Topic : Misunderstanding

Three Hungry People

As a woman placed her order in the takeout chicken shop, a look of consternation swept across the clerk's face, and a shocked buzz rustled through the line of customers.

"What!" the clerk cried. "You want to know how much chicken you should order for three hundred people"'

The woman waved her arms and shouted, "No, no'three hungry people!'

Source unknown



  • Army Law: An order that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood.
    - The Official Rules, P. Dickson, p. 5
  • "I have suffered from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a lot more if I had been understood.?
    - Famous Trial Lawyer Clarence Darrow
  • Borrow A Lug Wrench

    I read a story recently that made me smile and set me to thinking.

    One dark rainy night a salesman had a flat tire on a lonely road. But to his dismay he had no lug wrench. Seeing a nearby farmhouse, he set out on foot. Surely the farmer would have a lug wrench, he thought. But would he even come to the door? And if he did, he'd probably be furious at being bothered. He's say, "What's the big idea getting me out of bed in the middle of the night"? This thought made the salesman angry. Why, that farmer is a selfish old clod to refuse to help me.

    Finally the man reached the house. Frustrated and drenched, he banged on the door. "Who's there"? a voice called out from a window overhead. "You know good and well who it is,? yelled the salesman, his face red with anger. "It's me! And you can keep your old lug wrench! I wouldn't borrow it is it was the last one in the county.?

    Our Daily Bread, November 26

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