Text -- Zechariah 6:10-15 (NET)

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Of those that are come out of Babylon.

Go fetch them, if they lodge elsewhere.

Who herein is now a type of Christ, king and priest for ever for his people.

Wesley: Zec 6:12 - -- Whom you know by the name of the Branch, who was called so long since. Thou, O Joshua art the portrait, he is the Branch itself.
Whom you know by the name of the Branch, who was called so long since. Thou, O Joshua art the portrait, he is the Branch itself.

Of the tribe and family, and in the place foretold.

Wesley: Zec 6:12 - -- He it is, though unseen, that stands by you, who build the material temple, far inferior to the spiritual temple, which Christ will build, preserve, a...
He it is, though unseen, that stands by you, who build the material temple, far inferior to the spiritual temple, which Christ will build, preserve, and dwell in for ever.

Wesley: Zec 6:13 - -- Of both kingly and priestly office; the glory of both those crowns shall abide on him.
Of both kingly and priestly office; the glory of both those crowns shall abide on him.

Which speaks both his royal magnificence, and the perpetuity of it.

Wesley: Zec 6:13 - -- The great high-priest, to offer the great sacrifice to God, to make reconciliation, to intercede for his people.
The great high-priest, to offer the great sacrifice to God, to make reconciliation, to intercede for his people.

Wesley: Zec 6:13 - -- The peace made for God's people shall rest upon these two, the kingly and priestly office of Christ; by his priestly office he shall make their peace ...
The peace made for God's people shall rest upon these two, the kingly and priestly office of Christ; by his priestly office he shall make their peace with God, by his kingly office he shall deliver them from their spiritual enemies.

These persons we know no more of than their names.

Of the Messiah's certain and speedy coming.

Wesley: Zec 6:15 - -- This verse hath a double reference, one to the Jews, and the building of the material temple, the other to the bringing in of the Gentiles.
This verse hath a double reference, one to the Jews, and the building of the material temple, the other to the bringing in of the Gentiles.

Wesley: Zec 6:15 - -- The literal part shall come to pass in your day, if you will obey the voice of the Lord. The mystical part shall come to pass also, and, if you will b...
The literal part shall come to pass in your day, if you will obey the voice of the Lord. The mystical part shall come to pass also, and, if you will believe and obey, the Gentiles shall come in and be your brethren, and help to build the temple, the spiritual temple. But if you rebel and obey not, you shall be cast out and the Gentiles be taken in, to be God's people.
JFB: Zec 6:10 - -- Take silver and gold (Zec 6:11) from them. The three named came from Babylon (where some of the exiled Jews still were left) to present gifts of silve...
Take silver and gold (Zec 6:11) from them. The three named came from Babylon (where some of the exiled Jews still were left) to present gifts of silver and gold towards the building of the temple. But in Zec 6:11, Zec 6:14, "crowns" are directed to be made of them, then to be set on Joshua's head, and to be deposited in the temple as a memorial of the donors, until Messiah shall appear.

JFB: Zec 6:10 - -- This clause in the Hebrew comes after "Josiah son of Zephaniah." Therefore, MOORE thinks Josiah as well as the three "came from Babylon." But as he ha...
This clause in the Hebrew comes after "Josiah son of Zephaniah." Therefore, MOORE thinks Josiah as well as the three "came from Babylon." But as he has a "house" at Jerusalem, he is plainly a resident, not a visitor. Therefore English Version is right; or MAURER, "Josiah son of Zephaniah, to whom they are come (as guests) from Babylon."

JFB: Zec 6:10 - -- No time was to be lost to mark the significancy of their coming from afar to offer gifts to the temple, typifying, in the double crown made of their g...
No time was to be lost to mark the significancy of their coming from afar to offer gifts to the temple, typifying, in the double crown made of their gifts and set on Joshua's head, the gathering in of Israel's outcasts to Messiah hereafter, who shall then be recognized as the true king and priest.

JFB: Zec 6:11 - -- The high priest wore a crown above the miter (Zec 3:5; Lev 8:9). Messiah shall wear many crowns, one surmounting the other (Rev 19:12). It was a thing...
The high priest wore a crown above the miter (Zec 3:5; Lev 8:9). Messiah shall wear many crowns, one surmounting the other (Rev 19:12). It was a thing before unknown in the Levitical priesthood that the same person should wear at once the crown of a king and that of a high priest (Psa 110:4; Heb 5:10). Messiah shall be revealed fully in this twofold dignity when He shall "restore the kingdom to Israel" (Act 1:6).

JFB: Zec 6:12 - -- Namely, shall arise. Pilate unconsciously spake God's will concerning Him, "Behold the man" (Joh 19:5). The sense here is, "Behold in Joshua a remarka...
Namely, shall arise. Pilate unconsciously spake God's will concerning Him, "Behold the man" (Joh 19:5). The sense here is, "Behold in Joshua a remarkable shadowing forth of Messiah." It is not for his own sake that the crown is placed on him, but as type of Messiah about to be at once king and priest. Joshua could not personally be crowned king, not being of the royal line of David, but only in his representative character.

JFB: Zec 6:12 - -- Retaining the image of a "Branch"; "He shall sprout up from His place," that is, the place peculiar to Him: not merely from Beth-lehem or Nazareth, bu...
Retaining the image of a "Branch"; "He shall sprout up from His place," that is, the place peculiar to Him: not merely from Beth-lehem or Nazareth, but by His own power, without man's aid, in His miraculous conception [HENDERSON]; a sense brought out in the original, "from under Himself," or "from (of) Himself" [CALVIN]. MOORE makes it refer to His growing lowly in His place of obscurity, "as a tender plant and a root out of a dry ground" (Isa 53:2), for thirty years unknown except as the son of a carpenter. MAURER translates, "Under Him there shall be growth (in the Church)." English Version accords better with the Hebrew (compare Exo 10:23). The idea in a Branch is that Christ's glory is growing, not yet fully manifested as a full-grown tree. Therefore men reject Him now.

JFB: Zec 6:12 - -- The promise of the future true building of the spiritual temple by Messiah (Mat 16:18; 1Co 3:17; 2Co 6:16; Eph 2:20-22; Heb 3:3) is an earnest to assu...
The promise of the future true building of the spiritual temple by Messiah (Mat 16:18; 1Co 3:17; 2Co 6:16; Eph 2:20-22; Heb 3:3) is an earnest to assure the Jews, that the material temple will be built by Joshua and Zerubbabel, in spite of all seeming obstacles. It also raises their thoughts beyond the material to the spiritual temple, and also to the future glorious temple, to be reared in Israel under Messiah's superintendence (Eze. 40:1-43:27). The repetition of the same clause (Zec 6:13) gives emphasis to the statement as to Messiah's work.

JFB: Zec 6:13 - -- That is, wear the insignia of the kingly glory, "the crowns" (Psa 21:5; Psa 102:16; Isa 52:13). He himself shall bear the glory, not thou, Joshua, tho...
That is, wear the insignia of the kingly glory, "the crowns" (Psa 21:5; Psa 102:16; Isa 52:13). He himself shall bear the glory, not thou, Joshua, though thou dost bear the crowns. The Church's dignity is in her head alone, Christ. So Eliakim, type of Messiah, was to have "all the glory of his father's house hung upon him" (Isa 22:24).

JFB: Zec 6:13 - -- Joshua and Zerubbabel, the religious and civil authorities co-operating in the temple, typify the peace, or harmonious union, between both the kingly ...
Joshua and Zerubbabel, the religious and civil authorities co-operating in the temple, typify the peace, or harmonious union, between both the kingly and priestly offices. The kingly majesty shall not depress the priestly dignity, nor the priestly dignity the kingly majesty [JEROME]. The peace of the Church, formerly sought for in the mutual "counsels" of the kings and the priests, who had been always distinct, shall be perfectly ensured by the concurrence of the two offices in the one Messiah, who by His mediatorial priesthood purchases it, and by His kingly rule maintains it. VITRINGA takes "His throne" to be Jehovah the Father's. Thus it will be, "there shall be . . . peace between the Branch and Jehovah" [LUDOVICUS DE DIEU]. The other view is better, namely, "Messiah's throne." As Priest He expiates sin; as King, extirpates it. "Counsel of peace," implies that it is the plan of infinite "wisdom," whence Messiah is called "Counsellor" (Isa 9:6; Eph 1:8, Eph 1:11; Heb 6:17). Peace between the kingly and priestly attributes of Messiah implies the harmonizing of the conflicting claims of God's justice as a King, and His love as a Father and Priest. Hence is produced peace to man (Luk 2:14; Act 10:36; Eph 2:13-17). It is only by being pardoned through His atonement and ruled by His laws, that we can find "peace." The royal "throne" was always connected with the "temple," as is the case in the Apocalypse (Rev 7:15), because Christ is to be a king on His throne and a priest, and because the people, whose "king" the Lord is, cannot approach Him except by a priestly mediation [ROOS]. Jesus shall come to effect, by His presence (Isa 11:4; Dan 7:17), that which in vain is looked for, in His absence, by other means. He shall exercise His power mediatorially as priest on His throne (Zec 6:13); therefore His reign is for a limited period, which it could not be if it were the final and everlasting state of glory. But being for a special purpose, to reconcile all things in this world, now disordered by sin, and so present it to God the Father that He may again for the first time since the fall come into direct connection with His creatures; therefore it is limited, forming the dispensation in the fulness of times (Eph 1:10), when God shall gather in one all things in Christ, the final end of which shall be, "God all in all" (1Co 15:24-28).

JFB: Zec 6:14 - -- Deposited in the temple, to the honor of the donors; a memorial, too, of the coronation of Joshua, to remind all of Messiah, the promised antitypical ...
Deposited in the temple, to the honor of the donors; a memorial, too, of the coronation of Joshua, to remind all of Messiah, the promised antitypical king-priest, soon to come. Helem, the same as Heldai above. So Hen (that is, "favor") is another name for Josiah (that is, "God founds") above. The same person often had two names.

