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Eternity | Ethics | Euthanasia | Evade | Evangelicalism | Evangelism, cf. witnessing, death of Christ | Evidence | Evil, problem of | Evolution | Exactness | Exaggeration

NT Evangelism

Topic : Evangelism, cf. witnessing, death of Christ

Moreover, we must not hesitate to emphasize that the New Testament evangelistic task was a task committed to the entire organized church. It was evangelism by every Christian as is clear in Acts 8:3 where we are told that a great persecution scattered the church. All except the apostles went through the regions of Judea and Samaria preaching the Word.

Sadly enough, the Arminians often seem to catch this emphasis better than we Calvinists. Too often we let the Arminian canvas the neighborhood and witness to our friends while we sit idly by. The best car in the world is useless if it is never started. The Arminians may drive a theological model T, but they drive nonetheless.

Leonard Coppes, quoted in “Credenda Agenda,” Volume 5, Number 2, p. 2, from Are Five Points Enough' Reformation Education Foundation, 1980, p. 162

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