1 John 2:15
Topic : 1 JohnQuote
The Christian is not ruined by living in the world, but by the world living in him.
The Crane and the Swan
An old fable tells about a crane that was wading in a stream looking for snails when a beautiful swan landed nearby. The crane had never seen a swan before, so he asked, What are you? Im a swan, came the reply. And where did you come from? the crane inquired. Heaven, the swan answered. What is that? asked the crane. The swan eagerly began to explain its beauty and glory. He spoke of the new Jerusalem, the city of pure gold with a jasper wall and pearly gates. He described its pure river of water of life, clear as crystal. At that point the crane interrupted, Tell me, are there any snails in heaven? No, Im afraid not, the swan said. Then I dont care to go there, the crane stated decisively. I like snails!
Can you see how some people are like that crane? They are so enamored by earthly possessions that they fail to appreciate the eternal riches of Christ and all He has to offer. Like the rich young ruler in Mark 10, they foolishly choose the things of earth instead of the wonderful realities of heaven.