Who is our Judge?

Topic : Judgment It was the woman 10 miles walk event of the Olympic Game. The Chinese woman was leading the other athletes coming into the last phase of the competition. She had been training hard for the last few years. The distance that she covered in training was enough to go round the globe a few times. A gold medal was in view. While she was entering the stadium, she noticed that another athlete was coming from behind, in a very fast pace. She wanted to go faster to avoid being over taken but was unable to do so without having both her feet leaving the ground. By the definition of the game, having both feet leaving the ground at the same time is considered as running, which is against the rule. Anyone who violated this rule for three times will be disqualified. She remembered that she had violated this rule twice in the past nine over miles. She was tempted but persisted in keeping her feet down. She saw the other athlete over took her. A gold turned silver. A while later, another athlete came from behind. Similarly, unable to go any faster, she saw this other athlete over took her. A silver turned bronze. The first athlete past the finished line and the crowd roar. The second athlete past the finished line there was a big applause. The Chinese athlete finished third with much disappointment. All these years of hard work only to end with a bronze medal. When the official of the game announced the winner, to everyone's surprise, the gold medal went to the Chinese athlete because the two athlete before her had violated the rule of against running in a walk event. Who is our judge in life? Who set the rules of our lives? Others may be receiving the applause of the world, but should we admire? Shouldn't we Christians follow the laws of loving God and loving man which are given to us and set by God, who is the judge of our lives?

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