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God, pleasure of | God, presence | God, promises of | God, protection of | God, providence of | God, provision of, protection of

Topic : God, provision of, protection of

The Parable of Tomorrow

In her poem “The Parable of Tomorrow,” Ruth Gibbs Zwall offers this description of the Savior’s leading:

“I looked at the mountain. ‘It is too hard, Lord,’ I said; ‘I cannot climb.’
‘Take My hand,’ He whispered; ‘I will be your strength.’
I saw the road, ‘It is too long, Lord,’ I said; ‘so rough and long.’
‘Take My love,’ He answered; ‘I will guard your feet.’

I looked at the sky. ‘The sun is gone,’ I said; ‘already the way grows dark.’
‘Take the lantern of My Word,’ He whispered; ‘that will be light enough.’
We climbed. The road was narrow and steep, but the way was bright.
And when the thorns reached out, they found His hand before they touched my own.

And when my path grew rough,
I knew it was His love that kept my feet from stumbling.
Then I grew very tired. ‘I can go no farther, Lord,’ I said.
He answered, ‘Night is gone.

Look up, My child.’ I looked and it was dawn. Green valleys stretched below.
‘I can go on alone now,’ I said—and then I saw the marks.
‘Lord, Thou art wounded. Thy hands are bleeding. Thy feet are bruised.
Was it for me?’

He whispered, ‘I did it gladly.’
Then I fell at His feet. ‘Lord, lead me on,’ I cried.
‘No road too long, no valley too deep, if Thou art with me.’
We walk together now and shall forever!”

Daily Bread, Tuesday, June 18.

For the Poor

When Hagar found the bottle spent,
And wept o’er Ishmael,
A message from the Lord was sent
To guide her to a well.

Should not Elijah’s cake and cruse
Convince us at this day,
A gracious God will not refuse
Provisions by the way'

His saints and servants shall be fed,
The promise is secure;
“Bread shall be given them,” as He said,
“Their water shall be sure.”

Repasts far richer they shall prove,
Than all earth’s dainties are;
‘Tis sweet to taste a Saviour’s love,
Though in the meanest fare.

To Jesus then your trouble bring,
Nor murmur at your lot;
While you are poor and He is King,
You shall not be forgot.

Olney Hymns, William Cowper, from Cowper’s Poems, Sheldon & Company, New York

Lucy the Dog

My brother Ron had a dog named Lucy. She often would bury all the food Ron gave her, and one time buried the bowl along with the food. She didn’t realize that as long as she belonged to Ron, she would be fed. We often hoard what God gives us today because we don’t trust Him to provide for our needs tomorrow.

John Underhill

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