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Text -- Romans 14:22 (NET)

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14:22 The faith you have, keep to yourself before God. Blessed is the one who does not judge himself by what he approves.
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Table of Contents

Word/Phrase Notes
Robertson , Vincent , Wesley , JFB , Clarke , Calvin , TSK

Word/Phrase Notes
Barnes , Poole , Haydock , Gill

Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes , Geneva Bible

Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis , Maclaren , MHCC , Matthew Henry , Barclay , Constable , College , McGarvey

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per phrase)

Robertson: Rom 14:22 - -- Have thou to thyself before God ( su̇̇kata seauton eche enōpion tou theou ). Very emphatic position of su at the beginning of the sentence, "Th...

Have thou to thyself before God ( su̇̇kata seauton eche enōpion tou theou ).

Very emphatic position of su at the beginning of the sentence, "Thou there."The old MSS. put hēn (relative "which") after pistin and before echeis . This principle applies to both the "strong"and the "weak."He is within his rights to act "according to thyself,"but it must be "before God"and with due regard to the rights of the other brethren.

Robertson: Rom 14:22 - -- In that which he approveth ( en hoi dokimazei ). This beatitude cuts both ways. After testing and then approving (Rom 1:28; Rom 2:18) one takes his s...

In that which he approveth ( en hoi dokimazei ).

This beatitude cuts both ways. After testing and then approving (Rom 1:28; Rom 2:18) one takes his stand which very act may condemn himself by what he says or does. "It is a rare felicity to have a conscience untroubled by scruples"(Denney).

Vincent: Rom 14:22 - -- Hast thou faith ( σὺ πίστιν ἔχεις ) The best texts insert ἣν which . " The faith which thou hast have thou to thyse...

Hast thou faith ( σὺ πίστιν ἔχεις )

The best texts insert ἣν which . " The faith which thou hast have thou to thyself," etc. So Rev.

Vincent: Rom 14:22 - -- Condemneth not himself ( κρίνων ) Rev., better, judgeth . Who, in settled conviction of the rightness of his action, subjects himself to...

Condemneth not himself ( κρίνων )

Rev., better, judgeth . Who, in settled conviction of the rightness of his action, subjects himself to no self-judgment after it.

Vincent: Rom 14:22 - -- Alloweth ( δοκιμάζει ) Rev., approveth . See on 1Pe 1:7. " Christian practice ought to be out of the sphere of morbid introspection."...

Alloweth ( δοκιμάζει )

Rev., approveth . See on 1Pe 1:7. " Christian practice ought to be out of the sphere of morbid introspection."

Wesley: Rom 14:22 - -- That all things are pure? Have it to thyself before God - In circumstances like these, keep it to thyself, and do not offend others by it.

That all things are pure? Have it to thyself before God - In circumstances like these, keep it to thyself, and do not offend others by it.

Wesley: Rom 14:22 - -- By an improper use of even innocent things! and happy he who is free from a doubting conscience! He that has this may allow the thing, yet condemn him...

By an improper use of even innocent things! and happy he who is free from a doubting conscience! He that has this may allow the thing, yet condemn himself for it.

JFB: Rom 14:22 - -- On such matters?

On such matters?

JFB: Rom 14:22 - -- Within thine own breast

Within thine own breast

JFB: Rom 14:22 - -- A most important clause. It is not mere sincerity, or a private opinion, of which the apostle speaks; it is conviction as to what is the truth and wil...

A most important clause. It is not mere sincerity, or a private opinion, of which the apostle speaks; it is conviction as to what is the truth and will of God. If thou hast formed this conviction in the sight of God, keep thyself in this frame before Him. Of course, this is not to be over-pressed, as if it were wrong to discuss such points at all with our weaker brethren. All that is here condemned is such a zeal for small points as endangers Christian love.

JFB: Rom 14:22 - -- Allows himself to do nothing, about the lawfulness of which he has scruples; does only what he neither knows nor fears to be sinful.

Allows himself to do nothing, about the lawfulness of which he has scruples; does only what he neither knows nor fears to be sinful.

Clarke: Rom 14:22 - -- Hast thou faith? - The term faith seems to signify in this place a full persuasion in a man’ s mind that he is right, that what he does is lawf...

