Text -- Psalms 62:6-12 (NET)

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Vain, and helpless creatures.

They promise much, but generally deceive those who trust in them.

Wesley: Psa 62:10 - -- Feeding yourselves with vain hopes of felicity, from those riches which you take from others by violence.
Feeding yourselves with vain hopes of felicity, from those riches which you take from others by violence.

Wesley: Psa 62:11 - -- Frequently, both immediately as at Sinai, and by his holy prophets, from time to time.
Frequently, both immediately as at Sinai, and by his holy prophets, from time to time.

Wesley: Psa 62:11 - -- That power is God's prerogative; and consequently all creatures, either against or without him, are poor impotent things.
That power is God's prerogative; and consequently all creatures, either against or without him, are poor impotent things.

Wesley: Psa 62:12 - -- God is almighty, therefore he can easily destroy all his enemies: he is also merciful, and therefore will pardon good mens failings.
God is almighty, therefore he can easily destroy all his enemies: he is also merciful, and therefore will pardon good mens failings.

Wesley: Psa 62:12 - -- And this as he is obliged to do by his holy nature, so is he able to do it, being omnipotent, and willing to do it to the godly (which was the only th...
And this as he is obliged to do by his holy nature, so is he able to do it, being omnipotent, and willing to do it to the godly (which was the only thing that might be doubted, because of their manifold miscarriages) because he is merciful and gracious.
(Compare Psa 62:1-2).

Not at all; his confidence has increased.

JFB: Psa 62:10 - -- Not only are oppression and robbery, which are wicked means of wealth, no grounds of boasting; but even wealth, increasing lawfully, ought not to engr...
Not only are oppression and robbery, which are wicked means of wealth, no grounds of boasting; but even wealth, increasing lawfully, ought not to engross the heart.

JFB: Psa 62:11 - -- (as in Job 33:14; Job 40:5), are used to give emphasis to the sentiment. God's power is tempered by His mercy, which it also sustains.

JFB: Psa 62:12 - -- Literally, "that Thou renderest," &c., connected with "I heard this," as the phrase--"that power," &c. [Psa 62:11] --teaching that by His power He can...
Literally, "that Thou renderest," &c., connected with "I heard this," as the phrase--"that power," &c. [Psa 62:11] --teaching that by His power He can show both mercy and justice.
Clarke: Psa 62:7 - -- In God is my salvation - עי אלהים al Elohim , "Upon God is my salvation;"he has taken it upon himself. And my glory - the preservation of my...
In God is my salvation -

Clarke: Psa 62:8 - -- Trust in him - ye people - All ye who are faithful to your king, continue to trust in God. The usurper will soon be cast down, and your rightful sov...
Trust in him - ye people - All ye who are faithful to your king, continue to trust in God. The usurper will soon be cast down, and your rightful sovereign restored to his government. Fear not the threatenings of my enemies, for God will be a refuge for us.

Clarke: Psa 62:9 - -- Men of low degree are vanity - בני אדם beney Adam , which we here translate men of low degree, literally, sons of Adam, are put in opposition...
Men of low degree are vanity -
Common men can give no help. They are vanity, and it is folly to trust in them; for although they may be willing, yet they have no ability to help you: "Rich men are a lie."They promise much, but perform nothing; they cause you to hope, but mock your expectation

Clarke: Psa 62:9 - -- To be laid to the balance - במאזנים לעלות bemozenayim laaloth , In the balances they ascend: exactly answerable to our phrase, they kic...
To be laid to the balance -

Clarke: Psa 62:9 - -- They are altogether lighter than vanity - Literally, Both of them united are vanity, המה מהבל יחד hemmah mehebel yachad . Put both toget...
They are altogether lighter than vanity - Literally, Both of them united are vanity,

Clarke: Psa 62:10 - -- Trust not in oppression - Do not suppose that my unnatural son and his partisans can succeed
Trust not in oppression - Do not suppose that my unnatural son and his partisans can succeed

Clarke: Psa 62:10 - -- Become not vain in robbery - If ye have laid your hands on the spoils of my house, do not imagine that these ill-gotten riches will prosper. God wil...
Become not vain in robbery - If ye have laid your hands on the spoils of my house, do not imagine that these ill-gotten riches will prosper. God will soon scatter them to all the winds of heaven. All oppressors come to an untimely end; and all property acquired by injustice has God’ s curse on it.

Clarke: Psa 62:11 - -- God hath spoken once - God has once addressed his people in giving the law on Mount Sinai. The Chaldee translates the whole passage thus: "God hath ...
God hath spoken once - God has once addressed his people in giving the law on Mount Sinai. The Chaldee translates the whole passage thus: "God hath spoken one law, and twice have we heard this from the mouth of Moses the great scribe, that strength is before God: and it becomes thee, O God, to show mercy to the righteous; for thou renderest to man according to his works.

