Text -- Psalms 79:2 (NET)

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JFB -> Psa 79:2-3
Clarke -> Psa 79:2
Clarke: Psa 79:2 - -- The dead bodies of thy servants - It appears that in the destruction of Jerusalem the Chaldeans did not bury the bodies of the slain, but left them ...
The dead bodies of thy servants - It appears that in the destruction of Jerusalem the Chaldeans did not bury the bodies of the slain, but left them to be devoured by birds and beasts of prey. This was the grossest inhumanity.
TSK -> Psa 79:2

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes -> Psa 79:2
Barnes: Psa 79:2 - -- The dead bodies of thy servants ... - They have slain them, and left them unburied. See 2Ch 36:17. This is a description of widespread carnage ...
The dead bodies of thy servants ... - They have slain them, and left them unburied. See 2Ch 36:17. This is a description of widespread carnage and slaughter, such as we know occurred at the time when Jerusalem was taken by the Chaldeans. At such a time, it is not probable that the Chaldeans would pause to bury the slain, nor is it probable that they would give opportunity to the captive Hebrews to remain to bury them. That would occur, therefore, which often occurs in war, that the slain would be left on the field to be devoured by wild animals and by the fowls of heaven.
Poole -> Psa 79:2
Poole: Psa 79:2 - -- Of thy servants ; either,
1. Of thy faithful and holy servants, whom they used as cruelly as the worst of the people. Or,
2. Of the Jews, whom, t...
Of thy servants ; either,
1. Of thy faithful and holy servants, whom they used as cruelly as the worst of the people. Or,
2. Of the Jews, whom, though the generality of them were very wicked, he calleth God’ s servants and saints, because they were all such by profession, and some of them were really such; and the Chaldeans did never know nor regard those that were so, but promiscuously destroyed all that came in their way. Given to be meat unto the fowls of heaven , by casting them out like dung upon the face of the earth, and not suffering any to bury them.
Haydock -> Psa 79:2
Haydock: Psa 79:2 - -- Joseph. He mentions these two as persons dear to God. All the tribes were equally led away captives, and the distinction of kingdoms was not regard...
Joseph. He mentions these two as persons dear to God. All the tribes were equally led away captives, and the distinction of kingdoms was not regarded. (Calmet) ---
All Israel is denoted by Joseph, who composed two tribes, having a double portion; (Worthington; Menochius) and ruling in Egypt. (Bellarmine)
Gill -> Psa 79:2
Gill: Psa 79:2 - -- The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven,.... For such there were, both at the time of the Babylonish c...
The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven,.... For such there were, both at the time of the Babylonish captivity, and in the times of Antiochus, who were good men, and served the Lord, and yet suffered in the common calamity. Nicanor, a general of Demetrius, in the time of the Maccabees, seems to have been guilty of such a fact as this, since, when he was slain, his tongue was given in pieces to the fowls, and the reward of his madness was hung up before the temple, as in the Apocrypha:
"And when he had cut out the tongue of that ungodly Nicanor, he commanded that they should give it by pieces unto the fowls, and hang up the reward of his madness before the temple.'' (2 Maccabees 15:33)
the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth; this clause and the following verse are applied to a case in the times of the Maccabees, when sixty men of the Assideans were slain, religious, devout, and holy men, so called from the very word here translated "saints";
"Now the Assideans were the first among the children of Israel that sought peace of them:'' (1 Maccabees 7:13)
"The flesh of thy saints have they cast out, and their blood have they shed round about Jerusalem, and there was none to bury them.'' (1 Maccabees 7:17)

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TSK Synopsis -> Psa 79:1-13
TSK Synopsis: Psa 79:1-13 - --1 The psalmist complains of the desolation of Jerusalem.8 He prays for deliverance;13 and promises thankfulness.
MHCC -> Psa 79:1-5
MHCC: Psa 79:1-5 - --God is complained to: whither should children go but to a Father able and willing to help them? See what a change sin made in the holy city, when the ...
Matthew Henry -> Psa 79:1-5
Matthew Henry: Psa 79:1-5 - -- We have here a sad complaint exhibited in the court of heaven. The world is full of complaints, and so is the church too, for it suffers, not only w...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Psa 79:1-4
Keil-Delitzsch: Psa 79:1-4 - --
The Psalm begins with a plaintive description, and in fact one that makes complaint to God. Its opening sounds like Lam 1:10. The defiling does not ...
Constable: Psa 73:1--89:52 - --I. Book 3: chs 73--89
A man or men named Asaph wrote 17 of the psalms in this book (Pss. 73-83). Other writers w...

Constable: Psa 79:1-13 - --Psalm 79
In this psalm Asaph lamented Jerusalem's destruction and pleaded with God to have mercy on His ...