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In Times of Transition

Topic : Evangelism, cf. witnessing, death of Christ

Research shows that people seem more receptive to the gospel message during times of significant change. In fact, it’s in times like these when people need friendships, someone who will go the extra mile, an invitation to church, or at least someone who will share the gospel. Gary McIntosh of Church Growth Network lists a few “windows of opportunity” to watch for:

  • Following a move people are looking to build new relationships.
  • Following a divorce many look for places of safety and healing.
  • During a crisis event such as death, injury, or job lay-off people tend to consider the bigger questions of life.
  • During a time of hurt from divorce, drugs or abuse, people, especially younger people respond well to support groups.
  • During a period of physical renewal those concerned with physical fitness may respond well to sports oriented programs at a church.
  • During transition to single parenting there is often openness to practical help and support.
  • During the child-care years the continuing need for two-income families produces the opportunity to be involved in childcare.
  • Following the birth of a child the physical and spiritual challenges of raising a child become more apparent.

Lifeline, Winter 1995

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