JFB: Zec 6:15 - -- The reason why the crowns were made of gold received from afar, namely, from the Jews of Babylon, was to typify the conversion of the Gentiles to Mess...
The reason why the crowns were made of gold received from afar, namely, from the Jews of Babylon, was to typify the conversion of the Gentiles to Messiah, King of Israel. This, too, was included in the "peace" spoken of in Zec 6:13 (Act 2:39; Eph 2:12-17). Primarily, however, the return of the dispersed Israelites "from afar" (Isa 60:9) to the king of the Jews at Jerusalem is intended, to be followed, secondly, by the conversion of the Gentiles from "far off" (Zec 2:11; Zec. 8:2-23; Isa 60:10; Isa 57:19).

JFB: Zec 6:15 - -- Christ "builds the temple" (Zec 6:12-13; Heb 3:3-4): His people "build in the temple." Compare Heb 3:2, "Moses in His house."
Christ "builds the temple" (Zec 6:12-13; Heb 3:3-4): His people "build in the temple." Compare Heb 3:2, "Moses in His house."

JFB: Zec 6:15 - -- To the Jews of Zechariah's day a stimulus is given to diligent prosecution of the temple building, the work which it was meanwhile their duty to fulfi...
To the Jews of Zechariah's day a stimulus is given to diligent prosecution of the temple building, the work which it was meanwhile their duty to fulfil, relying on the hope of the Messiah afterwards to glorify it. The completion of the temple shall "come to pass," if ye diligently on your part "obey the Lord." It is not meant that their unbelief could set aside God's gracious purpose as to Messiah's coming. But there is, secondarily, meant, that Messiah's glory as priest-king of Israel shall not be manifested to the Jews till they turn to Him with obedient penitence. They meanwhile are cast away "branches" until they be grafted in again on the Branch and their own olive tree (Zec 3:8; Zec 12:10-12; Mat 23:39; Rom 11:16-24).
Clarke: Zec 6:10 - -- Take of them of the captivity - The names that follow were probably those to whom the silver and golden vessels of the temple were intrusted; and wh...
Take of them of the captivity - The names that follow were probably those to whom the silver and golden vessels of the temple were intrusted; and who might have had bullion of silver and gold, for particular purposes, about the ornaments of the temple

The house of Josiah - Probably an artificer in silver, gold, etc.

Clarke: Zec 6:11 - -- Make crowns - עטרות ataroth ; but seven MSS. of Kennicott’ s and De Rossi’ s, and one ancient of my own, with the Syriac and Chalde...
Make crowns -

Clarke: Zec 6:12 - -- Behold the man whose name is The Branch! - I cannot think that Zerubbabel is here intended; indeed, he is not so much as mentioned in Zec 3:8. Joshu...
Behold the man whose name is The Branch! - I cannot think that Zerubbabel is here intended; indeed, he is not so much as mentioned in Zec 3:8. Joshua and his companions are called

Clarke: Zec 6:12 - -- And he shall grow up out of his place - That is, out of David’ s root, tribe, and family
And he shall grow up out of his place - That is, out of David’ s root, tribe, and family

Clarke: Zec 6:12 - -- And he shall build the temple of the Lord - This cannot refer to the building of the temple then in hand, for Zerubbabel was its builder: but to tha...
And he shall build the temple of the Lord - This cannot refer to the building of the temple then in hand, for Zerubbabel was its builder: but to that temple, the Christian Church, that was typified by it; for Zerubbabel is not named here, and only Joshua or Jesus (the name is the same) is the person who is to be crowned and to build this spiritual temple.

Even he shall build the temple - Joshua, not Zerubbabel

Clarke: Zec 6:13 - -- He shall bear the glory - Have all the honor of it; for none can do this but himself. The Messiah is still intended
He shall bear the glory - Have all the honor of it; for none can do this but himself. The Messiah is still intended

Clarke: Zec 6:13 - -- And shall sit and rule upon his throne - For the government of the Church shall be upon his shoulder
And shall sit and rule upon his throne - For the government of the Church shall be upon his shoulder

Clarke: Zec 6:13 - -- And he shall be a priest upon his throne - He shall, as the great high priest, offer the only available offering and atonement; and so he shall be b...
And he shall be a priest upon his throne - He shall, as the great high priest, offer the only available offering and atonement; and so he shall be both king and priest, a royal king and a royal priest; for even the priest is here stated to sit upon his throne

Clarke: Zec 6:13 - -- And the counsel of peace shall be between them both - Whom? Zerubbabel and Joshua? Certainly not Zerubbabel, for he is not mentioned in all this pre...
And the counsel of peace shall be between them both - Whom? Zerubbabel and Joshua? Certainly not Zerubbabel, for he is not mentioned in all this prediction; but, as the Messiah is intended, the counsel of peace - the purpose to establish peace between heaven and earth, must be between the Father and the Son.

Clarke: Zec 6:14 - -- And the crowns shall be - One of my MSS. has ×טרות ataroth , crowns, corrected into עטרת atereth , crown; and so the Septuagint, Syriac, ...
And the crowns shall be - One of my MSS. has

Clarke: Zec 6:15 - -- And they that are far off shall come - The Gentiles shall come to the Savior of the world; and build - become a part of this new temple; for they, a...
And they that are far off shall come - The Gentiles shall come to the Savior of the world; and build - become a part of this new temple; for they, as living stones, shall become a holy temple, a habitation of God through the Spirit

Clarke: Zec 6:15 - -- Ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me - These predictions, relative to the regal and sacerdotal offices of the Messiah, shall be so circ...
Ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me - These predictions, relative to the regal and sacerdotal offices of the Messiah, shall be so circumstantially fulfilled, that ye, Jews, shall be obliged to acknowledge that the Lord of hosts hath sent me with this message

Clarke: Zec 6:15 - -- And this shall come to pass - Your own temple shall be rebuilt, and God shall dwell among you now, if ye will diligently obey the voice of Jehovah y...
And this shall come to pass - Your own temple shall be rebuilt, and God shall dwell among you now, if ye will diligently obey the voice of Jehovah your God.
Calvin: Zec 6:10 - -- Let us now inquire, why the Prophet was bid to take gold from four men; for he says, Take from the transmigration. The word הגולה , egule, is...
Let us now inquire, why the Prophet was bid to take gold from four men; for he says, Take from the transmigration. The word

Calvin: Zec 6:11 - -- The Prophet is bid to set the two crowns on the head of the high priest. This, as I have said, was intended as a symbol to denote the union of the t...
The Prophet is bid to set the two crowns on the head of the high priest. This, as I have said, was intended as a symbol to denote the union of the two dignities in the person of Christ. It was necessary until the coming of Christ to select the high priest from the posterity of Aaron; and it was also required that the kings should be from the seed of David; so that we observe a distinction between the royal office and the priesthood, not only as to the persons, but also as to the families. It would have indeed been a strange thing to see a king from the tribe of Levi; and it would have been contrary to God’s appointed order to see a priest from the tribe of Judah and from the family of David. Since then the king was adorned with his own diadem, and since the high priest had his own proper mitre, what could this mean, but that the same man was to wear two crowns? Doubtless we observe that there is here some change in the past order of things, and that there is something unusual set forth. But there is nothing new in this, — that the Redeemer, who had been promised, should be eminent as a king and a priest; for this had been predicted in the hundred and tenth Psalm, “Jehovah said to my Lord, sit on my right hand,†— this is what belongs to the right of a king; it afterwards follows, “Thou art a priest for ever, according to the order of Melchizedec.†Though kings must then have been chosen from the family of David and the tribe of Judah, and though priests must have then been taken from the Levitical tribe, yet the Spirit foretold, that a king would come who was to be a priest, as had been the case with Melchisedec. This very thing is what the Prophet now confirms.
Zechariah being ordered to set the crowns on the head of Joshua, we are not so to regard this, as though Joshua had immediately undertaken the two offices of a king and a priest; for he was satisfied with his own: but the Prophet shows in the type what was to be looked for at the coming of the Messiah; for the time had not yet come, when Christ should receive the royal diadem, as it is said in Ezekiel, —
“Take away the diadem; set it aside, set it aside, set it aside, until he shall come, whose it is.†(Eze 21:26.)
We here see that the Prophet points out a length of time, during which the royal diadem was to be trodden as it were under foot. Though the royal crown had not yet laid in the dust sufficiently long, yet the Prophet did nothing presumptuously; for the Jews could not have conceived in their mind what is here promised, had not the typical priest come forth, wearing the two crowns. Nor could this have been so suitable to the person of Zerubbabel; for though he was of the family of David, and was a type of Christ, he had not yet the name of a king, nor had he any regal power: he could not therefore have been so suitable a person. It is then no wonder that God brought forth the high priest Joshua, who was a type and representative of Christ; and he brought him forth with a double crown, because he who was to come would unite, according to what follows, the priesthood with the kingly office.

