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Text -- Psalms 104:10-35 (NET)

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104:10 He turns springs into streams; they flow between the mountains. 104:11 They provide water for all the animals in the field; the wild donkeys quench their thirst. 104:12 The birds of the sky live beside them; they chirp among the bushes. 104:13 He waters the mountains from the upper rooms of his palace; the earth is full of the fruit you cause to grow. 104:14 He provides grass for the cattle, and crops for people to cultivate, so they can produce food from the ground, 104:15 as well as wine that makes people feel so good, and so they can have oil to make their faces shine, as well as food that sustains people’s lives. 104:16 The trees of the Lord receive all the rain they need, the cedars of Lebanon which he planted, 104:17 where the birds make nests, near the evergreens in which the herons live. 104:18 The wild goats live in the high mountains; the rock badgers find safety in the cliffs. 104:19 He made the moon to mark the months, and the sun sets according to a regular schedule. 104:20 You make it dark and night comes, during which all the beasts of the forest prowl around. 104:21 The lions roar for prey, seeking their food from God. 104:22 When the sun rises, they withdraw and sleep in their dens. 104:23 Men then go out to do their work, and labor away until evening. 104:24 How many living things you have made, O Lord! You have exhibited great skill in making all of them; the earth is full of the living things you have made. 104:25 Over here is the deep, wide sea, which teems with innumerable swimming creatures, living things both small and large. 104:26 The ships travel there, and over here swims the whale you made to play in it. 104:27 All of your creatures wait for you to provide them with food on a regular basis. 104:28 You give food to them and they receive it; you open your hand and they are filled with food. 104:29 When you ignore them, they panic. When you take away their life’s breath, they die and return to dust. 104:30 When you send your life-giving breath, they are created, and you replenish the surface of the ground. 104:31 May the splendor of the Lord endure! May the Lord find pleasure in the living things he has made! 104:32 He looks down on the earth and it shakes; he touches the mountains and they start to smolder. 104:33 I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God as long as I exist! 104:34 May my thoughts be pleasing to him! I will rejoice in the Lord. 104:35 May sinners disappear from the earth, and the wicked vanish! Praise the Lord, O my soul! Praise the Lord!
Parallel   Cross Reference (TSK)   ITL  

Names, People and Places, Dictionary Themes and Topics

Names, People and Places:
 · Lebanon a mountain range and the adjoining regions (IBD)
 · Leviathan a twisting aquatic monster, possibly the crocodile of the Nile, and used symbolically of Assyria and Babylonia (by the twisting Euphrates River IBD).

Dictionary Themes and Topics: WISDOM | SHIPS AND BOATS | Roe | Providence | PSALMS, BOOK OF | PROVIDENCE, 1 | PHILOSOPHY | Lintel | Holy Ghost | HALLELUJAH | GOD, 2 | Fruit | Earthquake | Den | Creation | Bless | Bird | Anoint | Animals | ADORATION | more
Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , Defender , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Keil-Delitzsch , Constable


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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Wesley: Psa 104:11 - -- Stupid creatures, and yet plentifully provided for by the Divine providence.

Stupid creatures, and yet plentifully provided for by the Divine providence.

Wesley: Psa 104:13 - -- Which most need moisture.

Which most need moisture.

Wesley: Psa 104:13 - -- From the clouds.

From the clouds.

Wesley: Psa 104:13 - -- By this means all the parts of the earth, are made fruitful.

By this means all the parts of the earth, are made fruitful.

Wesley: Psa 104:13 - -- With the effects of those sweet showers.

With the effects of those sweet showers.

Wesley: Psa 104:15 - -- He alludes to the custom of those times and places, which was upon festival occasions to anoint their faces with oil.

He alludes to the custom of those times and places, which was upon festival occasions to anoint their faces with oil.

Wesley: Psa 104:15 - -- Which preserves or renews our strength and vigour.

Which preserves or renews our strength and vigour.

Wesley: Psa 104:16 - -- Which come up, and thrive not by man's industry, but merely by the care of God's providence.

Which come up, and thrive not by man's industry, but merely by the care of God's providence.

Wesley: Psa 104:19 - -- To distinguish the times, the seasons of divers natural events, as of the ebbing and flowing of waters, and other seasons for sacred and civil affairs...

To distinguish the times, the seasons of divers natural events, as of the ebbing and flowing of waters, and other seasons for sacred and civil affairs, which were commonly regulated by the moon.

Wesley: Psa 104:20 - -- Which succeeds the light by virtue of thy decree.

Which succeeds the light by virtue of thy decree.

Wesley: Psa 104:21 - -- They roar when they come within sight of their prey.

They roar when they come within sight of their prey.

Wesley: Psa 104:21 - -- Their roaring is a kind of natural prayer to God, for relief.

Their roaring is a kind of natural prayer to God, for relief.

Wesley: Psa 104:25 - -- This word is common to all creatures that move without feet.

This word is common to all creatures that move without feet.

Wesley: Psa 104:26 - -- The whale.

The whale.

Wesley: Psa 104:26 - -- Who being of such a vast strength and absolute dominion in the sea, tumbles in it with great security, and sports himself with other creatures.

Who being of such a vast strength and absolute dominion in the sea, tumbles in it with great security, and sports himself with other creatures.

Wesley: Psa 104:29 - -- Withdrawest the care of thy providence.

Withdrawest the care of thy providence.

Wesley: Psa 104:30 - -- That quickening power of God, by which he produces life in the creatures from time to time. For he speaks not here of the first creation, but of the c...

That quickening power of God, by which he produces life in the creatures from time to time. For he speaks not here of the first creation, but of the continued production of living creatures.

Wesley: Psa 104:30 - -- Other living creatures are produced; the word created being taken in its largest sense for the production of things by second causes.

Other living creatures are produced; the word created being taken in its largest sense for the production of things by second causes.

Wesley: Psa 104:30 - -- And thus by thy wise and wonderful providence thou preservest the succession of living creatures.

And thus by thy wise and wonderful providence thou preservest the succession of living creatures.

Wesley: Psa 104:31 - -- Thus God advances the glory of his wisdom and power and goodness, in upholding the works of his hands from generation to generation, and he takes plea...

Thus God advances the glory of his wisdom and power and goodness, in upholding the works of his hands from generation to generation, and he takes pleasure in the preservation of his works, as also in his reflection upon these works of his providence.

Wesley: Psa 104:32 - -- This is a farther illustration of God's powerful providence: as when he affords his favour to creatures, they live and thrive, so on the contrary, one...

This is a farther illustration of God's powerful providence: as when he affords his favour to creatures, they live and thrive, so on the contrary, one angry look or touch of his upon the hills or earth, makes them tremble and smoke, as Sinai did when God appeared in it.

Wesley: Psa 104:35 - -- Heb. Hallelujah. This is the first time that this word occurs. And it comes in here on occasion of the destruction of the wicked. And the last time it...

Heb. Hallelujah. This is the first time that this word occurs. And it comes in here on occasion of the destruction of the wicked. And the last time it occurs, Rev 19:1, Rev 19:3-4, Rev 19:6, it is on a like occasion, the destruction of Babylon.

JFB: Psa 104:10-13 - -- Once destructive, these waters are subjected to the service of God's creatures. In rain and dew from His chambers (compare Psa 104:3), and fountains a...

Once destructive, these waters are subjected to the service of God's creatures. In rain and dew from His chambers (compare Psa 104:3), and fountains and streams, they give drink to thirsting animals and fertilize the soil. Trees thus nourished supply homes to singing birds, and the earth teems with the productions of God's wise agencies,

JFB: Psa 104:14-15 - -- So that men and beasts are abundantly provided with food.

So that men and beasts are abundantly provided with food.

JFB: Psa 104:14-15 - -- Literally, "for the culture," &c., by which he secures the results.

Literally, "for the culture," &c., by which he secures the results.

JFB: Psa 104:14-15 - -- Literally, "makes his face to shine more than oil," that is, so cheers and invigorates him, that outwardly he appears better than if anointed.

Literally, "makes his face to shine more than oil," that is, so cheers and invigorates him, that outwardly he appears better than if anointed.

JFB: Psa 104:14-15 - -- Gives vigor to man (compare Jdg 19:5).

Gives vigor to man (compare Jdg 19:5).

JFB: Psa 104:16-19 - -- God's care of even wild animals and uncultivated parts of the earth.

God's care of even wild animals and uncultivated parts of the earth.

JFB: Psa 104:20-23 - -- He provides and adapts to man's wants the appointed times and seasons.

He provides and adapts to man's wants the appointed times and seasons.

JFB: Psa 104:24-26 - -- From a view of the earth thus full of God's blessings, the writer passes to the sea, which, in its immensity, and as a scene and means of man's activi...

From a view of the earth thus full of God's blessings, the writer passes to the sea, which, in its immensity, and as a scene and means of man's activity in commerce, and the home of countless multitudes of creatures, also displays divine power and beneficence. The mention of

JFB: Psa 104:26 - -- (Job 40:20) heightens the estimate of the sea's greatness, and of His power who gives such a place for sport to one of His creatures.

(Job 40:20) heightens the estimate of the sea's greatness, and of His power who gives such a place for sport to one of His creatures.

JFB: Psa 104:27-30 - -- The entire dependence of this immense family on God is set forth. With Him, to kill or make alive is equally easy. To hide His face is to withdraw fav...

The entire dependence of this immense family on God is set forth. With Him, to kill or make alive is equally easy. To hide His face is to withdraw favor (Psa 13:1). By His spirit, or breath, or mere word, He gives life. It is His constant providence which repairs the wastes of time and disease.

JFB: Psa 104:31-34 - -- While God could equally glorify His power in destruction, that He does it in preservation is of His rich goodness and mercy, so that we may well spend...

While God could equally glorify His power in destruction, that He does it in preservation is of His rich goodness and mercy, so that we may well spend our lives in grateful praise, honoring to Him, and delightful to pious hearts (Psa 147:1).

JFB: Psa 104:35 - -- Those who refuse such a protector and withhold such a service mar the beauty of His works, and must perish from His presence.

Those who refuse such a protector and withhold such a service mar the beauty of His works, and must perish from His presence.

JFB: Psa 104:35 - -- The Psalm closes with an invocation of praise, the translation of a Hebrew phrase, which is used as an English word, "Hallelujah," and may have served...

The Psalm closes with an invocation of praise, the translation of a Hebrew phrase, which is used as an English word, "Hallelujah," and may have served the purpose of a chorus, as often in our psalmody, or to give fuller expression to the writer's emotions. It is peculiar to Psalms composed after the captivity, as "Selah" is to those of an earlier date.

Clarke: Psa 104:10 - -- He sendeth the springs into the valleys - Evaporation is guided and regulated by Divine Providence. The sun has a certain power to raise a certain p...

He sendeth the springs into the valleys - Evaporation is guided and regulated by Divine Providence. The sun has a certain power to raise a certain portion of vapours from a given space. God has apportioned the aqueous to the terrene surface, and the solar attraction to both. There is just as much aqueous surface as affords a sufficiency of vapours to be raised by the solar attraction to water the earthy surface. Experiments have been instituted which prove that it requires a given space of aqueous surface to provide vapours for a given space of terrene surface; and the proportion appears ordinarily to be seventeen of water to three of earth; and this is the proportion that the aqueous bears to the terrene surface of the globe. See Ray’ s three Physico-theological Discourses.

Clarke: Psa 104:11 - -- The wild asses quench their thirst - The פרא pere , onager or wild ass, differs in nothing from the tame ass, only it has not a broken spirit, a...

The wild asses quench their thirst - The פרא pere , onager or wild ass, differs in nothing from the tame ass, only it has not a broken spirit, and is consequently more lively and active. It is so very swift that no horse except the Arab barb can overtake it. It is a gregarious animal, and they go in troops to feed and to drink. It is very timid, or rather jealous of its liberty, and therefore retires deep into the desert; yet even there the providence of God regards it; springs are provided, and it has the instinct to find them out.

Clarke: Psa 104:12 - -- By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation - All fowls love verdure, and have their residence where they can find wood and water.

By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation - All fowls love verdure, and have their residence where they can find wood and water.

Clarke: Psa 104:13 - -- From his chambers - The clouds, as in Psa 104:3

From his chambers - The clouds, as in Psa 104:3

Clarke: Psa 104:13 - -- The earth is satisfied - The inhabitants of it.

The earth is satisfied - The inhabitants of it.

Clarke: Psa 104:14 - -- He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle - Doth God care for oxen? Yes, and there is not a beast of the field that does not share his merciful re...

He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle - Doth God care for oxen? Yes, and there is not a beast of the field that does not share his merciful regards

Clarke: Psa 104:14 - -- And herb for the serviee of man - Plants, esculent herbs, and nutritive grain in general; and thus he brings forth food ( לחם lechem , bread) out...

And herb for the serviee of man - Plants, esculent herbs, and nutritive grain in general; and thus he brings forth food ( לחם lechem , bread) out of the earth. In the germination and growth of a grain of wheat there is a profusion of miracles. God takes care of man, and of all those animals which are so necessary to the convenience and comfort of man.

Clarke: Psa 104:15 - -- And wine - Wine, in moderate quantity, has a wondrous tendency to revive and invigorate the human being. Ardent spirits exhilarate, but they exhaust...

And wine - Wine, in moderate quantity, has a wondrous tendency to revive and invigorate the human being. Ardent spirits exhilarate, but they exhaust the strength; and every dose leaves man the worse. Unadulterated wine, on the contrary, exhilarates and invigorates: it makes him cheerful, and provides for the continuance of that cheerfulness by strengthening the muscles, and bracing the nerves. This is its use. Those who continue drinking till wine inflames them, abase this mercy of God

Clarke: Psa 104:15 - -- Oil to make his face to shine - That is, to anoint the body; and particularly those parts most exposed to the sun and weather. This is of high impor...

Oil to make his face to shine - That is, to anoint the body; and particularly those parts most exposed to the sun and weather. This is of high importance in all arid lands and sultry climates. By it the pores are kept open, and perspiration maintained

Clarke: Psa 104:15 - -- Bread which strengtheneth man’ s heart - In hunger not only the strength is prostrated, but the natural courage is also abated. Hunger has no e...

Bread which strengtheneth man’ s heart - In hunger not only the strength is prostrated, but the natural courage is also abated. Hunger has no enterprise, emulation, nor courage. But when, in such circumstances, a little bread is received into the stomach, even before concoction can have time to prepare it for nutriment, the strength is restored, and the spirits revived. This is a surprising effect; and it has not yet been satisfactorily accounted for

Three of the choicest and most important articles of life are here mentioned: Wine, for the support of the vital and intellectual spirits; Bread, for the support of the nervous and muscular system; and Oil, as a seasoner of food, and for those unctions so necessary for the maintenance of health. Where wine, oil, and bread can be had in sufficient quantities, there animal food, ardent spirits, and all high-seasoned aliments, may be well dispensed with. Heavy taxes on these necessaries of life are taxes on life, itself; and infallibly lead to adulteration of the articles themselves; especially wine and oil, which, in countries where they are highly taxed, are no longer to be found pure.

Clarke: Psa 104:16 - -- The trees of the Lord are full of sap - ישבעו yisbeu , "are saturated.

The trees of the Lord are full of sap - ישבעו yisbeu , "are saturated.

Clarke: Psa 104:16 - -- The cedars of Lebanon - God’ s providence not only extends to then and cattle, but also to the trees of the field and forest. Many of these are...

The cedars of Lebanon - God’ s providence not only extends to then and cattle, but also to the trees of the field and forest. Many of these are not only sustained, but planted by his providence. Who ever planted the seeds of the cedars of Lebanon, or of the thousands of woods and forests on the globe? God himself sowed those seeds, and they have sprung up and flourished without the care of man.

Clarke: Psa 104:17 - -- Where the birds make their nests - צפרים tsipporim signifies swallows, sparrows, and small birds in general; here opposed to the חסידה...

Where the birds make their nests - צפרים tsipporim signifies swallows, sparrows, and small birds in general; here opposed to the חסידה chasidah or stork. Perhaps the heron may be understood, which is said to be the first of all birds to build her nest, and she builds it on the very highest trees. The general meaning is, that God has provided shelter and support for the greatest and smallest birds; they are all objects of his providential regard.

Clarke: Psa 104:18 - -- The high hills are a refuge - The barren tops of the highest hills, and the craggy abrupt precipices of the most stupendous rocks, are not without t...

The high hills are a refuge - The barren tops of the highest hills, and the craggy abrupt precipices of the most stupendous rocks, are not without their uses: they afford protection, refuge, and food, for creatures whose dispositions and habits are suited to such places; and thus no part of the creation is useless. The creatures who are their inhabitants are necessary links in the great chain of animated beings, and show the wisdom and providence of God

For a description of the covey, see Lev 11:5. The יעל yael , translated here the wild goat, is no doubt a creature of the stag or deer kind; the ibex, chamois, antelope, etc.

Clarke: Psa 104:19 - -- He appointed the moon for seasons - The heathens thought that the sun and moon were gods, and worshipped them as such. The psalmist shows, 1. That t...

He appointed the moon for seasons - The heathens thought that the sun and moon were gods, and worshipped them as such. The psalmist shows, 1. That they are creatures dependent on God for their being and continuance; and, 2. That they were made for the use of man. See what has been said on these luminaries in the notes on Gen 1:14-16 (note).

Clarke: Psa 104:20 - -- Thou makest darkness - It is not the design of God that there should be either constant darkness or constant light. That man may labor, he gives him...

Thou makest darkness - It is not the design of God that there should be either constant darkness or constant light. That man may labor, he gives him, by means of the sun, the light of the day; and that he may rest from his labor, and get his strength recruited, he gives him night, and comparative darkness. And as it would not be convenient for man and the wild beasts of the forest to collect their food at the same time, he has given the night to them as the proper time to procure their prey, and the day to rest in. When Man labors, They rest; when Man rests, They labor.

Clarke: Psa 104:21 - -- The young lions roar after their prey - It is said of the lion, that his roaring is so terrible as to astonish and quite unnerve the beast which he ...

The young lions roar after their prey - It is said of the lion, that his roaring is so terrible as to astonish and quite unnerve the beast which he pursues; so that, though fleeter than himself, it falls down and becomes an easy prey.

Clarke: Psa 104:22 - -- The sun ariseth - The dawn of day is the warning for man to arise and betake himself to his work; and is the warning to them to retire to their dens...

The sun ariseth - The dawn of day is the warning for man to arise and betake himself to his work; and is the warning to them to retire to their dens.

Clarke: Psa 104:24 - -- O Lord, how manifold are thy works - In this verse there are three propositions 1.    The works of the Lord are multitudinous and var...

O Lord, how manifold are thy works - In this verse there are three propositions

1.    The works of the Lord are multitudinous and varied

2.    They are so constructed as to show the most consummate wisdom in their design, and in the end for which they are formed

3.    They are all God’ s property, and should be used only in reference to the end for which they were created

All abuse and waste of God’ s creatures are spoil and robbery on the property of the Creator. On this verse Mr. Ray has published an excellent work, entitled, "The Wisdom of God in the Creation,"which the reader will do well, not only to consult, but carefully to read over and study.

Clarke: Psa 104:25 - -- This great and wide sea - The original is very emphatic: זה הים גדול ורחב ידים zeh haiyam gadol urechab yadayim , "This very sea, ...

This great and wide sea - The original is very emphatic: זה הים גדול ורחב ידים zeh haiyam gadol urechab yadayim , "This very sea, great and extensive of hands."Its waters, like arms, encompassing all the terrene parts of the globe. I suppose the psalmist was within sight of the Mediterranean when he wrote these words.

