Text -- Psalms 51:16-19 (NET)
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Wesley: Psa 51:16 - -- This is not to be understood absolutely, with respect to David's crimes, which were not to be expiated by any sacrifice.
This is not to be understood absolutely, with respect to David's crimes, which were not to be expiated by any sacrifice.
This is of more value than many sacrifices.
Wesley: Psa 51:18 - -- Perfect the walls and buildings of that city, and especially let the temple be built, notwithstanding my sins.
Perfect the walls and buildings of that city, and especially let the temple be built, notwithstanding my sins.
JFB: Psa 51:16 - -- Praise is better than sacrifice (Psa 50:14), and implying faith, penitence, and love, glorifies God. In true penitents the joys of pardon mingle with ...
Praise is better than sacrifice (Psa 50:14), and implying faith, penitence, and love, glorifies God. In true penitents the joys of pardon mingle with sorrow for sin.
JFB: Psa 51:19 - -- God reconciled, material sacrifices will be acceptable (Psa 4:5; compare Isa 1:11-17).
God reconciled, material sacrifices will be acceptable (Psa 4:5; compare Isa 1:11-17).
Clarke: Psa 51:16 - -- For thou desirest not sacrifice - This is the same sentiment which he delivers in Psa 40:6 (note), etc., where see the notes. There may be here, how...
For thou desirest not sacrifice - This is the same sentiment which he delivers in Psa 40:6 (note), etc., where see the notes. There may be here, however, a farther meaning: Crimes, like mine, are not to be expiated by any sacrifices that the law requires; nor hast thou appointed in the law any sacrifices to atone for deliberate murder and adultery: if thou hadst, I would cheerfully have given them to thee. The matter is before thee as Judge.
Clarke: Psa 51:17 - -- The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit - As my crimes are such as admit of no legal atonement, so thou hast reserved them to be punished by exemp...
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit - As my crimes are such as admit of no legal atonement, so thou hast reserved them to be punished by exemplary acts of justice, or to be pardoned by a sovereign act of mercy: but in order to find this mercy, thou requirest that the heart and soul should deeply feel the transgression, and turn to thee with the fullest compunction and remorse. This thou hast enabled me to do. I have the broken spirit,
Clarke: Psa 51:18 - -- Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion - This and the following verse most evidently refer to the time of the captivity, when the walls of Jerusalem...
Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion - This and the following verse most evidently refer to the time of the captivity, when the walls of Jerusalem were broken down, and the temple service entirely discontinued; and, consequently, are long posterior to the times of David. Hence it has been concluded that the Psalm was not composed by David, nor in his time and that the title must be that of some other Psalm inadvertently affixed to this. The fourth verse has also been considered as decisive against this title: but the note on that verse has considerably weakened, if not destroyed, that objection. I have been long of opinion that, whether the title be properly or improperly affixed to this Psalm, these two verses make no part of it: the subject is totally dissimilar; and there is no rule of analogy by which it can be interpreted as belonging to the Psalm, to the subject, or to the person. I think they originally made a Psalm of themselves, a kind of ejaculatory prayer for the redemption of the captives from Babylon, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, and the restoration of the temple worship. And, taken in this light, they are very proper and very expressive
The Psa 117:1-2 contains only two verses; and is an ejaculation of praise from the captives who had just then returned from Babylon. And it is a fact that this Psalm is written as a part of the cxvith in no less than thirty-two of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s MSS.; and in some early editions. Again, because of its smallness, it has been absorbed by the cxviiith, of which it makes the commencement, in twenty-eight of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s MSS. In a similar way I suppose the two last verses of this Psalm to have been absorbed by the preceding, which originally made a complete Psalm of themselves; and this absorption was the more easy, because, like the cxviith it has no title. I cannot allege a similar evidence relative to these two verses, as ever having made a distinct Psalm; but of the fact I can have no doubt, for the reasons assigned above. And I still think that Psalm is too dignified, too energetic, and too elegant, to have been the composition of any but David. It was not Asaph; it was not any of the sons of Korah; it was not Heman or Jeduthun: the hand and mind of a greater master are here
Calvin: Psa 51:16 - -- 16.For thou wilt not accept a sacrifice By this language he expresses his confidence of obtaining pardon, although he brought nothing to God in the s...
