Topic : Ice

Frozen Lake

If you plan to do any ice skating or driving around on a frozen lake this winter, here’s a useful piece of information from the National Weather Service. The Service estimates that six inches of clear lake ice that has not been heavily traveled on can bear the weight of one person on foot. Under the same conditions, it would take about twenty-four inches of ice to hold a car or a light truck.

Today in the Word, February 11, 1997, p. 18


Conversation Sarters

1. If I knew I couldn’t fail, I’d try...

2. One lesson I’ve learned the hard way is...

3. Some of the best advice I was given is...

4. One unfulfilled dream of mine is...

5. You would know me better if you knew that I...

6. More than anything, I would like to be remembered as a person who...

7. If I could have a five-minute face-to-face meeting with Jesus Christ, I would talk about...

8. Given one day to do anything I’d like, with no economic constraints, I would choose to...

Source unknown

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