swallowed up with them, but only his men and his tabernacle, which is mentioned there together with the tabernacles of Dathan and Abiram, Num 26:24,27 , but his person is not there mentioned with their persons. Nor is it unusual both in sacred and profane authors, by the name of a man who is the head and master, to understand only his house and family, though himself be not included. But this difficulty may be cleared another way. The Hebrew particle eth may? be here the note of a nominative case, as it is 2Ki 6:5 Neh 9:19 Jer 38:16 Eze 39:14 43:7 , and there may be a defect of a verb, which is most frequent; and so the place may be rendered thus,
and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up to wit, Dathan and Abiram, Num 26:9 , and Korah , or, and as for Korah , he died (which verb is easily understood out of the following noun, of which ellipsis there are many instances in Scripture, some whereof have been given before, and more will follow in their places) in the death of that company, or when that company died, what time the fire devoured the two hundred and fifty men . And so this place, and Num 16:35 , explain one another; and whereas there. is mention only of two hundred and fifty men consumed by that fire, Korah is here added to the number.
They became a sign i.e. God made them a monument or example, to warn others not to rebel against God nor against magistracy, nor to usurp the priestly office.

Poole: Num 26:11 - -- God being pleased to spare them, either because they disowned their father’ s act, and thereupon separated themselves both from his tent and co...
God being pleased to spare them, either because they disowned their father’ s act, and thereupon separated themselves both from his tent and company, or because Moses interceded for them, or because God would glorify his own free mercy in sparing some, while he punished others, according to his declaration in a like case, Exo 33:19 . Hence the sons of Korah are mentioned 1Ch 6:22,37 , and oft in the book of Psalms.

Poole: Num 26:12 - -- Nemuel called Jemuel , Gen 46:10 Exo 6:15 .
Jachin called also Jarib , 1Ch 4:24 . And such names might be either added or changed upon some speci...

Poole: Num 26:13 - -- Zerah called also Zohar , Gen 46:10 Exo 6:15 . There is another of his sons, Ohad , mentioned Gen 46:10 , not here, possibly because his family was...

Poole: Num 26:14 - -- Whereas there were 35,400 in Num 1:23 . It is thought the example of Zimri, one of their princes, Nu 25 , and some others among them, did infect the...

Poole: Num 26:15 - -- Gad is placed next, because he was joined with Reuben and Simeon in the same camp and quarters, Num 2:10,14 .
Zephon called Ziphion , Gen 46:16 .
Gad is placed next, because he was joined with Reuben and Simeon in the same camp and quarters, Num 2:10,14 .
Zephon called Ziphion , Gen 46:16 .

Poole: Num 26:18 - -- Fewer by above five thousand than there were in their last numbering, Num 2:15 .
Fewer by above five thousand than there were in their last numbering, Num 2:15 .

Poole: Num 26:21 - -- The sons of Pharez though Judah’ s grandchildren, are here mentioned among his sons, because they are put in the stead of Er and Onan, which die...
The sons of Pharez though Judah’ s grandchildren, are here mentioned among his sons, because they are put in the stead of Er and Onan, which died before.

Poole: Num 26:22 - -- About two thousand more than they were Num 1:27 ; whereas the foregoing tribes were all diminished, this tribe was now increased, and the blessing p...

Poole: Num 26:23 - -- Pua called also Phuvah , Gen 46:13 ; as his brother Jashub , Num 26:24 , is called Job , Gen 46:13 .

Poole: Num 26:27 - -- Whereas before they were but 57,400 in Num 1:31 2:8 . So that Judah’ s camp was much increased, as Reuben’ s was much diminished.
Whereas before they were but 57,400 in Num 1:31 2:8 . So that Judah’ s camp was much increased, as Reuben’ s was much diminished.