16.For thou wilt not accept a sacrifice By this language he expresses his confidence of obtaining pardon, although he brought nothing to God in the shape of compensation, but relied entirely upon the riches of Divine mercy. He confesses that he comes to God both poor and needy; but is persuaded that this will not prevent the success of his suit, because God attaches no importance to sacrifices. In this he indirectly reproves the Jews for an error which prevailed amongst them in all ages. In proclaiming that the sacrifices made expiation for sin, the Law had designed to withdraw them from all trust in their own works to the one satisfaction of Christ; but they presumed to bring their sacrifices to the altar as a price by which they hoped to procure their own redemption. In opposition to this proud and preposterous notion, David declares that God had no delight in sacrifices, 272 and that he had nothing to present which could purchase his favor. God had enjoined the observance of sacrifice, and David was far from neglecting it. He is not to be understood as asserting that the rite might warrantably be omitted, or that God would absolutely reject the sacrifices of his own institution, which, along with the other ceremonies of the Law, proved important helps, as we have already observed, both to David and the whole Church of God. He speaks of them as observed by the proud and the ignorant, under an impression of meriting the divine favor. Diligent as he was, therefore, in the practice of sacrifice, resting his whole dependence upon the satisfaction of Christ, who atoned for the sins of the world, he could yet honestly declare that he brought nothing to God in the shape of compensation, and that he trusted entirely to a gratuitous reconciliation. The Jews, when they presented their sacrifices, could not be said to bring anything of their own to the Lord, but must rather be viewed as borrowing from Christ the necessary purchase-money of redemption. They were passive, not active, in this divine service.
Calvin: Psa 51:17 - -- 17.The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit He had shown that sacrifices have no such efficacy in procuring the Divine favor as the Jews imagined; a...
17.The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit He had shown that sacrifices have no such efficacy in procuring the Divine favor as the Jews imagined; and now he declares that he needed to bring nothing whatever to God but a contrite and humbled heart. Nothing more is necessary, on the part of the sinner, than to prostrate himself in supplication for Divine mercy. The plural number is used in the verse to express more forcibly the truth, that the sacrifice of repentance is enough in itself without any other. Had he said no more than that this kind of sacrifice was peculiarly acceptable to God, the Jews might easily have evaded his argument by alleging that this might be true, and yet other sacrifices be equally agreeable in his sight; just as the Papists in our own day mix up the grace of God with their own works, rather than submit to receive a gratuitous pardon for their sins. In order to exclude every idea of a pretended satisfaction, David represents contrition of heart as comprehending in itself the whole sum of acceptable sacrifices. And in using the term sacrifices of God, he conveys a tacit reproof to the proud hypocrite, who sets a high value upon such sacrifices as are of his own unauthorised fancy, when he imagines that by means of them he can propitiate God. But here a difficulty may be started. “If the contrite heart,” it may be said, “hold a higher place in the estimation of God than all sacrifices, does it not follow that we acquire pardon by our penitence, and that thus it ceases to be gratuitous?” In reply to this, I might observe, that David is not speaking at this time of the meritorious condition by which pardon is procured, but, on the contrary, asserting our absolute destitution of merit by enjoining humiliation and contrition of spirit, in opposition to everything like an attempt to render a compensation to God. The man of broken spirit is one who has been emptied of all vain-glorious confidence, and brought to acknowledge that he is nothing. The contrite heart abjures the idea of merit, and has no dealings with God upon the principle of exchange. Is it objected, that faith is a more excellent sacrifice that that which is here commended by the Psalmist, and of greater efficacy in procuring the Divine favor, as it presents to the view of God that Savior who is the true and only propitiation? I would observe, that faith cannot be separated from the humility of which David speaks. This is such a humility as is altogether unknown to the wicked. They may tremble in the presence of God, and the obstinacy and rebellion of their hearts may be partially restrained, but they still retain some remainders of inward pride. Where the spirit has been broken, on the other hand, and the heart has become contrite, through a felt sense of the anger of the Lord, a man is brought to genuine fear and self-loathing, with a deep conviction that of himself he can do or deserve nothing, and must be indebted unconditionally for salvation to Divine mercy. That this should be represented by David as constituting all which God desires in the shape of sacrifice, need not excite our surprise. He does not exclude faith, he does not condescend upon any nice division of true penitence into its several parts, but asserts in general, that the only way of obtaining the favor of God is by prostrating ourselves with a wounded heart at the feet of his Divine mercy, and supplicating his grace with ingenuous confessions of our own helplessness.