Hast thou faith? - The term faith seems to signify in this place a full persuasion in a man’ s mind that he is right, that what he does is lawful, and has the approbation of God and his conscience. Dr. Taylor has a judicious note on this passage. "There is no necessity,"says he, "for reading the first clause interrogatively; and it seems to be more agreeable to the structure of the Greek to render it, Thou hast faith; as if he had said: ‘ I own thou hast a right persuasion.’ Farther, there is an anadiplosis in εχεις, and εχε the first simply signifies thou hast, the latter, hold fast. Thou hast a right persuasion concerning thy Christian liberty; and I advise thee to hold that persuasion steadfastly, with respect to thyself in the sight of God. Εχω have, has frequently this emphatical signification. See Mat 25:29, etc.

Clarke: Rom 14:22 - -- Happy is he that condemneth not, etc. - That man only can enjoy peace of conscience who acts according to the full persuasion which God has given hi...

Happy is he that condemneth not, etc. - That man only can enjoy peace of conscience who acts according to the full persuasion which God has given him of the lawfulness of his conduct: whereas he must be miserable who allows himself in the practice of any thing for which his conscience upbraids and accuses him. This is a most excellent maxim, and every genuine Christian should be careful to try every part of his conduct by it. If a man have not peace in his own bosom, he cannot be happy; and no man can have peace who sins against his conscience. If a man’ s passions or appetite allow or instigate him to a particular thing, let him take good heed that his conscience approve what his passions allow, and that he live not the subject of continual self-condemnation and reproach. Even the man who has the too scrupulous conscience had better, in such matters as are in question, obey its erroneous dictates than violate this moral feeling, and live only to condemn the actions he is constantly performing.

Calvin: Rom 14:22 - -- 22.Hast thou faith? In order to conclude, he shows in what consists the advantage of Christian liberty: it hence appears, that they boast falsely of ...

22.Hast thou faith? In order to conclude, he shows in what consists the advantage of Christian liberty: it hence appears, that they boast falsely of liberty who know not how to make a right use of it. He then says, that liberty really understood, as it is that of faith, has properly a regard to God; so that he who is endued with a conviction of this kind, ought to be satisfied with peace of conscience before God; nor is it needful for him to show before men that he possesses it. It hence follows, that if we offend our weak brethren by eating meats, it is through a perverse opinion; for there is no necessity to constrain us.

It is also plainly evident how strangely perverted is this passage by some, who hence conclude, that it is not material how devoted any one may be to the observance of foolish and superstitious ceremonies, provided the conscience remains pure before God. Paul indeed intended nothing less, as the context clearly shows; for ceremonies are appointed for the worship of God, and they are also a part of our confession: they then who tear off faith from confession, take away from the sun its own heat. But Paul handles nothing of this kind in this place, but only speaks of our liberty in the use of meat and drink.

Happy is he who condemns not himself, etc Here he means to teach us, first, how we may lawfully use the gifts of God; and, secondly, how great an impediment ignorance is; and he thus teaches us, lest we should urge the uninstructed beyond the limits of their infirmity. But he lays down a general truth, which extends to all actions, ῥ” “Happy,” he says, “is he who is not conscious of doing wrong, when he rightly examines his own deeds.” For it happens, that many commit the worst of crimes without any scruple of conscience; but this happens, because they rashly abandon themselves, with closed eyes, to any course to which the blind and violent intemperance of the flesh may lead them; for there is much difference between insensibility and a right judgment. He then who examines things is happy, provided he is not bitten by an accusing conscience, after having honestly considered and weighed matters; for this assurance alone can render our works pleasing to God. Thus is removed that vain excuse which many allege on the ground of ignorance; inasmuch as their error is connected with insensibility and sloth: for if what they call good intention is sufficient, their examination, according to which the Spirit of God estimates the deeds of men, is superfluous. 434

TSK: Rom 14:22 - -- thou : Rom 14:2, Rom 14:5, Rom 14:14, Rom 14:23; Gal 6:1; Jam 3:13 Happy : Rom 7:15, Rom 7:24; Act 24:16; 2Co 1:12; 1Jo 3:21

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Commentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)

Barnes: Rom 14:22 - -- Hast thou faith? - The word "faith"here refers only to the subject under discussion - to the subject of meats, drinks, etc. Do you believe that...

