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1 Samuel 14:6

And Jonathan
<0559> (8799)
to the young man
that bare
<05375> (8802)
his armour
<03212> (8798)_,
and let us go over
<05674> (8799)
unto the garrison
of these uncircumcised
it may be that the LORD
will work
<06213> (8799)
for us: for [there is] no restraint
to the LORD
to save
<03467> (8687)
by many
or by few

1 Samuel 16:18

Then answered
<06030> (8799)
of the servants
and said
<0559> (8799)_,
Behold, I have seen
<07200> (8804)
a son
of Jesse
the Bethlehemite
[that is] cunning
<03045> (8802)
in playing
<05059> (8763)_,
and a mighty
valiant man
and a man
of war
and prudent
<0995> (8737)
in matters
and a comely
and the LORD
[is] with him. {matters: or, speech}

Joshua 14:12

Now therefore give
<05414> (8798)
me this mountain
whereof the LORD
<01696> (8765)
in that day
for thou heardest
<08085> (8804)
in that day
how the Anakims
[were] there, and [that] the cities
[were] great
[and] fenced
<01219> (8803)_:
if so be
the LORD
[will be] with
me, then I shall be able to drive them out
<03423> (8689)_,
as the LORD
<01696> (8765)_.

Psalms 3:6

I will not be afraid
<03372> (8799)
of ten thousands
of people
that have set
<07896> (8804)
[themselves] against me round about

Psalms 27:1-3

<[A Psalm] of David <01732>.>>
[is] my light
and my salvation
whom shall I fear
<03372> (8799)_?
the LORD
[is] the strength
of my life
of whom shall I be afraid
<06342> (8799)_?
When the wicked
<07489> (8688)_,
[even] mine enemies
and my foes
<0341> (8802)_,
<07126> (8800)
upon me to eat up
<0398> (8800)
my flesh
they stumbled
<03782> (8804)
and fell
<05307> (8804)_.
{came...: Heb. approached against me}
Though an host
should encamp
<02583> (8799)
against me, my heart
shall not fear
<03372> (8799)_:
though war
should rise
<06965> (8799)
against me, in this [will] I [be] confident
<0982> (8802)_.

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