Poole: Num 26:29 - -- Gilead is here mentioned as Machir’ s only son, and therefore some conceive that the family of the Machirites, and of the Gileadites, are one a...
Gilead is here mentioned as Machir’ s only son, and therefore some conceive that the family of the Machirites, and of the Gileadites, are one and the same family, only called by two names; first Machirites, but afterwards Gileadites. Others make them distinct families, because Machir had other children, Gen 1:23 1Ch 7:14-16 , which are called by their father’ s name, Machirites, whereas the children of his eldest son Gilead are called by his name, Gileadites. But though Machir had other children, it seems they and their posterity were extinct at this time, and that Machir alone was left and his posterity, as may be gathered by comparing this and the following verses with Jos 17:1-3 1Ch 7:14-19 .

Poole: Num 26:34 - -- Whereas they were but 32,200 in Num 1:35 . So they are now increased above 50,000, according to that prophecy, Gen 49:22 .

Poole: Num 26:36 - -- Eran called Edan or Laadan , 1Ch 7:26 ; the letters daleth and resh being alike in the Hebrew tongue, and therefore oft changed, as is evident...
Eran called Edan or Laadan , 1Ch 7:26 ; the letters daleth and resh being alike in the Hebrew tongue, and therefore oft changed, as is evident from Scripture instances.

Poole: Num 26:38 - -- The sons of Benjamin were ten, Gen 46:21 , whereof only five are here mentioned, the rest probably, together with their families, being extinct ere ...

Poole: Num 26:39 - -- Shupham called also Shuppim , 1Ch 7:12 , and Muppim , Gen 46:21 .
Hupham called Huppim , Gen 46:21 1Ch 7:12 .

Poole: Num 26:42 - -- Shuham called, by transposition, Hushim , Gen 46:23 .
After their families the greater families subdivided into lesser families.
Shuham called, by transposition, Hushim , Gen 46:23 .
After their families the greater families subdivided into lesser families.

Poole: Num 26:43 - -- All from one son and family whereas of Benjamin, who had ten sons, and here five families, there were only 45,600, to show that the increase of famil...
All from one son and family whereas of Benjamin, who had ten sons, and here five families, there were only 45,600, to show that the increase of families depends singly upon God’ s blessing and good pleasure.

Poole: Num 26:44 - -- Of Jesui called Isui , Gen 46:17 , where also there is another son of Asher named, to wit, Ishuah , whose family seems now to be lost.
Of Jesui called Isui , Gen 46:17 , where also there is another son of Asher named, to wit, Ishuah , whose family seems now to be lost.

Poole: Num 26:46 - -- Who seems to be here mentioned because she was a woman of masculine wisdom, or courage, or other virtue.
Who seems to be here mentioned because she was a woman of masculine wisdom, or courage, or other virtue.

Poole: Num 26:51 - -- Very nigh as many as there were before, Num 1:46 . So wisely and marvellously did God at the same time manifest his justice in cutting off so vast a...
Very nigh as many as there were before, Num 1:46 . So wisely and marvellously did God at the same time manifest his justice in cutting off so vast a number, and his mercy in giving such a speedy and numerous supply, and his truth in both.
Haydock: Num 26:1 - -- Shed. Hebrew and Septuagint, "after the plague," which destroyed so many. (Chaldean) After all who had murmured were cut off, the new progeny is n...
Shed. Hebrew and Septuagint, "after the plague," which destroyed so many. (Chaldean) After all who had murmured were cut off, the new progeny is numbered. (St. Jerome) (Worthington)

Haydock: Num 26:2 - -- Number. This was done that the general might know what forces he could muster to attack the nations of Chanaan on the west side of the Jordan, and a...
Number. This was done that the general might know what forces he could muster to attack the nations of Chanaan on the west side of the Jordan, and also in order that the lands might be properly distributed. The war lasted seven years, and the distribution of lands was not completed till some time afterwards. It is not clear that those who were not enrolled at this time, as being 20 years of age, would have any portion, except that of their fathers, allotted to them; but it seems, however, rational that those who were arrived at that age when the distribution was made, would have their share like the rest. There were 1820 people fewer than in the register which was taken before, (chap. i.,) thirteen months after the departure from Egypt. The Levites seem not to have been numbered with the utmost exactitude, as only five families are mentioned, (ver. 58, Jansenius,) though there were many more, 1 Paralipomenon xxiii. 6, &c. Their numbers amount to only 23,000. (Calmet) ---
They had rather increased in the desert during 38 years; (see chap. iii. 39,) as had also the tribes of Juda, Issachar, and Zabulon, which lay to the east; of Manasses (who perhaps on that account precedes Ephraim ) and Benjamin to the west; Dan and Aser to the north. Nephtali proved deficient; so did likewise the tribes of Ruben, Simeon, and Gad, who were stationed to the south of the tabernacle. When they were numbered the first and the second time (Exodus xxxviii. 25, and Numbers i. 46,) they amounted to 603,550, exclusively of the Levites. Now they could only count 601,730 men fit for war. Considering their frequent disasters, it is even a matter of surprise that their ranks were not thinned still more, particularly as we are assured that all who had been numbered before, except Josue and Caleb, the Levites, and such as had kept themselves free from murmuring, had perished, ver. 64. (Haydock) ---
In the particular accounts of the tribes, and in the names of persons, the Septuagint frequently differ from the Hebrew. But the total amount agrees.