Calvin: Zec 6:12 - -- The vision is now explained; for if the chief priest, without this explanation, had been adorned with two crowns, there must have been much talk amon...
The vision is now explained; for if the chief priest, without this explanation, had been adorned with two crowns, there must have been much talk among the people, “What means this?†God here shows that what he has commanded to be done to Joshua does not belong to him, but has a reference to another, Thou shalt say to him, Behold the Man, Branch is his name. It is the same as though the Prophet had expressly testified that Joshua was not crowned, because he was worthy of such an honor, or because he could look for royal dignity; but that he was to bear this honor for a time, in order that the Jews might understand that one was to arise who would be both a king and a priest. Hence he says, that there would be a man, whose name was to be Branch
As to this name, it has been explained elsewhere. I omit those refinements with which some are delighted; but as I have shown in another place, the simple and true reason why Christ is so called, is, because he was not like a tall tree, with deep and strong roots, but like a small plant. He is indeed called in another place, “a shoot from the root of Jesse.†(Isa 11:1.) But the meaning is the same; for that root of Jesse was obscure and of no repute. Besides, this kind of shoot has nothing in it that is illustrious. We hence see that Christ is called Branch, because his beginning was contemptible, so that he was of hardly any repute among heathens; nay even among his own nation. But God intimates at the same time, that this little plant would be set, as it were, by his own hand, and thus would gather strength. Though then the beginning of Christ was humble, yet God declares, that he would give vigor for continued growth, until he should attain to a great height. In this sense it is that Christ is called Branch: and we clearly conclude, that the minds of the people were transferred to Christ who was to come, that they might not fix their attention on Joshua, who was then but a typical priest. Say to Joshua, Behold the man, whose name is Branch. Where is that man? He does not speak of Joshua; he does not say, “Thou art the man;†but he says, Behold the man, whose name is Branch, that is, who comes elsewhere. We then hence learn, that these crowns were those of Christ, but given to Joshua, that the Jews might see in the type, what was as yet hid under hope.
He afterwards adds, He shall arise from himself, or grow up from his own place, literally, from under himself. Here also some have too refinedly philosophised, — that Christ arose from himself by his own power, because he is the eternal God. I think, on the contrary, that all human means are only excluded, as though the Prophet had said, that though Christ was like a little plant, he would yet grow up as though he had roots deeply fixed in the earth. There is indeed no doubt, but that Christ grew up by his own celestial power, and this is what the words of the Prophet include; but what he meant was this, — that Christ had nothing in his beginning calculated to draw the admiration of men. Though then Christ was only a shoot, yet God had sufficient power, that he should grow from his own place, 66 that though human means were absent, it would yet be enough, that God should bless this branch, so as to cause it to grow to its proper height.
He then says, And he shall build the temple of Jehovah. This is a remarkable passage: it hence appears that the temple which the Jews had then begun to build, and which was afterwards built by Herod, was not the true temple of which Haggai had prophesied, when he said,
“The glory of the second house shall be greater
than that of the first.†(Hag 2:9.)
For though the temple of Herod was splendid, yet we see what the Spirit declares in this place, — that to build the temple would be Christ’s own work. Hence no one, had he heaped together all the gold and the silver of the world, could have built the true temple of which Haggai prophesied, and of which Ezekiel has so largely spoken near the end of his book. Christ alone then has been chosen by the Father to build this temple. Christ indeed himself was a temple as to his body, for the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in him, (Col 2:6;) but he built a temple to God the Father, when he raised up everywhere pure worship, having demolished superstitions, and when he consecrated us to be a royal priesthood.
We now then see what was shown to the Prophet, — that though the Jews were then exposed to many evils, to reproaches and wrongs, yet Christ would come to restore all things to a perfect order, that he would be not only a king but also a priest; and further, that his beginning would be obscure and despised by the world, and yet that he would attain without any earthly helps his own elevation; and, lastly, that his own proper office would be to build a temple to God.

Calvin: Zec 6:13 - -- He repeats the last thing which he had said, Even he shall build the temple of Jehovah. The Prophet seems here to reiterate to no purpose the same w...
He repeats the last thing which he had said, Even he shall build the temple of Jehovah. The Prophet seems here to reiterate to no purpose the same words without any additions of light: but it seems evident to me, that he meant in this way to confirm and sanction what seemed difficult to be believed. As the temple, then, begun at that time to be built, had but little splendor and glory connected with it, and could hardly be expected to become a better or more adorned building, the Prophet reiterates this promise, He, he shall build the temple of Jehovah; by which he means, “Let not your eyes remain fixed on this temple, for to look at it weakens your faith and almost disheartens you; but hope for another temple which ye see not now, for a priest and a king shall at length come to build a better and a more excellent temple.â€
He afterwards subjoins, Bear shall he the glory, and shall sit and rule on his throne. He fully confirms what we have already referred to — that this man, who was to grow by God’s hidden power, would be made both a king and a priest, but by no earthly instrumentality. In the words, bear shall he the glory, there is no doubt an implied contrast between Joshua and Christ, the true priest. For Joshua, though he discharged in his time the office of a priest, was yet despised; but the Prophet bids his people to hope for more than what could have been conceived from the view of things at that time; for an illustrious priest was to come, full of royal dignity. And hence he adds, sit shall he and rule on his throne. This did not properly belong to the priesthood; but the Prophet affirms, that the man who was to come from above, would be a king, though he exercised the priestly office. He was then to be a priest, and yet to be on his throne and to rule as a king; and ruling is what belongs to a king and not to a priest.
At length he concludes by saying, The counsel of peace shall be between the two. I do not think that the discords which had been between kings and priests are here indirectly reproved. I indeed allow that such discords had often been seen among that ancient people; but the Prophet had regard to something far different, even this — that the priesthood would be united with the kingly office. He therefore did not refer to different persons who were to be at peace together; but, on the contrary, spoke of things or of the two offices; there shall then be the counsel of peace between the two, that is, between the kingly office and the priesthood. 67 We hence learn that which I have already stated — that what is here promised had not been found under the law, and could not have been expected under it; and that the fulfillment of this prophecy is the renovation which took place at the coming of Christ. It follows —

Calvin: Zec 6:14 - -- They who think that the crowns were deposited with these four men, pervert the meaning of the Prophet; for they were, on the contrary, placed in Godâ...
They who think that the crowns were deposited with these four men, pervert the meaning of the Prophet; for they were, on the contrary, placed in God’s temple to be a memorial to them. It hence appears; that, as I have already said, they were not required to supply the gold, because they excelled all others in piety and holiness, but because it was necessary to condemn their want of faith, inasmuch as they thought that their hope was disappointed, as God did not immediately fulfill what he had promised. Let then these crowns, saith the Spirit, be a memorial to them, that is, that whenever they look on these crowns they may check themselves and know that their expectations are very unreasonable, and that they themselves are too hasty when they wish all prophecies to be accomplished in one day; and also that the whole people may know that they had complained without reason, as these suspended crowns shall be a memorial and a testimony. We now then see more clearly why the Prophet had been ordered to take gold and silver from these four men: it was, that he might make crowns, which were afterwards to be deposited in God’s temple. At length he adds —

Calvin: Zec 6:15 - -- The Prophet also states, that men would come from remote lands to contribute labor or wealth towards the building of the temple; for the word buildin...
The Prophet also states, that men would come from remote lands to contribute labor or wealth towards the building of the temple; for the word building may refer to either of these two things. Come then shall those from far. Before this time gifts had been presented by Gentile nations, but the temple was not built but by Solomon and his people. God then promises here something more, and that is, that helpers would assist in building the temple, who had been till then wholly aliens. It is indeed certain, that in the age of Zechariah contributions had been made by Cyrus; but the Prophet refers to nothing of this kind: he promises something more. It hence follows that this prophecy must necessarily be referred to the promulgation of the gospel; for then it was that strangers began to contribute their labor and their wealth towards building a temple to God. Though then Cyrus gave a large sum of money towards the erection of the temple, yet the allusion here is not to his liberality. And after Cyrus no stranger had been so liberal: for Herod, who raised up a great and a very splendid building, was not from far; nay, he wished to be thought one of the people. We then see that this prophecy cannot be otherwise referred than to the building of the spiritual temple, when Gentiles, formerly remote from God’s people, joined them as friends, and brought their labor to the work of building the temple, not with stones or wood, or with other corruptible materials, but with the doctrine and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
He then adds, ye shall know that Jehovah of hosts has sent me to you. Of this kind of knowledge we have spoken elsewhere. It indeed behaved the Jews from the first to feel assured respecting the truth of this prophecy; but when the effect or experience itself was added, they then began to know more clearly. It is then the same as thought the Prophet had said, “God, who speaks by my mouth, will not disappoint you, as he will at length accomplish what I now declare; and experience itself will be a witness that I have been a true and faithful Prophet.†And he calls Him the God of hosts, that the Jews, hearing that what he had said proceeded from Him whose power is infinite, might be confirmed in their faith. There was then no reason for them to doubt as to the accomplishment, for there is nothing that can resist God, when it pleases him to unfold his power.
It follows, If by hearing ye will hear the voice of Jehovah your God. Zechariah promises to the Jews here conditionally — if they became obedient to God, and continued in obedience to his word and in his doctrine; for unbelief deprives men of all participation in God’s favor. It is indeed true that had all become unbelieving, Christ would have come; for God as he is true would not change his purpose were the whole world to become false. Since then the faithfulness of God depends not on men, we ought not so to take what the Prophet says here, If ye will hear the voice of Jehovah, as though they could, by being unfaithful to God, have rendered void the accomplishment of this prophecy. Their defection, then, yea, that of the whole nation, could not have prevented Christ from coming forth in his own appointed time. But the Prophet had another thing in view, even this — that the Jews would become partakers of this blessing, or would enjoy, so to speak, this favor, if they embraced God’s promise, and obediently submitted to his law. For though Christ has already come as the Redeemer of the world, yet we know that this benefit is not come to all, and why? Because many through unbelief close the door against God and his grace through Christ. Hence the faithful alone really know that God has spoken, and really partake of his favor, and for this reason, because they hear his voice; that is, they first by faith receive what God offers, and then they fall not away from his truth, but continue in the obedience of faith to the end.
What the Prophet then had in view, was to show to the Jews that those things were spoken in vain, as to them, if they did not attend to God. And he shows the way in which they were to be attentive, even by hearing the voice of God, that is, by renouncing their own thoughts, and by not esteeming God untrue, though he promised what seemed incredible. If then they denied themselves, banished their own imaginations, wholly attended to God’s word, and believed what he had said as a Prophet, he assures them that they would really find that which he taught them to be true to their own salvation, even this — that Christ would come to be a king and a priest, to secure perfect happiness to his people.
Defender: Zec 6:11 - -- This symbolic crowning of Joshua (same name as "Jesus") appropriately follows completion of the eight visions, since the kingdom age will follow the c...
This symbolic crowning of Joshua (same name as "Jesus") appropriately follows completion of the eight visions, since the kingdom age will follow the cleansing of the world and the restoration of Israel. It is significant that the crowning is applied to Joshua the high priest rather than to Zerubbabel, the governor and descendant of kings. There could be no other king of Judah until "the Branch" comes (Jer 33:15-17, compared with Jer 22:30). The kingly line of Judah and the priestly line of Levi had always been kept distinct, yet here Joshua the priest would symbolically become "a priest upon his throne" (Zec 6:13)."