Clarke: Psa 62:11 - -- Twice have I heard this - Except some of the ancient Versions, almost every version, translation, and commentary has missed the sense and meaning of...
Twice have I heard this - Except some of the ancient Versions, almost every version, translation, and commentary has missed the sense and meaning of this verse. I shall set down the text:
These, then, are the two grand truths that the law, yea, the whole revelation of God, declares through every page. He is the Almighty; he is the most merciful; and hence the inference: The powerful, just, and holy God, the most merciful and compassionate Lord, will by and by judge the world, and will render to man according to his works. How this beautiful meaning should have been unseen by almost every interpreter, is hard to say: these verses contain one of the most instructive truths in the Bible
Calvin: Psa 62:7 - -- 7.In God is my salvation One expression is here heaped upon another and this apparently because he wished to rein that infirmity of disposition which...
7.In God is my salvation One expression is here heaped upon another and this apparently because he wished to rein that infirmity of disposition which makes us so prone to slide into wrong exercise. We may throw out a passing and occasional acknowledgement, that our only help is to be found in God, and yet shortly display our distrust in him by busying ourselves in all directions to supplement what we consider defective in his aid. The various terms which he employs to express the sufficiency of God as a deliverer, may thus be considered as so many arguments to constancy, or so many checks which he would apply to the waywardness of the carnal heart, ever disposed to depend for support upon others rather than God. Such is the manner in which he animates his own spirit; and next, we find him addressing himself to others, calling upon them to enter upon the same conflict, and reap the same victory and triumph. By the people, there seems little doubt that he means the Jews. The Gentiles being yet unvisited by the true religion and divine revelation, it was only in Judea that God could be the object of trust and religious invocation; and it would appear, that by distinguishing the chosen people of the Lord from the surrounding heathen, he insinuates how disgraceful it would be in them not to devote themselves entirely to God, being, as they were, the children of Abraham, favored with the discovery of his grace, and specially taken under his divine protection. The expression, at all times, means both in prosperity and adversity, intimating the blameworthiness of those who waver and succumb under every variation in their outward circumstances. God tries his children with afflictions, but here they are taught by David to abide them with constancy and courage. The hypocrites, who are loud in their praises of God so long as prosperity shines upon their head, while their heart fails them upon the first approach of trial, dishonor his name by placing a most injurious limitation to his power. We are bound to put honor upon his name by remembering, in our greatest extremities, that to Him belong the issues of death. And as we are all too apt at such times to shut up our affliction in our own breast — a circumstance which can only aggravate the trouble and imbitter the mind against God, David could not have suggested a better expedient than that of disburdening our cares to him, and thus, as it were, pouring out our hearts before him. It is always found, that when the heart is pressed under a load of distress, there is no freedom in prayer. 419 Under trying circumstances, we must comfort ourselves by reflecting that God will extend relief, provided we just freely roll them over upon his consideration. What the Psalmist advises is all the more necessary, considering the mischievous tendency which we have naturally to keep our troubles pent up in our breasts till they drive us to despair. Usually, indeed, men show much anxiety and ingenuity in seeking to escape from the troubles which may happen to press upon them; but so long as they shun coming into the presence of God, they only involve themselves in a labyrinth of difficulties. Not to insist farther upon the words, David is here to be considered as exposing that diseased but deeply-rooted principle in our nature, which leads us to hide our griefs, and ruminate upon them, instead of relieving ourselves at once by pouring out our prayers and complaints before God. The consequence is, that we are distracted more and more with our distresses, and merge into a state of hopeless despondency. In the close of the verse, he says, in reference to the people generally, what he had said of himself individually, that their safety was to be found only under the divine protection.

Calvin: Psa 62:9 - -- 9.Nevertheless, the sons of Adam are vanity If we take the particle אך , ach, affirmatively, as meaning surely or certainly, then this verse...
9.Nevertheless, the sons of Adam are vanity If we take the particle

Calvin: Psa 62:10 - -- 10.Trust not in oppression and robbery We are here taught that there can be no real trusting in God until we put away all those vain confidences whic...
10.Trust not in oppression and robbery We are here taught that there can be no real trusting in God until we put away all those vain confidences which prove so many means of turning us away from him. The Psalmist bids us remove whatsoever would have this tendency, and purge ourselves of every vicious desire that would usurp the place of God in our hearts. One or two kinds of sin only are mentioned, but these are to be understood as representing a part for the whole, all those vain and rival confidences of which we must be divested before we can cleave to God with true purpose and sincerity of heart. By oppression and robbery may be understood the act itself of abstracting by violence, and the thing which has been abstracted. It is obviously the design of the passage to warn us against the presumption and hardihood of sin, which is so apt to blind the hearts of men, and deceive them into the belief that their evil courses are sanctioned by the impunity which is extended to them. Interpreters have differed in their construction of the words of this verse. Some join to each of the nouns its own verb, reading, Trust not in oppression, and be not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them. 421 Others connect the words oppression and robbery with the first verb, and make the second to stand apart by itself in an indefinite sense. It is of very little consequence which of the constructions we adopt, since both express the main sentiment; and it is evident that the Psalmist, in condemning the infatuated confidence of those who boast in robbery, appropriately terms it a mere illusion of the mind, with which they deceive or amuse themselves. Having denounced, in the first place, those desires which are plainly evil and positively wicked, he proceeds immediately afterwards to guard against an inordinate attachment even to such riches as may have been honestly acquired. To set the heart upon riches, means more than simply to covet the possession of them. It implies being carried away by them into a false confidence, or, to use an expression of Paul, “Being high-minded.” The admonition here given is one which daily observation teaches us to be necessary. It is uniformly seen that prosperity and abundance engender a haughty spirit, leading men at once to be presumptuous in their carriage before God, and reckless in inflicting injury upon their fellow-creatures. But, indeed, the worst effect to be feared from a blind and ungoverned spirit of this kind is, that, in the intoxication of outward greatness, we be left to forget how frail we are, and proudly and contumeliously to exalt ourselves against God.