Haydock: Num 26:4 - -- Them. Hebrew, "commanded Moses and the children of Israel, who came forth out of the land of Egypt." The same plan was now to be pursued as formerl...
Them. Hebrew, "commanded Moses and the children of Israel, who came forth out of the land of Egypt." The same plan was now to be pursued as formerly.

Thirty. They had lost therefore 2870 men, chap. i. 21.

Haydock: Num 26:9 - -- Princes. Hebrew, "men of name in the congregation," senators. (Vatable) (Chap. xvi. 2.)
Princes. Hebrew, "men of name in the congregation," senators. (Vatable) (Chap. xvi. 2.)

Haydock: Num 26:10 - -- Miracle. Hebrew, "they became a sign," of reproach, and a memorial of God's just judgments, who caused the earth to swallow up Core and his companio...
Miracle. Hebrew, "they became a sign," of reproach, and a memorial of God's just judgments, who caused the earth to swallow up Core and his companions alive, by a most disgraceful kind of death, to which the faithless vestal virgins were condemned at Rome, being buried alive; while those who had offered incense were consumed by fire. Many of the ancients assert that Core was also burnt, meaning perhaps by the fire of hell; to which he descended. (Josephus, [Antiquities?] iv. 3.) ---
Others have thought that the children of Core were swallowed up with their father. But this is not true, with respect to some of them at least, (Haydock) who by a miracle of divine grace and goodness, were preserved from joining in his sedition; (Calmet) while Core, his wife and servants, all concurred to shew them such a pernicious example. (Haydock) ---
Lyranus and the Rabbins tell us, that the children stopped to intreat their father to repent; and while the earth opened under them, God supported them in the air, and gave them the spirit of prophecy; so that they sung, (Psalm xlv.) God is our refuge, &c., or, according to others, the Psalm xli. which has their name in the title. But these accounts are to be received with caution. The Samaritan text, fuerunt in fugam, (Calmet) may be translated, "out of this world they fled away, (11) and the sons of Core did not perish."

Haydock: Num 26:12 - -- Namuel. N has been substituted for i, in the name of Iamuel, as it is read elsewhere, and in the Syriac, both here and 1 Paralipomenon iv. 24, whe...
Namuel. N has been substituted for i, in the name of Iamuel, as it is read elsewhere, and in the Syriac, both here and 1 Paralipomenon iv. 24, where Ahod is by mistake written with r, instead of d. See also the Arabic. (Kennicott) (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 26:14 - -- Families. Ahod is not mentioned, as he, probably, died without children. See Genesis xlvi. 10. (Menochius) ---
Hundred. Their numbers were the ...
Families. Ahod is not mentioned, as he, probably, died without children. See Genesis xlvi. 10. (Menochius) ---
Hundred. Their numbers were the most reduced. See chap. xxv. 9. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 26:18 - -- Hundred. Septuagint add, "4000." This tribe had formerly 45,650. It had lost 5100.
Hundred. Septuagint add, "4000." This tribe had formerly 45,650. It had lost 5100.

