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Philippians 4:13

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National Playoffs

The Hope College Women’s basketball team had made it to the national playoffs. The final game saw Hope 20 points behind with 10 minutes left to play. The team remained calm and began to narrow the gap. Then with just 5 seconds remaining, a 3 point basket tied the game. The final score was decided by Dina Disney. With no time left on the clock, she sank two free throws to win the game.

When television and press interviewers asked her how she stayed calm under so much pressure, Dina said she recited to herself, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Our Daily Bread

Famous Predecessor

Missionary Dan Crawford had a difficult task—following in the steps of David Livingstone, the missionary who gave his life in ministering the Word of God in Africa. Crawford didn’t have the imposing personality of his famous predecessor, so at first he had trouble winning the loyalty of the tribal people. Even the people in his church back home weren’t sure he could carry on the work. With God’s help, however, he did a magnificent job. When he died, a well-worn copy of the New Testament was found in his pocket. A poem, evidently his own, handwritten on the inside cover, revealed the secret of his success:

I cannot do it alone!
The waves dash fast and high;
The fog comes chilling around,
And the light goes out in the sky.

But I know that we two shall win in the end—
Jesus and I.
Coward, and wayward, and weak,
I change with the changing sky,

Today so strong and brave,
Tomorrow too weak to fly;
But—HE never gives in! So we two shall win—
Jesus and I!

Source unknown

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