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- 70% of high school grads leave the church, never to return
- 65% of evangelical teens never read their Bibles
- 33% believe religion is out of date and out of touch
- 40% of all teens believe in astrology
- 30% read astrology column daily
- 93% know their sign
- 58% of Protestant teens believe students should have access to contraceptives.
- 25% of high school students contract some form of V.D.
- 42% of Protestant teens say there are many ways to God.
- 60% question that miracles are possible
- 28% feel the content of the Bible are not accurate.
- 65% of all H.S. Christian students are sexually active
- 75% of all H.S. students cheat regularly
- 30% of all H.S. students have shoplifted in the past 30 days
- 45-50% of all teen pregnancies are aborted
- 3.3 million teens are alcoholics
- 1000 teens try to commit suicide daily
- 10% of H.S. students have experimented with or are involved in a homosexual lifestyle.
Bruce Wilkinson, 7 Laws of the Learner