Haydock: Num 26:27 - -- Zabulon was more numerous by 3100; so that this division had an additional strength of 13,100, while the former was diminished by 45,070 men. (Haydo...
Zabulon was more numerous by 3100; so that this division had an additional strength of 13,100, while the former was diminished by 45,070 men. (Haydock)

Haydock: Num 26:29 - -- Machir: 1 Paralipomenon vii. 20, we find Ezriel also mentioned. See chap. xxxi. 39.
Machir: 1 Paralipomenon vii. 20, we find Ezriel also mentioned. See chap. xxxi. 39.

Jezer, who is called Abihezer, Josue xvii. 2, and Paralipomenon.

Hundred. Manasses had increased his numbers by 20,500, while

Haydock: Num 26:38 - -- Bela was the father of two families, ver. 40. The other five children of Benjamin probably left no issue, Genesis xlvi. 21. (Du Hamel)
Bela was the father of two families, ver. 40. The other five children of Benjamin probably left no issue, Genesis xlvi. 21. (Du Hamel)

Haydock: Num 26:41 - -- Benjamin had 10,200 added to his former number. Hence this division of the army, though hurt by Ephraim, (ver. 37,) had an increase of 22,700.
Benjamin had 10,200 added to his former number. Hence this division of the army, though hurt by Ephraim, (ver. 37,) had an increase of 22,700.

Haydock: Num 26:43 - -- Suhamites. Their father is called Huthim in Genesis, and also by the Septuagint. This branch of Dan was more numerous than formerly by 1700 soldier...
Suhamites. Their father is called Huthim in Genesis, and also by the Septuagint. This branch of Dan was more numerous than formerly by 1700 soldiers.

Haydock: Num 26:47 - -- Aser had an addition of 11,900; and, both together, 13,600. But they were let down by
Aser had an addition of 11,900; and, both together, 13,600. But they were let down by

Haydock: Num 26:50 - -- Nephtali, who had lost 8000; so that this division had only 5600 more. (Haydock)
Nephtali, who had lost 8000; so that this division had only 5600 more. (Haydock)
Gill: Num 26:1 - -- And it came to pass after the plague,.... Related in the preceding chapter; how long after is not certain, perhaps before the war with Midian, exhorte...
And it came to pass after the plague,.... Related in the preceding chapter; how long after is not certain, perhaps before the war with Midian, exhorted to in the latter part of the foregoing chapter, and of which an account is given, Num 31:1,
that the Lord spake unto Moses; out of the tabernacle, or out of the cloud:
and unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest; the Lord had been used to speak to Moses and to Aaron; but now Aaron being dead, and Eleazar his son succeeding him in the priesthood, is joined with Moses, and the order here given is directed to them both:
saying: as follows.

Gill: Num 26:2 - -- Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel,.... Excepting the Levites, who were to be numbered by themselves, and at a different a...
Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel,.... Excepting the Levites, who were to be numbered by themselves, and at a different age; this sum was to be taken, that it might appear that all of the old generation that came out of Egypt, of the age at which this sum was taken, were now dead, excepting two, as the Lord had threatened; and partly that as they were now about to enter the land of Canaan, it might be divided to them according to their number; as well as to show the faithfulness of God to his word and promise, that he would multiply and make them fruitful, notwithstanding all their provoking sins and transgressions:
from twenty years old and upwards, throughout their father's house; all of that age in every tribe, house, and family:
all that are able to go to war in Israel; for which they must prepare, being about to enter the land of Canaan, and dispossess and drive out the inhabitants of it.

Gill: Num 26:3 - -- And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them,.... With the children of Israel, with the heads of them, their chief and principal, to assist in tak...
And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them,.... With the children of Israel, with the heads of them, their chief and principal, to assist in taking the number of the people; as when they were numbered thirty years ago, when a prince out of each tribe was taken to be with Aaron and Moses in doing that business; but those princes were now all dead, and another race succeeded, who were now employed in this service; so the Targum of Jonathan says, they spoke with the rulers, and ordered them to number them:
in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho: or of Jericho, as the same Targum, on the other side of Jordan to that on which Jericho stood; for as yet the children of Israel had not passed that river, nor entered into the land of Canaan, in which Jericho was, but they were now opposite it; See Gill on Num 22:1,
saying; as follows.

