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1 Chronicles 14:1-2


Hiram <02438> [A.M. 2961. B.C. 1043. An. Ex. Is. 448. Hiram.]

[Huram. and timber.]

build ... palace <01129 01004> [to build him.]


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

kingdom <04438> [his kingdom.]

people <05971> [because.]

1 Chronicles 5:11


descendants <01121> [the children.]

The Gadites and the half tribe of Manasseh are joined to the genealogy of Reuben, because they inhabited the same country, and formed a sort of separate colony east of Jordan.

land <0776> [in the land.]

1 Chronicles 5:1


firstborn ...... firstborn <01060> [A.M. 2294, etc. B.C. 1710, etc. he was.]

defiled <02490> [forasmuch.]

firstborn ................. firstborn <01062> [birthright.]

listed .... in the genealogical records <03187> [and.]

listed .... in the genealogical records <03187> [reckoned.]

1 Chronicles 5:17-18


listed in the genealogical records <03187> [reckoned]


Jotham <03147> [Jotham.]

Jeroboam <03379> [Jeroboam.]


warriors <02428> [valiant men. Heb. sons of valour.]

44,760 <0705 0702> [four and forty.]

1 Chronicles 6:7

1 Chronicles 7:9-12


Ehud <0164> [Ehud.]


warriors <01368 02428> [mighty men.]


Shuppites <08206> [Shuppim.]

[Muppim, Huppim.]

[Shupham, Hupham. Ir.]


[Iri. Aher.]

{Aher} signifies another, and it has been conjectured that these were Danites, "the sons of another tribe;" especially as Hushim is named as the only son of Dan, Ge 46:23. And they suppose that the name of Dan was not mentioned, because his descendants first established idolatry. But Zebulun, as well as Dan, is here omitted, perhaps because none of either of these tribes returned at first from Babylon. Though the Benjamites had been almost destroyed in the first days of the judges, they soon became numerous and powerful.


1 Chronicles 7:2


listed <04557> [whose number.]

This was probably the number returned by Joab and his assistants, when they made that census of the people with which God was so much displeased. We find that the effective men of Issachar amounted to 87,000 (ver. 5;) 22,600 of whom descended from Tola his eldest son; but whether the 36,000 (ver. 4) were descendants of Tola by Uzzi, and the 22,600 his descendants by Tola's other sons; or whether another of Issachar's sons be intended, does not clearly appear; though the former seems the more obvious meaning.

1 Chronicles 12:12

1 Chronicles 22:6


charged .... build <06680 01129> [charged him.]

Ezra 3:7


provided money <03701 05414> [gave money.]

carpenters <02796> [carpenters. or, workmen. meat.]

Joppa <03305> [Joppa]

Joppa, now Jaffa or Yaffa, one of the most ancient sea-ports in the world, is situated in a fine plain on the shore of the Mediterranean, between Jamnia south and Caesarea of Palestine north, 150 stadia from Antipatris, according to Josephus, 30 miles south of Caesarea, 12 miles north of Ashdod, 9 miles west of Ramla, and 40 miles west of Jerusalem, according to modern authorities; and in lat. 32 degrees 50' long. 65 degrees 40' according to Ptolemy. It is still a considerable town, containing about 4,000 or 5,000 souls, and occupying a circular eminence close to the seaside, with a citadel on the summit; the bottom of the hill being surrounded by a wall 12 or 14 feet high, and two or three feet thick. The environs are occupied by extensive gardens.

in accord with the edict <07558> [according.]

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