Calvin: Psa 51:18 - -- 18.Do good to Zion in thy good pleasure: build thou the walls of Jerusalem 273 From prayer in his own behalf he now proceeds to offer up supplication...
18.Do good to Zion in thy good pleasure: build thou the walls of Jerusalem 273 From prayer in his own behalf he now proceeds to offer up supplications for the collective Church of God, a duty which he may have felt to be the more incumbent upon him from the circumstance of his having done what he could by his fall to ruin it, Raised to the throne, and originally anointed to be king for the very purpose of fostering the Church of God, he had by his disgraceful conduct nearly accomplished its destruction. Although chargeable with this guilt, he now prays that God would restore it in the exercise of his free mercy. He makes no mention of the righteousness of others, but rests his plea entirely upon the good pleasure of God, intimating that the Church, when at any period it has been brought low, must be indebted for its restoration solely to Divine grace. Jerusalem was already built, but David prays that God would build it still farther for he knew that it fell far short of being complete, so long as it wanted the temple, where he had promised to establish the Ark of his Covenant, and also the royal palace. We learn from the passage, that it is God’s own work to build the Church. “His foundation,” says the Psalmist elsewhere, “is in the holy mountains,” (Psa 87:1.) We are not to imagine that David refers simply to the Church as a material structure, but must consider him as having his eye fixed upon the spiritual temple, which cannot be raised by human skill or industry. It is true, indeed, that men will not make progress even in the building of material walls, unless their labor be blessed from above; but the Church is in a peculiar sense the erection of God, who has founded it upon the earth in the exercise of his mighty power, and who will exalt it higher than the heavens. In this prayer David does not contemplate the welfare of the Church for a short period merely, but prays that God would preserve and advance it till the coming of Christ. And here, may it not justly excite our surprise, to find one who, in the preceding part of the psalm, had employed the language of distress and almost of despair, now inspired with the confidence necessary for commending the whole Church to the care of God? How comes it about, may we not ask, that one who so narrowly escaped destruction himself, should now appear as a guide to conduct others to salvation? In this we have a striking proof, that, provided we obtain reconciliation with God, we may not only expect to be inspired with confidence in praying for our own salvation, but may hope to be admitted as intercessors in behalf of others, and even to be advanced to the higher honor still, of commending into the hands of God the glory of the Redeemer’s kingdom.
Calvin: Psa 51:19 - -- 19.Then shalt thou accept sacrifices of righteousness In these words there is an apparent, but only an apparent, inconsistency with others which he h...
19.Then shalt thou accept sacrifices of righteousness In these words there is an apparent, but only an apparent, inconsistency with others which he had used in the preceding context. He had declared sacrifices to be of no value when considered in themselves, but now he acknowledges them to be acceptable to God when viewed as expressions or symbols of faith, penitence, and thanksgiving. He calls them distinctly sacrifices of righteousness, right, warrantable, and such as are offered in strict accordance with the commandment of God. The expression is the same employed in Psa 4:5, where David uses it with a tacit condemnation of those who gloried in the mere outward form of ceremonies. We find him again exciting himself and others by his example to the exercise of gratitude, and to the expression of it openly in the solemn assembly. Besides sacrifices in general, two particular kinds of sacrifice are specified. Although some consider
TSK: Psa 51:16 - -- desirest : Psa 51:6; Exo 21:14; Num 15:27, Num 15:30, Num 15:31, Num 35:31; Deu 22:22; Hos 6:6
else would I : or, that I should
delightest : Psa 40:6,...