Defender: Zec 6:12 - -- Confirming the prophecy of Jeremiah (see note on Zec 6:11), "the man whose name is The BRANCH" will come to occupy David's throne and to build the mil...
Confirming the prophecy of Jeremiah (see note on Zec 6:11), "the man whose name is The BRANCH" will come to occupy David's throne and to build the millennial temple. But He will also be "a priest for ever" (Psa 110:4), our eternal Priest-King. Joshua would build the restoration temple, along with Zerubbabel, and this becomes a type of Christ as both priest and king. The crowns themselves were to be laid up in the temple as a memorial (Zec 6:14)."
TSK: Zec 6:10 - -- which : Ezr 7:14-16, Ezr 8:26-30; Isa 66:20; Act 24:17; Rom 15:25, Rom 15:26
the son : Zec 6:14
which : Ezr 7:14-16, Ezr 8:26-30; Isa 66:20; Act 24:17; Rom 15:25, Rom 15:26
the son : Zec 6:14

TSK: Zec 6:11 - -- make : Zec 3:5; Exo 28:36-38, Exo 29:6, Exo 39:30; Lev 8:9; Psa 21:3; Son 3:11; Heb 2:9; Rev 19:12
Joshua : Zec 3:1; Hag 1:1, Hag 1:14, Hag 2:4

TSK: Zec 6:12 - -- behold : Zec 13:7; Isa 32:1, Isa 32:2; Mic 5:5; Mar 15:39; Joh 19:5; Act 13:38, Act 17:31; Heb 7:4, Heb 7:24, Heb 8:3, Heb 10:12
whose : Zec 3:8; Psa ...
behold : Zec 13:7; Isa 32:1, Isa 32:2; Mic 5:5; Mar 15:39; Joh 19:5; Act 13:38, Act 17:31; Heb 7:4, Heb 7:24, Heb 8:3, Heb 10:12
whose : Zec 3:8; Psa 80:15-17; Isa 4:2, Isa 11:1, Isa 53:2; Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15; Luk 1:78 *marg. Joh 1:45
grow up out of his place : or, branch up from under him
he shall build : Zec 4:6-9, Zec 8:9; Mat 16:18, Mat 26:61; Mar 14:58, Mar 15:29; Joh 2:19-21; 1Co 3:9; Eph 2:20-22; Heb 3:3, Heb 3:4; 1Pe 2:4, 1Pe 2:5

TSK: Zec 6:13 - -- bear : Psa 21:5, Psa 45:3, Psa 45:4, Psa 72:17-19; Isa 9:6, Isa 11:10, Isa 22:24, Isa 49:5, Isa 49:6; Jer 23:6; Dan 7:13, Dan 7:14; Joh 13:31, Joh 13:...
bear : Psa 21:5, Psa 45:3, Psa 45:4, Psa 72:17-19; Isa 9:6, Isa 11:10, Isa 22:24, Isa 49:5, Isa 49:6; Jer 23:6; Dan 7:13, Dan 7:14; Joh 13:31, Joh 13:32, Joh 17:1-5; Eph 1:20-23; Phi 2:7-11; Heb 2:7-9; 1Pe 3:22; Rev 3:21, Rev 5:9-13, Rev 19:11-16
a priest : Zec 6:11; Gen 14:18; Psa 110:4; Heb 3:1, Heb 4:14-16, Heb 6:20, Heb 7:1, Heb 7:24, Heb 7:25-28; Heb 10:12, Heb 10:13
and the : Zec 4:14; Psa 85:9-11; Isa 54:10; Dan 9:25-27; Mic 5:4; Act 10:36-43; Rom 5:1; Eph 2:13-18; Col 1:2, Col 1:18-20; Heb 7:1-3

TSK: Zec 6:14 - -- Helem : Zec 6:10
a memorial : Exo 12:14, Exo 28:12, Exo 28:29; Num 16:40, Num 31:54; Jos 4:7; 1Sa 2:30; Mat 26:13; Mar 14:9; Act 10:4; 1Co 11:23-26

TSK: Zec 6:15 - -- they : Isa 56:6-8, Isa 57:19, Isa 60:10; Act 2:39; 1Co 3:10-15; Eph 2:13-22; 1Pe 2:4, 1Pe 2:5
and ye : Zec 6:12, Zec 2:8-11, Zec 4:8, Zec 4:9; Joh 17:...
they : Isa 56:6-8, Isa 57:19, Isa 60:10; Act 2:39; 1Co 3:10-15; Eph 2:13-22; 1Pe 2:4, 1Pe 2:5
and ye : Zec 6:12, Zec 2:8-11, Zec 4:8, Zec 4:9; Joh 17:20,Joh 17:21
And this : Zec 3:7; Isa 3:10, Isa 58:10-14; Rom 16:26; 2Pe 1:5-10

collapse allCommentary -- Word/Phrase Notes (per Verse)
Barnes: Zec 6:10 - -- Take of the captivity - Of that which they had brought with them. "The captivity"was, in Jeremiah ), and Ezekiel Eze 1:2; Eze 3:11, Eze 3:15; E...
Take of the captivity - Of that which they had brought with them. "The captivity"was, in Jeremiah ), and Ezekiel Eze 1:2; Eze 3:11, Eze 3:15; Eze 11:24-25, the title of those who had been actually carried captive and were at that moment in captivity. Ezra continues it of those who had been in captivity, though now returned from exile. Yet not without a reference to the circumstances or causes of that captivity. It is the "captivity"Ezr 1:11 which Sheshbazzar brings from Babylon, or Ezra subsequently; the "children of the captivity"Ezr 8:35, who set themselves to build the temple of God Ezr 4:1; who dedicated it and kept the passover . The title is used apparently as an aggravation of sin, like that which had been chastened by that captivity. Here, the term seems to imply some blame, that they remained of their own accord in this state of severance from the altar, where alone special worship of God and sacrifice could be offered. They had been removed against their will; yet, as Christians often do, acquiesced in the loss, rather than forego their temporal advantages. Still they wished to take part in the work of restoring the public worship, and so sent these men, with their contribution of gold and silver, to their brethren, who had returned; as, in the first times of the Gospel, the Christians everywhere made collections for the poor saints, who dwelt in Jerusalem. And this their imperfect zeal was instantly accepted.
And go thyself - To make the act more impressive, "on that same day,"as matter of urgency, "and thou shalt come to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah, whither they have come from Babylon". The exiles who had brought presents for the building of the temple, lodged, it seems, in the house of Josiah, whether they doubted or no that their presents would be accepted, since they chose Babylon, not Jerusalem for their abode. This acceptance of their gifts symbolized the incoming of those from afar. It is remarkable that all five names express a relation to God. "Tobiah"in Neh 2:10; Neh 6:1; 3) the Tobias here and 14; 4) Tobit and Tobias in his book), "The Lord is my good;""Yedaiah,""God knoweth"or "careth for;"Josiah, "The Lord supporteth"; "Zephaniah,""The Lord hideth,"and perhaps "Cheldai,""The Lord’ s world". They had taken religious instead of worldly names. Probably Zechariah was first to accept the offerings from the three exiles, and then to take the actual gold from the house of Josiah whither they had brought it. The pilgrims from Babylon and their host are included in one common blessing.

Barnes: Zec 6:11 - -- And make crowns - Or a "crown", as in Job, "I would bind it as a crown unto me,"and our Lord is seen in the Revelation, "on His Head were many ...
And make crowns - Or a "crown", as in Job, "I would bind it as a crown unto me,"and our Lord is seen in the Revelation, "on His Head were many crowns". The singular is used of "a royal crown", apparently of a festive crown ; and figuratively; (Job 19:9, (plur. Job 31:36) Pro 4:9; Pro 12:4; Pro 14:24; Pro 16:31. Pro 17:6); even of Almighty God Himself as a crown ; but no where of the mitre of the high priest.
The characteristic of the act is, that "the crown"or crowns (it is not in the context said, which) were placed on the head of the one high priest, Joshua; "and thou shall place"(it or them, it is not said which) "upon the head of Joshua son of Josedech the high priest, and shalt say unto him."If crowns were made of each material, there were two crowns. But this is not said, and the silver might have formed a circlet in the crown of gold, as, in modern times, the iron crown of Lombardy, was called iron, because it had "a plate of iron in its summit, being else of gold and most precious". In any case the symbolical act was completed by the placing of a royal crown upon the head of the high priest. This, in itself, represented that He, whom he and all other priests represented, would be also our King. It is all one then, whether the word designate one single crown, so entitled for its greatness, or one united royal crown, that is, one crown uniting many crowns, symbolizing the many kingdoms of the earth, over which our High Priest and King should rule.
Either symbol, of separate crowns "the golden at Rome."Du Cang. Otto of Frisingen said that Frederic received 5 crowns; the first at Aix for the kingdom of the Franks; a second at Ratisban for that of Germany; a third at Pavia for the kingdom of Lombardy; the fourth at Rome for the Roman empire from Adrian iv; the fifth of Monza for the kingdom of Italy."In our own memory, Napoleon I. having been crowned in France, was crowned with the iron crown at Monza), or an united crown , has been used in the same meaning, to symbolize as many empires, as there were crowns.
On Zerubbabel no crown was placed. It would have been confusing; a seeming restoration of the kingdom, when it was not to be restored; an encouragement of the temporal hopes, which were the bane of Israel. God had foretold, that none of the race of Jehoiakim should prosper, "sitting on the throne of David, or ruling any more in Israel."Nehemiah rejects the imputation of Sanballat, "Thou hast also appointed prophets to preach of thee at Jerusalem,"There is "a king in Judah."He answers, "There are no such things done as thou sayest; and thou feignest them out of thine own heart"Neh 6:6-8. But Isaiah had foretold much of the king who should reign: Zechariah, by placing the royal crown on the head of Joshua, foreshowed that the kingdom was not to be of this world. The royal crown had been taken away in the time of Zedekiah, "Thus saith the Lord God, Remove the diadem and take away the crown; this shall not be this; exalt the low and abase the high; an overthrow, overthrow, overthrow will I make it; this too is not; until he come whose the right is, and I will give it"(Eze 21:31-32 (Eze 21:26-27 in English)).
But the Messiah, it was foretold, was to be both priest and king; "a priest after the order of Melchizedec"Psa 110:4, and a king, set by the Lord "upon His holy hill of Zion"Psa 2:6. The act of placing the crown on the head of Joshua the high priest, pictured not only the union of the offices of priest and king in the person of Christ, but that He should be King, being first our High Priest. Joshua was already high priest; being such, the kingly crown was added to him. It says in act, what Paul says, that "Christ Jesus, being found in fashion as a man, humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him"Phi 2:8-9.