Clarke: Psa 104:26 - -- There go the ships - By means of navigation, countries the most remote are connected, and all the inhabitants of the earth become known to each othe...

There go the ships - By means of navigation, countries the most remote are connected, and all the inhabitants of the earth become known to each other. He appears at this time to have seen the ships under sail

Clarke: Psa 104:26 - -- That leviathan - This may mean the whale, or any of the large marine animals. The Septuagint and Vulgate call it dragon. Sometimes the crocodile is ...

That leviathan - This may mean the whale, or any of the large marine animals. The Septuagint and Vulgate call it dragon. Sometimes the crocodile is intended by the original word

Clarke: Psa 104:26 - -- To play therein - Dreadful and tempestuous as the sea may appear, and uncontrollable in its billows and surges, it is only the field of sport, the p...

To play therein - Dreadful and tempestuous as the sea may appear, and uncontrollable in its billows and surges, it is only the field of sport, the play-ground, the bowling-green to those huge marine monsters.

Clarke: Psa 104:27 - -- These wait all upon thee - The innumerable fry of the smaller aquatic animals, as well as whales, dolphins, porpoises, and sharks, all have their me...

These wait all upon thee - The innumerable fry of the smaller aquatic animals, as well as whales, dolphins, porpoises, and sharks, all have their meat from God. He has in his gracious providence furnished that sort of food which is suitable to all. And this provision is various; not only for every kind of fish does God provide food, but a different kind of aliment for each in its different periods of growth. Here are displayed the goodness and infinitely varied providence of God: "He giveth them their meat in due season."

Clarke: Psa 104:28 - -- That thou givest them they gather - All creatures are formed with such and such digestive organs, and the food proper for them is provided. Infinite...

That thou givest them they gather - All creatures are formed with such and such digestive organs, and the food proper for them is provided. Infinitely varied as are living creatures in their habits and internal economy, so are the aliments which God has caused the air, the earth, and the waters to produce

Clarke: Psa 104:28 - -- Thou openest thine hand - An allusion to the act of scattering grain among fowls.

Thou openest thine hand - An allusion to the act of scattering grain among fowls.

Clarke: Psa 104:29 - -- Thou hidest thy face - If thou bring dearth or famine on the land, contagion in the air, or any destruction on the provision made by the waters, the...

Thou hidest thy face - If thou bring dearth or famine on the land, contagion in the air, or any destruction on the provision made by the waters, then beasts, fowl, and fish die, and are dissolved.

Clarke: Psa 104:30 - -- Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created - יבראון yibbareun , "They are created again.

Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created - יבראון yibbareun , "They are created again.

Clarke: Psa 104:30 - -- And thou renewest the face of the earth - Do not these words plainly imply a resurrection of the bodies which have died, been dissolved, or turned t...

And thou renewest the face of the earth - Do not these words plainly imply a resurrection of the bodies which have died, been dissolved, or turned to dust? And is not the brute creation principally intended here? Is it not on this account it is said, Psa 104:31, "the glory of the Lord shall endure for ever, ( לעולם leolam ),"to be manifest in those times which are secret, when Jehovah himself shall rejoice in his works; when the brute creation shall be delivered from the bondage of its corruption? See the notes on Rom 8:19-23 (note).

Clarke: Psa 104:32 - -- He looketh on the earth - Even the look of God terrifies all created nature

He looketh on the earth - Even the look of God terrifies all created nature

Clarke: Psa 104:32 - -- He toucheth the hills - So easy is it for God to burn up the earth and the worlds thereof, that even his touch kindles the mountains into flames! Se...

He toucheth the hills - So easy is it for God to burn up the earth and the worlds thereof, that even his touch kindles the mountains into flames! See Etna, Vesuvius, Stromboli, etc.; these are ignited by the touch of God. How majestic are these figures

The renewal of the earth, and re-creation of deceased animals, shall take place when he shall shake terribly the heavens and the earth; when they shall be wrapped together as a scroll, and the earth and its works be dissolved, that is, after the general convulsion and conflagration of the world.

Clarke: Psa 104:33 - -- I will sing unto the Lord - The psalmist exulting in the glorious prospect of the renovation of all things, breaks out in triumphant anticipation of...

I will sing unto the Lord - The psalmist exulting in the glorious prospect of the renovation of all things, breaks out in triumphant anticipation of the great event, and says, I will sing unto the Lord בחיי bechaiyai , with my lives, the life that I now have, and the life that I shall have hereafter

Clarke: Psa 104:33 - -- I will sing praise to my God - בעודי beodi , "in my eternity;"my going on, my endless progression. What astonishing ideas! But then, how shall...

I will sing praise to my God - בעודי beodi , "in my eternity;"my going on, my endless progression. What astonishing ideas! But then, how shall this great work be brought about? and how shall the new earth be inhabited with righteous spirits only? The answer is,

Clarke: Psa 104:35 - -- Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more - Or, He shall consume the wicked and ungodly, till no more of them be f...

Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more - Or, He shall consume the wicked and ungodly, till no more of them be found. Then the wicked shall be turned into hell, with all the nations that forget God. No wonder, with these prospects before his eyes, he cries out, "Bless Jehovah, O my soul! Hallelujah!"And ye that hear of these things, bless the Lord also

Calvin: Psa 104:10 - -- 10.Sending out springs by the valleys The Psalmist here describes another instance both of the power and goodness of God, which is, that he makes fou...

10.Sending out springs by the valleys The Psalmist here describes another instance both of the power and goodness of God, which is, that he makes fountains to gush out in the mountains, and to run down through the midst of the valleys. Although it is necessary for the earth to be dry, to render it a fit habitation for us, yet, unless we had water to drink, and unless the earth opened her veins, all kinds of living creatures would perish. The prophet, therefore, speaks in commendation of that arrangement by which the earth, though dry, yet supplies us with water by its moisture. The word נחלים , nechalim, which I have rendered springs, is by some translated, torrents or rivers; but springs is more appropriate. In the same sense it is added immediately after, that they run among the hills; and yet, it is scarcely credible that fountains could spring forth from rocks and stony places. But here it may be asked, why the prophet says that the beasts of the field quench their thirst, rather than men, for whose sake the world was created? I would observe, in reply, that he obviously spake in this manner, for the purpose of enhancing the goodness of God, who vouchsafes to extend his care to the brute creation, yea, even to the wild asses, under which species are included all other kinds of wild beasts. And he purposely refers to desert places, that each of us may compare with them the more pleasant, and the cultivated parts of the earth, afterwards mentioned. Rivers run even through great and desolate wildernesses, where the wild beasts enjoy some blessing of God; and no country is so barren as not to have trees growing here and there, on which birds make the air to resound with the melody of their singing. Since even those regions where all lies waste and uncultivated, furnish manifest tokens of the Divine goodness and power, with what admiration ought we to regard that most abundant supply of all good things, which is to be seen in cultivated and favorable regions? Surely in countries where not only one river flows, or where not only grass grows for the feeding of wild beasts, or where the singing of birds is heard not only from a few trees, but where a manifold and varied abundance of good things everywhere presents itself to our view, our stupidity is more than brutish, if our minds, by such manifestations of the goodness of God, are not fixed in devout meditation on his glory.

Calvin: Psa 104:13 - -- The same subject is prosecuted in the 13th verse, where it is said that God watereth the mountains from his chambers It is no ordinary miracle that...

The same subject is prosecuted in the 13th verse, where it is said that God watereth the mountains from his chambers It is no ordinary miracle that the mountains, which seem to be condemned to perpetual drought, and which, in a manner, are suspended in the air, nevertheless abound in pastures. The prophet, therefore, justly concludes that this fruitfulness proceeds from nothing else but the agency of God, who is their secret cultivator. Labour cannot indeed, in the proper sense, be attributed to God, but still it is not without reason applied to him, for, by merely blessing the earth from the place of his repose, he works more efficaciously than if all the men in the world were to waste themselves by incessant labor.

14.Making grass to grow for cattle The Psalmist now comes to men, of whom God vouchsafes to take a special care as his children. After having spoken of the brute creation, he declares, that corn is produced, and bread made of it, for the nourishment of the human race; and he mentions in addition to this, wine and oil, two things which not only supply the need of mankind, but also contribute to their cheerful enjoyment of life. Some understand the Hebrew word לעבדת , laäbodath, which I have rendered for the service, to denote the labor which men bestow in husbandry; for while grass grows on the mountains of itself, and without human labor, corn and herbs, which are sown, can only be produced, as is well known, by the labor and sweat of men. According to them the meaning is, that God blesses the toil of men in the cultivation of the fields. But this being too strained an interpretation, it is better to understand the word service, in the ordinary sense of the term. With respect to the word bread, I do not object to the view of those who understand it in a restricted sense, although it probably includes all kinds of food; only I dislike the opinion of those who exclude bread. There is no force in the reason which they allege for taking this view, namely, that in the following verse another use of bread is added, when it is said, that it strengthens the heart of man; for there the same thing is expressed in different words. The prophet, in stating that God causeth the earth to bring forth herbs for the support of men, intends to say that the earth supplies them not only with food in corn, but also with other herbs and fruits; for the means of our sustenance is not limited exclusively to one kind of food.

Calvin: Psa 104:15 - -- 15.And wine that cheereth the heart of man In these words we are taught, that God not only provides for men’s necessity, and bestows upon them as m...

15.And wine that cheereth the heart of man In these words we are taught, that God not only provides for men’s necessity, and bestows upon them as much as is sufficient for the ordinary purposes of life, but that in his goodness he deals still more bountifully with them by cheering their hearts with wine and oil. Nature would certainly be satisfied with water to drink; and therefore the addition of wine is owing to God’s superabundant liberality. The expression, and oil to make his face to shine, has been explained in different ways. As sadness spreads a gloom over the countenance, some give this exposition, That when men enjoy the commodities of wine and oil, their faces shine with gladness. Some with more refinement of interpretation, but without foundation, refer this to lamps. Others, considering the letter מ , mem to be the sign of the comparative degree, take the meaning to be, that wine makes men’s faces shine more than if they were anointed with oil. But the prophet, I have no doubt, speaks of unguents, intimating that God not only bestows upon men what is sufficient for their moderate use, but that he goes beyond this, giving them even their delicacies.

The words in the last clause, and bread that sustains man’s heart, I interpret thus: Bread would be sufficient to support the life of man, but God over and above, to use a common expression, bestows upon them wine and oil. The repetition then of the purpose which bread serves is not superfluous: it is employed to commend to us the goodness of God in his tenderly and abundantly nourishing men as a kind-hearted father does his children. For this reason, it is here stated again, that as God shows himself a foster-father sufficiently bountiful in providing bread, his liberality appears still more conspicuous in giving us dainties.

But as there is nothing to which we are more prone, than to abuse God’s benefits by giving way to excess, the more bountiful he is towards men, the more ought they to take care not to pollute, by their intemperance, the abundance which is presented before them. Paul had therefore good reason for giving that prohibition, (Rom 13:14)

“Make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof;”

for if we give full scope to the desires of the flesh, there will be no bounds. As God bountifully provides for us, so he has appointed a law of temperance, that each may voluntarily restrain himself in his abundance. He sends out oxen and asses into pastures, and they content themselves with a sufficiency; but while furnishing us with more than we need, he enjoins upon us an observance of the rules of moderation, that we may not voraciously devour his benefits; and in lavishing upon us a more abundant supply of good things than our necessities require, he puts our moderation to the test. The proper rule with respect to the use of bodily sustenance, is to partake of it that it may sustain, but not oppress us. The mutual communication of the things needful for the support of the body, which God has enjoined upon us, is a very good check to intemperance; for the condition upon which the rich are favored with their abundance is, that they should relieve the wants of their brethren. As the prophet in this account of the divine goodness in providence makes no reference to the excesses of men, we gather from his words that it is lawful to use wine not only in cases of necessity, but also thereby to make us merry. This mirth must however be tempered with sobriety, first, that men may not forget themselves, drown their senses, and destroy their strength, but rejoice before their God, according to the injunction of Moses, (Lev 23:40;) and, secondly, that they may exhilarate their minds under a sense of gratitude, so as to be rendered more active in the service of God. He who rejoices in this way will also be always prepared to endure sadness, whenever God is pleased to send it. That rule of Paul ought to be kept in mind, (Phi 4:12,)

“I have learned to abound, — I have learned to suffer want.”

If some token of the divine anger is manifest, even he who has an overflowing abundance of all kinds of dainty food, will restrict himself in his diet knowing that he is called to put on sackcloth, and to sit among ashes. Much more ought he whom poverty compels to be temperate and sober, to abstain from such delicacies. In short, if one man is constrained to abstain from wine by sickness, if another has only vapid wine, and a third nothing but water, let each be content with his own lot, and willingly and submissively wean himself from those gratifications which God denies him.

The same remarks apply to oil. We see from this passage that ointments were much in use among the Jews, as well as among the other eastern nations. At the present day, it is different with us, who rather keep ointments for medicinal purposes, than use them as articles of luxury. The prophet, however, says, that oil also is given to men, that they may anoint themselves therewith. But as men are too prone to pleasure, it is to be observed, that the law of temperance ought not to be separated from the beneficence of God, lest they abuse their liberty by indulging in luxurious excess. This exception must always be added, that no person may take encouragement from this doctrine to licentiousness.

Moreover, when men have been carefully taught to bridle their lust, it is important for them to know, that God permits them to enjoy pleasures in moderation, where there is the ability to provide them; else they will never partake even of bread and wine with a tranquil conscience; yea, they will begin to scruple about the tasting of water, at least they will never come to the table but in fearfulness. Meanwhile, the greater part of the world will wallow in pleasures without discrimination, because they do not consider what God permits them; for his fatherly kindness should be to us the best mistress to teach us moderation.

Calvin: Psa 104:16 - -- 16.The trees of Jehovah shall be satiated The Psalmist again treats of God’s general providence in cherishing all the parts of the world. In the fi...

16.The trees of Jehovah shall be satiated The Psalmist again treats of God’s general providence in cherishing all the parts of the world. In the first place, he asserts, that by the watering of which he had spoken the trees are satiated, or filled with sap, that thus flourishing they may be a place of abode to the birds. He next declares, that the wild deer and conies have also their places of shelter, to show that no part of the world is forgotten by Him, who is the best of fathers, and that no creature is excluded from his care. The transition which the prophet makes from men to trees is as if he had said, It is not to be wondered at, if God so bountifully nourishes men who are created after his own image, since he does not grudge to extend his care even to trees. By the trees of the Lord, is meant those which are high and of surpassing beauty; for God’s blessing is more conspicuous in them. It seems scarcely possible for any juice of the earth to reach so great a height, and yet they renew their foliage every year.

Calvin: Psa 104:19 - -- 19.He hath appointed the moon to distinguish seasons The Psalmist now comes to another commendation of God’s providence as manifested in the beauti...

19.He hath appointed the moon to distinguish seasons The Psalmist now comes to another commendation of God’s providence as manifested in the beautiful arrangement by which the course of the sun and moon alternately succeeds each other; for the diversity in their mutual changes is so far from producing confusion, that all must easily perceive the impossibility of finding any better method of distinguishing time. When it is said, that the moon was appointed to distinguish seasons, interpreters agree that this is to be understood of the ordinary and appointed feasts. The Hebrews having been accustomed to compute their months by the moon, this served for regulating their festival days and assemblies, both sacred and political. 194 The prophet, I have no doubt, by the figure synecdoche, puts a part for the whole, intimating, that the moon not only distinguishes the days from the nights, but likewise marks out the festival days, measures years and months, and, in fine, answers many useful purposes, inasmuch as the distinction of times is taken from her course. As to the sentence, The sun knoweth his going down, I understand it not only of his daily circuit, but as also denoting that by gradually approaching nearer us at one time, and receding farther from us at another, he knows how to regulate his movements by which to make summer, winter, spring, and autumn. It is farther stated, that the beasts of the forest creep forth during the night, because they go out of their dens with fear. Some translate the verb רמש , ramas, to walk; but its proper signification which I have given is not unsuitable; for although hunger often drives wild beasts into fury, yet they watch for the darkness of the night, that they may move abroad from their hiding-places, and on account of this fearfulness they are said to creep forth.

Calvin: Psa 104:21 - -- 21. The lions roar after their prey Although lions, if hunger compels them, go forth from their dens and roar even at noon-day, yet the prophet descr...

21. The lions roar after their prey Although lions, if hunger compels them, go forth from their dens and roar even at noon-day, yet the prophet describes what is most usually the case. He therefore says, that lions do not venture to go abroad during the daytime, but that, trusting to the darkness of the night, they then sally forth in quest of their prey. Herein is manifested the wonderful providence of God, that a beast so dreadful confines itself within its den, that men may walk abroad with the greater freedom. And if lions sometimes range with greater liberty, this is to be imputed to the fall of Adam, which has deprived men of their dominion over the wild beasts. There are, however, still some remains of the original blessing conferred by God on men, inasmuch as he holds in check so many wild beasts by the light of day, as if by iron cages or chains. The expression, They seek their food from God, is not to be understood of their casting themselves upon the care of God, as if they acknowledged him to be their foster-father, but it points out the fact itself, that God in a wonderful manner provides food for such ravenous beasts.

Calvin: Psa 104:22 - -- 22.The sun shall rise The Psalmist continues to prosecute the same subject, showing that God so distributes the successions of time, as that the day ...

22.The sun shall rise The Psalmist continues to prosecute the same subject, showing that God so distributes the successions of time, as that the day belongs properly to man. Did not God put a restraint upon so many wild beasts which are hostile to us, the human race would soon become extinct. As wild beasts since the fall of man may seem to be born to do us hurt, and to rend and tear in pieces all whom they meet with, this savage cruelty must be kept under check by the providence of God. And in order to keep them shut up within their dens, the only means which he employs is to inspire them with terror, simply by the light of the sun. This instance of divine goodness, the prophet commends the more on account of its necessity; for were it otherwise, men would have no liberty to go forth to engage in the labors and business of life. Man being thus protected by the light against the violence and injuries of wild beasts, in this is to be seen the unparalleled goodness of God, who in so fatherly a manner has provided for his convenience and welfare.

Calvin: Psa 104:24 - -- 24.O Jehovah! how magnificent are thy works The prophet does not make a full enumeration of the works of God, which would be an endless task, but onl...

24.O Jehovah! how magnificent are thy works The prophet does not make a full enumeration of the works of God, which would be an endless task, but only touches upon certain particulars, that every one may be led from the consideration of them to reflect the more attentively on that wisdom by which God governs the whole world, and every particular part of it. Accordingly, breaking off his description, he exclaims with admiration, — How greatly to be praised are thy works! even as we then only ascribe to God due honor when seized with astonishment, we acknowledge that our tongues and all our senses fail us in doing justice to so great a subject. If a small portion of the works of God make us amazed, how inadequate are our feeble minds to comprehend the whole extent of them! In the first place, it is said, that God has made all things in wisdom, and then it is added, that the earth is full of his riches The mention of wisdom only is not intended to exclude the divine power, but the meaning is, that there is nothing in the world confused, — that, so far from this, the vast variety of things mixed together in it are arranged with the greatest wisdom, so as to render it impossible for any thing to be added, abstracted, or improved. This commendation is set in opposition to the unhallowed imaginations, which often creep upon us when we are unable to discover the designs of God in his works, as if indeed he were subject to folly like ourselves, so as to be forced to bear the reprehension of those who are blind in the consideration of his works. The prophet also, by the same eulogium, reproves the madness of those who dream, that the world has been brought into its present form by chance, as Epicurus raved about the elements being composed of atoms. As it is an imagination more than irrational to suppose, that a fabric so elegant, and of such surpassing embellishment, was put together by the fortuitous concourse of atoms, the prophet here bids us attend more carefully to the wisdom of God, and to that wonderful skill which shines forth in the whole government of the world. Under riches are comprehended the goodness and beneficence of God; for it is not on his own account that he has so richly replenished the earth but on ours, that nothing which contributes to our advantage may be wanting. We ought to know that the earth does not possess such fruitfulness and riches of itself, but solely by the blessing of God, who makes it the means of administering to us his bounty.