Calvin: Psa 62:11 - -- 11.God hath spoken once The Psalmist considered that the only effectual method of abstracting the minds of men from the vain delusions in which they ...
11.God hath spoken once The Psalmist considered that the only effectual method of abstracting the minds of men from the vain delusions in which they are disposed to trust, was bringing them to acquiesce implicitly and firmly in the judgment of God. Usually they are swayed in different directions, or inclined at least to waver, just as they observe things changing in the world; 422 but he brings under their notice a surer principle for the regulation of their conduct, when he recommends a deferential regard to God’s Word. God himself “dwells in the light which is inaccessible,” (1Ti 6:16;) and as none can come to him except by faith, the Psalmist calls our attention to his word, in which he testifies the truth of his divine and righteous government of the world. It is of great consequence that we be established in the belief of God’s Word, and we are here directed to the unerring certainty which belongs to it. The passage admits of two interpretations; but the scope of it is plainly this, that God acts consistently with himself, and can never swerve from what he has said. Many understand David to say that God had spoken once and a second time; and that by this explicit and repeated assertion of his power and mercy, he had confirmed the truth beyond all possibility of contradiction. There is a passage much to the same effect in the thirty-third chapter of the book of Job, and fourteenth verse, where the same words are used, only the copulative is interposed. If any should prefer it, however, I have no objections to the other meaning — God has spoken once; twice have I heard this. It agrees with the context, and suggests a practical lesson of great importance; for when God has once issued his word he never retracts: on the other hand, it is our duty to ponder on what he has said, long and deliberately; and the meaning of David will then be, that he considered the Word of God in the light of a decree, steadfast and irreversible, but that, as regarded his exercise in reference to it, he meditated upon it again and again, lest the lapse of time might obliterate it from his memory. But the simpler and preferable reading would seem to be, that God had spoken once and again. There is no force in the ingenious conjecture, that allusion may be made to God’s having spoken once in the Law, and a second time in the Prophets. Nothing more is meant than that the truth referred to had been amply confirmed, it being usual to reckon anything certain and fixed which has been repeatedly announced. Here, however, it must be remembered, that every word which may have issued forth from God is to be received with implicit authority, and no countenance given to the abominable practice of refusing to receive a doctrine, unless it can be supported by two or three texts of Scripture. This has been defended by an unprincipled heretic among ourselves, who has attempted to subvert the doctrine of a free election, and of a secret providence. It was not the intention of David to say that God was tied down to the necessity of repeating what he might choose to announce, but simply to assert the certainty of a truth which had been declared in clear and unambiguous terms. In the context which follows, he exemplifies himself that deferential reverence and regard for the word of God which all should, but which so few actually do, extend to it.
We might just put together, in a connected form, the particular doctrines which he has singled out for special notice. It is essentially necessary, if we would fortify our minds against temptation, to have suitably exalted views of the power and mercy of God, since nothing will more effectually preserve us in a straight and undeviating course, than a firm persuasion that all events are in the hand of God, and that he is as merciful as he is mighty. Accordingly, David follows up what he had said on the subject of the deference to be yielded to the word, by declaring that he had been instructed by it in the power and goodness of God. Some understand him to say, that God is possessed of power to deliver his people, and of clemency imbuing him to exercise it. But he would rather appear to mean, that God is strong to put a restraint upon the wicked, and crush their proud and nefarious designs, but ever mindful of his goodness in protecting and defending his own children. The man who disciplines himself to the contemplation of these two attributes, which ought never to be dissociated in our minds from the idea of God, is certain to stand erect and immovable under the fiercest assaults of temptation; while, on the other hand, by losing sight of the all-sufficiency of God, (which we are too apt to do,) we lay ourselves open to be overwhelmed in the first encounter. The world’s opinion of God is, that he sits in heaven an idle and unconcerned spectator of events which are passing. Need we wonder, that men tremble under every casualty, when they thus believe themselves to be the sport of blind chance? There can be no security felt unless we satisfy ourselves of the truth of a divine superintendence, and can commit our lives and all that we have to the hands of God. The first thing which we must look to is his power, that we may have a thorough conviction of his being a sure refuge to such as cast themselves upon his care. With this there must be conjoined confidence in his mercy, to prevent those anxious thoughts which might otherwise rise in our minds. These may suggest the doubt — What though God govern the world? does it follow that he will concern himself about such unworthy objects as ourselves?
There is an obvious reason, then, for the Psalmist coupling these two things together, his power and his clemency. They are the two wings wherewith we fly upwards to heaven; the two pillars on which we rest, and may defy the surges of temptation. Does danger, in short, spring up from any quarter, then just let us call to remembrance that divine power which can bid away all harms, and as this sentiment prevails in our minds, our troubles cannot fail to fall prostrate before it. Why should we fear — how can we be afraid, when the God who covers us with the shadow of his wings, is the same who rules the universe with his nod, holds in secret chains the devil and all the wicked, and effectually overrules their designs and intrigues?
The Psalmist adds, Thou wilt certainly render to every man according to his work. And here he brings what he said to bear still more closely upon the point which he would establish, declaring that the God who governs the world by his providence will judge it in righteousness. The expectation of this, duly cherished, will have a happy effect in composing our minds, allaying impatience, and checking any disposition to resent and retaliate under our injuries. In resting himself and others before the great bar of God, he would both encourage his heart in the hope of that deliverance which was coming, and teach himself to despise the insolent persecution of his enemies, when he considered that every man’s work was to come into judgment before Him, who can no more cease to be Judge than deny himself. We can therefore rest assured, however severe our wrongs may be, though wicked men should account us the filth and the off-scourings of all things, that God is witness to what we suffer, will interpose in due time, and will not disappoint our patient expectation. From this, and passages of a similar kind, the Papists have argued, in defense of their doctrine, that justification and salvation depend upon good works; but I have already exposed the fallacy of their reasoning. No sooner is mention made of works, than they catch at the expression, as amounting to a statement that God rewards men upon the ground of merit. It is with a very different design than to encourage any such opinion, that the Spirit promises a reward to our works — it is to animate us in the ways of obedience, and not to inflame that impious self-confidence which cuts up salvation by the very roots. According to the judgment which God forms of the works of the believer, their worth and valuation depend, first, upon the free pardon extended to him as a sinner, and by which he becomes reconciled to God; and, next, upon the divine condescension and indulgence which accepts his services, 423 notwithstanding all their imperfections. We know that there is none of our works which, in the sight of God, can be accounted perfect or pure, and without taint of sin. Any recompense they meet with must therefore be traced entirely to his goodness. Since the Scriptures promise a reward to the saints, with the sole intention of stimulating their minds, and encouraging them in the divine warfare, and not with the remotest design of derogating from the mercy of God, it is absurd in the Papists to allege that they, in any sense, merit what is bestowed upon them. As regards the wicked, none will dispute that the punishment awarded to them, as violators of the law, is strictly deserved.
TSK: Psa 62:6 - -- rock : Psa 62:2, Psa 18:31, Psa 18:32; Isa 45:17; Hos 1:7
I shall : Psa 16:8, Psa 112:6; Pro 10:30, Pro 12:7

TSK: Psa 62:7 - -- In God : Isa 45:25; Jer 3:23, Jer 9:23, Jer 9:24; 1Co 1:30, 1Co 1:31; Gal 6:14
glory : Psa 3:3, Psa 4:2
rock : Psa 18:2, Psa 18:46, Psa 94:22, Psa 95:...

