Bible (changes it makes) |
Bible (endurance of) |
Bible (feeding on the Word) |
Bible (history of) |
Bible (ignorance of) |
Bible (importance of reading)
Topic : Bible (importance of reading)
Reading the Bible
In a typical week, during how many days, if any, would you read the Bible, not including the time you are at church? Daily, 13%; 3 times a week, 32%; Not at all, 43%.
If I but Read
The Lord I love went on ahead
To make a home for me He said.
He would come back again, and He
Oh, Gracious Love He wrote to me!
He knew I was so weak and blind
And foolish, that I could not find
The road alone. He wrote me things
That all earths wisemen and its kings
Have never guessed but I foreknow.
For I read His letter and oh
The depths of love on every sheet
My soul is trembling at His feet
What would He have thought of me
If when I saw Him I should say
I was to busy everyday
To read the letter You wrote to me
I really hadnt time for Thee.