Barnes: Zec 6:12 - -- The prophet is taught to explain his own symbolic act. "Behold the Man whose name is the Branch". "Not for himself, but for Christ, whose name Joshu...
The prophet is taught to explain his own symbolic act. "Behold the Man whose name is the Branch". "Not for himself, but for Christ, whose name Joshua bare, and whose Priesthood and Princedom he represented,"was the crown given him. The prophet had already foretold the Messiah, under the name of the Branch. Here he adds,
And he shall grow up out of His place - Lowly and of no seeming account, as God foretold by Jeremiah, "I will cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David"Jer 33:15; and Jesus Himself said, "Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it abideth alone; but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit"Joh 12:24. Alone He grew up before God, as a tender plant Isa 53:2, unknown of man, known to God. It is that still, Divine Life at Nazareth, of which we see only that one bright flash in the temple, the deep saying, not understood even by Joseph and Mary, and then, "He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them"(see Luk 2:49-51).
And he shall build the temple of the Lord - The material temple was soon to be finished, and that by Zerubbabel, to whom this had been promised, Zec 4:10, not by Joshua. It was then a new temple, to be built from the foundation, of which He Himself was to be "the foundation"Isa 28:16; 1Co 3:11; Eph 2:20-21, as He said, "On this rock I will build My Church"Mat 16:18; and in Him "all the building, fitly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple to the Lord"Eph 2:21. Osorius: "He it is, who built the house; for neither Solomon nor Zerubbabel nor Joshua son of Josedech could build a house worthy of the majesty of God. For "the Most High"Act 7:48-49, Stephen says, "dwelleth not in temples made with hands, as saith the prophet; Heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool; what house will ye build Me, saith the Lord?"For if they could have built a house for God, He would not have allowed His house to be burned and overthrown. What then is the house of God which Christ built? The Church, founded on faith in Him, dedicated by His Blood, stablished by the stayedness of divine virtue, adorned with divine and eternal riches, wherein the Lord ever dwelleth."

Barnes: Zec 6:13 - -- Even He - Literally, "He Himself."The repetition shows that it is a great thing, which he affirms; "and He,"again emphatic, "He,"the same who s...
Even He - Literally, "He Himself."The repetition shows that it is a great thing, which he affirms; "and He,"again emphatic, "He,"the same who shall build the temple of the Lord, "He shall bear the glory."Great must be the glory, since it is affirmed of Him as of none beside, "He shall bear glory,""He should build the temple of the Lord,"as none beside ever built it; He should bear glory, as none beside ever bare it, "the glory as of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth"Joh 1:14. This word glory is almost always used of the special glory of God, and then, although seldom, of the Majesty of those, on whom God confers majesty as His representatives, as Moses, or Joshua Num 27:20, or "the glory of the kingdom"given to Solomon 1Ch 29:25. It is used also of Him, a likeness of whom these vicegerents of God bare, in a Psalm whose language belongs (as Jews too have seen,) to One more than man , although also of glory given by God, either of grace or nature .
So in our Lord’ s great High Priest’ s prayer lie says, "Father, glorify Thou Me with Thine ownself with the glory which I had with Thee before the world was"Joh 17:5; and prays, "that they also whom Thou hast given Me, be with Me, where I am; that they may behold My glory which Thou hast given Me"Joh 17:24. So Paul, applying the words of the eighth Psalm, says of our Lord, "We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and horror"Heb 2:9; and the angels and saints round the Throne say, "Worthy is the Lamb which was slain to receive power and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing, and those on earth answer, Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb forever and ever"Rev 5:12-13. That glory Isaiah saw; in His miracles He "manifested forth His glory"Joh 12:41, "which resided in Him"Joh 2:11; in His Transfiguration, the three Apostles "saw His glory"Luk 9:32, shining out from within Him; "into this His glory"(Luk 24:26; add 1Pe 1:11-12), He told the disciples at Emmaus, the prophets said, that He was to enter, having first suffered what He suffered; in this His glory He is to sit, when He judges. "And He shall sit and rule on His Throne"Mat 19:28; Luk 9:26. His rule shall be, not passing but abiding, not by human might, but in peaceful majesty, as God says, "Yet have I set My king upon My holy bill of Zion"Psa 2:6, and again, Sit Thou on My Right Hand, until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool"Psa 110:1; and the angel said to Mary, "The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David, and He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end"Luk 1:32-33.
And He shall be a priest upon His Throne - He shall be at once king and priest, as it is said, "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedec."When the Christ should reign, He should not cease to be our Priest. He, having all power given to Him in heaven and earth, reigneth over His Church and His elect by His grace, and over the world by His power, yet ever liveth to make intercession for us. Rup.: "Not dwellings now on what is chiefest, that "by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invincible, whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things were created by Him and for Him, and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist"Col 1:16-17, how many crowns of glory belong to Him, One and the Same, God and man, Christ Jesus! He then "will bear glory and will sit upon His throne and shall be a priest on His throne."
How just this is, it is easier to think than to express, that "He should sit and rule all things, by whom all things were wade, and He should be a Priest forever,"by whose Blood all things are reconciled. "He shall rule then upon His throne, and He shall be a priest upon His throne,"which cannot be said of any of the saints, because it is the right of none of them, to call the throne of his rule or of his priesthood his own, but of this Only Lord and Priest, whose majesty and throne are one and the same with the Majesty of God, as He saith, "When the Son of Man shall come in His Majesty (Glory), then shall He sit upon the throne of His Majesty (Glory)"Mat 25:31. And what meaneth that re-duplication, and He shall rule on His Throne, but that One and the Same, of whom all this is said, should be and is King and Priest. He who is King shall rule on His Throne, because kingdom and priesthood shall meet in One Person, and One shall occupy the double throne of kingdom and priesthood."He alone should be our King; He alone our Saviour: He alone the Object of our love, obedience and adoration.
And the counsel of peace shall be between them both - " The counsel of peace"is not merely peace, as Jerome seems to interpret: "He is both king and priest, and shall sit both on the royal and sacerdotal throne, and there shall be peaceful counsel between both, so that neither should the royal eminence depress the dignity of the priesthood, nor the dignity of the priesthood, the royal eminency, but both should be consistent in the glory of the One Lord Jesus."For had this been all, the simple idiom, "there shall be peace between them,"would have been used here, as elsewhere (Jdg 4:17; 1Sa 7:14; 1Ki 5:16 (12 English)). But "counsel of peace,"must, according to the like idioms, signify "a counsel devising or procuring peace"for some other than those who counsel thereon. We have the idiom itself, "counsellors of peace"Pro 12:20.
They twain - Might be said of things : but things are naturally not said to counsel, so that the meaning should be, that the thrones of the priests and of the Branch should counsel. For the throne is in each case merely subordinate. It is not as we might say, "the See of Rome,"or "of Constantinople,"or "of Canterbury,"meaning the successive Bishops. It is simply the material throne, on which He sits. Nor is anything said of any throne of a priest, nor had a priest any throne. His office was to stand "before the Lord,"his intercessorial office to "offer gifts and sacrifices for sin"Heb 5:1; Heb 9:9. To "offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins and then for the people’ s"Heb 7:27, was his special office and honor.
There are then not two thrones. One sits on His Throne, as King and Priest. It seems only to remain, that the counsel of peace should be between Jesus and the Father; as Jerome says, "I read in the book of some, that this, "there shall be a peaceful counsel between the two,"is referred to the Father and the Son, because He "came to do not His own will, but the Will of the Father"Joh 5:30; Joh 6:38, and "the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father"Joh 14:10. In Christ all is perfect harmony. There is a counsel of peace between Him and the Father whose temple He builds. The Will of the Father and the Son is one. Both had one Will of love toward us, the salvation of the world, bringing forth peace through our redemption. God the Father "so loved the world, that He gave His Only-Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"Joh 3:16; and God the Son "is our peace, who hath made both one, that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the Cross, and came and preached peace to them which were afar off and to them that were nigh"Eph 2:14, Eph 2:16-17.
Others seem to me less naturally to interpret it of Christ in His two offices. Rup.: "There shall be the counsel of peace between them, the ruler and the priest, not that Christ is divided, but that those two princedoms, which were hitherto divided, (the priest and the king being different persons) should be united in the One Christ. Between these two princedoms, being inseparably joined in one, shall be the counsel of peace, because through that union we have peace; and through Him "it pleased the Father to reconcile all things unto Himself, and that all things should be brought to peace through the Blood of His cross, whether things in earth or things in heaven"Col 1:19-20.

