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1 Kings 6:5-6


walls <07023> [against. or, upon, or joining to. built.]

extension ................ side <03326 06763> [chambers. Heb. floors.]

These appear to have been what we should now call corridors or galleries; in which were apartments for the use of the priests. They consisted of three stories, and increased one cubit in breadth in every story, the wall of the temple being two cubits thicker at the bottom than at the top; and where the wall diminished, a rest was thus formed for the beams of the chambers to lodge upon.

holy place <01687> [oracle.]

extension ................ side <03326 06763> [chambers. Heb. ribs.]


ledges <04052> [narrowed rests. or, narrowings, or rebatements.]


1 Kings 6:10

1 Kings 6:2


temple <01004> [the house.]

long <0753> [the length.]

According to Bp. Cumberland's estimation of the cubit, its length was 36 yds. 1 ft. 5/28 inch; its breadth 12 yds. 5/76 inch; and its height, 18 yds. 8/64 inch. This constituted what is properly called the temple; but, besides this, there were the courts and colonnades, where the people might assemble to perform their devotions, without being exposed to the open air.

90 feet <08346> [threescore.]

1 Kings 3:9


give ... servant <05414 05650> [Give therefore.]

discerning <08085> [understanding. Heb. hearing.]

make judicial decisions ................ make judicial decisions <08199> [to judge.]

distinguish <0995> [discern.]

able <03201> [who is able.]

Nehemiah 10:38-39


Levites .... Levites ....... Levites <03881> [when the Levites.]

tenth .... tithes <04643> [the tithe.]

The tithes of all the produce of the fields were brought to the Levites; and out of these a tenth part was given to the priests, which is here called the tithe of the tithes: see the parallel passages.

temple .......... treasury <01004 0214> [the treasure house.]


Israelites .... Levites <01121> [For the children.]

Israelites .... Levites <01121> [the children.]

neglect <05800> [we will not.]

Nehemiah 13:5


large <01419> [a great.]

commanded .... Levites <04687 03881> [which was commanded to be given to the. Heb. the commandment of the.]

Jeremiah 35:2


temple <01004> [the house.]

one <0259> [into one.]

Ezekiel 41:6-11


side chambers ..... stories ........................ side chambers <06763> [one over another. Heb. side chamber over side chamber. thirty in order. or, three and thirty times, or feet.]

We find by Josephus, that around Solomon's temple were chambers three stories high, each story consisting of thirty chambers; which are supposed to have been on the north, south, and east sides of the temple.

offsets <0935> [and they.]

[have held. Heb. be holden.]

supports ......... supports <0270> [but.]

That is, the beams or supporters, of the chambers were not let into the main wall of the temple; but rested on projections of the outer wall, which became a cubit narrower at every story, leaving a ledge of one cubit, to support the beams.


wider <07337> [there was. Heb. it was, made broader, and went round.]

wider <07337> [an enlarging.]

In the same proportion in which the thickness of the wall decreased, the chambers increased, so that the middle story was one cubit larger, and the upper story two cubits larger, than the lower rooms; and a winding staircase, which widened in the same manner as the rooms, ascended from the bottom to the top.


full <04393> [a full.]


<02568> [was five.]


<03240> [that which.]

This appears to have been a walk, or gallery of communication between the chambers, five cubits broad, into which the doors opened.


chambers <03957> [the chambers.]

As the word rendered chambers is different from that used before, it is supposed there was another row of buildings, parallel with the side chambers, with a passage of twenty cubits between.


width <07341> [and the breadth.]

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