Good Advice 1
Good Advice 2
Good Advice 3
Forget & Remember
Good Advice 4
Topic : Advice
What We Can Learn From a Dog
- Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
- Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
- When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
- When its in your best interest, practice obedience.
- Let others know when theyve invaded your territory.
- Take naps and stretch before rising.
- Run, romp, and play daily.
- Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
- Be loyal.
- Never pretend to be something youre not.
- If what you need lies buried, dig until you find it.
- When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.
- Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
- Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
- On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
- When youre happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
- No matter how often youre scolded, dont buy into the guilt thing and pout . . .run right back and make friends.
- Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Shiloh Ranch, Calder, ID
Good Advice 1
- Love God more than you fear hell.
- Once a week, let a child take you on a walk.
- Make major decisions in a cemetery.
- When no one is watching, live as if someone is.
- Succeed at home first.
- Dont spend tomorrows money today.
- Pray twice as much as you fret.
- Listen twice as much as you speak.
- Only harbor a grudge where God does.
- Never outgrow your love of sunsets.
- God has forgiven you, youd be wise to do the same.
- When you cant trace Gods hand, trust His heart.
- Toot your own horn and the notes will be flat.
- The book of life is lived in chapters, so know your page number.
- Live your Christianity.
Good Advice 2
- Business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats. Claim them all as victories.
- Keep track of what you do; someone is sure to ask.
- Be comfortable around senior managers, or learn to fake it.
- Never bring your boss a problem without some solution. You are getting paid to think, not to whine.
- Long hours dont mean anything; results count, not effort.
- Write down ideas; they get lost like good pens.
- Always arrive at work 30 minutes before your boss.
- Be sure to sit at the conference table-never by the wall.
- Help other people that network for jobs. What goes around comes around.
- Dont take sick days-unless you are.
- Assume no one can/will keep a secret.
- Always have an answer to the question What would I do if I lost my job tomorrow?
- Go to the company holiday party.
- Dont get drunk at the company holiday party
- Avoid working on the weekends. Work longer during the week if you have to.
- The most successful people in business are interesting.
- Sometimes youll be on a roll and everything will click; take maximum advantage. When the opposite is true, hold steady and wait it out.
- Never in your life say, Its not my job.
- Be loyal to your career, your interests and yourself.
- Understand the skills and abilities that set you apart. When ever you have an opportunity, use them.
- People remember the end of the project. As they say in boxing, Always finish stronger than you start.
Good Advice 3
- Never have more children than you have car windows.
- Never loan your car to someone to whom you have given birth.
- Pick your friends carefully. A friend never goes on a diet when you are fat or tells you how lucky you are to have a husband who remembers Mothers Day--when his gift is a smoke alarm.
- Seize the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.
- Know the difference between success and fame. Success is Mother Teresa. Fame is Madonna.
- Never be in a hurry to terminate a marriage. Remember, you may need this man-woman someday to finish a sentence.
- There are no guarantees in marriage. If thats what youre looking for, go live with a Sears battery.
- Never go to a class reunion pregnant. They will think thats all you have been doing since you graduated.
Forget & Remember
- Forget each kindness that you do as soon as you have done it.
- Forget the praise that falls to you the moment you have won it.
- Forget the slander that you hear before you can repeat it.
- Forget each slight, each spite, each sneer, whenever you may meet.
- Remember every promise made and keep it to the letter.
- Remember those who lend you aid and be a grateful debtor.
- Remember all the happiness that comes your way in living.
- Forget each worry and distress; be hopeful and forgiving.
- Remember good, remember truth,
- Remember heaven is above you.
And you will find, through age and youth, that many will love you.
Good Advice 4
We could all save ourselves a lot of words if wed only remember that people rarely take advice unless they have to pay for it.
The trouble with good advice is that it usually interferes with your plans.
Good advice is what your own kids disregard but save to give to their kids.
- Leadership, Vol X, #3, Summer, 1989, p. 76, "How to Get Good Advice," Fred Smith