OT Pictures

Topic : Atonement
Slave MarketWorld System1 John 5:19
Slave MasterSatanJohn 12:31
SlavesHumanityEphesians 2:2-3
The ProblemSinColossians 2:14
Highest BidderJesus ChristHebrews 2:14-15
Ransom PriceBlood of Christ1 Peter 1:18-19
One animal sacrifice per manGenesis 3
One sacrifice per familyExodus 12:3-14
One sacrifice per nationTabernacle in wilderness, Day of atonement
One sacrifice per worldJohn 1:29, Heb 10:1-14

Literally, “at-one-ment,” the making at one of those who have been separated. The word is used of Christ’s dying to bring God and sinners together. Sin had separated them (Isa. 59:2) and made them enemies (Col. 1:2); it was thus a very serious matter. A many-sided act was required to remove that sin; words like redemption and reconciliation bring out significant aspects of Christ’s saving work. Whatever had to be done about sin, Christ’s death did, and thus opened up salvation for sinners.

The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook, Walter A. Elwell, Editor, (Harold Shaw Pub., Wheaton , IL; 1984), p. 347

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