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1 John 2:28

Topic : 1 John

Ashamed at his Appearing

Donald Grey Barnhouse told a story he read in a London newspaper about a divorce case heard in the courts of that city. A wealthy young man had gone away to war soon after he was married. His new bride wrote him of the demanding schedule she had to keep as a nurse in a certain hospital. Apologizing for her infrequent writing, she explained that she was spending a great deal of time with the wounded. Some months later when the man was scheduled for leave, a friend suggested, “Don’t announce your coming. Slip in quietly.”

Arriving in London, the young man went directly to the hospital, but his wife was not there. He then went to their house, where he was told by the servants, “Oh, she will probably be at the tea dance at the Ritz.” Going there, he found her in the company of another man. How shocked and ashamed she was at her husband’s appearing!

Our Daily Bread, 9-17-90

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