1 Samuel 14:16-23
melt <04127> [melted away.]
<01986> [beating down.]
near <05066> [Bring hither.]
The Septuagint reads [Prosagage to ephoud, hoti autos ere to ephoud en te hemera ekeine enopiou Israel.] "Bring hither the ephod; for he bore the ephod on that day before Israel:" which Houbigant and others think is the true reading. Finding that his son Jonathan and his armour-bearer were absent, Saul wished to consult the high-priest; but the tumult increasing, he says to him, "Withdraw thine hand:" i.e., desist form consulting the ephod on the present occasion, and immediately hastened to make the best use he could of this astonishing victory.
<0727> [For the ark.]
panic <01995> [noise. or, tumult. Withdraw.]
marched <02199 0935> [assembled themselves. Heb. were cried together. every man's.]
Hebrews <05680> [the Hebrews.]
Probably such as they held in bondage, or who were their servants. Instead of (h„ivrim,} "the Hebrews," the LXX. evidently read {haƒvdim,} for they have [Loi douloi,] "the slaves;" but this reading is not countenanced by any other version, nor by any MS.
hidden ..... hill country <02244 02022> [hid themselves.]
battle <04421> [the battle.]
The LXX. and Vulgate add here, [kai pas ho laos en meta Saoul hos deka chiliades andron,] {Et erant cum Saul, quasi decem millia virorum.} "And [all the people who were, LXX.] there were with Saul about ten thousand men;" but this is supported by no other authority.
Lord <03068> [the Lord.]
Beth Aven <01007> [Beth-aven.]