NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

1 Kings 1:39-40


horn <07161> [an horn.]

tent <0168> [out.]

poured <04886> [anointed.]

people <05971> [all the people.]


flutes <02485> [pipes. or, flutes.]

celebrating <08056> [rejoiced.]

ground shake <01234 0776> [the earth rent.]

We use a similar expression in precisely the same sense: "They rent the air with their cries."

1 Kings 1:1


old <02204> [old.]

David was probably now about sixty-nine years of age. He was thirty years old when he began to reign, reigned forty, and died in his seventieth year; and the transactions mentioned here are supposed to have taken place about a year before his death. Sixty-nine was not an advanced age; but he had been exhausted with various fatigues, and especially family afflictions, so that he was much older in constitution than in years.

old <0935 03117> [and stricken in years. Heb. and entered into days.]

1 Kings 12:1


Rehoboam <07346> [Rehoboam.]

Shechem ........ Shechem <07927> [Shechem.]



Proverbs 11:10


do well <02898> [it goeth.]

do well ....... wicked <02898 07563> [when.]

Proverbs 29:2


righteous <06662> [the righteous.]

numerous <07235> [in authority. or, increased. when the wicked.]

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