Gill: Num 26:4 - -- Take the sum of the people, from twenty years old and upward,.... At the same age at which the sum was taken before, Num 1:3 so that there could not ...
Take the sum of the people, from twenty years old and upward,.... At the same age at which the sum was taken before, Num 1:3 so that there could not be one that was more than sixty years of age, of all those that went into the land of Canaan, except Joshua and Caleb, and besides some few in the tribe of Levi, which did not come into either of these musters:
and the Lord commanded Moses, and the children of Israel, which went forth out of the land of Egypt; as Moses had a command to number the people before, so he had now. The sin of David was, that he numbered the people when he had no command for it; Moses, when he brought the people out of Egypt, had them committed to him by number; and now being about to die, he delivers them up as it were by number again, as Jarchi observes.

Gill: Num 26:5-7 - -- Reuben, the eldest son of Israel,.... the number of his tribe is taken first on that account; there were four families that descended from him, the Ha...
Reuben, the eldest son of Israel,.... the number of his tribe is taken first on that account; there were four families that descended from him, the Hanochite, Palluite, Hesronite, and Carmite, and the number of men from twenty years old and upwards, fit for war, were 43,730; so that, since the last numbering, this tribe was decreased 2770; which may in part be accounted for by the families of Dathan and Abiram being cut off for their rebellion, who were this tribe, and whose affair is briefly related in the following verses, and it may be to point out this unto us.

Gill: Num 26:8 - -- And the sons of Pallu,.... Or son, the plural for the singular, Pallu having but one son, whose name was Eliab, the father of Dathan and Abiram; Num 2...
And the sons of Pallu,.... Or son, the plural for the singular, Pallu having but one son, whose name was Eliab, the father of Dathan and Abiram; Num 26:9.

Gill: Num 26:9 - -- And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram,.... Of Nemuel we nowhere else read either he died without children, or he and his family perish...
And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram,.... Of Nemuel we nowhere else read either he died without children, or he and his family perished with his brethren, being concerned with them in the conspiracy; or the family of the Palluite was in his line; one of the same name may be observed in the tribe of Simeon:
this is that Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregation; either before their rebellion, for their power and authority, being heads of their fathers' houses; or for their parts and abilities, being men of great wisdom and sense; or for their zeal, activity, and usefulness; or after it, and became famous, or rather infamous, on account of it, see Num 16:2.
who strove against Moses and against Aaron in the company of Korah, when they strove against the Lord; who joined with Korah and his company, and quarrelled with Moses and Aaron about the priesthood; with Moses for putting Aaron into it, and with Aaron for accepting it, and officiating in it; and so with the Lord himself, by whose orders he was invested with it.

Gill: Num 26:10 - -- And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up,.... Not only Dathan and Abiram, but their wives and children, their houses and tents, and all t...
And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up,.... Not only Dathan and Abiram, but their wives and children, their houses and tents, and all their goods, see Num 16:32 together with Korah; the words being thus rendered, and standing in such close connection with the preceding, some have concluded from hence that Korah was swallowed up with them in the earth; whereas he seems rather to have been at that time with the two hundred and fifty men that had censers at the door of the tabernacle, and was consumed by fire with them, see Num 16:16 and, indeed, it is suggested here, for the phrase may be rendered, "and the things of Korah" m; what appertained unto him, his men, tents, goods, and substance, which agrees with Num 16:32 or, "and as for Korah" n; with respect to him: "when that company died": he was at the head of, he died also, the same death they died, by fire, as follows:
what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty men; which was the number his company consisted of, who took censers, and offered incense, and were consumed by fire, Num 16:2, and with whom, in all probability, he perished:
and they became a sign, were made an example of, to deter others from the like practices, and particularly usurping any part of the priest's office: some connect the words with the following, and take the sense to be, that this was the sign or miracle, that when they perished, Korah's sons died not, but were preserved; which sense is countenanced by the Vulgate Latin, but the other sense is best.

