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Genesis 18:1-33


appeared <07200> [appeared.]

Mamre <04471> [Mamre.]

sitting <03427> [and he sat.]

In these verses we have a delightful picture of genuine and primitive hospitality: a venerable father sits at the tent door, not only to enjoy the current of refreshing air, but that if he saw any weary and exhausted travellers, he might invite them to rest and refresh themselves during the heat of the day, and the same custom still continues in the east. It was not the custom, nor was there any necessity, for strangers to knock at the door, or to speak first, but to stand till they were invited.


looked <05375> [And he.]

three <07969> [three.]

ran <07323> [he ran.]

bowed <07812> [bowed.]


favor <02580> [favour.]


wash ... feet <07272 07364> [wash your feet.]

In those ancient times, shoes such as ours, were not in use; and the foot was protected only with sandals or soles, fastened round the foot with straps. It was, therefore, not only necessary from motives of cleanliness, but also a very great refreshment, in so hot a country, to get the feet washed at the end of a day's journey; and this is the first thing that Abraham proposes.

tree <06086> [tree.]

Rest in the shade was the second requisite for the refreshment of a weary traveller.


get <03947> [And I.]

food <03899> [bread.]

This was the third requisite, and is introduced in its proper order; as eating immediately after exertion or fatigue is very unwholesome.

refresh <05582> [comfort. Heb. stay.]

passed ......... may <05674> [are ye come. Heb. ye have passed.]


hurried ......... Quick <04116> [Make ready quickly. Heb. hasten. three.]



took <03947> [he took.]

standing <05975> [stood.]

ate <0398> [and they.]


Where <0346> [Where.]

tent <0168> [in.]


said <0559> [he said.]

when ... season <06256> [according.]

Sarah ....... Sarah <08283> [lo, Sarah.]


old <02205> [old.]

menopause <0734> [the.]


laughed <06711> [laughed.]

husband <0113> [my.]


Why <04100> [Wherefore.]


impossible <06381> [Is.]

return <07725> [I will.]


Then ... lied <03584> [denied.]

not ........... No <03808> [Nay.]


way <07971> [to bring.]



great <01419> [become.]


chosen <03045> [For I.]

command <06680> [command.]

Lord ........... Lord <03068> [that the.]


outcry <02201> [the cry.]

sin <02403> [sin.]


go down <03381> [I will go down.]

This is spoken figuratively; and as the Jewish writers speak, according to the language of men. So eyes, ears, hands, and other members of the body are attributed to God, for effecting those things which men cannot accomplish without these members.

see <07200> [see.]

know <03045> [I will know.]


<0582> [the men.]

standing <05975> [stood.]

The two, whom we suppose to have been created angels, departed at this time; and accordingly two entered Sodom at evening: while the one, called Jehovah throughout the chapter, continued with Abraham, who "stood yet before the Lord." --Scott.


approached <05066> [drew.]

sweep <05595> [Wilt.]


there <03426> [there.]

spare <05375> [spare.]


Far be it ....................... Far be it <02486> [be far.]

godly ....... godly <06662> [that the.]

judge <08199> [Shall.]

judge <08199> [Judge.]



undertaken <02974> [I have.]

dust <06083> [dust.]


destroy .............. destroy <07843> [wilt.]

find <04672> [If I.]





Lord <0136> [Oh.]

destroy <07843> [I will not.]


Lord <03068> [And the.]

Abraham ... Abraham <085> [and Abraham.]

Genesis 6:6


regretted <05162> [repented.]

offended <06087> [grieved.]

Genesis 9:17

Genesis 13:3


Negev <05045> [from.]

[Beth-el and Hai. i.e., The place which was afterwards called Bethel by Jacob, and so called when Moses wrote; for its first name was Luz.]

(ch. 28:19.)

Genesis 19:6


Lot <03876> [Lot.]

door <06607 01817> [door.]

Two words are here used for door: the first {pethach,} which is the door-way, at which Lot went out; the latter, {deleth,} the leaf of the door, which he shut after him when out.

Numbers 8:10


Numbers 27:18


Take Joshua <03947 03091> [Take thee.]

man <0376> [a man.]

lay <05564> [lay.]

Numbers 27:1


daughters .................................... daughters <01323> [the daughters.]

In the orders for the division of the land, just given, no provision had been made for females, in case of failure of male issue. The five daughters of Zelophehad, therefore, considered themselves as destitute, having neither father nor brother, and being themselves entirely overlooked; and they agreed to refer the case to Moses and the rulers, whether it were not equitable that they should inherit their father's portion. This led to the enactment of an additional law to the civil code of Israel, which satisfactorily ascertained and amply secured the right of succession in cases of inheritance. This law, which is as reasonable as it is just, stands thus:--1. On the demise of the father, the estate descends to the sons. 2. If there be no son, the daughters succeed. 3. If there be no daughter, the brothers of the deceased inherit. 4. If there be no brethren, or paternal uncles, the estate goes to the grand uncles, or brothers of his father. 5. If there be no grand uncles, then the nearest of kin succeeds to the inheritance. Beyond this fifth degree the law does not extend, because there must always have been some among the Israelites who could be called kinsmen.

Zelophehad <06765> [Zelophehad.]

Numbers 4:14


implements ..... serve ............... utensils <03627 08334> [all the vessels thereof.]

basins <04219> [basons. or, bowls.]

Numbers 5:22


go into ... stomach <0935 04578> [go into.]

woman <0802> [the woman.]

Amen amen <0543> [Amen.]

Numbers 5:2


expel .... camp <04264 07971> [put out of the camp.]

The camp of Israel being now formed, with the sanctuary of God in the centre, orders were given that the lepers and unclean persons should be excluded from the camp, according to the laws given at different times on these subjects. See the Marginal References.) This expulsion was founded, 1. On a purely physical reason; for the diseases were contagious, and therefore there was a necessity of putting those afflicted with them apart, that the infection might not be communicated. 2. There was also a spiritual reason: the camp was the habitation of God; and therefore, in honour of Him who had thus condescended to dwell with them, nothing impure should be permitted to remain. 3. Further, there was a typical reason; for the camp was the emblem of the church, where nothing that is defiled should enter, and in which nothing that is unholy should be tolerated.

discharge <02100> [and every.]

defiled <02931> [and whosoever.]

Numbers 1:6


Shelumiel <08017> [Shelumiel.]

Hebrews 6:2


teaching <1322> [the doctrine.]

laying on <1936> [laying.]

resurrection <386> [resurrection.]

eternal <166> [eternal.]

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