Barnes: Zec 6:14 - -- And the crowns shall be to Helem - There is no ground apparent to us, why the name "Helem"appears instead of "Holdai", or "Hen"for "Josiah:"yet...
And the crowns shall be to Helem - There is no ground apparent to us, why the name "Helem"appears instead of "Holdai", or "Hen"for "Josiah:"yet the same person must have been called both Hen and Josiah, since the father’ s name is the same in both places. They cannot both be intended as explanations of the former names, since Helem stands insulated in Hebrew, its meaning conjectural. Perhaps then they were the own names of the individuals, and the names compounded with the name of God, honorable names which they had taken.
For a memorial in the temple of the Lord - They brought a passing gift, but it should be for a lasting memorial in their behalf. It is a renewal of the well-known term of the law. The two stones, engraven with the names of the children of Israel, upon the shoulders of the Ephod, were to the end, that Aaron should "bear their names before the Lord upon his two shoulders for a memorial"Exo 28:12, Exo 28:22; Exo 39:7; continually, it is added of the "breastplate with its twelve precious stones Exo 28:29; the atonement money of the children of Israel was to be appointed for the service of the tabernacle of the congregation, that it may be a memorial for the children of Israel before the Lord, to make atonement for their souls; "to make an atonement for their souls before the Lord"Exo 30:16. They were to "blow with the trumpets over their burnt-offerings, and over the sacrifice of their peace-offerings, that they may be to you for a memorial before your God"Num 10:10.
When Midian had been smitten before Israel, and not one of Israel had been slain, they brought all the gold which had accrued to them, and "Moses and Eleazar took the gold, and brought it into the tabernacle, a memorial for the children of Israel before the Lord"Num 31:50, Num 31:54. So the angel said to Cornelius, "thy prayers and thy alms are come up for a memorial before God"Act 10:4, Act 10:31. Rup.: "This is what we look for, that to all the saints and friends of God, whom these signify, those crowns which they made of their gold and silver for the Lord Jesus, shall be an everlasting memorial in that heavenly temple of the Lord."The tradition of the Jews, that this was literally, observed , can hardly be without foundation. Cyril: "These their offerings shall be for grace to those who dedicated them and an occasion of doxology. For the piety of princes becomes to the rest a path to the love of God. But when Christ is crowned by us, then shall also the multitude of the Gentiles haste to the knowledge of Him."

Barnes: Zec 6:15 - -- And they who are far off shall come - They who came from Babylon with offerings to God, became types of the Gentiles, of whom the Apostle says,...
And they who are far off shall come - They who came from Babylon with offerings to God, became types of the Gentiles, of whom the Apostle says, "Now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off have become nigh through the blood of Christ"Eph 2:13; and, "He came and preached peace to you which were far off and to them that were nigh"Eph 2:17; and "the promise is to you and to your children, and to all that are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call"Act 2:39.
And build in - or upon, the temple of the Lord (Neh 4:4, Neh 4:11 (Neh 4:10, Neh 4:17 in English).) Not "build it"for it was to be built by "the Branch,"but "build on,"labor on, it. It was a building, which should continually be enlarged; of which Paul says, "I, as a wise master-builder, according to the grace given unto me, laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon; let every man take heed how, he buildeth thereupon"1Co 3:10. Cyril: "What shall they build? Themselves, compacting themselves with the saints, and joining together in faith to oneness with those of Israel, Jesus Christ Himself being the head cornerstone and uniting together in harmony through Himself, what was of old divided. For He united "the two peoples into one new man, making peace, and reconciling in His own body all things unto the Father"Eph 2:15-16, which being accomplished, we shall own the truth of the holy prophets, and know clearly that it was God who spake in them and declared to us beforehand the mystery of Christ."
And this shall be - Not as though the coming of Christ depended upon their faithfulness, but their share in it. "Ye shall know (he had said) that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you;"but whether this knowledge should reach to individuals, depends upon their obedience and their willingness to know; "it shall be, , if ye will diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God. For none of the wicked,"Daniel says, "shall understand"Dan 12:10; and Hosea, "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them and the transgressors shall stumble at them"; and the wise man, "he that keepeth the law of the Lord getteth the understanding thereof"(Ecclesiasticus 21:11). So our Lord said, "If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of Myself"Joh 7:17; "He that is of God heareth God’ s words: ye therefore hear them not because ye are not of God: Joh 8:47 : Everyone that is of the truth heareth My voice"Joh 18:37. Osorius: "Because he had said, And ye shall know that the Lord hath sent me unto you, he warns them, that the fruit of that coming will reach to those only, who should hear God and with ardent mind join themselves to His name. For as many as believed in Him were made sons of God; but the rest were cast into outer darkness. But they receive Christ, who hear His voice and do not refuse His rule. For He was made the cause of eternal salvation to tell who obey Him."
Poole: Zec 6:10 - -- Take gold and silver, of those that are come out of Babylon lately, to make their oblation to the Lord, or to bring the oblation of them who yet were...
Take gold and silver, of those that are come out of Babylon lately, to make their oblation to the Lord, or to bring the oblation of them who yet were in Babylon, but remembered Jerusalem and the temple.
And come thou go fetch them if they lodge elsewhere, and bring them in thy company.
The same day the same day in which they come, or else in the same day that I speak unto thee, delay not.
And go into the house of Josiah: some say he was a goldsmith, others, that he was treasurer for the temple, and that these persons before named had brought a rich present to him for the temple and the service of the Lord.

Poole: Zec 6:11 - -- Then take silver and gold: this reiterating the command both confirms and explains the former command.
Make crowns two, the one of silver, the othe...
Then take silver and gold: this reiterating the command both confirms and explains the former command.
Make crowns two, the one of silver, the other of gold.
Set them , put both of them, i.e. one after the other,
upon the head of Joshua who now in this circumstance stands a type of Christ, King and Priest for ever for his people, and this extraordinary act was to represent something extraordinary in the Messiah.

Poole: Zec 6:12 - -- Speak unto him Joshua, but in hearing of others, and in the name of the Lord.
Behold consider thoroughly the import and meaning of this unusual cer...
Speak unto him Joshua, but in hearing of others, and in the name of the Lord.
Behold consider thoroughly the import and meaning of this unusual ceremony.
The man thou, Joshua, art the type or figure, but he that is the man signified by thee, is that great person God hath promised, and you do expect, and who shall come.
Whose name is the Branch whom you know by the name of the Branch, who was called so long since, Messiah Ben David; this wonderful person is the man that is crowned, as King and Priest, by proxy, or in effigy: thou, O Joshua, art the portrait; he is the Branch itself, Zec 3:8 .
He shall grow up though you may perhaps suspect the root dry or dead, yet assuredly it is not, the Branch will spring up, Messiah, King and Priest, shall be born in due time.
Out of his place of the same tribe and family, and in the same place, foretold.
He shall build the temple he it is, though unseen, that stands by you, that builds the material temple: neither Zerubbabel nor Joshua, nor all the Jews, could do any thing without Christ in the present building, which is yet far inferior to the spiritual temple, which Christ will build, beautify, and preserve, and dwell in for ever.
Speak unto him Joshua, but in hearing of others, and in the name of the Lord.
Behold consider thoroughly the import and meaning of this unusual ceremony.
The man thou, Joshua, art the type or figure, but he that is the man signified by thee, is that great person God hath promised, and you do expect, and who shall come.
Whose name is the Branch whom you know by the name of the Branch, who was called so long since, Messiah Ben David; this wonderful person is the man that is crowned, as King and Priest, by proxy, or in effigy: thou, O Joshua, art the portrait; he is the Branch itself, Zec 3:8 .
He shall grow up though you may perhaps suspect the root dry or dead, yet assuredly it is not, the Branch will spring up, Messiah, King and Priest, shall be born in due time.
Out of his place of the same tribe and family, and in the same place, foretold.
He shall build the temple he it is, though unseen, that stands by you, that builds the material temple: neither Zerubbabel nor Joshua, nor all the Jews, could do any thing without Christ in the present building, which is yet far inferior to the spiritual temple, which Christ will build, beautify, and preserve, and dwell in for ever.

Poole: Zec 6:13 - -- Even he shall build: the promise is repeated to settle the Jews in the assured expectation of the thing.
The temple of the Lord your material templ...
Even he shall build: the promise is repeated to settle the Jews in the assured expectation of the thing.
The temple of the Lord your material temple as type, and the spiritual temple as antitype.
He shall bear the glory of both kingly office and priestly, the glory of both those crowns shall abide on him, the only person worthy of it.
He shall sit which speaks both his royal magnificence and the perpetuity of it.
And rule though he shall have many attendants and officers, yet he shall rule, give laws, distribute rewards, and punish offenders.
Upon his throne his by birth, by donation, by purchase, and by conquest, his most undoubtedly by best right.
He shall be a priest ; the great High Priest, to offer the great sacrifice to God, to make reconciliation, to intercede for his people: this is that meant by the crowns set on thy head, O Joshua.
The counsel of peace shall be between them both the peace made for God’ s people shall rest upon these two, the kingly and priestly office of Christ: by his priestly office he shall make their peace with God, by his kingly office he shall deliver them from spiritual enemies; by priestly operation he shall expiate our sin, by the power of his kingly office he shall extirpate sin; as Priest he makes, as King maintains, peace; purchase as a Priest, protect as a King.

Poole: Zec 6:14 - -- The crowns those two crowns before mentioned, made of the gold and silver brought from Babylon, Zec 6:11 .
Shall be to Helem & c.: these persons we ...
The crowns those two crowns before mentioned, made of the gold and silver brought from Babylon, Zec 6:11 .
Shall be to Helem & c.: these persons we know no more of with any certainty but their names.
For a memorial of their incredulity, say some, of their liberality, say others; but these crowns were certainly to be memorials of the Messiah’ s certain and speedy coming, and to be reserved in the temple as a memorial of this solemn typical inauguration of Joshua, or Messiah in him.