Hast thou faith? - The word "faith"here refers only to the subject under discussion - to the subject of meats, drinks, etc. Do you believe that it is right to eat all kinds of food, etc. The apostle had admitted that this was the true doctrine; but he maintains that it should be so held as not to give offence.

Have it to thyself - Do not obtrude your faith or opinion on others. Be satisfied with cherishing the opinion, and acting on it in private, without bringing it forward to produce disturbance in the church.

Before God - Where God only is the witness. God sees your sincerity, and will approve your opinion. That opinion cherish and act on, yet so as not to give offence, and to produce disturbance in the church. God sees your sincerity; he sees that you are right; and you will not offend him. Your brethren do "not"see that you are right, and they will be offended.

Happy is he ... - This state of mind, the apostle says, is one that is attended with peace and happiness; and this is a "further"reason why they should indulge their opinion in private, without obtruding it on others. They were conscious of doing right, and that consciousness was attended with peace. This fact he states in the form of a universal proposition, as applicable not only to "this"case, but to "all"cases; compare 1Jo 3:21.

Condemneth not himself - Whose conscience does not reprove him.

In that which he alloweth - Which he "approves,"or which he "does."Who has a clear conscience in his opinions and conduct. Many people indulge in practices which their consciences condemn, many in practices of which they are in doubt. But the way to be happy is to have a "clear conscience"in what we do; or in other words, if we have "doubts"about a course of conduct, it is not safe to indulge in that course, but it should be at once abandoned. Many people are engaged in "business"about which they have many doubts; many Christians are in doubt about certain courses of life. But they can have "no doubt"about the propriety of abstaining from them. They who are engaged in the slave-trade; or they who are engaged in the manufacture or sale of ardent spirits; or they who frequent the theater or the ball-room, or who run the round of fashionable amusements, if professing Christians, must often be troubled with "many"doubts about the propriety of their manner of life. But they can have no doubt about the propriety of an "opposite"course. Perhaps a single inquiry would settle all debate in regard to these things: "Did anyone ever become a slave-dealer, or a dealer in ardent spirits, or go to the theater, for engage in scenes of splendid amusements, with any belief that he was imitating the Lord Jesus Christ, or with any desire to honor him or his religion?"But one answer would be given to this question; and in view of it, how striking is the remark of Paul, "Happy is he that condemneth not himself in what he alloweth."

Poole: Rom 14:22 - -- Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God: some read the first clause without an interrogation, thou hast faith; either way the sense is the sam...

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God: some read the first clause without an interrogation, thou hast faith; either way the sense is the same. The apostle here anticipates an objection. The stronger Christian might be ready to say, as it is in Rom 14:14 :

I know and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean of itself I firmly believe, that now, under the gospel, all meats are lawful, and that I have liberty to use or eat what I please; and is it not fit that my practice should be agreeable to my belief, that I should act according to my judgment? To this he answereth, that if a man hath such a faith or persuasion, he should not unseasonably discover it to the offence of his brother, but rather conceal it. He doth not speak of faith in the fundamentals of religion, this must be professed and acknowledged, let who will be offended; but of faith in indifferent things (which are the subject matter he is treating of): our belief or persuasion therein is not to be unseasonably uttered or declared, so as to occasion scandal or contention.

Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth an excellent aphorism respecting all, especially the stronger and more knowing Christian: the sense is: He is a happy man, that, when he knoweth a thing to be lawful, he doth so manage the practice of it, that he hath therein no reason to accuse or condemn himself: or else, that doth not inwardly condemn himself, for doing that against his conscience. which he openly alloweth or practiseth: such a one is happy in this respect, because he is free from those terrors that torment those who act against their consciences.

Haydock: Rom 14:22 - -- Hast thou faith? [2] He doth not here mean, saith St. John Chrysostom, a faith to believe divine truths. But art thou by faith persuaded in mind an...