Calvin: Psa 104:25 - -- 25.Great is this sea, and wide in extent After having treated of the evidences which the earth affords of the glory of God, the prophet goes down int...

25.Great is this sea, and wide in extent After having treated of the evidences which the earth affords of the glory of God, the prophet goes down into the sea, and teaches us that it is a new mirror in which may be beheld the divine power and wisdom. Although the sea were not inhabited by fishes, yet the mere view of its vastness would excite our wonder, especially when at one time it swells with the winds and tempests, while at another it is calm and unruffled. Again, although navigation is an art which has been acquired by the skill of men, yet it depends on the providence of God, who has granted to men a passage through the mighty deep. But the abundance and variety of fishes enhance in no small degree the glory of God in the sea. Of these the Psalmist celebrates especially the leviathan or the whale 196 because this animal, though there were no more, presents to our view a sufficient, yea, more than a sufficient, proof of the dreadful power of God, and for the same reason, we have a lengthened account of it in the book of Job. As its movements not only throw the sea into great agitation, but also strike with alarm the hearts of men, the prophet, by the word sport, intimates that these its movements are only sport in respect of God; as if he had said, The sea is given to the leviathans, as a field in which to exercise themselves.

Calvin: Psa 104:27 - -- 27.All these wait upon thee The prophet here again describes God as acting the part of the master of a household, and a foster-father towards all sor...

27.All these wait upon thee The prophet here again describes God as acting the part of the master of a household, and a foster-father towards all sorts of living creatures, by providing liberally for them. He had said before, that God made food to grow on the mountains for the support of cattle, and that sustenance is ministered to the very lions by the hand of the same God, although they live upon prey. Now he amplifies this wonder of the divine beneficence by an additional circumstance. While the different species of living creatures are almost innumerable, and the number in each species is so great, there is yet not one of them which does not stand in need of daily food. The meaning then of the expression, All things wait upon thee, is, that they could not continue in existence even for a few days, unless God were to supply their daily need, and to nourish each of them in particular. We thus see why there is so great a diversity of fruits; for God assigns and appoints to each species of living creatures the food suitable and proper for them. The brute beasts are not indeed endued with reason and judgment to seek the supply of their wants from God, but stooping towards the earth, they seek to fill themselves with food; still the prophet speaks with propriety, when he represents them as waiting upon God; for their hunger must be relieved by his bounty, else they would soon die. Nor is the specification of the season when God furnishes them with food superfluous, since God lays up in store for them, that they may have the means of sustenance during the whole course of the year. As the earth in winter shuts up her bowels, what would become of them if he did not provide them with food for a long time? The miracle, then, is the greater from the circumstance, that God, by making the earth fruitful at stated seasons, extends in this way his blessing to the rest of the year which threatens us with hunger and famine. How wretched would we be when the earth in winter shuts up her riches, were not our hearts cheered with the hope of a new increase? In this sense, the Psalmist appropriately affirms, that God opens his hand If wheat should grow up daily, God’s providence would not be so manifest. But when the earth becomes barren, it is as if God shut his hand. Whence it follows, that when he makes it fruitful, he, so to speak, stretches out his hand from heaven to give us food. Now if he supply wild and brute beasts with sustenance in due season, by which they are fed to the full, his blessing will doubtless be to us as an inexhaustible source of plenty, provided we ourselves do not hinder it from flowing to us by our unbelief.

Calvin: Psa 104:29 - -- 29.Thou shalt hide thy face, and they shall be afraid In these words, the Psalmist declares, that we stand or fall according to the will of God. We c...

29.Thou shalt hide thy face, and they shall be afraid In these words, the Psalmist declares, that we stand or fall according to the will of God. We continue to live, so long as he sustains us by his power; but no sooner does he withdraw his life-giving spirit than we die. Even Plato knew this, who so often teaches that, properly speaking, there is but one God, and that all things subsist, or have their being only in him. Nor do I doubt, that it was the will of God, by means of that heathen writer, to awaken all men to the knowledge, that they derive their life from another source than from themselves. In the first place, the Psalmist asserts, that if God hide his face they are afraid; and, secondly, that if he take away their spirit they die, and return to their dust; by which words he points out, that when God vouchsafes to look upon us, that look gives us life, and that as long as his serene countenance shines, it inspires all the creatures with life. Our blindness then is doubly inexcusable, if we do not on our part cast our eyes upon that goodness which gives life to the whole world. The prophet describes step by step the destruction of living creatures, upon God’s withdrawing from them his secret energy, that from the contrast he may the better commend that continued inspiration, by which all things are maintained in life and rigor. He could have gone farther, and have asserted, that all things, unless upheld in being by God, would return to nothing; but he was content with affirming in general and popular language, that whatever is not cherished by Him falls into corruption. He again declares, that the world is daily renewed, because God sends forth his spirit In the propagation of living creatures, we doubtless see continually a new creation of the world. In now calling that God’s spirit, which he before represented as the spirit of living creatures, there is no contradiction. God sendeth forth that spirit which remains with him whither he pleases; and as soon as he has sent it forth, all things are created. In this way, what was his own he makes to be ours. But this gives no countenance to the old dream of the Manicheeans, which that filthy dog Servetus has made still worse in our own day. The Manicheeans said that the soul of man is a particle of the Divine Spirit, and is propagated from it as the shoot of a tree; but this base man has had the audacity to assert, that oxen, asses, and dogs, are parts of the divine essence. The Manichees at least had this pretext for their error, that the soul was created after the image of God; but to maintain this with respect to swine and cattle, is in the highest degree monstrous and detestable. Nothing was farther from the prophet’s intention, than to divide the spirit of God into parts, so that a portion of it should dwell essentially in every living creature. But he termed that the spirit of God which proceeds from him. By the way, he instructs us, that it is ours, because it is given us, that it may quicken us. The amount of what is stated is, that when we see the world daily decaying, and daily renewed, the life-giving power of God is reflected to us herein as in a mirror. All the deaths which take place among living creatures, are just so many examples of our nothingness, so to speak; and when others are produced and grow up in their room, we have in that presented to us a renewal of the world. Since then the world daily dies, and is daily renewed in its various parts, the manifest conclusion is, that it subsists only by a secret virtue derived from God.

Calvin: Psa 104:31 - -- 31.Glory be to Jehovah for ever The inspired writer shows for what purpose he has celebrated in the preceding part of the psalm the power, wisdom, an...

31.Glory be to Jehovah for ever The inspired writer shows for what purpose he has celebrated in the preceding part of the psalm the power, wisdom, and goodness of God in his works, namely, to stir up men to praise him. It is no small honor that God for our sake has so magnificently adorned the world, in order that we may not only be spectators of this beauteous theater, but also enjoy the multiplied abundance and variety of good things which are presented to us in it. Our gratitude in yielding to God the praise which is his due, is regarded by him as a singular recompense. What the Psalmist adds, Let Jehovah rejoice in his works, is not superfluous; for he desires that the order which God has established from the beginning may be continued in the lawful use of his gifts. As we read in Gen 6:6, that “it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth,” so when he sees that the good things which he bestows are polluted by our corruptions, he ceases to take delight in bestowing them. And certainly the confusion and disorder which take place, when the elements cease to perform their office, testify that God, displeased and wearied out, is provoked to discontinue, and put a stop to the regular course of his beneficence; although anger and impatience have strictly speaking no place in his mind. What is here taught is, that he bears the character of the best of fathers, who takes pleasure in tenderly cherishing his children, and in bountifully nourishing them. In the following verse it is shown, that the stability of the world depends on this rejoicing of God in his works; for did he not give vigor to the earth by his gracious and fatherly regard, as soon as he looked upon it with a severe countenance, he would make it tremble, and would burn up the very mountains.

Calvin: Psa 104:33 - -- 33.I will sing to Jehovah whilst I live Here the Psalmist points out to others their duty by his own example, declaring, that throughout the whole co...

33.I will sing to Jehovah whilst I live Here the Psalmist points out to others their duty by his own example, declaring, that throughout the whole course of his life he will proclaim the praises of God without ever growing weary of that exercise. The only boundary which he fixes to the celebration of God’s praises is death; not that the saints, when they pass from this world into another state of existence, desist from this religious duty, but because the end for which we are created is, that the divine name may be celebrated by us on the earth. Conscious of his unworthiness to offer to God so precious a sacrifice, he humbly prays, (verse 34,) that the praises which he will sing to God may be acceptable to him, although they proceed from polluted lips. It is true, that there is nothing more acceptable to God, nor any thing of which he more approves, than the publication of his praises, even as there is no service which he more peculiarly requires us to perform. But as our uncleanness defiles that which in its own nature is most holy, the prophet with good reason betakes himself to the goodness of God, and on this ground alone pleads that He would accept of his song of praise. Accordingly, the Apostle, in Heb 13:15 teaches that our sacrifices of thanksgiving are well pleasing to God, when they are offered to him through Christ. It being however the case, that whilst all men indiscriminately enjoy the benefits of God, there are yet very few who look to the author of them, the prophet subjoins the clause, I will rejoice in the Lord; intimating, that this is a rare virtue; for nothing is more difficult than to call home the mind from those wild and erratic joys, which disperse themselves through heaven and earth in which they evanish, that it may keep itself fixed on God alone.

Calvin: Psa 104:35 - -- 35.Let sinners perish from the earth This imprecation depends on the last clause of the 31st verse, Let Jehovah rejoice in his works As the wicked ...

35.Let sinners perish from the earth This imprecation depends on the last clause of the 31st verse, Let Jehovah rejoice in his works As the wicked infect the world with their pollutions, the consequence is, that God has less delight in his own workmanship, and is even almost displeased with it. It is impossible, but that this uncleanness, which, being extended and diffused through every part of the world, vitiates and corrupts such a noble product of his hands, must be offensive to him. Since then the wicked, by their perverse abuse of God’s gifts, cause the world in a manner to degenerate and fall away from its first original, the prophet justly desires that they may be exterminated, until the race of them entirely fail. Let us then take care so to weigh the providence of God, as that being wholly devoted to obeying him, we may rightly and purely use the benefits which he sanctities for our enjoying them. Farther, let us be grieved, that such precious treasures are wickedly squandered away, and let us regard it as monstrous and detestable, that men not only forget their Maker, but also, as it were, purposely turn to a perverse and an unworthy end, whatever good things he has bestowed upon them.

Defender: Psa 104:24 - -- The present world and its complex ecosystems provide abundantly for God's providential care of His creation (as summarized in Psa 104:10-23) and also ...

The present world and its complex ecosystems provide abundantly for God's providential care of His creation (as summarized in Psa 104:10-23) and also provide abundant evidence of His omniscience in planning, designing and maintaining such a marvelous world."

Defender: Psa 104:25 - -- The present oceans are deep and wide, whereas the pre-Flood "seas" were relatively narrow, shallow, and numerous. They now contain the drain-waters fr...

The present oceans are deep and wide, whereas the pre-Flood "seas" were relatively narrow, shallow, and numerous. They now contain the drain-waters from the Flood which once were stored in the vast "waters above the firmament" (Gen 1:7) and the subterranean "deep."

Defender: Psa 104:25 - -- There are more marine organisms, both in number and variety, than air-breathing birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. This is especially true in th...

There are more marine organisms, both in number and variety, than air-breathing birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. This is especially true in the fossil record."

Defender: Psa 104:26 - -- The "leviathan" was a great sea-serpent or dragon (Isa 27:1) almost certainly corresponding to the plesiosaurs or other marine reptiles like dinosaurs...

The "leviathan" was a great sea-serpent or dragon (Isa 27:1) almost certainly corresponding to the plesiosaurs or other marine reptiles like dinosaurs now only known as fossils. "Playing" in the deep ocean where ships go, it obviously was not a mere crocodile, as modern commentators allege."

Defender: Psa 104:30 - -- The creation of plant, animal and human life, both physical and biological, had been completed in the creation week (Gen 2:1-3), so is not going on to...

The creation of plant, animal and human life, both physical and biological, had been completed in the creation week (Gen 2:1-3), so is not going on today. This repeated "creation" must apply to the marvelous ability of reproduction as created in each kind of organism at the beginning. It may refer to the actual creation of each human soul/spirit in God's image at conception."

Defender: Psa 104:32 - -- Earthquakes and volcanoes which were non-existent in the pre-Flood world, remind us repeatedly today of the great upheavals that took place at the tim...

Earthquakes and volcanoes which were non-existent in the pre-Flood world, remind us repeatedly today of the great upheavals that took place at the time of the Flood. The Flood left many on-going effects in the form of "residual catastrophism." These should remind us that God does eventually judge the wickedness of man and also should serve to warn us of a coming worldwide judgment by fire (see note on Psa 104:35)."

Defender: Psa 104:35 - -- In this concluding verse the psalm looks forward to the consummation and the renewed earth (2Pe 3:10, 2Pe 3:13).

In this concluding verse the psalm looks forward to the consummation and the renewed earth (2Pe 3:10, 2Pe 3:13).

Defender: Psa 104:35 - -- This particular exhortation, "Bless the Lord O my soul" only occurs at the beginning and end of Psalms 103 and 104 and indicates both a continuity of ...

This particular exhortation, "Bless the Lord O my soul" only occurs at the beginning and end of Psalms 103 and 104 and indicates both a continuity of authorship and of theme.

Defender: Psa 104:35 - -- This final exhortation, "Praise ye the Lord" is essentially one word in Hebrew, hallelujah. This is the first of twenty-two occurrences in the book of...

This final exhortation, "Praise ye the Lord" is essentially one word in Hebrew, hallelujah. This is the first of twenty-two occurrences in the book of Psalms (the "Hallal" book of Israel). This number is the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the alphabet in which God first revealed His Word in human language. The very purpose of language is that of praising the Lord. Hallelujah ends each of Psalms 104, 105 and 106 tying them together as a unit, and as a unit, tied together with Psalm 103. Psalm 104 deals mainly with God's care for His people from Adam to Abraham, Psalm 105 from Abraham to Moses, and Psalm 106 from Moses to David. Psalm 103 may constitute David's introduction to these three great psalms of praise."

TSK: Psa 104:10 - -- He sendeth : Heb. Who sendeth, Psa 107:35; The waters of the sea are not only prevented from destroying the earth, but, by the providence of God, are ...

He sendeth : Heb. Who sendeth, Psa 107:35; The waters of the sea are not only prevented from destroying the earth, but, by the providence of God, are rendered the means of preserving every living thing; partly ascending from the great deep through the strata of the earth, partly exhaled in vapour from the surface of the ocean, and thence falling in rain, especially on the tops and sides of mountains, they break forth into fresh springs, and form streams and rivers. Deu 8:7; Isa 35:7, Isa 41:18

run : Heb. walk

TSK: Psa 104:11 - -- They give : Psa 145:16 the wild : Job 39:5-8 quench : Heb. break

They give : Psa 145:16

the wild : Job 39:5-8

quench : Heb. break

TSK: Psa 104:12 - -- the fowls : Psa 104:16, Psa 104:17, Psa 50:11, Psa 84:3, Psa 148:10; Mat 6:26 sing : Heb. give a voice, Psa 147:9

the fowls : Psa 104:16, Psa 104:17, Psa 50:11, Psa 84:3, Psa 148:10; Mat 6:26

sing : Heb. give a voice, Psa 147:9

TSK: Psa 104:13 - -- watereth : Psa 147:8; Deu 11:11; Job 38:25-28, Job 38:37; Jer 10:13, Jer 14:22; Mat 5:45; Act 14:17 his chambers : Psa 104:3; Amo 9:6 the earth : Psa ...

TSK: Psa 104:14 - -- causeth : Psa 145:15, Psa 145:16, Psa 147:8, Psa 147:9; Gen 1:11, Gen 1:12, Gen 1:29, Gen 2:5; 1Ki 18:5; Jer 14:5, Jer 14:6; Joe 2:22 herb : Gen 1:29,...

TSK: Psa 104:15 - -- wine : Psa 23:5; Jdg 9:13; Pro 31:6; Ecc 10:19; Jer 31:12; Zec 9:15-17; Mar 14:23; Eph 5:18 oil to make his : etc. Heb. to make his face shine with oi...

wine : Psa 23:5; Jdg 9:13; Pro 31:6; Ecc 10:19; Jer 31:12; Zec 9:15-17; Mar 14:23; Eph 5:18

oil to make his : etc. Heb. to make his face shine with oil, or, more than oil. Psa 92:10; Deu 28:40; Jdg 9:9; Ecc 8:1, Ecc 9:7; Son 1:2-4; Heb 1:9; 1Jo 2:20

bread : Psa 105:16; Lev 26:26; Deu 8:3; Isa 3:1; Eze 4:16, Eze 5:16, Eze 14:13

TSK: Psa 104:16 - -- Psa 29:5, Psa 92:2; Num 24:6; Eze 17:23

TSK: Psa 104:17 - -- the birds : Psa 104:12; Jer 22:23; Eze 31:6; Dan 4:21; Oba 1:4; Mat 13:32 as for : Lev 11:19; Jer 8:7 the stork : The stork is a species of the ardea...

the birds : Psa 104:12; Jer 22:23; Eze 31:6; Dan 4:21; Oba 1:4; Mat 13:32

as for : Lev 11:19; Jer 8:7

the stork : The stork is a species of the ardea or heron genus, about the size of a goose in its body, but when erect, about three or four feet high; its general colour is white; extremity of the wings, and small part of the head, black; legs, very long, red, and naked a great way up; the toes four, long and connected, with flat nails like those of a man; beak long, jagged, red, and somewhat compressed; the upper and under chaps both of a length, with a furrow from the nostrilscaps1 . icaps0 t feeds on serpents, frogs, and insects, on which account it might be deemed unclean; lays four eggs, and sits thirty days; migrates about August, and returns in spring; and is remarkable for its love to its parents, whom it never forsakes, but feeds and cherishes when old; whence it had the name chaseedah , which denotes kindness or piety, and stork, from the Greek στοργη , natural affection.

TSK: Psa 104:18 - -- the wild goats : The yaal , is the ibex, or rock goat, so called from alah , to ascend, because it is famous for mounting to the tops of the highe...

the wild goats : The yaal , is the ibex, or rock goat, so called from alah , to ascend, because it is famous for mounting to the tops of the highest rocks. Its general appearance is that of the tame goat, of a dusky brown colour; but the male is larger, with long horns, bending backwards. 1Sa 24:2; Job 39:1

the conies : Deu 14:7; Pro 30:26

TSK: Psa 104:19 - -- Psa 8:3, Psa 136:7-9; Gen 1:14-18; Deu 4:19; Job 31:26-28, Job 38:12; Jer 31:35

TSK: Psa 104:20 - -- makest : Psa 74:16, Psa 139:10-12; Gen 1:4, Gen 1:5, Gen 8:22; Isa 45:7; Amo 1:13 of the forest do creep forth : Heb. thereof do trample on the forest

makest : Psa 74:16, Psa 139:10-12; Gen 1:4, Gen 1:5, Gen 8:22; Isa 45:7; Amo 1:13

of the forest do creep forth : Heb. thereof do trample on the forest

TSK: Psa 104:21 - -- The young : Psa 34:10; Job 38:39; Isa 31:4; Eze 19:2-14; Amo 3:4 seek : Psa 147:9; Job 38:41; Joe 1:18, Joe 1:20, Joe 2:22

TSK: Psa 104:22 - -- Job 24:13-17; Nah 3:17; Joh 3:20

TSK: Psa 104:23 - -- Gen 3:19; Jdg 19:16; Ecc 5:12; Eph 4:28; 2Th 3:8-12

TSK: Psa 104:24 - -- how : Psa 8:3, Psa 40:5, Psa 107:31; Neh 9:6; Job 5:9 in wisdom : Psa 136:5; Gen 1:31; Pro 3:19, Pro 3:20, Pro 8:22-36; Jer 10:12; Rom 11:33; Eph 1:8;...