TSK: Psa 62:8 - -- Trust : Psa 22:4, Psa 22:5, Psa 34:1, Psa 34:2, Psa 47:1-3; Job 13:15; Isa 26:4, Isa 50:10; 1Jo 2:28
pour : Psa 42:4, Psa 102:1 *title Psa 142:2; 1Sa ...

TSK: Psa 62:9 - -- Surely : Psa 39:5, Psa 39:11; 1Sa 18:5, 1Sa 18:7, 1Sa 23:12, 1Sa 23:19, 1Sa 23:20; 2Sa 15:6; Mat 21:9; Joh 19:15
of high : Psa 55:13, Psa 55:14, Psa 1...

TSK: Psa 62:10 - -- Trust : Job 20:19, Job 20:29; Isa 28:15, Isa 30:12, Isa 47:10, Isa 59:4; Jer 13:25, Jer 17:11
riches : Psa 39:6, Psa 52:7; Deu 6:10-12, Deu 8:12-14; J...

TSK: Psa 62:11 - -- spoken : Job 33:14, Job 40:5
power : or, strength, Psa 68:34, Psa 68:35; Isa 26:4; Mat 6:13, Mat 28:18; Joh 19:11; Rev 19:1

TSK: Psa 62:12 - -- mercy : Psa 86:15, Psa 103:8, Psa 103:17; Exo 34:6, Exo 34:7; Dan 9:9, Dan 9:18; Mic 7:18
renderest : Job 34:11; Pro 24:12; Jer 32:19; Eze 7:27, Eze 1...

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Psa 62:6 - -- He only is my rock ... - See the notes at Psa 62:2. The only difference between this verse and Psa 62:2 is, that in this verse the word "greatl...
He only is my rock ... - See the notes at Psa 62:2. The only difference between this verse and Psa 62:2 is, that in this verse the word "greatly"is omitted. The psalmist declares here in the most absolute manner, that he shall not be "moved"at all. In Psa 62:2, he said that he would not be "greatly moved;"his mind would not be much or materially disturbed. The language here indicates more entire confidence - more certain conviction - showing that the slight apprehension or fear which existed in the beginning of the psalm, had been wholly dissipated, and that his mind had become perfectly calm.

Barnes: Psa 62:7 - -- In God is my salvation - See Psa 62:1. That is, his salvation, his safety, his anticipated deliverance, was to come only from God. And my ...
In God is my salvation - See Psa 62:1. That is, his salvation, his safety, his anticipated deliverance, was to come only from God.
And my glory - That in which I glory or boast; the source of all in me that is glorious or honorable. he gloried that there was such a God; he gloried that He was his God.
The rock of my strength - The strong rock; the refuge that cannot be successfully assailed; where I shall feel strong and secure. See the notes at Psa 18:2.
My refuge - That to which I may flee for safety. See the notes at Psa 46:1.

Barnes: Psa 62:8 - -- Trust in him at all times - This exhortation, addressed to all persons, in all circumstances, and at all times, is founded on the personal expe...
Trust in him at all times - This exhortation, addressed to all persons, in all circumstances, and at all times, is founded on the personal experience of the psalmist, and on the views which he had of the character of God, as worthy of universal confidence. David had found him worthy of such confidence; he now exhorts all others to make the same trial, and to put their trust in God in like manner. What he had found God to be, all others would find him to be. His own experience of God’ s goodness and mercy - of his gracious interposition in the time of trouble - had been such that he could confidently exhort all others, in similar circumstances, to make the same trial of his love.
Ye people, pour out your heart before him - All people. On the meaning of the phrase "pour out your heart,"see the notes at Psa 42:4. The idea is, that the heart becomes tender and soft, so that its feelings and desires flow out as water, and all its emotions, all its wishes, its sorrows, its troubles, are poured out before God. All that is in our hearts may be made known to God. There is not a desire which he cannot gratify; not a trouble in which he cannot relieve us; not a danger in which he cannot defend us. And, in like manner there is not a spiritual want in which he will not feel a deep interest, nor a danger to our souls from which he will not be ready to deliver us. Much more freely than to any earthly parent - to a father, or even to a mother - may we make mention of all our troubles, little or great, before God.
God is a refuge for us - For all. For one as well as another. He is the only refuge; he is all the refuge that we need.

Barnes: Psa 62:9 - -- Surely men of low degree are vanity - literally, "vanity are the sons of Adam,"but the word Adam here is used evidently to represent men, or th...
Surely men of low degree are vanity - literally, "vanity are the sons of Adam,"but the word Adam here is used evidently to represent men, or the race. The same word is also employed particularly to represent common men, or men of the humbler rank, in contradistinction to the word
Men of high degree are a lie - Men of exalted rank, kings, princes, nobles. This does not refer to their personal character, as if they were always false, deceitful, treacherous; but the idea is, that any prospect of protection or aid from men of rank and station - front any power which they wield - is unworthy to be relied on. It is not that which we need; it is not that on which we can depend.
To be laid in the balance - literally, "In the scales to go up;"that is, they are seen to go up, or to show how light they are. They have no real weight; no real value. On the scales or balance, see the notes at Dan 5:27.
They are altogether lighter than vanity - They are all vain; single or combined, they have no power to save us. The meaning is not that if these two ranks of persons were weighed against each other they would both be found to be vanity; but that it is true of each and every rank of men - high and low - whether single or combined - that, as weighed against our interests and needs, they are nothing. All the kings of the earth with all their hosts of war, all princes and nobles with all that they can summon from the lower ranks of their people, cannot save one soul from death - cannot deliver us from the consequences of our transgressions. God, and God alone, can do this.

