
Topic : Forgiveness

This headline appeared in the Grand Rapids Press: “Convict Tells of a Torture that Time Can’t Change.” The article described a newspaper reporter’s interview with a man who had been convicted of killing his wife. Here’s how the writer described the scene: “He leans forward from his chair. For a moment he says nothing. Finally he comments, matter-of-factly, ‘I’ll never be the same. I have no illusions about that. I still have to live with it.’”

Since he was being considered for parole, the prisoner was asked by the reporter if he deserved to be let out. He responded by saying, “Out? I lost a wife, and I can’t replace her. It’ll always be on my mind, because no matter what, I still bear the final responsibility. There’s no amount of time I could do that would change anything. I could do 100 years or 1,000 years; how do you set a number for something like that?”

Source unknown

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