
Topic : Reward, Rewards
  • They that deny themselves for Christ shall enjoy themselves in Christ. - J. M. Mason
  • One day in heaven will pay you, yea, overpay your blood, bonds, sorrow, and sufferings; it would trouble an angel’s understanding to lay the account of that surplus of glory which eternity can and will give you. - Samuel Rutherford
  • If we consider the greatness and the glory of the life we shall have when we have risen from the dead, it would not be difficult at all for us to bear the concerns of this world. If I believe the Word, I shall on the Last Day, after the sentence has been pronounced, not only gladly have suffered ordinary temptations, insults, and imprisonment, but I shall also say: “O, that I did not throw myself under the feet of all the godless for the sake of the great glory which I now see revealed and which has come to me through the merit of Christ!” - Martin Luther
  • The Scriptures teach that the happiness or blessedness of believers in a future life will be greater or less in proportion to the service of Christ in this life. Those who love little, do little; and those who do little, enjoy less. - Charles Hodge
  • Earth for work, heaven for wagesThis life for the battle, another for the crownTime for employment, eternity for enjoyment. - Thomas Guthrie

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