TSK: Psa 51:17 - -- sacrifices : Psa 107:22; Mar 12:33; Rom 12:1; Phi 4:18; Heb 13:16; 1Pe 2:5
a broken spirit : Psa 34:18, Psa 147:3; 2Ki 22:19; Isa 57:15, Isa 61:1-3, I...
sacrifices : Psa 107:22; Mar 12:33; Rom 12:1; Phi 4:18; Heb 13:16; 1Pe 2:5
a broken spirit : Psa 34:18, Psa 147:3; 2Ki 22:19; Isa 57:15, Isa 61:1-3, Isa 66:2; Eze 9:3, Eze 9:4, Eze 9:6; Mat 5:3; Luk 18:11-14
thou : Psa 22:24, Psa 102:17; 2Ch 33:12, 2Ch 33:13; Amo 5:21; Luk 7:39-50, Luk 15:2-7, Luk 15:10, Luk 15:21-32
TSK: Psa 51:18 - -- Do : Psa 25:22, Psa 102:16, Psa 122:6-9, Psa 137:5, Psa 137:6; Isa 62:1, Isa 62:6, Isa 62:7; Jer 51:50; 2Co 11:28, 2Co 11:29
thy : Luk 12:32; Eph 1:5,...
TSK: Psa 51:19 - -- pleased : Psa 66:13-15, Psa 118:27; Eph 5:2
sacrifices : Psa 4:5; Mal 3:3; Rom 12:1
pleased : Psa 66:13-15, Psa 118:27; Eph 5:2
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Barnes: Psa 51:16 - -- For thou desirest not sacrifice ... - On the words rendered in this verse "sacrifice"and "burnt-offering,"see the notes at Isa 1:11. On the mai...
For thou desirest not sacrifice ... - On the words rendered in this verse "sacrifice"and "burnt-offering,"see the notes at Isa 1:11. On the main sentiment here expressed - that God did not "desire"such sacrifices - see the notes at Psa 40:6-8. The idea here is, that any mere external offering, however precious or costly it might be, was not what God required in such cases. He demanded the expression of deep and sincere repentance; the sacrifices of a contrite heart and of a broken spirit: Psa 51:17. No offering without this could be acceptable; nothing without this could secure pardon. In mere outward sacrifices - in bloody offerings themselves, unaccompanied with the expression of genuine penitence, God could have no pleasure. This is one of the numerous passages in the Old Testament which show that the external offerings of the law were valueless unless accompanied by the religion of the heart; or that the Jewish religion, much as it abounded in forms, yet required the offerings of pure hearts in order that man might be acceptable to God. Under all dispensations the real nature of religion is the same. Compare the notes at Heb 9:9-10. The phrase "else would I give it,"in the margin, "that I should give it,"expresses a willingness to make such an offering, if it was required, while, at the same time, there is the implied statement that it would be valueless without the heart.
Barnes: Psa 51:17 - -- The sacrifices of God - The sacrifices which God desires and approves; the sacrifices without which no other offering would be acceptable. Davi...
The sacrifices of God - The sacrifices which God desires and approves; the sacrifices without which no other offering would be acceptable. David felt that that which he here specified was what was demanded in his case. He had grievously sinned; and the blood of animals offered in sacrifice could not put away his sin, nor could anything remove it unless the heart were itself penitent and contrite. The same thing is true now. Though a most perfect sacrifice, every way acceptable to God, has been made for human guilt by the Redeemer, yet it is as true as it was under the old dispensation in regard to the sacrifices there required, that even that will not avail for us unless we are truly penitent; unless we come before God with a contrite and humble heart.
Are a broken spirit - A mind broken or crushed under the weight of conscious guilt. The idea is that of a burden laid on the Soul until it is crushed and subdued.
A broken and a contrite heart - The word rendered contrite means to be broken or crushed, as when the bones are broken, Psa 44:19; Psa 51:8; and then it is applied to the mind or heart as that which is crushed or broken by the weight of guilt. The word does not differ materially from the term "broken."The two together constitute intensity of expression.
Thou wilt not despise - Thou wilt not treat with contempt or disregard. That is, God would look upon them with favor, and to such a heart he would grant his blessing. See the notes at Isa 57:15; notes at Isa 66:2.
Barnes: Psa 51:18 - -- Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion - From himself - his deep sorrow, his conscious guilt, his earnest prayer for pardon and salvation - the...
Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion - From himself - his deep sorrow, his conscious guilt, his earnest prayer for pardon and salvation - the psalmist turns to Zion, to the city of God, to the people of the Lord. These, after all, lay nearer to his heart than his own personal salvation; and to these his thoughts naturally turned even in connection with his own deep distress. Such a prayer as is here offered he would also be more naturally led to offer from the remembrance of the dishonor which he had brought on the cause of religion, and it was natural for him to pray that his own misconduct might not have the effect of hindering the cause of God in the world. The psalms often take this turn. Where they commence with a personal reference to the author himself, the thoughts often terminate in a reference to Zion, and to the promotion of the cause of religion in the world.
