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: St. St.-
95 entries


st. ambrosest. andrewst. andrew's crossst. anselmst. anthony's crossst. athanasiusst. augustinest. augustine grassst. baedast. barbara's herbst. basilst. basil the greatst. bedast. bedest. benedictst. bonifacest. bridest. bridgetst. brigidst. brunost. christopherst. christopher-nevisst. cloudst. crispinst. dabeoc's heathst. davidst. denisst. dominicst. edward the confessorst. edward the martyrst. elias mountainsst. elias rangest. elmo's firest. eustatiusst. francisst. francis of assisist. francis riverst. georgest. george'sst. gregory ist. gregory of nazianzenst. ignatiusst. ignatius of loyolast. irenaeusst. jamesst. james the apostlest. jeromest. johnst. john chrysostomst. john riverst. john the apostlest. john the baptistst. john'sst. johnsst. johns riverst. josephst. judest. kittsst. kitts and nevisst. lawrencest. lawrence riverst. lawrence seawayst. leo ist. louisst. luciast. lukest. maartenst. markst. martinst. mary magdalenst. mary magdalenest. mary of bethlehemst. matthewst. matthew the apostlest. nicholasst. nickst. olafst. olavst. patrickst. paulst. peterst. peter the apostlest. peter's wreathst. petersburgst. polycarpst. simonst. thomasst. thomas a becketst. thomas and principest. thomas aquinasst. vincentst. vincent and the grenadinesst. vitusst. vitus dancest.-bruno's-lily

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