Gill: Num 26:11 - -- Notwithstanding, the children of Korah died not. Neither of the pestilence, nor by fire, nor by the swallowing up of the earth; they not being in the ...
Notwithstanding, the children of Korah died not. Neither of the pestilence, nor by fire, nor by the swallowing up of the earth; they not being in the counsel of their father, but followed the doctrine of Moses the prophet, as the Targum of Jonathan; they either disliked their father's scheme, or, if they engaged with him in it, they repented and departed from him, and were not present when the judgments of God came upon him and his company; there were several of his posterity who were singers in the times of David, and to whom many of the psalms were sent to be sung.

Gill: Num 26:12-14 - -- The sons of Simeon, after their families,.... This tribe was next numbered, not only because Simeon was next to Reuben by birth, but because his tribe...
The sons of Simeon, after their families,.... This tribe was next numbered, not only because Simeon was next to Reuben by birth, but because his tribe was under the standard of Reuben; two of his sons are a little differently named here than they are in Gen 46:10, there the eldest is called Jemuel, here Nemuel; there the youngest but one is named Zohar, here Zerah; and one of them is here omitted, namely Ohad, perhaps because he died without children, and so no family sprang from him; wherefore the families of Simeon were but five, and the number of them were 22,200; by which it appears there was a very great decrease in this tribe since the last muster, even 37,100 which in some measure is to be accounted for by the great number of this tribe supposed to have died of the plague, on account of fornication and idolatry, made mention of in the preceding chapter; a prince in this tribe having set a bad example, it is probable he was followed in it by many of it, for which great numbers were cut off. Jarchi, from Tanchuma, says, that all the 24,000 that died of the plague was of the tribe of Simeon; and so says the Samaritan Chronicle o; but that is not likely.

Gill: Num 26:15-18 - -- The children of Gad, after their families tribe was numbered next to Simeon,.... because it lay encamped with that under the standard of Reuben. There...
The children of Gad, after their families tribe was numbered next to Simeon,.... because it lay encamped with that under the standard of Reuben. There is a little variation in the names of two or three of his sons, from those by which they are called Gen 46:16, instead of Ziphion, here Zephon; and for Haggai, here Haggi; and what is much wider, for Ezbon, here Ozni. Seven families sprang from Gad, whose number now was 40,500; they were diminished since their last numbering 5150; it is probable this tribe, being a warlike tribe, suffered very much in their attempt to enter the land of Canaan contrary to the will of God, and were repulsed and defeated by the Amalekites, Num 16:40.

Gill: Num 26:19-22 - -- And the sons of Judah were Er and Onan,.... And besides these he had Shelah, Pharez, and Zerah, from whom families sprang, but none from the two first...
And the sons of Judah were Er and Onan,.... And besides these he had Shelah, Pharez, and Zerah, from whom families sprang, but none from the two first: for
Er and Onan died in the land of Canaan; where they were born; and that because of their sins, as the Targum of Jonathan adds, see
Ge 38:7-10 so that there were but three families sprang from Judah, the Shelanites, Pharzites, and Zarhites; only the family of the Pharzites was divided into two families, the Hesronites and the Hamulites, so called from two sons of Pharez; the number of these families amounted to 76,500, so that there was an increase of 1900 since the last muster, which answers to Jacob's blessing, that he should be a praise among his brethren, Gen 49:8.

Gill: Num 26:23-25 - -- Of the sons of Issachar, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Judah, because it was under his standard. Two of his sons are a lit...
Of the sons of Issachar, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Judah, because it was under his standard. Two of his sons are a little differently named than they are Gen 46:13 instead of Phuvah one is called Pua, and instead of Job another is called here Jashub; this tribe consisted of four families, and the number of warlike men in it was 64,300; their increase since the last numbering of them is 9900.

Gill: Num 26:26-27 - -- Of he sons of Zebulun, after their families,.... This is numbered next to Issachar, because it was encamped under the standard of Judah; it consisted ...
Of he sons of Zebulun, after their families,.... This is numbered next to Issachar, because it was encamped under the standard of Judah; it consisted of three families, whose numbers were 60,500, so that this tribe was increased 3100.