Poole: Zec 6:15 - -- This verse hath certainly a double reference, one to the Jews, and the building of the material temple, which is the literal and historical sense; t...
This verse hath certainly a double reference, one to the Jews, and the building of the material temple, which is the literal and historical sense; the other mystical, and refers to the bringing in of the Gentiles.
They that are far off such Jews as do now abide in Babylon and Persia, or other remote parts. It is also the character of the Gentiles, Act 2:39 Eph 2:13,17 .
Shall come and build in the temple the Jews did so with their gifts, came to Jerusalem and built with their brethren; the Gentiles are come in and build the spiritual temple.
Ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you the accomplishment of this shall prove my words to be God’ s word, and that I am sent of him.
This shall come to pass the literal part shall come to pass in your day,
if ye will obey the voice of the Lord your God speaking by me. The mystical part shall come to pass also; and, if you will believe and obey, the Gentiles shall come in and be your brethren, make up one church with you, and help to build the temple, the spiritual temple; but if you obey not, you shall be cast out, and the Gentiles be taken in, to be God’ s people, and to build his temple.
Haydock: Zec 6:10 - -- Holdai, &c. They had brought presents for the temple, which are to be used to make crowns for Jesus and Zorobabel, ver. 13. (Calmet) ---
The names...
Holdai, &c. They had brought presents for the temple, which are to be used to make crowns for Jesus and Zorobabel, ver. 13. (Calmet) ---
The names are interpreted by the Septuagint, "of the princes and of its useful things, and of those who have known it, ( captivity ) and thou," &c. (Haydock) ---
Helem and Hem are afterwards mentioned instead of Holdai, ver. 14. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Zec 6:12 - -- Orient. Protestants, "the branch , and he shall grow up out of his place." (Haydock) ---
Hebrew, "under or from himself." This alludes to the ...
Orient. Protestants, "the branch , and he shall grow up out of his place." (Haydock) ---
Hebrew, "under or from himself." This alludes to the miraculous birth of Christ, (Isaias xi. 1.) whom the prophet had principally in view; though his hearers might naturally understand (Calmet) Zorobabel, who was to preserve the royal family and build the temple. (Theodoret; St. Jerome) ---
Yet he was only a shadow of the Messias, chap. iii. 8. (Calmet)

Haydock: Zec 6:13 - -- Glory. Septuagint, "virtue," or "receive strength" and courage, Greek: areten; (Haydock) or one of the crowns, as prince of Juda, ver. 10. (Calme...
Glory. Septuagint, "virtue," or "receive strength" and courage, Greek: areten; (Haydock) or one of the crowns, as prince of Juda, ver. 10. (Calmet) ---
Both. That is, he shall unite in himself the two offices or dignities of king and priest. (Challoner) ---
Zorobabel and Jesus shall act in concert. (Haydock)

Haydock: Zec 6:14 - -- Helem. Septuagint, "the crown shall be for those who expect him." (Haydock) ---
Hem. Septuagint, "for grace." Hebrew chen. (St. Jerome) ---
Helem. Septuagint, "the crown shall be for those who expect him." (Haydock) ---
Hem. Septuagint, "for grace." Hebrew chen. (St. Jerome) ---
Thus proper names are frequently interpreted. (Haydock) ---
The crowns were not to be worn, but to be deposited in the temple, 1 Machabees i. 23. (Calmet) ---
The names of those four who had contributed towards their making, were to be inscribed upon them. Helem and Hem are the same with Holdai and Josias. (Menochius) ---
The Jews say Hem or Daniel, and his three companions, brought gifts. (St. Jerome)

Haydock: Zec 6:15 - -- Off. Many Jews now assisted in the building, coming from all parts. The temple was thus finished in four years time; whereas Solomon, with all his ...
Off. Many Jews now assisted in the building, coming from all parts. The temple was thus finished in four years time; whereas Solomon, with all his riches and workmen, spent seven in building one. (Calmet)
Gill: Zec 6:10 - -- Take of "them of" the captivity,.... That is, some of them that were returned from the captivity of Babylon, and who are mentioned by name:
even of...
Take of "them of" the captivity,.... That is, some of them that were returned from the captivity of Babylon, and who are mentioned by name:
even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and Jedaiah, which are come from Babylon; either with Zerubbabel and Joshua, when they came from thence; or who were now just come from those that remained there:
and come thou the same day; this very day in which they were come from thence:
and go into the house of Josiah the son of Zephaniah; where the above persons were; or where they were to go along with him: this Josiah might be either a goldsmith, and therefore the prophet is sent to him to make the crowns later mentioned; or else he might be a treasurer belonging to the temple, who had gold and silver in his hands, which had been put there for the use of it.

Gill: Zec 6:11 - -- Then take silver and gold, &c. Which the Jewish writers suppose were brought by the above men from their brethren in Babylon, as a free will offering ...
Then take silver and gold, &c. Which the Jewish writers suppose were brought by the above men from their brethren in Babylon, as a free will offering towards the building of the temple:
and make crowns; two at least, one of silver, and another of gold; the one to be put upon the head of Joshua the high priest; the other upon the head of Zerubbabel, as Kimchi conjectures; though, according to the text, they seem to be both, or all of them, be they as many as they will, to be put upon the head of Joshua; and may signify the different states of the priesthood in the present time, and when in its pristine glory; or that both the crown of the priesthood and the crown of the kingdom should meet in his antitype Christ, who is said to have on his head many crowns, Rev 19:12. The Targum renders it, "thou shalt make a great crown"; as if only one crown was to be made of gold and silver mixed together; and so the Arabic version renders it; but more are certainly meant, for it follows:
and set them upon the head of Joshua the son of Josedech the high priest; on whose head a fair mitre was set; see Zec 3:5 and with the mitre was wore by the high priest the holy crown, made of pure gold; and which was no other than the plate or "flower" of gold, on which was engraved "Holiness to the Lord", Exo 28:36 and this, according to the Jewish writers b, was a plate of gold two fingers broad, and reached from ear to ear; though Josephus c seems to give a different account of it; he says,
"the golden crown surrounds (either the mitre, or perhaps rather the forehead or temples); and on it were three rows of cups or flowers, like those of the herb we call "saccharus"; and the Grecian botanists "hyosciamus";''
or henbane; and after describing the herb, and the figure of the buds, cups, or flowers of it, he adds,
"like to these is made a crown reaching from the hinder part of the head unto both temples; for the flowers do not encompass the forehead; but there is a golden plate, which has the name of God engraved in sacred letters;''
which seems to disagree with the accounts of other Jewish writers; unless, as Braunius d observes, they may be thus reconciled, that the crown was nothing else but the plate that was two fingers broad, and was in length from ear to ear; so that about the temples it was ornamented with three rows of henbane flowers on each side: and these three rows may give occasion for the use of the word in the plural number; and some have called it a triple crown e; and Popish writers fail not to improve it in favour of the crown their pontiff wears; and Lyra f speaks of little crowns or coronets, even in the mitres of the common priests; which (he says) were circles in the lower part of them so called; wherefore the rows of flowers in the high priest's crown, from whence it might be called
"the mitre under it kept the plate from touching the head, on which the "cidaris" or diadem was put; for it was like the cidaris which the eastern kings used for a diadem:''
and indeed this crown, and the three rows of flowers in it, were a hieroglyphic or emblem of the threefold office of Christ, whom the high priest represented, kingly, priestly, and prophetic; and so may be fitly signified here by crowns in the plural number; and it is usual with the Jewish writers to speak of three crowns, the crown of the law, the crown of the kingdom, and the crown of the priesthood h; and very probably from the high priest among the Jews wearing crowns it was that the priests among the Heathens had the same ornaments on their heads; and to be crowned was with them the same as to exercise the office of priesthood i, and who was an eminent type of the Messiah, and in this of having crowns put upon his head, as the following words show.