TSK: Psa 104:25 - -- this great : Psa 95:4, Psa 95:5; Gen 1:20-22, Gen 1:28; Deu 33:14-16, Deu 33:19 beasts : Gen 3:1; Act 28:5

TSK: Psa 104:26 - -- There go : Psa 107:23; Gen 49:13 leviathan : Psa 74:14; Job 3:8 *marg. Job 41:1-34; Isa 27:1 made : Heb. formed to play : Job 41:5, Job 41:29

There go : Psa 107:23; Gen 49:13

leviathan : Psa 74:14; Job 3:8 *marg. Job 41:1-34; Isa 27:1

made : Heb. formed

to play : Job 41:5, Job 41:29

TSK: Psa 104:27 - -- Psa 36:6, Psa 136:25, Psa 145:15, Psa 145:16, Psa 147:9; Job 38:41; Luk 12:24-28

TSK: Psa 104:29 - -- hidest : Psa 30:7; Job 13:24, Job 34:29; Rom 8:20-22 thou takest : Psa 146:4; Job 34:14, Job 34:15; Ecc 12:7; Act 17:25 return : Psa 90:3; Gen 3:19

TSK: Psa 104:30 - -- sendest : Psa 33:6; Job 26:13, Job 33:4; Isa 32:14, Isa 32:15; Eze 37:9; Eph 2:1, Eph 2:4, Eph 2:5; Tit 3:5 renewest : Isa 65:17, Isa 66:22; Rev 21:5

TSK: Psa 104:31 - -- The glory : Psa 102:16; Rom 11:36; Gal 1:5; Eph 3:21; 2Ti 4:18; Heb 13:21; 1Pe 5:11; 2Pe 3:18; Rev 5:12, Rev 5:13 endure : Heb. be rejoice : Gen 1:31;...

TSK: Psa 104:32 - -- looketh : Psa 77:16, Psa 97:4, Psa 97:5, Psa 114:7; Isa 64:2; Jer 4:23-26, Jer 5:22; Amo 8:8; Nah 1:5, Nah 1:6; Hab 3:5, Hab 3:6, Hab 3:10; Rev 20:11 ...

TSK: Psa 104:33 - -- Psa 63:4, Psa 145:1, Psa 145:2, Psa 146:2

TSK: Psa 104:34 - -- meditation : Psa 1:2, Psa 63:5, Psa 63:6, Psa 77:12, Psa 119:15, Psa 119:16, Psa 119:111, Psa 119:127, Psa 119:128, Psa 119:167, Psa 139:17, Psa 139:1...

TSK: Psa 104:35 - -- sinners : Psa 1:4, Psa 37:38, Psa 59:13, Psa 68:1, Psa 68:2, Psa 73:27, Psa 101:8; Jdg 5:31; Pro 2:22; Rev 19:1, Rev 19:2 Bless : Psa 104:1, Psa 103:1...

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Psa 104:10 - -- He sendeth the springs into the valleys - Though the waters are gathered together into seas, yet God has taken care that the earth shall not be...

He sendeth the springs into the valleys - Though the waters are gathered together into seas, yet God has taken care that the earth shall not be dry, parched, and barren. He has made provision for watering it, and by a most wise, wonderful, and benevolent arrangement, he has formed springs among the valleys and the hills. It is now animated nature which comes before the eye of the psalmist; and all this he traces to the fact that the earth is "watered,"and that it is not a waste of rocks and sands. The allusion in this part of the psalm (see the Introduction) is to the earth as covered with vegetation - or, to the third day of the week of creation Gen 1:9-13, which, in Genesis, is connected with the gathering of the waters into seas. This description continues in Psa 104:18. The literal rendering here would be, "sending springs into the valleys."He conducts the waters from the great reservoirs - lakes and seas - in such a way that they form springs in the valleys. The way in which this is done is among the most wonderful and the most benevolent in nature - by that power, derived from heat, by which the waters of the ocean, contrary to the natural law of gravitation, are lifted up in small particles - in vapor - and carried by the clouds where they are needed, and let fall upon the earth, to water the plants, and to form fountains, rivulets, and streams - and borne thus to the highest mountains, to be filtered through the ground to form springs and streams below.

Which run among the hills - Margin, "walk."That is, they go between the hills. The streams of water flow along in the natural valleys which have been made for them.

Barnes: Psa 104:11 - -- They give drink to every beast of the field - All are thus kept alive. The wild beasts that roam at large, find water thus provided for them. ...

They give drink to every beast of the field - All are thus kept alive. The wild beasts that roam at large, find water thus provided for them.

The wild donkeys quench their thirst - Margin, as in Hebrew, "break."The meaning is, that the most wild and ungovernable of beasts - those which are farthest from the habits of domesticated animals, and the most independent of any aid derived from man, find abundance everywhere. On the word rendered "wild asses,"and on the habits of the animals here referred to, see the notes at Job 11:12.

Barnes: Psa 104:12 - -- By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation - Among them the fowls of the air dwell. That is, among the trees which spring up b...

By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation - Among them the fowls of the air dwell. That is, among the trees which spring up by the fountains and water-courses. The whole picture is full of animation and beauty.

Which sing among the branches - Margin, as in Hebrew, "give a voice."Their voice is heard - their sweet music - in the foliage of the trees which grow on the margin of the streams and by the fountains. There is scarcely to be found a more beautiful poetic image than this.

Barnes: Psa 104:13 - -- He watereth the hills from his chambers - The waters, as stated before, run in the valleys - in the natural channels made for them among the hi...

He watereth the hills from his chambers - The waters, as stated before, run in the valleys - in the natural channels made for them among the hills, Psa 104:10. But still, it was a fact that the hills themselves were watered; that there were springs far up their heights; and that vegetation was sustained above the reach of the fountains and streams below; and it was a proof of the divine skill and beneficence that, in some way, water was furnished on the summits and sides of the hills themselves. This was caused, the psalmist says, by God’ s pouring water on them, as it were, from his own "chambers"- his abode on high. The allusion is, doubtless, to rain, which seems to be poured down from the very abode of God. The word rendered "chambers"means "upper rooms,"(see the notes at Psa 104:3); and the reference is to the dwelling-place of God, as far above the earth.

The earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works - Thy doings; with what thou hast done. All the needs of the earth seem to be met and "satisfied;"all that it could desire to make it fertile and beautiful; and the proper abode of man, of beast, and of fowl, has been granted. It has no cause of complaint; nothing has been left undone, in the valleys or on the hills, on the dry land or in the waters, that was needful to be done to carry out the purpose for which it has been called into being.

Barnes: Psa 104:14 - -- He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle - Out of the earth there is caused to grow every variety of food necessary for the various orders o...

He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle - Out of the earth there is caused to grow every variety of food necessary for the various orders of beings that are placed upon it. The idea here is not merely that of "abundance;"it is also that of "variety:"the needs and tastes of all have been consulted in the productions of the earth. The one earth - the same earth - has been made to produce the endless varieties of food required for the creatures that have been placed on it. The word "grass"here refers to all the vegetable productions needful for cattle.

And herb for the service of man - Gen 1:29. The word "herb"here would include every green plant or vegetable; or all that the earth produces for the food of man. This, of course, refers to the earth as it came from the hand of God, and to the original arrangement, before permission was given to man to eat the flesh of animals, Gen 9:3. The word translated "service"might be rendered "culture,"as if man was to cultivate it for his use, not that it was to be produced, as the food for cattle, spontaneously.

That he may bring forth food out of the earth - Hebrew, "bread."That is, that by culture he may bring forth that which would make bread.

Barnes: Psa 104:15 - -- And wine that maketh glad the heart of man ... - literally, "And wine (it) gladdens the heart of man to make his face to shine more than oil."M...

And wine that maketh glad the heart of man ... - literally, "And wine (it) gladdens the heart of man to make his face to shine more than oil."Margin, "to make his face shine with oil, or more than oil."The latter expresses the idea most accurately. So DeWette renders it. The meaning is, that the earth is made to produce wine (or grapes which produce wine), and this exhilarates the heart, so that the effect is seen on the countenance, making it more bright and cheerful than it is when anointed with oil. On the use of oil, see the notes at Psa 23:5. The reference here, in the original, is not to wine and oil as produced by the earth, as would seem to be implied in our translation, but to wine that makes the heart glad, and the face brighter than if anointed with oil. The psalmist here states a fact about the use of wine - a wellknown fact that it exhilarates the heart, and brightens the countenance; and he states it merely as a fact. He says nothing on the question whether the use of wine as a beverage is, or is not, proper and safe. Compare the notes at Joh 2:10.

And bread which strengtheneth man’ s heart - That is, Which sustains the heart - that being regarded as the seat of life. Compare Gen 18:5.

Barnes: Psa 104:16 - -- The trees of the Lord - From the grass, from the herb, from the vine, and from bread, as adapted to sustain the living beings upon the earth, t...

The trees of the Lord - From the grass, from the herb, from the vine, and from bread, as adapted to sustain the living beings upon the earth, the psalmist passes to the more lofty and grand productions of the vegetable world - to those which display more manifestly the power of God, and which furnish abodes and retreats for the various orders of living beings. The phrase "the trees of the Lord"means great and magnificent trees - as the expression "mountains of God"means great and lofty mountains - as if they seemed to "approach"God, or as if no appellation would so well describe their nature as that which was derived from the Infinite One. See Psa 36:6, note; Psa 65:9, note; Psa 80:10, note.

Are full of sap - The word so rendered means merely to be full, to be saturated - the words "of sap"being supplied by the translators. The idea is, that, lofty as they are, they are abundantly supplied with that which is necessary to their growth. There is no want - no lack - of that which is needful to supply them. They flourish, sustained abundantly by that which is derived from the earth and the waters.

The cedars of Lebanon - As among the loftiest and most magnificent productions of the earth. See Psa 29:5, note; Psa 92:12, note; Isa 2:13, note.

Which he hath planted - So lofty and large, that it would seem as if none could plant them but the Almighty.

Barnes: Psa 104:17 - -- Where the birds make their nests - Furnishing a home for the birds where they may breed their young. In Psa 104:12, the birds are introduced as...

Where the birds make their nests - Furnishing a home for the birds where they may breed their young. In Psa 104:12, the birds are introduced as singing among the foliage of trees and shrubs by the water-courses; here they are introduced as having their home in the lofty cedars in places which God had made for them. The word rendered "birds"here is the word which in Psa 84:3 is translated "sparrow,"and which is commonly used to denote "small birds."Compare Lev 14:4 (margin), and Lev 14:5-7, Lev 14:49-53. It is used, however, to denote birds of any kind. See Gen 7:14; Psa 8:8; Psa 11:1; Psa 148:10.

As for the stork - See the notes at Job 39:13.

The fir trees are her house - Her retreat; her abode. The stork here is used to represent the larger class of birds. The meaning is, that they build their nests among the fir-trees or cypresses. See the notes at Isa 14:8; notes at Isa 41:19. So Milton says:

"The eagle and the stork

On cliffs and cedar-tops their eyries build."

They build their nests, however, not only on fir and pine trees, but on houses and castles. Dr. Thomson ("Land and the Book,"vol. i. p. 504), says of them, "These singular birds do not breed in Syria, but pass over it to Asia Minor, and into Northwestern Europe, where they not only build in fir and pine trees upon the mountains, but also enter cities and villages, and make their nests on houses, castles, and minarets."

Barnes: Psa 104:18 - -- The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats - Still keeping up the description of animated nature - the carrying out of the work of creation...

The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats - Still keeping up the description of animated nature - the carrying out of the work of creation. The idea is, that nature is full of life. Even the most inaccessible places - the rocks - the high hills - have their inhabitants. Where man cannot climb or dwell, there are abodes of animals which God has made to dwell there, and which find there a refuge - a shelter - a home. On the word used here, and rendered "wild goats,"see the notes at Job 39:1. The word occurs elsewhere only in 1Sa 24:2.

And the rocks for the conies - The word here "employed"- שׁפן shâphân - denotes a quadruped that chews the cud, in the manner of a hare Lev 11:5; Deu 14:7, and living in flocks. The rabbis render it the "coney,"or rabbit, as our translators have done. The habits of the rabbit accord with this description. The word occurs nowhere else, except in Pro 30:26, where it is rendered, as here, "conies."

Barnes: Psa 104:19 - -- He appointed the moon for seasons - Gen 1:14-18. That is, The moon, as well as the sun, is appointed to divide time; to determine its progress;...

He appointed the moon for seasons - Gen 1:14-18. That is, The moon, as well as the sun, is appointed to divide time; to determine its progress; to indicate the return of festival occasions, or appointed times to be observed in any manner. It is, in fact, the foundation of the division of the year into "months,"and consequently the indication of all that is to be observed in the "months"of the year. But for this, there would be no natural divisions of time except those of day and night, and of the year. How great an advantage it is for the purpose of life, to have time broken up into brief intervals or periods which can be marked and remembered, both in our private life and in history, it is not necessary to say. God has been pleased to add to the natural divisions of time into days, and years, and months, an "artificial"division - the "fourth"part of the moon’ s course - "a week,"indicated by the Sabbath, thus greatly facilitating the plans of life in regard to stated times or "seasons,"and especially in regard to religious observances. The idea in the passage before us is, that the whole arrangement is one of benevolence, promoting the comfort of man, and bringing the ideas of succession, variety, and beauty into the system.

The sun knoweth his going down - As if conscious of what he is doing, he knows the exact time of setting, and never varies, but always obeys the divine command; never sets "before"his time - unexpectedly shortening the day, and leaving man in sudden darkness in the midst of his toil; and never lingers above the horizon "after"the moment has come for his setting, but withdraws at the exact time, enabling man to close his toil, and seek repose, and giving an opportunity for another class of creatures to come forth on the animated scene. Their good is regarded as well as that of man; and the operations of nature are so arranged as to promote the welfare of all.

Barnes: Psa 104:20 - -- Thou makest darkness, and it is night - Thou hast made arrangements for the return of night - for the alternations of day and night. The Hebrew...

Thou makest darkness, and it is night - Thou hast made arrangements for the return of night - for the alternations of day and night. The Hebrew word rendered "makest,"means "to place;"and the idea is, that God constitutes the darkness, or so disposes things that it occurs.

Wherein all the beasts of the forest - The margin is, "the beasts thereof do trample on the forest."The reference is to the beasts which seek their prey at night.

Do creep forth - The Hebrew word used here means properly "to creep,"as the smaller animals do, which have feet, as mice, lizards, crabs, or as those do which glide or drag themselves upon the ground, having no feet, as worms and serpents. Gen 1:21, Gen 1:26, Gen 1:28, Gen 1:30; Gen 9:2. The allusion here is to the quiet and noiseless manner in which the animals come forth at night in search of their prey, or seem to crawl out of their hiding-places - the places where they conceal themselves in the day-time. The idea is, that the arrangements which God has made in regard to day and night are wisely adapted to the animals which he has placed on the earth. The earth is full of animated beings, accomplishing by day and night the purposes of their existence.

Barnes: Psa 104:21 - -- The young lions roar after their prey - This is a continuation of the description in the previous verse. At night the beasts which had been hid...

The young lions roar after their prey - This is a continuation of the description in the previous verse. At night the beasts which had been hidden in the daytime crawl forth and seek their food. The lion is particularly specified as one of the beasts that in a general survey would attract attention. The psalmist hears his "roar"as he goes forth in the forest in pursuit of his prey.

And seek their meat from God - Their food. That is, God bestows it on them, and they act as if they sought it at his hand. They seek it where he has placed it; they are dependent on him for it. It is a beautiful idea that even the brute creation act as if they called on God, and sought the supply of their needs at his hands.

Barnes: Psa 104:22 - -- The sun ariseth - A new scene in this endless variety of incidents in a world full of life and beauty. The psalmist sees the light break in the...

The sun ariseth - A new scene in this endless variety of incidents in a world full of life and beauty. The psalmist sees the light break in the east, and the sun appear above the horizon - and the whole scene is changed. The animals that had gone forth at night are seen to return again to their hiding-places, and man in his turn Psa 104:23 is seen to go forth to his daily toil.

They gather themselves together - Though scattered in the night, when light returns, they all bend their steps to the places where they are accustomed to repose in the daytime. The scene is most beautiful. At night they sally forth for their prey; when the morning light returns, they all retrace their steps to the places in dens and caverns where they pass the day, and there they repose in silence until night returns again.

Barnes: Psa 104:23 - -- Man goeth forth ... - Man is now seen to go forth from his dwelling, and he appears on the stage to perform his daily toil, until evening comes...

Man goeth forth ... - Man is now seen to go forth from his dwelling, and he appears on the stage to perform his daily toil, until evening comes, and then again he gives way for the beasts of night. Thus the scene is ever varying - showing how full of animated existence the earth is; how varied are the occupations of its different inhabitants; and how the varieties of being are adapted to its own varied condition in the alternations of day and night.

Barnes: Psa 104:24 - -- O Lord, how manifold are thy works! - literally, "how many."The reference is to the "number"and the "variety"of the works of God, and to the wi...

O Lord, how manifold are thy works! - literally, "how many."The reference is to the "number"and the "variety"of the works of God, and to the wisdom displayed in them all. The earth is not suited up merely for one class of inhabitants, but for an almost endless variety; and the wisdom of God is manifested alike in the number and in the variety. No one can estimate the "number"of beings God has made on the earth; no one can comprehend the richness of the variety. By day the air, the earth, the waters swarm with life - life struggling everywhere as if no placc was to be left unoccupied; even for the dark scenes of night countless numbers of beings have been created; and, in all this immensity of numbers, there is an endless variety. No two are alike. Individuality is everywhere preserved, and the mind is astonished and confounded alike at the numbers and the variety.

In wisdom hast thou made them all - That is, Thou hast adapted each and all to the different ends contemplated in their creation. Anyone of these beings shows the wisdom of God in its formation, and in its adaptations to the ends of its existence; how much more is that wisdom displayed in these countless numbers, and in this endless variety!

The earth is full of thy riches - Hebrew, "possessions."So the Septuagint and the Vulgate. That is, these various objects thus created are regarded as the "possession"of God; or, they belong to him, as the property of a man belongs to himself. The psalmist says that this wealth or property abounds everywhere; the earth is full of it.

Barnes: Psa 104:25 - -- So is this great and wide sea ... - Our translation here does not quite express the beauty and the force of the original; "This sea! Great and ...

So is this great and wide sea ... - Our translation here does not quite express the beauty and the force of the original; "This sea! Great and broad of hands! There is the creeping thing - and there is no number; animals - the little with the great."The reference here is, undoubtedly to the Mediterranean Sea, which not improbably was in sight when the psalm was composed - as it is in sight not only along the coast, but from many of the elevations in Palestine. The phrase "wide of hands"applied to the sea, means that it seems to stretch out in all directions. Compare the notes at Isa 33:21. The "creeping things"refer to the variety of inhabitants of the deep that glide along as if they crept. See the notes at Psa 104:20. The word "beasts"refers to any of the inhabitants of the deep, and the idea is that there is an endless variety "there."This reflection cannot but impress itself on the mind of anyone when looking on the ocean: What a countless number, and what a vast variety of inhabitants are there in these waters - all created by God; all provided for by his bounty!