Barnes: Psa 62:10 - -- Trust not in oppression - The general meaning here is, that we are not to trust in anything but God. In the previous verse the psalmist had sta...
Trust not in oppression - The general meaning here is, that we are not to trust in anything but God. In the previous verse the psalmist had stated reasons why we should not trust in men of any rank. In this verse he enumerates several things on which people are accustomed to rely, or in which they place confidence, and he says that we should put no confidence in them in respect to the help which we need, or the great objects which are to be accomplished by us. The first thing mentioned is oppression; and the idea is, that we must not hope to accomplish our object by oppressing others; extorting their property or their service; making them by force subject to us, and subservient to our wishes. Many do this. Conquerors do it. Tyrants do it. The owners of slaves do it.
And become not vain in robbery - That is, Do not resort to theft or robbery, and depend on that for what is needed in life. Many do. The great robbers of the world - conquerors - have done it. Thieves and burglars do it. People who seek to defraud others of their earnings do it. They who withhold wages from laborers, and they who cheat in trade, do it.
If riches increase, set not your heart upon them - If you become rich without oppression, or without robbery. If your riches seem to grow of themselves - for that is the meaning of the original word (compare Mar 4:2) - do not rely on them as being all that you require. People are prone to do this. The rich man confides in his wealth, and supposes that he has all he needs. The psalmist says that none of these things constitute the true reliance of man. None of them can supply his real needs; none can defend him in the great perils of his existence; hone can save his soul. He needs, over and above all these, a God and Saviour; and it is such a God and Saviour only that can meet the real needs of his nature.

Barnes: Psa 62:11 - -- God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this - This repetition, or this declaration that he had heard the thing repeated, is designed to give ...
God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this - This repetition, or this declaration that he had heard the thing repeated, is designed to give emphasis to what was said, or to call attention to it as particularly worthy of notice. See the notes at Job 33:14. Compare Job 40:5. The sentiment here is particularly important, or is deserving of special attention, because, as the psalmist had shown, all other resources fail, and confidence is to be placed in nothing else for that which man so much needs; neither in people, whether of low degree or high Psa 62:9; not in oppressive acts - acts of mere power; not in plunder; not in wealth, however acquired, Psa 62:10.
That power belongeth unto God - Margin, strength. The idea is, that the strength which man needs - the ability to defend and to save him - is to be found in God. All else may fail, but the power of God will not fail. The result of all, therefore, should be to lead us to put our trust in God alone.

Barnes: Psa 62:12 - -- Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy - Power, indeed, belongs to God Psa 62:11; but this is an attribute to be feared, and while, in one res...
Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy - Power, indeed, belongs to God Psa 62:11; but this is an attribute to be feared, and while, in one respect, it will inspire confidence, or while it gives us the assurance that God is able to defend us when all else shall fail, yet, unattended by any other attribute, it might produce only apprehension and alarm. What man, weak and sinful man, needs to know is not merely that God has almighty power, but how that power will be wielded, or with what other attributes it is combined; whether it will be put forth to destroy or to save; to kill or to keep alive; to crush or to uphold. Man, therefore, needs the assurance that God is a benevolent Being, as really as that he is a powerful Being; that he is disposed to show mercy; that his power will be put forth in behalf of those who confide in him, and not employed against them. Hence, the attribute of mercy is so essential to a proper conception of God; and hence, the psalm so appropriately closes by a reference to his mercy and compassion.
For thou renderest to every man according to his work - As this stands in our version, it would seem that the psalmist regarded what is here referred to as a manifestation of mercy. Yet the "rendering to every man according to his work"is an act of justice rather than of mercy. It is probable, therefore, that the word rendered "for"-
Poole: Psa 62:7 - -- In God Heb. upon or with God . It depends upon him and his favour and help.
My glory either,
1. The manner of my glorying. Or,
2. That honour wh...
In God Heb. upon or with God . It depends upon him and his favour and help.
My glory either,
1. The manner of my glorying. Or,
2. That honour which I either have or hope for.

Poole: Psa 62:8 - -- Trust in him at all times, ye people by my example be encouraged, and learn to trust God.
Pour out your heart before him i.e. make known all the de...
Trust in him at all times, ye people by my example be encouraged, and learn to trust God.
Pour out your heart before him i.e. make known all the desires, and cares, and griefs of your hearts to him freely and frequently, with confident expectation of obtaining what you want or desire from him.

Poole: Psa 62:9 - -- Vanity i.e. most vain, impotent, and helpless creatures in themselves. This he delivers as a reason or argument to enforce his foregoing exhortation;...
Vanity i.e. most vain, impotent, and helpless creatures in themselves. This he delivers as a reason or argument to enforce his foregoing exhortation; trust in God , because there is no other person or thing to which you can safely trust.
A lie because they promise much, and raise men’ s expectations upon consideration of their great power and dignity, but are not able to perform, and generally deceive those who trust in them; in which respect lying is ascribed to a fountain , Jer 15:18 , to wine , Hos 9:2 , to the olive , Hab 3:17 , when they do not give what they promise.

