NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Chronicles 15:27-28


robe <04598> [a robe.]

Kenaniah <03663> [Chenaniah.]

transport <04853> [song. or, carriage.]


brought up <05927> [brought up.]

shouting <08643> [with shouting.]

blowing <07782> [the cornet.]

Jerome on Ho 5:8 says this instrument is properly called in Greek [keratine,] from [keras <\\See definition 2768\\>,] a horn. The trumpets were, according to Josephus, made of metal, and about a cubit in length. See Note on Nu 10:2.

1 Chronicles 6:31-38


David <01732> [A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. whom David.]

ark <0727> [after that.]


performed <08334> [they ministered.]

Solomon <08010> [until Solomon.]

<05975> [and then.]

<05975> [waited Heb. stood. according to their order.]

This order is specified below.


Heman <01968> [Heman.]

Joel <03100> [Joel.]

[Vashni. Shemuel.]

This variation, as well as some others, only exists in the translation; the Hebrew being uniformly Shemu‰l.



Eliel <0447> [Eliel.]


Toah <08430> [Toah.]



Zuph <06689> [Zuph.]



Joel <03100> [Joel.]

[Shaul, Uzziah, Uriel.]


Ebiasaph <043> [Ebiasaph.]

[Abiasaph. Korah.]



Izhar <03324> [Izhar.]


1 Chronicles 13:8


David <01732> [David.]

singing <07892> [singing. Heb. songs. with harps.]

The word {kinnor,} in Chaldee, {kinnora,} in Syraic, {kainoro,} in Arabic, {kinnarat,} and in Greek [ ,] certainly denotes a harp, played on with the hand, according to 1 Sa 16:23. The number of strings in the harp was at first three; but afterwards they were increased to four, and at last to seven.

stringed instruments <05035> [psalteries.]

{Naivel,} or {naibel,} in Greek [ ,] and in Latin, {nablium,} was an instrument of the harp kind; having twelve sounds.

1 Chronicles 16:42


trumpets <02689> [trumpets.]

musical instruments <03627 07892> [musical instruments.]

entrance <08179> [porters. Heb. for the gate.]

1 Chronicles 23:5


gatekeepers <07778> [porters.]

praise ....... I supplied <01984> [praised.]

instruments <03627> [the instruments.]

[See on]

1 Chronicles 25:1-6


officers <08269> [the captains.]

That is, the chief of the several orders; not military captains.

Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

<05012> [prophesy.]

The word prophesy, here, seems to mean no more than praising God by singing inspired prophetical hymns.

stringed instruments <03658> [harps.]


Asaph .......... Asaph ..... Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

Asarelah <0841> [Asarelah.]

"Otherwise called Jesharelah. ver. 14."

supervision <03027> [under the hands.]

king's supervision <03027 04428> [according to the order of the king. Heb. by the hands of the king.]

6 *marg:


Jeduthun ................ Jeduthun <03038> [Jeduthun.]

Gedaliah <01436> [Gedaliah.]


Zeri <06874> [Zeri.]

[Izri. Jeshaiah.]

Mattithiah <04993> [Mattithiah.]

six <08337> [six.]

"With Shimei, mentioned ver. 17." Shimei is not only mentioned in the parallel passage, but is supplied here by the Arabic version.

giving thanks <03034> [to give thanks.]


Heman <01968> [Heman.]

Bukkiah <01232> [Bukkiah.]

Mattaniah <04983> [Mattaniah.]

Uzziel <05816> [Uzziel.]


Shebuel <07619> [Shebuel.]

[Shubael. Jerimoth.]

Hananiah <02608> [Hananiah.]

Hanani <02607> [Hanani.]

Eliathah <0448> [Eliathah.]

Giddalti <01437> [Giddalti.]

Romamti-Ezer <07320> [Romamti-ezer.]

Joshbekashah <03436> [Joshbekashah.]

Mallothi <04413> [Mallothi.]

Hothir <01956> [Hothir.]


king's prophet <04428 02374> [the king's seer.]

promised <01697> [words. or, matters. to lift up.]

This may denote that he presided over those who used wind instruments.

God ............. God gave <05414 0430> [God gave.]


supervision .............................. supervision <03027> [under the hands.]

musicians <07892> [for song.]

supervision .............................. supervision .... king <04428 03027> [according to the king's order. Heb. by the hands of the king.]

2 *marg:

Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

1 Chronicles 25:2


Asaph .......... Asaph ..... Asaph <0623> [Asaph.]

Asarelah <0841> [Asarelah.]

"Otherwise called Jesharelah. ver. 14."

supervision <03027> [under the hands.]

king's supervision <03027 04428> [according to the order of the king. Heb. by the hands of the king.]

6 *marg:

1 Chronicles 29:28-30


died <04191> [he died.]

David at his death had every thing that his heart could wish: "he died in a good old age, full of days, riches, and honour;" having gained more renown than any crowned head ever did. "David," says Dr. Delaney, "was a true believer, a zealous adorer of God, teacher of His law and worship, and inspirer of His praise; a glorious example, a perpetual and inexhaustible fountain of true piety; a consummate and unrivalled hero; a skilful and successful captain; a steady patriot; a wise ruler; a faithful, generous, and magnanimous friend; and what is yet rarer, a no less generous and magnanimous enemy; a true penitent, a divine musician, a sublime poet, and an inspired prophet. By birth a peasant, by merit a prince! In youth a hero, in manhood a monarch, and in age a saint."

good old age <07872 02896> [a good old age.]

enjoyed long life <07649 03117> [full of days.]


accomplishments .......... Annals ....... Annals ........ Annals <01697> [the acts.]

accomplishments .......... Annals ....... Annals ........ Annals <01697> [book. or, history. Heb. words. Samuel.]

Nathan <05416> [Nathan.]

prophet ............ Gad ... prophet <07200 02374 01410> [Gad the seer.]


accomplishments <01369> [his might.]

that <06256> [the times.]

Nehemiah 12:36


musical instruments <03627 07892> [musical instruments.]

Ezra <05830> [Ezra.]

Nehemiah 12:46


Asaph <0623> [and Asaph.]

Psalms 87:7


singers <07891> [As well.]

<04599> [all my.]

Psalms 149:3


dancing <04234> [in the dance. or, with the pipe.]

tambourine <08596> [with the timbrel.]

Psalms 150:3-4


blast <08629> [with the sound.]

horn <07782> [trumpet. or, cornet. the psaltery.]


tambourine <08596> [with the timbrel.]

dancing <04234> [dance. or, pipe.]

149:3 *marg:

stringed <04482> [stringed.]

flute <05748> [organs.]

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