Barnes: Psa 104:26 - -- There go the ships - There the vessels move along - objects that would, of course, attract the attention of one looking at the sea, and admirin...

There go the ships - There the vessels move along - objects that would, of course, attract the attention of one looking at the sea, and admiring its wonders. The psalmist is describing the active scenes on the surface of the globe, and, of course, on looking at the ocean, these would be among the objects that would particularly attract his attention.

There is that leviathan - The Septuagint and the Vulgate render this, dragon. On the meaning of the word "leviathan,"see the notes at Job 41:1.

Whom thou hast made - Margin, as in Hebrew, "formed."The idea of creation is implied in the word.

To play therein - As his native element. To move about therein; to make quick and rapid motions, as if in sport.

Barnes: Psa 104:27 - -- These wait all upon thee - That is, These are all dependent on thee. It does not, of course, mean that they "wait"in the sense that they are co...

These wait all upon thee - That is, These are all dependent on thee. It does not, of course, mean that they "wait"in the sense that they are conscious of their dependence on God, but that they are "actually"dependent. The original word implies the idea of "expecting"or "hoping,"and is so rendered in the Septuagint and Vulgate. They have no other ground of expectation or hope but in thee.

That thou mayest give them their meat in due season - Their food at the proper time. That is, They are constantly dependent on thee, that thou mayest give them food from day to day. Perhaps there is also the idea that they do not lay up or hoard anything; or that they cannot anticipate their own needs, but must receive from one day to another all that they want directly from God.

Barnes: Psa 104:28 - -- That thou givest them they gather - What thou dost place before them they collect. They have no resources of their own. They can invent nothing...

That thou givest them they gather - What thou dost place before them they collect. They have no resources of their own. They can invent nothing; they cannot vary their food by art, as man does; they cannot make use of reason, as man does, or of skill, in preparing it, to suit and pamper the appetite. It comes prepared for them direct from the hand of God.

Thou openest thine hand - As one does who bestows a gift on another. The point in the passage is, that they receive it immediately from God, and that they are wholly dependent on him for it. They have not to labor to prepare it, but it is made ready for them, and they have only to gather it up. The allusion in the "language"may be to the gathering of manna in the wilderness, when it was provided by God, and people had only to collect it for their use. So it is with the brute creation on land and in the waters.

They are filled with good - They are "satiated"with good; that is, They are satisfied with what to them is good, or with what supplies their needs.

Barnes: Psa 104:29 - -- Thou hidest thy face - As if God turned away from them; as if he was displeased with them; as if he withdrew from them the tokens of his friend...

Thou hidest thy face - As if God turned away from them; as if he was displeased with them; as if he withdrew from them the tokens of his friendship and favor.

They are troubled - They are confounded; they are overwhelmed with terror and amazement. The word "troubled"by no means conveys the sense of the original word - בהל bâhal - which means properly to tremble; to be in trepidation; to be filled with terror; to be amazed; to be confounded. It is that kind of consternation which one has when all support and protection are withdrawn, and when inevitable ruin stares one in the face. So when God turns away, all their support is gone; all their resources "fail, and they must die."They are represented as conscious of this; or, this is what would occur if they were conscious.

Thou takest away their breath - Withdrawing that which thou gavest to them.

They die, and return to their dust - Life ends when thou dost leave them, and they return again to earth. So it is also with man. When God withdraws from him, nothing remains for him "but to die."

Barnes: Psa 104:30 - -- Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created - That is, New races are created in their place, or start up as if they were created directly b...

Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created - That is, New races are created in their place, or start up as if they were created directly by God. They derive their being from him as really as those did which were first formed by his hand, and the work of creation is constantly going on.

And thou renewest the face of the earth - The earth is not suffered to become desolate. Though one generation passes off, yet a new one is made in its place, and the face of the earth constantly puts on the aspect of freshness and newness.

Barnes: Psa 104:31 - -- The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever - Margin, as in Hebrew, "shall be."It might be rendered, "Let the glory of the Lord be for ever,"im...

The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever - Margin, as in Hebrew, "shall be."It might be rendered, "Let the glory of the Lord be for ever,"implying a strong desire that it should be so. But the language may denote a strong conviction that it would be so. The mind of the writer was filled with wonder at the beauty and variety of the works of God on the land, in the air, and in the waters; and he exclaims, with a heart full of admiration, that the glory of a Being who had made all these things could never cease, but must endure forever. All the glory of man would pass away; all the monuments that he would rear would be destroyed; all the works of art executed by him must perish; but the glory of One who had made the earth, and filled it with such wonders, could not but endure forever and ever.

The Lord shall rejoice in his works - See Gen 1:31. The idea here is, that God finds pleasure in the contemplation of his own works; in the beauty and order of creation; and in the happiness which he sees as the result of his work of creation. There is no impropriety in supposing that God finds pleasure in the manifestation of the wisdom, the power, the goodness, the mercy, and the love of his own glorious nature.

Barnes: Psa 104:32 - -- He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth - There is great sublimity in this expression, as indicating the power and the majesty of God. He has...

He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth - There is great sublimity in this expression, as indicating the power and the majesty of God. He has only to "look"upon his works, and they stand in awe and tremble. The most mighty and fearful convulsions of nature occur as if they were the mere effect of God’ s "looking"on the earth. Compare Hab 3:10 - "The mountains saw thee, and they trembled."

He toucheth the hills, and they smoke - That is, as Mount Sinai did when God came down upon it. Exo 19:18. It is as if the hills were conscious of his presence, and were awed.

Barnes: Psa 104:33 - -- I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live - That is, I will continue to praise him; I will never cease to adore him. The result of the psalmi...

I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live - That is, I will continue to praise him; I will never cease to adore him. The result of the psalmist’ s meditations on the wonderful works of God is to awaken in his mind a desire to praise God forever. He is so filled with a sense of his greatness and glory that he sees that there would be occasion for eternal praise; or that the reason for praise could never be exhausted. He who has any proper sense of the greatness, the majesty, and the glory of God "intends"to praise him forever. He sees that there is enough in the character of God to demand eternal praise, and he does not anticipate that a period can ever occur in all the future when he will feel that the causes for praise have come to an end, or when his heart will be indisposed to celebrate that praise.

Barnes: Psa 104:34 - -- My meditation of him shall be sweet - That is, I will find pleasure in meditating on his character and works. See the notes at Psa 1:2. It is o...

My meditation of him shall be sweet - That is, I will find pleasure in meditating on his character and works. See the notes at Psa 1:2. It is one of the characteristics of true piety that there is a "disposition"to think about God; that the mind is "naturally"drawn to that subject; that it does not turn away from it, when it is suggested; that this fills up the intervals of business in the day-time, and that it occupies the mind when wakeful at night. Psa 63:6. It is also a characteristic of true piety that there is "pleasure"in such meditations; happiness in thinking of God. The sinner has no such pleasure. The thought of God is painful to him; he does not desire to have it suggested to him; he turns away from it, and avoids it. Compare the notes at Isa 30:11. It is one of the evidences of true piety when a man "begins"to find pleasure in thinking about God; when the subject, instead of being unpleasant to him, becomes pleasant; when he no longer turns away from it, but is sensible of a desire to cherish the thought of God, and to know more of him.

I will be glad in the Lord - That is, I will rejoice that there is such a Being; I will seek my happiness in him as my God.

Barnes: Psa 104:35 - -- Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth - Compare Psa 37:38. This might with propriety be rendered, "Consumed are the sinners out of the e...

Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth - Compare Psa 37:38. This might with propriety be rendered, "Consumed are the sinners out of the earth,"expressing a fact and not a desire; and it may have been prompted by the feeling of the psalmist that such an event would occur; that is, that the time would come when sin would no more abound, but when the world would be filled with righteousness, and all the dwellers on the earth would praise God. The word translated "consumed"- from תמם tâmam - means properly to complete, to perfect, to finish, to cease. It does not mean "consume"in the sense of being burned up - as our word means - or destroyed, but merely to come to an end, to cease, to pass away: that is; Let the time soon come - or, the time will soon come - when there will be no sinners on the earth, but when all the inhabitants of the earth will worship and honor God. The "connection"here seems to be this: The psalmist was himself so filled with the love of God, and with admiration of his works, that he desired that all might partake of the same feeling; and he looked forward, therefore, as those who love God must do, to the time when all the dwellers on earth would see his glory, and when there should be none who did not adore and love him. All that is "fairly"implied in the wish of the psalmist here would be accomplished if all sinners were converted, and if, in that sense, there were to be no more transgressors in the world.

And let the wicked be no more - Let there not be anymore wicked persons; let the time come when there shall be no bad people on the earth, but when all shall be righteous. In this prayer all persons could properly unite.

Bless thou the Lord, O my soul - The psalm closes (as Ps. 103 does) as it began. The psalmist commenced with the expression of a purpose to bless God; it closes with the same purpose, confirmed by a survey of the wonderful works of God.

Praise ye the Lord - Hebrew, Hallelu-jah. The psalmist expresses the earnest desire of a truly pious heart (in looking upon a world so beautiful, so varied in its works, so full of the expressions of the wisdom and goodness of God - a world where all the inferior creation so completely carries out the purpose of the Creator), that man, the noblest of all the works of God, might unite with the world around and beneath him in carrying out the great purpose of the creation - so that he might, in his own proper place, and according to the powers with which he is endowed, acknowledge God. How beautiful - how sublime - would be the spectacle on earth, if man accomplished the purpose of his creation, and filled his place, as well as the springs, the hills, the trees, the fowls, the wild goats, the moon, the sun, the young lions, and the inhabitants of the "great and wide sea"do in their spheres! Oh, come the time when on earth there shall be harmony in all the works of God, and when all creatures here shall carry out the purpose which was contemplated when God called the earth into existence.

Poole: Psa 104:10 - -- The springs and the rivers which come from them. The hills wherewith God hath shut in the rivers where he saw fit, that they might not overflow the...

The springs and the rivers which come from them.

The hills wherewith God hath shut in the rivers where he saw fit, that they might not overflow the land.

Poole: Psa 104:11 - -- Which he mentions, partly because they are dry and thirsty creatures; and partly because they live in dry and desolate wildernesses, and are neither...

Which he mentions, partly because they are dry and thirsty creatures; and partly because they live in dry and desolate wildernesses, and are neither ruled nor regarded by men, and are most stupid creatures, and yet are plentifully provided for by the care and bounty of Divine Providence.

Poole: Psa 104:12 - -- By them either upon the waters, where many fowls have their common abode; or in the ground nigh unto them; or in the trees, which commonly grow by th...

By them either upon the waters, where many fowls have their common abode; or in the ground nigh unto them; or in the trees, which commonly grow by the banks of rivers.

Which sing among the branches which, being delighted and refreshed by the waters, send forth their pleasant notes.

Poole: Psa 104:13 - -- He watereth the hills which most need moisture, and have least of it in them. From his chambers from the clouds, as above, Psa 104:3 . The earth i...

He watereth the hills which most need moisture, and have least of it in them.

From his chambers from the clouds, as above, Psa 104:3 .

The earth is satisfied by this means all the parts of the earth, the mountains as well as the valleys, are made fruitful.

With the fruit of thy works with the effects of those sweet showers, which he calls God’ s works , because he alone can and doth give them, as is noted, Jer 10:13 14:22 .

Poole: Psa 104:14 - -- Herb for the service of man both for delight, and for necessity, either as food or physic. And this God doth; he watereth the earth, that thereby it ...

Herb for the service of man both for delight, and for necessity, either as food or physic. And this God doth; he watereth the earth, that thereby it may be prepared or disposed for the production of necessary provisions for beasts and for men, that so he (to wit, God)

may bring forth food out of the earth which without this blessing of God the earth would never yield.

Poole: Psa 104:15 - -- Wine he also bringeth out of the earth the vines which yield wine. Oil to make his face to shine: he alludes to the custom of those times and place...

Wine he also bringeth out of the earth the vines which yield wine.

Oil to make his face to shine: he alludes to the custom of those times and places, which was upon solemn and festival occasions to anoint their faces with oil. See Psa 23:5 . But these words with the former are by divers learned interpreters rendered otherwise, which seems more agreeable to the order and contexture of the Hebrew text,

And (he giveth) wine that maketh glad the heart of man, to make (or, that he may make , i.e. that thereby he may also make) his face to shine more than oil , i.e. more than it shineth when it is anointed with oil; or, as with oil . So he speaks only of the wine, which he commends from two qualities, that it makes the heart cheerful, and the countenance pleasant.

Bread i.e. bread corn, by a metonymy.

Which strengtheneth man’ s heart which hath a singular faculty to preserve or renew our strength and rigour; whence it is called the staff of life .

Poole: Psa 104:16 - -- The trees of the Lord i.e. which the Lord hath planted, as the next clause expounds this; which came up and grew. and thrive not by man’ s art a...

The trees of the Lord i.e. which the Lord hath planted, as the next clause expounds this; which came up and grew. and thrive not by man’ s art and industry, but merely by the care of God’ s providence.

Are full of sap Heb. are or shall be satisfied , to wit, with the rain, of whose good effects he is yet speaking.

The cedars of Lebanon yea, even the tallest and largest cedars, such as these were, are supported and nourished by it.

Poole: Psa 104:17 - -- The stork which make their nests not only in the tops of houses, but also in the field and in high trees, as Varro and others have noted. The fir tr...

The stork which make their nests not only in the tops of houses, but also in the field and in high trees, as Varro and others have noted.

The fir trees which also are trees of great height and bigness; and which, being here said to afford the storks a house, are thereby supposed to be preserved and nourished by the rain water.

Poole: Psa 104:18 - -- So he passeth from the rain to other works of God’ s providence, as that God hath made suitable and sufficient provision for the security of th...

So he passeth from the rain to other works of God’ s providence, as that God hath made suitable and sufficient provision for the security of these creatures against their persecutors. Although this verse also may have a reference to the former work, and the barren and rocky hills may be mentioned as receiving benefit by the rain, and it may be thus rendered, And

the high hills ( understand, are satisfied , which is expressed Psa 104:16 , and may very well be carried hither) which (that particle being frequently understood) are

a refuge for wild goats and the rocks (understand out of the former branch, according to the usual manner, which are a refuge ) for the conies; or, as others translate this word, for the mountain mice .

Poole: Psa 104:19 - -- For seasons to measure and distinguish the times, both months, and, amongst many nations, years also; as also the seasons of divers natural events, a...

For seasons to measure and distinguish the times, both months, and, amongst many nations, years also; as also the seasons of divers natural events, as of the ebbing and flowing of the waters, and of the humours in man’ s body; and other seasons for sacred and civil affairs, which were commonly regulated by the moon, not only amongst the Jews, but among heathens also. See Poole "Gen 1:14" .

His going down to wit, the time and place in which he is to set every day of the year, which, though varied from day to day, yet he so regularly and exactly observes, as if he had the understanding of a man or angel to guide him in obeying the laws of his Creator. See Job 38:12 . What is here expressed concerning his setting is necessarily supposed concerning his rising also; but he mentions only his setting, as most agreeable to the context, because that did usher in the rising of the moon, of which he now spake, and the entrance of the night, of which he speaks in the next words.

Poole: Psa 104:20 - -- Darkness which succeeds the light by virtue of thy decree and established order. Creep forth to look out for prey, which in the day time they dare ...

Darkness which succeeds the light by virtue of thy decree and established order.

Creep forth to look out for prey, which in the day time they dare not do for fear of men. So by this vicissitude of day and night God hath wisely and mercifully provided both for men, that they may follow their day labours without danger from wild beasts, and for the beasts, that they may procure a subsistence.

Poole: Psa 104:21 - -- The young lions which can no more subsist without Divine Providence than those which are most old and decrepit. Roar after their prey they roar whe...

The young lions which can no more subsist without Divine Providence than those which are most old and decrepit.

Roar after their prey they roar when they come within sight and reach of their prey, as naturalists observe; whereby this place may be reconciled with Amo 3:4 .

Seek their meat from God: this is a figurative and poetical expression: their roaring is a kind of natural prayer to God for relief, as the cries of infants are a kind of prayers to their mothers for the breast. And this is justly noted as an act of God’ s special providence, because the lions are very ravenous, and need much prey, and also are dull in their scent, and so difficultly find it, and slow in their motion, and unable to reach it; and therefore God hath provided another creature, of quicker sense and motion, which is usually confederate with them, and procures prey for them, partaking of it with or after them.

Poole: Psa 104:22 - -- Or rather, they retire or betake themselves ; for the lions do not commonly go in companies to one place, but severally, each to his own den.

Or rather, they retire or betake themselves ; for the lions do not commonly go in companies to one place, but severally, each to his own den.

Poole: Psa 104:23 - -- With security and confidence, knowing the nature and custom of wild beasts, that they hide themselves by day.

With security and confidence, knowing the nature and custom of wild beasts, that they hide themselves by day.

Poole: Psa 104:24 - -- Of excellent and comfortable things, which are the effects of thy bounty and power.

Of excellent and comfortable things, which are the effects of thy bounty and power.

Poole: Psa 104:25 - -- Creeping: this word is common to all creatures that move without feet, touching with their belly the element in which they move, whether they creep u...

Creeping: this word is common to all creatures that move without feet, touching with their belly the element in which they move, whether they creep upon the earth or swim in the sea.

Poole: Psa 104:26 - -- That leviathan either the whale or the crocodile; of which See Poole "Job 40:1" , See Poole "Job 41:1" ; who being of such vast strength and absolu...

That leviathan either the whale or the crocodile; of which See Poole "Job 40:1" , See Poole "Job 41:1" ; who being of such vast strength and absolute dominion in the sea, tumbles in it with great security, and sports himself with other creatures, which he taketh and devoureth at his pleasure.

Poole: Psa 104:27 - -- These all both beasts and fishes, wait upon thee expect supplies only from thy providence; which is said of them figuratively, and with an allusion...

These all both beasts and fishes,

wait upon thee expect supplies only from thy providence; which is said of them figuratively, and with an allusion to the manner of tame beasts and fowls, which commonly look after and wait upon those persons who bring their food to them.

In due season when it is necessary or convenient for them; by which expression he intimates the moderation of the beasts in their desires of food, and tacitly reproves the intemperance of men who feed themselves in season and out of season.

Poole: Psa 104:28 - -- Whatsoever they receive is from thy bounty and gift. Thou openest thine hand thou providest plentifully for them; as this phrase implies, Deu 15:1...

Whatsoever they receive is from thy bounty and gift.

Thou openest thine hand thou providest plentifully for them; as this phrase implies, Deu 15:1 : compare Pro 31:20 .

Poole: Psa 104:29 - -- Thou hidest thy face when thou withdrawest or suspendest the favour and care of thy providence. Troubled dejected and distressed. Takest away so ...

Thou hidest thy face when thou withdrawest or suspendest the favour and care of thy providence.

Troubled dejected and distressed.

Takest away so this word is used, Hos 4:3 Zep 1:2 , and elsewhere.

To their dust to the earth, from whence they had their first original.

Poole: Psa 104:30 - -- Thy spirit either, 1. That spirit by which they live, which is called the spirit of a beast , Ecc 3:21 , which is called their breath or spirit , ...