Poole: Psa 62:10 - -- Trust not in oppression as you may not trust any other men, so neither must you trust to yourselves, nor to your own wit, or industry, or courage, by...
Trust not in oppression as you may not trust any other men, so neither must you trust to yourselves, nor to your own wit, or industry, or courage, by which you may oppress others, and so think to secure and enrich yourselves.
Become not vain lifting up and feeding yourselves with vain hopes, and expectations of safety and felicity, from those riches which you take from others by robbery or violence.
Set not your heart upon them so as to please yourselves immoderately in them, to place your hope, and trust, and chief joy in them, or to grow proud and insolent because of them.

Poole: Psa 62:11 - -- Twice i.e. frequently, as Job 33:14 , both immediately, as at Sinai, and by his holy prophets from time to time.
That power belongeth unto God that...
Twice i.e. frequently, as Job 33:14 , both immediately, as at Sinai, and by his holy prophets from time to time.
That power belongeth unto God that power is God’ s prerogative; and consequently all creatures, either against or without him, are poor impotent things, to which no man can trust without certain disappointment, and God alone is fit to be trusted.

Poole: Psa 62:12 - -- Belongeth mercy or benignity , or readiness to do good. Thou art no less willing than able to defend and preserve all that put their trust in thee. ...
Belongeth mercy or benignity , or readiness to do good. Thou art no less willing than able to defend and preserve all that put their trust in thee.
For or, therefore ; for the following words seem to be either a reason or proof of, or an inference from, the two foregoing properties of God, power and mercy . God is almighty, therefore he can easily subdue and destroy all his and mine ungodly enemies, and recompense unto them all their malicious and wicked practices. He is also mild and merciful, and therefore will pardon good men’ s failings, and graciously reward me and others of his people according to our integrity.
According to his work according to the nature and quality, though not according to the proportion, of their works, whether they be good or bad. And this, as he is obliged to do by his holy nature, and by that respect which he oweth to his own glory, so he is able to do it, being omnipotent, and willing to do it to the godly, (which was the only thing that might be doubted, because of their manifold and great corruptions, and imperfections, and miscarriages,) because he is merciful and gracious.
Haydock: Psa 62:6 - -- Fatness. With the most exquisite delights of the temple, Jeremias xxxi. 14. (Calmet) ---
Thy grace will enable me to give thee due praise (Worthin...
Fatness. With the most exquisite delights of the temple, Jeremias xxxi. 14. (Calmet) ---
Thy grace will enable me to give thee due praise (Worthington) with joy. (Menochius)

Haydock: Psa 62:7 - -- Bed. I will think on thee both when I retire to rest, and when I get up. (Berthier) ---
Thou art my first beginning, and last end. (Haydock) ---
Bed. I will think on thee both when I retire to rest, and when I get up. (Berthier) ---
Thou art my first beginning, and last end. (Haydock) ---
At all times I will meditate on thy mercies (Calmet) in bed, and much more, when I arise, (Worthington) as I shall not then be so much oppressed with drowsiness. (Menochius)

Haydock: Psa 62:10 - -- Earth. To seek me out, (Houbigant) or they shall perish. The Babylonians were exposed to many miseries under Cyrus, as the prophets assert, (Isaias...
Earth. To seek me out, (Houbigant) or they shall perish. The Babylonians were exposed to many miseries under Cyrus, as the prophets assert, (Isaias xiii. 1., and Jeremias xxv. 12.) though profane history be silent. (Calmet) ---
David foretells the destruction of his persecutors, either temporal or spiritual. (Worthington) ---
The devils may be styled foxes. (Berthier) (St. Hilary) ---
This may also be verified in the Jews, who persecuted Christ, and fell a prey to the Roman arms, &c. (Eusebius) (Calmet) ---
Saul perished in battle, and his body was exposed on a gibbet to wild beasts, 1 Kings xxxi. (Worthington)

Haydock: Psa 62:12 - -- The king. David, (Berthier, &c.) or Zorobabel, for whom the Jews had the highest regard, though he was not an independent monarch, nor wore a crown,...
The king. David, (Berthier, &c.) or Zorobabel, for whom the Jews had the highest regard, though he was not an independent monarch, nor wore a crown, Aggeus ii. 24., and Zacharias iii. 8. It was customary to swear by the life of the king, 1 Kings i. 26., and xx. 3. The Fathers understand Jesus Christ to be meant, and this is the true and primary sense; as Zorobabel was only a figure of Him, and never really possessed the throne, that the Jews might not think that the prophecies were fulfilled in his person. ---
By him. The king, (Du Pin; Calmet) or God. (Menochius) (Bossuet) (Tirinus) ---
Those who follow the true religion, (Deuteronomy vi. 13., and Isaias xlv 23.; Calmet) and act accordingly (Haydock) shall be kings for ever, Apocalypse. (Berthier) (1 Peter ii. 9.) (Haydock) ---
As David came to the throne, on the death of his rival, so was Christ's name exalted, after the Romans had destroyed the Jews. (Worthington)
Gill: Psa 62:6 - -- He only is my rock and my salvation,.... See Gill on Psa 62:2;
he is my defence; these epithets of God are repeated, to strengthen his faith and ...
He only is my rock and my salvation,.... See Gill on Psa 62:2;
he is my defence; these epithets of God are repeated, to strengthen his faith and hope in him, and to encourage a patient waiting upon him;
I shall not be moved; neither greatly, nor at all; his faith gets fresh strength and rigour, the more he considers God as his rock, salvation, defence, and refuge; See Gill on Psa 62:2.

