Persecution, scars |
Perseverance, cf. Faithfulness, Endurance, Dedication |
Persistence |
Personal Relationships |
Perspective |
Persuasion, cf. communication
| Pessimism, Murphey's Laws
| Peter, the apostle
| Pets
| Pharisee, Pharisees
| Philosophy
What a Salesman!
Topic : Persuasion, cf. communicationBill stopped in at Abies little general store, looking for a bottle of mustard. The shelves were loaded with saltbags and bags of salt. Abie said he had some mustard, but that he would have to go down to the cellar to find it. Bill went down with him, and there to his surprise were still more bags of salt. Everywhere he looked he could see salt.
Say, said Bill, you must sell a lot of salt in this store!
Nah, said Abie sourly. I cant sell no salt. But that feller who sells me saltboy, can he sell salt!