Thy spirit either,

1. That spirit by which they live, which is called the spirit of a beast , Ecc 3:21 , which is called their breath or spirit , (for the word is the same there and here,)Psa 104:29 , and here may be called God’ s spirit , because it was given and preserved by him. Or rather,

2. Thy quickening spirit; for here seems to be an opposition between their spirit , Psa 104:29 , and thy spirit here , and this latter is mentioned as the creating or productive cause of the former. And this may be understood either,

1. Of the Holy Ghost; to whom, no less than to the Father and the Son, the work of creation is ascribed, Job 33:4 Psa 33:6 . Or rather,

2. That quickening power of God by which he produceth life in the creatures from time to time. For he speaks not here of the first creation, but of the continued and repeated production of living creatures.

They are created either,

1. The same living creatures which were languishing and dying are strangely revived and restored; which may not unfitly be called a creation , as that word is sometimes used, because it is in a manner the giving of a new life and being to a creature. Or,

Poole: Psa 104:31 - -- So the sense is, Thus God doth and will advance the glory of his wisdom, and power, and goodness in upholding and continuing the works of his hands ...

So the sense is, Thus God doth and will advance the glory of his wisdom, and power, and goodness in upholding and continuing the works of his hands from generation to generation, and he doth and will take pleasure both in the preservation and blessing of his works, as also in his reflection upon these works of his providence, as he did rest and delight himself in the contemplation of his works of creation, as is noted, Gen 1:31 2:2,3 . But the words are by divers, and, it may seem, more agreeably to the Hebrew text, rendered thus, Let (for the first word is of the imperative mood) the glory of the Lord endure for ever, and let the Lord have joy (or, then shall the Lord rejoice) in his works . So this is added as a convenient doxology or thanksgiving after the commemoration of his great and gracious works; and the sense may be this, Seeing therefore God hath enriched the earth and us with so many fruits of his bounty, let it be our constant desire and endeavour that God may be perpetually served and glorified in and by them, and that God may be no more grieved at the remembrance of his kindness to us, as he was, Gen 6:5,6 , and thereby be again provoked to destroy us, but may take pleasure in beholding and cherishing of his own workmanship.

Poole: Psa 104:32 - -- This is a further illustration of God’ s powerful providence over all the creatures, and their dependence upon him; as when he affords his favo...

This is a further illustration of God’ s powerful providence over all the creatures, and their dependence upon him; as when he affords his favour to creatures, they live and thrive, so one the contrary one angry look or touch of his upon the hills or earth makes them tremble and smoke, as once Sinai did when God appeared in it. And this consideration he may possibly suggest to enforce the foregoing exhortation of glorifying God, because if we do not give him the glory due to his name, he call quickly right himself, and destroy us and all his works.

Poole: Psa 104:33 - -- But whatsoever others do, I will not fail to give God his glory and due praises.

But whatsoever others do, I will not fail to give God his glory and due praises.

Poole: Psa 104:34 - -- My meditation or, my speech , or discourse ; my praising of God, mentioned Psa 104:33 . Of him ; concerning the glory of his works. Shall be swee...

My meditation or, my speech , or discourse ; my praising of God, mentioned Psa 104:33 . Of him ; concerning the glory of his works.

Shall be sweet either,

1. To God; he will graciously accept it; praise being his most acceptable sacrifice, as is affirmed, Psa 69:30,31 . Or rather,

2. To myself, as may be gathered from the next clause. He implies that he shall not only do this work, which a man may do unwillingly, or by constraint, but that he will do it cheerfully, and with delight; which is most pleasing to God.

I will be glad in the Lord I will rejoice in the contemplation of God’ s works, and in praising him for them.

Poole: Psa 104:35 - -- But as for those ungodly creatures who do not regard the works of the Lord, which is noted as a most grievous sin, and punished with a grievous impr...

But as for those ungodly creatures who do not regard the works of the Lord, which is noted as a most grievous sin, and punished with a grievous imprecation, like this, Psa 27:4,5 , nor give him the glory due to his name, but dishonour God, and abuse his creatures, and thereby provoke God to destroy the earth, and the men and things which are upon it, it is my prayer for thine honour, and for the safeguard of all mankind, that those sinners who obstinately and resolutely continue in this practice of dishonouring and disobeying their Creator, may be taken out of this world, that they may no longer infect it, nor procure its total destruction. Or it may be a prediction delivered in the form of an imprecation, as hath been noted before in like cases. But thou, O my soul, come not into this wretched society, but employ thyself in this great work of blessing and praising God; and it is my desire and hope that others will follow my example.

Haydock: Psa 104:11 - -- Lot. Literally, "line," with which land was measured. (Calmet) -- The descendants of the patriarchs would never have lost this inheritance if they ...

Lot. Literally, "line," with which land was measured. (Calmet) -- The descendants of the patriarchs would never have lost this inheritance if they had observed the law. The promise was therefore conditional; though it was absolute, in as much as all were to be blessed in their seed: as they had begun to be, when Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus.

Haydock: Psa 104:12 - -- Very few. Hebrew, "as it were reduced to nothing," to avoid a tautology. (Berthier) --- But this version is not necessary. (Haydock) --- Jacob a...

Very few. Hebrew, "as it were reduced to nothing," to avoid a tautology. (Berthier) ---

But this version is not necessary. (Haydock) ---

Jacob at this time was not married, (Berthier) and his parents had no part of the land. This manifests the power of God, and the faith of the patriarchs, (Calmet) who doubted not but that he would realize what he had promises. (Haydock)

Haydock: Psa 104:13 - -- People. This seems to be a fresh obstacle to their possession of Chanaan. (Calmet)

People. This seems to be a fresh obstacle to their possession of Chanaan. (Calmet)

Haydock: Psa 104:15 - -- Prophets. The word anointed is thus explained, as the patriarchs were not kings over any but their own families, though they were equal in riches ...

Prophets. The word anointed is thus explained, as the patriarchs were not kings over any but their own families, though they were equal in riches to many kings. They foresaw future events, and offered sacrifice to God, as priests, in which sense also they may be styled anointed. No visible unction, but the divine appointment, might be requisite. God protected them in a wonderful manner, and selected them for his peculiar people. (Calmet) (Hebrews xi. 8.)

Haydock: Psa 104:16 - -- And. The psalmist continues to mention the favours of God, till the Israelites entered the promised land, which the author of 1 Paralipomenon xvi., ...

And. The psalmist continues to mention the favours of God, till the Israelites entered the promised land, which the author of 1 Paralipomenon xvi., passes over. (Haydock) ---

Bread. In time of famine, people are not strengthened with their food. (Eusebius) (Ezechiel iv. 16., and v. 16.) ---

God permitted, (Worthington) or caused the famine to rage.

Haydock: Psa 104:17 - -- He sent. Drawing good from the malice of Joseph's brethren, (Haydock) in which he had no hand. (Berthier) --- Who could have thought that this eve...

He sent. Drawing good from the malice of Joseph's brethren, (Haydock) in which he had no hand. (Berthier) ---

Who could have thought that this event would have tended to Joseph's exaltation, and to the safety of his father's house?

Haydock: Psa 104:18 - -- Fetters. Hebrew cebel, (Haydock) "a chain, or the stocks." The meaning is not ascertained. (Calmet) --- Soul. Luke ii. 35. He was in great d...

Fetters. Hebrew cebel, (Haydock) "a chain, or the stocks." The meaning is not ascertained. (Calmet) ---

Soul. Luke ii. 35. He was in great distress, (Haydock) and in danger of perishing. (Theodoret)

Haydock: Psa 104:19 - -- His word. By which he foretold his own glory, or what should befall the king's two officers, which brought him into notice, Genesis xxxvii. 9., and ...

His word. By which he foretold his own glory, or what should befall the king's two officers, which brought him into notice, Genesis xxxvii. 9., and xl. 22. His word, may also refer to God's decree. (Calmet) ---

Inflamed him. He received the gift of prophecy, (Haydock) and being inflamed with the love of God, resisted the solicitations of Putiphar's wife.

Haydock: Psa 104:22 - -- Instruct. Hebrew, "bind" by precepts or chains, (Berthier) as he had all power. --- Wisdom. Joseph was considered as the oracle of Egypt, and the...

Instruct. Hebrew, "bind" by precepts or chains, (Berthier) as he had all power. ---

Wisdom. Joseph was considered as the oracle of Egypt, and the prime minister. (Calmet) ---

We cannot doubt but he would strive to undeceive the people with regard to many superstitions. (Theodoret) (St. Augustine)

Haydock: Psa 104:23 - -- Cham. Who resided there, and was worshipped under the name of Jupiter Ammon. (Bochart, Phaleg. iv. 1.) (Calmet) --- Misraim was his son, and peop...

Cham. Who resided there, and was worshipped under the name of Jupiter Ammon. (Bochart, Phaleg. iv. 1.) (Calmet) ---

Misraim was his son, and peopled the land, Genesis x. 13. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 104:24 - -- Exceedingly. In 215 years, 600,000 warriors sprung from seventy people, (Calmet) or from seventy-five, as Septuagint and St. Stephen read, comprisin...

Exceedingly. In 215 years, 600,000 warriors sprung from seventy people, (Calmet) or from seventy-five, as Septuagint and St. Stephen read, comprising eight wives, Jacob, and sixty-six of his descendants. Seventy might naturally produce two million and a half in such a space of time. But the Hebrews had been cruelly oppressed. God's blessing enabled them to increase as they did. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 104:25 - -- He turned their heart, &c. Not that God (who is never the author of sin) moved the Egyptians to hate and persecute his people; but that the Egyptian...

He turned their heart, &c. Not that God (who is never the author of sin) moved the Egyptians to hate and persecute his people; but that the Egyptians took occasion of hating and envying them, from the sight of the benefits which God bestowed upon them. (Challoner) (St. Augustine) ---

He permitted the malice of the Egyptians, (Theodoret) and employed them to chastise his people, who had adored idols. (Eusebius) (Acts vii. 43.) Felix, Protestants, &c., translate the Hebrew, "their heart was turned." (Berthier) ---

The perversity of the Egyptians came from themselves, though it was turned to a good account. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 104:27 - -- He gave. Hebrew, "they placed in them the words of their signs." (Calmet) (Houbigant) --- But the Chaldean and St. Jerome are conformable to the ...

He gave. Hebrew, "they placed in them the words of their signs." (Calmet) (Houbigant) ---

But the Chaldean and St. Jerome are conformable to the Septuagint. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 104:28 - -- Grieved not his words. That is, he was not wanting to fulfil his words: or he did not grieve Moses and Aaron, the carriers of his words: or he did n...

Grieved not his words. That is, he was not wanting to fulfil his words: or he did not grieve Moses and Aaron, the carriers of his words: or he did not grieve his words, that is, his sons, the children of Israel, who enjoyed light whilst the Egyptians were oppressed with darkness. (Challoner) ---

He performed what he had threatened without reluctance. (Worthington) ---

We may also translate, "he added no threat (Haydock) before this ninth plague was inflicted." Hebrew, "and they did not irritate (or transgress) his word." The envoys of God were obedient to him. The copies of the Septuagint are not uniform; (Calmet) some omit the negation, which would give a very good sense; though it must be allowed to be inaccurate, unless the Hebrew be read with an interrogation, "did they not resist his word?" alluding to the Egyptians. (Berthier) ---

Almost all the ancients have the plural exacerbaverunt, except St. Jerome, in his commentary. (Calmet)

Haydock: Psa 104:29 - -- Blood. In reality, so that the fishes were killed. (St. Athanasius)

Blood. In reality, so that the fishes were killed. (St. Athanasius)

Haydock: Psa 104:30 - -- Land. Including the rivers, Exodus vii. 1., and viii. 3. --- Kings, or noblemen. (Berthier)

Land. Including the rivers, Exodus vii. 1., and viii. 3. ---

Kings, or noblemen. (Berthier)

Haydock: Psa 104:31 - -- Flies. This was revealed to David, or known by tradition, as it is not recorded by Moses. (Worthington) --- Some copies of the Septuagint have, "t...

Flies. This was revealed to David, or known by tradition, as it is not recorded by Moses. (Worthington) ---

Some copies of the Septuagint have, "the dog-fly," cinifes (Exodus viii. 16.) gnats, (Haydock) which are very common and tormenting in Egypt. The Jews understand lice. (Joseph and the Chaldean) (Calmet)

Haydock: Psa 104:32 - -- Rain. Which fall in Egypt, though less frequently. (Calmet) (Wisdom xvi. 17.)

Rain. Which fall in Egypt, though less frequently. (Calmet) (Wisdom xvi. 17.)

Haydock: Psa 104:34 - -- Bruchus. An insect of the locust kind, (Challoner) or a worm which spoils corn, &c. (Worthington)

Bruchus. An insect of the locust kind, (Challoner) or a worm which spoils corn, &c. (Worthington)

Gill: Psa 104:10 - -- He sendeth the springs into the valleys,.... The Targum is, "who sendeth fountains into the rivers.'' Either from the waters of the sea, which b...

He sendeth the springs into the valleys,.... The Targum is,

"who sendeth fountains into the rivers.''

Either from the waters of the sea, which being drained through the sand, become sweet and drinkable; or from the hills and mountains. This is an instance of divine goodness, that having removed the waters from the earth, and shut them up in the sea, and which, through the saltness of them, not being proper drink for men and beasts, he has been pleased to form and open springs, fountains, wells, and rivers of fresh water in the valleys, for the supply of both. Though this is not to be compared with the wells of salvation, and springs and fountains of grace, which he has opened for his chosen people. God himself is a spring or fountain of living water; his love is a river, whose streams delight the city of God; his covenant a source and spring of all blessings and promises. Christ is the fountain of gardens; his fulness is a supply for all his people: the Spirit of God and his grace are a well of living water, springing up unto eternal life. The word and ordinances are the springs in Zion,

which run among the hills, the several congregated churches, to the watering and refreshing of them; just as springs and rivers of water run in the dales and valleys among the hills, by which they are bounded.

Gill: Psa 104:11 - -- They give drink to every beast of the field,.... These fountains, springs, and rivers, afford water for all the beasts of the field; who are therefore...

They give drink to every beast of the field,.... These fountains, springs, and rivers, afford water for all the beasts of the field; who are therefore said to honour and praise the Lord on account of it, Isa 43:19.

The wild asses quench their thirst; or "break" n it. Those creatures that live in dry and desert places, and are themselves dry and thirsty; and though so stupid as they be, yet provision of water is made for them, and they are directed where to seek for it, and find it; see Job 39:5. And if God takes care of the beasts of the field, even the most wild and stupid, will he not take care of his own people? He will, and does. He opens rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; he gives waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert, to give drink to his people, his chosen, Isa 41:18.

Gill: Psa 104:12 - -- By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation,.... Another use of the springs, fountains, and rivers of water; by the sides and on the s...

By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation,.... Another use of the springs, fountains, and rivers of water; by the sides and on the shores of these, some birds delight to be, and on trees that grow here do they build their nests; and here, having wetted their throats, they sit, and chirp, and sing: to doves, by rivers of water, is the allusion in Son 5:12.

Which sing among the branches; of trees that grow by the sides of fountains and rivers; see Eze 17:23. To such birds may saints be compared; being, like them, weak, defenceless, and timorous; liable to be taken in snares, and sometimes wonderfully delivered; as well as given to wanderings and strayings: and to fowls of the heaven, being heaven born souls, and partakers of the heavenly calling. These have their habitation by the fountain of Jacob, by the river of divine love, beside the still waters of the sanctuary; where they sing the songs of Zion, the songs of electing, redeeming, and calling grace.

Gill: Psa 104:13 - -- He watereth the hills from his chambers,.... The house of his superior treasures, as the Targum. The airy regions, Psa 104:3 with the clouds of heaven...

He watereth the hills from his chambers,.... The house of his superior treasures, as the Targum. The airy regions, Psa 104:3 with the clouds of heaven, by the rain which they drop down upon them; the usefulness of which blessings of nature is largely described in this and some following verses. "The hills", which are naturally dry and barren, and receive but little advantage from the springs, fountains, and rivers below, are supplied with water from above; and become fruitful, bear herbage, and are clothed with flocks. This seems to refer to the first rain that was upon the earth, Gen 2:5 and which favour is continued to all lands, excepting some part of the land of Egypt, and in all ages since; see Psa 65:9. So ministers of the word, who are set in the first place, and are eminent in the church of God, and who water others, are watered themselves with the gifts and graces of the Spirit descending from above, as the apostles were, in an extraordinary manner, at the day of Pentecost; and as others in a more ordinary manner daily are. So likewise the churches of Christ, comparable to hills and mountains for firmness and visibility, and the several members thereof, are watered with the dews of divine favour, with the rain of the divine word; which comes down from heaven as the rain does, and drops and distils like that; and with the grace of the divine Spirit, whereby their souls become as a watered garden, whose springs fail not.

The earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works; with the fruits which grow out of it by means of rain, as are after mentioned; herbs, grass, and trees, so Aben Ezra: or with the influences of the heavens, which are the work of God's hands, and by which the earth is made fruitful; or more particularly with the virtue and efficacy of the rain, so Kimchi; which is the Lord's peculiar work, Jer 14:22. This the earth drinking in, is as satisfied with as a thirsty man is with drinking a draught of water; see Deu 11:11. So the people of God, comparable to the good earth that drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, are satisfied with the love of God, with the blessings of his grace, with the doctrines of his Gospel, and with the ordinances of his house.

Gill: Psa 104:14 - -- He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle,.... By means of rain falling upon the tender herb, and upon the mown grass, whereby provision of food is ...

He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle,.... By means of rain falling upon the tender herb, and upon the mown grass, whereby provision of food is made for those creatures that live upon grass.

And herb for the service of man: some herbs being for physic for him, and others for food, and all more or less for his use. Herbs were the original food of man, Gen 1:29 and still a dinner of herbs, where love is, is better than a stalled ox, and hatred therewith, Pro 15:17. Some render it, "and herb at the tillage of man" o: grass grows of itself for the use of the cattle; but the herb, as wheat and the like, which is for the use of man, is caused to grow when man has taken some pains with the earth, and has tilled and manured it: but the former sense seems best.

That he may bring forth food out of the earth; either that man may do it by his tillage; or rather that the Lord may do it, by sending rain, and causing the grass and herbs to grow. However, man's food, as well as the food of beasts, comes out of the earth, as he himself does, and to which he must return.

Gill: Psa 104:15 - -- And wine that maketh glad the heart of man,.... That is, by means of rain watering the earth, vines are caused to grow out of it; which produce wine, ...

And wine that maketh glad the heart of man,.... That is, by means of rain watering the earth, vines are caused to grow out of it; which produce wine, that has such a virtue in it, as to cheer the heart of man, even of a miserable, distressed, and afflicted man, as the word p is supposed to signify, Jdg 9:13. Of this nature are (and therefore are compared to wine, or expressed by it) the love of God and Christ; the blessings of grace, the doctrines of the Gospel, the ordinances of it; particularly that of the Lord's supper, and even the joys of heaven.

And oil to make his face to shine: or, "to make his face shine more than oil" q; and so it continues the account of the virtue of wine, which not only cheers the heart, but makes the countenance brisk and lively, and even shine again: but, according to our version, and others, this is a distinct effect of the rain, causing olive trees to grow out of the earth, productive of oil; which being eaten, fattens, and so makes the face to shine; as it also does by anointing with it, which was much in use for that purpose in the eastern countries, as well as for cheering and refreshing; see Rth 3:3. Pliny r says, oil purifies or clears; and particularly of oil of almonds, he says, that it makes clean, makes bodies soft, smooths the skin, procures gracefulness; and, with honey, takes spots or specks out of the face. Kimchi makes mention of another use of oil, in lighting lamps; by which the face of man is enlightened, or light is given him. So the Targum,

"to enlighten the face with oil.''