Gill: Psa 62:7 - -- In God is my salvation,.... Or "upon God" h; he that is God over all has took it upon him to save me; he is the author of salvation to me; and it is ...
In God is my salvation,.... Or "upon God" h; he that is God over all has took it upon him to save me; he is the author of salvation to me; and it is in him safe and secure, and I shall be saved in him with an everlasting salvation:
and my glory; the author of all his temporal glory, honour, and dignity; and of all his spiritual glory, which lay in the righteousness of Christ put upon him, and in the grace of God wrought in him; and of the eternal glory he was waiting for; and besides, God was the object of his glorying, of whom he boasted, and in whom he gloried; see Psa 3:3;
the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God; not only his strength, as well as his righteousness and refuge; but the firmness and security of his strength were in God, who is the Rock of ages, in whom is everlasting strength.

Gill: Psa 62:8 - -- Trust in him at all times, ye people,.... Of the house of Israel, as the Targum; or of God, as Aben Ezra; all that are Israelites indeed, and are the...
Trust in him at all times, ye people,.... Of the house of Israel, as the Targum; or of God, as Aben Ezra; all that are Israelites indeed, and are the Lord's covenant people; these are exhorted and encouraged to trust in him; not in a creature, nor in any outward thing, in riches, wisdom, strength, birth, privileges, the law, and the works of it; in their own righteousness, in their hearts, in themselves or in others; but in the Lord only, both for temporal and spiritual blessings: the Targum is, "in his Word"; his essential Word, by whom the world was made, and who, in the fulness of time, was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and who is a proper object of trust; in him should the people of God trust; in his person for acceptance with God, in his righteousness for justification, in his blood for pardon, in his grace for supply, and in his strength for support, deliverance, and salvation, and that "at all times": there is no time excepted; there is not a moment in which the Lord is not to be trusted in: he is to be trusted in in adversity as well as in prosperity; in times of affliction, when he is present, and will not forsake; in times of temptation, when his grace is sufficient for them; and in times of darkness, when he will arise and appear unto them;
pour out your heart before him: as Hannah did, 1Sa 1:15; and as water is poured out, Lam 2:19; it means the desires of the heart, the complaints of the soul, the whole of their case which they should spread before the Lord, and make known unto him; see Psa 102:1, title, and Psa 142: 2; the phrase denotes the abundance of the heart, and of its requests, and the freedom with which they should be made to the Lord; for through the blood and sacrifice of Christ a believer may come to the throne of grace with boldness and liberty, and there freely tell the Lord all his mind, and all that is in his heart;
God is a refuge for us; to whom the saints may have recourse in all their times of trouble, and where they find safety and plenty, Isa 33:16.
Selah; on this word; see Gill on Psa 3:2.

Gill: Psa 62:9 - -- Surely men of low degree are vanity,.... Or "sons of Adam" i; of the earthly man; of fallen Adam; one of his immediate sons was called Hebel, "vanity...
Surely men of low degree are vanity,.... Or "sons of Adam" i; of the earthly man; of fallen Adam; one of his immediate sons was called Hebel, "vanity"; and it is true of all his sons; but here it designs only one sort of them; such as are poor and low in the world; mean men, as the phrase is rendered in Isa 2:9; See Gill on Psa 49:2; these are subject to sinful vanity; their thoughts are vain, their affections vain, their minds vain, their conversation vain, sinful, foolish, fallacious, and inconstant. The wicked poor are, generally speaking, of all persons, the most wicked; and therefore, though they are the multitude, they are not to be trusted in. The Arabic version is, they are as a "shadow", fleeting and unstable, no solidity in them; the Syriac version, "as a vapour", that soon passeth away, like the breath of the mouth, and so not to be accounted of;
and men of high degree are a lie; or "sons of men"; of
to be laid in the balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity; take a pair of balances, and put men both of high and low degree together in one scale, and vanity in the other, vanity will weigh heaviest; the scale in which men are will go up, as the word l here used signifies: they are "in the balances to ascend"; or being put in the balances, they will ascend, and the scale in which vanity is will go down; for, take them altogether, they are "lighter" than that: the word "lighter" is not in the text, but is rightly supplied, as it is by Aben Ezra, Kimchi, and Ben Melech. This last clause, according to the accents, may be best rendered thus; being put "in the balance, they must ascend; they are lighter than vanity together". The Targum is,
"if they should take the sons of men in a balance, and weigh their fates, they themselves would be "lighter" than nothing, as one;''
or than vanity together.

Gill: Psa 62:10 - -- Trust not in oppression,.... Either in the power of oppressing others; see Isa 30:12; or in riches gotten by oppression, which being put into a man's ...
Trust not in oppression,.... Either in the power of oppressing others; see Isa 30:12; or in riches gotten by oppression, which being put into a man's hand by his friend, he keeps, and will not return them; so Aben Ezra and Kimchi interpret it of mammon unlawfully obtained; mammon of unrighteousness, or unrighteous mammon; see Jer 17:11;
and become not vain in robbery; in riches gotten by open rapine and theft; and men become vain herein when they boast of such riches, place their confidence in them, and think to make atonement for their sins by burnt sacrifices purchased with them, Isa 61:8;
if riches increase; in a lawful way, in such manner as the fruits of the earth do, as the word m used signifies: if they increase in great abundance from a little, as from one grain of corn many proceed; and insensibly, as the seed sown grows up, a man knows not how, through diligence and the blessing of God from heaven;
set not your heart upon them; your affections on them; they are ensnaring, they are apt to take the heart from God, to draw off the affections from Christ and things above, to choke the word, and lead into many temptations and harmful lusts; let not your hearts be elated, or lifted up with them; be not highminded, or filled with pride and vanity on account of them; nor put any trust in them, for they are uncertain things. Jarchi interprets it of the increase of the riches of others; see Psa 49:16.