Gill: Num 26:28-34 - -- The sons of Joseph, after their families, were Manasseh and Ephraim. Manasseh is here mentioned first, though Ephraim was preferred to him by Jacob, a...
The sons of Joseph, after their families, were Manasseh and Ephraim. Manasseh is here mentioned first, though Ephraim was preferred to him by Jacob, and the standard belonged to him; not because he was the firstborn, but because he had now the greater increase, though he had but one son, Machir, of whom was the family of the Machirites, and a grandson, whose name was Gilead, from whom was the family of the Gileadites, and who had six sons; of whom were the families of the Jeezerite, Halekite, Asrielite, Shechemite, Shemidaite, and Hepherite. Hepher, of whom was the last, had a son named Zelophehad, but he had no son, only five daughters, whose names are given; the number of men in this tribe, of twenty years old and upwards, fit for war, was 52,700, so that the increase was 20,500, a large increase indeed!

Gill: Num 26:35-37 - -- These are the sons of Ephrain, after their families,.... Which were but three, the Shuthalhite, the Bachrite, and the Tahanite, only from the former s...
These are the sons of Ephrain, after their families,.... Which were but three, the Shuthalhite, the Bachrite, and the Tahanite, only from the former sprung another family, called the Eranite; the number of the whole was 32,500; there was a decrease in this tribe of 8000.

Gill: Num 26:38-41 - -- The sons of Benjamin, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Ephraim, being under his standard. Five of the sons of Benjamin are om...
The sons of Benjamin, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Ephraim, being under his standard. Five of the sons of Benjamin are omitted, perhaps because they died without issue, and so no families sprang from them; the names of the five sons mentioned vary a little from the names of them in Gen 46:21 instead of Ehi, it is here Ahiram; and instead of Huppim and Muppim, it is here Shupham and Hupham; from these last five were the families of the Belaite, Ashbelite, Ahiramite, Shuphamite, and Huphamite; and from the eldest of them sprang two other families, the Ardite and Naamite, from Ard and Naaman, two sons of Bela; the number of men in these families was 45,600, so that here was an increase of 10,200.

Gill: Num 26:42-43 - -- These are the sons of Dan, after their families,.... Though he had but one son, the plural being put for the singular; or by sons are meant his poster...
These are the sons of Dan, after their families,.... Though he had but one son, the plural being put for the singular; or by sons are meant his posterity; his son's name was Shuham, and by transposition Hushim, in Gen 46:23 from him was the family of the Shulamite; and yet, though but one, consisted of 64,400 men; there was an increase of 1700 in this tribe.

Gill: Num 26:44-47 - -- Of the children of Asher, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Dan, because it was under his standard; one of his sons is omitted...
Of the children of Asher, after their families,.... This tribe was numbered next to Dan, because it was under his standard; one of his sons is omitted, very probably dying childless, and so had no family; from the rest sprang the families of the Iimnite, Jesuite, and Benite; and, from the latter, two others, the Heberite and Malchielite; and it is remarked that Asher had a daughter named Serah, and who also is particularly mentioned as a sister of Asher's sons in Gen 46:17 no doubt but she was a remarkable woman, either for religion, or for wisdom and prudence, or some amiable virtue or grace or another, that she is so particularly taken notice of: according to Maimonides p she was an heiress; for though Asher had many sons, this was his wife's daughter by another man, who had no sons, and the inheritance was his daughter's, and therefore is so particularly mentioned; she inheriting as the daughters of Zelophehad did: the number of persons in this tribe was 53,400, the increase was 11,900.

Gill: Num 26:48-50 - -- Of the sons of Naphtali, after their families,.... This tribe, which is the last of them, was numbered next to Asher, because it was with that under t...
Of the sons of Naphtali, after their families,.... This tribe, which is the last of them, was numbered next to Asher, because it was with that under the standard of Dan; it had four families in it, the Jahzeelite, Gunite, Jezerite, and Shillemite, and its number was 45,400, being less by 8000 than it was when first numbered.