To this the grace of the Spirit is often compared in Scripture, with which both Christ and his members are said to be anointed, Act 10:38. This not only cheers and refreshes them, and is therefore called the oil of joy and gladness, Psa 45:7, but beautifies and adorns them, and even makes them fat and flourishing, and so their faces to shine; as well as causes their lamps of profession to burn clearly, and the light of their good works to shine before men to the glory of God.

And bread which strengthens man's heart: the earth being watered with rain, causes the wheat sown in it to grow up; of which bread is made for the support of man's life, and is the chief sustenance of it; and is therefore commonly called "the staff of life", and, by the prophet, "the whole stay of bread", Isa 3:1, by which human nature is invigorated, and the strength of man is kept up and increased; for the phrase, see Gen 18:5. Of this nature are the provisions of God's house, which go by the same name, the word and ordinances; and especially Christ Jesus himself, the true and living bread; by which the Christian's spiritual life is supported and maintained, and he is comforted and refreshed, and strengthened for every good work.

Gill: Psa 104:16 - -- The trees of the Lord are full of sap,.... Or "satiated" s; that is, with rain; and through it are filled with fruits. This is to be understood not on...

The trees of the Lord are full of sap,.... Or "satiated" s; that is, with rain; and through it are filled with fruits. This is to be understood not only of the tallest and largest trees; which are therefore called the trees of the Lord, as high mountains are called the mountains of the Lord, Psa 36:6 and so other things excellent in their kind: but of trees of the field and forest; so the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions; which are not planted and cultivated by man, as trees in gardens and orchards are; but are more especially under the care and cultivation of the Lord himself, and may design such as were produced by him at the creation.

The cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted; a mountain on the borders of Judea, so called from its whiteness, through the snow on it, as the Alps are; and where grew great quantities of large and spreading cedars, which were not of man's, but of the Lord's planting: these were watered and made to grow with the rain of heaven. Rauwolff t, who was upon this mountain in 1574, says,

"though this hill in former ages has been quite covered over with cedars, yet they are so decreased, that I could tell, says he, no more but twenty four, that stood round about in a circle; and two others, the branches whereof are quite decayed with age.''

But Thevenot u, who has been there since, affirms there are no more nor less than twenty three, great and small; of the largeness, thickness, and height of these trees; see Gill on Isa 37:24. Saints are often compared to trees, which are planted by the Lord in Christ, and in his churches; and particularly to cedars, for their height, strength, and durableness; see Psa 92:13, and these, through the grace of God, are full of sap and spiritual life, and are filled with the fruits of righteousness, and are often represented as planted and growing by rivers of water; see Num 24:6.

Gill: Psa 104:17 - -- Where the birds make their nests,.... As they do in large, tall, spreading trees: not any particular "birds", as the sparrow, to which the Septuagint ...

Where the birds make their nests,.... As they do in large, tall, spreading trees: not any particular "birds", as the sparrow, to which the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions, and Apollinarius, restrain it: but birds in general are intended; and especially such as build in large trees, as before and after mentioned. Jarchi applies it to the Israelites dwelling among the trees in the garden of Eden: and it may be much better applied to the saints dwelling in the churches, among the trees of righteousness, under the shadow of Gospel ordinances; see Eze 17:23.

As for the stork, the fir trees are her house; where she makes her nest, and brings up her young. Kimchi says it is a large bird, and builds its nest in high trees, as in cedars; but the bird which goes by the name of "pelargus" with the Greeks, and of "ciconia" with the Latins, and of "stork" with us, for the most part builds its nest on the tops of towers and temples w, and the roofs of high houses, and seldom in trees; and when it does, it is in such that are not far from the habitations of men, which it loves to be near: perhaps the reason of its not building on houses in Palestine might be because their roofs were flat and frequented, and therefore built on high trees there, as fir trees and cedars. And Olympiodorus x says it does not lay its eggs on the ground, but on high trees; and Michaelis on the text attests, that he himself had seen, in many places in Germany, storks nests on very high and dry oaks. It has its name in Hebrew from a word y which signifies "holy", "merciful", and "beneficent"; because of the great care which it takes of its dam when grown old z: and a like behaviour among men is called piety by the apostle, 1Ti 5:4. But in the Chaldee tongue, and so in the Targum, it has its name from its whiteness; for though its wings are black, the feathers of its body are white: and so Virgil a describes it as a white bird, and as an enemy to serpents; for which reason the Thessalians forbad the killing them, on pain of banishment b. It was an unclean bird, according to the ceremonial law, Lev 11:19. Good men are called by the same name, holy and beneficent; and though they are unclean by nature, yet Christ, the green fir tree, Hos 14:8 is the house of their habitation; in him they dwell by faith, who receives sinners, and eats with them, Luk 15:2. It is usual with the Latin poets to call the nests of birds their houses c.

Gill: Psa 104:18 - -- The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats,.... Who have their name in Hebrew d from their climbing and ascending them. What we commonly call "a w...

The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats,.... Who have their name in Hebrew d from their climbing and ascending them. What we commonly call "a wild goose chase" should be expressed "a wild goat's chase"; for not geese, but goats, are chased; and when they are, they flee to the hills for refuge. Hence they are sometimes called the wild goats of the rocks, Job 39:1, and sometimes the rocks are called from them the rocks of wild goats, 1Sa 24:2. The Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and Arabic versions, render it "for the harts", or deer; and so Apollinarius: but the word is not used of them.

And the rocks for the conies; who being a feeble folk, make their houses in them, to protect them from creatures of superior power and strength, Pro 30:26. Some interpret it of the "hedgehog", as the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions: others of "hares", as the Syriac and Arabic, and so Apollinarius; and others of "mountain mice". Now what the hills and rocks are to the above creatures, a refuge and a habitation for them, that Christ is to those that fly to him for refuge; though weak and feeble, sinful and unworthy, he is their rock, the rock of their refuge, their strong tower, and place of defence.

Gill: Psa 104:19 - -- He appointeth the moon for seasons,.... Or, "he made" e; for the moon is the work of his hands, Psa 8:3 as is likewise the sun. From the rain the psal...

He appointeth the moon for seasons,.... Or, "he made" e; for the moon is the work of his hands, Psa 8:3 as is likewise the sun. From the rain the psalmist passes to the luminaries; for this reason, as Aben Ezra thinks, because they are the cause of rain: the moon is taken notice of in the first place, because, as Kimchi observes, the night was before the day; and in the night of the fourth day were the sun, moon, and stars; but the sun rose in the morning. The moon was made for seasons as well as the sun, Gen 1:16 or that times might be numbered by it, as the Targum, both months and years; one of its courses and revolutions making a month, and twelve of these a year; which lunar years were in use among some nations: as also it is supposed to have an influence on the ebbing and flowing of the tides; and served to regulate the festivals of the Jews, their set appointed times, as the word signifies, and is used of them, and which were governed by it. And this Jarchi takes to be the sense of the passage; though Aben Ezra more truly remarks, that it purely belongs to the work of creation, and the original design and use of this luminary. It was an emblem of the ceremonial law; which consisted, among other things, in the observation of new moons; which gave some light in the time of Jewish darkness, though but a dim one, in comparison of the Gospel; had its imperfections, was changeable, waxed old, and vanished away; and which the church is said to have under her feet, being abolished, Rev 12:1. Though some think the world is meant, which is changeable and fading. It was also an emblem of the church, Son 6:10 which receives her light from Christ, the sun of righteousness; has its different phases and appearances; sometimes being in prosperity, and sometimes in adversity; has its spots and imperfections, and yet beautiful, through the grace of God and righteousness of Christ.

The sun knoweth his going down; not the going down of the moon, which is the sense of some, according to Kimchi; but his own going down; and so he knows his rising, to which this is opposed, Psa 50:1 and every revolution, diurnal or annual, he makes; and which he constantly and punctually observes, as if he was a creature endued with reason and understanding; see Psa 19:5. He knows the time of his setting, as the Targum, Syriac, and Arabic versions; and also the place where he is to set, at the different seasons of the year, and indeed every day. This luminary is an emblem of Christ, the sun of righteousness, Psa 84:11 the fountain of all light; the light of nature, grace, and glory; and of all spiritual life and heat, as well as fruitfulness. He arose at his incarnation, and set at his death, the time of both which he full well knew; and he has his risings and settings, with respect to the manifestation of himself to his people, or hiding himself from them, which depend on his pleasure.

Gill: Psa 104:20 - -- Thou makest darkness, and it is night,.... The darkness was before the light, and the night before the day, Gen 1:2 and now the darkness and night are...

Thou makest darkness, and it is night,.... The darkness was before the light, and the night before the day, Gen 1:2 and now the darkness and night are made by the setting of the sun before mentioned; see Isa 45:7.

Wherein all the beasts of the field do creep forth; out of their dens, and range about for their prey, as the evening wolves and others: and these are not the only creatures that choose the night and darkness; all wicked men do the same; whose deeds are evil, and do not care to come to the light, lest they should be reproved; particularly drunkards, adulterers, thieves, and murderers, Joh 3:20. So the Scribes and Pharisees, when they consulted to take away the life of Christ, and agreed with Judas to betray him, did it in the night: so false teachers, who are wolves in sheep's clothing, when it is a night of darkness with the church, take the advantage of it, to creep about and spread their pernicious doctrines; see 2Ti 3:6.

Gill: Psa 104:21 - -- The young lions roar after their prey,.... Or, "at the prey" f; for, according to the Scriptures, it seems as if their time of roaring was when they h...

The young lions roar after their prey,.... Or, "at the prey" f; for, according to the Scriptures, it seems as if their time of roaring was when they have got their prey, and are tearing it and feeding on it, and not till then, Amo 3:4 though naturalists tell us, that, when they are pinched with hunger, they make such a hideous roaring, as quite stupefies, as well as terrifies, other creatures; that they have no power to stir, till they come up to them, and become their prey, who otherwise could outrun them; for the lion is neither a swift creature, nor of good scent: wherefore, according to credible accounts, a creature called a "jackal", little bigger than a fox, hunts its prey for it, and secures it till it comes up to it. Young lions are rather mentioned, because their appetite is keenest, and their voice loudest and strongest. This creature is an emblem of Satan, who goes about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour, 1Pe 5:8.

And seek their meat from God; as all creatures in their way do; as the ravens by crying, so the young lions by roaring; neither one nor other can provide for themselves, but God, in his providence, supplies them all with food; see Psa 104:27. And should not we seek and ask our meat of God too, even both temporal and spiritual? And may we not expect it from him? Does he feed the ravens, and also the young lions, and will he not take care of his own people, and feed them with food convenient for them, and especially when they ask it of him? Psa 34:10.

Gill: Psa 104:22 - -- The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together,.... Having gone some one way, some another, seeking their prey; but upon the sun's rising gather tog...

The sun ariseth, they gather themselves together,.... Having gone some one way, some another, seeking their prey; but upon the sun's rising gather together in order to return from whence they came, abhorring the light of the sun, as some creatures do, and fearing being hunted and taken by men, the fear of whom is still in some measure upon the beasts of the field, Gen 9:2. So wicked men do not care for the light of the day, nor do false teachers choose to come to the light of the word; these owls and bats, these, as Tertullian calls them; and Satan himself chooses to set upon persons when they are in darkness, and in melancholy and disconsolate frames; and is afraid of believers, when they put on the armour of light, especially the shield of faith, and resist him with it, then he flees from them.

And lay them down in their dens; for rest and safety, and to feed themselves and young ones with the ravin they bring with them; see Son 4:8.

Gill: Psa 104:23 - -- Man goeth forth to his work,.... Having taken sleep in the night, being comfortably refreshed, and his strength recruited; he rises with the rising su...

Man goeth forth to his work,.... Having taken sleep in the night, being comfortably refreshed, and his strength recruited; he rises with the rising sun, and goes forth cheerfully and with intrepidity to his work in the field, or elsewhere, the beasts being fled and gone.

And to his labour until the evening; to till the ground, and do other services and labour, either of the head or hand; for man is born and designed for labour, and not for sloth and idleness: in his innocent state he was set to dress the garden and keep it; and, after the fall, his doom was to get his bread by the sweat of his brow; and he is to work while the day lasts, till the evening and night come on, when he betakes himself to sleep and rest again. So the believer, though the work of redemption and salvation is wrought for him, and the work of grace is wrought in him, each by another hand; yet he has work enough to do, which he is created for, and under obligation to perform; and in which he is to continue steadfast and immovable, while the day of life lasts, till the night of death comes, and no man can work; and then he rests from his labours, and his works follow him.

Gill: Psa 104:24 - -- O Lord, how manifold are thy works,.... The psalmist having taken notice of many of the works of creation, stops and wonders at the number of them; th...

O Lord, how manifold are thy works,.... The psalmist having taken notice of many of the works of creation, stops and wonders at the number of them; though he had not gone through them all, and there were even things innumerable behind; see Psa 104:25, he admires the sum of them, how great it was; and not only the quantity but the quality of them; for so the words may be rendered, "how great are thy works" g, as for number, so for nature; in which there is such an amazing display of the greatness and power of God, and particularly of his wisdom, as is observed in the next clause.

In wisdom hast thou made them all not only one thing, as the heavens, Psa 136:5, but everything is wisely contrived and made; there is a most glorious display of the wisdom of God in the most minute thing his hands have made; he has made everything beautiful in its season: a skilful artificer, when he has finished his work and looks it over again, often finds some fault or another in it: but when the Lord had finished his works of creation, and looked over them, he saw that all was good; infinite wisdom itself could find no blemish in them: what weak, foolish, stupid creatures must they be that pretend to charge any of the works of God with folly, or want of wisdom? Some by "wisdom" here understand Christ himself, the wisdom of God; and not amiss, since without him was not anything made; see Pro 3:19.

The earth is full of thy riches: or possessions h; for as the Lord is the maker, he is the proprietor and the possessor of heaven and earth, and all that is in them, and can and does dispose thereof as seems good in his sight; and whatever of the riches and good things of the earth men may have, they are only stewards, the Lord is the rightful owner and possessor of them; see Gen 14:19, with which compare Psa 33:5; see Gill on Psa 33:5.

Gill: Psa 104:25 - -- So is this great and wide sea,.... One of the great and manifold works of God, made in his wisdom, and full of his riches and possessions, as the eart...

So is this great and wide sea,.... One of the great and manifold works of God, made in his wisdom, and full of his riches and possessions, as the earth is; this is that collection of waters which God called seas, Gen 1:10 and is, as Kimchi observes, great in length, and wide and spacious in breadth; or "broad of hands" i, as in the original; or spacious in borders, as the Targum; it washing the several parts of the continent, and encompassing and embracing the whole earth with both arms as it were. Nor is it unusual with other writers to call the sea the great sea k, and to speak of an arm or arms of the sea l, as we do. Isidore says m, the great sea is that which flows out of the ocean from the west, and goes to the south, and then to the north, called so in comparison of other seas that are less, and is the Mediterranean sea, This is an emblem of the world, which may be compared to the sea for the multitude of nations and people in it, as numerous as the waves of the sea; for the temper of the inhabitants of it, being like the troubled sea, restless and uneasy, casting up the mire of dirt and sin; and for the instability of it, and the fluctuating state and condition of all things in it.

Wherein are things creeping innumerable; so that it seems there are reptiles in the water as well as on land; and indeed every creature without feet, and that goes upon its belly, in the element where it is, whether earth or water, is a creeping thing; of these swimming or creeping things the number is exceeding great, especially of the latter sort; fishes increasing much more than the beasts of the earth. Their species are innumerable; so their kinds or sorts are reckoned up by some one hundred and forty four n, by others one hundred and fifty three o, and by others one hundred and seventy six p; the Malabarians reckon, up 900,000 fishes, and 1,100,000 creeping things q. These are an emblem of the common people of the world, which are innumerable; see Hab 1:14.

Both small and great beasts; for there are creatures in the seas which answer to those on the dry land, both of the lesser and greater sort, as sea lions, sea horses, sea cows, sea hogs, &c. these may represent the rulers and governors of the world, supreme and subordinate; it is no unusual thing for great monarchies, and persons of great power and authority, to be signified by beasts rising out of the sea, Dan 7:3.

Gill: Psa 104:26 - -- There go the ships,.... From place to place, from one end of the world to the other, for the sake of merchandise r; this is one of the four things tha...

There go the ships,.... From place to place, from one end of the world to the other, for the sake of merchandise r; this is one of the four things that were too wonderful for Solomon, "the way of a ship in the midst of the sea", Pro 30:19 though navigation was improved in his times indeed not so much as it is now. The original of ships was doubtless Noah's ark, so that they owe their first draught to God himself. They seem to be an emblem of the church and people of God passing through the sea of this world to the haven of eternal rest. The ship is but a small vessel, and takes up but a small room in comparison of the vast ocean on which it is; and so the church of Christ is but small, a little city, and few men in it, a little flock, a small remnant: a ship is unfixed and unsettled, sometimes here and sometimes there; so the church of Christ is sometimes in one place, and sometimes in another; nor is this world the rest of God's people, nor have they any continuing city here; for, as a ship is tossed with tempests, so are they with the waves of afflictions, the temptations of Satan, and the persecutions of men; and sometimes, like Paul, and the mariners with him, have no sight of sun and stars for many days, of the sun of righteousness, or of the stars, the ministers of the word; when sailing is dangerous it bodes perilous times, through the impure lives of professors, and impious doctrines of false teachers, whereby many suffer shipwreck; yet all the Lord's people get safe ashore, having a good pilot, Christ, to conduct them; and the good anchor of hope, sure and steadfast.

There is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein; the Targum adds,

"for the righteous at the feast of the house of his habitation.''

Of this creature there is an account in Job 41:1. Some take it to be the crocodile, which is both a sea and river fish; the Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, Ethiopic, and Arabic versions, and so Apollinarius, call it the dragon; it is more generally thought to be the whale; Aben Ezra says it is the name of every great fish; it is a sportive creature, tumbles about in the great sea, and plays with the waters of it, which it tosses up in great quantities; and with the fishes of the sea, which it devours at pleasure; and laughs at the shaking of the spear; and to which mariners throw out their empty casks to play with, when near them, and they in danger by it; see Job 41:5. This creature is generally reckoned by the ancients a figure of Satan, it being king over all the children of pride, Job 41:34 as he is the prince of the power of the air, and god of this world; who has been playing his tricks in it from the beginning of it, not only deceiving our first parents, but all the nations of the world; nor are saints ignorant of his devices. It sometimes describes a tyrannical prince, as the kings of Babylon and of Egypt, Isa 27:1 and is a true picture of antichrist, the beast which rose out of the sea; nor is there any like him on earth; see Rev 13:1.

Gill: Psa 104:27 - -- These wait all upon thee,.... Or "hope in thee" s; not only the fishes of the sea, but the beasts of the field; for to them the psalmist returns, as A...

These wait all upon thee,.... Or "hope in thee" s; not only the fishes of the sea, but the beasts of the field; for to them the psalmist returns, as Aben Ezra observes; to whom hope and expectation of their food and waiting for it at the hands of God, are ascribed; the allusion seems to be to tame creatures, who come at their certain times and wait on them that have been used to give them their food; and it may instruct us to wait on the Lord, as for our daily bread, so for our spiritual food, in prayer, and in public ordinances, where and from whom we may hope and expect to have it.

That thou mayest give them their meat in due season; or "in his time" t; everyone in its own time, which is natural to them, and they have been used to; at which time the Lord gives it to them and they take it; it would be well if men would do so likewise, eat and drink in proper and due time, Ecc 10:17. Christ speaks a word in season to weary souls; his ministers give to everyone their portion of meat in due season; and a word spoken in due season, how good and sweet is it? Isa 1:4.