Build thou the walls of Jerusalem - It is this expression on which De Wette, Doederlein, and Rosenmuller rely in proof that this psalm, or this portion of it, was composed at a later period than the time of David, and that it must have been written in the time of the captivity, when Jerusalem was in ruins. See the introduction to the psalm. But, as was remarked there, it is not necessary to adopt this supposition. There are two other solutions of the difficulty, either of which would meet all that is implied in the language.
(a) One is, that the walls of Jerusalem, which David had undertaken to build, were not as yet complete, or that the public works commenced by him for the protection of the city had not been finished at the time of the fatal affair of Uriah. There is nothing in the history which forbids this supposition, and the language is such as would be used by David on the occasion, if he had been actually engaged in completing the walls of the city, and rendering it impregnable, and if his heart was intensely fixed on the completion of the work.
(b) The other supposition is, that this is figurative language - a prayer that God would favor and bless his people as if the city was to be protected by walls, and thus rendered safe from an attack by the enemy. Such language is, in fact, often used in cases where it could not be pretended that it was designed to be literal. See Jud 1:20; Rom 15:20; 1Co 3:12; Gal 2:18; Eph 2:22; Col 2:7.
Barnes: Psa 51:19 - -- Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness - " Then,"that is, when God should have thus showed favor to Zion; when he shoul...
Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness - " Then,"that is, when God should have thus showed favor to Zion; when he should have poured out his blessing on Jerusalem; when religion should prosper and prevail; when there should be an increase of the pure worship of God. In such offerings as would "then"be made - in sacrifices presented not in mere form, but with sincerity, humility, and penitence - in the outward offering of blood presented with a corresponding sincerity of feeling, and with true contrition, and a proper acknowledgment of the guilt designed to be represented by the shedding of blood in sacrifice - God would be pleased, and would approve the worship thus rendered to him. Sacrifice would then be acceptable, for it would not be presented as a mere form, but would be so offered, that it might be called a "sacrifice of righteousness"- a sacrifice offered with a right spirit; in a manner which God would deem right.
With burnt-offering - See the notes at Isa 1:11.
And whole burnt-offering - The word here means that which is wholly consumed, no part of which was reserved to be eaten by the priests, as was the case in many of the sacrifices. See Deu 33:10. Compare Lev 6:9; Lev 1:3-17.
Then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar - That is, then shall bullocks be offered. The meaning is, that all the offerings prescribed in the law would then be brought, and that those sacrifices would be made with a right spirit - a spirit of true devotion - the offering of the heart accompanying the outward form. In other words, there would be manifested the spirit of humble worship; of pure religion.
Poole: Psa 51:16 - -- Thou desirest not sacrifice which is not to be understood absolutely, and universally, as appears from Psa 51:19 , but comparatively, of which See P...
Thou desirest not sacrifice which is not to be understood absolutely, and universally, as appears from Psa 51:19 , but comparatively, of which See Poole "Psa 40:6" , and with particular respect to David’ s crimes of murder and adultery, which were not to be expiated by any sacrifice, but by the law of God were to be punished with death. Thou requirest more and better sacrifices, which here follow.
Else would I give it else I should have spared no cost in that kind.
Poole: Psa 51:17 - -- The sacrifices: this is instead of or of more value than many sacrifices.
Of God which God in such cases as mine requires, and will accept; in whic...
The sacrifices: this is instead of or of more value than many sacrifices.
Of God which God in such cases as mine requires, and will accept; in which sense we read of the work of God , Joh 6:28 .
A broken and a contrite heart i.e. a heart deeply afflicted and grieved for sin, humbled under the sense of God’ s displeasure, and earnestly seeking and willing to accept of reconciliation with God upon any terms. See Isa 57:15 61:1 66:2 Mat 11:28 . This is opposed to that hard or stony heart , of which we read so oft, which signifies a heart insensible of the burden of sin, stubborn and rebellious against God, imminent and incorrigible.
Thou wilt not despise i.e. thou dost highly approve; as such negative phrases oft signify, as hath been formerly proved.