Gill: Zec 6:12 - -- And speak unto him, saying,.... That is, to Joshua the high priest, having the crowns on his head:
thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, behold ...
And speak unto him, saying,.... That is, to Joshua the high priest, having the crowns on his head:
thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, behold the man whose name is The BRANCH; which is not to be understood of Zerubbabel, as some Jewish writers interpret it; for he was not "the Branch", by way of eminency, much less that righteous Branch of David, called the Lord our righteousness, Jer 23:5 the same that is here meant; besides, he was already grown up out of his place; nor did he build a temple, from which he had great glory; nor was he either king or priest, only governor of Judah; and, however, not both, as this person is represented to be; and who is no other than the Messiah; and so the Targum paraphrases the words,
"behold the man Messiah is his name;''
and Jarchi owns that some of their Rabbins interpret the words of the King Messiah. The "Branch" is a name by which the Messiah goes in the Talmud k, and in other Jewish writings. It is asked l, what is the name of the King Messiah? it is answered, among others, his name is the "Branch"; as it is said, "behold the man whose name is the Branch; he shall grow up out of his place": elsewhere m they speak of five letters doubled, which are the foundation of deliverance to certain persons, or point thereat. The first four, they observe, were accomplished in the deliverance of Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees, of Isaac from the Philistines, of Jacob from Esau, and of the Israelites from Egypt; and the fifth, which is the letter
"we have heard (says he) one of the friends of Moses, i. e. Zechariah, saying thus, behold the man "whose name is the east", or rising sun (so the Greek version renders the words); a new appellation, if you can think it said of one consisting of soul and body; but if of that incorporeal one, bearing the divine image, you will own that the name is fitly given him, the ancient Sun, the Father of beings will cause to arise; whom otherwise he names the first begotten, and who, being begotten, imitates the ways of his Father; and looking at his archetypal exemplars, forms the same.''
Abendana o, a modern Jew, observes, that
"it is right that the Targum interprets it of the Messiah, for of him it is spoken; therefore it is written, "and he shall grow up out of his place"; for he shall go forth from him, and shall be of the seed of Zerubbabel,--and the King Messiah shall bear the glory of the kingdom, and he shall rule upon the throne of his kingdom;''
and when he is called a man, the meaning is not that he is a mere man, nor was he really man before his incarnation; but as he was to be man, and his incarnation was drawing near, he is so called: of his name the "Branch", see Isa 4:2, and Joshua, he is directed to look upon himself, with the crowns on his head, as a type of him; and so were the prophet, and those that were with him; and he is to be beheld, as before in type, so now in truth, by faith, with love and affection, with diligent attention, and great admiration:
and he shall grow up out of his place: or, "from under him" p; which may regard his natural descent as man, and the persons or person from whom he sprung; as from Abraham, Jacob, Judah, Jesse, and particularly from David, from the royal seed, as Jarchi interprets it: or else the place from whence this Branch arose, the land of Judea, the tribe of Judah, the city of Bethlehem, where he was born; or Galilee, and particularly Nazareth, where he was brought up, and grew, and increased in the stature of his body, and in the wisdom of his mind: or it may be rendered, "from his inferior place" q; his superior, place, as the Son of God, is heaven; his inferior place, as the Son of man, is the earth; from whence he may be said to be, being born of a woman; and so this Branch is called "the fruit of the earth", and said to spring out of it, Isa 4:2 or it is same as
and he shall build the temple of the Lord; not a material temple, but the spiritual temple, the Church; called so in allusion to the temple of Jerusalem, built by Solomon; which was typical of the church, in the builder of it, Solomon, the church being built by Christ the antitypical Solomon, the true Peace, and Peacemaker; in the situation of it on a mount, which denotes the safety, visibility, and exalted state of the church; in the matter of it, being made of choice stones, and excellent timber, to which believers in Christ, who as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, are fitly compared; in the magnificence and stateliness of it, especially as the church will be in the latter day, when the glorious things spoken of it will be fulfilled; and in its strength and firmness, as well as in its holiness: and it is called "the temple of the Lord", because it is of his building, where he dwells, and where he is worshipped; and in the building of it Christ has a great concern; he is not only the foundation and cornerstone of it, but he is the chief, the master builder of it; he builds it on himself, and builds it up by his Spirit, his ministers, his word and ordinances, making thereby continually an increase of it, and additions to it; see Mat 16:18.

Gill: Zec 6:13 - -- Even he shall build the temple of the Lord,.... Which is repeated, as Kimchi observes, for confirmation sake:
and he shall bear the glory; that is,...
Even he shall build the temple of the Lord,.... Which is repeated, as Kimchi observes, for confirmation sake:
and he shall bear the glory; that is, of building the temple; and the phrase denotes that the glory of it shall be upon him, shall be hung upon him, as in Isa 22:24 and so shall be visible; that it would be weighty and heavy, he having many crowns on his head, put there by all the saints, who everyone of them ascribe glory to him; that it would continue, and not pass away like the glory of this world; and that he, and he alone, should bear it; not Joshua, nor Zerubbabel, nor the ministers of the word, nor members of churches, nor any other, but himself; he, and he alone, shall be exalted:
and shall sit and rule upon his throne; in heaven, having done his work on earth, where he is at ease and rest, and exercises power and authority; he rules over the whole world, and the kings of it in general, and in particular over his saints, by his Spirit, word, and ordinates, feeding, protecting, and defending them:
and he shall be a Prince upon his throne; he is both Priest and King, and exercises both offices at one and the same time, and even now in heaven; having offered himself as a sacrifice on earth, by which he has put away sin for ever, and perfected his people; he is set down upon his throne, as a King crowned with glory and honour; and ever lives as a Priest the throne, to make intercession for them; by appearing in the presence of God for them; by presenting his blood, sacrifice, and righteousness, to his divine Father; by offering up the prayers and praises of his people; by declaring it as his will that such and such blessings be bestowed upon them; and by applying the benefits of his death unto them:
and the counsel of peace shall be between them both; not between Joshua and Zerubbabel, who should agree together, as they did, in the administration of government belonging to their distinct offices; rather between the priestly and kingly offices of Christ; nor the council of peace between the Father and the Son, concerning the salvation of the elect; for that was past in eternity; but better the Gospel of peace, called the whole counsel of God, which, in consequence of Christ being a Priest on his throne, was preached to both Jews and Gentiles; which brought the glad tidings of peace and salvation by Christ to both, and was the means of making peace between them both.

Gill: Zec 6:14 - -- And the crowns shall be to Helem,.... The same with Heldai, Zec 6:10,
and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah; the same wit...
And the crowns shall be to Helem,.... The same with Heldai, Zec 6:10,
and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to Hen the son of Zephaniah; the same with Josiah, Zec 6:10,
for a memorial in the temple of the Lord; the crowns, after they had been put upon the head of Joshua, were taken off, and laid up in some part of the temple, of which the Jews make mention in their Misna r; and say there were golden chains fixed to the beams of the porch (of the temple), by which the young priests went up, and saw the crowns; as it is said, Zec 6:14 "and the crowns shall be to Helem", &c.; these were laid up for a memorial of the liberality and generosity of those men, as Jarchi interprets it; who had so freely and largely offered towards the building of the temple; or rather, as Alshec s, another Jewish commentator, observes, they were for a memorial of something future, even of the Messiah, who was typified by Joshua; when he had those crowns upon him; for those crowns respected the glory of Christ's government in future times; and being made both of silver and gold, and put upon the head of the high priest Joshua, denoted the union of the kingly and priestly offices in the Messiah.

Gill: Zec 6:15 - -- And they that are afar off shall come,..... Into the temple; not the material temple; nor is this a prophecy which was fulfilled in Herod, a stranger...
And they that are afar off shall come,..... Into the temple; not the material temple; nor is this a prophecy which was fulfilled in Herod, a stranger, repairing that, as Kimchi suggests; but into the spiritual temple, the church; and is a prophecy of the calling of the Gentiles, who are said to be "afar off", Eph 2:12, from God; from having his image on them; from subjection to his law; from the knowledge and fear of him; and from communion with him: from Christ; from the knowledge of his person, righteousness, and salvation by him; from love to him, faith in him, and fellowship with him; from the Spirit of God, and from the people of God, and from any solid hope of eternal life: now these being called by grace, and brought to Christ under the drawings of the Father's love, shall come to his church, and join themselves to his people:
and build in the temple of the Lord; upon the foundation Christ; and be useful in building up others, either by private conversation, or by public preaching the word; it is not said, they shall "build the temple of the Lord"; that is Christ's work; but "build in" it:
and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you; that is, the Prophet Zechariah, who was sent to the Jews to declare these things to them; or, as the Targum adds, "to prophesy unto you": which they would fully know, and be assured of, when these things should have their accomplishment:
and this shall come to pass, if ye will diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God; not that the fulfilment of the above predictions depended upon their obedience; but when they should in the latter day obey the Gospel of Christ, or "the word of the Lord" their "God", as the Targum paraphrases it; then this would come to pass, that they should know that the prophet had his mission from the Lord.

expand allCommentary -- Verse Notes / Footnotes
NET Notes: Zec 6:10 Except for Joshua (v. 11) none of these individuals is otherwise mentioned and therefore they cannot be further identified.

NET Notes: Zec 6:11 Heb “crowns” (so KJV, ASV; also in v. 14). The Hebrew word for “crown” here is עֲטֶרֶ...

NET Notes: Zec 6:13 The priest here in the immediate context is Joshua but the fuller and more distant allusion is to the Messiah, a ruling priest. The notion of the rule...

NET Notes: Zec 6:14 Since the “son of Zephaniah” in v. 10 is Josiah, it might be best here to understand “Hen” in its meaning “grace” ...

NET Notes: Zec 6:15 Those who are far away is probably a reference to later groups of returning exiles under Ezra, Nehemiah, and others.
Geneva Bible: Zec 6:10 Take of [them of] the captivity, [even] of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Jedaiah, who are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the ...

Geneva Bible: Zec 6:11 Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set [them] upon the ( m ) head of Joshua the son of Josedech, the high priest;
( m ) Because this cou...

Geneva Bible: Zec 6:12 And speak to him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name [is] The ( n ) BRANCH; and he shall grow ( o ) up out of ...

Geneva Bible: Zec 6:13 Even he shall build the temple of the LORD; and he shall bear the ( q ) glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon h...

Geneva Bible: Zec 6:14 And the crowns shall be to ( s ) Helem, and to Tobijah, and to Jedaiah, and to ( t ) Hen the son of Zephaniah, for a ( u ) memorial in the temple of t...

Geneva Bible: Zec 6:15 And they [that are] ( x ) far off shall come and build in the temple of the LORD, and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me to you. And [t...

expand allCommentary -- Verse Range Notes
TSK Synopsis -> Zec 6:1-15
TSK Synopsis: Zec 6:1-15 - --1 The vision of the four chariots.9 By the crowns of Joshua are shewn the temple and kingdom of Christ the Branch.
Maclaren -> Zec 6:13
Maclaren: Zec 6:13 - --The Priest Of The World And King Of Men
He shall build the Temple of the Lord, and He shall be a Priest upon His throne.'--Zechariah 6:13.
MHCC -> Zec 6:9-15
MHCC: Zec 6:9-15 - --Some Jews from Babylon brought an offering to the house of God. Those who cannot forward a good work by their persons, must, as they are able, forward...
Matthew Henry -> Zec 6:9-15
Matthew Henry: Zec 6:9-15 - -- God did not only at sundry times, but in divers manners, speak in time past by the prophets to his church. In the former part of this chapter he...
Keil-Delitzsch -> Zec 6:9-11; Zec 6:12-15
Keil-Delitzsch: Zec 6:9-11 - --
The series of visions closes with a symbolical transaction, which is closely connected with the substance of the night-visions, and sets before the ...