Gill: Psa 104:28 - -- That thou givest them they gather,.... What God bestows upon them as a bounty of Providence they take and make use of, and in their way thankfully, an...

That thou givest them they gather,.... What God bestows upon them as a bounty of Providence they take and make use of, and in their way thankfully, and without repining; some gather it up for immediate use and service, and not into barns; others gather it up for time to come, as the ant, Mat 6:26. Kimchi understands this of a time of scarcity, when they gather here a little and there a little; as he does the following clause of a time of plenty.

Thou openest thine hand, they are filled with good; God, in whose hand all things are, and from whence all things come, opens his hand of providence, and liberally and bountifully gives, as this phrase signifies, Deu 15:11 and all his creatures are filled with his good things to their satisfaction: and thus the spiritual food which he gives his people, they gather it by the hand of faith, as the Israelites gathered the manna in the wilderness every morning, and according to their eating, what was sufficient for them; and to whom he gives liberally, even all things richly to enjoy; all things pertaining to life and godliness; Christ, and all things along with him; abundance of grace here, and glory hereafter; and they are satisfied with his good things as with marrow and fatness.

Gill: Psa 104:29 - -- Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled,.... God may be said to hide his face from the creatures when he withholds their food from them, when there is...

Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled,.... God may be said to hide his face from the creatures when he withholds their food from them, when there is a scarcity of provisions, a famine in the land; when there is no pasture for them to feed on, nor brooks of water to drink of; then are they troubled or perplexed, as in Joe 1:18 and know not what to do, nor where to go for help, but faint, and sink, and die. So in a spiritual sense when God hides his face from his people, removes his Shechinah, or divine Majesty and Presence, as the Targum here; and withdraws the influences of his grace and Spirit; or when they have no food for their souls, or what they have is not blessed, then are they troubled, Psa 30:7.

Thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust; their original dust, from whence they sprung, as man himself does; the breath of all is from the Lord; he gives it to his creatures, and when he pleases he takes it away; and when he does, they die and become dust again.

Gill: Psa 104:30 - -- Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created,.... Thy Holy Spirit, as the Targum, who was at first concerned in the creation of all things, the hea...

Thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created,.... Thy Holy Spirit, as the Targum, who was at first concerned in the creation of all things, the heavens and the earth, and man upon it, Gen 1:2, Job 26:13 which may be alluded to here; though it seems chiefly to intend the generation and production of creatures in the room of those that die off; that so their species may be preserved, and there may be a constant succession of them, as there is in all ages, Ecc 1:4.

And thou renewest the face of the earth; by a new set of creatures of all kinds being brought upon it to fill it. As there is also a daily renewing it every morning by the rising sun, giving fresh life and vigour to all created beings; and a yearly one every spring, when the face of all nature is renewed and revived. Jarchi and Arama understand it of the resurrection of the dead; this sense Kimchi mentions as an article of their faith, but not as the sense of the text. It may be applied to the renewing work of the Spirit of God in the souls of men, by whom they are made new, and by whom they are daily renewed in the Spirit of their minds. And there are particular seasons in which God sends forth his Spirit and renews the face of things in the world, and in his churches; upon the effusion of his Spirit in the first times of the Gospels, there was a new face of things, not only in the land of Judea, but throughout the whole Gentile world, where old things passed away, and all things became new; as in the latter day, when the Spirit shall be poured forth from on high, there will be a renewing of the face of the earth again; it will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea; the kingdoms of it will become Christ's; new heavens and a new earth will be created, and Jerusalem will be made a rejoicing, and her people a joy, Isa 65:17.

Gill: Psa 104:31 - -- The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever,.... The glory which arises from the works of his hands, which is due unto him, and shall be given him; th...

The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever,.... The glory which arises from the works of his hands, which is due unto him, and shall be given him; this is opposed to the perishing and fading glory of all created beings: and as Christ is the person spoken of throughout the whole psalm, this may be understood of his glory as the only begotten of the Father; and which is equal to his Father's glory, and is the same yesterday, today, and for ever; and of the glory of his office as Mediator: and of all his works of nature and grace, of creation and redemption: nor will there be creatures wanting, angels and men to glorify his name, to all eternity. The Targum, Septuagint, Vulgate Latin, and all the Oriental versions render it as a prayer, "let the glory of the Lord be for ever"; or, let him be for ever glorified, on account of the perfections of his nature, and the works of his hands; as he will and ought to be.

The Lord shall rejoice in his works; being well pleased with them, as he was with the works of creation; they appearing, on a survey of them, to be all very good, Gen 1:31 so he rejoices in the sustaining and preservation of them; and the rather when he is glorified in them. And this should be a reason why glory should be given him, that he may rejoice in his works, and not be grieved, as he is sometimes said to be and to repent of his making them, Gen 6:6. Christ rejoices in the work of redemption, which he undertook and performed with pleasure; he rejoiced at the finishing it, and he rejoices in the application of it to his people and will rejoice in their complete enjoyment of it; they being the objects of his love, in whom he has an interest; whom he engaged for, are the purchase of his blood, and for whom he prays and intercedes; he rejoices in them as the work of his hands now; in their persons, who are his "hephzibah", in whom he delights; "his beulah", to whom he is married: he rejoices in his own grace wrought in them, and in the exercise of it on him; he rejoices over them to do them good, and never ceases doing good to them and for them.

Gill: Psa 104:32 - -- He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth,.... As Sinai did when he descended on it, Psa 68:8, to which the allusion seems to be; and a look from him,...

He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth,.... As Sinai did when he descended on it, Psa 68:8, to which the allusion seems to be; and a look from him, a severe one, a frowning one, will make the inhabitants of the earth to tremble; a providential look, sending famine, pestilence or the sword among them. A displeased look will make the hearts of his own children tremble, as no doubt Peter's did, when the Lord looked upon him, and he remembered his word; and if a look, much more a word, an awful word, as his voice in the law, pronouncing such cursed as keep it not; and especially the tremendous sentence he will pronounce on the wicked at the last day,

go, ye cursed, &c. and if a look and a word are so terrible, what will be the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger upon those who have refused to give him glory? For the words seem to carry in them a reason why he should be glorified, taken from the consequence of not glorifying him, who has such a majesty in his looks, such a terror in his countenance, and such power in his hands.

He toucheth the hills, and they smoke; as Sinai likewise did, when he was upon it, Exo 19:18, and as other hills do, when touched with lightning; the tops of mountains, the higher they are, the sooner and the more they smoke u. God, with a touch of his hand, can set mountains on fire, open "volcanos", and cause them to burn for years together; as Etna, Vesuvius, Hecla, and others: and how easily can he set on fire the course of nature, burn the world, and all that is in it! It is but touching it, and it takes fire immediately: this he can as easily do as a man can light a torch or a candle; and as easily can he destroy sinners with the fire of his wrath, or cast them into everlasting fire, with the devil and his angels, which will burn to the lowest hell; and what are hills and mountains, or the greatest personages on earth, if he does but touch them, or lay his hand upon them in wrath? They are crushed as the moth; they are nothing before our great Zerubbabel.

Gill: Psa 104:33 - -- I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live,.... Or, "in my life or lives w", throughout the whole of it. This was what the psalmist determined to do,...

I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live,.... Or, "in my life or lives w", throughout the whole of it. This was what the psalmist determined to do, let others do what they would; even sing songs of praise to the Lord; since he was the God of his life, who had fed him all his life long; from whom he had all the mercies of life, and by whom he had been followed with goodness and mercy all his days, and on whom his life and the comforts of it depended.

I will sing praise unto my God while I have my being: because he lived, and moved, and had his being in him; and it was continued to him, and he was upheld in it; and not only for his being, but for his well being; as for his temporal, so for his spiritual mercies, which he had from him as his God, as his covenant God; such as peace, pardon, righteousness, and eternal life: a view of God as our own God, such a view as Thomas had of Christ, when he said, "my Lord, and my God", is enough to make a man sing; and when the psalmist says he would do this as long as he lived and had a being, this is not to be understood as if this work would end with his life, or that he had no thought of praising him hereafter; but it signifies his constancy in this employment, while in the land of the living; knowing that in the grave he could not praise the Lord with his bodily organs as now; though he knew that this would be his eternal employ in the world of spirits, in his soul, during its separate state, and in soul and body after the resurrection.

Gill: Psa 104:34 - -- My meditation of him shall be sweet,.... Of the glories, excellencies, and perfections of his person; of his offices, as Mediator, King, Priest, and P...

My meditation of him shall be sweet,.... Of the glories, excellencies, and perfections of his person; of his offices, as Mediator, King, Priest, and Prophet, the Saviour and Redeemer; of his works of creation, providence, and redemption; of his word, the blessed truths and comfortable doctrines of it; of his providential dispensations, and gracious dealings with his people in the present state; which to meditate upon, when grace is in exercise, is very sweet, delightful, and comfortable. The Targum renders it as a petition,

"let my meditation be sweet before him;''

that is, grateful and acceptable to him: or, as the Septuagint and Vulgate Latin versions, "let my speech", discourse, colloquy, address in prayer; see Psa 141:2, or, "let my praise", so the Arabic and Syriac versions: the spiritual sacrifices both of prayer and praise are acceptable to God through Christ; and the speech of the church, and every believer, whether in the one way or the other, is sweet to Christ, very pleasant and delightful to him, Son 2:14.

I will be glad in the Lord: the Targum is,

"in the Word of the Lord;''

in the essential Word, the Lord Jesus Christ; in his person, the greatness, glory, beauty, and fulness of it; in his righteousness, its purity, perfection, and perpetuity; in his salvation, being so suitable, complete, and glorious.

Gill: Psa 104:35 - -- Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth,.... Not in common, for all men are sinners, even good men are not without sin; but notorious sinners, wh...

Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth,.... Not in common, for all men are sinners, even good men are not without sin; but notorious sinners, whose lives are one continued series and course of sinning; such as will not have Christ to reign over them, and do not give him the glory due unto him; particularly antichrist, the man of sin, and his followers; they that worship the beast and his image: these will be consumed with the breath of his mouth, and with the brightness of his coming, and will perish out of his land, 2Th 2:3.

And let the wicked be no more; as the wicked one, antichrist, will be no more when consumed; there will never rise another, when the beast and false prophet are taken and cast alive into the lake of fire; there will no more of the antichristian party remain, the remnant of them will be slain with the sword; after the battle of Armageddon, there will be none left of the followers of antichrist, nor any ever rise up any more.

Bless thou the Lord, O my soul; as for his mercies, spiritual and temporal, so for the destruction of all his enemies. The psalm begins and ends alike as the preceding.

Praise ye the Lord, or hallelujah: this is the first time this word is used in this book of Psalms, though frequently afterwards: and it is observable that it is only used, in the New Testament, at the prophecy of the destruction of antichrist, Rev 19:1 which may serve to confirm the sense before given; and is to be considered as a call upon the saints to praise the Lord, on account of his righteous judgments on his and his church's enemies; so Aben Ezra.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Psa 104:10 Heb “[the] one who sends springs into streams.” Another option is to translate, “he sends streams [i.e., streams that originate from...

NET Notes: Psa 104:12 Heb “among the thick foliage they give a sound.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:13 Heb “from the fruit of your works the earth is full.” The translation assumes that “fruit” is literal here. If “fruit...

NET Notes: Psa 104:14 Heb “to cause food to come out from the earth.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:15 Heb “and food [that] sustains the heart of man.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:16 Heb “are satisfied,” which means here that they receive abundant rain (see v. 13).

NET Notes: Psa 104:17 The cedars and evergreens of the Lebanon forest are frequently associated (see, for example, 2 Chr 2:8; Isa 14:8; 37:24; Ezek 31:8).

NET Notes: Psa 104:18 Heb “the high mountains [are] for the goats.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:19 Heb more metaphorically, “knows its setting.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:20 Heb “you make darkness, so that it might be night.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:21 The lions’ roaring is viewed as a request for food from God.

NET Notes: Psa 104:22 Heb “lie down.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:23 Heb “man goes out to his work, and to his labor until evening.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:24 Heb “all of them with wisdom you have made.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:25 Heb “where [there are] swimming things, and without number.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:26 Heb “[and] this Leviathan, [which] you formed to play in it.” Elsewhere Leviathan is a multiheaded sea monster that symbolizes forces host...

NET Notes: Psa 104:27 Heb “to give their food in its time.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:28 Heb “they are satisfied [with] good.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:29 Heb “you hide your face, they are terrified.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:31 Or “rejoice in his works.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:33 Heb “in my duration.”

NET Notes: Psa 104:34 That is, the psalmist’s thoughts as expressed in his songs of praise.

NET Notes: Psa 104:35 Or “be destroyed.”

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:11 They give drink to every ( e ) beast of the field: the wild asses quench their thirst. ( e ) If God provides for the beasts, much more will he extend...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:12 By ( f ) them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, [which] sing among the branches. ( f ) There is no part of the world so barren whe...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:13 He watereth the hills from his ( g ) chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works. ( g ) From the clouds.

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of ( h ) man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth; ( h ) He describes...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:19 He appointed ( i ) the moon for seasons: ( k ) the sun knoweth his going down. ( i ) As to separate the night from the day, and to note days, months ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:21 The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat ( l ) from God. ( l ) That is, they only find meat according to God's providence, who care...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:23 ( m ) Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening. ( m ) That is, when the day springs for the light is as it were a shield to ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:24 O LORD, how ( n ) manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches. ( n ) He confesses that no tongue is ab...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:27 ( o ) These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give [them] their meat in due season. ( o ) God is a nourishing father, who provides for all creatur...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:29 Thou ( p ) hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust. ( p ) As by your presence all thing...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:30 Thou ( q ) sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth. ( q ) As the death of creatures shows that we are not...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:32 He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth: he toucheth the hills, and they ( r ) smoke. ( r ) God's merciful face gives strength to the earth, but hi...

Geneva Bible: Psa 104:35 Let the sinners be ( s ) consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more. Bless thou the LORD, O my soul. Praise ye the LORD. ( s ) Who infe...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Psa 104:1-35 - --1 A meditation upon the mighty power,7 and wonderful providence of God.31 God's glory is eternal.33 The prophet vows perpetually to praise God.

MHCC: Psa 104:10-18 - --When we reflect upon the provision made for all creatures, we should also notice the natural worship they render to God. Yet man, forgetful ungrateful...

MHCC: Psa 104:19-30 - --We are to praise and magnify God for the constant succession of day and night. And see how those are like to the wild beasts, who wait for the twiligh...

MHCC: Psa 104:31-35 - --Man's glory is fading; God's glory is everlasting: creatures change, but with the Creator there is no variableness. And if mediation on the glories of...

Matthew Henry: Psa 104:10-18 - -- Having given glory to God as the powerful protector of this earth, in saving it from being deluged, here he comes to acknowledge him as its bountifu...

Matthew Henry: Psa 104:19-30 - -- We are here taught to praise and magnify God, I. For the constant revolutions and succession of day and night, and the dominion of sun and moon over...

Matthew Henry: Psa 104:31-35 - -- The psalmist concludes this meditation with speaking, I. Praise to God, which is chiefly intended in the psalm. 1. He is to be praised, (1.) As a gr...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:10-14 - -- The third decastich, passing on to the third day of creation, sings the benefit which the shore-surrounded waters are to the animal creation and the...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:14-18 - -- In the fourth decastich the poet goes further among the creatures of the field and of the forest. The subject to להוציא is מצמיח . The ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:19-23 - -- The fifth decastich, in which the poet passes over from the third to the fourth day, shows that he has the order of the days of creation before his ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:24-30 - -- Fixing his eye upon the sea with its small and great creatures, and the care of God for all self-living beings, the poet passes over to the fifth an...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 104:31-35 - -- The poet has now come to an end with the review of the wonders of the creation, and closes in this seventh group, which is again substantially decas...

Constable: Psa 90:1--106:48 - --IV. Book 4: chs. 90--106 Moses composed one of the psalms in this section of the Psalter (Ps. 90). David wrote t...

Constable: Psa 104:1-35 - --Psalm 104 This psalm is quite similar to Psalm 103. Both begin and end with similar calls to bless God. ...

Constable: Psa 104:1-23 - --2. Praise for the creation 104:1b-23 104:1b-4 The writer pictured God creating the heavens. Splendor and majesty clothe God in the sense that they man...

Constable: Psa 104:24-32 - --3. Praise of the Creator 104:24-32 104:24-30 The psalmist broke out in praise to Yahweh for His wisdom in creating as He did. He also acknowledged tha...

Constable: Psa 104:33-35 - --4. Proper responses 104:33-35a The psalmist vowed to praise God with his mouth and with his mind...

Constable: Psa 104:35 - --5. Epilogue 104:35b The psalm concludes as it began with the psalmist reminding himself to bless...

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Commentary -- Other

Evidence: Psa 104:19 Scientific facts in the Bible . God created the "lights" in the heavens "for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years" (Genesis 1:14). Through t...

Evidence: Psa 104:24 The peppered moth : evolution comes unglued. " Almost all textbooks on evolution include the peppered moth as the classic example of evolution by natu...

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Introduction / Outline

JFB: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Hebrew title of this book is Tehilim ("praises" or "hymns"), for a leading feature in its contents is praise, though the word occurs in the title ...

JFB: Psalms (Outline) ALEPH. (Psa 119:1-8). This celebrated Psalm has several peculiarities. It is divided into twenty-two parts or stanzas, denoted by the twenty-two let...

TSK: Psalms (Book Introduction) The Psalms have been the general song of the universal Church; and in their praise, all the Fathers have been unanimously eloquent. Men of all nation...

TSK: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Psa 104:1, A meditation upon the mighty power, Psa 104:7, and wonderful providence of God; Psa 104:31, God’s glory is eternal; Psa 104:...

Poole: Psalms (Book Introduction) OF PSALMS THE ARGUMENT The divine authority of this Book of PSALMS is so certain and evident, that it was never questioned in the church; which b...

Poole: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) THE ARGUMENT . As the next foregoing Psalm treats of the special favours of God to his church and people, so this declares and celebrates the wonder...

MHCC: Psalms (Book Introduction) David was the penman of most of the psalms, but some evidently were composed by other writers, and the writers of some are doubtful. But all were writ...

MHCC: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) (Psa 104:1-9) God's majesty in the heavens, The creation of the sea, and the dry land. (Psa 104:10-18) His provision for all creatures. (Psa 104:19-...

Matthew Henry: Psalms (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Book of Psalms We have now before us one of the choicest and most excellent parts of all the Old Te...

Matthew Henry: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) It is very probable that this psalm was penned by the same hand, and at the same time, as the former; for as that ended this begins, with " Bless t...

Constable: Psalms (Book Introduction) Introduction Title The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible is Tehillim, which means...

Constable: Psalms (Outline) Outline I. Book 1: chs. 1-41 II. Book 2: chs. 42-72 III. Book 3: chs. 73...

Constable: Psalms Psalms Bibliography Allen, Ronald B. "Evidence from Psalm 89." In A Case for Premillennialism: A New Consensus,...

Haydock: Psalms (Book Introduction) THE BOOK OF PSALMS. INTRODUCTION. The Psalms are called by the Hebrew, Tehillim; that is, hymns of praise. The author, of a great part of ...

Gill: Psalms (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALMS The title of this book may be rendered "the Book of Praises", or "Hymns"; the psalm which our Lord sung at the passover is c...

Gill: Psalms 104 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO PSALM 104 This psalm, though without a title, was probably written by David, since it begins and ends as the former does, as Aben E...

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