Hast thou faith? [2] He doth not here mean, saith St. John Chrysostom, a faith to believe divine truths. But art thou by faith persuaded in mind and conscience, that to eat meats formerly forbidden, in now lawful, have it within thyself, remain in this faith and conscience, but make it not appear, when it is prejudicial to thy weak brother. ---

Happy is he that condemneth not himself, that maketh not himself liable to condemnation, by giving scandal, by using that liberty, which he is convinced is allowed. Or happy is he that acteth not against his conscience, by doing what he sees is allowed of by others, but which his conscience tells him he ought not to do. (Witham)



Tu fidem habes? upon which St. John Chrysostom, Greek: om ks. p. 209. Greek: ou ten peri dogmaton (pistin) alla ten peri tes prokeimenes upotheseos.


Gill: Rom 14:22 - -- Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God,.... Which is to be understood, not of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the doctrines of the Gosp...

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God,.... Which is to be understood, not of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the doctrines of the Gospel; for a man that has such faith given him, ought not to keep it in his own breast, but to declare it to others; he ought to make a public visible profession of it, before many witnesses; it becomes him to tell the church of God what great things the Lord has done for him; and as he believes with the heart, so he ought to make confession with the mouth unto salvation; but this faith only designs a full persuasion in a man's own mind, about the free and lawful use of things indifferent, the subject the apostle is upon; see Rom 14:5; and his advice on this head is, to keep this faith and persuasion in a man's own breast, and not divulge it to others, where there is danger of scandal and offence: he does not advise such to alter their minds, change their sentiments, or cast away their faith, which was right and agreeable to his own, but to have it, hold and keep it, though, within themselves; he would not have them openly declare it, and publicly make use of it, since it might be grieving and distressing to weak minds; but in private, and where there was no danger of giving offence, they might both speak of it, and use it; and if they could not, should satisfy themselves that God, who sees in secret, knows they have this faith, and sees their use of it, though others do not, for from him they have it; so the Ethiopic version reads it, and "if thou hast faith with thyself, thou art secure before God, from whom thou hast obtained it"; and should be thankful to him for it, and use it in such a manner as makes most for his glory, and the peace of his church since to him they must give an account another day: some copies and versions read without an interrogation, thou hast faith; and others, "thou, the faith which thou hast, have it to thyself", &c. so the Alexandrian copy and the Syriac version.

Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth; or "approves of"; that is, it is well for that man who observes no difference of meats, if either he does not act contrary to his own conscience, and so condemns himself in what he allows himself in; or exposes himself to the censure, judgment, and condemnation of others, in doing that which he approves of as lawful, and is so, but unlawful when done to the offence of others: some understand this as spoken to the weak believer, signifying that he is in the right, who, through example, and the force of the sensual appetite, is not prevailed upon to allow himself to eat, contrary to his own conscience, and whereby he would be self-condemned; but as the strong believer is addressed in the beginning of the verse, I choose to think he is intended in this part of it; and the rather, because the weak believer is taken notice of in the next verse, with a peculiar view to this very thing.

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Commentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes

NET Notes: Rom 14:22 ‡ Several important Alexandrian witnesses (א A B C 048) have the relative pronoun ἥν ({hn, “the faith that you have”...

Geneva Bible: Rom 14:22 ( 19 ) Hast thou ( q ) faith? have [it] to thyself before God. Happy [is] he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he ( r ) alloweth. ( 19 ...

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Commentary -- Verse Range Notes

TSK Synopsis: Rom 14:1-23 - --1 Men may not contemn nor condemn one another for things indifferent;13 but take heed that they give no offence in them;15 which the apostle proves un...

Maclaren: Rom 14:12-23 - --The Limits Of Liberty So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. 13. Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge th...

MHCC: Rom 14:19-23 - --Many wish for peace, and talk loudly for it, who do not follow the things that make for peace. Meekness, humility, self-denial, and love, make for pea...

Matthew Henry: Rom 14:1-23 - -- We have in this chapter, I. An account of the unhappy contention which had broken out in the Christian church. Our Master had foretold that offences...

Barclay: Rom 14:21-23 - --We are back at the point that what is right for one man may be the ruin of another. Paul's advice is very practical. (i) He has advice for the man wh...

