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1 Kings 3:7-9


servant <05650> [thou hast.]

young <06996> [a little.]

inexperienced <03318> [to go.]


people ...... nation <05971> [thy people.]

count <04487> [cannot.]


give ... servant <05414 05650> [Give therefore.]

discerning <08085> [understanding. Heb. hearing.]

make judicial decisions ................ make judicial decisions <08199> [to judge.]

distinguish <0995> [discern.]

able <03201> [who is able.]

1 Kings 3:2


people <05971> [the people.]

It was not right to offer sacrifices in any place but where the tabernacle and ark were; and wherever they were, whether on a high place or a plain, sacrifices might be lawfully offered, previously to building of the temple. The tabernacle was now at Gibeon, (2 Ch 1:3,) which was therefore called the great high place; whither we find Solomon, without censure, repaired to sacrifice.

temple <01004> [was no.]

1 Kings 1:1


old <02204> [old.]

David was probably now about sixty-nine years of age. He was thirty years old when he began to reign, reigned forty, and died in his seventieth year; and the transactions mentioned here are supposed to have taken place about a year before his death. Sixty-nine was not an advanced age; but he had been exhausted with various fatigues, and especially family afflictions, so that he was much older in constitution than in years.

old <0935 03117> [and stricken in years. Heb. and entered into days.]

1 Kings 1:1-2


old <02204> [old.]

David was probably now about sixty-nine years of age. He was thirty years old when he began to reign, reigned forty, and died in his seventieth year; and the transactions mentioned here are supposed to have taken place about a year before his death. Sixty-nine was not an advanced age; but he had been exhausted with various fatigues, and especially family afflictions, so that he was much older in constitution than in years.

old <0935 03117> [and stricken in years. Heb. and entered into days.]


found <01245> [Let there be sought. Heb. Let them seek. a young virgin.]

Heb. a damsel, a virgin. stand.

nurse ..... sleep <05532 07901> [cherish him. Heb. be a cherisher unto him. lie.]

warm <02552> [get heat.]

1 Kings 1:5


Adonijah <0138> [Adonijah.]

<04984> [exalted.]

king <04427> [I will.]

king <04427> [be king. Heb. reign. and he.]

1 Kings 1:9


Adonijah <0138> [Adonijah.]

The Oriental banquet, in consequence of the intense heat, is often spread upon the verdant turf, beneath the shade of a tree, where the streaming rivulet supplies the company with wholesome water, and excites a gentle breeze to cool their burning temples.

sacrificed <02076> [slew.]

En Rogel <05883> [En-rogel. or, the well Rogel.]

invited <07121> [called.]

1 Kings 1:11


Nathan <05416> [Nathan.]

Adonijah <0138> [Adonijah.]


Haggith's <02294> [Haggith.]

Ecclesiastes 10:16


king <04428> [when.]

princes <08269> [and.]

morning <01242> [in the.]

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