Gill: Num 26:51 - -- These were the numbered of the children of Israel,.... The twelve tribes, consisting of so many families, as above named; and the sum total of persons...
These were the numbered of the children of Israel,.... The twelve tribes, consisting of so many families, as above named; and the sum total of persons in them of twenty years old and upwards, and fit for war, was
six hundred and one thousand and seven hundred and thirty; so that though all those that were numbered thirty years ago were now dead, excepting Joshua and Caleb, yet there wanted but 1820 of that number; so mindful was the Lord of his promise, and so faithful to keep it, notwithstanding the provocations of these people, to increase and multiply them, that they had pretty near the number to go into the land of Canaan which they had when they came out of Egypt.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes -> Num 26:1; Num 26:1; Num 26:2; Num 26:2; Num 26:3; Num 26:3; Num 26:4; Num 26:5; Num 26:7; Num 26:8; Num 26:9; Num 26:13; Num 26:14; Num 26:16; Num 26:16; Num 26:17; Num 26:18; Num 26:21; Num 26:22; Num 26:25; Num 26:27; Num 26:34; Num 26:37; Num 26:39; Num 26:40; Num 26:40; Num 26:41; Num 26:43; Num 26:46; Num 26:47; Num 26:50; Num 26:51

NET Notes: Num 26:3 For the location of Jericho see Map5 B2; Map6 E1; Map7 E1; Map8 E3; Map10 A2; Map11 A1.

NET Notes: Num 26:5 The Hebrew text has no preposition here, but one has been supplied in the translation for clarity. Cf. vv. 23, 30, 31, 32.

NET Notes: Num 26:14 Before entering Sinai the tribe numbered 59,300, the third largest. Now it was about one-third its original size.

NET Notes: Num 26:39 With the exception of a few manuscripts the MT has Shephupham. The spelling in the translation above is supported by Smr and the ancient versions.

NET Notes: Num 26:41 The Benjaminites increased from 35,400 to 45,600. The Greek version has here 35,500.

NET Notes: Num 26:51 This number shows only a slightly smaller total in the second census; the first was 603,550.
Geneva Bible: Num 26:1 And it came to pass after the ( a ) plague, that the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, saying,
( a ) Which came bec...

Geneva Bible: Num 26:3 And Moses and Eleazar the priest spake with them in the plains of Moab by Jordan ( b ) [near] Jericho, saying,
( b ) Where the river is near to Jeric...

Geneva Bible: Num 26:9 And the sons of Eliab; Nemuel, and Dathan, and Abiram. This [is that] Dathan and Abiram, [which were] famous in the congregation, who strove against M...

Geneva Bible: Num 26:10 And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up together with Korah, when that company died, what time the fire devoured two hundred and fifty m...

Geneva Bible: Num 26:19 The sons of Judah [were] Er and Onan: and Er and Onan died in the land of ( e ) Canaan.
( e ) Before Jacob went into Egypt, (Gen 38:3, Gen 38:7, Gen ...

Geneva Bible: Num 26:51 These [were] the ( f ) numbered of the children of Israel, six hundred thousand and a thousand seven hundred and thirty.
( f ) This is the third time...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Num 26:1-65
TSK Synopsis: Num 26:1-65 - --1 The sum of all Israel is taken in the plains of Moab.52 The law of dividing among them the inheritance of the land.57 The families and number of the...
MHCC -> Num 26:1-51
MHCC: Num 26:1-51 - --Moses did not number the people but when God commanded him. We have here the families registered, as well as the tribes. The total was nearly the same...
Matthew Henry -> Num 26:1-4; Num 26:5-51
Matthew Henry: Num 26:1-4 - -- Observe here, 1. That Moses did not number the people but when God commanded him. David in his time did it without a command, and paid dearly for it...

Matthew Henry: Num 26:5-51 - -- This is the register of the tribes as they were now enrolled, in the same order that they were numbered in ch. 1. Observe, I. The account that is he...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Num 26:1-51
Keil-Delitzsch: Num 26:1-51 - --
Mustering of the Twelve Tribes. - Num 26:1-4. The command of God to Moses and Eleazar is the same as in Num 1, 2, and 3, except that it does not ent...
Constable: Num 26:1--36:13 - --II. Prospects of the younger generation in the land chs. 26--36
The focus of Numbers now changes from the older ...

Constable: Num 26:1--32:42 - --A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the east chs. 26-32
The first section of this second...