Constable: Rom 12:1--15:14 - --VI. THE PRACTICE OF GOD'S RIGHTEOUSNESS 12:1--15:13 In contrasting chapters 1-11 with chapters 12-16 of Romans, ...

Constable: Rom 14:1--15:14 - --D. Conduct within Christian liberty 14:1-15:13 Paul moved on to discuss a problem that arises as the ded...

Constable: Rom 14:13-23 - --2. The evil of offending another 14:13-23 In the previous section Paul addressed both the "weak" and the "strong" Christians, but he spoke mainly abou...

College: Rom 14:1-23 - --II. CHRISTIAN LIBERTY IN MATTERS OF OPINION (14:1-15:13) In this main section (12:1-15:13) the general subject is "living the sanctified life." A Ch...

McGarvey: Rom 14:22 - --The faith which thou hast, have thou to thyself before God . [The faith or conviction of liberty which thou hast need not be abandoned; but it should ...

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Introduction / Outline

Robertson: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans Spring of a.d. 57 By Way of Introduction Integrity of the Epistle The genuineness of the Epistle is so generally adm...

JFB: Romans (Book Introduction) THE GENUINENESS of the Epistle to the Romans has never been questioned. It has the unbroken testimony of all antiquity, up to CLEMENT OF ROME, the apo...


TSK: Romans (Book Introduction) The Epistle to the Romans is " a writing," says Dr. Macknight, " which, for sublimity and truth of sentiment, for brevity and strength of expression,...

TSK: Romans 14 (Chapter Introduction) Overview Rom 14:1, Men may not contemn nor condemn one another for things indifferent; Rom 14:13, but take heed that they give no offence in them;...

Poole: Romans 14 (Chapter Introduction) CHAPTER 14

MHCC: Romans (Book Introduction) The scope or design of the apostle in writing to the Romans appears to have been, to answer the unbelieving, and to teach the believing Jew; to confir...

MHCC: Romans 14 (Chapter Introduction) (Rom 14:1-13) The Jewish converts cautioned against judging, and Gentile believers against despising one the other. (Rom 14:14-23) And the Gentiles e...

Matthew Henry: Romans (Book Introduction) An Exposition, with Practical Observations, of The Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans If we may compare scripture with scripture, and take the opinion ...

Matthew Henry: Romans 14 (Chapter Introduction) The apostle having, in the former chapter, directed our conduct one towards another in civil things, and prescribed the sacred laws of justice, pea...

Barclay: Romans (Book Introduction) A GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE LETTERS OF PAUL The Letters Of Paul There is no more interesting body of documents in the New Testament than the letter...

Barclay: Romans 14 (Chapter Introduction) Respect For Scruples (Rom_14:1) Tolerance For Another's Point Of View (Rom_14:2-4) A Different Road To The Same Goal (Rom_14:5-6) The Impossibilit...

Constable: Romans (Book Introduction) Introduction Historical Background Throughout the history of the church, from postapos...

Constable: Romans (Outline) Outline I. Introduction 1:1-17 A. Salutation 1:1-7 1. The writer 1:1 ...

Constable: Romans Romans Bibliography Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. 4 vols. New ed. Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1881. ...

Haydock: Romans (Book Introduction) THE EPISTLE OF ST. PAUL, THE APOSTLE, TO THE ROMANS. INTRODUCTION. After the Gospels, which contain the history of Christ, and the Acts of...

Gill: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS Though this epistle is in order placed the first of the epistles, yet it was not first written: there were several epistles ...

Gill: Romans 14 (Chapter Introduction) INTRODUCTION TO ROMANS 14 The apostle, having finished his exhortations to duties of a moral and civil kind, proceeds to the consideration of thing...

College: Romans (Book Introduction) INTRODUCTION I. ROMANS: ITS INFLUENCE AND IMPORTANCE God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path (Ps 119:105), and no part of it shine...

College: Romans (Outline) VIII. OUTLINE PROLOGUE - 1:1-17 I. EPISTOLARY GREETING - 1:1-7 A. The Author Introduces Himself - 1:1 1. A Slave of Christ Jesus 2. Call...

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