Topic : Christian(s), definition

What is a Christian?

The word “Christian” has lost much of its meaning in our culture. It means “Christ in one.” As you communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ, this is what God expects of a Christian:

What is a Christian'

1. A Changed Person (Acts 11:26)

a. changed in thought and action

b. converted from the old to something new

2. A Committed Person (Acts 26:28)

a. one who has made a definite choice for God in Jesus Christ

b. a definite commitment

c. a dedication to the Kingdom of God

3. A Challenged Person (1 Peter 4:16)

a. challenged to serve others

b. challenged to “save” others

c. challenged to witness.”

Scocaster, December 11, 1994, “Tips: To Improve Proclamation Skills” by Bill Rodenberg

Christ in One

What is a Christian? In the LETTER TO DIOGNETUS, which dates back to the second century A.D., an anonymous writer describes a strange people who are in the world but not of the world.

“Christians are not differentiated from other people by country, language, or customs; you see, they do not live in cities of their own, or speak some strange dialect. . . They live in both Greek and foreign cities, wherever chance has put them. They follow local customs in clothing, food, and other aspects of life. But at the same time, they demonstrate to us the unusual form of their own citizenship.

“They live in their own native lands, but as aliens. . . Every foreign country is to them as their native country, and every native land as a foreign country.

“They marry and have children just like everyone else, but they do not kill unwanted babies. They offer a shared table, but not a shared bed. They are passing their days on earth, but are citizens of heaven. They obey the appointed laws and go beyond the laws in their own lives.

“They love everyone, but are persecuted by all. They are put to death and gain life. They are poor and yet make many rich.

They are dishonored and yet gain glory through dishonor. Their names are blackened and yet they are cleared. They are mocked and bless in return. They are treated outrageously and behave respectfully to others.

“When they do good, they are punished as evildoers; when punished, they rejoice as if being given new life. They are attacked by Jews as aliens and are persecuted by Greeks; yet those who hate them cannot give any reason for their hostility.”

The word “Christian” has lost much of its meaning in our culture. It means “Christ in one.”

As you communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ during this Christmas season, this alliterative outline may be a helpful reminder.

Source unknown

A Christian is . . .

Pulpit Helps, March 1979, Scocaster, December 4, 1994

An Odd Numbe

A real Christian is an odd number anyway. He feel supreme love for One whom he has never seen. Talks familiarly every day to Someone he cannot see. He expects to go to heaven on the virtue of Another, empties himself in order that he might be full, admits he is wrong to he can be declared right, and goes down in order to get up. He is strongest when he is weakest, richest when he is poorest, and is happiest when he feels worst. He dies to he can live, forsakes in order to have, and gives away so he can keep. He sees the invisible, hears the inaudible, and knows that which passes knowledge. - A.W. Tozer

Source unknown

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