What to be Buried With

Topic : Death

Before British actor Robert Morley died two weeks ago, he asked that his credit cards be buried with him. Since his funeral, the London Times’s letters pages have been filled with the thoughts of readers pondering their perpetual needs.

Wrote .M.L. Evans of Chester: “In the unfortunate event of the miscarriage of justice and several thousand years ensuing before my sentence is quashed, I will take a fire extinguisher.”

Heather Tanner of Woodbridge specified a good map. “I have immense trouble finding my way in this life,” she said, “so am extremely worried about the next.”

A pair of earplugs would accompany Sir David Wilcocks of Cambridge “in case the heavenly choirs, singing everlastingly, are not in tune.”

Maurice Godbold of Hindhead would take a crowbar, “in case the affair proved premature.” Even in the hereafter, there will always be an England.

U.S. News & World Report June 22, 1992 p. 26

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