Gill: Psa 62:11 - -- God hath spoken once,.... One word of his is more to be confided in, and depended on, than all the men and things in the world. The meaning is not tha...
God hath spoken once,.... One word of his is more to be confided in, and depended on, than all the men and things in the world. The meaning is not that God hath only spoke once; he has spoke often; he spoke all things out of nothing in creation; he spoke all the words of the law at Mount Sinai; he spoke by the prophets under the Old Testament dispensation, and by his Son in the last days, and still by the ministers of the Gospel: but the sense is, that what God has once spoken stands; it is irreversible and immutable; it is firm, sure, and unalterable; he does not repent, he cannot lie, nor will he alter the thing that is gone out of his lips; and therefore his word is to be trusted to, when men of high degree are a lie;
twice have I heard this; that is, many times, as Kimchi explains it: the Targum refers this, and the preceding clause, to the delivery of the law:
"one law God spake, and twice we heard it from the mouth of Moses the great scribe;''
but the meaning is, that the psalmist had heard of two things, and was well assured of the truth of them, and which were the foundation of his trust and confidence; one is mentioned in this verse and the other in Psa 62:12; the first is,
that power belongeth unto God; great power, even almighty power, as appears from the creation of all things out of nothing, the preservation of them in their beings, the government of the world, the redemption of his people by Christ, the work of grace upon their hearts by his Spirit, the perseverance of the saints, their deliverance from their enemies, and the destruction of them. The ancient Cabalists n among the Jews have endeavoured, from this passage, to establish a Trinity in unity, they speak of
"three superior "Sephirot", or numbers; and of them it is said, "God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this": once and twice, lo, the three superior numbers, of whom it is said, one, one, one, three ones; and this is the meaning of "God hath spoken once, twice have I heard this; this" in it makes them one.''

Gill: Psa 62:12 - -- Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy,.... This is the other thing the psalmist had heard, and was assured of, and which encouraged his hope and tr...
Also unto thee, O Lord, belongeth mercy,.... This is the other thing the psalmist had heard, and was assured of, and which encouraged his hope and trust in the Lord; that mercy belonged to him, Psa 130:7; as appears, not only from the common bounties of his providence, daily bestowed upon his creatures; but from the special gift of his Son, and of all spiritual mercies and blessings in him; from the regeneration of the Lord's people, the pardon of their sins, and their eternal salvation;
for thou renderest to every man according to his work; and which is a reason proving that both power and mercy belong to God; power in punishing the wicked according to their deserts, and mercy in rewarding the saints, not in a way of merit, or of debt, but of grace. Some interpret the words, as Aben Ezra and Kimchi observe, "though thou renderest", &c. that is, God is gracious and merciful, though he is also just and righteous in rendering to every man as his work is, whether it be good or evil.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Psa 62:6 The wording is identical to that of v. 2, except that רַבָּה (rabbah, “greatly”) does not appear in v....

NET Notes: Psa 62:7 Heb “upon God [is] my deliverance and my glory, the high rocky summit of my strength, my shelter [is] in God.”

NET Notes: Psa 62:8 To “pour out one’s heart” means to offer up to God intense, emotional lamentation and petitionary prayers (see Lam 2:19).

NET Notes: Psa 62:9 The noun הֶבֶל (hevel), translated “a breath” earlier in the verse, appears again here.

NET Notes: Psa 62:12 You repay men for what they do. The psalmist views God’s justice as a demonstration of both his power (see v. 11c) and his loyal love (see v. 12...
Geneva Bible: Psa 62:7 In God [is] my salvation and my ( f ) glory: the rock of my strength, [and] my refuge, [is] in God.
( f ) These vehement and often repetitions were n...

Geneva Bible: Psa 62:8 Trust in him at all times; [ye] people, ( g ) pour out your heart before him: God [is] a refuge for us. Selah.
( g ) He admonishes us of our wicked n...

Geneva Bible: Psa 62:10 Trust not in oppression, and ( h ) become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart [upon them].
( h ) Give yourselves wholly to Go...

Geneva Bible: Psa 62:11 God hath spoken ( i ) once; twice have I heard this; that power [belongeth] unto God.
( i ) He has plainly born witness to his power, so that no one ...

Geneva Bible: Psa 62:12 Also unto thee, O Lord, [belongeth] mercy: for thou ( k ) renderest to every man according to his work.
( k ) So that the wicked will feel your power...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Psa 62:1-12
TSK Synopsis: Psa 62:1-12 - --1 David, professing his confidence in God, discourages his enemies.5 In the same confidence he encourages the godly.9 No trust is to be put in worldly...
MHCC -> Psa 62:1-7; Psa 62:8-12
MHCC: Psa 62:1-7 - --We are in the way both of duty and comfort, when our souls wait upon God; when we cheerfully give up ourselves, and all our affairs, to his will and w...

MHCC: Psa 62:8-12 - --Those who have found the comfort of the ways of God themselves, will invite others into those ways; we shall never have the less for others sharing wi...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 62:1-7; Psa 62:8-12
Matthew Henry: Psa 62:1-7 - -- In these verses we have, I. David's profession of dependence upon God, and upon him only, for all good (Psa 62:1): Truly my soul waiteth upon God. ...

Matthew Henry: Psa 62:8-12 - -- Here we have David's exhortation to others to trust in God and wait upon him, as he had done. Those that have found the comfort of the ways of God t...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 62:5-8; Psa 62:9-12
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 62:5-8 - --
The beginning of the second group goes back and seizes upon the beginning of the first. אך is affirmative both in Psa 62:6 and in Psa 62:7. The p...

Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 62:9-12 - --
Just as all men with everything earthly upon which they rely are perishable, so also the purely earthly form which the new kingship has assumed carr...
Constable: Psa 42:1--72:20 - --II. Book 2: chs. 42--72
In Book 1 we saw that all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writ...

Constable: Psa 62:1-12 - --Psalm 62
David expressed confident trust in the Lord in spite of opposition in this psalm. He contrasted...

Constable: Psa 62:4-7 - --2. David's encouragement to trust in God 62:5-8
62:5-6 These verses repeat the idea of verses 1 and 2 with minor variations.
62:7-8 The psalmist ackn...