2 Corinthians 11:7

Topic : 2 Corinthians

Pure Motives

Can you imagine Jesus or Peter or Paul promising to pray for people in return for money? Do you suppose they told their audiences that they’d intercede from them on the condition that a contribution be made to their “ministries”? Certainly not! Paul, for example, could say to the Corinthians, “I have preached to you the gospel of God freely.” He had in mind the proclamation of the Word, but the principle of serving with pure motives applies to any spiritual endeavor.

How different from the preacher described in the following news item: “You can now buy blessings on the installment plan. An evangelist and faith healer who often lectures in this area is now offering 12 monthly blessings for $84. Under his plan, those wanting [him] to pray for them can fill out a coupon and mail $7 each month for 1 year to post office boxes in the United States and Canada. ‘Write us every month and tell us what you need from God’ says [the evangelist’s] promotional material.[He] promises to pray for those who pay and hints that his prayers have brought others financial rewards. With the first installment comes a blessings certificate to ‘hang on your wall.’ With the second comes an ‘anointed billfold’ that he has prayed over for prosperity. There is no money-back guarantee.” - R.W.D.

Our Daily Bread, Sunday, August 31

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