Poole: Psa 51:18 - -- In thy good pleasure or, for or according to (for the Hebrew prefix beth is frequently used both those ways) thy good grace , or favour , or ...
In thy good pleasure or, for or according to (for the Hebrew prefix beth is frequently used both those ways) thy good grace , or favour , or pleasure , i.e. thy free and rich mercy, and thy gracious purpose and promise made to and concerning Zion, of which see Psa 132:14 , and do not repent of it, nor retract it, as I have given thee cause to do. Unto Zion; synecdochically put for Jerusalem, as the next clause explains it, and both put for the whole people of Israel and church of God; whom I have highly scandalized and injured already, and exposed to the danger of utter destruction, which thou mightest inflict upon them for the sins of their king, as thou usest to do in like cases.
Build thou the walls of Jerusalem perfect the walls and buildings of that city, and especially let the temple be built and established in this city, notwithstanding its pollution by my sins, which I pray thee to purge away.
Poole: Psa 51:19 - -- Then when thou hast granted my humble requests expressed in the former verses, when thou hast renewed, and pardoned, and comforted me, and restored t...
Then when thou hast granted my humble requests expressed in the former verses, when thou hast renewed, and pardoned, and comforted me, and restored thy favour unto thy people and this city.
The sacrifices which now for our sins thou mayst justly reject and abhor.
Of righteousness which I and my people, being justified and reconciled to thee, shall offer with sincere and penitent hearts. These are opposed to the sacrifices of the wicked, which God abhors, Pro 15:8 Isa 1:11 , &c.
Then shall they offer i.e. they who by thy appointment are to do that work, the priests in the name and on the behalf of thy people.
Bullocks the best and costliest sacrifices, and that in great numbers, in testimony of their gratitude to God, for thy great favour in pardoning mine and their sins, and preventing that total ruin which we had reason to expect and fear upon that account.
Gill: Psa 51:16 - -- For thou desirest not sacrifice,.... Legal sacrifice; for there was no sacrifice appointed under the law for murder and adultery;
else would I give...
For thou desirest not sacrifice,.... Legal sacrifice; for there was no sacrifice appointed under the law for murder and adultery;
else would I give it; he would gladly have offered it up;
thou delightest not in burnt offering; at least such kind of sacrifices, though they were of divine appointment, and at that time in full force and use; yet they were not the only and principal sacrifices God desired and delighted in; nor were they at all acceptable to him without faith in Christ, and an humble sense of sin; and when offered in the best manner, yet spiritual obedience, acts of mercy, and sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, were more pleasing to him, 1Sa 15:15; wherefore the psalmist proposed to offer praise in Psa 51:15, and adds what follows.
Gill: Psa 51:17 - -- The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,.... That is humbled under a sense of sin; has true repentance for it; is smitten, wounded, and broken with...
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,.... That is humbled under a sense of sin; has true repentance for it; is smitten, wounded, and broken with it, by the word of God in the hand of the Spirit, which is a hammer to break the rock in pieces; and that not merely in a legal, but in an evangelical way; grieving for sin as committed against a God of love; broken and melted down under a sense of it, in a view of pardoning grace; and mourning for it, while beholding a pierced and wounded Saviour: the sacrifices of such a broken heart and contrite spirit are the sacrifices God desires, approves, accepts of, and delights in;
a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise; but regard, and receive with pleasure; see Psa 102:17; the Lord binds up and heals such broken hearts and spirits, Psa 147:3; he is nigh to such persons, looks upon them, has respect unto them, and comes and dwells among them, Psa 34:18.
Gill: Psa 51:18 - -- Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion,.... This verse, and Psa 51:19, are thought, by a Spanish Rabbi mentioned by Aben Ezra, to have been added by o...
Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion,.... This verse, and Psa 51:19, are thought, by a Spanish Rabbi mentioned by Aben Ezra, to have been added by one of the holy men that lived in the time of the Babylonish captivity; though rather it is thought, by the latter, to be written by David, under a spirit of prophecy, concerning, times to come; and so Kimchi thinks they are prophetic of future things; of the destruction of the first and second temple, and of the acceptableness of sacrifices in the times of the Messiah: and by Zion is meant the church, under the Gospel dispensation, Heb 12:22; and the "good" prayed for includes all the good and glorious things spoken of the church of Christ in the latter day; such as an increase of its numbers, the bringing in the fulness of the Gentiles, the conversion of the Jews, and the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ; the spread of the Gospel all over the world, the purity of Gospel doctrine, worship, and ordinances, the spirituality of religion, the power of godliness, and an abounding of brotherly love, and the like. The "good pleasure" of God, in which this is desired to be done, may denote either
build thou the walls of Jerusalem; not literally taken; for these do not appear to have stood in need of being repaired or rebuilt in David's time; but the church of God, which is a spiritual house, built up of lively stones, true believers; which may be said to be more and more built up by an addition of such unto it: it is as a city compact together, whose walls are salvation, and its gates praise, Isa 26:1; of the wall of the new Jerusalem, see Rev 21:12.
Gill: Psa 51:19 - -- Then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness,.... Which must be different from the legal ones he desired not, and did not delight i...
Then shall thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness,.... Which must be different from the legal ones he desired not, and did not delight in, Psa 51:16; but design sacrifices under the Gospel dispensation, as the word "then" shows, which connects this verse with Psa 51:18, and in the first place intend the sacrifice of Christ, which is of a sweet smelling savour to God; and his righteousness, with which he is well pleased, because the law is magnified and made honourable by it; and next the saints themselves, who present their bodies to him a holy, living, and acceptable sacrifice, they being accepted with him in Christ the beloved; as also their good works, particularly acts of charity and beneficence, with which sacrifices God is well pleased; and especially the spiritual sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, which are acceptable to him through Jesus Christ; as all are that are offered in faith through him, and from love, and with a view to the glory of God; see Eph 5:2, Rom 12:1;
with burnt offering, and whole burnt offering; the difference between these two, according to Aben Ezra and Kimchi, was, that the
then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar; or "calves" r; meaning the calves of the lips, Hos 14:2; interpreted the fruit of the lips, even giving thanks to the name of God, Heb 13:16; which sacrifices of praise being offered up on the altar Christ, come with acceptance before God, Heb 13:10.
expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Psa 51:16 You do not desire a burnt sacrifice. The terminology used in v. 16 does not refer to expiatory sacrifices, but to dedication and communion offerings. ...
NET Notes: Psa 51:18 For location see Map5 B1; Map6 F3; Map7 E2; Map8 F2; Map10 B3; JP1 F4; JP2 F4; JP3 F4; JP4 F4.
NET Notes: Psa 51:19 Verses 18-19 appear to reflect the exilic period, when the city’s walls lay in ruins and the sacrificial system had been disrupted.
Geneva Bible: Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God [are] a ( o ) broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
( o ) Which is a wounding of the hear...
Geneva Bible: Psa 51:18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto ( p ) Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.
( p ) He prays for the whole Church, because through his sin it was ...
Geneva Bible: Psa 51:19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of ( q ) righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks up...
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TSK Synopsis -> Psa 51:1-19
TSK Synopsis: Psa 51:1-19 - --1 David prays for remission of sins, whereof he makes a deep confession.6 He prays for sanctification.16 God delights not in sacrifice, but in sinceri...
MHCC -> Psa 51:16-19
MHCC: Psa 51:16-19 - --Those who are thoroughly convinced of their misery and danger by sin, would spare no cost to obtain the remission of it. But as they cannot make satis...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 51:14-19
Matthew Henry: Psa 51:14-19 - -- I. David prays against the guilt of sin, and prays for the grace of God, enforcing both petitions from a plea taken from the glory of God, which he ...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 51:14-17; Psa 51:18-19
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 51:14-17 - --
The third part now begins with a doubly urgent prayer. The invocation of God by the name Elohim is here made more urgent by the addition of אל...
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 51:18-19 - --
From this spiritual sacrifice, well-pleasing to God, the Psalm now, in vv. 20f., comes back to the material sacrifices that are offered in a right s...
Constable: Psa 42:1--72:20 - --II. Book 2: chs. 42--72
In Book 1 we saw that all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writ...
Constable: Psa 51:1-19 - --Psalm 51
In this psalm David confessed the sins he committed against Bathsheba and Uriah. It is a model ...
Constable: Psa 51:16-17 - --5. Request for Israel's prosperity 51:18-19
51:18 David extended his request for personal blessing to the nation under his authority. God had promised...