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1 Kings 11:14-22


Lord <03068> [the Lord.]

enemy <07854> [an adversary.]


David's <01732> [when David.]

killed <05221> [after he had.]

male <02145> [every male.]


Hadad <0111 01908> [Hadad.]

small boy <05288 06996> [a little child.]

{N„ƒr katon,} rather, "a little boy:" one who was apprehensive of his danger, and could, with his father's servants, make his escape.


Midian <04080> [Midian.]

Probably not the Midian east of the Red Sea, to which Moses fled, (Ex 2:15, etc.) but the Midian east of the Dead Sea, and south of Moab. These Midianites, whose daughters seduced the Israelites to commit idolatry (Nu 22:4, 7; 25:15; 31:2, etc.) were descendants of Midian, son of Abraham, (Ge 25:2.) Their capital city was called Midian, and its remains were to be seen in the time of Eusebius and Jerome: it was situated on the Arnon, south of the city Ar, or Areopolis.

Paran ....... Paran <06290> [Paran.]

Probably the city of Paran, or the district around it, situated in the south of Idumea, and according to Eusebius, three days' journey east from Elah or Elath, at the head of the eastern branch, or Elamitic gulf of the Red Sea.


liked <04672> [found.]

gave <05414> [that he gave.]

Tahpenes <08472> [Tahpenes.]


<01580> [weaned.]


Hadad ................... Hadad <01908> [Hadad.]

Give ... permission to leave <07971> [Let me depart. Heb. Send me away.]


lack <02638> [But.]

permission <07971> [Nothing. Heb. Not. let me go.]

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